Call for Papers – 73rd International Conference on Agricultural Engineering LAND.TECHNIK AgEng 2015 Innovations in Agricultural Engineering for Efficient Farming ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS OPEN UNTIL MARCH 22ND, 2015 The following topics will be discussed: • Tractors • Power trains, electric drives and mobile hydraulics • Agricultural information technologies, precision farming, software engineering and data handling • Automation, electronic components and sensors, locating, tracking and navigation • Technologies of soil protection, tillage and sowing • Harvesting technologies • Sustainable energy for agricultural applications • Industrial product development and market service Organised by VDI Wissensforum GmbH Phone +49 211 6214-201 | Fax +49 211 6214-154 DATE AND VENUE November 06–07, 2015 Hannover, Germany Exhibition Ground PRIOR TO OFFICIAL PARTNER Bildquelle: © Sunny Forest - PREFACE The 73rd conference LAND.TECHNIK – AgEng 2015 will take place in Hannover on November 6th–7th, 2015. It is organised once again in cooperation with the Max-Eyth- Society for Agricultural Engineering of the VDI (VDI-MEG) and the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng). In accordance with the tradition of the last years, the annual conference is arranged every two years as a prelude to the worldwide most important exhibition for agricultural machinery and equipment, the AGRITECHNICA, which starts on November 8th, 2015 with the exclusive preview days. This concept is successfully accepted from education/academia and industry, both national and international. The number of participants grew PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Heinz Böhler, AGCO GmbH, Marktoberdorf, Germany to over 950 in 2013. Therefore, this conference is still the most important event for the international community of agricultural engineers. The motto of the 73rd conference LAND.TECHNIK is “Innovations in Agricultural Engineering for Efficient Farming”. It underlines one of the main aims of agricultural engineering: efficient and sustainable production of high quality food. The conference will give an excellent platform for discussing new technologies, processes and machines for efficient farming. SCIENTIFIC CHAIRMAN OFFICIAL PARTNER Henning Meyer, Technical University Berlin, Germany Hermann Buitkamp, DLG e.V., Groß-Umstadt, Germany VDI Max Eyth Society for Agricultural Engineering (VDI-MEG) European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng) Franz Handler, BLT Wieselburg, Austria Peter Hieronymus, CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH, Harsewinkel, Germany Thomas Hoffmann, Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.V., Potsdam, Germany Robert Kaufmann, Agroscope ART, Ettenhausen, Switzerland Karlheinz Köller, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany Henning Meyer, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Axel Munack, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany Peter Pickel, John Deere European Technology Innovation Center, Kaiserslautern, Germany Scientific chairman Henning Meyer, Technical University Berlin, Germany TECHNICAL CHAIR Andreas Herrmann, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V., Düsseldorf, Germany We are looking forward to your input and paper. The programme committee invites you to present your current technical solutions from research and development. The listed topics are multivarious and handle all important and interesting working Stefan Böttinger, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany Herbert Coenen, Uniparts India Ltd., Noida, India fields on agricultural engineering. Take your chance to participate as an active member of the international engineering community and to give an insight into your work in particular in the context of the AGRITECHNICA. The Association of German Engineers (VDI) is one of the leading engineer’s associations worldwide. The Max Eyth Society for Agricultural Engineering represents a technical division of the VDI. It bears the name of the founder of agricultural engineering as a distinct discipline in Germany, Max Eyth (1836–1906). THE CONFERENCE IS ORGANISED BY VDI Wissensforum GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany THE CONFERENCE IS SUPPORTED BY Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG), Frankfurt/M., Germany Deutsche Messe AG, Hannover, Germany IN COOPERATION WITH Peter Schulze Lammers, Universität Bonn, Germany Peter-Michael Synek, VDMA e.V., Frankfurt/M., Germany Organised by VDI Wissensforum GmbH | | Phone +49 211 6214-201 | Fax +49 211 6214-154 The European Society of Agricultural Engineering (EurAgEng) exists to promote the professions of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and the people who serve it. The Society is particularly active in conferences, Special Interest Groups, publications, networking, and international lobbying. The VDI Wissensforum organizes and provides seminars and conferences dedicated not only to engineers but also to academics and practicians from widely diverse branches of the economy. Our activities are backed by the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (VDI), a virtually inexhaustible fund of know-how constantly attracting new ideas and suggestions. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Are you an expert in any area mentioned under the listed topics ? If so, why not make an active contribution to the success of this conference by submitting a paper? Please submit an abstract in English covering no more than one DIN A4 page. It should reach us by March 22, 2015 at the latest via The abstract should contain: • Title of the paper • Authors (company address, department, phone, fax, eMail, personal title of the author and co-authors) • Meaningful abstract (max. one page DIN A4) • Assignment to a specific presentation topic DEADLINES Based on the abstract of the presentation the programme committee will decide on the acceptance of the paper. We particularly invite young engineers to use this opportunity to present their skills. Accepted papers presented during the conference will be offered the option to pass a scientific review process of a full paper. This provides the opportunity to publish a scientific paper. If you do want to participate in the reviewing, please note “scientific reviewing requested” on the abstract. Further information will be given after the first review step of the conference. • Submission of abstract March 22, 2015 • Notification of acceptance to the authors at the beginning of May 2015 • Submission of camera-ready manuscripts August 20, 2015 CONTACT SIBYLLE WUNN P.O. Box 10 11 39, 40002 Duesseldorf Phone: +49 211 6214-509 Fax: +49 211 6214-97509 E-Mail: VDI Wissensforum GmbH VDI-Platz 1 · 40468 Duesseldorf The final programme will be available approx. 