Strasburg Public School February 2015 Newsletter STRASBURG PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER SPECIAL POINTS: Greetings Clipper Families and Support Team! Upcoming We are into our 3rd quarter and have been managing to keep our schools more than warm enough to continue our learning process. There are two early releases planned for Feb. 4 and 25 at 1:30pm. There is also testing for grades 4 and 8 with the National Assessment of Educational Process (NAEP) on the 24th. Assessments Elementary Tidbits Calendars School Support Communication Elementary Cafeteria Menu Activities Calendars School Board Policy News If you’ve visited our schools, you’ve noticed a few changes made to better accommodate the needs of our community. To keep our students and guests safe as they travel to and from the lunch room, we’ve constructed a walk through corridor. This hallway connects the high school to the serving line through the now vacant south gym. We do not use the south gymnasium due to the toxic amounts of mold spores present. This hallway keeps our students, teachers and guests free to travel to their dining destination. When you think of the month of February, you immediately think of Clipper Basketball. When you think of Clipper Basketball, you think of the various ways 2 you may begin or continue to support our student athletes. On Monday, February 9th @ 5pm, the last HOME game of the season will invite our community to gather 3 and share in our “Senior Night” tribute to our graduating class. In addition to this honoring, the Welk Club will entertain the crowd with live music to bring out the 4 & 5 school spirit in all Clipper Alumni. 6 Upcoming Tests and Student Superintendent’s News 7 In closing, we thank each of you for attending the Tail Gate Celebrations on Tuesday, Jan. 13th and Monday, Jan. 26th. Your input on our school has helped to learn more about our school and the direction we need to be going in the future. As always, I’m available via email or phone or call my cell 701-425-1951 or the office 701-336-2667 ext. 110. Remember to: Be Safe. Remain Caring. Stay Strasburg Strong. -Mister Mindt “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” -Jamie Paolinetti- PAGE 2 Winter Elementary News By Tracy Mittleider, Elementary Principal We are well into our third quarter. I want to give a huge thank you for all the support in the Jump Rope for Heart! Together we raised over $1800 and the students had a blast. The third graders were the top selling class, winning a chance to play the teachers in a dodgeball game. I must say we need a rematch because they won! Fun was had by all. To help our students reach their AR goal, we are encouraging them to continue reading. At the end of February, we will be having another dodgeball game with the two students from each class that have the most AR points. Hopefully the teachers can redeem themselves. This also helps us keep our fitness level in check throughout these cold winter months. Next month we will start another round of testing for our wellprepared students. We will be doing some activities in the first week of March to help the students get excited about taking the tests and doing their best. Watch for updates on this. As Spring approaches and students get anxious for summer break, we have a fun, exciting opportunity for them. We are taking part in Prairie Fire Children’s Theater on May 3-9. Our students will have the opportunity to take part in the play Aladdin. There will be 2 performances here in our school. Any donations will be appreciated! Just a reminder about winter dress. Please make sure the students are appropriately dressed. We want them to be safe on the bus, as well as safe on the playground. I want to always keep the communication line open. Call the school at 701-336-2667 ext. #212 or email me at -Principal Mittleider Strasburg Public School Board Election will be this June 2015 The following areas (incumbents) are up for this year’s election: The Northwest area- (Tony Roth’s) and the Southwest area - (Duane Ternes’s) and voting on the issue to publish the minutes to the meeting. At the February 10th, 2015 meeting the school board will set the election date, then an official notice will be in the Emmon’s County Record as to when the filing deadline will be. STRASBURG PUBLIC SCHOOL PAGE FEBRUARY LUNCH MENU 2015 3 