PRST STD AUTO US POSTAGE SANDUSKY, MI PERMIT NO 032 Sanilac and St. Clair Conservation Districts 50 E. Miller Rd Sandusky, MI 48471 810-648-2998 x 5 2015 SPRING TREE ORDER FORM Now offering expanded selections of fruits, vegetables, hops and other products! Product Descriptions Seedlings (2-0) or (3-0) - Grown for two or three years in specialized seedling beds. Transplants (2-1) Grown for two years in a seedling bed, then transplanted and grown for another year, allowing for a more robust root system. Extra Large Usually grown for 2 years in seedling bed then transplanted and grown for another 2 to 3 years to allow a more expansive, branched stem and root system. Plugs Container grown seedlings. These are the only trees offered that are not bare root. Conifers A bush or tree (such as a pine) that produces cones and usually has leaves that are green all year. Deciduous A bush or tree that has leaves that fall off every year. Pollinators Some fruit trees and vegetables need pollinators to bear produce. Planting the appropriate species help ensure a great crop. Tree/Shrub Packets A mix of seedling trees and shrubs that are complimentary of each other. —-For more detailed descriptions of products offered please check out our 2015 product catalog at or stop in at the office. ——Tree planter rental available (requires 40hp tractor with 3pt hitch) & Custom tree planting services offered. Contact the office for rental rates . Custom planting quotes available upon request. Conifers QTY Per Per Per Per Per Per Per SEEDLINGS Size 5 10 25 50 100 500 1000 White Pine 12-18” (3-0) $8 $12 $19 $25 $38 $130 $230 Blue Spruce 10-18” (2-0) $8 $12 $19 $25 $38 $130 $230 White Spruce 10-18”(2-0) $8 $12 $19 $25 $38 $130 $230 Norway Spruce 10-18”(2-0) $8 $12 $19 $25 $38 $130 $230 Douglas Fir 12-18” (2-0) $8 $12 $19 $25 $38 $130 $230 Red Pine 12-18” (3-0) $8 $12 $19 $25 $38 $130 $230 Red Cedar 12-18” (3-0) $9 $14 $28 $38 $60 $250 $390 White Cedar 12-24” (4-0) $9 $14 $28 $38 $60 $250 $390 American Tamarack 12-18” (2-0) $9 $14 $28 $38 $60 $250 $390 TRANSPLANTS Size 1 10 25 50 75 100 500 Blue Spruce 10-16” (2-1) $2 $18 $38 $55 $80 $100 $350 White Spruce 12-18” (2-1) $2 $18 $38 $55 $80 $100 $350 White Pine 12-18” (2-2) $2 $18 $38 $55 $80 $100 $350 Norway Spruce 15”+ $2 $18 $38 $55 $80 $100 $350 EXTRA LARGE Size 1 10 25 50 75 100 —– White Pine 24-30” $5 $45 $80 $140 $205 $265 * Blue Spruce 24-30” $5 $45 $80 $140 $205 $265 * Norway Spruce 24-30” $5 $45 $80 $140 $205 $265 * White Spruce 24-30” $5 $45 $80 $140 $205 $265 * EVERGREEN PLUGS Size 10 30 50 100 250 500 1000 White Pine 5”-10” $15 $30 $45 $75 $150 $275 $500 White Spruce 5”-10” $15 $30 $45 $75 $150 $275 $500 Col. Blue Spruce 5”-10” $15 $30 $45 $75 $150 $275 $500 Norway Spruce 5”-10” $15 $30 $45 $75 $150 $275 $500 (2-1) * If interested in larger quantities not listed, please contact the district for a quote. QTY Total QTY Total QTY Total QTY Total QTY Per Per Per Per Per Per Per DECIDUOUS TREES Size 5 10 25 50 100 500 1000 Hybrid Poplar 2-3’ $9 $13 $25 $40 $75 $250 * Persimmon (fruit bearing) 12-18” $9 $13 $25 $40 $75 * * Quaking Aspen 2’-3’ $9 $13 $25 $40 $75 * * White Birch 2’-3’ $9 $13 $25 $40 $75 $250 * American Mt. Ash (limited qtys avail) 12-18” $10 $15 $30 $45 —— —— Sugar Maple 18-24” $10 $15 $30 $45 $80 $380 * Sugar Maple XL (limited qtys avail) 2-3’+ $13 $21 $36 $52 $93 —— —— White Oak 18-24” $10 $15 $30 $45 $80 $380 * Northern Red Oak 2’-3’ $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 $425 * Sycamore (American plane tree) 2’-3’ $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 * * Red Maple 2’-3’ $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 $425 * Hazelnut 2’-3’ $13 $20 $45 $85 $150 * * PawPaw 12-18” $13 $20 $45 $85 $150 * * FLOWERING TREES/SHRUBS SIZE 1 5 10 25 50 100 Tulip Poplar 2’-3’ $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Witchhazel 12-18” $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Eastern Red Bud 