Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center January 2015 Newsletter “Our Residents, Our Customers” Administrator’s Corner Happy New Year! Another amazing year is upon us. We are looking forward to a great 2015. This year marks the three year anniversary of the “I-Care” customer service program. It has been a big success and we will continue with the program. I encourage you to continue awarding I-CARE tokens to those staff members who are going above and beyond for your loved ones. The facility staff continues to work very hard for “Our Residents, Our Customers.” As always, if you have any concerns or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me or drop by my office. Medicaid Managed Care Expansion Starting March 1, 2015, nursing home residents Cody D. Holloway, M.Ed., LNFA, ACHA who are covered by Medicaid and who are eligible for STAR+PLUS will get their basic health services (acute care) and long-term care services through STAR+PLUS managed care. The current fee for service payment structure will be eliminated. MNRC Partners with Bay City I.S.D. for 2015 In addition, people who get both Medicaid and Medicare (dual eligible) will get their basic health services through Medicare and their long-term care services through STAR+PLUS Medicaid. Managed care organizations (MCOs) began contracting with nursing homes in July 2014. Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center has partnered with Bay City I.S.D. for another year to offer a Certified Nurse Aide class on the campus of Bay City High School. Beginning January 6, 2015, Assistant Director of Nursing, Boni Powell, LVN will be teaching this class on the high school campus. The students in the class will complete their clinical training here at Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. We are very excited that Bay City I.S.D. continued the partnership with MNRC. Providers must have current Medicaid certification status and a current license to be eligible to contract with STAR+PLUS MCOs. Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (MNRC) will be hosting an enrollment night on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 6:30 PM. Please mark your calendars and make every attempt to be here. 4521 Ave F, Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 245-7369 Email: Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center January 2015 Newsletter “Our Residents, Our Customers” 16 ounce(s) Container of Coolwhip 8 ounce(s) Cream Cheese Softened 1 cup(s) Sugar 2 box (es) Lemon Instant Pudding (Regular Size, Made to Directions) Refrigerated Salon Services The MNRC salon is open every Wednesday starting about 9:00 AM. If your loved one needs a haircut, trim, etc…..please let us know. Make sure he/she has money in his/her trust account. If your loved one does not have a trust account, we would be more than happy to hold money for the beautician, Janel Duran. OraQuest Family Night MNRC will host a family night information meeting on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 6:30 PM. There will be a representative here speaking about the dental program that’s available to residents. Recipe of the Month Preparation Making 4 layers in a 9 x 13 glass dish 1st layer - butter, flour and 3/4 cup pecans mixed together and pressed into the bottom of glass dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 - 15 min until light brown. COOL completely. 2nd layer - cream cheese, sugar and 1 cup Cool Whip. Blend until creamy and spread over 1st layer. 3rd layer - Lemon pudding (made to box directions) spread evenly over 2nd layer. 4th layer - extra Cool Whip spread evenly over 3rd layer and topped with remaining pecans. Cover and refrigerate for several hours before serving Lemon Lush Ingredients 1 stick(s) Melted Butter 1 cup(s) Flour 1 1/2 cup(s) Pecans (Reserve 3/4 cup for Topping) Chopped 4521 Ave F, Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 245-7369 Email: Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center January 2015 Newsletter “Our Residents, Our Customers” January Birthdays Medical Tidbits Everything You Need to Know About Medicare Changes for 2015 Millions face increases to their existing premium for prescription drugs Residents Charles Dodson Jan 2nd Georgie Knight Jan 7th Donna Sparks Jan 11th Joe Faye Deshotels Jan 19th Eva Joyce Henry Jan 21st Millions of Medicare recipients could be hit with rising prescription drug premium costs in 2015. Nearly 10 million people now enrolled in six of the 10 largest Part D drug plans face premium increases ranging from 11 to 52 percent if they don't switch to a different plan. Three other large plans, with