LESD DISTANCE DUAL TRACK PENTATHLON SPIRE INSTITUTE, GENEVA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Location: SPIRE INSTITUTE Aquatic Center, 1822 South Broadway, Geneva, 44041 General Information: Swimmers must have a NAG B time in one and a legal time in the other events in order to compete. Swimmers can choose to swim either track. If a swimmer chooses the short track, he should must compete in those events. If a swimmer chooses the long track, he/she must compete in those events. Swimmers must compete in all 5 events. All events are timed finals. If you are unsure if you should attend this meet, please ask your coach. Entry Deadline: Entries are due Friday, December 19. Email Sarah Tobin at lesdentries@gmail.com by December 19. In the subject line of the email list the name of the meet. In the body of the email, please indicate which track your child will swim and the events # for the events. If you are unsure which track to choose, please talk to your swimmer’s coach. Event Limit: Swimmers must compete in all 5 events. Track 1 – 200 IM, 100 fly, 100 free, 100 breast, 100 back OR Track 2 – 400 IM, 200 fly, 200 free, 200 breast, 200 back IMX: IMX is a program sponsored by USA & Lake Erie Swimming. Swimmers must swim certain events in order to achieve an IMX score. See the IMX flyer on page 4 for more details. Entry Fees: Events are $25.00; plus $2.00 LESI surcharge; plus $5.00 LESD surcharge. A confirmation email will be sent indicating the amount you owe for the meet. After receiving the confirmation email you will mail or hand deliver the payment. Please make checks payable to: LESD Boosters Club. One check per meet and please write the meet name and swimmer’s name on the check. Payment can be mailed to: Marie Salibra 1638 Berkshire Rd. Gates Mills, OH 44040 Payment can also be hand delivered and dropped in the folders marked Marie Salibra which are located at each pool. Pool Information: The course is a 25 yard pool with 10 lanes. Events: See the following page for a complete list of events. Parents will choose events for their swimmers. If you are unsure which event to choose, please talk to your swimmer’s coach. Times: All ages: Warm-ups will begin at 8:00 am; Meet will begin at 8:50 am If the meet becomes too large, we will swim this meet in two sessions which will be determined one week prior to the meet. Admission: $3.00 per person, Psych sheets will be available for purchase Parking: Parking is $5/day. Parking is located immediately next to the natatorium. Volunteers: This is an LESD sponsored meet so we will need volunteers and food donations. A sign up genius will be emailed closer to the meet. Additional information will also be sent out. LESD DISTANCE DUAL TRACK PENTATHLON SPIRE INSTITUTE, GENEVA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 11 and over swimmers must have at least one “B” time in an event of their track to compete. **10 & under swimmers must have at least one “B” time in an event in Track 1 to compete in either track. SWIMMERS ARE ONLY PERMITTED TO ENTER ONE TRACK. DO NOT MIX! The meet may be divided into two sessions in the most efficient manner if entries warrant it, in order to comply with the four hour rule. If this happens, your team will be notified by email by Saturday, January 31, 2015, and it will be posted at: www.LESD.org. Girls # Qualifying “B” time 2013-2016 NAG Age Group/Stroke Qualifying “B” time 2013-2016 NAG Boys # 200IM/400IM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3:40.39 200IM 3:02.49 200IM 2:53.19 200IM ** 400IM 6:28.59 400IM 6:08.49 400IM 10 & under Track 1 11 –12 Track 1 13 & over Track 1 10 & under Track 2 11 –12 Track 2 13 & over Track 2 3:38.89 200IM 3:00.99 200IM 2:41.89 200IM ** 400 IM 6:20.09 400IM 5:44.99 400IM 1 1:55.49 100 fly 1:26.29 100 fly 1:17.69 100 fly ** 200 fly 3:02.39 200 fly 2:52.39 200 fly 100/200 fly 10 & under Track 1 11 –12 Track 1 13 & over Track 1 10 & under Track 2 11 –12 Track 2 13 & over Track 2 1:54.09 100 fly 1:24.49 100 fly 1:12.19 100 fly ** 200 fly 2:58.09 200 fly 2:40.39 200 fly 3 1:30.69 100 free 1:13.59 100 free 1:11.39 100 free 3:20.19 200 free 2:41.19 200 free 2:33.89 200 free 100/200 free 10 & under Track 1 11 –12 Track 1 13 & over Track 1 10 & under Track 2 11 –12 Track 2 13 & over Track 2 1:28.49 100 free 1:12.19 100 free 1:06.29 100 free 3:09.09 200 free 2:37.19 200 free 2:24.49 200 free 5 1:58.79 100 breast 1:35.79 100 breast 1:29.39 100 breast ** 200 breast 3:25.79 200 breast 3:13.99 200 breast 100/200 breast 10 & under Track 1 11 –12 Track 1 13 & over Track 1 10 & under Track 2 11 –12 Track 2 13 & over Track 2 1:53.69 100 breast 1:33.59 100 breast 1:22.59 100 breast ** 200 breast 3:17.69 200 breast 3:00.49 200 breast 7 1:45.09 100 back 1:26.29 100 back 1:18.29 100 back ** 200 back 2:59.49 200 back 2:48.39 200 back 100/200 back 10 & under Track 1 11 –12 Track 1 13 & over Track 1 10 & under Track 2 11 –12 Track 2 13 & over Track 2 1:41.39 100 back 1:24.09 100 back 1:13.59 100 back ** 200 back 2:55.29 200 back 2:38.39 200 back 9 2 4 6 8 10 Attention All Swimmers! USA Swimming and Lake Erie Swimming team up to present: The Lake Erie IMX Challenge for SC ‘14-‘15 Start completing your events when ‘14-‘15 Short Course Season begins! *You have until approximately mid March once USA Short Course championships are posted within USA Swimming to complete your event list. 9 & Under; 10-year olds: 200 IM, 200 Free, 100 Back, 100 Breast, 100 Fly 11-year olds; 12-year olds: 200 IM, 500 Free, 100 Back, 100 Breast, 100 Fly 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 -year olds: 200 IM, 400 IM, 500 Free, 200 Back, 200 Breast, 200 Fly In order to receive an IMX score, a swimmer must legally swim each IMX event for their age level in a sanctioned meet at least once during the ‘14-‘15 season. A swimmer’s times will count for the entire season-so if a swimmer ages up during a season the IMX score on the My USA Swimming page will show a score for his/her lower age group and their new age group. In order to check the progress, swimmers can create a web account to be able to access their personal My USA Swimming page! If a swimmer has already swum the event combo for his/her age level, the IMX score and ranking now appears in a special section of the swimmer’s My USA Swimming page. All swimmers participating and legally completing each IMX event for their single age group for the 2014-2015 Short Course Season will receive an IMX cap! Top Three male and female swimmers in the Lake Erie district with the highest IMX score per single age group will receive the following at the conclusion of the SC season: 1st place – IMX hoodie 2nd place – IMX towel 3rd place – IMX t-shirt Please note: Awards are subject to change based on availability
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