Workplace Giving 1800 76 00 11 Save the Children has been improving the lives of children for more than 90 ye ars Photo: Robert McKechnie/Save the Children Australia Save the Children is Australia’s leading independent emergency relief and development organisation for children. We save and protect children’s lives. We strive to give every child a safe and happy childhood. In Australia, we work in every state and territory with programs in more than 90 locations. Globally, Save the Children works in 119 countries and, in 2011, more than 125 million children’s lives were touched by our work around the world. A young girl and Family Support Worker playing at an Intensive Supported Playscheme in Adelaide, South Australia. Where we work ARCTIC OCEAN FRANZ JOSEF LAND (RUSSIA) SVALBARD (NORWAY) Laptev Sea GREENLAND Kara Sea East Siberian Sea Barents Sea Baffin Beaufort Chukchi Bay Sea rait is St Dav Sea Norwegian Sea ALASKA ICELAND Reykjavík FINLAND SWEDEN RUSSIAN FEDERATION NORWAY Stockholm Dublin Tallinn S tic Bal København London Labrador Sea Bay Sea of Okhotsk Moscow Minsk Berlin Amsterdam Gulf of Alaska LATVIA LITHUANIA Vilnius NETHERLANDS Hudson Sea ESTONIA Riga ea DENMARK UNITED KINGDOM REP. OF IRELAND Bering Helsinki Oslo North Sea NORTH CANADA BELARUS Warsaw GERMANY POLAND BELGIUM Kiev Prague LUX. CZECH REPUBLIC UKRAINE SLOVAKIA Vienna Bratislava MOLDOVA AUSTRIA Budapest Bern FRANCE Chisinau HUNGARY Ljubljana SWITZ. Zagreb ROMANIA SLOVENIA Brussels Astana Luxembourg Paris BOSNIA Sarajevo Belgrade SERBIA Tiranë CANARY ISLES (SPAIN) GEORGIA Tbilisi Nicosia CYPRUS Beirut LEBANON ISRAEL Tripoli Tel Aviv TURKMENISTAN ALGERIA Damascus KUWAIT I UD SA EGYPT Al Kuwayt PAKISTAN EA DS RE BURKINA N’djamena Lomé Kathmandu GULF OF GUINEA Thimphu MYANMAR (BURMA) Naypyidaw Djibouti CAMEROON GABON Brazzaville ANDAMAN SEA Colombo Kinshasa DA AN Kampala INDIAN San José MO ZA M VENEZUELA Georgetown Paramaribo Cayenne GUYANA Bogata SURINAME FR. GUIANA COLOMBIA JAVA SEA Jakarta JAVA BANDA SEA INDONESIA Dili PAPUA NEW GUINEA TIMOR-LESTE TIMOR SEA Port Louis ARAFURA SEA Torres Strait BISMARK SEA SOUTH SOLOMON SEA Port Moresby BRAZIL PERU Honiara Lima CORAL VANUATU PACIFIC FIJI Port Vila SEA Suva Brasilia La Paz BOLIVIA MAURITIUS NEW CALEDONIA (FR.) RÉUNION (FRANCE) Gaborone Mbabane TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Port of Spain Caracas PANAMA BARBADOS Quito IRIAN JAYA (WEST PAPUA) Gulf of Carpentaria Antananarivo Windhoek Pretoria Panamá City DOMINICA Maputo OCEAN R PA BOTSWANA NICARAGUA Managua COSTA RICA ANTIGUA &BARBUDA ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT GRENADA ECUADOR COMOROS E QU BI CARIBBEAN SEA CELEBES SEA MAYOTTE (FRANCE) W MADA GA SC AR Harare ZIMBABWE RICO Santo Domingo Kingston Tegucigalpa EL SALVADOR SULU SEA I Lusaka DOMINICAN HAITI REPUBLIC PUERTO BELIZE San Salvador BORNEO Moroni MALA Lilongwe BRUNEI OCEAN THE BAHAMAS Port-Au-Prince JAMAICA Belmopan Guatemala City HONDURAS GUATEMALA Singapore TANZANIA ZAMBIA ATLANTIC Sea Nassau Havana Mexico City PHILIPPINES Bandar Seri Begawan SINGAPORE Bujumbura ANGOLA Manila China Phnom Penh MALAYSIA Nairobi Kigali BURUNDI Luanda NAMIBIA CAMBODIA Kuala Lumpur Mogadishu KENYA RWANDA Dodoma SOUTH Gulf of Thailand SRI LANKA M SO DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (ZAIRE) HAWAIIAN ISLANDS PHILIPPINE SEA South MEXICO CUBA Hanoi RA AT M SU Libreville GULF OF MEXICO TAIWAN (Formosa) VIETNAM LAOS Vientiane THAILAND Bangkok ETHIOPIA CENTRAL AFRICAN REP. Bangui Yaoundé EQ. GUINEA ATLANTIC Sargasso Sea OCEAN BHUTAN Dhaka BAY OF BENGAL Addis Ababa Abuja Malabo São Tomé Tokyo Taipei INDIA DJIBOUTI NIGERIA PortoNovo Accra Washington PACIFIC JAPAN S. KOREA East China Sea BANGLADESH Muscat OMAN YEMEN A LI A TOGO BENIN GHANA Yamoussoukro UG LIBERIA NEPAL New Delhi Abu Dhabi U.A.E SEA CO NG O Monrovia Doha ARABIAN Sana'a Asmara SUDAN Ouagadougou COTE D’IVOIRE SIERRA LEONE Islamabad QATAR IA ERITREA Khartoum CHAD Niamey NORTH UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Sea of Japan (East Sea) Seoul Manama AB AR SENEGAL THE Banjul Bamako GAMBIA GUINEA Bissau GUINEA BISSAU Conakry Freetown BAHRAIN Riyadh MALI Dakar P’yongyang Yellow Sea CHINA IRAN LIBYA MAURITANIA NIGER Praia N. KOREA Beijing Dushanbe Kabul AFGHANISTAN IRAQ Amman KYRGYZSTAN TAJIKISTAN Ashgabat Tehran Baghdad Ottawa Bishkek UZ BE Tashkent KIS TAN Baku Yerevan SYRIA JORDAN Cairo WESTERN SAHARA Nouakchott REPUBLIC OF CAPE VERDE NORTH Aral Sea ARMENIA AZERBAIJAN TURKEY Athens TUNISIA Ulaanbaatar MONGOLIA Black Sea Ankara GREECE Medite rra ne an Tunis Sea MOROCCO KAZAKHSTAN Bucharest BULGARIA Sofiya Skopje MACEDONIA ALBANIA Algiers Rabat Sea MONTENEGRO Podgorica Rome Madrid Lisbon ian sp Ca CROATIA ITALY Andorra ANDORRA SPAIN PORTUGAL OCEAN AG UA Y OCEAN AUSTRALIA SWAZILAND Asunción