Janua r y 2 2 14.45 - 15.30 Refreshments Plenary Session – Kino Room 15:30 - 15:35 Opening Remarks 15:35 - 15:55 Report Presentation EU Key Energy Indicators. Current Trends and EU 2030 Objectives Assessment 15:55 - 17:10 Plenary Session The Common EU Energy Policy: Wishful Thinking or Reality? 17:10 - 17:40 Coffee Break Renewables and Environment – Room 6.30 17:40 - 17:50 Film presentation “CO2 emissions bury the UN summit” commissioned by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and produced by Carbon Visual 17:50 - 18:50 Discussion Panel Clean Coal Technologies - Prospects for Development 18:50 - 19:00 Break 19:00 - 20:00 Discussion Panel How Much Will the Climate Package Cost 20:00 - 20:20 Presentation The Strategy for the Energy Effectiveness in a Global and Local Context Investments and Energy Security – Room 6.31 17.20 - 17.35 Lecture Regional Operational Programs vs. 2014 - 2020 Energy Sector Financial Perspective 17:40 - 18:50 Discussion Panel Civic Energy and Competitiveness 18:50 - 19:00 Break 19:00 - 20:10 Discussion Panel Competitiveness on the Power Market Exploration and Production – Room 6.33 17:40 - 18:50 Discussion Panel The Geopolitical Importance of the Aegean - Baltic Energy Interconnection 18:50 - 19:00 Break 19:00 - 20:00 Discussion Panel International Financial Institutions and their Role in Energy Projects in CEE 20:00 - 20:20 Presentation Energy-Efficient Buildings – Definition and Simulation Occupant Behavior in Buildings 20:30 - 21:30 Energy Forum Awards Ceremony and Concert 21:30 Reception Room 7/38, Level 7 Janua r y 2 3 Renewables and Environment – Room 6.30 9:00 - 10:00 Discussion Panel Energy Effect Agreement Code of Conduct in “Transperense” Project 10:00 - 10:10 Coffee Break 10:10 - 11:10 Discussion Panel Innovations in Renewables – Investment Costs Versus Future Profits 11:10 - 11:20 Coffee Break 11:20 - 12:20 Discussion Panel Waste-to-Energy Projects - Eco-Friendly or Just Economy? 12:20 - 12:30 Coffee Break 12:30 - 13:40 Thematic block Wind Farms in Central and Eastern Europe 13:40 - 14:40 Lunch Room 7/38, Level 7 14:40 - 15:40 Discussion Panel EU Climate Package 2030 and its Impact on the European Industry 15:40 - 15:50 Coffee Break 15:50 - 16:50 Discussion Panel Low Emissions Policy – at What Price? 16:50 - 17:00 Coffee Break 17:00 - 18:15 Discussion Panel Smart Cities – Investment for the Future Generations 18:15 - 18:30 Presentation Samsoe – the Danish Renewable Energy Island 20:00 Reception Room 7/38, Level 7 Investments and Energy Security – Room 6.31 9:00 - 10:00 Discussion Panel The Electricity Market. New Challenges for the CEE Countries 10:00 - 10:10 Coffee Break 10:10 - 11:10 Discussion Panel Risk Management in the Energy and Resources Industry. How to Succeed? 11:10 - 11:20 Coffee Break 11:20 - 12:20 Discussion Panel The Rule of Law in the International Energy Policy – the Role of International Treaties and Agreements 12:20 - 12:30 Coffee Break 12:30 - 13:40 Discussion Panel Perfect Balance - In Search of an Optimal Energy Mix 13:40 - 14:40 Lunch Room 7/38, Level 7 14:40 - 15:40 Discussion Panel Together or Alone? Towards Energy Security in Europe 15:40 - 15:50 Coffee Break Janua r y 2 3 15:50 - 16:50 Discussion Panel R&D and Innovation in the Energy Sector: a Treasure Trove for Industry and other Stakeholders 16:50 - 17:00 Coffee Break 17:00 - 17:20 Presentation Doing Energy Business in Kazachstan 17:30 - 18:30 Discussion Panel Energy as an Integrating Factor 20:00 Reception Room 7/38, Level 7 Exploration and Production – Room 6.33 9:00 - 10:00 Discussion Panel Shale Gas – a Chance or an Illusion? 10:00 - 10:10 Coffee Break 10:10 - 11:10 Discussion Panel Nuclear Energy in Europe – How Much Politics, How Much Economy? 11:10 - 11:20 Coffee Break 11:20 - 12:20 Discussion Panel Mining Industry Restructuring in Central Europe: A Mission Impossible? 12:20 - 12:30 Coffee Break 12:30 - 13:40 Discussion Panel Infrastructure and Investments in the Energy Sektor 13:40 - 14:40 Lunch Reception Room 7/38, Level 7 15.20 – 15.25 Break 15.25 - 15.40 Presentation India’s Quest for ‘Power for All’: Lessons for Europe 15.40 - 15.50 Break 15:50 - 16:50 Thematic block Connecting Europe’s Energy Corridors: Political Premises and Business Opportunities 16:50 - 17:00 Coffee Break 17:00 - 18:30 Thematic block Challenges for the European Gas Market 17:00 - 17:45 Discussion Panel Challenges for the European Gas Market 17:45 - 18:30 Discussion Panel Innovations in the Gas Industry: Current Situation and Future Trends 20:00 Reception Room 7/38, Level 7 Janua r y 2 4 Investments and Energy Security – Room 6.31 8:30 - 9:00 Coffee Break 9:00 - 9:20 Presentation Local energy system using geothermal and geothermic energy in the holiday mountain resort 9:20 - 9:30 Presentation Renewable energy in the context of implementation opportunity in Lower Silesia 9:30 - 9:40 Break 9:40 - 10:40 Closing Session Energy Storage Options for Future Sustain able Energy Systems Programme Januar y 22 12 Plenary Session 14:45 - 15:30 R efreshments 15:30 - 15:35 O pening R emarks Speakers: • Cezary Przybylski, Marshal, Dolnoslaskie Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland • Radosław Jecek, Mayor, City Hall of Karpacz, Poland • Zygmunt Berdychowski, Chairman of the Economic Forum Programme Council, Institute for Eastern Studies, Poland 15:35 - 15:55 R eport P resentation EU Key Energy Indicators. Current Trends and EU 2030 Objectives Assessment Key Energy Indicators are shaken with fluctuant economic and political conditions. Nevertheless, medium and long term trends depend mostly on market fundamentals and structural decisions and policies. CO2 emissions, energy mix, renewables, energy efficiency… : Where do we stand early 2015 ? How can we assess EU 2020 trends and 2030 objectives ? P a r t n e r : Enerdata Moderator: • Pascal Charriau, CEO, Enerdata, France