Art Talk - Public News

VOL 1, ED 9 | JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015 | FREE
As You Like It at Alley Theater
page 4
Art Talk:
Mel Chin, How Do I Love You
page 6
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
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JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
I am a media guy, always have been.
major market.
However, my love for all things media was
So, I
not always focused on print, or better known
as newspaper journalism. It did start that way dropped radio
from my
back in high school where I served on the
newspaper staff one year and on the yearbook professionally desired
staff the next.
bucket list
My breakthrough
and was
professional gig came
offered a job
around in my first year
of college. I was tabbed
Kansas City’s
to write high school
Pitch Weekly
football stories for the
all over midCape Girardeau daily
Missouri. It
newspaper, The Southpaid okay,
east Missourian.
but took all
What I did was not
day and night
journalism, it was pure
reporting. Nothing flashy, to get sevThe Metro I - 2002
eral thousand
Ken Petty just dry, boring facts.
Needless to say, this was copies to
over 100 businesses driving across 10 Misa short lived career.
Soon after, I left college and came back two souri counties.
Over the next five years I fell
and a half years later with
in love with the idea of posa new passion; radio. It
sibly running a newspaper like
was on my return to colthe Pitch Weekly and set my
lege that I was doing late
sights on Des Moines, Iowa as
night Saturday college raa launching ground for a paper
dio and this morphed into
called the Point. The Point
Top 40, Country, Alternanever materialized for whatever
tive and even Christian
reason. But my goal of putRock radio over the course
ting together a paper did gain a
of the next fifteen years.
foothold in the Rio Grande ValIt was then that I realley (New Rio Times) for a few
ized that making a decent
issues and later that same year
living is going to be hard
in Corpus Christi (City Talk), for
in radio if you are not
a few more issues than New Rio
out selling the ad time
(or in newspaper terms,
ad space) and/or not in a
River City Times - 1999 I hit full stride when I returned
News for the Houston market.
to my old college town in Cape Girardeau
In 2006, the name Public News was secured
and launched the River City Times. That paper
and in Spring of 2007 the digital
was a success! For three
issue was put forward. The comyears the biweekly River
ments on the revival were both
City Times was covering a
positive and negative, with most
whole swath of Southeast
of the negative coming from forMissouri, Southern Illinois
mer “old” Public News employand Western Kentucky. A
ees. The digital format, although
move to St. Louis created a
praised as ground breaking, was
situation I needed to avoid
liked, some still wanted a hard
with the existing local
paper called Riverfront
So, back to the print market we
Times. Having a similar
went looking for a printer who
name to theirs, we renamed
can handle such an undertaking.
our paper The Metro I.
In late summer of 2007, the only
The Metro I from St.
Louis was the working
name of the newspaper that
See PN on page 8
Public News - 2007
we now know as the Public
Dream ComeSHOPTrue
Custom Embroidery, Custom Leather Crafting & Repair
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702-B Spring Cypress Road Ste B
Old Town Spring, Texas 77373
HOURS: TUES-SAT 10am-5pm, SUN noon-5pm*
Editorial Chairman: Ken Petty
Contributing Editors: Rosanne Friedman, Tom Darin Liskey, Nick Rama,
Barbara Tryon
Contributing Writers: Jan Barron, Lezlee Bushfield, Mark Crampton,
Roxanne Davis, Susan Love Fitts, Rosanne Friedman, Cindy Groover,
Heather Jackson, Jeb Kicker Tom Daren Liskey, Carl Palmgren, Bart Pearston, Ken
Petty, Anna ‘Pinion’ Pena, Nick Rama, Jody Reed, Eric Tryon
Photography: Ken Petty, Nick Rama
Graphics/Layout: Ken Petty
Advertising Executive: Ken Petty
Distribution: Ken Petty, Vertical Response Partner
Fake Celebrity Intern: Tina Fey
is a free arts and entertainment newsweekly
serving metro Houston, published Wednesday
and distributed via email to subscribers
Contact Us:
Public News is an arts & entertainment newsweekly published on Wednesday
and distributed to metro Houston subscribers via email and to anyone else via our
We welcome community news, press releases, and article ideas; sent by mail
or email. Deadline for calendar items and advertising is the Monday prior to our
Wednesday publication date.
Subscriptions to the Public News are free and can be obtained by going to the
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JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
Send us your press releases and news tips for our News Briefs
Alley Theatre Resident Company Featured in
Shakespeare’s Romantic Comedy As You Like It
As You Like It runs January 30 through February 22 as part of the
“Alley Theatre @ UH” season
Nice report on the significance of the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion being ranked up
there with the best. The one thing that, I think,
waters down that significance is that metro
Houston is a warm weather region and is open
to having success with outdoor events.
Coupled with the fact that there are no other
competing venues like the Pavilion gives them
a semi-monopoly on performers who want to
play to larger than arena crowds.
Like I said, it’s a worthwhile recognition,
but perhaps this may end up creating the opportunity for another investor to put together
another outdoor venue to compete for major
artists performing live music.
Competition would drive down ticket prices
for fans but it would prove bad for promoters
who want to milk these events for every possible dollar.
Kenny L.
I enjoyed the snippet that Jody Reed put
together regarding the unintended effect on the
economy (or blessing in disquise?) with the
recent downward movement in the price of oil
and gasoline.
I’ve heard the counter arguments that the
lower oil prices will hurt the economy, but
I agree with Ms. Reed. It’s better to have
thousands with extra spending cash to boost
the economy than just a few people holding the
economic benefit.
Sarah R.
send us your love notes, job offers, bomb threats,
article comments, interesting tidbits or observations to
All comments will be edited for clarity, if needed.
ONLY $19.99
OPEN MON-THURS 9-9, FRI 9-8, SAT 10-8, SUN 11-7
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
Houston, Texas – Alley Theatre Artistic Director Gregory Boyd announces the cast and
creative team for As You Like It, the first play
of 2015 in the “Alley Theatre @ UH” season.
“All the world’s a stage” in this masterpiece
about romance and mistaken identity. Eliza-
beth Bunch, Chris Hutchinson, James
Black, Jeffrey Bean and Todd Waite lead
the company in one of Shakespeare’s
greatest comedies.
As You Like It traces the separate and
intertwining journeys of Rosalind and
Orlando, who have each been banished
from their home and family. Independently, they each set out with a faithful
friend and loyal servant and make their
way through the Forest of Arden. Lovers
discover lovers, fathers find daughters,
brothers reclaim brothers, people are
transformed and evil is converted in this
delightful story of love.
Alley Theatre Resident Company
members Elizabeth Bunch as Rosalind,
Chris Hutchinson as Orlando, and Todd
Waite as Duke Frederick/Duke Ferdinand lead the cast. The cast of As You
Like It also includes Resident Company
Members Jeffrey Bean as Touchstone,
James Black as Jaques, Charles Krohn
as Adam, Melissa Pritchett as Phebe, David
Rainey as Corin and Jay Sullivan as Silvius.
Returning to the Alley are John Feltch as
Oliver and Nicole Rodenburg as Audrey. Emily Trask makes her Alley debut as Celia. The
cast also features musicians Aaron Echegaray
on guitar and percussionist Luke Hubley.
As You Like It features scenic design by
Kevin Rigdon with costume design by Tricia
Barsamian and lighting design by Rui Rita.
Music composition and sound design are by
Rob Milburn and Michael Bodeen with voice
and text direction by Barney Hammond,
choreography by Peter Pucci and Assistant
Director Brandon Weinbrenner.
As You Like It, by William Shakespeare,
directed by Gregory Boyd, begins performances Friday, January 30 opens officially
Wednesday, February 4, and runs through
February 22, 2015 at the University of Houston’s Wortham Theatre. Suitable for general
As the Alley Theatre undergoes the first
major renovation in its history, all 2014-2015
season performances are at the University of
Houston’s (UH) main campus. Details about
the previously announced renovation can be
found at
Construction on the Alley Theatre building
began in July, 2014 and will continue through
the summer of 2015, with the grand opening
of the renovated Alley Theatre scheduled for
October 2015. For more information about
the venue at UH visit
Smart Updates May Require Professional Assistance
GHBA Remodelers Council members provide tips and trends to combine design and technology
by Susan Love Fitts
HOUSTON – January 21, 2015 – Members of
the Remodelers Council of the Greater Houston
Builders Association say that many homeowners are redesigning their living spaces for a more
contemporary look that accommodates the latest
“It’s all about clean lines and more modern
design,” Stephen McNiel, founder of Creative
Property Restoration Inc., said. “People want clean
spaces, sleek furniture and no clutter.” But that’s
just the beginning, he said, his customers also are
very interested in the whole gamut of technological
Kevin Vick, owner of Vick Construction and
Remodeling, agreed, saying “Technology is making
209-A Midway
Old Town Spring, TX 77373
behind the Funnel Cake Place
home design smarter and giving homeowners more
A few of the hottest trends remodelers are seeing:
• Staying safe and secure. Cameras and security
systems are often at the top of the list for clients.
“Everyone wants cameras inside and outside the
house. There are systems available that allow you
to check on your house via a smartphone, and if
you ever do have a break-in, it’s documented,”
McNiel said.
• Staying connected. Remodelers are often tasked
with adding low-voltage wiring and networking
capabilities for telephone, intercom, alarm systems,
audio, video, data and HVAC. “People want to go
room-to-room with their portable devices,” McNiel
said. “Many are disconnecting from cable, but want
to be able to connect to their iPad and broadcast
wirelessly to the TV.”
• Make it more entertaining. “People are putting
flat screens everywhere, including the kitchen and
bathroom,” McNiel said. “That necessitates outlets
up high for the television and ready wireless connections.”
Vick said his clients often want to mount the flat
screen above the mantel, which requires behindthe-scenes upgrades to wiring and mounting
systems. Another option is to add a media room
– or a flex room that could double as an entertainment space – complete with large screens, theater
seating and state-of-the-art sound systems. “Just
the touch of a few buttons and everything is set for
movie mode,” he said. “Sound bars are also a big
trend now.”
Entertaining often extends into the backyard,
so technology has to follow suit, McNiel added.
“People want to listen to music in the backyard and
have outdoor kitchens with TVs,” he said. “That
way they can grill while watching the game.”
• Smart homes operating from a smartphone. Almost everything in the home can be linked to a portable device – letting homeowners control settings
from any location. “Everything can be run through
the cloud now,” Vick said. “If it’s electronic, it can
be controlled from a smartphone.”
• Make the most of a remodel by hiring a qualified
contractor. The builders suggest that homeowners
spend time planning exactly what they want – before any work gets started.