CHI LE ATLANTIC Maseru REPUBLIC OF LESOTHO SOUTH AFRICA Great Australian Bight URUGUAY Santiago Buenos Aires Canberra South Australian Basin OCEAN Montevideo ARGENTINA TASMAN Bass Strait SEA NEW ZEALAND Wellington Countries where Save the Children Australia works Countries where Save the Children International works Countries where Save the Children did not have a presence in 2011–12 SOUTHERN Scotia Sea OCEAN The delineation of national boundaries on this map should not be considered definitive. Weddell Ross Sea Sea 29 Save the Children works in 119 countries around the world. Amundsen Sea Bellingshausen Sea Children need your HELP 7.6 million children die every year before their fifth birthday. Most of these deaths occur in the first year, and more than a third are within the first month of life. They die from easily preventable causes like diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria. Save the Children is working hard to change this through programs such as our Primary Health Care program in Laos which focuses on building clinics, providing clean drinking water and training health workers for men, women and children living in remote mountainous areas of northern Laos. By 2015, up to 75 million children will be affected by natural disasters every year. The last few years has seen famine, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis take the lives of children all over the world. Save the Children Australia, with our colleagues around the world, delivered life-saving aid including health care, nutrition, water, protection and education to children and their families. Today, 67 million children around the world do not go to school. Sometimes it’s because they live in an area of conflict, they can’t afford books or uniforms, or the children have to work to support their family. Save the Children Australia’s Playscheme program runs in over 80 locations throughout Australia. With trained staff and family support workers, the program provides early learning activities and parenting support for disadvantaged families and children under the age of six. Darwin Wadeye Dampier Peninsula East Kimberley (Wyndham, Kununurra, Warmun, Halls Creek) Broome NORTHERN TERRITORY Mornington Island Normanton Doomadgee Townsville (Ayr, Charters Towers, Pentland, Cardwell) WESTERN AUSTRALIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA Ceduna, Yalata, Koonibba Perth Photo: Jim Holmes/Save the Children QUEENSLAND Brisbane Gold Coast Bourke Murwillumbah NEW SOUTH WALES Wilcannia Adelaide Sydney Canberra Riverina Shepparton ACT Melbourne Nowa Nowa VICTORIA TASMANIA Deloraine Hobart Save the Children Australia works right across the country. Newborn baby in a new Maternal and Child Health Centre built by Save the Children Australia in Nan District Town, Laos. Photo: Save the Children Guted, 8 months, was taken to the local hospital, Aysha, Ethiopia. How YOU CAN make a difference What is Workplace Giving? Workplace Giving is the term given to the program which allows you to donate a portion of your pay directly to charity. Workplace Giving is the simplest way to give regular donations to Save the Children Australia. This program enables you to donate money via pre-tax payroll deductions directly to Save the Children Australia. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) permits employers to calculate tax on your pay net of workplace giving donations. This means that you instantly receive a tax deduction. Become a Workplace Giver with Save the Children Australia By supporting Save the Children Australia through Workplace Giving, you are helping to create real and lasting change for children living here in Australia and around the world. Nominate Save the Children Australia as your charity of choice for Workplace Giving to your payroll department. By law every payroll system must have the capability to facilitate Workplace Giving donations, which means that you will always have the opportunity to donate to Save the Children Australia. Just in case your payroll doesn’t have them, here are our banking details. Once your payroll has these, then you are all ready to begin donating. Bank:NAB Name: Save the Children BSB: 083 004 Account: 5702 73836 Top reasons to join our What your donations can provide: program $40 workpl ace giving a month could build a sanitary toilet for a nursery school protecting the health of more than 50 children and their caretakers. • Many companies match donations. Ask for your donations to be matched so even more money comes to Save the Children Australia $20 • It’s convenient and easy to set up $15 • You can have confidence that your donations will have a lasting impact on vulnerable children • It’s affordable – unlike other forms of donating, you can donate any amount that suits you • With fellow employees donating small amounts, you are working collectively to make a big difference • You get the benefit of an immediate tax deduction without needing to keep any receipts • Because of the tax savings if you choose to give $5 a week, in reality you are only paying $3.50. If you ask your company to match your donations then you will be contributing $10 to charity with only $3.50 coming out of your own pocket!