www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 22 13 Plenary Session 15:55 - 17:10 P lenar y S ession The Common EU Energy Policy: Wishful Thinking or Reality? In the face of the crisis in Ukraine EU members realised that a common approach to it is needed as geopolitical threats can weigh on their future. So perhaps there is also hope for the successful implementation of a common energy policy that will make EU resistant to pressure from outside? So far, divergent interests of individual member states, as well as activities of the climate lobby kept delaying its introduction. Perhaps in the new political situation we will finally manage to build a solidarity mechanism in the event of a disruption of supplies, make any necessary infrastructure upgrades, step up shale gas exploration efforts, reestablish the dignity of coal and introduce a policy of joint power purchase. Moderator: • Boguslaw Chrabota, Editor-in-Chief, “Rzeczpospolita” daily, Poland Speakers: • Selim Kuneralp, Deputy Secretary General, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels • Marcin Moskalewicz, President of the Board, PERN „Przyjaźń” S.A., Poland • Soren Mouritsen, CEO, ROMO Wind, Switzerland • Herbert Wirth, President & CEO , KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Poland • Christopher Huhne, Chairman, Europe, Zilkha Biomass Energy, United Kingdom • Ireneusz Lazor, President of the Management Board, Polish Power Exchange, Poland 17:10 - 17:40 Coff E e B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 22 14 Renewables and Environment 17:40 - 17:50 F ilm presentation “CO2 emissions bury the UN summit” commissioned by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and produced by Carbon Visuals 17:50 - 18:50 discussion panel Clean Coal Technologies - Prospects for Development Coal has been and for many years will remain one of the most important energy resources and the base component of energy security in many countries, including Poland. However, traditional coal-based technologies do not make the most of “black gold” – especially in terms of energy efficiency potential and environmental challenges. New, so called clean coal technologies should lead to more efficient combustion of coal with reduced emissions - perhaps even elimination - of greenhouse gases. What are the short, medium and long term perspectives for clean coal technologies? What is the Polish experience in this respect? What lies beneath mysteriously looking acronyms like: IGCC, DCFC, SCR, CCS or USPC? Moderator: • Aleksander Sobolewski, Director, Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Poland Speakers: • Olivier Guillon, Director, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Research Centre Juelich, Germany • Zbigniew Kasztelewicz, Head of Surface Mining Departament, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland • Tomoho Umeda, Member of the Borad, YOHO Sp. z o.o., Japan • Vladimir Zuberec, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Energy, EC , Slovakia www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 22 15 Renewables and Environment 18:50 - 19:00 B reak 19:00 - 20:00 discussion panel How Much Will the Climate Package Cost? The European Union will reduce CO2 emissions by at least 40 percent by 2030 relative to 1990 and will increase the share of renewables to 27 percent. Besides that, less wealthy EU countries, including Poland, will not bear the costs of ambitious climate policy on a par with the rich states - these are the main points of the compromise reached by EU leaders at the EU summit in October. The climate and energy package still arouses controversy. The dividing line is the impact of energy policy on the competitiveness of EU economies and the cost of energy transformation. Moderator: • Edwin Bendyk, Head of the Research Departament, “Polityka” weekly, Poland Speaker: • Gabor Baranyai, Ministerial Commissioner, Ministry of Justice, Hungary • Jaroslaw Gowin, Member, Parlament, Poland • Cezary Lejkowski, Director of Climate and Energy Development, Wrocławskie Centrum Badań EIT+ Sp. z o.o., Poland • Konrad Szymanski, Member, Law and Justice Party, Poland • Jadwiga Wisniewska, Member, European Parliament, Poland 20:00 - 20:20 presentation The Strategy for the Energy Effectiveness in a Global and Local Context Speaker: • Günter Schlagowski, Owner, Nestwärme-Gruppe Dipl. Ing. Günter Schlagowski, Germany www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 22 16 Investments and Energy Security 17.20 - 17.35 L E C T U R E Regional Operational Programs vs. 2014 2020 Energy Sector Financial Perspective In the years 2014-2020, regional governments will manage approximately 40 percent funds from cohesion policy – it is over 31 billion euro. They will invest the money within the regional operational programs. According to the draft of the Partnership Agreement, in order to reduce the emissivity of the economy (CO2), activities that increase the energy efficiency of the economy will be supported, in particular: energy efficiency (public and residential buildings, businesses sector, municipal infrastructure), the effective transmission (smart grid, heating network), effective production (cogeneration). Moderator: • Jan Cienski, Journalist, “The Economist”, United Kingdom Speaker: • Marceli Niezgoda, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Poland 17:40 - 18:50 discussion panel Civic Energy and Competitiveness The aim of the debate is to try answer the question about how the civic energy sector might influence the competitiveness of the Polish economy. Can the civic energy sector become a driving force of Polish innovations? It is vital to determine the impact of the prosumer energy generation on the local development, especially in the context of creating new jobs, increasing energy efficiency and energy security (distributed generation). It is also necessary