14 weeks prior to the conference and on the website MAIN TOPICS ORAL PRESENTATION CONFERENCE FEE Please submit your abstract on one of the following topics: 1. Tractors 2. Power trains, electric drives and mobile hydraulics 3. Agricultural information technologies, precision farming, software engineering and data handling 4. Automation, electronic components and sensors, locating, tracking and navigation 5. Technologies of soil protection, tillage and sowing 6. Harvesting technologies 7. Sustainable energy for agricultural applications 8. Industrial product development and market service The oral presentations are limited to 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. We would like to point out that the time limit for the presentation and the discussion time shall not be exceeded. Speakers (one person per submission) receive a discount of 50 % on the regular registration fee for their participation. The registration fee will be € 335,00 + VAT. Discounts can not be cumulated. Please be advised that travel expenses will not be reimbursed. We welcome submissions from the industry, University and research institutions as well as from practical agriculture. OFFICIAL CONFERENCE LANGUAGE The conference language is English. There will be no simultaneous translation. PUBLICATIONS The authors of the accepted papers will be asked to submit a camera-ready manuscript of their presentation for the proceedings. Accepted papers will be published in quotable proceedings. Authors of accepted papers have to submit a written manuscript (max. 6 pages) until August 20th, 2015. The decision about the acceptance and assignment to the sessions will be held by the programme committee. Copyright: Messe AG Hannover FSC® certification ensures that products come from well managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. VDI Wissensforum GmbH only uses FSC-certificated paper for all printed programs. CALL FOR PAPERS LAND.TECHNIK AGENG 2015 Printed on 100% recycling paper, ensured by the Blauer Engel VDI Wissensforum GmbH P.O. Box 10 11 39 40002 Düsseldorf Phone: +49 211 6214-201 Fax: +49 211 6214-154 Email: Please register me for the following conference: LAND.TECHNIK – AgEng 2015, Hannover/Germany, November 06 – 07, 2015 Conference No.: 12TA001015 Please choose your price category PL All prices p./P. plus VAT Participation Fee 1 EUR 670,– VDI and EurAgEng members 2 EUR 620,– Doctorial Candidates VDI and EurAgEng members 3 EUR 210,– VDI and EurAgEng members of Universities 4 EUR 335,– VDI-Mitgliedsnummer* * For price levels 2, 3 and 4 the membership number must be quoted. 1111 Applications must be in writing. Registration confirmation and invoice will be mailed out. Please do not pay until you have been billed. For more information please see landtechnik-ageng. Place Convention Center (ICC), Deutsche Messe AG, Exhibition Ground, 30521 Hannover, Germany Last Name (Family Name) Room Reservation: List of hotels with VDI preferential rate for the conference participants, please see the website landtechnik-ageng. First Name For further individual hotel reservation for AGRITECHNICA visitors please contact Hotelzimmervermittlung Accommodation Service Hannover Martketing & Tourismus GmbH Phone: +49 511 16849-792 E-Mail: Code “VDI“ For more hotels: Title Jobtitle Department Company/Institute Service package: The conference package includes the conference proceedings (VDI report 2251), coffee-break beverages, lunch and the evening event. Street ZIP Code, City, Country Phone Fax Email Please state your invoice address if this differs from the address given Participants with an invoice address outside of Austria, Germany and Switzerland are requested to kindly pay by credit card. Card holder Card number Date Valid until (mm/yyyy) + Security code Your signature Visa Mastercard American Express Terms and Conditions : Upon registering, the participant accepts the terms and conditions of VDI Wissensforum GmbH. Cancellations must be made in writing. If registration is cancelled 14 days prior to commencement of the conference, an administration fee of EURO 50 plus VAT will be charged. After this date, the invoiced participation fee is payable in full. The postmark is decisive. In this case the conference documents will, upon request, be sent to the participant. It is possible for someone to attend the course instead of a registered person by arrangement with VDI Wissensforum GmbH. If a course has to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, participants will be notified immediately. In this case, the participation fee will be fully refunded if already paid. In excep tional cases, we reserve the right to change lecturers and/or the conference content without prior notice. In any event, the liability of VDI Wissensforum GmbH is limited solely to the participation fee. Data protection: VDI Wissensforum GmbH captures and processes the address data of conference participants for their own corporate advertising purposes, enabling renowned companies and institutes to reach out to participants by way of information and offers within their own marketing activities. We have outsourced in part the technical implementation of data processing to external service providers. If you do not want to receive any information and offers in the future, you may contradict the use of your personal data by us or any third parties for advertising purposes. In that case, kindly notify us of your contradiction by using the e-mail address wissensforum@ or any other of the contact options.
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