X8 786The NAG (Northern Action Group) Survey North of EnglanLkm X Index :1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Club Name of Contact Position in Club Home Landline Contact No. Mobile Telephone Number E Mail Address Current number of Clubs in your League Do You support the Review (Some gaps here as the questionnaire was altered slightly) Actually the responses answer this question generally. Would you prefer to retain your current 14 team structure Would you prefer your current structure to move to 14 Are you content to let teams currently 14 continue as such Could you consult your Captain and offer players’ view Was your Club consulted by the Review Group 14) Other Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Nat. 3 North Beverley Dave Holmes Chairman Dave.holmes.rugby@hotmail.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Billingham Chris Emery Secretary Firwood Waterloo Dave Raywood Chairman 0151 924 4552 07770 484485 daveraywood@blueyonder.co.uk secretary@billinghamrugby.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 14 no yes n/a yes 14 Sandal Peter Tunningley Chairman 01226 722 123 07710886741 no Peter.tunningley@talktalk.net 14 no yes n/a yes 14 Sheffield Tigers Tim Waller Secretary 01433639144 no Westoe David Arundel Chairrman 01914545842 07904221122 secretary@sheffieldtigers.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes 07947641348 David.arundel2@virginmedia.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 Wirral Steve Fergusson Fix. Sec. 0151 327 4368 07944 848128 stevefergiwirral@hotmail.com no 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes 07764616783 Morley Dennis Elam Secretary 0113 252 4348 Dennis.elam@btinternet.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Lymm James Ferguson Secretary 01925757494 not known James.fergy@tesco.net 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes 01274869364 07753438042 alanbentley@live.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07855717058 rupertasnith@gmail.com 14 no yes no yes 14 yes 07785365533 Julianross1190@gmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no yes Cleckheaton Alan Bentley President Sale Rupert Smith Secretary Burnage Julian Ross Chairman 01614390013 Huddersfield YMCA Damon Scholes Direct Rugby 01484305330 Damon.scholes@ntlworld.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 Rossendale Alec Graham Secretary 01282855400 07778251253 a.graham@sjlaw.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes yes no ** Sandbach (play in Midlands) Robin Astles Chairman 01477500221 07801743824 robinastles@btinternet.com14 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Bob Lloyd Vice President 01513424711 07778722405 Rjohnlloyd1942@tiscali.co.uk 14 yes yes n/a yes 14 no 07836655305 captain@boltonrugby.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07766512552 Paul.thorpe@isg-techno;logy.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes North One West Birkenhead Park Bolton * Les Towler Captain &All 01942876960 Eccles * Paul Thorpe Secretary 01617902622 Kirby Lonsdale David Williams Treasurer 01524272582 ddavidtffy@aol.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Penrith * Ian Davidson Secretary 01768865256 07799033198 ianmdavidson@yahoo.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Warrington * Richard WoodwardChairman 01925471568 07823536236 Richard.woodward@baml.com 14 no yes n/a yes 12 yes Wilmslow Barry Fisher Asst Secretary 01614392972 ---------------- Barry.fisher@hotmail.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Carlisle David Morton Secretary 01228 515 486 07912110782 Mortwas82@aol.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no New Brighton Frank Duff ------------ ------------ 07970745369 nbfcru@duffduff.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes 07825688523 Phil.stott@batemans.bmw-net.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07785728700 chairman@broughton-park.org.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07771794688 abongo@sky.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07713260466 Derekd_1213@fsmail.net 14 yes yes n/a yes 14 no 07860565341 Sgreen514@btinternet.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 14 no yes n/a yes no Vale of Lune Phil Stott Direct Rugby 01524 822669 Broughton Park * Dave Poppit Chairman 01614344808 Wigton * Dave Halliday Fix. Sec Widnes * Derek Dyer Fix. Sec Kendal Stephen Green Chairman 01539722824 North One East Dinnington response 14 Driffield Northern Old Crossleyans Percy Park Pocklington West Hartlepool Bradford & Bingley Horden Alnwick Wheatley Hills Rochdale * Ilkley Sheffield North Lancs/Cumbria Aldwinians Blackburn * De La Salle * St. Benedicts * Tarleton * Upper Eden Whitehaven Aspatria Wigan Furness Fleetwood Hawcoat Park Leigh * Heaton Moor North Lancs. Div. 1 Ashton u Lyne * Birchfield St. Edwards O.B. * Thornton Cleveleys * Trafford MV * Garstang * Didsbury Toc H * Oldham * North Manchester * response Andre James D.o. Rugby 01912850700 07739420391 andypjamers@yahoo.co.uk 07769705558 nick@percyparkrfc.co.uk response Mick Ishida Fix. Sec. response 01429420274 Godfrey HainsworthSecretary 07741497434 captainbeff@hotmail.com response Richard Thirkell N/A Secretary 07969457850 richy@thirkell.fsnet.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes no 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 14 no yes n/a 14 no yes n/a yes yes no 14 no yes n/a yes yes 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 14 no yes n/a yes no 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 14 no yes Refusal to complete !!!!!!!!! response Tim Taylor Andrew Munro Secretary Chair Rugby 01943602579 yes yes n/a yes no 07770854982 thste@btopenworld.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes 07741450710 andrewmmunro@outlook.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 14 no yes n/a yes no response Chairman 01613559624 0766087945 wthorpe@yahoo.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Graham Bancroft Disc Off. County01254201366 Rep Bill Thorpe 07814869430 grahambancroft@hotmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Stephen Parrott Fix. Sec. 01617720606 07707330974 Stephenparrott649@hotmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Stephen Howse Secretary 01946599657 07590267268 Showse19@aol.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Steve Bradley Manager 01772814162 07754525146 Sbrad251@googlemail.com 14 yes yes n/a yes 14 yes Mark Peatfield Chairman 01768372431 07813431128.wanadoo.co.uk edenoutdoors@kirbystephen.wanadoo.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Mary Gaffney-Vallely Secretary 0194665882 07725001972 gaffers@hotmail.