to set up the regulatory environment, including barriers that hamper the development of the civic energy sector, and to identify mechanisms shaping that environment. The issue is also to be discussed what would be the model of collaboration between large-scale energy producers and prosumers and what financial instruments can support its development. Moderator: • Jerzy Spyrka, CEO, Photovoltaik Solar Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland Speakers: • Johannes Lackmann, Managing Director, Lackmann Phymetric, Germany • Maiusz Ruszel, Delegate, Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, Poland • Jan Wiater, Expert, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Poland • Adam Olszewski, Head of Innovation Departament, ENERGA-OPERATOR SA, Polska www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 22 17 Investments and Energy Security 18:50 - 19:00 B reak 19:00 - 20:10 discussion panel Competitiveness on the Power Market The dynamic growth of the market results in strong competition. Is there only room for large companies in the electricity sector or is it possible for small and medium-sized enterprises to succeed there? What to do in order to be more competitive in thepower market? How to invest to make a profit and to bring benefits to customers? What do buyers expect from power traders “How can their needs be met?” Moderator: • Grzegorz Onichimowski, Business Development, EnerNOC, Inc., Poland Speakers: • David Kucera, Secretary General, Power Exchange Central Europe, Czech Republic • Aleksander Grad, Vice-President of the Management Board, Tauron Polish Energy SA, Poland • Wolfgang Krewel, Director Strategy & Marketing, Alstom Grid, Germany • Grzegorz Cydejko, Senior Staff Writer, Forbes, Poland • Jaroslaw Wajer, Partner, EY, Poland www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 22 18 Exploration and Production 17:40 - 18:50 discussion panel The Geopolitical Importance of the Aegean - Baltic Energy Interconnection The crisis in Ukraine has reconfirmed the need for a common European approach on energy security. The development of energy infrastructure within the EU makes it possible for Central Europe to benefit from diverse sources and routes, thus increasing the energy security. In 2014 in Budapest (Hungary) and later in Narva (Estonia) foreign ministers discussed the concept of the Aegean-Baltic Energy Interconnection. The goal of the corridor would be to create a robust energy infrastructure on the Eastern side of the EU which would also be connected with the Southern Corridor. The recent developments in Lithuania (the Independence LNG) underline the raison d’être of this very concept. The panel aims to broaden the discussion and confront a variety of point of views. P a r t n e r : Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Moderator: • Andras Szorenyi, Senior Advisor on Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Speakers: • Grzegorz Zielinski, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Poland • Lachezar Matev, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria • Nolan Theisen, Natural Gas Analyst, Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research, Hungary • Ilian Vassilev, Managing Partner, Innovative Energy Solutions Ltd., Bulgaria 18:50 - 19:00 B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 22 19 Exploration and Production 19:00 - 20:00 discussion panel International Financial Institutions and their Role in Energy Projects in CEE International Financial Institutions are playing an important role in financing energy projects in CEE. However, we should still consider whether their role in financing renewable energy and energy efficiency in the region is sufficient, and whether IFI could do more to promote transition to an energy efficient and low carbon economy despite growing doubts over continuing political support for RE projects. Moderator: • Jan Cienski, Journalist, “The Economist”, United Kingdom Speakers: • Ana Maria Mihaescu, Regional Manager for Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland and Slovakia, International Finance Corporation, Romania • Szymon Ostrowski, Deputy Head of CEE Corporate and Investment Banking, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ICBC, Poland • Yngve Soderlund, Senior Manager, Nordic Investment Bank, Finland • Beata Szydlo, Member, Vice-Chairperson of the Committeee on Public Finances, Parliament, Poland 20:00 - 20:20 presentation Energy-Efficient Buildings Energy related occupant behavior in buildings is a key issue for building design optimization, energy diagnosis and performance evaluation due to its significant impact on real energy use and indoor environmental quality in buildings. However the influence of occupant behavior is under-recognized or over-simplified in the design, construction, operation, and retrofit of buildings. Occupant behavior is complex, stochastic and multi-disciplinary. Having a deep understanding of occupant behavior and being able to model and quantify its impact on use of building technologies and energy performance of buildings is crucial in the design process and usage of low energy buildings. Speakers: • Khee Poh Lam, Profesor, Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture, USA 20:30 - 21:00 Energy Forum Awards Ceremony and Concert 21:00 R eception www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 20 9:00 - 10:00 Renewables and Environment discussion panel Energy Effect Agreement Code of Conduct in “Transperense” Project The Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU obliges Member States to renovate public buildings, to introduce energy efficiency obligations and to establish financing facilities for energy efficiency measures. The binding measures contained within the Energy Efficiency Directive require considerable investment by Member States at an early stage. Experience