HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC PARISH 25 E. RICHMOND ST. WESTMONT, IL 60559 630.968.1366 FAX: 630.968.7846 PARISH WEBSITE: www.holytrinitywestmont.org Pastorally led by the Resurrectionist Fathers and Brothers SUNDAY MASSES 4:30 pm (Saturday Evening) 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am and 7:00 pm (Sunday) JANUARY 25, 2015 | THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEKDAY MASSES 8:15 am (Monday-Saturday) CONFESSIONS 3:15-4:15 pm (Saturday) 6:00-6:45 pm (Sunday) SACRED HEART CHAPEL OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The Blessed Sacrament is accessible for adoration 24 hours each day. Our chapel can be entered through the door next to the main entrance of the Mother of Life Wing on Richmond St. The door is open from 5 am–10 pm. Please call parish for information to gain access during night hours. BAPTISMS 2nd & 4th Sunday after 11:30 am Mass. Before a Baptism, contact the parish office to arrange for parents and godparents to attend a Baptismal Prep Class held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm. WEDDINGS Arrangements should be made six months in advance. Please call the parish office. NEW PARISHIONERS Please call the parish office to make an appointment to register. Please join us for our next Hospitality Sunday on April 12th after the 9:30 am Mass. FUNERALS The Funeral Director will contact the parish regarding arrangements. SICK & HOMEBOUND Contact the parish office to receive a visit and sacraments. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Main entrance of the Mother of Life Wing Mon.—Thur. Friday 8:45 am—4:45 pm 8:45 am—4:00 pm PARISH STAFF REV. MICHAEL E. DANEK, C.R., PASTOR REV. RAFAL WASILEWSKI, C.R., PAROCHIAL VICAR DEACON WILLIAM CASEY and DEACON THOMAS JAGIELO GEORGE HOFMANN - BUSINESS MANAGER BRUCE BARKER - PROPERTY MANAGER LARRY LALONDE - PASTORAL MUSIC DIRECTOR 630.788.7425 LOUISE DUBNICK - PARISH SECRETARY KAREN BETTINARDI - DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 630.968.5978 DR. PAMELA SIMON - SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 630.971.0184 JEN BARTLEY - YOUTH MINISTER JOANNE GREGOIRE - BULLETIN EDITOR 630.968.5978 Page Two January 25, 2015 Mass Intentions Saturday, January 24 4:30 pm † Michael Edler † Laddie Smrz Sunday, January 25 ~ 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time; Catholic Schools Week 7:30 am † Brother Edward Power 9:30 am † David Bettinardi People of the Parish 11:30 am † Michael Gadus 7:00 pm † Matt Gacek Monday, January 26 ~ Saints Timothy & Titus, Bishops 8:15 am In celebration of the Anniversary of the Priesthood of Father Rafal Tuesday, January 27 ~ St. Angela Merici 8:15 am † Christina Leela Wednesday, January 28 ~ St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the Church 8:15 am † Bruce Rutledge Thursday, January 29 8:15 am Intention of Louise Dubnick Friday, January 30 8:15 am † Marie Rybacki † John Noonan Saturday, January 31 ~ St. John Bosco, Priest 8:15 am In thanksgiving 4:30 pm † Arlene Gleason † Roger & Evelyn Luecke Sunday, February 1 ~ 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am † Rosalie Printy 9:30 am † Karen Zitt 11:30 am † Juraj & Frantisek Taliga People of the Parish 7:00 pm † Bruce Rutledge IN YOUR CHARITY, REMEMBER IN PRAYER... Those who are sick, in need of the Lord’s healing: Calvin Herion, Joseph Valentino, Eric Randolph, Jim Pilch, Jan Kelly, Nora King, George and Dorothy Drenth, Patti Bauler, Loretta Kohan, Alicia Ricciardi, Mary Bartucci, Don Garrison, Rosemary Mikrut, William Kowal, Dahm Family, Kim Delvaux, Robert Pietrzak, Bill Vrba, Hannah Taylor, Mary Jo Nicosia, Mary Elizabeth Kennedy, Jeanne Cermak, Anne Jenisch, Stephen Horak, Terry Doody, Jerod Baertsch, Barbara Winke, John Michael Towle IV, Michelle Humann, Andrew Jagielo, Debbie Hearn, Marion Tadda, Vito Markus, Tony Kranz, Charlann Sirovatka, Dana Pelz, Billie Chorney, Wilson Gregory, Rev. Gerald Watt, C.R., Mary Gilligan, Nora Gilligan, Jennifer Selinsky, Jennifer Petricig, Deborah S. Sollitt, Nancy Doran, Barbara Hilburger, Eugene Glowania, Alex Jankowski, Stan Ochab, Ruth Finn, Annette Edler, Donald Steger All seniors are invited to our next social in Holy Family Hall at 2PM on Tuesday, February 17th where we will be celebrating “Be Kind to Your Heart” month. Be sure to wear something red! Since February 17th is also Paczki Day, come and enjoy your favorite paczki! Questions? Call Lois at 630.964.0631 Respect Life Ministry Please join us as we pray a rosary in Church following the 8:15 a.m. Mass on Saturday, January 31. A