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no David Saul Secretary 01697343051 djsaul@talktalk.net 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Martin Rigby chairrman 01942518799 martinrigby@hotmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes Kenneth Oliver Chairmam Kenneth_Oliver@btconnect.com Colin Goodwin Chairman John Horne Chairman 07747111348 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07710 95- 939 c.goodwin@tisca;i.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yrs 14 no 01229837178 07831693024 Horne-john2@sky.com 14 No yes n/a yes 14 no Michael Hampson Secretary 01942523496 07939263560 m.hampson54@btinternet.com 14 yes no n/a no yes David Todd Secretary 01614320943 davidntodd@gmail.com 14 yes no m/a yes 12 no Kath Carr Secretary Cliff Christie Fix. Sec, 01514240526 David Moran Chairman 01514801459 Geoff Davies Secretary 12 07985054126 aulrfcsec@aol.co.uk 12 no n/a yes yes 14 no 07786228404 Cliff.christie@coveris.com 10 no n/a no no 12 no 07740981938 Davidmoran22@hotmail.com 11 yes n/a no no 12 no 07885626870 geoffflyn@btinternet.com 12 no n/a yes yes 14 yes bernardmillington@yahoo.co.uk 11 no n/a yes yes 14 no yes yes yes 14 no Bernard Millington D.O.Rugby 01925269328 Frank Purkis Secretary 01524858854 07877854400 purkisfc@hotmail.com 10 no Trevor Wooding Secretary 01704573364 07717861183 woodingtrevor@yahoo.co.uk 11 yes m/a yes yes 14 yes Stephen Ingham Chair Select. 05533429161 Stephen@stepheningham.orangehome.co.uk 10 no n/a yes yes 14 no tomo66@msn.com 11 no n/a yes yes 14 n Ian Thompson Chairman 01616439387 Littleborough * Burnley North Lancs. Div. 2 Brian Hurst President 0161 682 1867 Steve Jackson Secretary 01282697874 Clitheroe Colne & Nelson * Crosby St. Marys * Eagle Hutton * Carnforth * Bury * Pendle * Old Bedians Newton Le Willows * Bob Wilkinson Secretary 1200425187 Keith Thornton Secretary 01282602661 Neil Adshead Secretary 01704873607 Craig Harper Chairman 07734453644 Steve Northwood Secretary 07976593956 07947500956 07962099935 Brian_hurst@btinternet.com 11 no n/a yes yes 14 no s.jackson.770@btinternet.com 11 no n/a yes yes 14 yes bobjwilkinson@gmail.com 10 yes n/a yes yes 14 no kitjel@hotmail.co.uk 10 no n/a yes yes 14 yes 10 no no n/a 10 yes craigleeharper@hotmail.co.uk 10 yes n/a yes yes 14 yes Steve11932@yahoo.co.uk 10 no n/a yes yes 14 no 07841995464 n/a Secretary 01524732196 07733130234 alanh@travelleruk.com 10 yes n/a yes yes 14 no Chairman 01204884406 07800812221 Garychester1@hotmail.co.uk 10 no n/a yes yes 14 no Keith Waddington Chairman 01282816757 07885038287 Jane.waddington@sky.com 10 no n/a yes yes 14 no 07958618701 Stevej_cook@hotmail.co.uk 10 yes n/a no no 07984415588 Nigela.mcnamara@ntlworld.com 10 yes n/a yes yes 14 Alan Hardy Gary Chester Steven Cook Chairman yes 12 Nigel Mcnamara Secretary 01925479352 Creighton * Egremont * Keswick * Millom * Netherhall * Chris Small Secretary 01228520541 07941555434 smallyc@talktalk.net 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes Jeff Edgar County Rep 01946824815 07835737063 Jeff.joanedgar@btinternet.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Gen. Committee 01768773051 07775726292 Alan.krufc@btinternet.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes Bill Dowbiggin Club Runner 01229405 07801247320 billdowbiggin@aol.com 14 yes no n/a yes 12 no David Atkinson Secretary 01900814429 David.atkinson@thomasarmstrong.co.uk 14 yes yes n/a yes 12 yes Silloth * Ronnie Bell Fix. Secretary 01697331492 ronniebell@toucansurf.com 14 yes yes n/a yes 12 no Nigel Rimmer Secretary 01539448100 07756024049 n.rimmer65@hotmail.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Michael Heaslip Secretary 0190066339 07786625859 michael@heaslip.fslife.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes Brian Mitchelhill Sec,/Ref Contact01900825366 07800613122 Brian.mitchelhill@sky.com 14 no yes n/a yes no 01946599344 07710680786 kellprop@hotmail.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 01612141500 07867502946 Andrew.bridgman@ntlworld.com 14 NO yes n/a yes 14 no ----------- ------- ---------- cjohnson@northwichrufc.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes Martin Swift Chairman 01744678531 07811‘965117 Arthur Stewart Chair Rugby 01744882968 07884435578 yes Cumbria Windermere * Workington * Cockermouth * Moresby * South Lancs. Ches. 1 Manchester Manchester Medics * Northwich Ruskin Park * Sefton * West Park St. Helens Winnington Park Liverpool St. Helens Altrincham Kersal Anselmians Bowdon Stephen Kellett Fix. Sec. Andrew Bridgman Chair Rugby Colin Johnson 14 yes n/a yes 12 no Arthur-stewart@sky.com 14 yes n/a yes 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes Eric Briers 01744734665 margerc@virginmedia.com 14 Brian Concannon Chairman 0160641065 07736899454 Brian.concannon@rs-components.com 14 Ray French President 0174429874 07850613784 Raymond.french@btinternet.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Chris Stewart Direct Rugby chris@dunhaminvestment.co.ul 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Trevor Petterson Secretary 0151608540 07788192095 pettersy@msn.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 0161 980 8321 07713091634 Martin.gallagher@gplgroup.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes Martin Gallagher Direct Rugby no Douglas I.O.M. Glossop Hoylake Carrington South Lancs. Ches. 2 Karl Mason Secretary Paul Whiston Treasurer Rob Kurton HeadCoach James Ogg Club Captain 01612781907 Liverpool Collegiate * Marple Orrell Oswestry Port Sunlight Prenton Tyldesley * Dukinfield Moore Ashton on Mersey Vagabonds I.O.M. Southport * Ormskirk * Trentham * Chris Jones Bill Newton captain 01612850847 07957846728 Matt Grundy Secretary 07835649069 07739446565 Crewe & Nantwich Mid L South Lancs. Ches. 3 Linley * Liverpool University Oldershaw Oxton Parkonians Ramsey I.O.M. Knutsford * Helsby Ellesmere Port Congleton Capenhurst Wallasey Acton Nomads Yorkshire 1 Bridlington Doncaster Phoenix Heath Selby Wath upon Dearne Yarnbury York 01457861457 07624450996 kcwmason@live.co.uk 14 yes n/a yes 14 yes 07748332891 Paul.whiston@btconnect.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07584343867 robkurton@yahoo.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07782172694 jamesogg@live.co.uk 13 no n/a yes yes 14 no Newton912@hotmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes matt@orrelljuniors.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yesa 14 no donhowell@talktalk.net 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes u/k u/k u/k u/k Refuse to complete Don Howell Chairman 01691670295 Mike McMillan Secretary 01513342842 Gary Fisher Secretary 14 n/a 07944848128 prentonrugbysec@gmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Peter Mannion Secretary 01942881325 07974709046 Peter.mannion@bauhauconsultants.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Gareth Callen Secretary n/available 07944432241 drufcscretary@gmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes ? n/k Mike Butler Treasurer 0192526657 n/a treasurer@moorerufc.