has demonstrated that Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) can be used to yield energy savings in the public sector; the main features of Energy Efficiency PPPs are similar to those of accommodation PPPs. They use Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) and the private partners in these arrangements are known as Energy Service Companies (ESCOs). The panel discussion shall focus on the major challenges in Energy Performance Contracting. P a r t n e r : Institute for Public Private Partnership Moderator: • Bostjan Ferk, Founder and Managing Director, Institute for Public Private Partnership, Slovenia Speakers: • David Hirst, Director, EY UK, United Kingdom • Christian Panzer, Corporate Development Specialist, Wien Energie GmbH, Austria • Jacek Rynski, President of the Board, Polski Solar S.A., Poland • Erwin Solleder, Head of Energy & Environment, Kommunalkredit Austria AG, Austria • Zbigniew Szpak, Chairman of the Board, Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Poland 10:00 - 10:10 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 21 Renewables and Environment 10:10 - 11:10 discussion panel Innovations in Renewables – Investment Costs Versus Future Profits Any investment in renewables, whether it is a micro-installation or a regular power plant, requires funding from a banking institution or a entrepreneur. However, both entrepreneurs and banks are afraid today of long-term investments, as they are not able to guarantee sales volumes and green certificates on predictable terms. Therefore, the question is whether, and for whom, such investments are profitable today, and how the new regulations will unlock the market in order to encourage long-term investments. Special Guest: • Jerzy Witold Pietrewicz, Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy, Poland Moderator: • Pawel Kuglarz, Partner, WOLF THEISS P. Daszkowski, Poland Speakers: • Rut Bizkova, Chairwoman, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR), Czech Republic • Agnieszka Jasiowka, Director, Malopolska Regional Development Agency (MARR SA), Poland • Christian Labie, Director, RAEE-Rhônalpénergie-Environnement, France • Mieczysław Ciurla, Head of the Economy Department, Dolnoslaskie Region, Poland 11:10 - 11:20 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 22 Renewables and Environment 11:20 - 12:20 discussion panel Waste-to-Energy Projects - Eco-Friendly or Just Economy? In last years, we have been observing in Poland an increased interest in waste-to-energy projects. Several municipal waste incinerators are being constructed right now. Apart from this, we must take into consideration the existing systems, used by energy-intensive industries producing construction materials. The panel will try to answer the question whether the increasing number waste-to-energy projects are motivated by ecological reasons, or perhaps it is just a good, economically well-founded and profitable business. Waste has become a major problem in modern society. Is there a chance, that new technologies will transform it into a valuable source of cheap energy? Moderator: • Magdalena Rogulska, Senior Researcher, Swedish-Polish Sustainable Energy Platform, Poland Special Guest: • Janusz Ostapiuk, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Poland Speakers: • Johan Bonnier, Member, CEWEP - Confederation of European Waste-toEnergy Plants, Belgium • David Dornbusch, President, CleanTuesday, France • Anna Larsson, Market Director for Poland, Green Business Norway, Norway 12:20 - 12:30 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 23 Renewables and Environment 12:30 - 13:40 T hematic block Wi n d Fa r m s i n Ce n t ra l a n d Ea s te r n Eu r o p e According to the Energy and Climate Package imposed by the European Commission on its member states, Poland is required (by 2020) to produce 15% of energy in the national energy balance from renewable sources (of which 1/3 produced by wind turbines). This means that Poland has to almost quadruple the installed capacity of wind power by 2020. As the development potential of wind energy in Poland is considered high the crucial question of the discussion is how this development should be conducted on an equal footing with regard to economic, social and environmental factors. P a r t n e r : CJR WIND 12:30 - 12:40 presentation CJR Wind, Wind farms construction in Eastern and Central Europe Moderator: • Paulo Silva, General Manager , CJR Renewables / CJR Wind, Portugal 12:40 - 13:40 discussion panel Wind farms in Eastern and Central Europe Moderator: • Marcello Deplano, Energy & Sustainability Lead for Poland, Accenture, Poland Speakers: • Joachim Binotsch, General Manager and Owner, BBB Environment Technology, Germany • Stefan Hain, President of the Board, Proxy, WSB Neue Energien Holding GmbH, WSB Parki Wiatrowe Sp. z o.o., Germany • Paulo Silva, General Manager, CJR Renewables / CJR Wind, Portugal • Dariusz Mikielewicz, Professor, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland • Soren Mouritsen, CEO, ROMO Wind, Switzerland • Anna Zalewska, Member, Parliament, Poland 13:40 - 14:40 LU N C H www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 24 Renewables and Environment 14:40 - 15:40 discussion panel EU Climate Package 2030 and its Impact on the European Industry The implementation of the EU’s Climate and Energy Package is strictly connected with attempts to establish a new worldwide contract about climate protection and greenhouse gases emission reduction. This policy framework aims to make the EU’s economy and energy system competitive and secure. The transition to a low-carbon economy is crucial for the project of reindustrialising Europe and it needs greater mobilisation of the European budget and the EU’s financial instruments. P a r t n e r : Baker & McKenzie Moderator: • Peter Olajos, Vice President, SME