Dr. MarkkuJuhani O. Saarinen Curriculum Vitae January 2015 CONTACT Email: Telephone: Home page: mjos@iki.fi +1 424 666 2713 https://mjos.fi (PGP keys and links to preprints of my publications) 143F 245C 066C E2D9 8379 E287 C285 8B1B 5517 1BD5 EDUCATION • Ph.D. Information Security ISG, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London (UK), 2009. • M.Sc. Scientific Computing University of Jyväskylä (Finland), 1999, 2005. Eximia cum laude approbatur. • Four semesters of studies towards B.Eng degree in Biotechnology Helsinki-Vantaa Institute of Technology (A Finnish 4-year College), 1993-1995. • Diploma in Industrial Chemistry Lohja Vocational High School (A Finnish Secondary School), 1993. PERSONAL PROFILE I hold a Finnish passport, a British PhD in Cryptography, and a rather extensive engineering and technical security skillset. I have worked professionally in COMSEC and information security for about 18 years. I started my research career relatively late, already with years of professional experience. I earned my Master's and Doctoral degrees mostly while working in the security industry. This is reflected in my handson engineering / hacking approach to security. I have worked with – and learned from – some of the best international practitioners in the field. My scientific output has focused on applied cryptography and symmetric cryptanalysis. I have broken some wellknown cryptographic algorithms, resulting in research publications and presentations in international conferences and workshops. I love to tinker. Believe it or not, I run half marathons. I'm single and I usually don't mind travel. Key skills: In addition to being a fully trained cryptographer and cryptanalyst, I am also an experienced engineer, coder and system hacker: I'm experienced and well equipped to write (kernel) drivers, do code audits, exploit development, efficient implementations of cryptographic algorithms, FPGA cores, and building embedded applications that do secure things. In academia: Google Scholar lists well over 550 citations for my publications. My current research interests are in (lightweight) authenticated encryption and embedded system security. Consulting: I have performed technical security audits and evaluations of many kinds and written big chunks of cryptographic and security software, for embedded systems and HPC systems alike. I've held industry qualifications and designations such as CISSPISSAP, PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), and Ethical Hacker. I am familiar with NIST and IETF cryptographic standards and their implementation techniques, but also with (somewhat more exotic) Russian security standards – and operational security work in the Middle East. ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING WORK Software development: Overall, I'm a vendorindependent open source enthusiast. Linux developer since 1994. LaTeX expert. Typical tools of the networking and Pentest trade: wireshark, snort, nmap, nessus, metasploit, Kali Linux, CORE Impact, IDA Pro. As a trained cryptographer and mathematician I am familiar with various cryptographic toolkits and mathematical software. I specialize in C speed, footprint, and power optimizations, kernel drivers, bare metal systems, but also HPC. I can write and debug assembly and work with various gcc cross compilers and toolchains. I have also developed and ported code with MSVC. I'm familiar with various scripting and macro languages (bash, python, among others). Embedded: I've written C & ASM for 8051, MSP430, and ARM (Cortex M0, M3, and 7/9), various small x86, and others. On FPGAs: Xilinx Spartan 3 and Artix 7, using ISE and Vivado tools. Xilinx Zynq 7000 experience with Linux and FPGA device integration. Some engineering highlights: I was one of the original developers of the SSH 2 protocol and deeply involved in the standardization of IPSec from the 1990s, which is even acknowledged by name in the relevant RFC publications (2451, 42504254, 4419). More recently: 2012: In addition to design and implementation of BlueJay & Hummingbird2, my commercial work included designing and implementing a full crypto library for a Cortex M0/M0+ ultra lightweight SoC running a subsystem of a highsecurity ATM machine. 2013: I worked for a private security company in the Middle East for a while. For this work wrote a “Safe Custom Trojan” Remote Access Tool (RAT) for APT security penetration exercises. 