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no Neil Peden President O7802538032 npeden@greystonees.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes Chris Taggart President 01624628710 07624481513 christaggart@manx.net 14 no n/a no yes Mark Baillie Direct Rugby 01695572523 07540050171 Mark_bailie@sky.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no James Gibson Fix. Sec. 07791144954 Jamesalexandergibson1981@gmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no 07824424245 Les_briers@hotmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no jonathannatty@yahoo.co.uk 11 no yes n/a yes 14 no 11 no n/a yes yes 11 no n/a yes yes yes no no 12 Consulting Lancashire !!!! Les Briers Treasurer 01270585049 Jonathan Natty Secretary 01782772861 07595667320 Simon Spreag Secretary 01516526633 07766943908 Richie Beckett President 01516082495 07425150124 Wilf Moffat Secretary Greg Sawyer Fix. Sec Stan Garner Fix. Secretary randpbeckett@gmail.com 07624470094 01565228735 07738150898 no 11 n/a yes yes 14 yes fixtures@knutsfordrugby.com 11 yes n/a no no stangarner@btinternet.com 11 yes n/a yes yes 14 no n/a yes yes yes yes n/a yes ? yes Stephen DorringtonHead Coach 015151228929 07921483577 Steve.dorrington@ntlworld.com 11 Mark Partridge 01782912546 07581750462 Mark.partridge@2sfg.com 11 yes yes 14 yes Graeme Ainsworth Secretary 01244381509 07982708202 moxyainsworth@btopenworld.com 10 no n/a yes yes yes Andrew McLean Tony Penance 0151 512 2989 07853167387 07877910374 secretaryanrfc@yahoo.co.uk 11 12 no no n/a n/a yes yes 14 yes yes 14 No No response 14 no yes n/a yes no response 14 no yes n/a yes no response 14 no yes n/a yes yes Director Rugby Secretary Secretary Middlesborough Malton and Norton Hullensians Scarborough Pontefract Old Brodlians North Ribblesdale response 14 no yes n/a response 14 no yes n/aq yes yes no yes no response 14 no yes n/a 14 yes no 14 yes yes no no yes yes no no no no 14 yes no no no yes 14 yes no no no no response 14 no yes yes yes no response 14 no no yes response 14 yes response 14 no Yorkshire 2 Barnsley response Bradford Salem Goole Roundhegians response Sheffield Medicals response West Leeds West Park Leeds Leeds Medics & Dentists response Knottingley Keighley Ripon Old Rishworthians Moortown Leodensians Yorkshire 3 Aireborough Baildon Bramley Pheonix Old Otliensians Rotherham Phoenix Stocksbridge Thornensians Hemsworth Northallerton Old Grovians Old Modernians Burley Castleford Harrogate Pythons yes yes no yes yes yes no 14 response 14 yes no no no yes response 14 no no no no yes response 14 yes no no no no 14 no response response yes ywes yes yes Yorkshire 4 Hornsea Leeds Corinthians Mosborough Sheffield Oaks Wensleydale Wetherby Skipton Knaresborough Halifax Vandals Halifax York Railway Institute Ossett response 11 no yes yes no response 11 no yes yes yes no response 11 yes yes yes no response 11 yes no yes no response 11 yes yes no response 8 no response 8 response 8 response Yorkshire 5 Hallamshire Hessle Stanley Rodillians Thirsk Rotherham Clifton Garforth Wibsey Rossington Hornets Durham/North. 1 Gosforth Hartlepool Rovers Medicals Morpeth Novocastrians Ryton * Stockton Sunderland * Guisborough * Blyth Consett * Darlington Durham City Gateshead no yes yes yes yes yes no yes no no yes yes 8 yes no no yes no no yes n/a yes 14 yes yes n/a yes 14 No n/a yes 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no no John Short Chairman of R 01434673385 07791576864 jjshort@tafoo.co.uk 14 Tony Cooper Secretary n/a n/a tc@clilley.co.uk 14 Jon Clays Secretary 01912767387 07792035655 Jon.clays@btinternet.com 14 Ken Fraser Director of Rugby k.fraser@macademy.org.uk 14 Andy Leonard Director of Rugby 07799148515 andyleonard@hotmail.com 14 no Robin Scott Dir. Of Rugby 07791042777 robinscott@blueyonder.co.uk 14 yes no 12 no Keith Kelly Secretary 07837012474 Keith.kelly@matthey.com 14 yes n/a yes 14 no Paul Geehan Chairman 07854978358 Paul.geehan@gmail.com 14 yes n/a yes 14 no John MacKay Secretary 07802834983 John.mackay@live.co.uk 14 yes n/a yes 14 no Carlos Correia Chair Rugby 07738477749 Carlos_correia@o2.co.uk 14 yes n/a yes 14 no David Herdman Chairman 07966495472 herdyjames@googlemail.com 14 yes n/a yes 14 no A.M. Stowe Secretary 07971575862 Tony.stowe@harposonlp.co.uk 14 yes n/a yes 14 yes Tony Howe County Rep 07759233617 Adhowe65@live.co.uk 14 yes n/a yes 14 no Patrick Douglas Chairman flyingkeg@blueyonder.co.uk 14 yes n/a yes 14 no 01642580360 01670352063 01325337111 yes no yes no n/a Durham/North. 2 David Jackson Chairman Barnard Castle * Keith Wilkinson Chairman Bishop Aukland * David Shield Fixtures Sec North Shields Richard MaGlashanSecretary Ponteland Keith Barker Secretary Redcar * Mark Appleyard Chairman Seaton Carew Fix. Sec. Whitley Bay Rockliffe David Bennett Albert Armstrong Chairman Ashington Stewart Hind D of Rugby Hartlepool Rfc Mark Collins Chairman Acklam * Richard Jones Secretary Winlaton Vulcans * South Tyneside College * Steven Fawcett Secretary Hatlepool BBOB Director of Rugby Brian Thirlaway Wallsend * 01833650138 07792105778 djj@headlamhall.co.uk 14 yes n/a yes 14 no 01388665144 0783614746 keithwilk@btinternet.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes 0191 259 0402 07928052273 Dp.shield@blueyonder.co.uk 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no no yes n/a yes 14 yes yes n/a yes 14 no yes n/a Yes 14 Yes no 12 no yes n/a yes 14 no no no 0191 237 7944 mcglashanfamily@hotmail.com 14 01642482733 barkerkm@hotmail.co.uk 14 01429267337 07939105346 Mark.appleyard2@sky.com 14 01912572174 07930339631 misterben@btinternet.com 14 yes no 01670736891 07500837935 aebarmstrong@googlemail.com 14 no 01429231982 n/a Stewart.hind@sky.com 14 no 01642312366 07866684201 drthykl@aol.com 14 yes n/a n/a yes 14 13 yes 01914145987 07954695374 Richard_jones_8@hotmail.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 yes 01429233409 07887555154 Fawcett1630@btinternet.com 14 no yes n/a yes 14 no bthirlaway@msn.com 14 yes 07552162550 Not available 11 n/a yes yes 14 no Durham/North. 