Europe, Hungary Speakers: • Kevin Welch, Senior Vice President Strategy, Innovation and Environmental Responsibility Energy Europe, GDF SUEZ, Belgium • Matteo Mazzoni, Senior Market Analyst, NE Nomisma Energia, Italy • Hans-Joachim Reck, CEO, German Association of Local Utilities (VKU), Germany • Oskar Waluskiewicz, Lawyer, Senior Associate, Baker & McKenzie, Poland 15:40 - 15:50 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 25 Renewables and Environment 15:50 - 16:50 discussion panel Low Emissions Policy – at What Price? The structural reform of the EU ETS, which is currently under negotiations, aims to level out a disparity between CO2 allowance supply and demand, while also stimulating the CO2 allowance growth rate on the European market. The European Commission and the Western European countries want the EUA prices to go up, producers who seek to be competitive – quite the opposite. As for the investors, they expect stability and predictability. Is there a CO2 allowances price rate which would satisfy all market players? How to achieve the goals of the climate package while also enhancing the competitive advantage of the European economy? Moderator: • Maciej Gomolka, Owner, MGPL, Poland Speakers: • Daniel Milstein, Director, European Regional Office, US Department of Energy, USA • Philipp Ruf, Lead Analyst EU Carbon Markets, Tschach Solutions GmbH, Germany • Robert Sikorski, Trading Department Director, ZE PAK S.A. (Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin), Poland • Margus Vals, Member of the Management Board, Eesti Energia AS, Estonia • Maciej Wisniewski, CEO., Consus Brokerage House, Poland 16:50 - 17:00 Coffee B reak 17:00 - 18:15 discussion panel Smart Cities – Investment for the Future Generations Moderator: • Bartlomiej Derski, Journalist, wysokienapiecie.pl, Poland Speakers: • Peter Christensen, Project Manager, Samsoe Energy Academy, Denmark • Tadeusz Jarmuziewicz, Member, Parliament, Poland • Khee Poh Lam, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture, USA • Anh Vu, Smart Cities Program Manager, Réseau et Marché de l’Electricité (ERDF), France • Alyona Zubaryeva, Project Manager, EURAC Research, Italy www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 26 Renewables and Environment 18:15 - 18:30 presentation Samsoe – the Danish Renewable Energy Island The island of Samsoe, Denmark, won in 1997 a government competition to become a model renewable energy community supplied with 100% renewable energy within the next decade. At the time Samsø was entirely dependent on oil and coal, both of which it imported from the mainland. The experiment succeeded and now Samsoe Model is something that inspires people throughout the world. Denmark has set out an ambitious plan to make the country fossil independent within the year of 2050. Samsoe will show how to do it in the year of 2030. Besides that, during the presentation, the Samsoe Energy Academy representative will share the experience on making Samsoe an energy efficient island and give us all a lesson on how to live sustainable. P a r t n e r : Samsoe Energy Academy Moderator: • Peter Christensen, Project Manager, Samsoe Energy Academy, Denmark 20:00 R eception www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 Investments and Energy Security 9:00 - 10:00 27 discussion panel The Electricity Market. New Challenges for the CEE Countries Completing the competitive, single electricity market is one of the main objectives of the EU energy policy. Ever since the formulation of these objectives, this process has been running with a different intensity and different dynamics, depending mostly on the level of development or possibilities of regional markets. As a result of connecting of national markets, the liquidity and transparency of the regional markets has improved in recent time. Advanced connection of the markets in the Western part of the EU forces CEE countries to a more dynamic adjustment of the level of integration and cooperation. Moderator: • Daria Nochevnik, EU Energy Policy Expert, European Energy Review, Belgium Speakers: • Sergiu Ciobanu, General Director, National Energy Regulatory Agency, Moldova • Kalle Kukk, Strategy Manager, Elering AS, Estonia • Jaroslaw Wajer, Partner, EY, Poland • Tudor Adascalitei, Head of Electricity Transmission Departament, Transelectrica Romania, Romania 10:00 - 10:10 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 28 Investments and Energy Security 10:10 - 11:10 discussion panel Risk Management in the Energy and Resources Industry. How to Succeed? The debate will discuss the latest trend models and the complexity of risk management in the energy and resources industry. What are the management challenges? What is the key characteristic for successful companies and how to succeed? How to reduce the risk and finally how to change the risk into growth opportunities? Speakers will also focus on specific strategic risks that we can see across the whole energy industry and how companies can use such knowledge to make them competitive and profitable. Moderator: • Wojciech Fedko, Advisor, Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów Głuchowski Siemiątkowski Zwara i Partnerzy, Poland Speakers: • Dirk Elvermann, Managing Director, BASF Poland • Jan Ondrich, Partner, Candole Partners, Czech Republic • Jan Talaska, Head of Department, Advisory, Development and Academy Poland, Det Norske Veritas Poland • Ana Stanic, Director, E&A Law Limited, United Kingdom 11:10 - 11:20 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 Investments and Energy Security 29 11:20 - 12:20 discussion panel The Rule of Law in the International Energy Policy – the Role of International Treaties and Agreements The rule of law is a fundamental part of the way in which many of our societies are governed. Yet applying and enforcing the rule of law in relations between sovereign