A complete remodel, McNeil said, in which even
the drywall is removed, makes it easier to install
low-voltage wiring. “If that’s not an option,” he
said, “getting the wiring installed where you need
it is a huge consideration, and working with a good
low-voltage company is essential.”
Vick suggests that homeowners planning
renovations consider the big picture – not just the
hardware required. “Have a design of not only
the system, but of how everything is going to be
installed,” he said. “Do some research and have a
game plan.”
Hiring qualified professionals who stay on top of
the trends can be one of the best decisions a homeowner can make, the remodelers say.
“Electronics change so fast,” McNiel said.
“Whatever you buy today could be obsolete in a
few months, so it’s critical to work with a good
contractor who knows the latest and greatest – and
who can tailor that to your needs.”
The best way to find a qualified professional is by
contacting the Remodelers Council, McNeil said.
“They bring all the right people to the table to accomplish your goals.”
Send us your events for inclusion in our Events Calendar
Discovery Green Flea presented by Green Mountain Energy
Treasure-hunt at this monthly, one-of-akind market nestled in the shady southeast
end of the downtown park. The destination
market features an array of artful kitsch,
vintage items, mid-century modern furniture, recycled and repurposed items and
The next flea is scheduled for saturday,
January 24, 2015 from 11am - 5pm. The
flea is taking place on the fourth weekend
of January instead of the third due to the
Houston Marathon.
Get crafty in the make it/take it booth,
hosted by the tinderbox! This is for ages
18 years and up. The little ones can make
a craft in the kid zone hosted by Macaroni
Kid Southwest Houston!
The Baldwin Boettcher Branch Library will
provide ESL classes for library patrons that
are at a beginning, intermediate, and advanced
level. Our beginning English classes are on
Mondays, 6-7:30 pm and Fridays, 1-3 pm; intermediate level classes, Wednesdays, 6-7:30
pm and Thursdays, 1-3 pm; Advanced Level
English class, Tuesdays, 4-5 pm; Conversational English Class for all levels, Tuesdays,
10-12 pm beginning on February 3rd.
All ESL classes are free. Sign up for the
ESL classes at the information desk at the
Baldwin Boettcher Branch Library. The address of the library is 22248 Aldine Westfield
Rd, Humble Texas 77338. For more information about the English classes call the Baldwin
Boettcher Branch Library at 281-821-1320.
Big Thicket Distilling Co.
Every Saturday, noon to 5pm
The flea hosts a free bicycle repair workshop each month! Bring your bikes and your
questions to their expert cyclist, Ozzy!
Check out the live performance by the
allen oldies band from 2-4pm! The Allen
Oldies band brings back the energy and
excitement of the 50’s and 60’s hit parade.
Discovery Green Flea is irresistible to the
avid shopper! Whether you are a bargain
hunter or an eco-sensitive collector dedicated to repurposing and reusing, seek and
find at discovery green flea while enjoying
light bites and local entertainment. With
the planning expertise of project for public
spaces and our new friends at brooklyn flea,
Discovery Green Flea is the place to see (buy
and eat) and be seen.
Tours by appointment
$10 (reservation required)
512 Bryant Road #1
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 666-1341
B-52 Brewing Company Tour & Tasting
Every Saturday, noon -4pm
Fee: $8-$12
12470 Milroy Lane,
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 447-4677
Southern Star Brewing Company
Every Saturday, 1pm - 4pm
1207 N FM 3083 Rd E
Conroe, TX 77303
(936) 441-2739
Recently, I have addressed such “minor”
looming issues as Healthcare and the incorporation of The Woodlands, so I figured, “Why
stop there?” This week I’d like to address run
away college expenses locally.
Basic economic laws of supply and demand of an increasing college age population
in North Houston and
Montgomery County
spotlight a growing
need. Our local, state,
and national economies
demand post-secondary
educations for most
better paying jobs. The
number of schools has
not kept up with the
population, however.
you free colleges
Bart Pearston When
to raise tuition in a
captive market like
Texas did in 2003, they explode. For example,
the cost at the two local public colleges most
commuted to are UH and Sam Houston State.
Since the “freeing” of their tuition from state
regulation in 2003 it has gone from $2,266
and $1,970 to $5,223(130%) and $7,022 (a
whopping 256%) respectively according to
a November 21st story in the mainstream
Houston Chronicle. These are some of the
sharpest increases in the state. In 2013, full
time tuition at Lone Star in The Woodlands
only rose from $2016 to $3,088 since 2003
(53%). The average college graduate now
carries almost $35,000 in student debt. It is
clear that Community Colleges are much more
affordable and gaining.
Before even taking office, Governor-elect
Greg Abbott denounced the “Californiaization” of Texas by citing communities
restricting plastic bags, fracking, payday loan
companies, and junk dealers. It seemed a bit
strange for a candidate who accurately stated,
““As governor, I will return control of our
schools to the districts and the communities
served. ... Our public education system is too
centralized. One-size-fits-all solutions are
pushed down from the top. We have too many
unnecessary, unfunded mandates from Austin
that tie the hands of our educators.”
But Gov. Abbott could take a lesson from
Gov. Brown, who just signed a bill into law
that allows 15 Community Colleges to offer 4
year degrees. Area Texas Representatives Keough and Metcalf, along with State Senator’s
Creighton and Bettencourt, and Lieutenant
Gov. Patrick (the last two of which are present
and past Education Committee Chairmen)
would do well to explore this for Montgomery College. Living at home saved room and
board costs for me and my two oldest who
graduated from it. Their biggest financial
hurdle occurred when transferring to public
colleges which didn’t accept many of their
credits and added them to the growing number
of Texas students who required additional
years to get Bachelor’s Degrees.
Our major schools are packed to the gills.
More local students being able to get 4 year
degrees would reduce student debt, diversify
our economy by adding jobs and students to
the college, and fill the vacuum of colleges
between Houston and Huntsville. The Texas
Legislature is in session this week; the time
to move is now. You can email your thoughts
here. I’d love to hear them.
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WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 7:15pm - 8:45pm
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Appointments Available
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
A New Crop for this Year’s CSA
(Houston, TX) -The Community Supported Art
program, presented by Fresh Arts, is back for another
round with a brand new crop of artists. Last year’s
CSA boasted an overwhelming success, selling out
all of its shares and calling attention to the talents of
several of Houston’s finest. “Being able to expand
my personal art collection, the surprise element, the
affordability, the convenience of not dealing with a
gallery”-- just some of the many value-ads that excited last year’s inaugural patrons about the program.
This year, 6 artists have been juried in by a panel
of distinguished members of the arts community to
represent the second round of Houston’s first and
only Community Supported Arts Program. This
year’s participants include: Charisse Weston, Damon
Thomas, Josh Alan, Elaine Bradford, Nicky Davis,
and Jessica Kreutter.
Shares are now available for purchase online on
the website.
The CSA program, originally modeled after the
Community Supported Agriculture movement and
conceived by Springboard for the Arts in Minnesota,
is a pipeline between the consumer and local artists.
In the spirit of buying and supporting homegrown
items, the Community Supported Art program seeks
to cultivate a culture of local support for original
work by artists in the area, establish relationships
between local collectors and patrons, and create a
model for distribution to novice art collectors.
How does it work? Six local artists, who have been
selected by a jury of local art luminaries, receive a
commission to create 50 original works of art, which
are bundled as shares. Interested collectors will
purchase a share and in return receive 2 farm boxes
of locally produced artwork during 2 intervals in the
“When you participate in an agricultural CSA,
you aren’t just making a simple transaction of money
for produce. You are choosing to support local farms
and farmers. This is an important distinction. One
could easily buy similar produce from the grocery
store, but buying from a local farmer keeps that
money in our community,” says Fresh Arts’ Director
of Programs Sarah Schellenberg. “We are hoping
to build the same type of support for local artists.
Buying a share from Fresh Arts’ CSA is more than a
transaction for goods, it’s saying, ‘I care about this
creative community and want to see artists be able to
stay here and thrive in Houston”.
What are the benefits? Artists receive support for
the creation of new and original work and are afforded the opportunity to establish relationships with
interested collectors and patrons-- participating in an
exciting and innovative new model for art distribution. Those who purchase shares are afforded the opportunity to discover new artists and gain exposure
to a variety of disciplines, while receiving
multiple pieces of new original work from local artists at a fantastic value and playing a role in cultivating a vibrant art community.
Let me count the ways:
by Rosanne Friedman
Using your position, talent, scope and depth
to help. You went to New Orleans after Katrina
found that the earth was contaminated with lead
and was poisoning children. You set up a system
to bring attention to this problem while engaging
children to make art. The drawings of hundred
dollar bills, you call “fundreds” are child made,
and are stacked in the gallery. They will go to
Washington with the intended outcome to engage
policy to make life better for those children,
exchanging every drawing for real money to
help. The Hirshhorn, that great Washington Art
Museum, called giving a place to exhibit there.
You have an opening for more fundreds that can
be made and will help. If we go to:
and we can send them along.
Making art work with harmonies. Rather than
shock the public as many artists have done before
you by placing non-art materials in an art space
and calling it art, you put non-art materials in an
art space and we all join together with you to celebrate. The icon of a steel safe is placed to realize
the value of what is inside.
Making art work with connection: You tirelessly work with others who think different than
an artist might think, to conceive and carry out
broadening places for art. It’s like working with
the screenwriters on Melrose Place in order to
“product place” real art work and real work to
ponder. Giving money made to Women’s Chari-
ties, since Melrose Place is watched by mostly
women 18-45.
Finding out stuff and being inclusive of all who
have endeavored to research before you: Like the
time you worked with scientists to evolve ideas
of placing plants that will soak up the lead in the
soil, then carefully burning the plants to release
the lead to reuse thereby opening up this field
(pun intended) to funding for other scientists and
their students to continue researching. Work like
life lives on after the art.
Appreciating others. And not being afraid to
say, No, you can’t do this in your own home. You
have to know what you are doing.
Sheer creative whimsy: Taking the images
from an encyclopedia and cutting them out and
reassembling them. In that, you create images
teaming with layers of association and meaning,
by chance. Surrealism is hard not to like.
Make the world bigger by going deeper. This
world is only limited by one’s imagination, and
as Mel Chin takes us on a tour of his, he opens
the door for each one of us to celebrate our own
and pass that one forward to the one standing next
to you. It’s contagious how Houston loves Mel
His retrospective, Rematch, is on exhibit in four
venues, The Blaffer Gallery at the University of
Houston, The Asia Society, The Station Museum
of Contemporary Art and The Contemporary Art
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
Have you ever scrolled down your Facebook
News Feed and thought to yourself, “I really
don’t want to see this guy’s updates, but it’s my
wife’s third cousin, I can’t
unfriend him!” Fret no
more. You can customize your Facebook News
Feed using Lists.
