For the Love of Literacy Conference

For the Love of Literacy Conference
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Notre Dame Secondary School
Burlington, Ontario
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Dale Willows
OISE Literacy Professor of The Balanced
Literacy Diet
Please bring one new or gently used children’s book
to the Conference. Books collected will be distributed to
Aboriginal children living in remote northern communities.
Registration forms can be downloaded from
Welcome to Halton’s 20th Annual ‘For the Love of Literacy’ Conference. Please join us as we celebrate 20 years of
providing outstanding professional learning opportunities to our literacy community. Today as always we are proud of
our commitment to encourage and support literacy development for children from early childhood onwards. We hope to
instill in children a positive emotional bond with literacy that will carry them throughout life. Our Conference is unique
in that it targets a number of audiences with the belief that it takes a community focus to ensure children receive the
best foundation in literacy possible. We welcome parents, teachers, early childhood educators, librarians and all who
weave the magic of literacy. Take time to discover the many and varied workshops listed in this brochure. You can also
check out the Conference on our website: Surplus funds from the Conference will be
directed towards community literacy initiatives. Last year initiatives included the Cozy Reading and EvenStart
Dr. Dale Willows is a Senior Full Professor
and an internationally recognized scholar in
the area of language and literacy education.
She has made numerous presentations at
conferences around the world and her work
has been published in books, chapters, and
articles. She served as a member of the
prestigious National Reading Panel
( in the
USA, as well as the Early Reading Expert
Panel in Ontario
uides/ExpPanel_K-3 Reading.pdf).
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Early Bird Coffee
Registration, Publisher
Keynote: Dr. Dale Willows
10:00 Break, Publisher Displays
10:30 Workshop 1
11:45 Lunch, Publisher Displays
(last chance to visit exhibitors)
12:45 Workshop 2
Workshop 3
PreK - 0-3.8 Years
FDK - Full day kindergarten
Gr. 1-3 - Grades 1-3
Gr. 4-6 - Grades 4-6
Gr. 7-8 - Grades 7-8
ESL/ELL - Teachers-English as a
Second Language or English
Language Learners
SE - Special Education Teachers
LIB - Librarians
Please record
choices on the
Refer to inserts
for workshop
Workshop Descriptions
A. Ever Wonder?.... Picture Books that Inspire Inquiry
Judy Halpern, The Magic Suitcase/ Wilfred Laurier University
What makes a great picture book? So many ways to spark an
inquiry…so little time! Besides the text and enticing illustrations,
the specific features of a picture book can be used to attract a
variety of readers to this genre.
FDK, ESL/ELL, LIB, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6
B. An Introduction to ABC and Beyond™ - The Hanen Program®
for Building Emergent Literacy in Early Childhood Settings
Tamara Stein, The Hanen Centre
Power up your shared book reading with practical, easy to apply
research based strategies that build the oral language skills that
children need for future literacy success.
C. What Happens after Kindergarten? The Learning Journey
Sonia Garcha, Lisa Boehmer, Halton DSB
In this session participants will look at primary classrooms with a
more reflective lens. We’ll discuss how to enhance classroom
environments in order to meet the needs of our students while
promoting the inquiry process.
Gr. 1-3, FDK, SE
D. The Online Classroom: Chromebook Project
Michelle Horst, Halton DSB
Discover how to take learning in the classroom global using online
tools and technology. Walk away with resources that you can put
into practice next week.
LIB, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8
E. Let your Characters Write Your Story
Gisela Sherman, Author
Stories are about a person with a problem. Gisela will show you a
hands-on, fun way to help kids bring their characters to life and
plot their own story.
LIB, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8
F. Innovation Through the Integration of Technology
Cameron Steltman, Ian McLain, Halton DSB
Are you interested in taking your teaching to the next level with
technology? This hands-on workshop will allow teachers to see
how they can make technology work for them. Add to your
practice with 21st Century tools including Google Apps for
Education, iPad integration and creative story writing.
FDK, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8, SE
G. Building a Child’s Brain
Maryann Novak, Region of Peel
Exploring the latest research, this workshop will examine best
practices in supporting children’s language and literacy skills as it
relates to brain development. Developmental milestones,
expectations and strategies for building language and literacy skills
with children ages 0-6 will be discussed.
H. Inquiry-Based Learning K-3
Chris Lynd, Scholastic Education
We will look at the elements (materials, time, space and
programming) of inquiry, beginning with guided inquiry and
transitioning to a program where students’ interests and questions
guide the inquiry.