states is a notch harder than managing lawbased societies within such sovereign states. When it comes to international energy cooperation, relations between countries are often governed by either bilateral or multilateral treaties, and in the case of relations between host governments and investors, concessional agreements of one type or another. Governance in international energy relations has never been easy, however. Power politics has often moved ahead of law-based relations in the global oil and gas business, given the extremely high stakes of the game. That said, the rule of law struck back last year, when international arbitration rulings compelled the Russian government to pay out some $50 billion in compensation to former-shareholders of once powerful Russian oil company, YUKOS. The courts ruled that the manner in which the Russian government expropriated YUKOS assets had breached the Energy Charter Treaty, an investment protection instrument by which Russia was judged to have been bound. The YUKOS case has therefore demonstrated just how powerful the rule of law can be when it comes to the global energy game. Panellists will discuss the risks and benefits of the rule of law in international energy relations, how effectively treaties and agreements underpin such ties between countries, and what implications follow for both governments and investors in both the shorter and longer term. Moderator: • Marat Terterov, Principal Coordinator, Energy Charter Secretariat, Belgium Speakers: • Andrzej Dycha, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of the Economy, Poland • Ana Stanic, Director, E&A Law Limited, United Kingdom • Robert Jedrzejczyk, Legal Counsel, Managing Partner, Robert Jędrzejczyk & Partners Law Firm, Poland • Robert Wheal, Partner, White & Case LLP, United Kingdom 12:20 - 12:30 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 30 Investments and Energy Security 12:30 - 13:40 discussion panel Perfect Balance - In Search of an Optimal Energy Mix A well-designed energy mix is a backbone of a country’s energy strategy. On the one hand, it provides energy security and diversification of supply, on the other hand – a favourable environment for the development of domestic industry. Poland’s energy policy remains in the line with the European policies. What should be the resultant force of cost efficiency, supply security and climate protection in the production of energy in Poland? What are the possible scenarios? What is the role of the national energy mix against the EU background? What should be taken into account when composing the optimal mix? Are we able to cooperate regionally? Moderator: • Jaroslav Neverovic, Chairman of Management Board, Integrante, Lithuania Speakers: • Jean-Pierre Favennec, Professor, IFP (French Institute of Petroleum) School, France • Jerzy Ignaszak, Deputy Chairman of the Board, The Regional Fund for Environmental Protection & Water Management in Wrocław, Poland • Volker Stehmann, Senior Advisor Energy Policy, RWE AG, Germany • Jaroslaw Wajer, Partner, EY, Poland 13:40 - 14:40 LU N C H www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 Investments and Energy Security 31 14:40 - 15:40 discussion panel Together or Alone? Towards Energy Security in Europe How important element of energy security is cooperation between states and international and intergovernmental organizations? Does one may act alone or rather, the cooperation is the only good solution? How in this context is the cooperation within the EU and within its regions, including the Visegrad Group as well as the Baltic and the Nordic states? Moderator: • Vytautas Nauduzas, Ambassador to Kazachstan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania Speakers: • Mehmet Kinaci, Strategic Analyst, NATO HQ Supreme Allied Command, Turkey • Daria Nochevnik, EU Energy Policy Expert, European Energy Review, Belgium • Steve Rank, Senior Trade Commissioner, Australian Trade Commission, Australia • Richard Wheeler, Managing Director, Center for Energy Security Dialogue, USA 15:40 - 15:50 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 32 Investments and Energy Security 15:50 - 16:50 discussion panel R&D and Innovation in the Energy Sector: a Treasure Trove for Industry and other Stakeholders Energy targets in Europe are highly determined by climate change and increasing scarcity of resources at least on the long run. More energy efficiency and energy saving measures need to be implemented by all stakeholders such as industry, transport, public authorities and private households. To face this challenge innovative and intelligent products and services are needed. The panel will discuss best practices, chances and barriers on market introduction and provides expertise to funding opportunities for entrepreneurs, researchers and consultants. Moderator: • Philip Lowe, Non-Executive Director, UK Competition and Markets Authority, United Kingdom Speakers: • Alessandro Costa, Member of Studies Committee, World Energy Council (WEC), Italy • Tim Patterson, CEO, Fuel Economy Solution Limited, United Kingdom • Mariusz Filipowicz, Head of the Department of Sustainable Energy Development, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland • Christian Labie, Director, RAEE-Rhônalpénergie-Environnement, France Commentator: • Daniel Schade, Vice Chairman, Project for Democratic Union, United Kingdom 16:50 - 17:00 Coffee B reak 17:00 - 17:20 presentation Doing Energy Business in Kazakhstan Speakers: • Daurzhan Augambay, General Director, Association of Service Companies of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan • Oleg Chervinskiy, Editor-in-Chief, Petroleum Journal, Kazakhstan www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 33 Investments and Energy Security 17:30 - 18:30 discussion panel Energy as an Integrating Factor There are different types of regional