Lists are one of my
favorite features, but I’ve
realized that they’re likely
the most under-utilized
feature available on
Facebook. Lists are a way
Jeb Kicker to customize your News
Feed to see posts only
from people you’re interested in or would like
to keep in touch with.
Facebook creates lists for you based on
profile information you and your friends have
in common (i.e. work, school, family, city). For
example, if you went to school at Sam Houston
with your friends Bart and Amanda, Facebook
will create a list called Sam Houston State
University with Bart and Amanda on it.
Facebook has already set up a few lists for
you to add friends to: Close Friends, Acquaintances, and Restricted. When you add users to
the Close Friends list, you’ll receive updates
when those users post to Facebook (you can
turn these notifications off by clicking on the
Close Friends list, selecting “Manage Lists” in
the top right and clicking on “Choose Update
Types). For the Acquaintances list, Facebook
has come up with suggestions based on users
you haven’t interacted with very much recently.
The Restricted list is meant for users you’re
friends with, but don’t want to share your
posts with, such as your boss (or your parents).
Friends on your Restricted list will only see
your posts if you choose “public” when posting
an update or if you tag them in a post.
To add friends to lists, scroll down to the
“Friends” section on the left side of your News
Feed. Click “More”, then the name of the list
you’d like to edit. In the top right corner, you’ll
see an “Add friends to this list” box. Simply
type the names of friends you’d like to add and
their posts will appear on the feed for that list.
To remove friends, click on the list you’d like to
edit and select “See all” in the top right corner.
Hover over the friend you’d like to remove and
click on the “X”.
By using Facebook Lists you can also post
updates for specific groups of people. When
you compose an update, a drop down menu
appears that says “Public”. To change this, click
on the drop down arrow and select the list that
you’d like to share the update with. It’s important to note that you can only share updates
with one list at a time, but you can add friends
to more than one list.
To view posts from friends on a certain list,
scroll down to the “Friends” section on your
News Feed and click on that list. Only posts
from the friends on that list will be shown on
your feed. Friends won’t be notified when they
are added to or removed from a list, and you
can add or remove friends from lists at any
Take control of your News Feed and start using Lists today!
Jeb Kicker is a social marketer and strategist who
seeks to bring small businesses up to speed in the
social networks. He believes whole-heartedly that
every business, no matter what kind of transactions
they handle, can benefit from a social marketing
strategy. Read more about Jeb and how he can help
your business at
Celebrating Excellence
Voting Starts Later This Month
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
From PN on page 3
print issue of the Public News was released.
I served as main writer, editor, layout guy,
advertising salesman, graphic artist, photographer and distribution guy. Even though the
2007 version of the Public News was created
as a biweekly, it took four days and over 400
miles to take copies to all our distribution
After one print issue I was totally exhausted. I decided that it was time to rethink
the Public News so I set it aside and started
working for
a specialty
company out
of Tomball
for four and
a half years
as a business
In the next
year and a
half, I was
Public News - 2014
able to pay all
those who wrote for the first issue, plus some.
After my stint in Tomball ended, I took
on the task of honing my sales skills in the
insurance industry. By the way, if you are
ever tempted or recruited to take an insurance
sales job, don’t! Don’t, that is, unless you are
jumping from another insurance company
and you are taking your book of business
with you.
Fast forward, two years in insurance, a rear
ender that totalled my car and putting me in
the care of some young physical therapists.
Enough already. By the end of 2013, all I
wanted to get back into the running of the
Public News.
By the beginning of 2014, the new Public
News was launched as a Metro North Houston paper. Two print issues later, I realized
that my printer could not, or would not, print
my paper as nice as they do for their own
publications. I put the Public News on hiatus
as I searched for another printer who could
do the job I needed to get done. I found such
a printer. They were an out-of town outfit
that printed several local papers, all of which
I admired in their work.
I began working on reformatting the Public
News to fit their presses. In late October, after
a few months, a day drinking bottomless dark
roast coffee and pouring over a stack of Wallstreet Journal back issues, I had an epiphany.
In one of those back issues, Forrester
Research analyst James McQuivey said he is
hard-pressed to name any of the traditional
companies selling physical media that have
shown revenue growth since consumers
warmed to digital books, movies, and music.
One of those brick and mortar companies
that sell physical media was identified as
Barnes & Noble.
“If Barnes & Noble is in its current form
by the end of 2015, I’ll be very surprised,”
he said.
When you couple that with the fact that the
Houston Press, Houston’s alternative newspaper since the early nineties, dropped their
print circulation by nearly half over the last
seven years. From 100,000 copies to just over
52,000 last year.
Additionally, copies to a couple of local
monthly music newspapers are barely being
picked up. One of their biggest advertisers
were put off by the lack of response to their
“Print advertising doesn’t work.” he said.
It’s sad to know that there aren’t alternatives to these mediums, until we decided that
the Public News should go back to what we
started in 2007, being a freely distributed
arts and entertainment digital newspaper, or
In 2007 it was a gamble to go from digital
to print and by that move the Public News
lost. Seven years later, as we made the transition from print to digital, the Public News has
won and continues to win readers with every
issue. Now
we are winning advertisers over
to this new
With that
being said,
we can now
plan for our
second year.
The Public
News is
here to stay.
“Build it,
and they
Public News - 2015 will come,”
and they
have, both great writers and advertisers. We
found our niche and we’re moving forward.
I have a lot to be thankful for, everything
from the encouragement of my mentors, our
advertisers, long-time writers and, yes, even
those vexing former employees of the old
Public News. As long as there is a reason to
be, we will always be the Public News.
Happy Birthday/Anniversary! We’ve turned
one year old!
Crescent Moon Wine Bar
& Restaurant
Upscale Casual Dining  Live Music & Dancing
Extensive Wine List & more
440 Rayford Rd Ste 115, Spring TX
(281) 364-9463
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
The Corner Pub
302 N. Main St., Conroe 936-788-2390
Tuesday Open Mic with Jeremy Bankhead
Wednesday Hippie Night with The Lankfords Brothers
Thurday FarLand jams with Adam McFarland
Fri Jan 23 9pm Wild Cactus Rose
Sat Jan 24 9pm Van Darien
Fri Jan 30 9pm Joe Teichman
Sat Feb 7 9pm Texas Johnny Boy
Fri Feb 27 9pm Jeremy Bankhead Band
Dosey Doe Music Cafe
463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-321-2171
Thurs Jan 22 8:30pm Mason Jennings [$25]
Fri Jan 23 8:30pm Cyrus James Band [$12]
Sat Jan 24 8:30pm Kyle Hutton Band [$15]
Thurs Jan 29 8:30pm Chris Knight [$24]
Fri Jan 30 8:30pm The Black Cadillacs [$10]
Sat Jan 31 8:30pm Max Stalling [$20]
Thurs Feb 5 8:30pm Amanda Shires [$20]
Fri Feb 6 8:30pm Jody Booth [$12]
Kat Daddy Bar
463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-273-9342
No Live Music in January
Papa’s On The Lake
9400 Hwy 105 W., Lake Conroe 936-447-2500
Live Music resumes in the Spring
Red Brick Tavern
119 Simonton, Conroe 936-539-2000
Every Sunday Gospel Sunday Brunch
Fri Jan 23 9:30pm TBA
Sat Jan 24 9:30pm The Carter Family [$15]
Fri Jan 30 8:00pm Cody Wayne and Westbound 21/
Morgan & Sara Country Duo
Sat Jan 31 8:00pm Metal Down/Black Kennedy/Shane
Mon Feb 02 8:00pm Channing & Cowling Acoustic
Thu Feb 05 8:00pm Tribe Hill
Sat Feb 07 8:00pm Turn~N~Burn
Thu Feb 12 8:00pm TreynWrek
Mon Feb 16 8:00pm Channing & Cowling Acoustic
Thu Feb 19 8:00pm Big E & The Lowdown
Fri Feb 20 8:00pm Another Pearl Harbor/To Whom it May
Sat Feb 21 8:00pm The Guillotines/poor dumb bastards
Crabby Daddy
25186 I-45, The Woodlands 281-296-2722
Crescent Moon Wine Bar
440 Rayford Rd., #115, Spring 281-364-WINE (9463)
Thurs Jan 22 8:30pm Latin Music with Yelba
Fri Jan 23 9pm Level One Band
Sat Jan 24 9pm Yelba’s Band
Dosey Doe Big Barn
25911 I-45 N., The Woodlands 281-367-3774
Fri Jan 23 8:30pm Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash [$12]
sat Jan 24 8:30pm Neal McCoy [$158]
Tues Jan 27 8pm Haley Cole CD Release Party [$15]
Fri Jan 30 8:30pm Tracy Lawrence [$158]
Sun Feb 1 5pm & 8:30pm Blood Sweat & Tears [$168]
Fri Feb 6 8:30pm Tracy Byrd Trio [$128]
Sat Feb 7 8:30pm BJ Thomas [$138]
Sun Feb 8 7:30pm Riders In The Sky [$118]
Tues Feb 10 8pm Statesboro Revue [$15]
Fri Feb 13 8:30pm Asleep At The Wheel [$128]
Sat Feb 14 8:30pm John Conlee [$148]
Sun Feb 15 7:30pm The Association [$148]
Thurs Feb 19 8:30pm Confederate Railroad [$118]
Fri Feb 20 8:30pm Dr. John & the Nite Trippers [$198]
Sat Feb 21 8:30pm George Winston [$128]
Wolfies Lake Conroe
14954 SH 105 W., Montgomery 936-588-8200
Papa’s Ice House
314 Pruitt Rd, Spring 713-364-8140
Live Music will resume in January 2015
3939 FM 1960 W., Houston 281-893-2860
Thur Jan 22 8pm T.B.A.
Fri Jan 23 8pm Shotgun Rebellion, Twisted Karma, Color
Chemisrty, Cymblem
Sat Jan 24 8pm Born N Raised, The Black 13, Wiskey
Fueles Death, The Hero Muist Die
Sun Jan 25 8pm Jabs Show
Thurs Jan 29 8pm Control, Vanilla Whale, Four Hour
Fri Jan 30 8pm Five Eyes Wide, Downfall 2012, Pulse
Rate Zero, Dark Cloud Horizon
Sat Jan 31 8pm Aftervibe,Color, A More Perfect Union,
Polly Suede, Washed Up
Cross Track Ice House
200 Magnolia St., Old Town Spring 281-907-0711
The Concert Pub North
2470 Cypress Creek Pkwy., Houston 281-583-8111
Fri Jan 30 Modoc (Southern Rock Tribute Band)
Sat Jan 31 Wattzit2ya
21005 I-45 North, Spring 281-288-2769
Fri Jan 23 9pm TBA
Sat Jan 24 9pm TBA
Swanny’s Bar & Grill
6224 Theall Rd., Houston 281-440-1308
Fri Jan 23 9pm Silver Shoes
Mak’s Place Sports Bar & Grill
5200 Louetta Rd., Houston 832-698-1611
Fri Jan 23 10pm Dunville Band
Sat Jan 24 10pm Space Monkey
Fri Jan 30 10pm J. B. Barnett
19th Hole Grill & Bar
202 Sawdust Rd #118, Spring 281-363-2574 [$10 cover on all shows]
Fri Jan 23 8:00pm Beggars Inc.