3 Houghton Jarrovians * Newton Aycliffe * Prudhoe & Stockscliffe Richmondshire Seaham Chester Le Street * Yarm Whitby * Washington * Seghill * Sedgefield * 1 Secretary Brian Berry President 07576243796 Brian.berry@ici.comn 12 n/a no yes 12 no Stuart McIvor Secretary 07732268714 stuartdm@btinternet.com 12 n/a no yes 12 no Peter Jones Secretary 07866507399 pandsrufc@hotmail.com 12 n/a no yes 12 no Alison Down Secretary 07966906471 richmondshirerufcsec@hotmail.com 12 n/a yes yes 14 no Ray Sutherland Treasurer 07887938265 ray@brownandsutherland.co.uk 12 n/a yes yes 14 no Susan Langley Secretary 07557530927 Slangley0715@gmail.com 12 n/a no yes 12 no Steve Passman President 07963763226 stevepassman@ntlworld.com 12 n/a yes yes 14 no Emma Garbutt Secretary 07790927645 Emma.garbutt@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk 12 n/a no yes 12 no John Pope Secretary 07724397929 Johnpope87@googlemail.com 12 yes n/a yes yes 14 no Sheila Burgess Secretary 07504877724 Burgess2@tiscali.co.uk 12 no n/a yes yes 14 no 07977115533 Neil;hetherington63@yahoo.co.uk 12 n/a no no 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0191 581 0777 01642648351 01912374056 Neil Hetherington Chairman 2 3 Index :1 2 3 4 5 6 01915842489 Ralph Johnson Club Name of Contact Position in Club Home Landline Contact No. Mobile Telephone Number E Mail Address 4 5 6 yes 12 14 7 Current number of Clubs in your League 8 Do You support the Review (Some gaps here as the questionnaire was altered slightly) Actually the responses answer this question generally. 9 Would you prefer to retain your current 14 team structure 10 Would you prefer your current structure to move to 14 11 Are you content to let teams currently 14 continue as such 12 Could you consult your Captain and offer players’ view 13 Could you please offer comments. ( All comments will be summarised at the foot of the tables as responses are received) COMMENTS BY CLUB Burnage ---The reduction to 12 would impact on revenue. If three teams are relegated each year as at present and one is promoted then there would be little stability in the League. With the possibility of the play off place there could be 5 new teams coming into the League leaving only 7 instead of 9 remaining. As Chairman I have learnt a lot from visiting Clubs who have played at this level for a long time. This is the highest place Burnage have held. The stability of the league has helped the Club to progress and make educated decisions in relation to forward planning. Julian Ross Chairman. Sandbach --supporters. We find the current League structure manageable and to reduce it would financially harmful and hugely disappointing for our Robin Astles Chairman Billingham ---- Response was that reducing league games and adding County Fixtures (which has proven in the past as unpredictable) would not be welcomed as the lads enjoy playing regular rugby which a structured league offers. Chris Emery Secretary. Kendal -------The Meetings I went to before the decision was made by the RFU Council were implacably against the change to 12 team Leagues, now that I hear the promised Cup games will not materialise I am convinced this was a cynical ruse.. I don’t believer there was a proper consultation process. We shall lose players to other sports/pastimes if we move to 12 team Leagues and Clubs will struggle even more with their finances. Stephen Green Chairman Anselmians --- We were asked to attend a Cheshire Meeting. We would prefer to have more games either at League or Cup level sustaining income is important otherwise we cannot make improvements to attract players. Trevor Petterson Secretary Dukinfield ---- No comment Gareth Callen Secretary Holmes Chapel --- We are only a small village side and after a difficult 2013-14 season are beginning to re-build. 12 is manageable for us as we only have a small core of players and last year we struggled to fulfil fixtures.We are in the bottom tier of the Raging Bull Leagues 5 South. Many other sides have faced difficulties Darren Saffil Secretary Lymm ---Would prefer the predictability of fixtures provided by a 14 team league rather than the vagaries of Cup Competitions. We note the R.F.U. used to organise Cup Competitions until the Sponsorship failed. James Fergusson Secretary Marple ------------ It works why change it ??? Bill Newton Club Captain Moore ------------- No comment Mike Butler Treasurer Cleckheaton ----- No Comment Alan Bentley President/Fixture Secretary Rossendale ------- No Comment Alec Graham Secretary Sheffield Tigers -- No Comment Tim Waller Honarary Secretary Clitheroe ----------- No Comment Bob Wilkinson Secretary Wigan ------Our concern is that the number of Sponsored 1st XV games would be fewer thus reducing our income. I would add that there are other aspects of the Review which we would welcome Martin Rigby Chairman/ Honorary Secretary. Beverley ------------- No Comment Dave Holmes Chairman. Sale FC -------------- Well in the South and in particular the journey times are all long. But many of the Clubs in the South East have 7-9 team Leagues therefore the financial impact on them as a Club as to opposed to each team is minimal for they will still have as many home games albeit in different leagues. Here we are struggling to get out three teams and therefore the financial impact is significant in terms of lost home games and will be amplified by the fact that the loss of games may well result in players getting fed up with long lay offs mid season and leaving rugby. Seaham -------------- No comment Ray Sutherland Treasurer Yarm ----------------- Stay at 14 because re-structturing to 12 in the Leagues above us may result in the forming of a D & N 4 consisting of only 6 Clubs therefore reducing our Club turnover by 50%. Steve Passman President Hartlepool RFC ----- Due to the addition of Acklam back into the D & N leagues the league size has increased to 14 teams. This was decided at the end of the season without any consultation. Stewart Hind Director of Rugby. Horden RFC ---------- No indication of player burn out and less teams mean less games Richard Thirkell Secretary Houghton -------------- No Comment Ralph Johnson Secretary West Harlepool ----- Captain saw no evidence from players wanting a reduced number of games. They are conscious of the financial implications for the Clubs. Plus relegation from 12 team Leagues a bigger issue. Godfrey Ainsworth Secretary Darlington ---------- No Comment A.M. Stowe Secretary Seaton Carew ------ Clubs at our level rely on income from our home games, the loss of two home games would put a serious dent in our finances. Mark Appleyard Chairman. Stockton ------------- We have been asked the same question a number of times with different proposals by various sources and our answer has been 14 from the start. We are not interested in starting other meaningless competitions to “bulk up” the games played. Keith Kelly Secretary. Hartlepool B.B.O.B. No Comment Steven Fawcett Secretary Hartlepool Rovers --- No Comment Tony Cooper Secretary Firwood Waterloo -positions. Our DoR Jan van Deventer and captain Alick Croft take the pragmatic view, as I guess we should expect from men in their They prefer a 14 team league with 3 relegated to a 12 tean leaguer with 3 relegated given our resultsd over the last few years. The D o R and p0layers fewlt reasonably positive towards the original Cup proposals – we have traditionally not charged entry to Cup games. But were prepared to consider it going forward – but losing two guaranteed home cup games means we most likely lose income and that is a