cooperation. A pillar of success are common interests and finding compromise on contrasting issues. The BTC pipeline and the BTE pipeline have connected Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to launch joint business in the field of energy with follow up projects such as the BakuTbilisi-Kars railway. The potential of these and other cooperation in the energy sector will be discussed at the panel. Moderator: • Michael Maier, Publisher, Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, Germany Speakers: • Zuzanna Brocka-Balbi, Legal Counsel, NE Nomisma Energia, Italy • Ricardas Sargunas, Member of Energy Commission, Seimas, Lithuania • Emmet Tuohy, Research Fellow, International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), Estonia 20:00 R eception www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 34 9:00 - 10:00 Exploration and Production discussion panel Shale Gas – a Chance or an Illusion? Shale gas has as many supporters as opponents. Is the threat described by environmentalists real? Will the energy security of Europe and Poland improve by the effective operation and use of shale gas? Can the US shale revolution be repeated on the old continent? Moderator: • Boguslaw Sonik, President, Association “Maj 77”, Poland Speakers: • Claudiu Munteanu-Jipescu, Partner, Dentons Bucharest, Romania • Artur Rogozik, Partner, TGC Corporate Lawyers , Poland • Michael Stephenson, Director of Science and Technology, British Geological Survey, United Kingdom • Pawel Turowski, Analyst, National Security Bureau, Poland • Bart Van Vooren, Senior Associate of EU Regulatory and Trade Departament, Altius, Belgium 10:00 - 10:10 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 35 Exploration and Production 10:10 - 11:10 discussion panel Nuclear Energy in Europe – How Much Politics, How Much Economy? The panel aims to answer the following questions: - Given the delays at the Olkiluoto and Flamanville projects, can new nuclear power plants in Europe ever be built on time and budget? - Even if nuclear energy is cheap and climate-friendly, can the European general public be persuaded to accept it? - To what extent do you believe that heavily-subsidised renewable energy in Europe poses a threat to nuclear power? - Are politicians out of step with the general public - is there actually more support for nuclear than they believe? Moderator: • Steve Kidd, Senior Partner, East Cliff Consulting, United Kingdom Speakers: • Stephan Klement, Head of Unit for Nuclear Safety Architecture and Multilateral and International Co-operation, Energy Directorate General, European Commission, Luxembourg • Bulat Nigmatulin, Former Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia, General Director, Institute of Problems of Power Engineering, Russia • Jean-Pol Poncelet, Director General, FORATOM, Belgium • Eugenijus Uspuras, Chairman of Scientific Council, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania 11:10 - 11:20 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 36 Exploration and Production 11:20 - 12:20 discussion panel Mining Industry Restructuring in Central Europe: A Mission Impossible? The transition from a fossil based energy production to renewable energies is a process carried out in different speeds in Central Europe. While some countries have entered into a rapid transition process other countries follow a different path and consider fossil fuels and other conventional energies as indispensable, also in the long term. The countries following different strategies are all members of the EU and have agreed to work towards a single market for energy in Europe. The panel shall discuss: What are the possible synergies from these different approaches? What role will coal play in this process? How can such different strategies be made compatible? P a r t n e r : German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) Moderator: • Fabian Joas, Project Manager Energy, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), Germany Speakers: • Jan Dziekoński, Project Manager, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Poland • Philip Lawrence, Chief Executive, The Coal Authority, United Kingdom • Frank Peter, Senior Project Manager, Head of Power Market Analysis, Prognos AG, Germany • Janusz Steinhoff, Chairman of the Programme Council, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Poland www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 37 Exploration and Production 12:20 - 12:30 Coffee B reak 12:30 - 13:40 discussion panel Infrastructure and Investments in the Energy Sector In the new financial perspective, the priority for the EU energy sector will be to invest in the country’s energy security and therefore, energy security is the overriding theme that will be discussed. The participants are to touch upon the issues concerning the development of the European, as well as national electro-energy system, including the scope and the nature of the planned national network investments, expansion of cross-border connections, network corridors and areas such as smart grids. P a r t n e r : Spanish Energy Club Moderator: • Pawel Wrabec, Editor-in-Chief, Rynek Infrastruktury, Poland Speakers: • Włodzimierz Mucha, Director of the Department of System Development, Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., Poland • Arcadio Gutierrez Zapico, Director General, Spanish Energy Club, Spain • Jacek Podkanski, Senior Engineer, Energy Generation and Networks, European Investment Bank, Poland • Eamon Ryan, Senior Associate, E3G, Ireland 13:40 - 14:40 LU N C H www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 38 Exploration and Production 15.25 - 15.40 presentation India’s Quest for ‘Power for All’: Lessons for Europe Speaker: • Ritwik Mukherjee, Member of The Managing Board, Energy Ensemble, India 15:50 - 16:50 T hematic block C o n n e c t i n g E u r o p e ’s E n e r g y C o r r i d o r s : Political Premises and Business Opportunities There are significant commonalities among the Eastern European members states of the EU with regard to their energy dependence on an external monopolistic supplier of natural gas, their sizeable reliance on coal, and their limited interconnectedness with each other and Western Europe. Will CEE and SEE states coordinate with each other in terms of energy and environment policies, both in terms of joint common projects and in front of EU institutions? Will they be able to prioritize joint energy projects and the common market design in front of separate deals with external state actors? Are the ensuing regional electricity and gas markets going to be able to integrate smoothly into the broader European markets, or will they face compatibility issues? How is state-centered planning going to be able to accommodate and make place to trans-national, market driven hubs and trade patterns? Will states in the region transition to a reduced role of strategic goalmakers, or will they continue to be significant asset owners? P a r t n e r : Energy Policy Group 15:50 - 16:00 presentation The Need for Polish-Romanian Energy Cooperation in the Region – Political and Business Opportunities Speaker: • Radu Dudau, Director, Energy Policy Group, Romania www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 39 Exploration and Production 16:00 - 16:50 discussion panel Connecting Europe’s Energy Corridors: Political Premises and Business Opportunities Moderator: • Laurentiu Pachiu, Managing Partner, Pachiu and Associates, Romania Speakers: • Kamil Blazek, Chairman, Association for Foreign Investment (AFI), Czech Republic • Anna Bulakh, Researcher, International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), Estonia • Radu Dudau, Director, Energy Policy Group, Romania • Julian Popov, Chairman, Buildings Performance Institute Europe, Bulgaria / United Kingdom • Naill Trimble, Managing Director, Energy Contract Company, United Kingdom 16:50 - 17:00 Coffee B reak www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 40 Exploration and Production 17:00 - 18:30 T hematic block Challenges for the European Gas Market Fulfilling the European consumers’ needs until renewable resources will be widely used implicates implementing balanced and coherent policy aiming to develop gas infrastructure. Progressive liberalization and integration of the European gas market raise concerns about the security of supply. How to ensure it? What is the significance of unconventional gas sources for the European energy? What should be the role of gas in the energy mix of European countries? 17:00 - 17:45 discussion panel Challenges for the European Gas Market Special guest: • Jerome Ferrier, President , International Gas Union (IGU), France Moderator: • Greta Monika Tuckute, Director, Center for Geopolitical Studies, Lithuania Speakers: • Igor Tomberg, Professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Russia • Andrej Pustisek, Professor of Energy Economics, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Germany • Konrad Szymanski, Member, Law and Justice Party, Poland www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 23 Exploration and Production 41 17:45 - 18:30 discussion panel Innovations in the Gas Industry: Current Situation and Future Trends Moderator: • Ole Gunnar Austvik, Professor, BI Norwegian Business School / NUPI , Norway Speakers: • Sergiu Maznic, Senior Consultant, Sund Energy AS, Norway • Andrej Pustisek, Professor of Energy Economics, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Germany • Vladimir Revenkov, Expert, Foundation Institute for Energy and Finance, Russia 20:00 R eception www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 24 42 Investments and Energy Security 8:30 - 9:00 Coffee B rea K 9:00 - 9:20 presentation Local energy system using geothermal and geothermic energy in the holiday mountain resort P a r t n e r : Karpacz Community 9:20 - 9:30 presentation Renewable energy in the context of implementation opportunity in Lower Silesia P a r t n e r : Lower Silesia Speaker: • Paweł Karpiński, Deputy Head of Unit for Environment in Marshal’s Office of Lower Silesia 9:30 - 9:40 B rea K www.economic-forum.pl Januar y 24 Investments and Energy Security 9:40 - 10:40 43 C losing S ession Energy Storage Options for Future Sustainable Energy Systems One of the great challenges in a non-fossil energy system with a high share of fluctuating renewable energy is to align consumption and productionat timescales from seconds to years. Storage brings a wide spectrum of benefits to the electricity system as a whole and, utilities can employ them to integrate and optimise all types of renewable energy resources and energy storage systems can contribute to grid stability and reliability. The investment costs of energy storage are considerable, however they will partly be offset as energy storage reduce the cost of upgrading the transmission and distribution infrastructure. 9:40 - 10:00 presentation Energy Storage Options for Future Sustainable Energy Systems Moderator: • Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen, Vice Dean, DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark 10:00 - 10:40 discussion panel Energy Storage Options for Future Sustainable Energy Systems Moderator: • Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen, Vice Dean, DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark Speakers: • Andreas Luczak, Managing Director, Vanadis Power GmbH, Germany • Lars Stephan, Senior Manager for Regulatory Affairs, Younicos AG, Germany • Philip Pasler, Scientific Researcher in Energy , Technical University in Berlin, Germany • Anna Carolina Tortora, Head of Innovation and Storage, Terna Plus, Italy www.economic-forum.pl
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