PreK, FDK, Gr. 1-3
P. Digital Citizenship
Richard Parker, Shaun Else, Halton DSB
The way students are communicating and using technology
changes on a daily basis, and it is impossible to keep up. We will
highlight why Digital Citizenship NEEDS to be taught, the goals
of Digital Citizenship, as well as resources to use and curriculum
links, so you can start right away. Please bring your
ESL/ELL, LIB, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8, SE
Q. Kinderscience
Marian Kujtan, Oakville Public Library & Scientists in the School
Easy hands-on science experiments for pre-school, kindergarten
and grade one children. Have fun at this interactive workshop,
where Marian will show you that science can be exciting and not
scary at all!!
PreK, FDK, LIB, Gr. 1-3
I. Animated Storytelling: Keeping Oral Traditions Alive
Karen Chaplin, Hydro Bright Lights Childcare Centre
Retell personal or favourite stories in unique ways. An interactive
workshop exposing your hidden talents. For inclusive programs
with children 1-6 years.
R. The Enchantments of Storytelling
Brenda Byers, Artistic Director of Storywyse
The art of traditional storytelling guides us along the pathway to
literacy. We encounter imagination, rich language, reflective
thought, vices and virtues. Take away a story and a memory stone!
PreK, FDK, LIB, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr.7-8
J. Linking Literacy Concepts to Other Curriculum Areas
Through Social Justice
Laura Inglis, Toronto DSB
Participants will learn about interdisciplinary studies with a social
justice approach. This will help students become critical
consumers and to challenge inequities by promoting sustainability,
humanitarianism and a more just world.
LIB, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8
S. The Inquiry Sandbox
Lisa Donohue, York Region DSB, Author
Have you wondered what inquiry looks like in the older grades?
Would you like to explore literacy through an inquiry lens? Join us
for this interactive session of exploring strategies for making
learning come alive.
LIB, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8
K. The Power of the Picture: Exploring the Potentials of
Wordless Books in Emergent Literacy Skill Development
Christina Quintiliani, Brock University
This workshop will explore the many advantages of wordless
books and how they can be integrated into classroom instruction to
enhance specific emergent literacy skills, including narrative
comprehension and metacognition.
Gr. 1-3
T. Moving Towards Cultures for Deeper Learning Through
Inquiry and Collaboration
Beate Planche, Former Superintendent of Curriculum &
Instructional Services, York Region DSB
This workshop will be interactive and discussion based, sharing
strategies to support teachers as leaders in their classrooms in their
quest to deepen learning processes for students through inquiry
LIB, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr.7-8
L. Let’s Make Music Together
Serena LeChat, Barb Belzil, The Halton Resource Connection
Music offers many benefits to children. It’s engaging, educational
and fun. Join us as we introduce a variety of songs from around the
world to support inclusion in your program. Participants will
create simple musical instruments using loose parts from recycled
and natural materials.
U. Storymaking in the Classroom
Rukhsana Khan, Author, Storyteller
This workshop involves practical exercises for teachers to conduct
with their students that will tap into creativity; followed by editing
exercises that make the piece they’ve written, stronger. Also
included are tips to get students excited about writing.
ESL/ELL, LIB, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8
M. Literacy Development in the Early Years-A Play Based
Julia Forgie, Ryerson University
This workshop introduces participants to key concepts related to
early literacy development. Participants will learn many practical
ideas about implementing developmentally appropriate play-based
literacy activities for young children.
N. Linking Math and Literature
Maria Bodiam, Scholastic Education
Find math where you least expect it – in children’s books and
reading materials. This interactive workshop demonstrates how
children’s literature can be used to introduce and explore math
FDK, Gr. 1-3
O. The Interactive Classroom
Dina Moati, Sheridan College
This session is intended for educators who are interested in
enhancing student engagement and measuring lesson effectiveness
through integrating free/user-friendly edtech tools in the
classroom. These creative tools will help you engage students
through real time collaboration and UDL (Universal Design for
Learning) accessibility that accommodates all students.
ESL/ELL, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8, SE
V. Writing from Life
Aga Maksimowska, Toronto Crescent School, Author
Encourage your students to take pride in journaling for the purpose
of mining personal tidbits in order to turn them into compelling
fiction. All writers write from life. This workshop will present
examples of writers’ personal details that were turned into
authentic fiction, followed by ideas and exercises to use in your
Gr. 7-8
W. Improving Vision Skills with Brain Gym
Catherine Flatt, RN BNSc Licensed Brain Gym Instructor
Crossing the visual midline comfortably, spatial awareness, and
organizational skills contribute to ease in reading. Brain Gym
helps students learn the physical skills needed to read.