brief meeting and refreshments will follow the rosary in Holy Family Hall. We meet on the last Saturday of every month…join us in prayer and fellowship! THE 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL APPEAL IS UNDERWAY “EXTENDING GOD’S MERCY” Bishop Conlon’s mailing asking for a pledge to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA) is in the hands of many of our parishioners. If you have received the mailing, please respond as soon as possible. If you have not received it, please contact our parish office at 630.968.1366. This year, the theme of the Appeal is “Extending God’s Mercy.” Pope Francis recently said that Mercy “goes beyond in such a way that sin is put to the side. It is like heaven. We look at the sky, there are many, many stars; but when the sun rises in the morning, the light is such that we can’t see the stars. God’s mercy is like that: a great light of love and tenderness.” We are called by the Gospel to be a light unto others. By showing mercy to those in need, by helping build the kingdom of God in our own parish and our own diocese, we are a like the morning light. Please shine bright by making a generous gift to the CMAA. The CMAA funds the mission and ministries of our diocese. It also funds services that are of great help to the ministries here in our parish. For example, funds support the permanent diaconate and seminarian programs, catechist training and lay formation through the Newman Institute, youth and young adult leadership, and more. Please answer the bishop’s request and make a generous pledge. All pledges can be paid in 10 installments. Thank you in advance for your support. Page Three January 25, 2015 An Evening in Tuscany Dinner and dancing under the stars Saturday, March 7, 2015 Join us February 1 for our SHINE Mass ~ Seeking Holiness In the Eucharist. $35 per person Experience the Mass in a fresh light, and be renewed through a deeper devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The evening will begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 6:15-6:45 p.m. ~ confessions will be going on during this time ~ followed by 7pm Mass. Tickets available after the Masses this weekend, Join us afterwards in Holy Family Hall for some Valentine treats! All are welcome. 6:30 PM – Holy Family Hall 5 courses, plus a glass of wine and are limited so be sure to buy your tickets early! All proceeds benefit the Holy Trinity Twinning Program in Haiti Buon appetito! Save the Date Friday April 24, 2015 2015 Holy Trinity Gala for Education: The Best is Yet to Come READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Friday: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40;Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday: Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk1:21-28 Down through time, God has loved His creation and called at the Abbington 3S002 Illinois 53, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 each of us to a personal relationship with Him. It started back Evening to include cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, dinner, dancing, auction, raffles, & open bar when He asked “Where are you?” Raffle tickets for the 2015 Holy Trinity Gala for Education are on sale after all Masses this weekend. Tickets are $25.00 each or 5 for $100.00 Grand Prize - $5000 2nd Prize - $2500 3rd Prize - $1000 in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned, He is asking the same question today. Make your response be “Here I am, Lord!” by visiting Him in the Sacred Heart Chapel of Eucharistic Adoration. For more information email: holytrinityedgala2015@gmail.com Flame of Faith The candles will burn in the Sacred Heart Chapel this week for the following intentions: † Reconciliation for my family † A job for Toby † Repose of the soul of Matt Gacek † Healing for Maria Bacani † To bear a healthy normal child † For the repose of the souls in purgatory When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you. Jeremiah 29:13 Page Four January 25, 2015 Youth Ministry Happenings Religious Education News Join us this Sunday, January 25th in Holy Family Hall from 5-6:45pm for our next installment of A-Popp-logetics led by Mr. Jonathan Popp! Join us next week for our next SHINE Mass on Sunday, February 1. We will gather in church at 6:15pm for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and then attend 7pm Mass together. Join us after Mass in Holy Family Hall for Valentine treats! Any questions? Contact Jen Bartley at 630.968.1366, ext. 107 or youthministry@holytrinitywestmont.org. Young Adult Ministry Events Friday, January 30th, the Holy Trinity Young Adult Ministry will spend time in worship and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Please gather at Holy Trinity Church at 7:30pm. Set aside some time with us to seek holiness in the Eucharist! Please visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/ holytrinityyam for details regarding young adult events and text HTYAM to 84576 for text message updates on future happenings. Questions? Contact Rebecca at 630.310.4967 or email youngadultministry@holytrinitywestmont.org GRIEF SUPPORT TEAM ….