The New Age Village Movement “Where is the Village?” The stage production An Original Gena-Mae Production In association with F.L.Y. Girlz Inc. & Unique Productions Inc. 1 Table of Contents Slogan, Mission, Vision, Goals, Production Info……………… 3 Inspiration….…………………………………………………………..4 Sponsorship letter and Information……………………………….5 Goals …………………………………………………………………….6 Cast Bios……………………………..………..……………………….7-12 Production Stills……………………………………………………….13 Producers Bios..……………………………………………………..14-17 Supporters……………………………………………………………..18 Contact Info……………………………………………………………19 2 SLOGAN “S.O.S” Speak out Or Step In! The alarm has sounded and too many teenager’s lives have been lost as result of senseless violence. It’s time we get back to the village community mentality and start helping one another! We can’t change the past but we can do something about our future. THE MISSION To re-introduce the “village” concept to the world, through the “Where is the Village?” production and talk back sessions. This production is a wake-up call to parents and teens to address the issues that many teens face today, encouraging families to come together, work together and take care of each other. The face of the village has changed from parents to teens who have been left to fend for themselves. THE VISION To travel from schools and churches to raise awareness on how to help stop teen on teen violence by empowering teens to help and support each other by Speaking out or Stepping in. If you see someone endangering someone else, or verbally assaulting them don’t be afraid to intervene or call for help. There is power in numbers and the more people that take the S.O.S pledge, the more lives we can save and change a generation filled with selfish teens to the next generation of adults who support and care for one another. THE GOALS To obtain sponsors and celebrity endorsements to help raise money to support the show and raise money for families of victims of teen on teen violence. To get one million teens to take the Bobby Tillman Pact to end teen on teen violence. To link high schools with community organizations and programs that support teens. To build relationships and open the lines of communication between teens and adults. THE PRODUCTION “Where is the Village” is a gripping, poetically written ensemble play. With vivid colorful characters sharing their stories, hoping to be the mirror that is so badly needed in our society. Touching on teen violence, bullying, suicide, abuse, rape, homosexuality, racism and the lack of importance many place on education. The play not only speaks to the heart of teens but adults and parents as well. Helping them revisit their pasts and deal with issues they may be facing because of those pasts. Encouraging them to stop running but to Speak out Or Step in and deal with situations, together. 3 THE INSPIRATION “Where is the Village?” and the New Age Village Movement was inspired, and God given to writer Regina Wells, during and after a conversation with her long time friend Vanna Byrd. The two hadn’t spoken in several months. Vanna had called to ask a simple question. While catching up, the tragic story of Bobby Tillman came up. As it turns out Vanna’s daughter Chauncey Walker was a close friend of Bobby and was there that night Bobby was tragically beaten to death. As the two spoke of the circumstances surrounding Bobby’s senseless death, the subject of “Where is the Village” that it is said it takes to raise a child in cases like Bobby’s. What provoked these young men to choose Bobby to be the subject to take their anger and frustrations out on? Why were there so many people there during the incident that didn’t Speak out Or Step in? Thus began the quest by the two that birth “The New Age Village Movement.” A movement with a mission, “Where is the Village?” is more than just a play, it is a movement. God willing it will open the eyes on millions and save at least one life. 4 UP Unique Productions, Inc. 3926 Hancock Circle Atlanta, GA 30340 770-490-4498 To: Management From: Unique Productions, Inc. Inc. Management EIN: 87-0747334 Re: Sponsorship To Whom It May Concern: Unique Productions, Inc., a 501(c)3 media arts & education organization, is seeking sponsorship of supporters for “Where is the Village” a gripping, poetically written ensemble play. With vivid colorful characters sharing their stories, hoping to be the mirror that is so badly needed in our society. Touching on teen violence, bullying, suicide, abuse, rape, homosexuality, racism and the lack of importance many place on education. The play not only speaks to the heart of teens but adults and parents as well. Helping them revisit their pasts and deal with issues they may be facing because of those pasts. Encouraging them to stop running, and to Speak out or Step in and deal with situations together. The purpose of the play is to raise money for BFAM Inc. (Bobby’s Family’s Organization) and also raise awareness on how to help stop teen on teen violence by empowering teens to help and support each other by Speaking out or Stepping in. If you see someone endangering someone else, or verbally assaulting them don’t be afraid to intervene or call for help. There is power in numbers and the more people that take the Bobby Tillman Pact, and follow through, the more lives we can save. 5 UP THE GOALS To obtain sponsors and celebrity endorsements to help raise money to support the show and raise money for families of victims of teen on teen violence. To compensate the cast and production team for their work with the production as well as be able to fund travel for the shows. To help BFAM Inc. (Bobby Tillman’s Family) obtain 1 million signatures on the Bobby Tillman Pact to help end teen on teen violence. To link high schools with community organizations and programs that support teens. Our mission is to re-introduce the “village” concept to the world, through the “Where is the Village” Production and talk back sessions. This production is a wake-up call to parents and teens to address the issues that many teens face today, encouraging families to come together, work together and take care of each other. The face of the village has changed from parents to teens that have been left to fend for themselves. 