* a month could equip a school with the materials they need to learn and teach other kids about disaster risks. a month could train a Community Health Worker to deliver lifesaving health care. $15 a month could provide nutritious food to feed 300 children suffering from severe malnutrition. $10 $5 a month could provide essential vaccines for five children. a month could provide a hygiene kit including soap, toilet paper, towels and a bucket for families who’ve fled their homes. Photo: Save the Children • Donations go straight from your payroll into Save the Children’s bank account therefore dramatically reducing our administrative costs as we don’t need to process every individual donation • Most importantly you feel good when you give because you know that your contribution really is making a difference. * Examples based on a gross annual salary of $37,001-$80,000 and marginal tax rate of 30%. Boys study in a community-based education class, Afghanistan. Other ways you can make a difference with Save the Children Australia The benefit of partnering with Save the Children Australia is that staff have many opportunities to support the work we do here in Australia and around the world. Here are just a few examples: Volunteering in our local Programs or at Community Events Skilled Volunteering Whether its helping to develop organisational wide or fundraising campaigns strategies or helping out with administration, skilled volunteering is the perfect option for staff to connect their professional skills with their passion for supporting a charity. Volunteers can be directly involved in the day-day activities of the playgroup. Children learn by having the opportunity to engage with other children while their parents build a strong network for support. Charity Challenge Fundraising Adventure Volunteering Every year Save the Children Australia runs exciting Adventure Volunteering programs which you and your colleagues can participate in. These trips provide a truly unique experience by enabling you to raise vital funds before volunteering at a Save the Children program in an adventurous location around the globe such as Nepal or Laos. Young boy at a Save the Children Australia program in Ceduna, South Australia. Photo: Save the Children Australia Photo: Mark Rogers/Save the Children Whether it’s abseiling from a 30 storey building, skydiving or running a marathon, your staff have countless opportunities to challenge themselves while raising much needed funds for vulnerable children. Save the Children Australia volunteers in Nepal 2011. Eglantyne Jebb founded Save the Children in 1919. More about Save the Children Save the Children was founded by a remarkable woman Save the Children was founded in the UK in 1919 by a remarkable woman, Eglantyne Jebb. The first Australian branch of Save the Children was established in the same year. In a time when women didn’t even have the right to vote, Eglantyne was revolutionary in changing the way the world treats children. She was moved by the plight of children following World War 1 and, ignoring the many angry views in Britain that she was helping “children of the enemy”, Eglantyne began Save the Children’s first relief program in Austria, providing food to starving children. It was the first of many programs and fundraising activities she established to help children. But Eglantyne wanted to do more than provide immediate relief. She believed that it was important to invest in children in order to secure a more just and peaceful future. So in 1923, Eglantyne penned five directives she believed were the fundamental rights of every child. Her legacy remains to this day; these directives evolved into the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the most universally accepted human rights instrument in history. Photo: Robert McKechnie/Save the Children Australia STC00720 Sign up to become a Workplace Giver and start making a difference today! Call us on 1800 76 00 11 or email to find out how your Workplace Giving donations can help Save the Children Australia continue to save and protect the lives of children. Save the Children Australia 1800 76 00 11 Level 6, 250 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002, Australia (Locked Bag 5000, Fitzroy VIC 3065) Email: ABN 99 008 610 035 @savechildrenaus
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