“And Jesus wept” John 11:35 Jesus’ friend Lazarus died, and because of his grief, Jesus wept. February FCFF classes will be held on Monday, February 9th and Wednesday, February 11th. The time for Confirmation 2015 Candidates: completing your Confirmation preparation is at hand. Confirmation Handbooks are due to be turned in at the TOB session on Saturday, February 7, 2015 or at the FCFF February sessions. Your letter to our pastor, Father Michael Danek, is also due at this time. The guidelines for your letter are in the Confirmation Handbook. The Theology of the Body sessions will be presented to eighth grade students on Friday, February 6th, from 7-9 PM and on Saturday, February 7th, from 9 AM to 4:30 PM. Confirmation candidates, who did not attend the TOB sessions in September, are required to attend on February 6th and 7th. Please call the RE office at 630.968.5978, if you have any questions regarding your Confirmation prep work or the Theology of the Body sessions. Parents of children preparing to receive First Communion: Please follow the schedule in the blue First Communion Activity Booklet as you prepare your child to receive First Holy Communion. This week, please help your child read Chapter 16 in the Jesus Our Life Book and complete the Chapter 16 review sheet and the Holy Trinity Church Tour activity in the blue handbook. A s announced in the bulletin last weekend, a second collection will be taken up at all the Masses this weekend for the Church in Latin America. Thank you for your generosity. If you have lost a loved one and you are experiencing the pain of loss and grief, please join the Grief Support Team at St. Mary of Gostyn to share with us and others who have experienced the grief and pain you are now feeling. Weekend Offering January 17/18, 2015 Envelopes and loose cash…… $ Electronic giving……………. $ Total………………………… $ Grief Support Group starts meeting on Tuesday, February 3rd, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the Parish Center Living Room. We will be meeting every Tuesday starting February 3rd for six weeks. July 1, 2013 thru January 18, 2015 Budget year to date…………... $ Actual year to date…………... $ Overage/(Shortage)…...……… ($ 535,398 526,868 8,530) Heritage of Faith Collected on 1/18/2015………... $ 1,349 Call Moira Barker at the Parish Center 630.960.3565 to register. If you have questions, you will be referred to the appropriate person to contact for further assistance. 14,354 7,981 22,335 May God bless you for your continued generosity. Can you keep a secret? shhh…. “The Best is Yet to Come” HOLYTRINITYWESTMONT.ORG 630.971.0184 JANUARY 25, 2015 | SCHOOL SCOOP HELP HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL UPCOMING EVENTS CELEBRATE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Please join Holy Trinity Catholic School as we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week 2015. The theme — “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Science” — highlights our focus on faith development, academic excellence and dedication to community service. We’ve planned a variety of events to show how we are doing this as a community at Holy Trinity School and we could use your help! Stop by our Open House! Sunday, January 25th 8am—1pm Observe a lesson en français ~ Investigate the science fair displays Visit the computer lab ~ Hear the piano & instrumental music students perform Test the I.Q. of a SMARTBoard ~ Learn about the 1:1 iPad program Watch cup stacking in PE class ~ See how we are building the Kingdom View the volleyball and math team awards ~ See the Art Fair Find your picture in the school class composites dating back to 1954 Join us Monday, January 26th for a dinner buffet with pizza, pasta and salad at Pompei’s from 5-9pm on Ogden Avenue in Westmont. Holy Trinity School will donate 10% of the proceeds to Catholic Charities-Diocese of Joliet. Stop by Holy Family Hall at 8am on Wednesday, January 28th for coffee as we say “Thank You” to Holy Trinity parents & volunteers. Please help us fill