JNTUHCEJ-ECE-Three-day Intensive Course on Electromagnetic

Website : www.jntuhcej.ac.in
E-Mail : jntuhcej@gmail.com
Phone: Off: +91–8724-206600
Nachupally (Kondagattu), Kodimial Mandal, Karimnagar Dist.-505 501, Telangana
Professor of Chemistry &
Date: 21st January 2015
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub : Three-Day Intensive Course on Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines
I am glad to inform you that the ECE department of our institute is organizing a
Three-day Intensive Course on “Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines”
during March 2-4, 2015.
I would appreciate if you kindly give wide publicity for the course in your
organization and sponsor some of your faculty/engineers for participation. I sincerely believe
that participation in this course would be immensely helpful for their teaching work through
interaction with eminent and distinguished scholars from industry and academia. For further
details please contact the Course Coordinator, Dr. Dhiraj Sunehra (Ph: 7893278314, Email:
I look forward to your support and cooperation in making this course a success.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
P.S. Brochure can be downloaded from the college website: www.jntuhcej.ac.in
A Three-Day Intensive Course on
Electromagnetic Theory
Transmission Lines
March 2-4, 2015
Registration Form
Chief Patron
Smt. Shailaja Ramaiyer, IAS
Vice-Chancellor I/c, JNTUH, Hyderabad
Prof. T. Kishen Kumar Reddy
Rector, JNTUH, Hyderabad
Prof. N.V. Ramana Rao
Registrar, JNTUH, Hyderabad
2. Designation
Prof. M. Thirumala Chary
Principal, JNTUHCEJ, Karimnagar Dist.
3. Name of Degree Pursuing / Year / Branch (for
student participant)
Advisory Committee
Dr. P.V.D. Somasekhar Rao
Professor of ECE, JNTUHCEH, Hyderabad
1. Name
4. Name of the Sponsoring Institute/Organisation
Prof. V.M. Pandharipande
Ex Vice Chancellor, BAMU, Aurangabad
5. Address for Communication (including E-mail,
Tel., etc.)
Dr. M. Lakshminarayana
Scientist-H, DLRL, Hyderabad
6. Is Accommodation required? Yes / No
7. Particulars of Registration fee:
Amount (Rs.) _______ D.D. No. ____________
Dated _________ Bank __________________
8. Signature of the candidate
9. Recommendation of the Head of the Department/
A Three-Day Intensive Course
Electromagnetic Theory
Transmission Lines
Prof. A.D. Sarma
Former Director, NERTU, OU, Hyderabad
Prof. N.V.S. Raju
Vice-Principal, JNTUHCEJ, Karimnagar Dist.
Reception and Organising Committee
Dr. B. Vishnu Vardhan, Prof. of CSE
Dr. S. Viswanadha Raju, Prof. of CSE
Mr. M. Uday Kumar, HOD, CSE
Mr. Y. Raghavender Rao, HOD, ECE
Mr. R. Durga Rao, HOD, EEE
Mrs. M. Shailaja, HOD, ME
Mrs. M. Dhana Lakshmi, HOD, IT
Dr. B. Ravindra Reddy, HOD, Mathematics
Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar, HOD, Physics
Dr. B. Sathyanarayana, HOD, Chemistry
Mr. B. Prabhakar, Assoc. Prof., ECE
Mr. V. Rajanesh, Asst. Prof., ECE
Mr. S. Praveen Kumar, Asst. Prof., ECE
Mrs. D. Naga Sudha, Asst. Prof., ECE
Mrs. M. Tirupathamma, Asst. Prof., ECE
March 2-4, 2015
Dr. Dhiraj Sunehra
Mr. Y. Raghavender Rao
Mr. V. Rajanesh
Department of
Electronics & Communication Engineering
JNTUH College of Engineering
Nachupally (Kondagattu)
Karimnagar Dist. - 505 501, Telangana
Tel: 7893278314, 9848591887
E-mail : dhirajsunehra@yahoo.co.in
Website : www.jntuhcej.ac.in
About the College
The JNTUH College of Engineering, Jagtial (JNTUH
CEJ) was established in the year 2007 as one of
the Constituent colleges of Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH). The
college is spread over a 100 acre campus and
has more than 5.24 lac sft built up area. The
college offers five programmes at undergraduate
level and five programmes at post graduate level
in various disciplines, viz. CSE, ECE, EEE, ME and
IT. JNTUHCEJ aims to be an institute of excellence
in training the students to meet the global needs
and is supp orte d by well qualif ied and
