Please pick your trophy or trophies you wish to sponsor, as soon as possible, you can donate in memory of a dog or person who is deceased only. Or you may donate just for the sake of donating and supporting your club in your kennel name or your name or just to the general trophy fund to be used where ever needed. If you want a specific trophy, the amount you need to donate to sponsor that trophy has been posted. First come, first served. We are moving our PVSSC Specialty to the June National weekend in 2015. This means I need your donations ASAP, to get them in the catalog for you. I don’t know the cut-off date for the catalog but it is usually two months before the show which makes middle of April. Please make checks payable to PVSSC Trophy Fund and send them to Carol Filer, 229 S Curve Rd., Altoona, PA, 16601. Questions, e-mail me at or call me at 814-942-3173. Along with your check, put your e-mail address and what trophy or trophies you wish to sponsor and how you would like your notation written in the catalog. Updates on how things are going will appear on the website as things change. Please help fill all the openings for trophy sponsorship and show the great support this club has with the wonderful members who love their great Standard Schnauzers. Thank you in advance, Carol Filer, Trophy Chairperson for PVSSC 2015 PVSSC Specialty Trophy List Sweepstakes Updated 1-21-2015 Puppy Sweepstakes Gail Mackiernan & Barry Cooper Best in Sweepstakes Drawing donated by Gail Mackiernan & Barry Cooper Best Junior in Sweeps Apron with Standard Schnauzer Motif $ 40.00 Best Senior in Sweeps Apron with Standard Schnauzer Motif $ 40.00 Dogs 1st-4th Placements 6-9 Months Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 9-12 Months Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 12-18 Months Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 Bitches 1st-4th Placements 6-9 Months Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 9-12 Months Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 12-18 Months Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 Veteran Sweepstakes Best Veteran in Sweeps Drawing donated by Gail Mackiernan and Barry Cooper Best Veteran Opposite Sex Sweeps Apron with Standard Schnauzer Motif Dogs Gail Mackiernan & Barry Cooper, Katahdin SS $ 40.00 1st-4th Placements 7 years to 9 years Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 Michelle Bell 9 years to 11 years Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 Michelle Bell Over 11 years Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 Sherman & Pamela Minnich, Blue Line SS Bitches 1st-4th Placements 7 years to 9 years Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 Zelda & Pamela Minnich, Blue Line SS 9 years to 11 years Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 Betsy & Niki Davison Over 11 years Stainless Feeding dish with Goodies $ 50.00 Betsy & Niki Davison Description Amount Regular Classes Best of Breed Lap Quilt with Standard Schnauzer Motif $ 150.00 Carol Filer, Mistic SS in loving memory of Levi, Ellie, Michael, Misty, Daisy & Sara Best of Opposite Sex Lap Quilt with Standard Schnauzer Motif $ 150.00 Sally Marsh and All DeRenzis Judy Boxer, in loving memory of CH Halcyon Jay Gatsby, CGC, TDI, “Kizer” Georgia Sabean and Jean Gillen, Asgard SS In Memory of Rosemary Rogers Select Dog Quilted Table Runner with SS Motif $ 80.00 Select Bitch Quilted Table Runner with SS Motif $ 80.00 Best of Winners Rosemary Rogers Memorial Trophy ------ Winners Dog Quilted Table Topper with SS Motif $ 60.00 Linda Dobbie, Centara SS Winners Bitch Quilted Table Topper with SS Motif $ 60.00 Rose Miller, Celtic Cross SS Reserve Winners Dog Quilted Sash with SS Motif $ 50.00 Reserve Winners Bitch Quilted Sash with SS Motif $ 50.00 Marianne Herpel and Anna Marie Bowman Dogs 1st-4th Placements 6-9 Months 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 9-12 Months 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 12-18 Months 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Novice 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Amateur Owner Handler 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 American Bred 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Bred by Exhibitor 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Michelle and Paul Root, Quasar Standard Schnauzers in loving memory of Rimrock’s Charmed and Dangerous Open 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Ruth Crumb Lovey Lyons, Sue Anne Howell, & Ila Schmeling, Hidden Creek SS Bitches Lovey Lyons, Sue Anne Howell, & Ila Schmeling, Hidden Creek SS Nicole Miller and Family in loving memory of Charisma Basil von Gusto, CGC 1st-4th Placements 6-9 Months 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 9-12 Months 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 12-18 Months 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Novice 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Amateur Owner Handler 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 American Bred 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif Bred by Exhibitor 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Open 1st - Set of Quilted Placemats with Napkins SS Motif, 2nd-4th Potholders with SS Motif $ 50.00 Veteran Classes $ 50.00 Michelle and Paul Root, Quasar Standard Schnauzers in loving memory of Rimrock’s Charmed and Dangerous 1st-4th Placements Veteran Dog 1st - Quilted Wall Hanging with SS Motif, 2nd-4th Tissue Covers with SS Motif Veteran Bitch 1st - Quilted Wall Hanging with SS Motif, 2nd-4th Tissue Covers with SS Motif $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Donated by Gail Pfeiffer and family, in loving memory of my darling natural eared babies, CH Asgard Fawr Princess, CGC,TDI and her daughter CH Asgard Nordic Princess, CGC, TDI Donated by Gail Pfeiffer and family, in loving memory of my darling natural eared babies, CH Asgard Fawr Princess, CGC,TDI and her daughter CH Asgard Nordic Princess, CGC, TDI Non-Regular Classes 1st-4th Placements Stud Dog 1st - Set of Mug Rugs with SS Motif, 2nd-4th place - Linen Towel with SS Motif Brood Bitch 1st - Set of Mug Rugs with SS Motif, 2nd-4th place - Linen Towel with SS Motif $ 55.00 Brace 1st - Set of Mug Rugs with SS Motif, 2nd-4th place - Linen Towel with SS Motif $ 55.00 $ 55.00 Andy Kingery, Windsong SS Obedience Highest scoring Standard Schnauzer Tall Hurricane Lamp with candle $ 50.00 Crate Pad Hurricane Lamp on Pedestal with candle $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Highest scoring SS in Open Hurricane Lamp on Pedestal with candle $ 50.00 Highest scoring SS in Utility Tall Hurricane Lamp with candle $ 50.00 Highest scoring SS in Rally Novice A or B Crate Pad $ 50.00 Highest scoring SS in Advanced Rally Crate Pad $ 50.00 Highest scoring SS in Excellent Rally Crate Pad $ 50.00 Highest scoring SS in Rally Advanced Excellent Crate Pad $ 50.00 Highest scoring combined SS Highest scoring SS in Novice Andy Kingery, Windsong SS Rally Lisa Klepp in loving memory of Rudi, Oakwood Sweet Mischief, CGC, RAE Lisa Klepp in loving memory of Rudi, Oakwood Sweet Mischief, CGC, RAE Brad Smith and Jim Loucks
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