ANNUAL MEETING OVERVIEW Sunday, January 18 – Wednesday, January 21, 2015 The 77th Annual Meeting of the South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists will be atOVERVIEW The Grove Park Inn. An ANNUAL M EETING informative educational program blended with interactive social events Sunday, January 18 – Wednesday, 21, 2015 will still allow plenty of time to enjoy theJanuary area. We are offering an excellent Sunday afternoon symposium titled “Understanding the New The 77th Annual Meeting of the South Atlantic Association of Cervical CytologyandScreening Guidelines” Dr. Inn. E. J.An Obstetricians Gynecologists will be atpresented The GrovebyPark Mayeaux, President of the American Society for Cervical Cytology informative educational program blended with interactive social events will still from allow Columbia, plenty of time to enjoy the area. offering & Pathology South Carolina alongWe withareDr. Judithan excellent Sunday afternoon symposium titled “Understanding New Burgis of Columbia, South Carolina “Primary Screening withthe HPV Cervical Guidelines” Dr. The E. J. Testing . This Cytology course willScreening begin at 2:00 p.m. and presented end at 4:00byp.m. Mayeaux, President of thep.m. American Society for p.m. Cervical state caucuses will meet at 4:30 and adjourn at 5:00 ThisCytology will be & Pathology from Columbia, Southfrom Carolina Dr. Judith followed by the welcoming reception, 6:00 along p.m. with to 7:30 p.m. Burgissessions of Columbia, South Carolina “Primary HPV Scientific will begin on Monday and Screening continue with through Wednesday. morning Howard will give TestingMonday . This course will Dr. begin at 2:00Jones p.m. (via and video) end at 4:00 p.m. the The Lifetime honor Dr. Willette LewisThis LeHew. stateAchievement caucuses willLectureship meet at 4:30in p.m. and of adjourn at 5:00 p.m. will be followed byAddress the welcoming reception,onfrom 6:00 atp.m. to followed 7:30 p.m. The Presidential will be presented Tuesday noon, Scientific Our sessions will Presidential begin on Monday continue through by a luncheon. traditional Receptionand (black tie optional) Wednesday. Monday morning Dr. Jones video) will give the will be that evening with cocktails at Howard 7:00 p.m. and(via dinner and dancing Lifetime Achievement in honor Dr.this Willette LeHew. beginning at 8:00 p.m. We Lectureship hope you will join usofas is the Lewis highlight of The Presidential willthe be 2014-2015 presented onPresident. Tuesday atAnoon, followed our social functions inAddress honor of registration Our traditional Presidential Reception (black tie optional) form by anda luncheon. hotel reservation form accompany this preliminary program. will be that evening with cocktails at 7:00 p.m. and dinner and dancing You may also find this information on our website. beginning at 8:00 p.m. We hope you will join us as this is the highlight of our social functions in honor of the 2014-2015 President. A registration The officers have set the registration fee at $475.00 for members and form and hotel reservation form accompany this preliminary program. guestsYou whomay arealso notfind official guests of on SAAOG. This fee will cover all this information our website. scheduled functions for you with the exception of the Tuesday evening dinnerThe dance. There will fee for fee spouses this year cover the officers have setbethea $50 registration at $475.00 for tomembers and Welcome reception, eventguests and President’s The cover dinnerall guests who are Spouse not official of SAAOG.Luncheon. This fee will dancescheduled will feature a fantastic bandwith andthe a wonderful meal which evening there functions for you exception of thefor Tuesday will be an additional charge perfor person. complete dinner dance. There willofbe$90.00 a $50 fee spousesPlease this year to coverthethe enclosed registration participation form