Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs 2015 Session Bill Status Report Bill # Abbrev. Title HB 1007 (SB 5336) Traffic safety cameras HB 1015 Driving-related convictions HB 1016 Legal financial obligations HB 1017 Misdemeanor convictions HB 1018 Breed-based dog regulations HB 1020 HB 1021 Cannabis, medical use of Silver alert system HB 1022 Bail bond agreements HB 1024 Controlled substance/penalty HB 1028 Court security Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 1 of 28 Short Description Limiting the use of automated traffic safety cameras to detect speed violations not in school zones to certain cities. Allowing for the vacation of certain drivingrelated convictions under limited circumstances. Clarifying legal financial obligation provisions. Allowing for more than one vacation of a misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor conviction. Preventing breedbased dog regulations. Concerning the medical use of cannabis. Creating a silver alert system. Prohibiting general power of attorney provisions in bail bond agreements. Reducing the penalty for possession of controlled substances. Requiring cities Status Sponsor H Trans Fey H Public Safety Appleton H Public Safety Appleton H Public Safety Appleton H Judiciary Appleton H Commerce & Gami H Public Safety Priority Position Neutral Appleton Appleton H Public Safety Appleton H Public Safety Appleton H Judiciary Appleton Oppose HB 1029 Warrant officers' authority HB 1040 Subversive activities HB 1041 Marijuana misdemeanors SHB 1048 (SSB 5299) Residential mortgage lending HB 1056 Public land and water bodies HB 1057 Mopeds HB 1059 Sexually violent predators Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 2 of 28 and counties to provide security for their courts. Establishing the position and authority of warrant officers in first-class cities to enforce court orders and outstanding warrants. Removing provisions relating to subversive activities. Providing for the vacation of misdemeanor marijuana offense convictions. Updating, clarifying, and strengthening department of financial institutions' enforcement, licensing, and examination statutes relating to residential mortgage lending, and enhancing the crime of mortgage fraud in the residential mortgage lending process. Restricting the use of certain parcels of public land to access a public body of water. Modifying authority regarding where mopeds may be operated. Concerning H Judiciary Appleton H Judiciary Fitzgibbon H Public Safety Fitzgibbon H Rules R Kirby H State Governmen Haler H Trans Haler H Public Safety Fagan High Support (SB 5033) HB 1068 (SB 5225) Sexual assault exam kits SHB 1069 (SB 5253) DNA work product, preserving HB 1082 DNA sample/ranked felonies HB 1086 Public record commercial use HB 1087 Traffic safety cameras HB 1090 (SB 5058) Finan. fraud, identity theft HB 1093 Unmanned aircraft HB 1094 Biometric identifiers HB 1103 (SB 5027) Prescription drug monitoring HB 1104 Interference w/ag production Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 3 of 28 sexually violent predators. Concerning sexual assault examination kits. Concerning preservation of DNA work product. Allowing for the collection of DNA from adults arrested for a ranked felony or a gross misdemeanor violation of certain orders. Establishing a cost recovery mechanism for public records sought for commercial purposes. Concerning automated traffic safety cameras in school speed zones. Concerning the financial fraud and identity theft crimes investigation and prosecution program. Concerning unmanned aircraft. Concerning biometric identifiers. Providing access to the prescription drug monitoring database for clinical laboratories. Creating the crime of H Public Safety Orwall H PSDPS Orwall H Public Safety Hurst H State Governme Moeller H Trans Takko H Judiciary Kirby H Tech & Econ D Morris H Tech & Econ D Morris H HC/Wellness Jinkins H Public Safety Schmick Oppose HB 1105 (SB 5076) Operating sup budget 2015 HB 1106 (SB 5077) Operating budget 20152017 HB 1120 School bus driver immunity HB 1124 Beer and wine sampling HB 1126 Fatality reviews by DEL HB 1128 DNA sample/ranked felonies HB 1139 Human trafficking of youth HB 1141 Regional jails, standards HB 1148 Multiple-offense sentencing HB 1108 Food truck beer-wine license Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 