experienced professors drawn from research and
industry. The college is well equipped with
sp acious library, lab orat orie s and good
infrastructure. The location of sprawling campus
surrounded by lush green hills, temples and
academic ambience upholds the traditional and
cultural values among the students. JNTUHCEJ is
located at Nachupally near Kondagattu and is
about 22 km from Jagtial and about 38 km from
About the Department
The Electronics & Communication Engineering
Department exists since the inception of the
College. It has a team of experienced and
dynamic faculty and staff. The laboratories are
well equipped in order to provide necessary
practical training to the students. At present, the
Department offers B.Tech course in Electronics
and Communication Engineering and M.Tech
course in Digit al S yste ms and C omputer
About the Course
Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines
(EMTL) is an essential foundation course for
se veral ot her Communication Engineering
subjects like Antennas and Wave Propagation,
Microwave Engineering, Radar Systems, Cellular
Mob ile
Communications, Satellite Communications, etc.
in the branch of Electronics and Communication
Engineering. The present three-day course
covers the various aspe cts related to
Electromagnetic (EM) Theory - Static and Time
Varying Fields, EM Wave Characteristics and RF
Transmission Lines.
Intended Participants : The course is intended
for Faculty of Engineering Colleges in ECE, EIE
and ETM Departments, and Industry personnel
in the field of Communications who wish to gain
a deeper understanding of the fundamentals,
postulates, formulations and applications of
electromagnetic theory and transmission lines.
About 25 registrations from UG / PG students will
also be accepted for participation in the course
on first come first serve basis.
Topics to be covered
Seminar Hall, Academic Block-I
JNTUH College of Engineering, Nachupally
(Kondagattu), Karimnagar Dist.
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Registration fee
Faculty / Industry Participants: Rs.1500/-
U.G. / P.G. Student Participants: Rs.750/-
Time Varying Fields & Maxwell's
Uniform Plane Waves -Characteristics
Transmission Lines
Registration fee should be paid through Demand
Draft in favour of "Principal, JNTUHCEJ" drawn
at any of the State Bank group (SBI, SBH, SBM,
SBP, SBBJ, SBS, SBT) payable at State Bank of
Hyderabad, JNTUC Nachupally branch (Code:
21315). The registration fee includes kit, lunch
and snacks for all three days of the course.
Course Faculty
The Course faculty includes eminent teachers/
scientists drawn fr om various r eput ed
educational and scientific institutions.
 Dr. P.V.D. Somasekhar Rao
Professor of ECE, JNTUHCEH, Hyderabad
(Former Director of Academic & Planning,
JNTUH, and R & D Cell, JNTUH, Hyderabad)
 Prof. V.M. Pandharipande
Ex Vice Chancellor, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University, Aurangabad
(Former Professor of ECE & Dean, College of
Engineering, OU, Hyderabad)
 Dr. M. Lakshminarayana
Scientist-H & Assoc. Director, DLRL, Hyderabad
Vice-Chairman, IEEE Hyderabad Section
 Dr. N.V. Koteswara Rao
Professor & Head, ECE, CBIT, Hyderabad
 Dr. K. Jaya Sankar
Professor & Head, ECE, Vasavi College of Engg,
Submission of Application
The duly filled in registration form along with
registration fee should be be sent through proper
channel to the Coordinator, so as to reach him
on or before 25 th February 2015. A copy of
completed application may also be sent through
Accommodation in College Guest House may be
provided on nominal payment to outstation
faculty / industry participants on prior intimation.
For further details please contact
Course Coordinator
Dr. Dhiraj Sunehra
Associate Professor of ECE & Coordinator, IIPC
JNTUH College of Engineering
Nachupally (Kondagattu)
Karimnagar Dist. 505 501, Telangana State
Tel: +91-7893278314, 9848591887
E-mail: dhirajsunehra@yahoo.co.in