return it to the SecretaryWelcome reception, Spouse event andand President’s Luncheon. The dinner Treasurer the SAAOG office, 165 Wells Suite meal 203, Orange Park, danceatwill feature a fantastic band and Road, a wonderful for which there will be anaadditional chargeyour of $90.00 per person. complete FL 32073 with check to cover registration fee andPlease the dinner dancethe participation form and return it to the Secretaryor youenclosed may fax registration it in with credit card information. Treasurer at the SAAOG office, 165 Wells Road, Suite 203, Orange Park, FL 32073 with a who checkwishes to cover registration fee and dance Any Society member to your invite guests should faxthe or dinner mail their you may fax ittointhe with credit card information. name or and address(s) Secretary-Treasurer at the SAAOG office, 165 Wells Road, Suite 203, Orange Park, FL 32073, fax number (904) 637Society member whoname wishesoftoyour inviteguest’s guests should mail their 0937. Any Please state the first spousefax andor indicate name and address(s) to the Secretary-Treasurer at the SAAOG office, 165 whether you or your guest will be responsible for his/her registration fee. Wells Road, Suite 203, Orange Park, FL 32073, fax number (904) 637A copy of the program and hotel reservation forms will be sent to each 0937. Please state the first name of your guest’s spouse and indicate invitedwhether guest. you or your guest will be responsible for his/her registration fee. A copy of the program and hotel reservation forms will be sent to each invited guest. The South Atlantic Association of The South Atlantic Association Obstetricians and Gynecologists of THE SOUTH ATLANTIC ASSO OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNE Obstetricians and Gynecologists 165 Wells Road, Suite 203, Orange Park, Telephone: (904) 637-0944 Fax: ( PRESIDENT John G. Moore, M.D. Preliminary Program PRESIDENT ELECT Wade A. Neiman, M.D. of the VICE PRESIDENT N. Donald Diebel, Sr., M.D., Ph.D. Preliminary Program SECRETARY/TREASURER Judith T. Burgis, M.D. 77th Annual Meeting ASST. SECRETARY/TREASURER Andrew A. Toledo, M.D. of the IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Jack A. Lucas, M.D. January 18 - 21, 2015 77th Annual Meeting Members - at -Large: FLORIDA James P. LaPolla, M.D. Richard Cardosi, M.D. Frederick A. Hoover, M.D. at January 18 - 21, 2015 GEORGIA William C. Shirley, Jr., M.D. Jose A. Garcia, M.D. Lynn W. Leaphart, M.D. The at Grove Park Inn NORTH CAROLINA William E. Brown, M.D. Mary B. Lane, M.D. Jerry F. Matkins, M.D. Asheville,The North Carolina Grove Park Inn SOUTH CAROLINA Edward P. Heidtman, M.D. Donald L. Fylstra, M.D. Roy Norman Taylor, M.D. Asheville, North Carolina VIRGINIA Laura Dabinett, M.D. Carolyn B. Wilson, M.D. Dianna Lee Curtis, M.D. STAFF Robert J. Harvey Executive Director Jointly Sponsored by the American College of Jointly Sponsored by the Obstetricians and Gynecologists American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Email: saaog@hgmnet.c Website: www.saaog.o “Investigating Twin Discordance Using Air-Displacement “Investigating TwinofDiscordance Using Air-Displacement Plethysmography Measurement Early Postnatal Body Composition”Plethysmography Measurement of Early Postnatal Body Composition” AMY HAMMERS, M.D.** AMY HAMMERS, M.D.** Jacksonville, Florida Jacksonville, Florida Tocolysis: An Updated Systematic “Neonatal Safety of Indomethacin “Neonatal Safety of Indomethacin Tocolysis: An Updated Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis” Review with Meta-Analysis” MARISSA PLATNER, M.D.** MARISSA PLATNER, M.D.** Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia “Epidermal Necrolysis in a Pregnant Woman Leading to Group B Necrolysis in a Pregnant Woman Leading to Group B Streptococcal“Epidermal Sepsis in a Neonate” Streptococcal Sepsis in a Neonate” ALLISON SHANNON, M.D.