WORKSHOP AGENDA: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 8:40 – 9:00 am Welcome AUSTRALIAN MARKET OPPORTUNITIES 9:00 – 10:00 am Provides insight into exis/ng and future opportuni/es for oil and gas explora/on, produc/on, services, equipment and technology companies interested in doing business in Australia. Focus on how to capitalize on Australian Oil & Gas Growth. TOPICS 1. Current Opera-onal Challenges and Opportuni-es for Interna-onal Firms 2. Need for US “Know-‐How” – technology, experience and capital 3. Supply Chain Gaps Moderator: Kelly Ralston, Senior Trade Commissioner, Austrade SPEAKERS 1. Jerry Eumont, Managing Director, IHS 2. David Evans, Chief Opera-ng Officer, DrillSearch 3. Ajay Singh, Director Worldwide Projects, Apache NETWORKING BREAK 10:00 – 10:30 am Session 1 10:30 – 11:45 am Session 2 UPSTREAM TECHNICAL EXECUTION Representa/ves from the Australian federal government and Australian state government and Australian state government geological surveys will highlight tenure opportuni/es in their respec/ve regions and the process for bidding, securing and maintaining prospec/ng, explora/on and produc/on rights. Moderator: Daniela Rees, Director Investment, Austrade TOPICS 1. Overview of regulatory landscape at na-onal level and within each state 2. Upcoming release dates/areas 3. Process for applica-on 4. Compe--ve nature of releases SPEAKERS 1. Tom Bernecker, Leader Offshore Acreage Release and Petroleum Promo-on, Geoscience Australia 2. Dorothy Close, Director Regional Geoscience, Northern Territory, Department of Mines and Energy 3. Peter Green, Manager Petroleum & Gas, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Natural Resources and Mines 4. Elinor Alexander, Director of Geology and Explora-on, Department of State Development, South Australia 5. Jeff Haworth, Execu-ve Director Petroleum, Department of Mines and Petroleum, Western Australia 10:30 – 11:45 am EXECUTING YOUR COMMERCIAL STRATEGY Pursuing commercial opportuni/es in Australia. Understand the fundamentals of entering Australian supply chains, seGng up opera/ons and partnering with Australian industry. Moderator: David Camerlengo, Trade & Investment Commissioner, North America, Trade & Investment Queensland TOPICS 1. Entering the supply chain and establishing opera-ons 2. Fundamentals of business in Australia (legal, taxa-on and immigra-on) 3. Partnering with Australian Industry (Case Study) SPEAKERS 1. Jody Rowe, Principal, Rowe Strategic Management Group 2. Ben Willis, Director of Client Services, Fragomen 3. TaxaVon 4. Lisa Butler, Senior Associate, Squire Pa_on Boggs 5. Mike Thomas, Chief Opera-ng Officer, Well Dog CLOSING REMARKS 11:45 – 12:00 pm BUSINESS NETWORKING WITH SPEAKERS 12:00 – 12:45 pm
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