significant issue for us, both because of revenue impact and because it signals a lack of firm commitment to anything the RFU say theyt are going to do. It feels a bit like being offered a carrot to get agreement then being hit over the head with a stick once agreement id secured Dave Raywood Chairman Wirral ---------------- No Comment Steve Fergusson Fixture Secretary Westoe --------------- Club Finances difficult enough without removing two games also player retention after free weeks. Sandal --------------- We would prefer larger Leagues we need more home games for revenue. Peter Tunningley Chairman Morley -------------- No Comment. Dennis Elam Secretary. Huddersfield YMCA – Please note Huddersfield YMCA is totally against the reduction to 12 team Leagues. There are financial ramifications which could result in the complex losing £12,000 per season. It would also open up the possibilities for players being asked to play Rugby League in the area when there is a blank weekend and this will allow the sport to lose players, indeed this has already with us losing 2 players in this scenario last season. The Club can plan around a 14 team season and this allows us to have a sound financial footing. The problems we face in the North are totally different to those in the South. I am willing to speak openly to the powers that be over this subject as I feel this should be addressed at the highest level. Damon Scholes Director of Rugby Congleton RUFC ----- Congleton RUFC cannot participate fully in the above survey as we are presently in South Lancs. & Cheshire 3 which only has 11 teams in it. However our view is that we are generally supportive of more league fixtures in the season. Oh YES You CAN !!!!!! F.S. Mark Partridge Director of Rugby Aspatria ---------------- The loss of two revenue generating home games resulkts in a loss of 15% of our annual martch day revenue. Along with many other Clubs we are struggling financially and for the RFU to reduce our income stream is unacceptable. (Two members did attend a fact findingsession in 2012 but this could hardly be called a consultation). We believe strongly in player welfare but fail to see how the proposals address this. Players will choose when to play and a reduction in Fixtureswill only further the exodus to Rugby League. David Saul Secretary Furness ------------------ Club supports a 14 team League in all its forms Kenneth Oliver Hawcoat Park --------- We are totally against isolating Cumbria in future re-organisations and the potential for Leagues even less than 12 John Horne Chairman Kendal ------------------ The meetings I went to before the decision was made by the RFU Council were implacably against the change to 12 team Leagues, now that I hear the promised Cup games will not materialise I an convinced this was a cynical ruse.. I don’t believe there was a proper consultation process. We shall lose players to other sports/pastimes and Clubs will struggle even more with their finances, Stephen Green Chairman Upper Eden ----------- Players want competitive Rugby and no longer see the point of “friendlies” If games were reduced income is reduced so it would be difficult to keep the Club financially viable which could be disastrous for the well-being of Rugby. Mark Peatfield Chairman Carrington ------------ As a low level Club ( Raging Bull NW Leagues) a steady flow of fixtures is important and where possible all leagues should have the same number of teams to allow for fair competitive rugby at all levels. James Ogg Club Captain Helsby --------------- No Comment Stan Garner Fixture Secretary Hoylake ---------------We are dependent on revenue generated from the bar. We would lose bar takings with a reduced number of fixtures.We don’t get to compete in a national cup, which already leaves gaps in our fixture list.Ultimately we are a Rugby Club. We like to play rugby once a week. We have the Summer to rest. Rob Kurton Head Coach. Northern --------------- It is imperative that the present formal structure we enjoy is preserved. The view held by some that gaps in a Clubs fixture list can be filled by “friendlies” is a myth. Players will only commit to the “important” games. First indication of a friendly and they are unavailable. Spectators and Sponsorsare only interested in League or National Cup games. Andy James Chairman of Rugby. Heaton Moor ------------We would prefer to move to a 12 team league if it meant less travelling which is one of the main reasons for the recommendations- this view is of ur players. We wouldhowever, ideally need to have the proposed knockout competition implemented, which would provide at least another 3 matches per season. Possibly more if successful, and make up for the loss of league games and consequentialrevenue -0 this is the view of our administrators. The players views take precedence as they are the ones who take part in the game and have to commit to giving up 12 hours or more where long journeys are necessary, which from our experience is usually 6 to 8 per season – or below or just over 50% of league games. Not being able to field sides which reflect the relative strength of a club, due to an inability to travel (cannot/will not) makes a mockery of the League. David Todd Secretary. Birkenhead Park ------ Less numbers in League reduces the number of games in a season !! Bob Lloyd Senior Vice President/ Match Secretary. Medicals ----------------- Prefer a smaller League – Few fixtures around University holiday period. Jon Clayson Secretary Vale of Lune --------- Will in no way benefit the Club or players therefore can’t represent progression. RFU has to take grass roots rugby far more seriously not focus entirely on elite tean/player outcomes. Grass roots rugby is not just about supplying players to elite then neing forgotten !! Only consulted through meetings but all seemed pre-determined. Phil Stott Director of Rugby Bowdon -------------- No Comment Ponteland ----------- As a Club we were greatly frustrated by the fact the RFU ignored a clear wish from the North of England clubs for our current structure to continue. However we were not surprised that the RFU ignored grass roots Clubs. Being located in the outer reachesa of England tinkering with the leagues upsts the balance of our structures in both travelling for some teams and numbers participating. For example the lower leagues need decent numbers of teams and local(ish) venues not 50 + miles each way every other week to travel. Richard McGlashan Secretary. Novocastrians ------- No Comment Andy Leonard Assistant Director of Rugby. Oxton Parkonians --- Yes. This current season we have only 20 league games and 8 of them will have been plasyed before November 1st ! All four Saturdays in September have League games when we feel meaningful friendlies could be played, especiall considering we have a 4 week gap