** ALLISON Columbia, South Carolina SHANNON, M.D.** Columbia,of South Carolina “Unique Presentation Infective Endocarditis in Pregnant Female” “Unique Presentation of Infective Endocarditis in Pregnant Female” JOANNE V. PINKERTON, M.D.*** Charlottesville,JOANNE Virginia V. PINKERTON, M.D.*** Charlottesville, “Novel Hormone Therapy –Virginia Conjugated Estrogen/Bazedoxefine- Who PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS “Novel Hormone Therapy – Conjugated Estrogen/Bazedoxefine- Who to Consider for Therapy and Why” PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS “U.S. Healthcare: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” to Consider for Therapy and Why” “U.S. Healthcare: Good, The Bad*** and The Ugly” N. DONALD DIEBEL, SR., M.D.,The Ph.D., PRESIDENT MATTHEW T. OLIVER, M.D.** DONALD DIEBEL, SR., M.D., Ph.D., PRESIDENT *** Winter Park, N. Florida MATTHEW T. OLIVER, M.D.** Savannah, Georgia Winter Park, Florida Georgia “Incidence ofSavannah, Venous Thromboembolism Following Laparoscopy with “Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism Robotic Assistance for Benign Gynecologic Pathology” Following Laparoscopy with THE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT LECTURESHIP Robotic Assistance for Benign Gynecologic Pathology” LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT LECTURESHIP IN HONOR THE OF DR. WILLETTE LEWIS LEHEW*** IN HONOR OF DR. WILLETTE LEWIS LEHEW*** COBY T. BROWN, M.D.** “Personhood" Charlottesville,COBY VirginiaT. BROWN, M.D.** HOWARD W.“Personhood" JONES, II, M.D.** Charlottesville, Virginia “Maternal Morbidity Associated with Mode of Preterm Delivery” HOWARD W. JONES, II, M.D.** Norfolk, Virginia “Maternal Morbidity Associated with Mode of Preterm Delivery” Norfolk, Virginia AMY KEATTS, M.D.*** ORIGINAL PAPERS KEATTS, M.D.*** Harrisonburg, AMY Virginia ORIGINAL PAPERS I. DANIEL BENRUBI, M.D.** Harrisonburg, Virginia “Understanding Female Genital Mutilation in the 21st Century” I. DANIEL BENRUBI, M.D.** Jacksonville, Florida “Understanding Female Genital Mutilation in the 21st Century” Jacksonville, Florida “Molecular Markers in the Management of CIN III: Hope or False “Molecular Markers in the Management of CIN III: Hope or FalseCHRISTOPHER ROBINSON, M.D.*** Promise” CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON, M.D.*** Columbia, South Carolina Promise” South Carolina Due to Dyshormonogenesis” “Case ReviewColumbia, of Fetal Hypothyroidism MITCHEL S. HOFFMAN, M.D.*** “Case Review of Fetal Hypothyroidism Due to Dyshormonogenesis” Tampa, FloridaMITCHEL S. HOFFMAN, M.D.*** Florida “Variations inTampa, Peritoneal Lines of Attachment of the Cecum, POSTER PRESENTATIONS in Peritoneal of Attachment of the Cecum, Appendix and“Variations Terminal Ileum in AdultLines Females” POSTER PRESENTATIONS Appendix and Terminal Ileum in Adult Females” There will be a mini poster competition with a prize given to the STEPHANIE JOHNSON, M.D.** There will judged be a mini competition with a prize given to the selected winning poster byposter past presidents in attendance. JOHNSON, M.D.** Charlottesville, STEPHANIE Virginia selected poster judged by past presidents in attendance. The ten posters will bewinning on display throughout the meeting. Charlottesville, Virginia “Multi-disciplinary Approach to Uterine Fibroids: A Case Report” The ten posters will be on display throughout the meeting. “Multi-disciplinary Approach to Uterine Fibroids: A Case Report” Maurine Batson, M.D., UF, Gainesville, Florida UJUKA ILOABUCHI, M.D.** Maurine M.D.,Florida UF, Gainesville, Florida UJUKA ILOABUCHI, M.D.** Juline Deen, M.D., UF,Batson, Gainesville, Atlanta, Georgia JulineUSC Deen, M.D.,Columbia, UF, Gainesville, Florida Atlanta, Georgia Cause of Large Retroperitoneal Mass” Kerry Sims, M.D., SOM, South Carolina “Endometriosis: An Unlikely Kerry Sims, M.D., USC SOM, Columbia, South Carolina “Endometriosis: An Unlikely Cause of Large Retroperitoneal Mass” Anxhela Treska, M.D., Augusta, Georgia Anxhela Augusta, Georgia Rachel Shulman, M.D.,Treska, Emory,M.D., Atlanta, Georgia SEMARA THOMAS, M.D.