18-24” $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Spicebush 18-24” $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Buttonbush 18-24” $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Forsythia 12-24” $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Elderberry 12-18” $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Butterfly Bush 2’ + $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Common Lilac (purple) 18-24” $4 $12 $17 $33 $50 $90 Trumpet Vine root $4 $12 $17 — — — Ninebark 18-24” $— $7 $10 $22 $35 $50 Highbush Cranberry 12-18” $— $7 $10 $22 $35 $50 Red Barberry** 2’+ $— $7 $10 $22 $35 $50 Red Oiser Dogwood 2’+ $— $7 $10 $22 $35 $50 ** Shrubs more tolerant to deer browsing * If interested in larger quantities not listed, please contact the district for a quote. ——The Conservation District is now accepting certain household electronics for recycling Please contact one of the offices for further details! This recycling service is free of charge. QTY Total QTY TOTAL —— FRUIT TREES Size Per 1 Per 5 Per 10 Per 25 Per 50 Per 100 Cortland Apple—(needs pollinator) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Fuji Apple—(needs pollinator) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Gala Apple- (needs pollinator) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Honey Crisp Apple (needs pollinator) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Snow Apple - (needs pollinator) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Golden Delicious Apple—(needs pollinator) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Northern Spy Apple (needs pollinator) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Redhaven Peach (self fertile) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Jubileum Tart Cherry—(self fertile) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Skeena Sweet Cherry—(self fertile) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 — — — Stanley Plum—(self fertile) 4-6’ $15 —— $142 —— —— —— FRUITS/VEGTABLES Size Per 1 Per 5 Per 10 Per 25 Per 50 Per 100 Mary Washigton Asparagus (self pollinating) 1yr —— $7 $12 $25 —– —— Jersey Knight Asparagus (self pollinating) 1 yr —— $7 $12 $25 —– —— Albion Strawberries 1yr —— —— —— $12 $22 —— All-star Strawberries -(June bearing) (self fertile) 1yr —— —— —— $12 $22 —— Triple Crown Blackberry-(self pollinating) 1yr —— $25 $40 $85 —– —— Heritage Raspberry (self pollinating) 1yr —— $15 $25 $58 —– —— Red Thornless Raspberry ( June Bearing) 1yr —— $15 $25 $58 —— —— Earliblue Blueberry- (pollinator needed) 12-18” $8 $32 $60 —— —– —— Blue Crop Blueberry- (pollinator needed) 12-18” $8 $32 $60 —— —— —— Concord Grapes- (seeded) (self pollinating) 3yr —— $20 $35 $80 —— —— Fredonia Grapes (seeded) (self pollinating) 2yr —— $20 $35 $80 —— —— $8 $37 —— —— —- —— - (ever bearing) (self fertile) Red Rhubarb HOPS Size Per 1 Per 5 Per 10 Per 25 Per 50 Per 100 Cascade—citrus (bitterness 4-6%) rhizome —— $25 $45 $100 —— —— Nugget—bitter,woody (bitterness 12-15%) rhizome —— $25 $45 $100 —— —— Centennial—floral (bitterness 8-11%) rhizome —— $25 $45 $100 —— —— Chinook—piny, herbal rhizome —— $25 $45 $100 —— —— QTY Total QTY Total QTY Total MISCELLANEOUS PACKETS Price Bird & Butterfly 8 plants=4 Rose of Sharon; 2 Butterfly Bush; 2 Trumpet Vine $10 Packet 16 plants=8 Rose of Sharon; 4 Butterfly Bush; 4 Trumpet Vine $17 32 plants= 16 Rose of Sharon; 8 Butterfly Bush; 8 Trumpet Vine $28 QTY Variety Packet (70 plants) 10 White Pine,10 Norway Spruce, 10 Blue Spruce, 10 White Spruce, $46 5 Douglas Fir, 5 Sugar Maple, 5 Hybrid Poplar, 5 White Birch, 5 Red Oak, 5 Sycamore Wildlife Packet (70 plants) 5 White Pine, 5 White Cedar, 5 White Spruce, 10 Tamarack, 5 White Oak, 5 Hybrid Poplar, 5 Red Osier Dogwood, 5 Spice Bush, 5 Red Barberry, 10 Nine Bark, 5 Highbush Cranberry, 5 Elderberry $46 Midwest Wildflower Seed Annuals, Biennials & Perennials (1 oz Covers 200 sq. ft) $4 Daylillies (Stella de Oro) Sold by the division. #1 divisions have 3-6 fans $4 Hostas (Undulata Albomargintina) Sold by the divisions. #1 divisions have 3-6 eyes $4 TREE PROTECTORS Size With Stakes W/O Stakes QTY Total Vented Tree Pro (extra wide ) 36” $3. 