later in the season. Also we have 2 league games after Easter on 11th and 18th April after a 5 week gap – pointless. The number of league fixtures combined with the structure and timing of the games is very poor indeed. Richie Beckett President Prenton ---------------- No Comment Gary Fisher Secretary Oswestry ------------- No Comment Don Howell Chairman I.O.M. Vagabonds --- Prefer 12 due to travel Christopher Taggart President. New Brighton ---------- No Comment Frank Duff Northwich ------------ No Comment Colin Johnson Wilmslow ---------------- No Comment Barry Fisher Assistant Sec. An observation from Northwich R.U.F.C. Northwich RUFC have already responded to a similar Survey via Sefton. In short NO we wewre not consulted. NO we don’t want to move from 14 to 12 and YES1 we did consult the players through their Skippers and Head Coach. We also attended a meeting at Chester RUFC and we told the author of the report, eye to eye, that whilst we felt that his report was comprehensive, consultation had been far too narrow, too limited and unrepresentative. We therefore felt that his conclusions were not appropriate. Indeed it sometimes appeared that they had started with the required answers and had then assembled evidence necessary to support that answer. Our position therefore is that we wish to retain the status quo and any help your group needs please contact us. Colin Johnson Secretary Ellesmere Port ---- We play in an 11 team League which is ridiculous – the number needs to increase with a level of urgency. Nobody has supported us so far !!! Steve Dorrington Head Coach Ashton on Mersey --- No Comment Medicals --------------- Prefer a smaller League few fixtures round holiday period. Northern -------------- At a meeting of the Review Group in Northumberland, representatives of Northern FC reported that League changes were presented as a “fait accompli”. Emphasis was placed on regionalisation plans with little discussion about numbers in Leagues. Additional :- It is imperative that the present structure we enjoy is preserved. The view held by some that gaps in a Clubs’ fixture list can be filled by friendlies is a myth. Players will only commit to important games. The first indication of a friendly and they are unavailane. Spectators and Sponsors are only interested in League or Cup Games. Altrincham Kersal – No Comment Chris Stewart Head Coach Eagle ------------------ No Comment Craig Harper Chairman Manchester --------- The loss of two home games at 1 st XV level would result in a reduced income stream of between £4,000-£4,500. In the current climate that would likely prove fatal for our Club within a short time. Add to that the lesser effect of losing 2 nd XV home games !! We find the rationale for reduction to 12 teams difficult to understand. On the one hand the review talks about players welfare but then suggests that the lost league games will be replaced by a round robin early round guaranteeing two home games. After that the successful teams move further in the competitions – thereby for some teams the number of games per season will increase. Manchester have not entered a Cup Competition for the past 3 seasons. Not because the first rounds have been in August, but because the coaches nor the players see these games as relevant and not of any assistance to player development particularly given the disparity of teams. We have played friendlies against other Clubs instead. Andrew Bridgman Chairman West Park St. Helens -------1) As a club, we wish the North West Intermediate Rugby Union Leagues, that our lower teams play in, to remain as 14 team leagues and are not reduced to 12 team leagues. 2) We are very disappointed with how Lancashire decided to handle the consultation process, Specifically: a. Their decision to not poll the Lancashire clubs on the AGR proposals b. Their decision to not mandate their two representatives on how to vote at the council meeting given their role is to represent the views of Lancashire clubs at the RFU council. The result of the above was both of Lancashire’s representatives voted in favour of the changes at the council meeting even though it was known a substantial number of clubs did not wish to move to 12 team leagues. 3) We are disappointed with the way the RFU allowed the AGR panel to set the parameters and timetable for approval of their proposals in what looked to have been an attempt to limit consultation and objections to their proposals. Specifically: a. Misrepresenting the basis the proposals were to be viewed, originally indicating the recommendations were to be voted on as a complete package rather than allowing each proposal to be discussed separately, Eventually, the council voted on each proposal even though all consultation had been dominated by the controversial reduction to the size of leagues. b. Allowing the AGR to publish their proposals so late, originally one week before approval was to be sought from the RFU council (which the council ultimately delayed by one month when it became apparent the proposals were not popular). c. Allowing a substantial change to be made to the proposals in the last week of the consultation, allowing the clubs no opportunity to debate the modified proposals. After two years of supposedly obtaining the views and evidence to justify such changes, it felt, the clubs and the players, who supposedly the changes were at the behest of, were given a month during the off season to be told what the changes would be. It never felt like there was any opportunity to obtain a consensus as at the meetings about it we were constantly told the rest of the country wanted these changes so it didn’t matter what the north thought. 4) We are concerned that having only 22 league games in a 35 week season leaves too many blank weekends. If Lancashire continue with their cup competitions and the promised National cup competitions materialise the majority of clubs will still only have 3 more games leaving 10 blank weekends. Whilst accepting the reorganisation has been delayed by a year there has been little leadership from the county regarding how the clubs might fill the blanks in the season. If as has been suggested we could play friendly games the question has to be asked as too why reduce the size of the leagues if the reduced no of games is just replaced with an equivalent no of games. 5) We do not understand how having less games available for people to play in can possibly improve the key participation figures that are the basis of the grants the RFU obtain to support the community game from Sport England which can only harm the investment levels available to the community based clubs. 