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 2 Spaghetti Meat Sauce Bread Stick Salad Bar Milk 3 Chicken Patty Pork & Beans Salad Bar Milk 4 Dakota Nachos Potato Waffles Salad Bar Milk 5 Chicken Noodle Soup Sandwiches Salad Bar Milk 6 Turkey Combo Mashed Potatoes Gravy Salad Milk 9 Goulash Corn Salad Bar Milk 10 Stew & Rice Salad Bar Milk 11 Chili Cinnamon Roll Salad Bar Milk 12 Pork Tips Gravy Potatoes Salad Bar Milk 13 Hot Ham & Cheese Bean Salad Salad Bar Milk 16 No School 17 Alfredo Chicken Noodles Salad Bar Milk 18 Tomato Soup Grilled Cheese Salad Bar Milk 19 BBQ Oven Potatoes Salad Bar Milk 20 Tuna Hotdish Corn Salad Bar Milk 24 Tacos Corn Salad Bar Milk 25 Subs Pork & Beans Salad Bar Milk 26 Knoephla Soup Corn Dogs Salad Bar Milk 27 Cheese Pizza Salad Bar Milk Presidents Day 23 Chicken Fajita Wraps Salad Bar Milk Giving back to your community never tasted so delicious. Schwan’s Home Delivery offers over 350 delicious foods, flash frozen at the peak of freshness and conveniently delivered to your door. Through, you can order from Schwan’s Home Delivery and help our organization meet its fundraising goals. When you order by January 30, 2015, 20% of product and 40% of e-certificate sales will go back to the organization. In addition, Schwan’s will contribute 5% of all orders to our organization for the rest of the year! Here are two ways to support us! Order Online: 1. Visit 2. Enter Campaign Name or ID: 17466 into the search box located in the upper right hand corner then click to open campaign. 3. Click the “Buy Now” button to purchase an eCertificate or “Shop Now” to place a product order. Order by Phone: Call 1-855-870-7208 and provide Campaign ID: 17466 and Fundraising ID: 43573 FEBRUARY 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 GBB (H) vs Legacy 6:00pm BBB @ SB 6:00 pm K-8 CCD and Good News @ 12:15– 1:15 pm Grades 9-12 CCD @ St. Ben’s 6:30—7:45 pm Early Out 1:30pm JHBBB Tourney BBB @ Kidder @ Tappen County-6:00 pm GBB @ Zeeland vs EdgeleyKulm—6 pm JVBBB Tourney @ Kulm JHBBB Tourney @ Tappen GBB (H) vs Wilton-Wing 6:00 pm JVBBB Tourney @ Kulm 14 6 7 PDD @ 2pm 9 10 11 12 13 GBB (H) vs Ellendale 6:00 pm Blood Drive at Strasburg Fire Station 2pm-6pm K-8 CCD and Good News @ 2:00– 3 pm Grades 9-12 CCD @ St. Ben’s 6:30—7:45 pm BBB @ Herreid-Selby 6:30 pm GBBDistricts @ Linton 18 19 20 Senior Night School Board Meeting @ 6pm Local Science Fair @ 7pm 16 17 GBB Districts K-8 CCD and No School Good News @ Presidents Day @ Linton 2:00– 3 pm Grades 9-12 CCD @ St. Ben’s 6:30—7:45 pm GBBDistricts @ Linton BBB @ Ellendale 6:00 pm 21 BBB @ Edgeley-Kulm 6:00 pm 23 24 25 26 27 GBB Regionals @ Napoleon NAEP Assessment for 4th & 8th Grades K-8 CCD and Good News @ 12:15– 1:15 pm Grades 9-12 CCD @ St. Ben’s 6:30—7:45 pm Early Out 1:30pm GBB Regionals @ Napoleon BBB Districts BBB Districts @ Wishek @Wishek 7-12 Field Trip to Bismarck Kat Perkins at North Gym at 1:00-2:15 Sunday 22nd Soup Off 11am-1pm St. Peter & Paul Church GBB Regionals @ Napoleon PDD @ 2pm 28 MARCH 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 7 BBB Districts @ Wishek PTA Meeting @ 6:30 pm K-8 CCD and Good News @ 2:00– 3:00 pm Grades 9-12 CCD @ St. Ben’s 6:30—7:45 pm GBB State @ Minot GBB State @ Minot GBB State @ Minot 13 14 Winterland Formal 9 10 11 12 BBB Regionals @ Jamestown BBB Regionals @ Jamestown K-8 CCD and Good News @ 12:15– 1:15 pm Grades 9-12 CCD @ St. Ben’s 6:30—7:45 pm Early Out 1:30pm PDD @ 2pm BBB Regionals End of 3rd Quarter @ Jamestown Regional Science Fair @ Bismarck 16 17 18 19 20No School 21 Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-9:30pm BBB State @ Bismarck Spring Break BBB State @ Bismarck BBB State @ Bismarck ACT for Junior Class K-8 CCD and Good News @ 2:00– 3 pm Grades 9-12 CCD @ St. Ben’s 6:30—7:45 pm 23 24 25 26 27 28 CloseUp in DC CloseUp in DC CloseUp in DC K-8 CCD and Good News @ 2:00– 3:00 pm Grades 9-12 CCD @ St. Ben’s 6:30—7:45 pm CloseUp in DC CloseUp in DC State Science Fair @ UND/ Grand Forks State Music in Bismarck 30 Sunday 29th CloseUp Returns from DC 31 State Music in CloseUp leaves for DC School Board develops Public Meeting Policy At the January 14th regular school board meeting, the Strasburg Public School Board adopted a policy from the North Dakota School Boards Association to help the public better communicate with the school board. The following is an excerpt of