For Review Only That Lived-in Look create a realistic dirt layer with transfer maps What you’re doing is taking light information & turning it into texures add dirt, dust or scratches to your model 1) u Make sure your object is at the center of your scene (0,0,0) and the UVs are laid out and exported 2) u Create a Pointlight u change color to red u move it up and around until it hits where you want the dirt to be 3) u Duplicate your model u select one model, doesn’t matter which one 4) u Light/Shading u Transfer Maps u Target Meshes u Add Selected u select the other model u Source Meshes u Add Selected 5) u Transfer Map attributes u Map Type: Shaded u save whatever format you want u Maya Common Output u match Map Width & Height u Bake 6) u Photoshop® u open your UV Map u shift-drag your Transfer Map file above UV map • red is where the light hits the model and this will be where most of the dirt will be 7) u Select Transfer Map u Layer u Rasterize u Select u Color Range u Reds u Selection • the red parts are in the Selection preview, the red light makes it easier to select u OK which selects all the red although it may not look like anything is selected If the edges of your objects, such buildings, look too smooth and straight – your virtual world will look virtual 1) Here are some ways to create rough & ragged edges a) move your vertices randomly u select vertices on the edges u Edit Mesh u Transform Component u set Random as needed u move the vertices b) u add a transparency map with rough edges 2)Remember, even very sharp objects have rounded corners or they’ll look fake. So bevel your edges or corners one of the following ways a) u select edge you want to bevel u Polygons u Edit Mesh u Bevel u set offset to value that fits your model b) u use a mia_roundcorners material and the object’s geometry isn’t changed, it just affects the way the light interacts with the object, like bump maps To assign mia_roundcorners u Assign new material u Maya Surface u Material u Common Material attributes u Bump mapping u Create Render Node u mental ray Textures u mia_roundcorners u Material attributes u Parameter u Radius controls how smooth the corners are • can add additional bump maps without removing mia_roundcorner if placed inside the Bump attribute of the mia_ 8) u Create a new layer above your selection and fill the layer with a bright color which makes it easier if you have more then 1 dirt layer, and you’ll probably have many 9) u Disable the red & black transfer map since you don’t need it anymore • Surfaces are bent incorrectly when you’ve used mia_roundcorners so you may need to reverse your normals u Display u Polygons u Face Normals or Display u Polygons u Vertex Normals 10) u Shift-drag a dirt map photo into your .psd file • can use just about anything for this, depends on what kind of look you want u keep dirt map as top layer u scale until you’ve got the level of detail you want • if mia_roundcorners shader has no effect u mental ray Render Settings u Features u enable Raytracing 11) u Hold down ALT-key and hover the pointer between the selection map layer and the dirt texture layer until a little icon appears u LMB-click which assigns your texture to the selection map TIPS How to................................. 142 5 For Review Only 12) u Tweak the blending mode and opacity of the bright-colored layer until you get your look u don’t change blending mode or opacity of the mask layer, which is the dirt texture or the selection map will show through u you can use a low opacity eraser or brush to adjust the look of the dirt ˆ if you’re also creating a specular map – you can usually use the same dirt layers & just make them a little bit darker • you can use this same process on your AO map to add some dirt to the crevices 13) u Maya® u selete the dup and the light u select the model u Common Material Attributes u Color u Import the .psd file Tex turing Tips & Tricks TEXTURING TEXTURING Damage Control Think logically when you’re placing your damage Put damage, such as scratches, chipped or rubbed-off paint, in an area that would be worn down by moving parts, such as machinery or wheels or something that has been frequently used, lke subway platform seats • the damaged part will also attract more dirt & dust • if the damaged object’s made of metal, it will also be more shiny Keep things in perspective – if the object’s big, go big on the damage Tex turing Tips & Tricks 143
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