6) We are extremely concerned that Lancashire have interpreted the problems of travel faced by the Lancashire clubs incorrectly and are attempting to alter the league structure proposed by the AGR. Under the old league structure Lancashire clubs at Level 7 are split into two leagues, one shared with the Cheshire clubs and one shared with the Cumbria clubs at that level. Lancashire made a request to the RFU to allow Lancashire clubs to Withdraw from this North Lancashire / Cumbria League due to the excessive travel involved. Whilst surveying all Lancashire clubs on the issue, the question asked established the problem was the time spent travelling to games. What hasn’t happened is any opportunity to either discuss the solution Lancashire have proposed or for clubs views to obtained. Not all clubs at level 7 wished to have their chances of promotion up the leagues blocked / reduced, indeed the Level 7 Lancashire clubs involved in the North Lancashire / Cumbria leagues where given the opportunity to discuss the proposed solution the other Level 7 Lancashire clubs it would affect have had no opportunity to express their opinions Lancashire’s solution is too withdraw the Lancashire clubs from the North Lancashire / Cumbria league at level 7, effectively making all the Lancashire and Cheshire clubs share one league, effectively relegating 7 clubs from this level. The effect of this would be reducing the potential promotion spots to Lancashire clubs to 2 from the current 3. The RFU blocked such a move until the results of the AGR were published and then opted out of the problem by putting in their AGR proposals that a local solution should be defined for structural problems at level 7 downwards. Additionally, although clubs at level 8 & 9 answered that travel was a problem for them, Lancashire have proposed no solution to help them. Their worst of the problems at this level having been created by arbitrarily moving clubs from the South Lancashire / Cheshire leagues to what was the equivalent northern leagues but with the withdrawal into a Cumbrian league of the level 8 & 9 clubs have become Lancashire leagues. The result being clubs from the Cheshire borders playing in the Lancashire league with clubs further north than them playing in the joint Lancashire Cheshire league. If the current proposals, as put forward at the last Lancashire consultation meeting, are to be believed, Lancashire are requesting that this block and subsequent relegation of some of their clubs now be put on clubs playing at level 6 of the new structure. This does not solve the travel time problems the geographical spread of clubs in Lancashire causes. The clubs at the lower levels never used to travel around Lancashire for their games that they are currently being told they must do. They played locally, usually within a radius of half an hour travelling from their club. Rather than looking to correct the problem the clubs at the bottom levels face, little if anything is being discussed with the ‘Lancashire’ Leagues solution being the only option being put forward despite its obvious flaws. West Park St. Helens RUFC Glossop -------The Club would suffer financially if we were to reduce the overall number of home games by 6 over 3 teams. Paul Whiston Treasurer Windermere RUFC -----Not again. Leave us alone please. No wonder we as a County do not get club members to go on to be CB committee members – this just creates apathy towards the establishment. Nigel Rimmer Secretary Oldham RUFC ----------We have always been of the opinion that Lancs. Clubs should be in a competition of their own ( same as the Cumbria Clubs). Club not consulted by the Committee we contacted them !! Stephen Ingham Chairman of Selectors Egremont ----------------Fixtures for Level 7 should be more localised. We were invited to attend a poorly attended meeting (3 players) The players did not necessarily present the Clubs views and did not have a mandate Jeff Edgar County Rep. Ormskirk ----------------Our preference is 14. No contact from the Adult Review Committee just the NAG Group. Mark Bailie Director of Rugby Leigh ---------------------We made a comprehensive response to the Review Group. Our then 1st XV Manager compiled a comprehensive report and consulted the senior players. Initially we wished to retain 14team league structure, following numerous meetings and reading the review report we accepted the changes and felt because of the quality and comprehensive nature of the report it would be difficult to oppose it. The inclusion 0f a comprehensive cup competition swung us in favour of the reduction in league teams. Mike Hampson Honorary Secretary Colne & Nelson ------------- No comment Keith Thornton Hon Sec. Workington RUFC ------ Club consulted in a way. Our Captain (at the time) attended a meeting called by Cumbria RFU Michael Heaslip Secretary Cockermouth ------------- The proposed move to 12 club leagues is neither helpful to the promotion of the game at Jumior Level, nor, good for the revenues of the Clubs, many of which survive on matchday receipts !! Please don’t tinker, just for the sake of it. Brian Mitchelhill Secretary/ Referees Contact Sunderland -------------- Major Loss of Revenue if Leaguers reduced !! Paul Geehan Chairman Durham City ----------- Meaningless Cup games generate no interest whatsoever !! Tony Howe County Rep. and Media. Consett ------------------ No Comment David Herdman Chairman Guisborough ---------- Guisborough would take a big hit regarding revenue with gate monies, sponsorship and bar receipts all being affected which will in turn affect the game’s development at the Club. John MacKay Secretary Moresby ----------- No Comment Stephen Kellett Fix. Sec. Whitley Bay Rockliff RFC. ----- Must record disappointment in RFU failing to adequately consult with it’s members regarding the changes. David Bennett Fixture Secretary Warrington ----------- I personallywould prefer a move to 12 teams for reasons I am happy to share, however the rugby committee have asked me to answer in favour of 14. We were consulted but it’s had tio see where this reported/captured. Richard Woodward Chairman Eccles -----------------Only consulted at a meeting at PGH Club (4 days before decision was made) it appeared to be a done deal. We think the Review reflects views of 2nd XVS and lower but we think from Level 7 possibly 8 first teams want regular competitive games and will travel if it is done fairly i.e. not like Lancs./Cumbria League at the present time. Cumbria teams should be split between the two North West level 7 leagues at present. Paul Thorpe Secretary De La Salle. ------Only consulted at a Meeting at Preston Grasshoppers. Stephen Parrott Fixture Secretary Ilkley -------------- Ilkley’s Committee are happy with the present 14 team leage structure. It generates a lot of interest locally and regionally and we accept it may mean more travelling than in a 12 team league. However it is the price to pay to be able to play against stronger opposition. Andrew Munro Chairman of