the boxes you see in the church and school with new socks of any adult size. All socks that are collected will be donated to the Hines VA Hospital to honor those who serve our nation. Holy Trinity Catholic School is a faith-filled educational community. Our mission is to inspire our members to grow in knowledge, explore God’s creation and serve in love. We are an accredited day school offering a fully integrated early-childhood development focused preschool for ages 3-5 (full and part-time) AND a full-day kindergarten through 8th grade. Before and after-school care are available. The curriculum has standards aligned from preschool through 8th grade with the nationally recognized Houghton Mifflin Language Arts Program and the McMillan & McGraw Hill and Glencoe McGraw Hill Math Programs. Please contact Dr. Pamela Simon for more information. Catholic Schools Week 1/25 School in Session No bus service HTCS Open House 1/25 8am-1pm Celebration of Our Parish: All School Mass 1/25 9:30am (K, G5-8) 11:30am (G1-4) Celebration of Community & Family: Buffet Fundraiser 1/26 5-9pm Pompei’s Celebration of Our Students: All School Movie 1/27 1:45pm HTCS Celebration of Our Faculty, Staff, Volunteers: Thank-You Coffee 1/28 8am HFH Celebration of Vocations: Spirit Day, Pep Rally 1/29 2pm WPD Gym Compensatory Holiday 1/30 No School All School Mass 2/6 8:15am HTC (5th/4th grades) Market Day - HT PSO #1232 www.marketday.com 2/10 orders due HTCS 2/12 online orders due 2/17 pick-up orders HTCS 5:30pm volunteers 6pm pick-up (3rd grade volunteers) Page Six January 25, 2015 ARCHITECTS OF THE CULTURE OF DEATH By DONALD DE MARCO & BENJAMIN WIKER A review by Clare Walker Holy Trinity Writer-in-Residence Upcoming Winter Schedule of Events Tuesday Evenings — 7 to 9 PM — Holy Family Hall January 27th ~ Colleen Alexander, R.N.-C.H.P.N., will share her knowledge and experience regarding End of Life Issues and Hospice. February 3rd begins a 6-week study into Saint Pope John Paul II’s insights on the language of the body as created by God. “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27) Join us for THEOLOGY OF THE BODY—AN INTRODUCTION, an Ascension Press DVD series by Christopher West promoting the dignity of the person. Suzy Grybas, Holy Trinity parishioner who studied under Christopher West, will facilitate. Holy Trinity Adult Faith Formation offers a variety of opportunities to grow in your faith. If there is some aspect of our Faith that you would like to explore, please contact Karen Bettinardi at 630.968.5978 or Kbettinardi@holytrinitywestmont.org. -------------------------------- ENDOW women’s group began the eight week study on the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering (Salvifici Doloris) on Wednesday, January 21st. It’s not too late to join the group. Join us as we learn how to find consolation and purpose in life when things go wrong. Our study will help us understand the power and beauty of Christian suffering and the joy and hope it brings, leaving the reader with a lighter heart. Sign up by logging on to http://endowgroups.org/join-a-group/. Click Illinois and click on Meaning of Suffering and follow the instructions to register on-line or contact Karen Bettinardi at Kbettinardi@holytrinitywestmont.org. -------------------------------- BOOK CLUB The Book Club will begin with St. Augustine’s Confessions on Tuesday, February 3rd at 9 AM in the St. Gabriel Room, and everyone is welcome. They meet the first and third Tuesdays from 9–10 AM in the St. Gabriel Room. Contact Kathy Joyce at kafjoyce@comcast.net. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. —Mark 1:15 In his 1994 encyclical letter Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life), St. Pope John Paul II coined the term “culture of death:” “…we are confronted by [a reality] which can be described as a veritable structure of sin. This reality is characterized by the emergence of … a ‘culture of death’… a war of the powerful against the weak: a life which would require greater acceptance, love and care is considered useless, or held to be an intolerable burden, and is therefore rejected in one way or another … In this way a kind of ‘conspiracy against life’ is unleashed.” (Evangelium vitae, section 12) In the early twentieth century, the culture of death arose from the ashes of pre-Christian paganism. Atheistic science and philosophy pushed religious faith into the margins, racism and extreme nationalism sparked eugenic schemes and genocide all over the globe, and the devaluing of human life ushered in a culture of death. But who was