4 of 28 interference with agricultural production. Making 2015 supplemental operating appropriations. Making 20152017 operating appropriations. Creating a food truck beer and/or wine license. Providing immunity for school bus drivers. Permitting the sampling of beer and wine at locations licensed to serve beer and wine for onpremises consumption. Concerning department of early learning fatality reviews. Allowing for the collection of DNA from adults arrested for a ranked felony or a gross misdemeanor violation of certain orders. Establishing a work group to study human trafficking of youth issues. Requiring certain operational standards for regional jails. Determining sentences for multiple offenses and enhancements. H Approps Hunter H Approps Hunter H Commerce & Gam Reykdal H Judiciary Wilcox H Commerce & Gam Takko H Erly Lrn/H Svc Kagi H Public Safety Hurst H Public Safety Orwall H Public Safety Goodman H Public Safety Goodman Neutral HB 1159 Teen driving safety HB 1160 Litter penalties/park funds HB 1165 Marijuana local jurisd. fund HB 1169 (SB 5210) Life annuity benefit/WSPRS HB 1178 Assault in third degree HB 1190 (SB 5293) Optometrists/hydrocodone use HB 1191 Concealed pistol license HB 1193 Legal firearms, owners of Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 5 of 28 Concerning teen driving safety. Stamping out litter in Washington state by increasing penalties for littering while providing additional funding to state parks. Concerning the establishment of a dedicated local jurisdiction marijuana fund and the distribution of a specified percentage of marijuana excise tax revenues to local jurisdictions. Authorizing an optional life annuity benefit for members of the Washington state patrol retirement system. Expanding assault in the third degree provisions. Concerning the use of hydrocodone products by licensed optometrists in Washington state. Concerning concealed pistol license renewal notices. Prohibiting a government database of law abiding owners of H Trans Pike H Environment Pike H Commerce & Gam Condotta H Approps Ormsby H Public Safety Moscoso H HC/Wellness Harris H Judiciary Taylor H Judiciary Taylor HB 1194 (SB 5246) Death benefits/LEOFF, WSPRS HB 1198 (SB 5280) Beer, cider/grocery stores HB 1226 Domestic violence assault HB 1227 Working WA spec. lic. plates HB 1230 Interest arbitration HB 1240 Student restraint, isolation HB 1243 Truancy of students HB 1244 Motorcycle helmets HB 1245 Gun sale background checks Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 6 of 28 legal firearms. Addressing the death benefits of a surviving spouse of a member of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system or the state patrol retirement system. Concerning the sale of beer and cider by grocery store licensees. Concerning arrest of sixteen and seventeen year olds for domestic violence assault. Creating working Washington special license plates. Authorizing the ordering of interest arbitration. Concerning restraint or isolation of students, including students with disabilities, in public schools. Providing flexibility for how school districts address truancy of students. Addressing motorcycle rider liability for actions required of helmet manufacturers. Repealing background H Labor Kirby H Commerce & Gam Vick H Erly Lrn/H Svc Goodman H Trans Sells H Labor Sells H Education Pollet H Judiciary Muri H Trans Shea H Judiciary Shea HB 1246 Foreign laws HB 1247 Human decapitation HB 1258 (SB 5269) Detention decision review HB 1261 Tribal hunters/enforcement HB 1272 Intimate images/distributing HB 1276 Impaired driving HB 1281 Sexual exploitation of minor HB 1282 Driving w/license suspended HB 1290 (SB 5212) Winery tasting rooms Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 7 of 28 check provisions for gun sales and transfers relating to Initiative Measure No. 594. Protecting citizens from the application of foreign laws that would result in a violation of a constitutional right. Making human decapitation an aggravating circumstance for purposes of aggravated first degree murder. Concerning court review of detention decisions under the involuntary treatment act. Limiting enforcement action against tribal hunters. Creating the crime of wrongfully distributing intimate images. Concerning impaired driving. Concerning the sexual exploitation