2014: I worked mainly with the U.S. NIST – sponsored CAESAR project, resulting in the STRIBOB and WHIRLBOB algorithm designs and cryptanalytic results on other proposals. In support of this effort I also did engineering work, including FPGA cryptographic integration for a ARM Cortex A9 Linux SystemonChip. I also authored the BRUTUS cipher testing toolkit. ACADEMIC PRIZES, GRANTS, AND STIPENDS • • • • • • Helsingin Sanomat Foundation, Finland, 2005 (PhD Studies) NOKIA Foundation, Finland, 2005 (PhD Studies) Academy of Finland, Finland, 2006 (PhD studies) DARPA (SBIR) Principal Investigator, United States, 201112 (Industrial Research) ERCIM “Alain Bensoussain” Fellowship, European Commission, 2014 (Individual Grant) TUBITAK “2221” Fellowship, Turkey, 2015 (Individual Grant) GRANTED PATENTS 1. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Method and apparatus for improved pseudorandom number generation.” US Patent 7007050. Priority date 17 May 2001. Granted 28 Feb 2006. 2. M.J. O. Saarinen and V. Ollikainen: “Method and apparatus for implementing secure and selectively deniable file storage.” US Patent 8555088. Priority date 22 Sep 2008. Granted 8 Oct 2013. (more are pending) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Nomadic Research Cryptanalyst (Multiple, International) TÜBİTAK Gebze, Turkey (Mar – Aug 2015) INRIA ParisRocquencourt, France (Nov 2014) NTNU Trondheim, Norway (Feb – Oct 2014, Dec 2014 – Feb 2015) Contract with Kudelski Security, Switzerland (Dec 2013) NTU Temasek Laboratories, Singapore (May – Oct 2013) • • • • • • Focus on Authenticated Encryption algorithms and the NIST sponsored CAESAR project. Design of the STRIBOB and WHIRLBOB algorithms. Cryptanalytic and implementation work. SAEHI Hardware Architecture for AEADs; integration of a a cryptographic FPGA coprocessor with a AEM Cortex A9 CPU cores in a functional embedded Linux system. Implementation of the BRUTUS performance testing framework for the CAESAR Project. Editorial/Community: Helping ACISP '13, ICDF2C '14, IET Information security, Transactions on Computers, Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, DESI (Designs, Codes and Cryptography) etc. Supervision of student projects. Help AG (Dubai, UAE) Senior Security Specialist • • • • • • Dec 2010 – Aug 2012 Principal Investigator of a successful DARPAfunded lightweight cryptography research project, resulting in many cryptographic breaks and innovations. Design and implementation of lightweight encryption methods for RFID and sensor networks, hardware and embedded software engineering. Starttofinish implementation and documentation of a standardscompliant RSA / AES / SHA library for the Cortex M0 / M0+ ultralightweight SoC MCU platform for an ATM manufacturer. Cyptanalysis of Hummingbird1 the Hummingbird2 algorithms. Royal Holloway, University of London and Various (UK, International) Postgraduate Student / Researcher and Consultant • Nov 2012 – May 2013 Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing projects, security research. Development of the HAGRAT Remote Access Tool (RAT) and Command & Control system for simulating APT – type adversaries in penetration exercises. Revere Security (Dallas / Fort Worth Area, TX, USA) Research Fellow • May 2013 – Oct 2005 – Nov 2010 Postgraduate student with the Information Security Group (ISG), Royal Holloway, University of London. ISG is one of the largest and most established security groups in the world. Freelance consulting: Security audits and related consultancy as a parttime employee for Startups and NIXU Middle East in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Qatar, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. Running PCI DSS audits or short preaudits for NIXU: UAE, Lebanon, Kuwait. NIXU Middle East (Dubai, UAE and Riyadh, KSA) Sep 2004 – Sep 2005 Senior Security Specialist • Penetration Testing and other security assessment projects for sensitive customers in Energy, Finance, Telecommunications, and Government sectors, mainly in KSA. • • Running a Penetration Testing course for the technical staff of a large private customer. Design and implementation of largescale original network monitoring, filtering, and intrusion detection solutions in the Middle East. Helsinki University of Technology (Helsinki, Finland) Research Assistant • • • • Project manager in a cryptography research project funded by the Finnish Defence Forces. Unclassified research in cryptanalysis and cryptographic engineering. Teaching assistant (and occasional lecturer), Prof. H. Lipmaa's cryptography courses. Security consulting work for Nokia (2002) and