Sat Jan 24 8:00pm Image 6/Dead Mans Ransom/Henly/
Souls on Monday
Mon Jan 26 8:00pm Fal Skye Duo
Thu Jan 29 8:00pm TreynWrek
100 Main St, Spring 281-350-3376
Wednesdays 8pm Davin James’ Songwriter Showcase
Thursdays 6pm Open Mic
Wunsche Brothers Cafe
103 Midway, Spring 281-350-1902
That One Bar
4660 Louetta #100, Spring 832-562-3942
Fri Jan 23 9:30pm TBA
Fri Jan 30 9:30pm TBA
Gig Guide continued on page 13
Public News is going through
this directory to make sure
our readers have the most
accurate and up-to-date
information on locally owned
and operated restaurants.
The strength of our local
economy depends on
supporting local merchants
such as these.
Taco Crave Authentic Mexico Street Tacos
by Nick “Spring Foodie” Rama photos by David Posadas
Tacos full of fresh ingredients, with so much
flavor, all served with a smile. Taco Crave
is a concept created by husband and wife
David Posadas and Lorena Canales. If you
are expecting your standard Tex-Mex tacos,
get ready to be surprised with some made
from scratch, authentic fillings like Chipotle
Chicken, Picadillo Con
Papas, Spicy Carnitas,
Ranch Potatoes and their
signature Crave Meat.
Sure, you can get some
classics like Beef Fajitas
and Grilled Chicken,
which are equally as impressive as their guisos
(stewed meats). What is
so awesome about Taco
Craveis that they will let
Nick Rama you sample their fillings.
The hard part is going to
be choosing which ones to get in your Tacos.
I sat down with David the owner and chef of
Taco Crave for a Q&A:
Nick: What made you decide to open your
restaurant in Spring, TX?
David: Growing up in Monterrey, Mexico was
a lot of fun. Outside the Middle School was a
stand selling the first street tacos we ever had,
and it was love at first taste. The flavor stayed
in our minds and from then on, we were
hooked on street tacos.
Taco Crave was born from our craving for
the authentic Mexican street style taquitos
we used to eat when in Monterrey. Often my
wife Lorena and I would find ourselves asking
“what are you craving for lunch, or dinner”,
and we both always reply “taquitos de Monterrey and arroz con leche for dessert”. After
20 years of working in the restaurant industry
we decided which taquitos from Mexico we
crave the most and set our sights on making
them exactly the same, if not better, and we
decided to call our restaurant Taco Crave!
Nick: Tell me about your recipes and the
story of the “Crave Meat”
David: My grandmother was in the restaurant industry for 60 years. Most are authentic
family secret recipes. Our guisos (stews) are
time tested, traditional recipes that have been
handed down from generation to generation.
We offer these along with recipes that we got
from our favorite taco stands in Monterrey and
San Luis Potosi.
Crave Meat was born at a party while making
steak for tacos. Being in party mood ourselves, we added different meats to the pot
where the steak was cooking. To add the party
flavor we added some beer, closed the lid and
let it cook for a while. Well, the result turned
out to be the perfect party meat for quick
tacos. The flavor of this special taco filling is
hard to describe. If the flavors could talk they
would probably say “get out of the way, flavor
coming thru”
Nick: How do you
come up with your
Taco of The Month
and which one has
been the most successful?
David: Well, it’s from
the cravings that we
have. Last month I was
craving some really
good mole’, so I made it
the Taco of The Month.
Most of them are flavors
that we can’t find here
and miss from home
or grandma’s cooking.
Some of our flavors
photo by David Posadas were developed just
from playing around,
which leads me to this month’s flavor, Crave
Chicken. I added bacon and mushrooms to
our already flavorful grilled chicken. Crave
See Nick’s on page 10
105 Cafe
3010 W Davis St (936) 539-3447
Alfonso’s Mexican Restaurant
1208 S Frazier St (936) 441-9110
Asian Bbq & Grill
604 N Loop 336 W (936) 539-3995
Asian Fusion Noodle Bowl
3301 W Davis St (936) 828-3469
Baytown Seafood Restauranta
1400 N Frazier St (936) 494-2246
Burger Boy
217 E Davis St (936) 756-3440
Burger Fresh
804 Gladstell Rd # 110 (936) 756-4414
Carmelita’s Restaurant
109 W Davis St (936) 539-3323
Chelsea’s Tea Room
202 N Main St (936) 539-2993
Chiller Bee Frozen Yogurt
2820 Interstate 45 N (936) 756-2337
China Buffet
226 S Loop 336 W (936) 788-2888
China Delight
1108 N Loop 336 W (936) 756-8686
Clint’s Kuntry Katfish Catering
5855 W Davis St (936) 760-2737
Corner Pub Delia
302 N Main St (936) 788-2390
1426 N Loop 336 W (936) 788-5959
East Buffet
2104 N Frazier St (936) 760-1007
El Bosque
1420 N Loop 336 W (936) 539-3823
El Kiosko Taqueira
116 S Frazier St (936) 539-6794
El Oro
225 S Main St (936) 756-4315
El Rincon
705 Everett St (936) 756-5522
El Tucan Refresqueria
516 Mill Ave (936) 539-6492
525 S Frazier St (936) 441-3045
Gallery Off The Square
202 N Main St (936) 539-2993
Garden Cafe
1406 N Loop 336 W (936) 539-9663
George’s Bar & Grill
2031 Plantation Dr (936) 788-8222
Hibacha Grill & Super Buffet
2020 Interstate 45 N (936) 788-9999
Honey Bee Ham & Deli
1418 N Loop 336 W # I (936) 760-3354
Hunan Village Restaurant
1402 N Loop 336 W (936) 539-6811
I Love Sweets
1 Devonshire Dr (936) 539-4742
Jalisco Mexican Restaurant
201 N Frazier St (936) 756-2344
Joe’s Pizza & Pasta
1604 N Frazier St (936) 760-9002
LA Mariposa
1111 W Dallas St (936) 756-1222
LA Mexicana Restaurant
221 Mill Ave (936) 539-6791
LA Palapa
402 E Davis St (936) 756-8408
LA Palma Taco
309 W Avenue G (936) 539-6792
Los Altos De Jalisco
1108 N Loop 336 W (936) 756-2233
Los Carnales Taqueria
1121 N 1st St (936) 718-0874
Main Street Cafe a
330 N Main St (936) 756-8885
Mama Juanita’s Mexican
1118 League Line Rd (936) 856-9012
Margarita & Peppers
2259 N Loop 336 W (936) 788-1408
Margarita’s Mexican
1027 N Loop 336 W (936) 647-3880
Maverick Saloon
2017 N Frazier St # E2 (936) 539-9300
Mckenzie’s Bbq & Burgers
1501 N Frazier St (936) 756-3131
Meztizos Restaurant & Bar
721 W Davis St (936) 760-3220
Mollys Pub Conroe
901 N Loop 336 W (936) 441-6167
New Conroe Japanese House
2107 W Davis St (936) 756-6866
Ostioneria Caminos
400 S Frazier St (936) 760-3803
Pie In The Sky Pie Co
3600 N Loop 336 W (936) 760-3301
Pincho Rico Grill
2017 N Frazier St (936) 756-3077
Pit Stop
4203 Old Highway 105 (936) 539-9274
Red Brick Tavern
119 Simonton St (936) 539-2000
River Plantation Grille
550 Country Club Dr (936) 271-1083
Shogun Japanese Grill & Sushi
2107 W Davis St # A (936) 756-6886
Smokey Mo’s
2960 Interstate 45 N (936) 441-2323
Star Cinema Grill
2000 Interstate 45 N (936) 539-6088
Taqueria & Panaderia San Luis
402 E Davis St (936) 788-1199
Taqueria Guerrero
129 S Frazier St (936) 242-8176
Taqueria Jalisco
1108 N Loop 336 W # L (936) 756-2233
Taqueria Mexicana
2017 N Frazier St (936) 756-3150
Taqueria Sol De Mexico
820 N Loop 336 W (936) 756-9316
Tejas Mexican Restaurant
105 N 6th St (936) 756-6559
192 Fm 3083 Rd (936) 441-1050
Toasted Yolk Cafe
2129 W Davis St (936) 828-3944
Tortilleria LA Buena Bida
1103 W Dallas St (936) 756-2133
Tortilleria LA Unica
808 N 1st St (936) 441-4477
Tri Mexican Restaurant
129 S Frazier St (936) 756-0626
Van Thong Chinese/Vietnamese
2114 W Davis St (936) 756-8762
Vernon’s Kuntry Bar-B-Que
5000 W Davis St (936) 539-3000
Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish
5901 Highway 105 W (936) 760-3386
Vero Italian Kitchen
1301 W Davis St (936) 441-0411
Villa Italia
603 N Thompson St (936) 539-5599
Weng’s Wok
1140 N Fm 3083 Rd W (936) 756-8888
Whistle Stop Cafe
11133 Interstate 45 S (936) 828-4652
Wild Ginger
3061 Interstate 45 N (936) 788-9988
Baytown Seafood & Bar
7855 N Sam Houston (281) 441-5187
Beijing Wok Restaurant
21131 Aldine Westfield (281) 821-0367
Cactus Moon
1702 Wilson Rd (281) 446-2202
Cafe East Humble
260 1st St W (281) 548-0082
Catfish Cafe
7042 Fm 1960 Rd (281) 812-8055
Chez Nous French Restaurant
217 S Avenue G (281) 446-6717
5420 Atascocita Rd (281) 812-8600
El Jalapeno Mexican Cafe
5324 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 548-2230
El Ranchero Mexican Restaurant
24551 Loop 494 # 111 (281) 358-5660
Fiesta Azteca Restaurant 20669 W Lake Houston (281) 812-3002
Fish Place
5324 Atascocita Rd (281) 318-7096
Ginger Cafe
7548 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 812-8853
Goings Barbeque
20669 W Lake Houston (832) 644-9721
Got Wings
10920 Will Clayton Pwy (281) 441-9464
Grand Garden
5324 Atascocita (281) 812-5858
Granny’s Tamales Three
802 1st St E # 802 (281) 446-0363
Grimes Bakery
14618 Lee Rd (281) 441-9213
Happy Buddha Japanese Steak
9556 W Fm 1960 Rd (281) 446-3373
Hector’s Mexican Restaurants
3333 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 446-1803
Hin’s Garden
