Creating Choices is a training, development and

Creating Choices is a training, development and mentoring program for w omen at Goldcorp.
The brainchild of Anna Tudela, Vice President Regulatory Affairs and Corporate Secretary, the
program is designed specifically for w omen at Goldcorp and provides participants w ith the tools and
skills they need to develop themselves professionally and personally and to reach their fullest
potential. Launched in 2011 at Goldcorp’ s Latin American operations and subsequently at its North
American operations, the program is now delivered enterprise-w ide. Creating Choices w as created
by Goldcorp w omen for Goldcorp w omen and consists of three components:
Creating Choices
At the heart of the overarching Creating Choices initiative is a self -titled, six-module program that
provides pow erful, group-based learning in the follow ing areas:
Building self -esteem
Daring to dream
Choosing to take the stage
Unlocking the pow er of your voice
Creating a leader’ s script
Achieving the presence of a leader
Growing Choices
After completion of the initial training program, Creating Choices graduates are invited to participate
in Grow ing Choices to further develop their leadership skills and prepare themselves for mentoring
opportunities. Grow ing Choices shares w ith w omen techniques to:
Brand themselves as leaders
Achieve w ork/life balance
Plan for career success
Build effective relationships
Mentorship Program
Graduates of either program can request to be matched w ith a formal Goldcorp mentor (men or
w omen) w ho w ill help them continue to grow . The Mentorship Program allow s participants to draw
on skills learnt in Creating Choices and Grow ing Choices, and w ork w ith their mentors tow ards
achieving their professional goals.