of minors. Addressing the crime of driving while license suspended where the suspension is based on noncompliance with a child support order. Increasing the number of tasting H Judiciary Shea H Judiciary Shea H Exec Action Walkinshaw H Comm Dev, Hous Sawyer H Public Safety Buys H Public Safety Klippert H Public Safety Sawyer H Judiciary Zeiger H Commerce & Gam Condotta Support HB 1302 (SB 5394) Child abduction statutes HB 1305 (SB 5107) Therapeutic courts HB 1311 (SB 5270) Missing children/advisry brd HB 1312 Bail forfeiture exoneration HB 1316 (SB 5250) Arrest without warrant HB 1320 (SB 5173) Identicard/incarc'd offender HB 1324 Protecting persons, property HB 1330 Elude police vehicle/attempt Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 8 of 28 rooms allowed under a domestic winery license. Clarifying the applicability of child abduction statutes to residential provisions ordered by a court. Encouraging the establishment of therapeutic courts. Concerning a nonoperating advisory board reporting to the state patrol. Concerning the limited exoneration of bail forfeitures in instances where the prosecuting agency declines extradition of a defendant. Allowing for an arrest without a warrant when a police officer has probable cause to believe a person has violated certain temporary protection orders. Creating an identicard program for certain incarcerated offenders. Ensuring protection of persons and property. Addressing the enhancement for attempting to H Judiciary Haler H Judiciary Walkinshaw H Public Safety Hunt H Public Safety Goodman H Judiciary Stambaugh H Public Safety Goodman H Judiciary Shea H Public Safety Kochmar HB 1332 Traffic safety cameras HB 1334 Rec. marijuana, sales taxes HB 1335 Rec. marijuana businesses HB 1336 Security guard backgrnd chks HB 1342 Cider, microbrewery sale of HB 1343 (SB 5301) Spirits retailers/for resale HB 1348 (SB 5311) Crisis intervention/officers HB 1349 Exempted info/public records Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 9 of 28 elude a police vehicle. Modifying yellow light intervals and monetary penalties related to automated traffic safety cameras. Concerning the taxes payable on sales by licensed recreational marijuana producers, processors, and retailers. Permitting cities, towns, and counties to reduce the buffer between recreational marijuana businesses and various entities. Allowing fingerprint-based background checks for the licensing of any security guard. Permitting the sale of cider in microbrewery tasting rooms. Concerning spirits retailers when selling for resale. Requiring crisis intervention training for peace officers. Concerning requesting public records for the purpose of obtaining exempted information relating to H Trans Condotta H Commerce & Gami Condotta H Commerce & Gam Condotta H Bus & Fin Svcs Kirby H Commerce & Gam Bergquist H Commerce & Gam Springer H Public Safety Appleton H State Governmen Hunt HB 1359 (SB 5402) Marijuana acquisition/adults HB 1360 (SB 5398) Marijuana products in public HB 1361 (SB 5401) Marijuana consumption info HB 1362 (SB 5213) Growlers of wine, sales of HB 1375 Trespass on private property HB 1380 Wine manufacturer sp. permit HB 1390 Legal financial obligations HB 1411 Marijuana facility siting HB 1412 Rec. marijuana facilities Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 10 of 28 employment and licensing. Ensuring safe, responsible, and legal acquisition of marijuana by adults. Concerning marijuana, useable marijuana, and marijuanainfused products in public. Allowing the Washington state liquor control board to accept donations for funding informational material for the purpose of improving public awareness about marijuana consumption. Allowing sales of growlers of wine. Concerning criminal trespass on private property. Creating a special permit by a manufacturer of wine to hold a private event for the purpose of tasting and selling wine of its own production. Concerning legal financial obligations. Concerning the siting of marijuana facilities. Concerning municipalities prohibiting the H Commerce & Gam Moscoso H Commerce & Gam Moscoso H Commerce & Gam Hudgins H Commerce & Gam Wylie H State Governme Taylor H Commerce & Gam Wylie H Judiciary Goodman H Commerce & Gam Moscoso H Commerce & Gami Moscoso HB 1413 Rec. marijuana businesses HB 1414 Marijuana