4582 Kingwood (281) 360-3388
Honey Bee Ham & Deli
9638 Fm 1960 Bypass (281) 446-1222
Humble City Cafe
200 E Main St (281) 319-0200
Humble Ice
6902 Bender Rd (281) 441-3318
Italiano’s Restaurant
217 Fm 1960 Bypass (281) 446-6111
Javaman Coffee
19131 Sprinters (281) 812-5726
Jitters Coffee
18445 W Lake Houston (281) 360-9589
Johnny’s Pizza House
20669 W Lake Houston (281) 570-4652
Kay’s Sandwich Shop
204 Charles St (281) 446-2662
LA Cabana Mexican Restaurant
3390 Fm 1960 Rd W (281) 209-1585
Las Ramadas Mexican Grill
18455 W Lk Houst Pkwy (281) 812-4900
Lavilla Mexican Restaurant
7920 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 441-7222
7015 Manor Way (281) 548-7774
Lia’s Drive Inn
14010 Homestead (281) 441-2051
Lloyd’s Bar
111 N Avenue A (281) 446-5565
Los Vega Mexican Restaurant
3824 Atascocita Rd (281) 812-4567
Manuel’s Mexican Restaurant
5856 Fm 1960 (281) 852-6322
Mencius Gourmet Hunan
1379 Kingwood Dr (281) 359-8489
Mimi’s Tea Room LLC
8042 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 360-6464
Mo’s B-B-Q
8321 Fm 1960 Bypass (281) 548-3777
N Zone
1005 1st St E (281) 348-9063
Nara Thai Dining
18455 W Lk Houst Pkwy (281) 812-0291
Noyola’s Mexican Restaurant
242 1st St W # B (281) 319-4912
8790 Fm 1960 Bypass (281) 446-3260
Queso Bonito
1123 S Houston Ave (281) 446-0095
Rico’s Mexican Restaurant
1377 Kingwood Dr (281) 358-2637
Sarap Pinoy
19333 Highway 59 N (281) 446-5080
Sarpino’s Pizzeria
5326 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 548-7492
Savvas Greek Cuisine & Grill
6730 Atascocita Rd (281) 312-6358
Smoothies Ice Cream
20131 Highway 59 N (281) 446-2191
Taco Flores
4806 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 852-8338
Tai Li Chinese Restaurant
7948 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 852-9507
Tamales Atascocita
5105 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 812-0444
Texas Long Branch Saloon
314 Moonshine Hill Lp (281) 319-5400
Tin Roof BBQ
18918 Town Center (281) 852-5577
Titas Taco House
320 Wilson Rd (281) 446-4175
Top Hat Catering Co
1702 Wilson Rd (281) 446-8434
Trigg’s Catering
1414 1st St E (281) 540-2700
Trigg’s Humble Inn
1410 E Bus F M 1960 (281) 446-9484
Twin Oaks Tavern
211 E Main St # 4 (281) 359-8687
Wazabi Sushi Bar
8130 Fm 1960 Rd E (281) 359-2555
Westco Breakfast House
5371 Atascocita Rd (281) 852-9065
Windy City Pizza
5377 Atascocita Rd (281) 812-2446
Akashi Sushi Fusion Cuisine
2271 Northpark Dr (281) 358-8828
Amedeo’s Italian Restaurant
22704 Loop 494 # A (281) 359-4451
Cafe Du Bois
2845a W Town Center (281) 360-2530
Chachi’s Mexican Restaurant
4300 Town Center Pl (281) 360-1789
Chelsea Deli & Cafe
1538 Kingwood Dr (281) 359-2972
Chimichurri’s South Amer Grill
1660 W Lake Houston 281) 360-0015
El Charro Mexican Restaurant
4580 Kingwood Dr (281) 361-2000
Hunan Garden Restaurant
4331 Kingwood Dr (281) 360-2668
Nathaniel Center
804 Russell Palmer Rd (281) 348-7800
Oriental Gardens
1528 Kingwood Dr (281) 358-7119
Philly Cheesesteak Co
520 Northpark Dr (281) 359-7592
Raffa’s American Bistro
1660 W Lake Houston (281) 360-1436
Rib Itz Catering
3911 Hill Springs Dr (281) 360-8138
1660 W Lake Houston (281) 360-0660
Three B’s Grill
4590 Kingwood Dr # A (281) 360-7797
2820 Chestnut Ridge (281) 358-2820
Zacharys Cajun Cafe
716 Kingwood Dr (281) 359-2256
1660 W Lake Houston (281) 361-7499
Zz Gator Cove
733 Hamblen Rd (281) 359-2200
3 B’s-Bill’s Burgers & Beera
466 Rayford Rd # 107 (281) 419-3553
Alfonso’s Mexican Restaurant
3126 Sawdust Rd (281) 298-8032
Amerigo’s Grill
25250 Grogans Park Dr (281) 362-0808
Asia Buffet Inc
355 Sawdust Rd (832) 585-0688
Beijing Chinese Restaurant
409 Sawdust Rd (281) 363-2308
Cactus Jacks
343 Sawdust Rd (281) 419-3644
Casa Imperial Mexican a
387 Sawdust Rd # C (281) 298-8195
Crescent Moon Wine Bar a
440 Rayford Rd #115A (281) 364-9463
Cru Wine Bar
9595 Six Pines Dr (281) 465-9463
Greek Tony’s Pizza & Sub Shop a
432 Sawdust Rd (281) 292-4313
Hello Taco
25114 Grogans Mill (832) 819-4639
Hyderabad House
407 Sawdust Rd (281) 203-5020
KOBE Japanese Grill & Sushi
433 Sawdust Rd (281) 298-2000
Mario’s Mexican Restaurant
610 Rayford Rd # 650 (281) 367-9336
Mooyah Burgers Fries & Shakes
2115 Rayford Rd (832) 585-0300
Pallotta’s Mexican Grill
2211 Rayford Rd # 119 (281) 362-1114
Pit Master BBQ
842 Rayford Rd (281) 362-1111
Sitar Cuisine Of India a
25701 Interstate 45 # 12 (281) 364-0200
Spring Asian Cuisine
2907 Rayford Rd # 106 (281) 298-7798
Cabo Baja & Mexican Grill
544 Sawdust Rd (281) 298-7377
Aldo’s Cucina Italiana
18450 I 45 S (936) 447-9623
Alonti Cafe & Catering
27868 Interstate 45 N (832) 585-0694
Another Broken Egg Cafe
19075 Interstate 45 S (936) 273-2011
BJ’S Restaurant & Brewhouse
19075 Interstate 45 S (936) 273-7100
Boutte Deli
19267 Main St (281) 298-5498
Buca Di Beppo
19075 Interstate 45 S (936) 321-6262
Compadre’s Texas Cafe
continued on page 10
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
From Nick’s on page 9
Chicken has been such a hit already, we have
doubled our chicken order this month to keep
up with the demand. I have a feeling this one
is going to have to stay on the menu on a permanent basis or our customers might riot!
Nick: Your logo looks very professional,
I have heard people
think you are a chain.
Tell me what you
think of that?
David: I actually
wanted a franchisable
logo, so when we
decide to expand we
would be ready for it. I
really wanted something modern, because
didn’t want to be
mistaken for a Tex-Mex
restaurant. On the walls
are pictures of authentic
taco stands. We wanted
people to know walking
in that we are authentic
street taco vendors, in a
nice clean environment.
Nick: Your Salsas are very good, and different in a great way. Do you make your
salsas fresh in house?
David: Yes, some people say that salsa is what
makes the taco, and we find that very true.
However, we also know that great tasting
meats and tortillas are also components of
terrific tacos. With that in mind we have created salsas with the perfect balance that would
never overpower the flavor of the taco as a
whole. Our salsas and toppings work together
to perfectly enhance the flavors of any of the
flavorful stewed or grilled meats that we serve
in our tacos.
Nick: What are your future plans for Taco
David: We will eventually add tamales, tortas,
and of course more crazy combinations in
our Taco of The Month. We would love to
be the favorite local family spot in town. Sort
photo by David Posadas
of the place you can come as you are and be
yourself, part of the Taco Crave family. Hopefully we will become part of your family as
well. Eventually we will open more locations,
so we can see generations of families coming
through our doors to experience our hospitality and great food.
Nick: I usually end my interview with this
question, give me 5 words to describe Taco
David: Homemade, Authentic, Family, Flavorful and Different.
R 106 min Action | Comedy
Juggling some angry Russians, the British Mi5, his impossibly leggy wife and an international terrorist, debonair art dealer and part time rogue Charlie Mortdecai
must traverse the globe armed only with his good looks
and special charm in a race to recover a stolen painting
rumored to contain the code to a lost bank account filled
with Nazi gold.
Director: David Koepp
Stars: Johnny Depp, Olivia Munn, Ewan McGregor,
Gwyneth Paltrow
The Boy Next Door
R 107 min Thriller
When a handsome, charming teenager named Noah
(Ryan Guzman) moves in next door, newly separated
high-school teacher Claire Peterson (Jennifer Lopez)
encourages his friendship and engages in a little bit of
harmless -- or so she thinks -- flirtation. Although Noah
spends much of the time hanging out with Claire’s son,
the teen’s attraction to her is palpable. One night, Claire
gives in to temptation and lets Noah seduce her -- but
when she tries to end the relationship, he turns violent.
Director: Rob Cohen
Stars: Jennifer Lopez, Kristin Chenoweth, Ryan Guzman, John Corbett
19790 Interstate 45 Spring, TX 77379
(713) 389-5627
466 Rayford Rd # 107
(281) 419-3553
Open 11am daily, 12 noon Sundays
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
American Sniper
R 132 min Action | Biography | Drama
U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) takes
his sole mission -- protect his comrades -- to heart and
becomes one of the most lethal snipers in American history. His pinpoint accuracy not only saves countless lives
but also makes him a prime target of insurgents. Despite
grave danger and his struggle to be a good husband and
father to his family back in the States, Kyle serves four
tours of duty in Iraq. However, when he finally returns
home, he finds that he cannot leave the war behind.