** Rachel Shulman, M.D.,North Emory, Atlanta, Georgia Michael Drennen, M.D., Charlotte, Carolina Charlottesville, SEMARA Virginia THOMAS, M.D.** Drennen, M.D., Georgia Charlotte, North Carolina Charlottesville, Virginia “Duplicated Inferior Vena Cava and Unilateral Renal Agenesis with a Heather Link,Michael M.D., Emory, Atlanta, “Duplicated Inferior Vena Cava and Unilateral Renal Agenesis with a Zahedi, Heather Link, M.D., Emory, Atlanta, Georgia Bicornuate Uterus” Leilah M.D., Emory, Atlanta, Georgia Bicornuate Uterus” Leilah Zahedi, Emory, Atlanta, Georgia Joseph Dottino, M.D., Duke, M.D., Durham, North Carolina Joseph M.D., Dottino, M.D., Duke, Durham, YOLANDA MINES, M.D.** Gerald Ray Comer, Charlotte, North CarolinaNorth Carolina YOLANDA Gerald Ray Comer, M.D., Charlotte, North Carolina Columbia, South Carolina MINES, M.D.** Columbia, Carolina “Findings of the Weight,South Illness and Societal Constructs Evaluation SYMPOSIUM - Post Graduate Course “Findings the Weight, Illness and Societal Constructs Evaluation SYMPOSIUM - Post Graduate Course (WISE) Survey in UrbanofSouth Carolina” (WISE) Survey in Urban South Carolina” “Understanding the New Cervical Cytology Screening Guidelines” “Understanding the New Cervical Cytology Screening Guidelines” ADRIANE HARAGAN, M.D.** E. J. Mayeaux, Jr., M.D., DABFP, FAAFP, President** ADRIANE Charleston, South Carolina HARAGAN, M.D.** E. J. for Mayeaux, Jr., M.D., DABFP, FAAFP, President** American Society Cervical Cytology & Pathology Charleston, South Carolina “A Comparison of Fundal Height and Handheld Ultrasound American Society for Cervical Cytology & Pathology Columbia, South Carolina “A Comparison of Fundal Handheld Ultrasound Measured Abdominal Circumference to Height Screen and for Fetal Growth Columbia, South Carolina Measured Abdominal Circumference to Screen for Fetal Growth Abnormalities” “Primary Screening with HPV Testing” Abnormalities” “Primary Screening with HPV Testing” Judith T. Burgis, M.D.*** TIFFANNIE WALKER, M.D.** Judith T. Burgis, M.D.*** Columbia, South Carolina TIFFANNIE WALKER, M.D.** Augusta, Georgia Columbia, South Carolina Augusta, Georgia “Implementing Hepatitis C Screening of Pregnant Women in a “Implementing ** By Invitation ***Fellow ****Associate University Obstetrics Clinic” Hepatitis C Screening of Pregnant Women in a *Official Guest *Official Guest ** By Invitation ***Fellow ****Associate University Obstetrics Clinic” GUEST SPEAKERS GUEST Roy Pitkin, M.D. ** SPEAKERS Roy Pitkin, M.D. ** LaQuinta, California LaQuinta, Influences California on World History” “Obstetric-Gynecologic “Obstetric-Gynecologic Influences on World History” James Scott, M.D.** James Scott, M.D.** University of Utah Utah Believe Everything You Read” “The MedicalUniversity Literature:ofDon’t “The Medical Literature: Don’t Believe Everything You Read” David A. Grimes, M.D. **** A. Grimes, M.D. UNC School ofDavid Medicine, Chapel Hill**** UNCtoSchool of Medicine, Chapel Hill “Limiting Access Abortion: Unwarranted and Unethical” “Limiting Access to Abortion: Unwarranted and Unethical” Hal C. Lawrence, M.D.** C. Lawrence, M.D.** Executive ViceHal President President and Gynecologists The AmericanExecutive College ofVice Obstetricians The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. “Power Morcellation” “Power Morcellation” JONATHAN FOOTE, M.D.** JONATHAN Charleston, South Carolina FOOTE, M.D.** Charleston, South Carolina The information regarding accreditation will be included with the The information regarding accreditation will be included with the final program. final program.
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