the policy (Descriptor Code: BCBA): Public Participation Only items on the published board agenda will be discussed at any meeting of the Board, unless the Superintendent or a board member request an addition to the agenda of a regular meeting and the board members present approve, in accordance with board policy. Members of the public who wish to make a formal presentation before the Board shall make a request in advance, in accordance with the board’s agenda setting policy. The Board may allot a time for general public comment on the regular meeting agenda. When the Board agrees to do this, no individual may speak more than once. When public comment has been permitted, the speaker should: 1. Stand during the appropriate period and be recognized by the President. 2. State name and address for the minutes. 3. Limit comments to no more than five minutes, unless the Chairman waives the time limit. Complaints The Board has adopted policies governing patron complaints. The public is required to seek redress through these policies. The public will be prevented from commenting on a topic if it is: 1. Governed by a district complaint policy and the complainant has not followed the procedure contained in policy and/or the policy prohibits the public from bringing the complaint before the Board. 2. Concerns a topic that is prohibited by law from disclosure to the public (e.g., student’s educational record). Conduct and Remarks Out of Order Undue interruption or other interference with the orderly conduct of board business cannot be allowed. Defamatory or abusive remarks are always out of order. The presiding officer may terminate the speaker’s privilege of address if, after being called to order, s/he persists in improper conduct or remarks. Furthermore, an individual who is persistently disruptive of a school board meeting may be removed from that meeting by order of the presiding officer. Discussion of a motion When a motion is before the Board, discussion will be limited to board members (and the Superintendent) except as the Chairman requests information. Clipper Students Prepare for Spring Tests NAEP Testing is on February 24th Our schools have been selected to participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). This is a relatively short test in length (90 minutes) and will measure the students knowledge in Reading, Math, and Science. Students in grades 4th and 8th grade will be preparing for and taking the test. For additional info, please log onto the following website: naepstudent.asp. For more information please contact you child’s principal. ND State Assessment is scheduled for Mid-March In mid-March, the Strasburg Public School District will have begun the North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA). This assessment measures progress in the areas of: English, Language Arts and Mathematics. The students taking the test will comprise of 3rd-8th and 11th graders. These same students took the Science Test in November of 2014 and the results will be returned in the late spring/early summer. There’ll be more information available as to test preparation and ways to have a successful experience. January High School Students of the Month 7-9: Michelle Wikenheiser 10-12: Michelle Keller Tailgate Ralley/Senior Night/Pep Band Plan Join the Clippers on Monday, February 9th at 5:00 pm in the Lower Level of Elementary Building for a Free Tailgate followed by a 6pm Girls Home Basketball Game vs. Ellendale. Be entertained by our Welk Club Alumni Pep Band and Senior Night at Half Time. Clipper Focus Groups will also be conducted. Clipper Classified Ads Tires for Sale from School Buses: Great Bus Tires for sale. For more info and pricing, Contact the school at 336-2667 ext. 110 PTA Update Tuesday, March 3rd @ 6:30 pm in the HS Library School Buses for Sale: There are four (4) school buses for sale. They would make great campers or convert into a hay wagon/calf shelter. “All Students Can Learn” Vision: To create a school atmosphere that is conducive to the learning of skills, attitudes, and knowledge so that all students can succeed in life. Mission: Strasburg Public School 307 Main Street Non-profit org. US Postage Paid Strasburg, ND 58573 Permit#02 P.O. Box 308 Strasburg, ND 58573 PHONE: (701) 336-2667 FAX: (701) 336-7490 BOXHOLDER
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