Director: Clint Eastwood
Stars: Bradley Cooper,
Sienna Miller, Kyle Gallner
Black Sea
R 115 min Adventure | Thriller
Soon after losing his salvage job, former naval officer
Robinson (Jude Law) assembles a misfit crew of
unemployed sailors for a risky mission: Find a sunken
Nazi U-boat, rumored to contain a fortune in gold.
Promising each man an equal share, Robinson leads
the mixed British and Russian crew to comb the depths
of the Black Sea. Before long, greed takes hold of a
crew already divided along language and cultural lines
-- and the fewer men that make it back alive, the more
gold to go around.
Director: Kevin Macdonald
Stars: Jude Law, Jodie Whittaker, Ben Mendelsohn,
Tobias Menzies
Red Army
PG 76 min Documentary | Biography | History | Sport
Red Army is a feature documentary about the Soviet
Union and the most successful dynasty in sports history:
the Red Army hockey team. Told from the perspective of
its captain Slava Fetisov, the story portrays his transformation from national hero to political enemy. From the
USSR to Russia, the film examines how sport mirrors
social and cultural movements and parallels the rise and
fall of the Red Army team with the Soviet Union.
Director: Gabe Polsky
Stars: Scotty Bowman, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Anatoli
Karpov, Alexei Kasatonov
Big Hero 6
PG 102 min Animation | Action | Adventure | Comedy |
Family | Sci-Fi
The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team
up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech
Directors: Don Hall | Chris Williams
Stars: Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, Jamie Chung, T.J. Miller
R 119 min Comedy | Drama
A washed-up actor who once
played an iconic superhero
must overcome his ego and
family trouble as he mounts
a Broadway play in a bid to
reclaim his past glory.
Director: Alejandro González
Stars: Michael Keaton, Zach
Galifianakis, Edward Norton,
Andrea Riseborough
PG 118 min Comedy |
Drama | Family | Musical
Quvenzhané Wallis stars
as Annie, a young, happy
foster kid who’s also tough
Escobar: Paradise
enough to make her way
on the streets of New York
R 120 min Romance |
in 2014. Originally left by
her parents as a baby with
In Colombia, a young surfer
the promise that they’d be
INTO THE WOODS meets the woman of his
back for her someday, it’s
dreams - and then he meets
been a hard knock life ever
her uncle, Pablo Escobar.
since with her mean foster mom Miss Hannigan (CamDirector: Andrea Di Stefano
eron Diaz). But everything’s about to change when the
Stars: Josh Hutcherson, Benicio Del Toro, Brady Corbet,
hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Will
Claudia Traisac
Stacks (Jamie Foxx) - advised by his brilliant VP, Grace
(Rose Byrne) and his shrewd and scheming campaign
Exodus: Gods and Kings
advisor, Guy (Bobby Cannavale) - makes a thinly-veiled
PG-13 150 min Action | Adventure | Drama
campaign move and takes her in. Stacks believes he’s
The defiant leader Moses rises up against the Egyptian
her guardian angel, but Annie’s self-assured nature and
Pharaoh Ramses, setting 600,000 slaves on a monumenbright, sun-will-come-out-tomorrow outlook on life just
tal journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of
might mean it’s the other way around.
deadly plagues.
Director: Will Gluck
Director: Ridley Scott
Stars: Quvenzhané Wallis, Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx
Stars: Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, Ben Kingsley,
Sigourney Weaver
R 134 min Action | Drama | War
April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the
European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant
named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and his
five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines.
Out-numbered, out-gunned, and with a rookie soldier
thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face
overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the
heart of Nazi Germany.
Director: David Ayer
Stars: Brad Pitt, Shia
LaBeouf, Logan Lerman,
Michael Peña
Gone Girl
R 149 min Drama | Mystery
| Thriller
With his wife’s disappearance
having become the focus of
an intense media circus, a
man sees the spotlight turned
on him when it’s suspected
that he may not be innocent.
Director: David Fincher
Stars: Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick
Harris, Tyler Perry
PG-13 169 min Adventure
| Sci-Fi
A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in an attempt to find a potentially habitable planet that will sustain
Director: Christopher Nolan
Stars: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica
Chastain, Mackenzie Foy
Into the Woods
PG 124 min Comedy | Family | Fantasy | Musical
Into the Woods is a modern twist on the beloved Brothers
Grimm fairy tales in a musical format that follows the
classic tales of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack
and the Beanstalk, and Rapunzel-all tied together by an
original story involving a baker and his wife, their wish to
begin a family and their interaction with the witch who has
put a curse on them.
Director: Rob Marshall
Stars: Anna Kendrick, Meryl Streep, Chris Pine, Emily
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
PG 97 min Adventure | Comedy | Family | Fantasy
When the exhibits at New York’s Natural History Museum
start behaving strangely, Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) -- now
the director of nighttime operations -- must find out the
cause. He learns that the Tablet, which magically brings
Teddy Roosevelt (Robin Williams), Jedediah (Owen
Wilson) and the other exhibits to life at night, has started
to decay. Larry, along with his son and museum friends,
must travel to London’s British Museum to learn how to
prevent the Tablet’s magic from disappearing.
Director: Shawn Levy
Stars: Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Dick
Van Dyke
Stars: Alexa PenaVega, Jamie Lee Curtis, Marisa Tomei,
Aubrey K. Miller
St. Vincent
PG-13 102 min Comedy | Drama
Vincent is an old Vietnam vet whose stubbornly hedonistic ways have left him without money or a future. Things
change when his new next-door neighbor’s son, Oliver,
needs a babysitter and Vince is willing enough for a fee.
From that self-serving act, an unexpected friendship
forms as Vincent and Oliver find so much of each other’s
needs through each other. As Vincent mentors Oliver in
street survival and other worldly ways, Oliver begins to
see more in the old man
than just his foibles. When
life takes a turn for the
worse for Vincent, both them
find the best in each other
than no one around them
Director: Theodore Melfi
Stars: Bill Murray, Melissa
McCarthy, Naomi Watts,
Jaeden Lieberher
Taken 3
PG-13 109 min Action |
Crime | Thriller
Liam Neeson returns as
ex-covert operative Bryan
UNBROKEN Mills, whose long awaited
reconciliation with his exwife is tragically cut short
when she is brutally murdered. Consumed with rage,
and framed for the crime, he goes on the run to evade
the relentless pursuit of the CIA, FBI and the police. For
one last time, Mills must use his “particular set of skills,”
to track down the real killers, exact his unique brand of
justice, and protect the only thing that matters to him now
- his daughter.
Director: Olivier Megaton
Stars: Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker, Maggie Grace,
Famke Janssen
The Gambler
R 111 min Crime | Drama | Thriller
Jim Bennett is a risk taker. Both an English professor
and a high-stakes gambler, Bennett bets it all when he
borrows from a gangster and offers his own life as collateral. Always one step ahead, Bennett pits his creditor
against the operator of a gambling ring and leaves his
dysfunctional relationship with his wealthy mother in his
wake. He plays both sides, immersing himself in an illicit,
underground world while garnering the attention of Frank,
a loan shark with a paternal interest in Bennett’s future.
As his relationship with a student deepens, Bennett must
take the ultimate risk for a second chance.
Director: Rupert Wyatt
Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Jessica Lange, John Goodman,
Brie Larson
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
PG-13 144 min Adventure | Fantasy
Having reclaimed Erebor and vast treasure from the
dragon Smaug, Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage)
sacrifices friendship and honor in seeking the Arkenstone,
despite Smaug’s fiery wrath and desperate attempts
by the Hobbit Bilbo (Martin Freeman) to make him see
reason. Meanwhile, Sauron
sends legions of Orcs in a
sneak attack upon the Lonely
Mountain. As the fate of
Middle Earth hangs in the
balance, the races of Men,
Elves and Dwarves must
decide whether to unite and
prevail -- or all die.
Director: Peter Jackson
Stars: Ian McKellen, Martin
Freeman, Richard Armitage,
Cate Blanchett
PG 95 min Comedy |
After a deadly earthquake
destroys his home in
Peruvian rainforest, a young
bear (Ben Whishaw) makes
his way to England in search
of a new home. The bear,
dubbed “Paddington” for the
london train station, finds
shelter with the family of
Henry (Hugh Bonneville) and
Mary Brown (Sally Hawkins).
The Hunger Games:
Although Paddington’s
Mockingjay - Part 1
amazement at urban living
PG-13 123 min Adventure
soon endears him to the
Browns, someone else has
When Katniss destroys the
her eye on him: Taxidermist
games, she goes to District
Millicent Clyde (Nicole Kidman) has designs on the rare
13 after District 12 is destroyed. She meets President
bear and his hide.A live-action feature based on the
Coin who convinces her to be the symbol of rebellion,
series of popular children’s books by Michael Bond.
while trying to save Peeta from the Capitol.
Director: Paul King
Director: Francis Lawrence
Stars: Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Jim Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam HemsBroadbent
worth, Woody Harrelson
Spare Parts
PG-13 Sport
Four Hispanic high school students form a robotics club.
With no experience, 800 bucks, used car parts and a
dream, this rag tag team goes up against the country’s
reigning robotics champion, MIT.
