IS IT S a i n t C a t h e r i n e ’s A ng li c an C o m m u n i ty Week: 11 — 17 January 2015 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT With Jesus Christ, we are a caring community in how we make Christ known, and actively seek to: CELEBRATE our life in God. CARE for our community. GROW in relationships with Christ and each other. Are you our guest today? We wish to thank, The Reverend Tom Wood & Mrs Heather Wood for their Pastoral & Priestly leadership, during Reverend Tania’s absence. For Pastoral Assistance or Emergencies during this time, please contact Reverend Tom Mobile 0438 752 878. Have a great break Rev’d Tania!!! PARISH OFFICE: 43 MacFarlane Street Middle Park Qld 4074 : 3376 0384 Welcome & feel at home — please join us for a ‘cuppa’ & a ‘chat’ after the Service. Readings: Lord of Light, shine upon these words the very truth of your being, that we may read and be brought into deeper relationship with you. AMEN. Genesis 1:1—5 OT: Page 1 Acts 19:1—7 NT: Page 132 Mark 1:4—11 NT: Page 32 E-mail: Parish Website: Rector: The Reverend Tania Eichler : 3376 4052 M: 0401 690 127 Banking – Direct Credit: St Catherine’s Anglican Parish Parish Wardens: Paul Waterhouse 3376 3461 Melanie Johnson M 0414 728 050 Susan Plant 3376 4836 BSB 704901 A/C No 000001490 Psalm 29: Ascribe to the Lord, you sons of heaven: ascribe to the Lord glory and might. Ascribe to the Lord the honour due to his name: O worship the Lord in the beauty of his holiness. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters: the God of glory thunders, the Lord upon the great waters. The voice of the Lord is mighty in operation: the voice of the Lord is a glorious voice. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedar trees: the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. He makes them skip like a calf: Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox. The voice of the Lord divides the lightningflash: the voice of the Lord whirls the sands of the desert, the Lord whirls the desert of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord rends the terebinth trees, and strips bare the forests: in his temple all cry ‘Glory.’ The Lord sits enthroned above the waterflood: the Lord sits enthroned as a king for ever. The Lord will give strength to his people: the Lord will give to his people the blessing of peace. Sending Out: Jesus Christ, send us out to be a welcoming and caring community in how we make you known, and empower us with your Spirit to: CELEBRATE our life in God, CARE for our community, and GROW in the depth of our relationship with Christ and our relationships with each other. AMEN. St Catherine’s Anglican Community WE PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED: Tania C, John, Geoff, Phyl, Tama, Carol, Angela, Mavis Rose, Jan & family, Geoffrey, Bob Harper, Megan, Betty, Peg, Marley, Estelle, Bronwyn, Anthony, John & family, Alan & family, Jane, Sue, Agnes Walker, Leonie Marshall, Karen, Trevor, Paula, Frances & Mike Burgess, Leah, Heather Wood, Kate Wood, Phillip & family, Hussain, Jane, Lylah, Horst Pein, Elsa, Kellie, Ruth, Dorothy, Bob, Ray & Robert. ***God of compassion, bring comfort and healing to all. Give to those who care for them wisdom, patience, gentleness and courage.*** ON THE ANNIVERSARIES THEIR PASSING: OF We prayerfully remember Louise Golden, Emil Charles Herman Torlach, Colin Arthur Gregor Brown, & Mervyn Curren. ***We pray that we may enter with them into the fullness of your unending joy and eternal kingdom.*** IN REMEMBRANCE OF DORIS EDNA BEAUMONT JOHN (JACK) BERNARD FITCHETT MARGARET MARY LOUISE GOLDEN CHARLES EMIL HERMAN TORLACH WE REMEMBER BEFORE GOD THE ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR INTERMENT ON 11TH JANUARY 1997 IN THE GARDEN OF MEMORIES 2ND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY 1 Samuel 3:1—10 (11—20) Psalm 139:1—5, 12—18 1 Corinthians 6:12—20 John 1:43—51 is a publication of the #Genesis 1:1-5: On the first day of creation the earth is formless and God’s Spirit hovers over the waters. Then God speaks and begins to create the universe. #Psalm 29: A psalm of praise for God’s voice, which is strong and majestic, and which thunders over mighty waters, where God is enthroned. #Acts 19:1-7: Paul finds a group of believers in Ephesus, who have been baptised with John’s baptism, but not with that of Christ. He explains, that John’s points to the One who came after him, and they are baptised in the name of Jesus. #Mark 1:4-11: John the Baptiser baptises people in the Jordan River, calling them to repent. He preaches that One is coming after him who will baptise in the Holy Spirit. R] Recall your Baptism. Sit still and let the Spirit recall and move you. Q] What does it mean “to be baptised in the Holy Spirit”? TODAY 11 January ONE SERVICE ONLY at 8.00AM Tuesday 13 January Kids’ Day Camp with 8.30am to 5.00pm Simone — Church Hall. Current to 12 January 2015 Reverend Tania — is on Annual Leave. Sunday 18 January 8.00am Eucharist — Rev’d Tania Eichler. 