PreK, FDK, ESL/ELL, LIB Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8, SE
X. Reading Intervention for Struggling Readers in Primary
Sara De Cloet, Halton DSB
Learn the importance of creating a learner profile in order to better
understand and address student needs. This workshop will explore
how to use learner profiles to create effective small group
instruction for struggling readers.
Gr. 1-3, SE
Y. Choice Words: Using Language to Develop
“I Can Do This” Mindsets
Tara Neate, Halton DSB
Explore how our language can help students to develop: a positive
identity as readers, writers and caring problem solvers; a sense of
agency and lifelong Growth Mindsets. Consider alternatives to
praise, incentives and Dojos.
FDK, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, SE
Z. Supporting Literacy Development in the Early Years
Patricia Rumble, Sheridan College
Tips for creating an environment that supports literacy
development in young children.
AA. Practical Strategies for Teaching and Assessing English
Language Learners
Tajinder Uppal Dhariwal, OISE/U of T, Celia Chiu, Toronto
The workshop will provide practical strategies for teaching and
assessing ELL literacy skills. This will include best practices,
stages of language development, modifications, and how-to
videos from the classroom.
EE. Are They Ready to Write?
Jennifer Ansley, Karen Patterson, Occupational Therapists with
CBI Home Health
Printing readiness is dependent on the development of many
underlying skills. This presentation will provide practical
strategies to support the development of foundation skills and
assist educators determine writing readiness.
PreK, FDK, Gr. 1-3, SE
FF. Reading Between the Lines
Unber Khan, Zenab Karimjee, The Halton Resource Connection
Drama is an invaluable tool for educators because it is one of the
few methods that can support every aspect of literacy
development. Come join us to learn new active and social
approaches, interactive storytelling, role playing, and use of
puppets through activities and discussion
GG. Struggling Readers – Moving Beyond Patterned Texts
Laura Kay, Kerry Manfredi, Halton DSB
Take the “struggle” away from your most struggling readers.
Learn practical and efficient teaching strategies that will best
support your struggling readers and see their confidence and
reading abilities soar!
FDK, Gr. 1-3
II. Effective Instruction for Struggling Students
Cynthia Maya Beristain, Pamela Beach, OISE/U of T
This workshop will provide practical strategies that will help
teachers implement motivating activities for students who have
serious difficulties learning to read or write and require explicit
and intensive instruction.
Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6, SE
JJ. Honouring the Language, Voice and Story of Each Child
Cathy Coulthard, Sheridan College, Sarah Montana, Niwasa
Aboriginal Headstart Program
“There is power in authorship”. This workshop will highlight the
impacts of the Identity Texts program with First Nations, Metis
and Inuit (FNMI) preschool children and their families. Children
self-authored dual language acknowledge the individual identities
of the children while promoting their Mohawk or Ojibwe
language and traditional culture.
KK. Oral Language: Talking, Listening and then…Writing, K-3
Chris Lynd, Scholastic Education
Personal narratives are an engaging way to get children talking
and listening. We begin with an important moment in their lives
and orally, build a story, create voice, organize thoughts and
PreK, FDK, Gr. 1-3
LL. Coding in the Classroom
Richard Parker, Shaun Else, Halton DSB
Coding is the “Lego” of the future. Estimates say that over 40%
of the jobs in 20 years will involve coding. You don’t need to be
an expert, or even know how to code in order to teach it. We will
open up the world of coding with easy hands-on activities and
resources that you can use right away. Please bring your
ESL/ELL, LIB, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8, SE
MM. The Importance of Inclusive Literature in the Classroom
Rukhsana Khan, Author, Storyteller
Using her own experiences growing up as an ESL student as well
as her experiences as an author/storyteller presenting in the
classroom, Rukhsana discusses practical ways teachers can create
an inclusive environment for all their students. Resources include
a list of multicultural authors and websites that will facilitate this
ESL/ELL, LIB, Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8
NN. Beyond Bingo: Word Study That Sticks
Heather Lang, Tara Neate, Halton DSB
Explore quick and effective strategies for imbedding word
learning into your guided reading lessons as well as learn
engaging independent word study activities to meet the needs of
your students.
Gr. 1-3
OO. Supporting Inquiry K-3
Jill Staples, Kelly Keith, Halton Catholic DSB
Primary teachers will learn how to revise their good instructional
practices in a way that supports inquiry and a child-centered
curriculum while meeting the curriculum expectations
PreK, FDK, Gr. 1-3,SE
In 2015 the For the Love of Literacy Conference will celebrate
its 20th anniversary. In order to mark this special occasion we
have partnered with Books With No Bounds.