Director: Sean McNamara
The Pyramid
R 89 min Horror
A team of U.S. archaeologists unearths an ancient pyra-
See Film on page 13
26797 Hanna Rd (281) 292-0333
Fieldings Wood Grill
1699 Research Forest (832) 616-3275
Alicia’s Mexican Grille
20920 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 350-8383
Alma Latina Taqueria
25222 Aldine Westfield (281) 288-1767
Antojitos Quiche
25190 Interstate 45 (281) 651-5391
Arturo’s Taqueria
1402 1/2 Spring Cypress (281) 350-6808
2616 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 288-5376
21005 I-45 N. (281) 288-2769
Brother’s Pizza Express
163 Cypresswood Dr (281) 288-1300
Budegon Del Sur
26506 Oak Ridge Dr (832) 813-8334
C J’s Hot Dogs
4660 Louetta Rd (832) 299-6079
Chef Chan’s Restaurant
17833 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 370-3884
Corkscrew Bbq
24930 Budde Rd (832) 592-1184
Country Time BBQ & Fixins
25330 Richards Rd (281) 298-7455
Datpho Vietnamese Noodle House
523 Louetta Rd (281) 528-8989
El Palenque Mexican
1485 Spring Cypress Rd (281) 353-4055
Fiesta Acapulco
25770 Interstate 45 (281) 419-8666
Fukuda Sushi & Robata
25701 Interstate 45 (281) 419-8980
Golden China
25024 Interstate 45 (281) 363-2412
Golden Jade Chinese
1419 Spring Cypress (281) 350-5363
Gozzetti’s Pizzeria
8000 Mcbeth Way (832) 592-7750
Gratzi Italian Restaurant
6334 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 376-4800
Guadalajara Mexican Grille
27885 Interstate 45 (281) 362-0774
Hoi Yin Chinese Restaurant
200 Cypresswood Dr (281) 355-6800
Hong Kong Chinese
4334 Fm 2920 Rd # 10 (281) 528-9288
Hunan Garden Z
3930 Louetta Rd # I (281) 288-6288
I-45 Diner
19790 Interstate 45 (713) 389-5627
Italian Cafe
19620 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 528-2919
Jack Pot Pizza
6450 Louetta Rd (281) 257-0762
Juanita’s Mexican Grill
18525 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 379-3199
Kim Leng Chinese Restaurant
18430 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 355-0434
LA Cabana Mexican
4702 Louetta Rd (281) 907-7007
Las Cascadas Mexican
250 Cypresswood Dr (281) 528-9921
Las Delicias Taqueria
5010 Louetta Rd (281) 374-0303
Los Generales Mexican
5407 Louetta Rd # F (281) 251-9390
Los Tres Ranchitos Restaurant
19620 Kuykendahl (281) 288-4304
Luly’s Mexican Kitchen
3307 Spring Stuebner (281) 907-0012
Main Moon Asian Bistro
2129 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 288-8868
Mama Juanita’s Mexican
3930 Louetta Rd (281) 288-3800
Mama Mia Italianas
30420 Fm 2978 (281) 419-7662
Mikey’s Pizza
6114 Root Rd (281) 251-5551
Ming Cafe
6052 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 257-4886
Nadia’s Mediterranean Grill
5921 Fm 2920 Rd # B (281) 907-7070
Nielsen’s Deli & Bakery
26830 Interstate 45 (281) 363-3354
Orient Express
4660 Louetta Rd # 180 (281) 288-5290
Pavarotti Italian Restaurant
4660 Louetta Rd # 130 (281) 350-9749
Pizza Tonight
27190 Glen Loch Dr (281) 465-4774
Pizza Zone
17711 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 257-3100
Pollos Asados El Regio
25602 Interstate 45 (281) 292-4377
5941 Fm 2920 Rd # H (281) 288-0996
Sicily Pizza & Pasta
4890 Louetta Rd (281) 288-8004
Skinny Pig Pizza Shack
417 Gentry St (832) 598-6605
Sreenath Murph’s Deli
20400 Interstate 45 N (281) 296-5303
Tabasco’s Mexican Grill
4334 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 288-0125
Taco Crave
5200 FM 2920 #120 (281) 288-0940
Taipei China Bistro
25807 Interstate 45 (281) 363-9188
Taqueria Arandas 36 Inc
25598 Interstate 45 # A (281) 419-3582
Taqueria Los Petates
25602 Interstate 45 (281) 362-9333
Taqueria Rodeo De Jalisco
19411 Kuykendahl (281) 251-3186
Taquma Japanese Grill
5200 Louetta Rd (281) 251-6338
Thomas Bar B-Q
25312 Interstate 45 (281) 364-1177
Tommy Wok
18363 Kuykendahl (281) 251-9190
Wacky Mongolian Grill
21212 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 288-3232
Wunsche Brothers Cafe
103 Midway St (281) 350-1902
Zum Barrel
13101 Kuykendahl (832) 446-3390
B J’s Pizza
24419 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 516-1770
Casa Amas Mexican
30522 State Hiway 249 (281) 255-8684
CC’s Cafe
1231 Alma St (281) 357-8025
Chang Gourmet Chinese
28575 State Hiway 249 (281) 255-9818
Chick N Fish House Of Tenders
32350 State Hiway 249 (281) 789-4193
Chinese Wok
1017 Louetta Rd (832) 717-7400
Ciscos Salsa Co
209 Commerce St (281) 351-7572
Ciudad Latina Grill & Market
32360 State Hiway249 (832) 521-3898
Cobi Ice Cream
11246 Timber Tech Ave (281) 516-1311
Cornerstone TX
990 Village Square (832) 422-1370
Country Bumpkins
18929 Telge Rd (281) 290-6512
Country Gardens
36102 Fm 149 Rd (281) 252-4443
Da Vinci’s Gallery & Expresso
315 W Main St (281) 516-9595
Deshazer Ranch
19600 Stone Lake Dr (281) 290-9585
Dragon Inn Restaurant
30006 State Hiway 249 (281) 351-9178
Dumas’s Taco Co
25435 Fm 2978 Rd (281) 255-9444
Egg & I
14051 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 516-9100
El Charro Grill
24914 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 516-2134
El Taco Madres
16918 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 351-8226
Ella’s Garden
1415 Ulrich Rd (281) 290-0998
Fang’s Cafe
24914 Kuykendahl (281) 516-0850
Fina’s Taco Factory
22526 Hufsmith Kohrville (832) 698-2395
Frey’s Backyard Cafe
14441 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 255-8282
Gianna Italian Kitchen
28301 State Hiway 249 (281) 290-6676
Golden Pagoda Chinese Rstrnt
908 W Main St (281) 351-8130
Goodson’s Cafe
27931 State Hiway 249 (281) 351-1749
9111 Hufsmith Kuykendahl
(281) 323-8494
Harris County Smokehouse
14239 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 351-4060
Hugo’s Italian Grill & Pzzr
23110 Kuykendahl Rd (281) 257-9720
Hunan Inn Asian Bistro
11407 Spring Cypress (281) 251-8388
Israel Tinda Y Panaderla
17719 Kuykendahl (832) 559-3696
Jax B F S Tomball
32350 State Hiway 249 (281) 259-6569
19235 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 255-8818
LA Tranquila Ranch
9418 Fm 2920 Rd (281) 576-8882
LNT Family Dining Cafe
18535 Fm 1488 (281) 252-8357
Longhorn Builders
21931 Kobs Rd (281) 357-1465
Los Arcos Mexican Restaurant
28048 State Hiway 249 (281) 351-9677
Los Pinos Mexican Restaurant
1231 Alma St # A (281) 255-2636
Los Toros Mexican Grill
701 E Main St # 140 (281) 255-2526
Los Tres Ranchitos Mexican
16143 N Eldridge Pkwy (281) 826-0333
Luie’s Smokehouse
17323 Pikes Peek Ct (832) 868-3643
Macayo’s Mexican Restaurant
24814 Kuykendahl (281) 516-3015
Marco’s Pizza
16949 N Eldridge (281) 251-3334
Mel’s Country Cafe
24814 Stanolind Rd (281) 255-6357
Mexican Kitchen
16949 N Eldridge Pkwy (281) 251-5115
My Pizza
32360 State Hiway 249 (281) 259-2458
Nate’s Place
22526 Hufsmith Kohrville (832) 843-7977
Nona’s Italian Grill
1025 Alma St # E (281) 255-6088
Nonnie’s Soda Fountain
102 Market St (281) 516-1942
Nook Restaurant
1218 W Main St (281) 255-8406
Original Rib Tickler
28930 State Hiway 249 (281) 255-8119
425 W Main St (281) 290-9664
11022 Spring Cypress (281) 257-4432
Susie’s Tearoom
309 Market St # A (281) 516-4521
Tail Gate Grill
22008 Main Blvd (281) 255-9353
Taqeria Acapulco
32015 State Hiway 249 (281) 356-5885
Taste Of Asia
27910 State Hiway 249 (281) 516-0838
Tomball Bar-B-Q Co
30042 State Hiway 249 (281) 351-0929
Tomball Taqueria Restaurant
27941 State Hiway 249 (281) 516-7366
Whistle Stop
107 Commerce St (281) 255-2455
Whistle Stop Tea Room
104 N Elm St (832) 843-7437
Burger Fi
1501 Lake Robbins Dr (713) 389-5823
Goose’s Acrea
21 Waterway Ave (281) 466-1502
Grimaldi’s Pizzeriaa
20 Waterway Ct (281) 465-3500
Hubbell & Hudson
24 Waterway Ave # 125 (281) 203-5641
LA Lupita Mexican Cuisine
29 Waterway Ave (832) 510-2111
Luca & Leonardoa
20 Waterway Ave (832) 510-2110
Refuge Bar & Bistro
24 Waterway Ave (713) 389-5674
Towncenter Burger
20 Waterway Ave (281) 292-6385
Yucatan Taco Stand & Tequila
24 Water Way (281) 419-6300/1144
El Buen Taco
606 S Danville St (936) 856-3597
El Tapatio
509 Highway 75 N (936) 856-6202
Leroy’s Bar-B-Q & Burgers
707 W Montgomery (936) 856-5232
Los Molcajetes Tex Mex
106 N Danville St (936) 856-9977
Olde Towne Willis Cafe
509 Highway 75 N (936) 890-0609
Original Super Burger
201 N Danville St (936) 856-8098
Pizza Shack
115 W Montgomery (936) 856-9780
Rico’s Mexican Grill
12501 Canyon Falls Blvd (936) 856-6200
Smokey Mo’s
507 S Danville St (936) 856-5581
Sweatpeas Cooking
506 Highway 75 N (936) 333-3439
Taqueria Las Moras
106 W Montgomery (936) 890-4148
Yummy Yummy Mongolian Grill
12709 Interstate 45 N (936) 890-8855
Zach’s Bbq
200 E Powell St (936) 890-6969
Alameda Juice
9595 Six Pines Dr (281) 681-1167
1720 Lake Woodlands (281) 292-0061
Berryhill Baja Grill
9595 Six Pines Dr # 250 (281) 298-8226
Black Walnut Cafe
2520 Research Forest (281) 362-1678
BRIO Tuscan Grille
1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 465-8993
Brothers Pizza
2260 Buckthorne Pl (281) 298-9299
Brothers Pizza Express
6700 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 419-8550
Cajun Grilla
1201 Lake Woodlands (832) 585-0883
Charley’s Grilled Subs
1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 465-4333
Chef Chan’s Restaurant
7 Switchbud Pl (281) 363-0037
China Bridge
7901 Research Forest (281) 419-9888
China Springs
6777 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 419-9961
Crust Pizza Co
4775 W Panther Creek (281) 298-8844
Crust Pizza Co
8000 Research Forest (832) 585-0999
Dimassi’s Mediterranean Buffet
1640 Lake Woodlands (281) 363-0200
Double Dave’s Pizza
6777 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 419-3282
Frullati Cafe
1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 296-6657
Great Wraps
1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 298-0223
Green’s International
8000 Research Forest (281) 419-7787
Grotto Ristorante
9595 Six Pines Dr # 100 (281) 419-4252
Honey-B-Ham & Deli
4747 Research Forest (281) 364-9200
Jasper’s Woodlands
9595 Six Pines (281) 298-6600
LA Trattoria Tuscano
4223 Research Forest (281) 419-2252
Los Cucos Mexican Cafe
4775 W Panther Creek (281) 296-2303
Mama J’s BBQ & Grill
26710 Oak Ridge Dr I-45 (936) 273-9444
Mariachi’s Mexican Bar & Grill
6777 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 292-2222
Masa’s Sushi & Robata Bar
4775 W Panther Creek (281) 298-5688
Mi Cocina
1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 298-6426
Pit Master BBQ
343 Sawdust Rd (281) 419-3644
Pizza By Marco
9595 Six Pines Dr (281) 298-8794
Potbelly Sandwich Works
9595 Six Pines Dr (281) 292-6652
Ristorante Tuscany
1601 Lake Robbins (281) 367-9797
Rico’s Grill
4747 Research Forest (281) 367-7382
Rico’s Mexican Restaurant
8000 Research Forest (281) 465-4820
Romano’s Macaroni Grill
1155 Lake Woodlands (281) 367-3773
Sakekawa Japanese Restaurant
6777 Woodlands Pkwy (281) 419-5988
Sakekawa Japanese Sushi-Steak
4221 Research Forest (281) 298-9188
1201 Lake Woodlands (281) 292-0868
Shanghai Bistro
38 Highland Cir (281) 298-9998
Skeeter’s Mesquite Grill
4747 Research Forest (281) 364-1094
Taco USA
7 Switchbud Pl (281) 292-8226
Tsukiji Sushi
24 Waterway Ave # 100 (281) 298-1888
UNI Sushi
9595 Six Pines # 860 (281) 298-7177
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
by Chris Alvarez
Aries-(Mar. 21- April 20)- Aries, you couldn’t
win this week if you tried. The hot gal at the club
last weekend wanted you to give her your cell
number. You had no paper, but you did use the
back of a lottery ticket. She never called you. The
lottery ticket was a winner. She’s moved on.