OpenBit (2004) during this period. NOKIA (Helsinki, Finland) Security Specialist • • • Apr 2000 – Feb 2002 Specialist in cryptography and security protocols, analyzing the security of mobile devices and related technologies such as A5, Kasumi, TLS, WTLS, etc. Evaluated security products and services for Nokia Networks, Research, and Venturing. Discovered flaws in the random number generator used by OpenSSL for keys, resulting in security advisories. Designed and patented a new PRNG for Nokia's mobile devices. SSH Communications Security Ltd. (Espoo, Finland) Cryptographer • • • Feb 2002 – Sep 2004 Jun 1997 – Feb 1999 SSH 2 (Secure Shell version 2) design, standardization, and implementation project. Deeply involved in the IETF IPSec and NIST AES evaluation and specification processes. Network security consulting for external parties in finance. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. M.J. O. Saarinen: “BRUTUS: Identifying Cryptanalytic Weaknesses in CAESAR First Round Candidates” Submitted for publication. IACR ePrint 2014/850 (2014) 2. M.J. O. Saarinen and B. B. Brumley: “Lighter, Faster, and ConstantTime: WHIRLBOB, the Whirlpool variant of STRIBOB.” Submitted for publication. IACR ePrint 2014/501 (2014) 3. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Simple AEAD Hardware Interface (SÆHI) in a SoC: Implementing an On Chip Keyak/WhirlBob Coprocessor.” TrustED '14, International Workshop on Trustworthy Embedded Devices, 03 November 2014, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. Part of ACM CCS Workshops. To appear. ACM (2014) 4. M.J. O. Saarinen: “STRIBOB: Authenticated Encryption from GOST R 34.112012 LPS Permutation.” 3rd Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology – CTCrypt 2014. 0506 June 2014, Moscow, Russia. To appear in Математические вопросы криптографии [Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography], Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (2014) 5. M.J. O. Saarinen: “CBEAM: Efficient Authenticated Encryption from Feebly OneWay Phi Functions.” In J. Benaloh (Ed.): Topics in Cryptology – CTRSA 2014. The Cryptographer's Track at the RSA Conference 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 2528, 2014, Proceedings. LNCS 8366, pp. 251269. Springer (2014) 6. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Beyond Modes: Building a Secure Record Protocol from a Cryptographic Sponge Permutation.” In J. Benaloh (Ed.): Topics in Cryptology – CTRSA 2014, The Cryptographer's Track at the RSA Conference 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 2528, 2014, Proceedings. LNCS 8366, pp. 270285. Springer (2014) 7. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Developing a Grey Hat C2 and RAT for APT Security Training and Assessment.” GreHack 2013 Hacking Conference. Grenoble, France, 15 November 2013 (2013) 8. M.J. O. Saarinen: “RelatedKey Attacks Against Full Hummingbird2.” In S. Moriai (Ed.): Fast Software Encryption, 20th International Workshop, FSE 2013. Singapore, March 1113, 2013. Revised selected papers. LNCS 8424, pp. 467482. Springer (2013) 9. M.J. O. Saarinen and Daniel Engels: “A DoItAllCipher for RFID: Design Requirements (Extended Abstract).” ECRYPT Directions in Authenticated Ciphers (DIAC) Workshop. 0506 July 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. IACR ePrint 2012/317 (2012) 10. M.J. O. Saarinen: “The BLUEJAY UltraLightweight Hybrid Cryptosystem.” TrustED 2012, 25 May 2012, San Francisco USA. 2012 IEEE CS Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW 2012), pp. 2732. IEEE Computer Society (2012) 11. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Cycling Attacks on GCM, GHASH and Other Polynomial MACs and Hashes.” In A. Canteaut (Ed.): Fast Software Encryption, 19th International Workshop, FSE 2012. Washington, DC, USA, March 1921, 2012. Revised Selected Papers. LNCS 7549, pp. 216225. Springer (2012) 12. J.P. Aumasson, M. NayaPlasencia, and M.J. O. Saarinen: “Practical Attack on 8 Rounds of the Lightweight Block Cipher KLEIN.” In D. J. Bernstein, S. Chatterjee (Eds.): Progress in Cryptology – INDOCRYPT 2011. LNCS 7107, pp. 134145. Springer (2011) 13. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Cryptographic Analysis of All 4 x 4 Bit SBoxes.” In A. Miri, S. Vaudenay (Eds.): Selected Areas in Cryptography 18th International Workshop, SAC 2011. Toronto, ON, Canada, August 1112, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. LNCS 7118, pp. 118133. Springer (2012) 14. D. Engels, M.J. O. Saarinen, P. Schweitzer and E. M. Smith: “The Hummingbird2 Lightweight Authenticated Encryption Algorithm.” In A. Juels, C. Paar (Eds.): RFID Security and Privacy 7th International Workshop, RFIDSec 2011, Amherst, USA, June 2628, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. LNCS 7055, pp. 1931, Springer (2012) 15. M.J. O. Saarinen: “GCM, GHASH and Weak Keys.” ECRYPT 2 Hash Workshop 2011. May 1920, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia. (2011) 16. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Cryptanalysis of Hummingbird1.” In A. Joux (Ed.): Fast Software Encryption 18th International Workshop, FSE 2011, Lyngby, Denmark, February 1316, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. LNCS 6733, pp. 328341, Springer (2011) 17. M.J. O. Saarinen: “The PASSERINE Public Key Encryption and Authentication Mechanism.” In T. Aura, K. Järvinen, and K. Nyberg (Eds.): NordSec 2010 The 15th Nordic Conference in Secure IT Systems, Espoo, Finland, 2730 October 2010. LNCS 7127, pp. 283288. Springer (2012) 18. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Project TWOVAULT Secure and Selectively Deniable Data Storage.” In E. Akyildiz and S, Sarirogly (Eds.): Proc. ISCTURKEY 2008. December 2527, 2008, Ankara, Turkey. Information Association of Turkey (2008) 19. M.J. O. Saarinen: “A MeetintheMiddle Collision Attack Against the New Fork256.” In K. Srinathan, C. Pandu Rangan, M. Yung (Eds.): Progress in Cryptology INDOCRYPT 2007, 8th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Chennai, India, December 913, 2007, Proceedings. LNCS 4859, pp. 1017, Springer (2007) 20. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Linearization Attacks Against Syndrome Based Hashes.” In K. Srinathan, C. Pandu Rangan, M. Yung (Eds.): Progress in Cryptology INDOCRYPT 2007, 8th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Chennai, India, December 913, 2007, Proceedings. LNCS 4859, pp. 19, Springer, (2007) 21. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Security VSH in the Real World.” In R. Barua, T. Lange (Eds.): Progress in Cryptology INDOCRYPT 2006, 7th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Kolkata, India, December 1113, 2006, Proceedings. LNCS 4329, pp. 95103, Springer (2006) 22. K. Bentahar, D. Page, J.H. Silverman, M.J. O. Saarinen, and N.P. Smart: “LASH.” Second NIST Cryptographic Hash Function Workshop, Santa Barbara, United States, August 2425, 2006. (2006) 23. M.J. O. Saarinen: “ChosenIV Statistical Attacks Against eSTREAM Ciphers.” Proc. SECRYPT 2006, Setubal, Portugal, August 710, 2006. (2006) 24. M.J. O. Saarinen: “dMonomial Tests are Effective Against Stream Ciphers.” State of the Art in Stream Ciphers (SASC) 2006. Leuven, Belgium, February 23, 2006. (2006) 25. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Encrypted Watermarks and Linux Laptop Security.” In C. H. Lim, M. Yung (Eds.): Information Security Applications, 5th International Workshop, WISA 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 2325, 2004. LNCS 3325, pp. 3041, Springer (2004) 26. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Linux for the Information Smuggler.” In J. Jormakka and C. Candolin (Eds.): Technical Aspects of Network Centric Warfare. National Defence College, Department of Technology publication Series 1 No 17 (2004) 27. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers Based on SHA1 and MD5.” In T. Johansson (Ed.): Fast Software Encryption, 10th International Workshop, FSE 2003, Lund, Sweden, February 2426, 2003. LNCS 2887, pp. 3644, Springer (2003) 28. M.J. O. Saarinen: “A TimeMemory Tradeoff Attack Against LILI128.” In J. Daemen, V. Rijmen (Eds.): Fast Software Encryption, 9th International Workshop, FSE 2002, Leuven, Belgium, February 46, 2002, Revised Papers. LNCS 2365, pp. 231236, Springer (2002) 29. S. Pekkola, M. Robinson, J. Korhonen, S. Hujala, T. Toivonen, and M.J. O. Saarinen: “An Architecture for Virtual Reality, Audio, Video, Text & Document Handling in Applications Supporting MultiPerson Interactions.” In 26th EUROMICRO 2000 Conference, Informatics: Inventing the Future. pp. 21502157. IEEE Computer Society (2000) 30. M.J. O. Saarinen: “Attacks against the WAP WTLS protocol.” In B. Preneel (Ed.): Secure Information Networks: Communications and Multimedia Security, IFIP TC6/TC11 Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS '99), September 2021, 1999, Leuven, Belgium. IFIP Conference Proceedings 152. pp. 209215. Kluwer (1999) DEGREE CERTIFICATES
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