Organic Chemistry II CH 420, Spring 2015 Syllabus Instructor: Dr. Kateri Ahrendt, Science 324,, 303‐964‐5088, (D2L) Office hours: M 2:30‐3:30; W 2:30‐4:30; R 11:30‐12:30; F 12:30‐1:30. Please feel free to schedule an appointment outside of these times if they conflict with your course schedule. Lecture times and locations: Section 1: MWF 11:30 am – 12:20 pm, Loyola 2 Section 2: MWF 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm, Loyola 2 Required course materials: McMurry, J. Organic Chemistry, 8th Ed, 2012 Brooks/Cole Accompanying OWLv2 package for online assignments Non‐programmable scientific calculator for exams Prerequisite: C‐ or better in CH 250 Co‐requisite laboratory course: You must be concurrently enrolled in one of the four laboratory sections of CH 421. The laboratory course will be taught and graded separately from the lecture course. Regis Bulletin course description: Comprehensive survey of organic chemical reactions and their mechanisms. Covers spectroscopic techniques including NMR, IR and MS. Introduces biomolecules such as peptides, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. Includes multi‐step organic synthesis. Course learning outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Categorize and understand the physical properties and reactivities of various classes of organic compounds Use mechanistic analysis and knowledge of organic reaction classes to predict the products of organic transformations Apply retro‐synthetic analysis to propose starting materials and viable routes for the syntheses of target compounds Grading: Assignments 15 % Take‐home quizzes 20 % Comprehensive Examination 1 16 % Comprehensive Examination 2 16 % Comprehensive Examination 3 16 % Comprehensive Final Examination 17 % Total 100 % This course requires that students learn chemistry concepts relevant to science or health related disciplines. Therefore, grading is based largely by outcomes measured by in‐class examinations. The percent grading scale will be as follows: A = 100–92.50 B‐ = 82.49–79.50 D+ = 69.49–66.50 A‐ = 92.49–89.50 C+ = 79.49–76.50 D = 66.49–62.50 B+ = 89.49–86.50 C = 76.49–72.50 D‐ = 62.49–59.50 B = 86.49–82.50 C‐ = 72.49–69.50 F = <59.49 If you feel that an error was made in the grading of a quiz or exam, please bring this to the instructor’s attention within one week of the material being returned to you. Percentage points may be added to quizzes, exams and final course grades if the overall class performance is below what is believed to be reasonable (i.e. “curve”). If applied, an equal curve is provided to students across both sections. Assignments: Problem solving is crucial to learning organic chemistry. End of chapter and online problems will be assigned throughout the semester, for which completion credit is given if submitted by the due date. It is the students’ responsibility to refer to the answer keys and/or ask questions as needed, as the material is subject to be included in exams and quizzes. Students are allowed to miss two homework assignments during the semester without penalty. Take‐home quizzes: Take‐home quizzes will be assigned one to two weeks prior to each exam. Students are allowed to use notes, textbooks and on‐line resources, and are encouraged to work together so long as each person is putting forth a significant effort towards learning the material. Take‐ home quizzes will be graded by the instructor, and must be submitted by their due date or will receive a score of zero. Answer keys will be posted after the due dates. Exams: Examinations are taken individually by students. Bring a non‐programmable calculator to all exams unless otherwise stated. You may not use your notes, textbooks, or any other materials unless otherwise stated. Once you have seen the exam you may not leave the room until you are completed with it, except in the case of an unforeseeable emergency. Exams may only be taken during their scheduled times or you will receive a score of zero, unless you have an excused absence. Make‐up examinations must be taken within one week of the scheduled date or the exam will be averaged out of your final grade. Only one excused exam may be averaged out of your final grade in order to receive a passing grade for the course. There will be no make‐up opportunities for the final exam. Final exam: The final examination for this course has been scheduled by the College. You must attend the time period assigned to your section unless written permission is provided by the instructor to switch exam dates (e.g. a student who has multiple final exams scheduled on the same day): Section 1 (MWF 11:30 am) – Monday, April 27, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Section 2 (MWF 1:30 pm) – Wednesday, April 29, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Attendance: Class attendance is expected in order for you to succeed in this course, though there will be no numerical penalty for missing a lecture in which there is no scheduled exam or quiz. Review sessions and tutoring: Students are strongly encouraged to attend review sessions held by the instructor. In addition, free tutoring from