producers/tax exem HB 1418 Marijuana illegal production HB 1419 State facility outings HB 1423 Female genital mutilation HB 1424 Suicide prevention HB 1426 Competency to stand trial HB 1429 (SB 5248) Liquor industry Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 11 of 28 operation of recreational marijuana production, processing, and retail facilities within their jurisdictional boundaries. Revising licensing regulations pertaining to the buffer distances required between recreational marijuana businesses and specified public and private facilities. Exempting marijuana producers from taxation for sales to other producers of marijuana seeds and cloned marijuana plants. Providing for the enforcement of illegal marijuana production. Concerning restrictions on outings from state facilities. Creating the crime of female genital mutilation. Concerning suicide prevention. Concerning competency to stand trial evaluations. Expanding authorized personal services by liquor industry H Commerce & Gam Moscoso H Commerce & Gami Moscoso H Commerce & Gami Hudgins H Judiciary Ormsby H Public Safety Scott H HC/Wellness Orwall H Judiciary Jinkins H Commerce & Gami Hunt HB 1430 State tree license plates HB 1432 Class C felony equivalent HB 1433 Firearms in school zones HB 1438 Marijuana, prohibiting/vote HB 1440 Cell site simulator devices HB 1448 Suicide threats, response to HB 1450 Mental health/inv outpatient HB 1451 Civil commitment Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 12 of 28 members to retailers. Creating Washington state tree special license plates. Scoring an offense a class C felony equivalent if the offense was a felony under the relevant out-ofstate statute when there is no clearly comparable offense under Washington law. Concerning Washington state's school zones law and the federal gun-free school zones law. Permitting cities, towns, and counties to prohibit the production, processing, and sale of marijuana under Initiative Measure No. 502 only by public vote. Prohibiting the use of a cell site simulator device without a warrant. Providing procedures for responding to reports of threatened or attempted suicide. Concerning involuntary outpatient mental health treatment. Regarding civil H Trans Walkinshaw H Public Safety Pettigrew H Judiciary Scott H Commerce & Gam Sawyer H Public Safety Taylor H Judiciary Riccelli H Judiciary Jinkins H Judiciary Rodne HB 1457 Liquor handling by employees HB 1458 (SB 5494) Tobacco and vapor products HB 1461 Marijuana T.O. HB 1468 Cybersecurity incident HB 1470 Cybersecurity panel HB 1473 Fourth amendment protection HB 1474 Violent animals/selfdefense HB 1476 (SB 5408) Mistreatmnt/faith-based exem HB 1480 (SB 5338) Intermittent-use trailers HB 1481 Juvenile records and fines Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 13 of 28 commitment. Authorizing sixteen and seventeen year old store employees to handle liquor. Concerning the age of individuals at which sale or distribution of tobacco and vapor products may be made. Relating to marijuana. Granting the governor authority to proclaim a state of emergency in the event of a cybersecurity incident. Establishing a blue-ribbon panel on cybersecurity. Creating the Fourth Amendment protection act. Ensuring the right of self-defense against attacks by aggressive, violent animals. Removing references to faith-based exemptions regarding criminal mistreatment of children and vulnerable adults. Creating intermittent-use trailer license plates. Concerning the sealing of juvenile records and fines H Commerce & Gam Springer H HC/Wellness Orwall H Commerce & Gami Hurst H Public Safety Hudgins H Gen Govt & Inf Hudgins H Judiciary Taylor H Judiciary Taylor H Judiciary Rodne H Trans Holy H Erly Lrn/H Svc Kagi HB 1486 Vehicle tires max gross wgt HB 1499 Vulnerable adults HB 1505 Juvenile restorative justice HB 1506 Security guards and firearms HB 1512 Peace officer disciplining HB 1515 Motorcycles on laned roads HB 1520 Private property forfeiture HB 1521 Dealer delivery of firearms HB 1525 (SB 5008) Beverage containers HB 1533 Firearm transfer for exhibit Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 14 of 28 imposed in juvenile cases. Concerning maximum gross weights for vehicle tires. Concerning vulnerable adults. Allowing prosecutors to refer juveniles to restorative justice