responsible for all this? In their 2004 book, Architects of the Culture of Death, scholars Donald de Marco and Benjamin Wiker attempt to answer this question in biographical sketches of twenty-three men and women of influence whom they believe drew the blueprint for the culture of death. Wiker and de Marco divide the group into seven categories: the “Will Worshippers” (those who trumpet independence from all restraint in the pursuit of what we want); the “Eugenic Evolutionists” (those who would seek to perfect the human race by genetic manipulation); the “Secular Utopians” (those who envision a humanistic paradise with no reference to moral or religious tradition); the “Atheistic Existentialists” (those who reject God outright); the “Pleasure Seekers”; the “Sex Planners”; the “Death Peddlers”. Some of the men and women on their list are household names: Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud. Others are less well-known but nevertheless played key roles in the ascendancy of the culture of death. What’s interesting about these “architects” is that many of them came from seriously dysfunctional family backgrounds, which led to emotional instability as adults. Others lived immoral or strange lifestyles and spent their lives attempting to validate their aberrations by making them mainstream. The results have been tragic for humanity. In Evangelium vitae, St. Pope John Paul II described “the struggle between the ‘culture of life’ and the ‘culture of death.’ ” Architects of the Culture of Death is very helpful for understanding the roots of this struggle and how we can turn things around by building up a civilization of love. (Published by Ignatius Press www.ignatius.com). Page Seven January 25, 2015 Floral Arrangements in Church SAVE THE DATE for SMG Class of 1975 Reunion! Floral arrangements are available these next several weeks of Ordinary Time. If you celebrating an anniversary or special occasion and would like to memorialize a loved one, a donation of thirty-five dollars will provide the cost of a floral arrangement. Please contact the parish office at htparish@comcast.net or call 630.968.1366 so an acknowledgement can be placed in the bulletin. There is a limit of two tributes accepted for each weekend. SMG Class of 1975 is planning a reunion on August 8, 2015. Looking for our classmates! Please contact Chris (Varga) Kalal ckalal@stmarygostyn.org 630.968.6155 Saint Margaret Insurance & Financial Services Sunday Missal Since 1946 Tom Walsh 630.737.0300 Business Insurance Manufacturing • Services • Retailers Wholesalers • Group Benefits Personal Insurance Auto • Home • Life • Disability Long Term Care 850 N Cass Ave. Westmont F In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 7702 SOUTH CASS AVENUE, SUITE 115 DARIEN, ILLINOIS 60561 www.overmannlaw.com 630-810-0316 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com To Sell or Buy Call Long FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICES NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER ANTHONY CAPPETTA PC MD Kathy & Jim / Bob Long WEST SUBURBAN TRADITIONAL FUNERALS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Oakbrook Terr. 630.691.1114 39 N. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 RCMS, Inc. 630.852.8000 Full Service Law Firm Estate Planning & Probate Real Estate & Business Now Hiring (630) 789-3971 Tom All Positions Available 200 E. Chicago Ave. #200 support@pcmd.com www.pcmd.com WE STILL MAKE HOUSE CALLS! Westmont (630) 455-0500 Experience Preferred! Resumes Welcomed HELP WANTED Poszukujemy pracownikow z doswiadczeniem Dobre Wynagrodzenie! Please ask for Konrad, Dorothy or Anna 7145 S. Kingery Hwy. Route 83, Willowbrook, IL 630.655.2200 • Remodeling • Maintenance • Handyman Bath, Kitchen, Bsmt Painting • ReGrouting • Gutter Cleaning Reasonable Rates Fully Insured • Integrity Ronald Basit • Work Guaranteed 630.659.4251 • Reliable and Small Jobs are Welcome Margaret Las ATTORNEY • Burgers • Drinks • Sports • Video Poker & Slots an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Men • Women • Children Valid Mon-Thurs-Fri 9am-6pm Only with Crystal For All of Your Plumbing Needs Sewer Drain Cleaning @ The Barbershop 128 S. Cass, Westmont across from church parking lot Lic. #16482 630-287-0775 Monday Tue - Fri Saturday Sunday www.jspaluch.com 860.399.1785 $7.99 w/Ad Stankus Plumbing HOME MADE EUROPEAN CUISINE Dine-In/ Carry-Out Banquets / Catering Brian or Sally, coordinators Haircut Special 630-986-1029 630-241-9700 LAW 630.908.7730 222 E. Chicago Ave. • Westmont www.djswestmont.com Parishioner Discount AT