6 The Cast 7 Chauncey Walker (As Charity) Chauncey is a senior at Chapel Hill High School. She is the senior class president, National Honor Society VicePresident, DECA President, and is involved in BETA, and Spanish National Honor Society. She is heavily involved in her schools drama department, and is also a part of a performing arts company the Youth Ensemble of Atlanta, where they travel around the world and relay positive messages about society through their performances. They also give back to the community by performing for inner city youth groups and senior citizens. Chauncey is passionate about performing, acting, dancing, and choreographing, she wants to open her own dance studio and start her own talent agency as well. Chauncey’s first love is the arts and she wants to also help give back to the community. Her goal is to not be a well known super star, but to be the best person she can be, and live her life doing the things which she is most passionate about. Her motto is “Hard work and Humility are the keys to success.” Shanekia Bray (As Keisha) Shanekia has been acting since she was barely even eight years old. She has modeling and acting experience. Shanekia has worked with Gena-Mae Productions most of her acting career. She snagged the role of Porcha, in Gena-Mae’s soon to be released film “Between Love And A Hard Place” featuring BernNadette Stanis “Thelma” from GOOD TIMES. 8 Dillin Roberts (Patrick) Dillin is a 2011 graduate of Chapel Hill High. He enjoys music and reading. Dillin was a very close friend of Bobby Tillman for whom this production is dedicated. He feels very strongly about its message and potential Jessica Claire Culpepper (Becky) Jessica is a 2011 graduate of Chapel Hill High School. Upon graduation Jessica plans to attend college and major in business with a minor in theatre and art. Jessica is passionate about music and drawing. Jessica loves life and brings joy to everyone she meets. She hopes for peace on earth and that all mankind will be treated equal. Rudolph Chism (Antonio) Rudolph is a 2010 graduate of Carrollton High School. He has been acting from very young age and is a lead member in a Christian Rap group that is quickly gaining popularity in his home town called, “The Holy Boyz.” Rudolph is dedicated to showing other teens how “cool” it is to serve God. 9 Tajuanna Mack (As Marion) Actress Tajuanna Mack is the mother of two grown sons and is an Army Veteran. Currently Tajuanna is a Science Teacher in Carroll County. She has been acting for several years and intends to make it a full time profession upon retiring from teaching. She has performed in many stage plays and as a background actor in several movies. She has been in several independent films and a touring stage play. Currently is a leader of the Performing Arts Ministry at A Place of Refuge Church in Carrollton GA., and has worked on many film industry sets as Production Assistant, Makeup, Prop Master as well as Costume and Set Design Assistant. Candace Mabry (Ms. Watson) Grew up in Nashville, TN and received a BFA in Theatre from Western Kentucky University. Candace feels blessed to be part of her second production with Gena-Mae; she played Jenn in the soon to be released film “Between Love And A Hard Place”. She has also appeared in numerous commercials, print ads, and independent films such as Step Off (Lionsgate 2011). Some of her favorite stage roles include Harper in “Angels In America”, Lula in “Dutchman”, and Manto in “Seneca’s Oedipus”. Vanna Byrd (Gloria) Vanna Walker Byrd is owner and founder of F.L.Y Girlz Inc. (Females Leading Young Girls) She is devoted to cultivating the gifts and talents of young women in the field of entertainment. She is Production Partner and Assistant Coordinator for “Where is the Village” and has worked with Regina every step on the way with this and other projects as well. 10 Edward Blackmon (Dexter) Ed is a seasoned actor who enjoys the profession and is constantly doing what he can to learn more and continue to cultivate his craft. He is currently a member of Word of Faith Church in Atlanta GA and is married to a beautiful dancer. Edward has participated in countless productions all geared toward spreading the powerful message of Christ to the masses. Thomas Wells (As Ricky) Currently best known for his “Grandma Bobby Jean” character comedy, actor/comedian Thomas K. Wells also has a serious side. Having performed as “Walter Lee” in A Raisin in the Sun, his dynamic and diverse acting skills will soon be recognized by the world. He has performed in several GenaMae as well as CMO Production. A native of Newnan Georgia, look for great things from Thomas. Tywone Reese (Tracey) Tywone is a Child Care Professional who enjoys acting and singing in her spare time. She has been in several Gena-Mae Productions among others and is devoted to the nurture of young children. 