programs. Exempting firearms transfers between licensed private security guards and their employers from background check requirements. Encouraging fairness in disciplinary actions of peace officers. Modifying the operation of motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic. Requiring a finding of guilt prior to the forfeiture of private property. Making licensed dealer delivery provisions consistent with federal law. Concerning beverage containers. Exempting the transfer of a firearm donated to a historical society or museum for temporary H Trans Hayes H Public Safety Goodman H Erly Lrn/H Svc Goodman H Judiciary Kirby H Labor Sells H Trans MacEwen H Judiciary Taylor H Judiciary Taylor H Environment Caldier H Judiciary Van Werven HB 1535 (SB 5476) Firearm dealer deliveries HB 1536 Emergency detentions HB 1537 (SB 5399) Liquor control brd officers HB 1552 Industrial hemp HB 1553 Opportunity restoration HB 1557 Informants and accomplices HB 1558 (SB 5041) Patronizing a prostitute HJR 4200 Electronic communications Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 15 of 28 exhibition and the transfer of the firearm back to the donor from the background check requirement. Concerning dealer deliveries to active law enforcement officers. Addressing the timing of emergency detentions and assessments under the involuntary treatment act. Concerning state liquor control board enforcement officers. Concerning industrial hemp. Encouraging certificates of restoration of opportunity. Concerning informant and accomplice evidence and testimony. Concerning seizure and forfeiture of property for patronizing a prostitute. Amending the state Constitution to ensure that electronic communications and data are secure from unreasonable searches and seizures. H Judiciary Klippert H Judiciary Klippert H Public Safety Moscoso H Commerce & Gam Shea H Public Safety Walkinshaw H Judiciary Riccelli H Public Safety Muri H Judiciary Taylor SB 5001 (HB 1004) Alcohol tasting by students SB 5002 Marijuana/traffic infrctions SB 5004 Warrant officers' authority SB 5008 (HB 1525) Beverage containers SSB 5012 Industrial hemp SB 5027 (HB 1103) Prescription drug monitoring SB 5033 (HB 1059) Sexually violent predators SB 5036 Body armor SB 5037 Organized retail theft SB 5039 Clemency and pardons board Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 16 of 28 Clarifying provisions that allow for the tasting of alcohol by students under twenty-one years of age. Concerning traffic infractions for marijuana, marijuana-based substances, or marijuanainfused substances. Establishing the position and authority of warrant officers in first-class cities to enforce court orders and outstanding warrants. Concerning beverage containers. Authorizing the growing of industrial hemp. Providing access to the prescription drug monitoring database for clinical laboratories. Concerning sexually violent predators. Creating a sentence enhancement for body armor. Modifying organized retail theft provisions. Affirming the authority of the clemency and pardons board to make S Commerce and La Hewitt Neutral S Law & Justice Rivers Support S Law & Justice Angel S Energy, Enviro Angel S Rules 2 Hatfield S Health Care Angel S HumSer/MenHeal Padden S Law & Justice O'Ban S Law & Justice O'Ban S Law & Justice O'Ban High Support Support SB 5041 (HB 1558) Patronizing a prostitute SB 5051 Marijuana producers, etc. SB 5052 Cannabis patient protection SB 5058 (HB 1090) Finan. fraud, identity theft SB 5066 Blood samples/forensic tests SB 5067 Informants and accomplices SB 5069 Financial fraud instruments SB 5070 Domestic violence Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 17 of 28 recommendations to the governor regarding petitions for reprieve to ensure that victims, law enforcement, prisoners, and others are heard. Concerning seizure and forfeiture of property for patronizing a prostitute. Clarifying transportation and delivery services for marijuana producers, marijuana processors, and marijuana retailers. Establishing the cannabis patient protection act. Concerning the financial fraud and identity theft crimes investigation and prosecution program. Concerning the collection of blood samples for forensic testing. Addressing informant and accomplice evidence and testimony. Making the unlawful possession of instruments of financial fraud