Rugby Rochdale --------- No Comment Tim Taylor Secretary Garstang -------- Players want to stay at 14 or move to 14 To stay the same if we finish where we did last year we will be relegated !! which will have a bad effect on player retyention at a time when we are struggling for players. The 2nd XV had to concede a game due to a lack of players. We could end up the same as Carnforth who have left the National Leagues. Frank Purkis Secretary Tarleton -------- The Leagues work fine we don’t see the need for change !!!! Steve Bradley Manager Bolton ----------- We believe the RFU will push this through as they already appear to have done, regardless of the Clubs affected. Les Towler Captain and All of Bolton Littleborough ------ Going to 12 is a silly idea. Ideally for our Club to survive we need at least 15 home games per season. Brian Hurst Club President Old Bedians ------- 1st XV Captain thinks 12 games – as any more than that (and Cup Games) can leave us short and using 2nd XV players that are not ready. Especially tound Christmas and the start of the season. 2nd team Captain prefers 12 team as he has difficulty chasing players (especially fringe players) and this takes the pressure off him every week and increases commitment. For our first team I think 12 is fine. The standards are higher and we get more player commitment as consistency in selection as they know what weekends are games and when they are free ( to see wives etc,) Also it gives players more time to recoup from injuries. For the 2nd XV we have found a 12 team league easier to compete in. It gives anyone who wants to play a chance and gives our small Club a break in terms of selectionwhen may only have one game a week as it eases selection issues. 12 team Leagues also gives us flexibility in terms of arranging a development 3rd XV and if there are any fixture cancellations. Steven Cooke Chairman Millom --------- We feel in a general consensus that 14 team Leagues with the weather experienced in Cumbria affects the possibility to get games in. With a limited catchment area for players and other sports which our youth in the area are involved 12 seems to be ideal. Bill Dowbiggin Senior member of the Club for years. Pendle ---------- We would like to move to 12/14. We are happy with the way the Leagues are being run and although we would like more teams in our League (12/14 rather than 10) we feel there is no need for change at this time. Keith Waddington Chairman Crosby St. Marys ------- We understand why many Clubs would prefer to stay at or move to 14 clubs in their League. In our case our financial position is not so dependent on playing more games. We are struggling to field 2 teams each week, so to be honest fewer games are better. Neil Adshead Secretary Ashton U Lyne --------At present too many free Saturdays. The Club is suffering financially due to lost revenue. Kath Carr Secretary Wigton -------- When things are running well why change them Dava Halliday Fixture Secretaary North Manchester ----- Currently we are in a 13 team League and wouldn’t choose to reduce our numbers of games revenue is vital. Cup games again are obviously important to the structure of a full rugby season and therefore North M. are happy with the organisation we are under. Ian Thompson Chairman Winlaton Vulcans ------ Broadly support maintaining teams in League at 14 and maintaining a viable County Cup Competition. Being a totally amateur Club we must not ignore the social side of the Club both on and off the field. Rugby is and always has been a game for all shapes and sizes, with teams playing at different levels so that players of all ages, levels of fitness and skill are not squeezed out of the game and away from their local clubs. If this happens clubs will lose the volunteers who are usually retired players and the major source of income that goes with them. Richard Jones Secretary Bishop Aukland ------- We rely on League games for our finance. Cup games simply mean that at some stage there will be gaps on the list which will affect our finances. Keith Wilkinson Chairman St.Edwards O.B. ----- We have no objections to the Adult Review proposals as indicated. Continuing at our current league size fits our purposes with our circumstances, As a club we hire our facilities and do not own a bar, This means that the question of match day revenue is not an issue. Our continued existence as a Club is not dependent on match day revenue it is dependent on player availability. This means that as a Club we welcome any proposals that suggest leagues will become more localised and not involve more league games. With our limited pool of players shifting from 20/22 games a season to one of 26 is too big a step to contemplate as it would likely compromise any hope of being competitive. David Moran Chairman Burnley --------------- We originally thought 12 would be a more manageable league but a lack of progress in the cup and going down to 11 sides has meant that we have too many free weekends. 10 home games isn’t enough to generate income from the clubhouse point of view. Too many weeks off gives players the opportunity to do other things on a Saturday afternoon. Steve Jackson Secretary Whitby ------------ From the coach “ I like the 12 team structure as for smaller Clubs it gives us a breather especially when we play teams who have far more players than us. Because a lot of Clubs run 2/3 teams they have no problem fielding teams week on week whereas every injury is a bit of a major impact.” Just thoughts on a playing perspective. I don’t like the idea of playing in Yorkshire Leagues and I think we need to do all we can to stay in Durham/Northumberland structure and wish this information to be forwarded to the appropriate person. Emma Garbutt Secretary Jarrovians ------- Lack of players in Club and more games could mean more injuries and difficulties in turning a side out. Andy Burns President Newton Aycliffe ----- Small Club with only limited players available Stuart McIvor Secretary Prudhoe and Stocksfield --- We at our Club suffer with player availability and extra fixtures would cause us problems. We also share with cricket and less games allows us to plan for ground availability in September. Our understanding from an executive member is that there will be still two home Cup games. Peter Jones Secretary Richmondshire -------- The main point of discussion is finance and obviously more games will produce more finance through bar takings etc. etc. Alison Down Secretary Sedgefield -------------- Struggling with player numbers and more games may see more injuries and a failure to fulfil fixtures. Terry Robinson Chairman Acklam ----- As a club we agree with the regionalisation of the Leagues but want to stay at 14 Clubs in each League. Mark Collins Chairman
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