Registrants’ are invited to bring a new or gently used children’s
book (just one please) to the Conference. Books collected will be
distributed to Aboriginal children and teens living in remote
northern communities. To read more about this organization, its
mission and the two Halton teens behind Books With No Bounds
please visit their website
For the Love of Literacy 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015, Notre Dame Secondary School
Students/Seniors (65+)
Registration fee
(Fee includes keynote speaker, three workshops, lunch and publisher displays.)
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of School or Affiliation:
School Board or Affiliation:
Grade Level:
City: __________________________________ Postal Code: ____________________________
*Email (please print clearly):
How did you hear about For the Love of Literacy Conference?
WORKSHOPS: Indicate your choices for each workshop below. Every attempt will be made to accommodate
participants’ choices. If none of the workshop choices are available an alternative will be selected for you.
If you do not prioritize this will be done on your behalf. Workshop offerings will depend on registration numbers.
Workshop Times
Workshop 1 (10:30-11:45)
Offered this Session
C, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, O,
P, R, V, W, X, AA, FF,
Workshop 2 (12:45 – 2:00)
A, B, D, F, N, S O, W,
X, Z, AA, EE, GG, II, JJ,
Workshop 3 (2:15 – 3:30)
A, B, D, E, J, N, Q, S, T,
U, Y, EE, GG, II, OO
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
4th choice
5 th choice
Registration Information
Deadline for registration is April 3, 2015. No refunds available.
Registrations post-marked by Feb. 27, 2015 will have a chance to win our Early Bird Sur”prize”.
In the event of inclement weather, please listen to local radio stations.
Return form and payment by School Courier or Mail to:
Cinzia Loosemore
Halton District School Board, New Street Education Centre,
3250 New St., 2nd Floor, Burlington, ON L7N 1M8
(905) 631-6120 X494
Cheque payable to:
Oakville Parent-Child Centre
(Cheques must accompany registration form as forms will not be processed without payment)
No post-dated cheques please.
*Email receipts will be issued confirming conference registration (if email address provided above).
Confirmation of workshops will be available at the registration table on the day of the conference.
2015 For the Love of Literacy Workshops
**Bolded Workshops are Offered in 2 Timeslots**
Workshop #1 - 10:30 - 11:45 am
Workshop #2 - 12:45 - 2:00 pm
Work Shop #3 - 2:15 - 3:30 pm
C. What Happens After Kindergarten? The Learning Journey
A. Every Wonder?...Picture Books that Inspire Inquiry
A. Every Wonder?...Picture Books that Inspire Inquiry
B. An Introduction to ABC & Beyond-The Hanen Program
B. An Introduction to ABC & Beyond-The Hanen Program
D. The Online Classroom: Chromebook Project
D. The Online Classroom: Chromebook Project
F. Innovation Through Technology
E. Let Your Characters Write Your Story
N. Linking Math and Literature
J. Linking Literacy Concepts to Other Curriculum Areas
through Social Justice
F. Innovation Through Technology
G. Building a Child's Brain
H. Inquiry Based Learning
I. Animated Stories: Keeping Oral Traditions Alive
S. The Inquiry Sandbox
K. The Power of the Picture:Exploring the Potentials of
Wordless Books in Emergent Literacy Skill Development
O. The Interactive Classroom
L. Let's Make Music Together
W. Improving Vision Skills with Brain Gym
M. Literacy Development in the Early Years-A Play Based
X. Reading Intervention for Struggling Readers in Primary
N. Linking Math and Literature
Q. Kinderscience
S. The Inquiry Sandbox
Z. Supporting Literacy Development in the Early Years
T. Moving Towards Cultures for Deeper Learning through Inquiry
and Collaboration
AA. Practical Strategies for Teaching & Assessing ELL
U. Storymaking in the Classroom
EE. Are They Ready to Write?
Y. Choice Words: Using Language to Develop "I Can DoThis" Mind
O. The Interactive Classroom
P. Digital Citizenship
R. The Enchantment of Storytelling
GG. Struggling Readers - Moving Beyond Patterned Texts
V. Writing from Life
EE. Are They Ready to Write?
II. Effective Instruction for Struggling Students
GG. Struggling Readers - Moving Beyond Patterned Texts
W. Improving Vision Skills with Brain Gym
JJ. Honouring the Language, Voice and Story of Each Child
X. Reading Intervention for Struggling Readers in Primary
II. Effective Instruction for Struggling Students
KK. Oral Language: Talking, Listening and then…..Writing K-3
AA. Practical Strategies for Teaching & Assessing ELL
OO. Supporting Inquiry K-3
LL. Coding in the Classroom
FF. Reading Between the Lines
NN. Beyond Bingo: Word Study That Sticks
MM. The Importance of Inclusive Literature in the Classroom
OO. Supporting Inquiry K-3