advanced chemistry and biochemistry students is available throughout the week on a walk‐in basis. Excused absence: There are few situations considered an excused absence for missing class when there is an exam or assignment due. These include a death of a family member or close friend, jury duty, a serious illness or injury with a note from a health care provider (not a regularly scheduled appointment), an official NCAA athletic or forensic competition, or an interview for a professional or graduate program. Whether any other absence is excused is at the discretion of the instructor. Written documentation must be provided for all excused absences, such as a funeral announcement, jury summons, or a note from your health care provider. NCAA athletes/forensic team members must provide written notice within the first week of the semester if there is a time conflict with the quiz or exam schedule or your absence will not be excused. In cases of illness, injury, bereavement, or other unforeseeable circumstances, you must notify the instructor via email within two business days of the missed exam, or your absence will not be excused. Make‐up examinations must be taken within one week of the scheduled date, or the exam will be averaged out of your final grade. In order to receive a passing grade in this course, only one excused exam can be averaged out of your final grade. Cellular phones and laptops: As a courtesy to your classmates and instructor, cell phones should be turned off during class. In addition, please do not use laptops as they are a distraction to those around you, unless you have a disability in which a laptop is used for recording lecture notes. Academic integrity policy: It is expected that you will act in an honest manner and with integrity. In the unlikely event that cheating, plagiarism or academic misconduct occurs, it will be handled as a gravely serious matter. A student who is caught cheating may receive either a grade of F for the course or a zero grade for the assignment or exam, depending on the circumstances. Consistent with the College's Academic Integrity Policy, all violations of this course's academic integrity policy will be reported to the Dean's office. Students who have committed multiple instances of academic dishonesty can be subject to institutional penalties like probation, suspension, or expulsion, in addition to the penalties for this course. The Academic Integrity policy is described in the Bulletin; detailed information about the policy and the appeals process can be found in the Dean's office. Disability Services: Regis University, in compliance with federal guidelines, is committed to equal educational opportunity by assuring otherwise qualified students with disabilities equal access to Regis University programs and activities that are provided to students without disabilities. An otherwise qualified person with a disability is a student who meets the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in Regis University’s educational programs and activities. To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate services at Regis University, students with disabilities must identify themselves in a timely manner to Office of Disability Services (ODS). Please contact Dr. Joie Williams, Director of Disability Services (303‐964‐3666,, Clarke Hall, 224). She will review your documentation with you and help determine appropriate, reasonable accommodations. Following the meeting with Dr. Williams, please make an appointment with the instructor to discuss your accommodation request in light of the course requirements. You may self‐disclose and request academic adjustments at any time during the semester. However, it is strongly recommend that you do so as soon as possible because accommodations are not provided retroactively and adequate lead‐time is required. Counseling: During the semester, if you find that life stressors are interfering with your academic or personal success, consider contacting the Office of Counseling and Personal Development (OCPD). All full‐time Regis College students are eligible for counseling services at no charge. OCPD is located in the Coors Life Direction Center, Room 114 and can be contacted by phone 24/7 at 303‐458‐3507. For more information, see Organic Chemistry II Spring 2015 Proposed Schedule Schedule is subject to change Monday Jan 12 Tuesday 13 Review 19 MLK Day 26 14 21 27 28 9 10 CH 17 25 9 10 11 CH 20 17 CH 21 23 24 CH 21 30 31 6 7 13 20 27 Section 1 final exam 10 am 28 3 9 Easter break 10 16 CH 24 CH 23 17 23 Biomolecules 29 Section 2 final exam 10 am CH 22 CH 23 22 20 Withdrawal deadline CH 21 27 2 16 CH 20 Exam 3 21 Biomolecules 26 8 14 CH 24 CH 22 13 19 April 1 Spring Break CH 21 CH 23 6 12 25 CH 19 Spring Break CH 20 CH 22 27 5 18 CH 19 Spring Break CH 18 20 26 CH 17 Exam 2 4 6 13 19 3 Spring Break CH 16 CH 18 March 2 Spring Break 30 12 CH 17 18 24 CH 19 16 5 CH 15 Exam 1 11 17 23 29 4 CH 14 CH 16 CH 18 16 22 Friday CH 14 3 23 CH 14 20 Add/drop deadline Feb 2 CH 16 Thursday 15 CH 15 16 Wednesday CH 24 24 30 Biomolecules May 1
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