2ND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY *SCHOOL HOLIDAYS KIDS’ DAY CAMP: Tuesdays — 13th & 20th January; from 8.30am to 5.00pm, in St Catherine’s Hall. Kids will learn social skills, friendship skills, conflict skills, team building, anti-bullying & other much needed skills. We have set group ideals & we follow the values, principles & ethics of the Anglican Church of Australia, SUQLD & of Youth Workers. Contact: Simone M 0438 119 414. ONE SERVICE ONLY *Free Lessons: If you enjoy playing cards & *** SUNDAY ~ 18 JANUARY *** 8.00AM ***ONE SERVICE ONLY*** *** 7.00AM & 9.00AM *** SUNDAY SERVICES RESUME: Sunday 25 January 2015. *** 10.00AM WEDNESDAY *** EUCHARIST RESUMES: Wednesday 21 January 2015. meeting new friends, but are not familiar with the finer points of the game, it is proposed to conduct a series of FREE elementary lessons in early 2015. Effective Monday 2nd February, classes will commence as follows: Venue: St Catherine’s Church Hall 43 Macfarlane St, MIDDLE PARK Time: Each Monday from 2:00pm — 4:00pm As you gain more confidence, newcomers are more than welcome to then join the main group on a Monday evening from 6:30 pm for a few rounds of social bridge. Anyone interested in learning the basics can do so by contacting Gordon Plant 3376 4836. *Review of Prayer List: Please prayerfully consider the current published list of people for whom we are praying, & please indicate any names that may be omitted from coming issues of the Gazette. Also, please remember that to publish someone's name, permission to do so must be given by the person or his/her family members. Please write any names for inclusion or omission from our printed prayer list in the ‘Communicate Book’ at the back of the Church. Many thanks, Admin. *Thursday Bible Study Group: date for their first meeting To Be Advised. *Kids’ Club: will resume at 3.15pm on Wednesday 28th January 2015. *Ladies’ Fellowship: will meet on the First Monday of each Month; they will resume at 10.00am on Monday 2nd February 2015. *Friday Art Group: will resume at 9.15am on Friday 6th February 2015. *Men’s Fellowship: will meet on the Third Tuesday of each Month; they will resume 6.30pm on Tuesday 17th February 2015. *Centenary PAX Group: date for their first meeting To Be Advised. *Garden of Memories [GOM] Annual General Meeting: will be held after the 9.00am Service on Sunday 15th February 2015. *Parish Annual General Meeting: will be held after the 9.00am Service on Sunday 22nd February 2015. *Calling for Parish Council Nominations: Positions are as follows:- 1 or 2 Wardens & Parish Councillors — numbers to be determined at the meeting; 3 Parish Nominators. Nomination Forms are available from the back of the Church. Please prayerfully consider offering yourself & your talents. #All Annual Reports should be left at the Parish Office by Wednesday, 4th February 2015. #Items of General Business should be lodged with Reverend Tania by Wednesday, 4th February 2015. *Please pray for all those involved in the preparations leading up to the AGM’s.* *Your Parish Leaders invite you to continue in the discernment journey of what is the Vision for God’s Church here: & what will that look like in the years to come. The Vision expressed through the DRAFT Mission Action Plan for the next 5 years has been an accumulation of prayer, reflection, & community consultation, from October last year, & is ongoing. We are now at the stage of intentional planning of casting the vision & mapping out the Mission Action Plan. We are all a part of God's mission here & every single person's input is valuable & needed. All of us being involved helps all of us to own God’s call to mission. We are asking for your input & feedback to the Mission Action Plan (which will be emailed & available at the back of the Church) by Early February 2015. The draft will then be finalised & launched at a Parish Dinner in March. IN THANK YOU ANTICIPATION OF THE MOVING GOD’S SPIRIT. OF The Reverend Tania Shares: The celebration of Christ’s baptism is always a special way to begin the year. This year the readings give a number of possibilities, but perhaps the most exciting is the way Christ steps not just into human flesh, but completely into the human predicament. As he is baptised along with crowds of people seeking forgiveness and change, Jesus makes a clear statement that God is not separate from humanity, but is in complete and committed solidarity with us. This is both Good News and a challenge for us to be similarly committed to one another. May our worship this week lead us closer to God and to one another! Prayerfully, Rev’d Tania. "One of the greatest strains in life is the strain of waiting for God." Oswald Chambers, 20th Century OFFICE HOURS ~ LEANNE: Tuesday ~ 11.30am—1.30pm, Thursday~ 10.30am—1.30pm & Friday ~ 9.00am—12.00noon. Gazette Articles/Editorial Deadline: 1.00pm each Thursday.
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