11 Charles Walker (Roger) Charles is a Georgia Institute Tech Police officer, husband and father who is devoted to community. He operates as a professional D.J and sound tech in his spare time. His favorite quote is: "Be more concerned with your character then with your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." Milton Byrd (Eddie) Milton is new to the stage but he enjoys his role of Eddie in the production. An incarcerated father longing to be with his family but he doesn’t quite know how to put down his old street ways and be a husband and father to his baby. Milton is a husband himself and father of five so the issues his character faces give him an even greater drive to be the role model God indented for him to be. 12 Production Stills 13 THE PRODUCERS Regina D. Wells Writer/Director Regina has been writing and directing theatrical gospel plays since the age of 16. She has written hundreds of short plays and five full length gospel plays two of which are musicals that contain her own original songs. She is a mother of two, daughters and is married. She writes plays, screenplays, poetry and songs. “Motherhood” The making of a mother, was her first original indie film project. She has been the writer, director and coordinator of the Performing Arts ministry at A Place of Refuge Church in Carrollton, GA for over fifteen years. The ministry has several departments that she heads including, three dance teams of girls ranging from ages 4 to age 17. One boys dance group ages 7 to 13, and an adult, teen and youth drama team with ages ranging from 7 to over 50 with an approximate total of 40 members. She also uses drama and writing skills to mentor teens at the church’s community center as well as volunteers at the local community theatre of Carrollton, GA. She works with Unique Productions of Atlanta GA, on indie films and documentaries, and in October of 2002 she became the founder Gena-Mae Productions. Regina also mentors upcoming writers, performers and advices actors and assists in booking. Her first film “Between Love And A Hard Place” will be released soon. 14 Milton &Vanna Byrd Producers/Coordinators Milton and Vanna Byrd were married in July 2007. Together they have 4 beautiful children, Chauncey, Mika, Millenia and Malachi. They value family and their motto is “Time equals Love” and they are committed to each other and their children. They both have a passion for the arts and ministry, they utilize their gifts and talents to full-fill their commission of rebuilding communities from the inside out by reaching one family at a time. The purpose of Milton & Vanna’s marriage is to exemplify the love of God through their union. Their prayer is that their relationship will be an example to other men and woman and show them how to love each other through God’s love. They believe in keeping and putting family’s together. Their goal is to establish non-traditional restoration housing facilities. “Vanna’s House” for women who are in transition, “Milton’s House” for men who are in transition and “Walkin-Byrd Estates” for families in transition. The purpose of the facilities will be to restore the entire family, physically, mentally, financially, and most of all spiritually. 15 Unique Be’Ans Associate Producer Unique Be'Ans is owner and founder of Unique Productions, Inc., has written several film scripts, and field produced for the Emmy Award Winning Taking Authority Productions, under Bishop Eddie L Long. Unique Productions Inc. is her non-profit 501(c)3 media arts organization where youth are taught and encouraged through media to gain self-esteem, develop media literacy and technology, learn disciplines of literacy, communication, creative and critical thinking, storytelling and teamwork. She has completed a Bachelors Degree in Film and Video with a minor in Management along with a Masters degree in Business Administration from Georgia State University. She now resides in Atlanta, Georgia conducting youth workshops, producing more educational films, as well as running a media staffing agency, Unique Staffing Inc. 16 Raymond Woods Music Producer Raymond became a musician at the age of 12, playing the saxophone, and later transition to what would be his love instrument at the age of 14, the piano. He went on to serve as the youth minister of music at True Gospel Pentecostal Church, in Dalton Georgia for seven years, and continued serving as a minister of music at colleges he attended, like Tuskegee University, and later University of West Georgia. Raymond continues to serves as a musician at A Place of Refugee Church, where God inspired him with the vision of Kingdom Beats Production LLC in 2008. Currently he is owner and founder of Kingdom Beats Production, a Gospel music production company which produces, music for commercial, theatrical, film and television. The vision of Kingdom Beats Production LLC is to expose the musical gifts of God, in individuals throughout the World, and use that gift to up lift of the Kingdom of God through Christ Jesus. Actor, musician and music composer, Raymond Woods, has been casted in several Gena-Mae Productions. He has experienced modeling as well. A jack of all trades, Raymond also teaches and plays keyboard. Raymond has scored a feature length film, “Between Love & A Hard Place” featuring Bernadette Stannis from “Good Times” and also a number of short movies, commercials, plays, he composes and records songs for individual artist. He will serve as the Music Producer for The New Age Village Movement and the Production of “Where is the Village.” 17 SUPPORTERS CITY COUNCILMAN GERALD BYRD Carrollton City Monique Riverade (Bobby Tillman’s Mother) Proceeds from the “Where is the Village?” Performances benefit “BFAM” ((Bobby’s Family’s Organization, Founded and headed by Ms. Riverade)) 18 CONTACT INFORMATION Regina Wells 678-334-5234 Vanna Byrd 404-272-1187 19
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