nearly 3.5 million members, will drop their premiums by 13 to 31 percent. The numbers — from Avalere Health, a company that tracks health care trends — come as a sharp reminder that all of Medicare's private plans can change their costs and benefits every year. Open enrollment, which runs from Oct. 5 to MNRC Staff Dec. 7, gives Medicare beneficiaries the chance Rebecca Brito Jan 4th to find the best deals for next year by comparing coverage and out-of-pocket costs in their current Michelle White Jan 12th Eric Fletcher Jan 26th plans — whether Part D drug plans or Medicare Advantage HMOs and PPOs — with what other plans offer. The Medicare Part B premium, which covers doctor visits and outpatient services and is currently $104.90 a month for most beneficiaries, will remain the same in 2015. It's especially important, experts say, to look beyond premiums to copays. "You could be in a drug plan in 2014 where your copay is maybe $50 and then for 2015 the plan has increased that amount to $100," says Christine Harhaj, Avalere's senior manager. "So does it still make sense for you to be in that 4521 Ave F, Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 245-7369 Email: Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center January 2015 Newsletter “Our Residents, Our Customers” plan? Or does it mean it's time to shop around rich plans offered in one competitive area of and see what else is out there and whether you Miami in 2014, none charged a health can get your drugs at a lower price?" deductible; of the 35 plans available there in 2015, six will charge deductibles of between Copays differ enormously among Part D plans, $500 and $975. In this same area, 30 plans even for the same drug —and can vary by more offered extra help in the prescription drug than $100 for a month's supply, according to an AARP Bulletin analysis. For example, among 31 coverage gap, known as the doughnut hole, in plans in California, the insulin drug Lantus Such shifts make it all the more important to SoloSTAR will cost between $24 and $170 for a compare plans. "Shopping around is the best 30-day supply in 2015 — with 14 plans charging thing a Medicare beneficiary can do," says under $45 a month and eight plans charging Avalere's Harhaj. "There's still so much choice in over $80. the market." 2014; next year, none will. Beneficiaries should compare plans according to the drugs they take, by using the plan finder at (which automatically does the math to identify the plans that cover your drugs at the lowest cost), or by calling Medicare at Heaven’s New Angels 800-633-4227. For those who switch plans, the new coverage begins Jan. 1. Those who do nothing will see their current plans continue into 2015. Medicare Advantage plans — private plans that offer benefits beyond those of traditional Medicare — will receive somewhat lower government payments in 2015, due to the Affordable Care Act. That move prompted speculation that more plans would withdraw from Medicare or reduce benefits. A few have withdrawn in rural counties, and none has been available in Alaska since 2012, but overall the program remains robust, Medicare officials say. "Enrollment is now at an all-time high and premiums have fallen," says Medicare's administrator, Marilyn Tavenner. Mary Cruz Still, there are signs that some Medicare Advantage plans are shifting other costs to Kathy Handley enrollees, sometimes in novel ways. For example, plans charging annual deductibles for health services have been rare in the past but now seem to be on the rise. Of the 39 benefit- 4521 Ave F, Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 245-7369 Email: Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center January 2015 Newsletter “Our Residents, Our Customers” CHRISTMAS 2014 4521 Ave F, Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 245-7369 Email: Matagorda Nursing and Rehabilitation Center January 2015 Newsletter “Our Residents, Our Customers” MNRC LEADERSHIP TEAM Cody D. Holloway, M.Ed.……….…Administrator Vickie Piwonka, RN…….…….Director of Nurses Beatrice Hawes, LVN.....Asst. Director of Nurses Vanessa Littleton, LVN..Asst. Director of Nurses Bonnie Powell, LVN……Asst. Director of Nurses Tonya Piwonka, LVN…….Marketing/Admissions Zoila Luna…………..…Business Office Manager Dana Horton………………….....Medical Records Rod Eatherly, LBSW………….….Social Services Beverly Boudreaux.…………….Activity Director Deanna Nevarez……………...Dietary Supervisor Paula Vela……………….HK/Laundry Supervisor Ric Campos………….... Director of Maintenance 4521 Ave F, Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 245-7369 Email:
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