Burr Ridge MargaretLasLaw@me.com www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com DJ’s Sports Bar & Grill Clarendon Hills Bank is a branch of Hinsdale Bank & Trust Company © 2014 Clarendon Hills Bank hondo@comcast.net RJ’s Carpentry Maintenance Services WWW.WESTSUBURBANFH.COM PC & MAC Sales & Service 630-887-0222 416 E. Ogden, Westmont Hubeny & Zaba, LLC Networking • WIFI • Internet 512168 Holy Trinity Church (B) GUARDIANSHIP An ideal companion for personal prayer. WWW.TWGROUPINC.COM Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE ree consultation with an attorney devoted to Estate Planning & Administration. parishioner closed 10am - 8pm 10am - 4pm 11am - 5pm FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED PROVIDING DISTINGUISHED SERVICE SINCE 1923 DOWNERS GROVE 6551 South Cass Ave., Westmont 301-75TH STREET 630 964 7882 630-964-6500 COUNTRYSIDE 1025 W. 55TH STREET 708-352-6500 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Family Owned & Operated Since 1955 (630) 852-3595 Frank A. Modelski, Jr. Christina M. Brunsen Andrew A. Brunsen www.modelldarien.com 7710 S. Cass Ave., Darien • Traditional & Cremation Services Available Kathryn R. Engel Attorney at Law Family Law / Divorce Mediation Estate Planning 630.654.3501 kengel@kengellaw.com SAGE CREEK ACCOUNTING SINCE 1986 NANCY J. KUKULSKI, EA PARISHIONER ENROLLED TO PRACTICE BEFORE THE I.R.S. 630-325-6131 www.nktax.com www.kengellaw.com Fine Design Hair Studio Holiday Special - 20% Off Any Service Only with Ana (Raineri), Parishioner 630-434-4007 5101 A Washington St., Downers Grove CLARENDON HILLS CEMETERY Large Catholic Area Above Ground Burial Also 6900 S. Cass Avenue Darien 968-6590 Hearing Aids 6300 Kingery Hwy., Ste 120 • Willowbrook 630-984-5064 Free Hearing Evaluation BRIAN R. NUGENT, D.D.S. Dentistry For All Ages - 20 Years of Experience - Full Service, Licensed Plumber 25+ yrs. Serving the Western Suburbs Bonded & Insured TOON FUNERAL HOMES R E A LTO R ® AND Parishioner • Resident CREMATION SERVICE 630.399.7074 Family Owned & Operated Serving the Communities Since 1929 judy@judydeady.com Prearranged Funeral Planning Cremations 425 Burlington Ave., Downers Grove (630) 968-5900 Traditional Funeral Arrangements 24 Hour Availability THINK SPRING Dr. Margaret Brownlie LAWN MOWING SERVICES WESTMONT DOWNERS GROVE Chiropractor SPRING CLEAN-UP 109 N. Cass Ave. 4920 Main St. MULCH-PATIOS-SIDEWALKS 630.968.2262 630.968.0408 28 yrs. Experience GET READY FOR THE SEASONS 4 Blocks South of Ogden 6 Blocks South of Ogden Insured ~ Licensed Licensed General Dentist Charism Eldercare Services Home Visiting Nurse 10% OFF First Months Bill www.charism.net 630.515.9223 Docb8888@gmail.com Serving entire Chicagoland area ALLMAKE Since 1983 APPLIANCE REPAIR All Major U.S. Brand Appliances Repaired 630-325-5100 or 630-960-0185 • Lunch • Dinner • Catering Please call ahead for carry out orders. 630-493-9000 132 South Cass Avenue Westmont, Illinois 60559 Enterprises Each Office Independently Owned and Operated www.toonfuneralhome.com Call Dave at 630-546-5689 708.579.1003 We Welcome Watching 6934 Crest Road-Darien BLUEBERRY HILL CAFE • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 www.AR-BE.com Ask For Parishioner Discount “Banquets of Distinction” Accommodating 50-500 • Weddings • Showers • Quinceañeras • Funeral Luncheons • Anniversaries • Meetings • Offsite Catering Available 512168 Holy Trinity Church (A) Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 8230 Cass Ave., Darien www.alpinebanquets.com 630-663-1444 Our Family Serving Families Like Yours for Four Generations 7340 S. Route 83 Darien 630.734.1300 Seniors Helping Seniors (630) 324-6086 Home Care Services For Seniors By Seniors www.blueberrybreakfastcafe.com New & Used Instruments • LESSONS • REPAIRS • RENTALS 33 N. Cass Ave.,Westmont 630-434-2480 unclejonsmusic.com ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER (630) 964-4154 Right Across from Holy Trinity www.unclebubs.com (630) 455-9015 AllMark Plumbing 630-379-9712 219 55TH ST., CLARENDON HILLS We service all hearing aid brands Cranial Care Full Spine Adjustments Headache, TMJ, ADD Concussion & Migraines • Total Comfort Experts • Sales & Service • Parishioner *** Terrence M. Sullivan • Brian D. Sullivan 630-968-1000 adamswinterfieldsullivan.com 4343 Main St. • Downers Grove www.jspaluch.com Rides, Errands, Doctor Visits Companionship Meal Prep, Cleaning Bath Assist Free Assessment - No Contract Parishioner Owned For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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