Taurus-(Apr. 21- May 21)- Taurus, pity comes
in many colors, but orange and white stripes
just isn’t you. Innocently enough, you thought
she was coy, cool and collected. With a fake ID,
anyone can get past that particular bouncer. Too
bad your judgment was off... a lot!
Gemini-(May 22-June 21)- Gemini, life is
looking pretty good this week for you, so let’s
give you a little help. Your favorite color is
clear, your favorite number is 9 and a half, your
favorite basketball team is folding, and your
weight isn’t going down. Your clothes are finally
Cancer-(June 22-July 22)- I hate being the
bearer of bad fake astrology to someone with
such a bummer zodiac sign as you. So, here is
John Smith
John Smith
• Expert on autism
• Loving father and husband
• Award winning philanthropist
some fake good news. Your job just ended with
a promotion elsewhere, your significant one
was caught cheating with your best friend and
your college just informed you that they were
establishing a scholarship in your honor. But now
you need to deal with that prince in Nepal who
desperately needs you to open a bank account for
him to deposit $35million. All he needs is your
social security number, your mother’s maiden
name and your birthday.
are able to give them are a couple of aspirin and a
glass of water. That’ll be $250 please!
keep them from having certain images haunting
them, for the rest of their lives.
Libra-(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)- Libra, ever noticed
that your sign begins with the same letters of
an establishment that you have no interest in, a
library. In fact, we know that you are lacking the
one thing needed to use such a utility, a library
card. If you want to be successful in life, never
get one.
Capricorn-(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)- Capricorn, you just
enjoyed your birthday with family and friends in
tow, now you want to let that party continue into
Aquarius’ time. Your best friend is an Aquarius.
Your best friend does not wait well. Be aware, be
very aware.
Leo-(July 23-Aug 22)- Leo, no one can be
perfectly gullible, but you pulled off being
perfectly legally drunk. You left your ID and
credit card at some mall shop where a teenager is
ringing up charges that will make your head spin.
Now you have a bar tab to settle with no cash and
no credit card. Doing dishes is hard work with
blurred vision.
Scorpio-(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)- Scorpio, you are in a
bad fix this week. Your significant other left you
in order to marry his favorite rock in California
and your dog eloped with the mailman. Plus, just
last week you discovered that your bachelor’s
degree was granted by a diploma mill in Sierra
Leone. Good luck explaining all this to your
Virgo-(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)- Virgo, do you really
think that being cool was ever going to gain you
lasting friendship? It’s kind of like being a fake
doctor. Everyone comes to you for answers to
their ills and gives you all their attention. All you
Sagittarius- (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)- Sagittarius, do
us all a favor and never, ever, mention that you
used to do something called streaking. Your kids
are about a year away from learning about that
in their fifth grade history class and you want to
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Brazos Mall
2040 Louetta Spring, TX 77388 281-528-2020
12827 Westheimer Rd. Houston, TX 77077 281-679-6909
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
Pisces-(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)- Pisces, you drink like
a fish, you talk like a dolphin, you swim like an
eel and you weigh like a tiny guppy. So go out
and have a whale of a time. Just make sure you
are wearing protection. Protection such as a life
Aquarius-(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)- Aquarius, you
recently realized that you were doing the work of
two in your relationship. What did you expect?
If you keep laying down, your significant other
is going to take that as an invitation to walk all
over you. Grow a spine and say “that’s it.” If they
are as cold as they appear, you would do well to
move along. You deserve better, you really do.
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Gig Guide continued from page 8
Two Mules Tavern
100 Cypresswood Dr., Spring 281-528-0600
Sat Jan 24 9pm VCR
Sat Feb 21 9pm Under Cover Brothers
Sat Feb 28 9pm Spinning Still
Sat April 11 9pm Under Cover Brothers
916 West Main St., Tomball 281-351-2599
Fri Jan 23
Sat Jan 24
Main Street Crossing
111 West Main St., Tomball 281-290-0431
Thurs Jan 22 8pm Roger Creager
Fri Jan 23 8pm Zane Williams
Sat Jan 24 8pm James McMurtry
Weds Jan 28 8pm Mark Jones
Fri Jan 30 8pm Carolyn Wonderland
Sat Jan 31 8pm Steve Krase with special guest Trudy Lynn
Weds Feb 4 8pm Paul Thorn
Thurs Feb 5 8pm Paul Thorn
Fri Feb 6 8pm Shay Domann
Sat Feb 7 8pm Darden Smith
Weds Feb 11 8pm Cody Canada
Thurs Feb 12 8pm Cody Canada
Fri Feb 13 8pm 2 Bit Palomino and Libby Koch
Sat Feb 14 8pm Valentine’s Day Dinner and Show with Shake
Russell and Michael Hearne
Weds Feb 18 8pm Micky and Gary Braun (of Micky and the
Thurs Feb 19 8pm Songtelling with Host Matt Davis
Sat Feb 21 8pm Joe Ely
Weds Feb 25 8pm Sam Riggs and the Night People
Thurs Feb 26 8pm Uncle Lucius
Fri Feb 27 8pm The Damn Quails
Sat Feb 28 8pm Radney Foster
Paper Rose Saloon
32015 SH 249, Decker Prairie 281-259-8671
Fajita Jack’s
15256 Highway 150 W., Montgomery 936-588-3340
The Fountainhead
17021 Ella Blvd,, Houston 281-444-1375
The Public News regrets that some venues have not
reported their live music offerings in the area.
We suggest to our readers to patronize those that have
taken the effort to let you know who is playing where,
when and for how much.
The Public News supports the Arts, especially good music.
Make sure you get your copy by subscribing!
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From Film on page 11
Director:Tom Harper
Stars: Helen McCrory, Jeremy Irvine, Phoebe Fox,
Leanne Best
mid and gets hopelessly lost in its catacombs. Searching
for a way out, they become desperate to seek daylight
again. They come to realize they aren’t just trapped, they
are being hunted.
Director: Grégory Levasseur
Stars: Ashley Hinshaw, James Buckley, Denis O’Hare,
Christa Nicola
Top Five
R 101 min Comedy
Though he began in stand-up comedy, Andre Allen (Chris
Rock) hit the big-time as the star of a trilogy of actioncomedies about a talking bear. Andre is forced to spend
the day with Chelsea (Rosario Dawson) a profile writer
for the New York Times, whose film critic has just panned
Andre’s passion project about the Haitian Revolution.
Unexpectedly, Andre opens up to Chelsea, and as they
wind their way across New York, Andre tries to get back in
touch with his comedic roots.
Director: Chris Rock
Stars: Chris Rock, Rosario Dawson, Gabrielle Union,
Kevin Hart
The Wedding Ringer
R 101 min Comedy
Socially awkward Doug Harris (Josh Gad) is two weeks
from marrying the gal (Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting) of his
dreams, but he has a problem: He doesn’t have a
groomsman for the occasion. Desperate and running out
of time, Doug calls upon Jimmy Callahan (Kevin Hart),
owner and operator of Best Man Inc., a company that
provides attendants for grooms in need of them. As Doug
tries to pull off the con, a bromance unexpectedly blossoms between Jimmy and himself.
Director: Jeremy Garelick
Stars: Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, Alan Ritchson, Josh Gad,
Kevin Hart
The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death
PG-13 98 min Drama | Horror | Thriller
As bombs rain down on London during the Blitz of World
War II, a group of schoolchildren are evacuated with Eve,
their young schoolteacher, to the safety of the British
countryside. Taken to an old and empty estate, cut off by
a causeway from the mainland, they are left at Eel Marsh
One by one, the children begin acting strangely and Eve,
with the help of local military commander Harry, discovers that the group has awoken a dark force even more
terrifying and evil than the city’s air raids. Eve must now
confront her own demons to save the children and survive
the woman in black
PG-13 137 min Biography | Drama | Sport | War
After a near-fatal plane crash in WWII, Olympian Louis
Zamperini spends a harrowing 47 days in a raft with two
fellow crewmen before he’s caught by the Japanese navy
and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.
Director: Angelina Jolie
Stars: Jack O’Connell, Takamasa Ishihara, Domhnall
Gleeson, Garrett Hedlund
R 115 min Biography | Drama
Driven to the edge by the loss of her beloved mother (Laura
Dern), the dissolution of her marriage and a headlong dive into
self-destructive behavior, Cheryl Strayed (Reese Witherspoon)
makes a decision to halt her downward spiral and put her life
back together again. With no outdoors experience, a heavy
backpack and little else to go on but her own will, Cheryl sets
out alone to hike the Pacific Crest Trail -- one of the country’s
longest and toughest through-trails.
Director: Jean-Marc Vallée
Stars: Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Gaby Hoffmann
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015
BEST OF 2014
JANUARY 21 - 27, 2015