50 ea $2.25 ea 48” $4.25 ea $3.00 ea Vented Miracle Tube 36” $3.50 ea $2.25 ea 48” $4.25 ea $3.00 ea Diamond Mesh Tube Protec- 36” tors with bamboo stakes $1.50 ea QTY Total MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Size/Description Price Tree Planting Bar 10”L X 3”W Blade $26.00 ea Red Marking Flag 36” wire $.14 ea Root Dip / Planting Gel 1 oz = 750 seedlings $3.00/oz Tree Grow Tablets Time Release Fertilizer Tablets ( 20-10-5) Please Circle Soluble Powder $.14 ea 1lb= $28 Plantskydd Helps to keep deer/wildlife away for up to 6 months. Mosquito Barrier (liquid insect repellant) products desired : per oz 2.2lb= $47 Granular Shaker 1lb= $13 3lb= $25 Pre-mixed Spray 1qt =$22 1 quart $25 St. Clair County Platbook 2014 Edition (land parcels listed by townships and property owner) $30.00 Deep Water Sign Warning “Deep Water” (9” X 12”) (plastic) $3.00 Trees Planted Sign Trees Planted “Keep Off” (8” X 10”) (aluminum) $2.50 Total Tree Ordering & Planting Information Visit our website or Facebook page for updated information pertaining to distribution dates, location and time. or A product catalog with full descriptions and pictures can be found on our websites and in our office. Tree information, planting and pruning guides can be found on our website. Please order early to ensure product availability (some species / varieties have limited availability). Orders $200 or less—Full payment due when placing orders. Orders over $200—50% of balance due when placing order, full balance due at time of pickup. $25 service fee for cancellations. *Cancellations of orders are subject to restocking surcharge expenses passed on from the nursery suppliers. Add your orders carefully! Adding errors with overpayment up to $10 will be considered a donation to the SCD. Plant material is primarily bare root stock and perishable, district liability ceases when trees are picked up. PAYMENT METHODS Cash - Check -Money Order - Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover only) make Checks payable to: Sanilac Conservation District or SCD Remit order form and payment by April 6th to: Sanilac Conservation District 50 E. Miller Road, Sandusky MI 48471 or Phone: (810) 648-2998 x 5 Email: joe.kautz@mi.nacdnet .net NAME:__________________________ Saint Clair Conservation District 2830 Wadhams Road, Kimball Twp. MI 48074 Phone: (810) 984-3001 x5 Fax: (855) 813-7689 PHONE_______________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________ CITY______________________ STATE _______ ZIP _________ EMAIL___________________________________________________ Credit Card No._________________________________________ Expires_________________ Circle one: Visa Discover MasterCard Subtotal $ 6% Sales Tax $ Handling, Packing & Shipping Fee $2.00 $2.00 *Tree Education Program see footnote below $ Total $ Amount Enclosed $ Balance Due $ Exact Name on Credit Card_______________________________ Tentative Pick-up dates and times: Billing address:_____________________ 3 Digit code:________ Please Check One: Billing Zip Code:_______________________________________ _____ April 10 & 11 at the Sanilac County Fairgrounds , Sandusky MI Signature:_____________________________ Date:___________ _____ April 17th & 18th at the Goodells County Postcards will be mailed regarding tree pick-up days and times. Check your mailbox approximately one week before pickup dates and times for a reminder. Visit our website or Facebook page for latest information regarding pickup dates and times. * The Sanilac and St. Clair Conservation Districts provide elementary children with tree seedlings and educational materials about the importance of trees and conservation. This is made possible by the generosity of our tree sale patrons. THANK YOU!!
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