a crime. Requiring the S Law & Justice O'Ban S Commerce and L Hatfield S Health Care Rivers S Law & Justice Fain S Law & Justice Padden S Law & Justice Padden S Law & Justice Pearson S Law & Justice Pearson Oppose offenders SB 5072 Failing to summon assistance SB 5076 (HB 1105) Operating sup budget 2015 SB 5077 (HB 1106) Operating budget 20152017 SB 5078 Mental illness, chem depend. SB 5099 Sexually violent predators SB 5100 Rental cars/traffic infrac's SB 5101 Mental status evaluation SB 5104 Alcohol, contr sub/sentences Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 18 of 28 department of corrections to supervise domestic violence offenders who have a conviction and were sentenced for a domestic violence felony offense that was plead and proven. Modifying the crime of failing to summon assistance. Making 2015 supplemental operating appropriations. Making 20152017 operating appropriations. Funding recovery programs for persons with mental illness and chemical dependency disorders. Restricting conditional releases of sexually violent predators outside their county of origin. Concerning the processing of certain motor vehicle-related violations applicable to rental cars. Modifying mental status evaluation provisions. Concerning the possession or use of alcohol and controlled substances in S Law & Justice Honeyford S Ways & Means Hill S Ways & Means Hill S HumSer/MenHeal O'Ban S HumSer/MenHeal/ Darneille S Transportation Hobbs S Rules 2 Padden S Rules 2 Padden SB 5105 DUI 4th offense/felony SB 5106 Webcam unauthorized access SB 5107 (HB 1305) Therapeutic courts SB 5121 Marijuana research license SB 5124 Vapor product sales/minors SB 5130 Marijuana business locations SB 5132 (HB 1025) WA health security trust SB 5154 Reg. sex or kidnap offenders SB 5155 Special occasion licenses SB 5158 Call location info/emergency Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 19 of 28 sentencing provisions. Making a fourth driving under the influence offense a felony. Creating a civil action for webcam unauthorized remote access. Encouraging the establishment of therapeutic courts. Establishing a marijuana research license. Prohibiting the sale of vapor products to minors. Restricting marijuana producer and processor businesses from being located in certain residential and rural areas. Requiring the submission of a waiver to the federal government to create the Washington health security trust. Concerning registered sex or kidnapping offenders. Modifying special occasion licenses provisions. Requiring call location information to be provided to law enforcement S Law & Justice Padden S Law & Justice O'Ban S Rules 2 Padden S Health Care Kohl-Welles S Law & Justice Warnick S Commerce and L Pearson S Health Care Kohl-Welles S Law & Justice Hargrove S Commerce and La King S Law & Justice McCoy High Support SB 5167 Sale of liquor, prohibition SB 5173 (HB 1320) Identicard/incarc'd offender SB 5177 Competency eval. timeliness SB 5178 Criminal justice trtmnt acct SB 5198 Motorcycle helmet use SB 5210 (HB 1169) Life annuity benefit/WSPRS SB 5212 (HB 1290) Winery tasting rooms SB 5213 (HB 1362) Growlers of wine, sales of SB 5214 Uniformed personnel, county Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 20 of 28 responding to an emergency. Concerning the local option prohibition on the sale of liquor. Creating an identicard program for certain incarcerated offenders. Improving timeliness of competency evaluation and restoration services. Concerning the criminal justice treatment account. Limiting mandatory motorcycle helmet use to persons under the age of eighteen. Authorizing an optional life annuity benefit for members of the Washington state patrol retirement system. Increasing the number of tasting rooms allowed under a domestic winery license. Allowing sales of growlers of wine. Permitting certain uniformed personnel, as defined in chapter 41.56 RCW, who are employed by counties and are S Commerce and L O'Ban S Law & Justice Habib S HumSer/MenHeal O'Ban S HumSer/MenHeal O'Ban S Transportation Benton S Ways & Means Bailey S Commerce and L Warnick S Commerce and L Warnick S Commerce and La Roach SB 5215 Internet crime against child SB 5225 (HB 1068) Sexual assault exam kits SB 5228 I-90 max. rural county speed SB 5232 Indigent defense SB 5239 Court marshals/bargaining SB 5240 DNA/insanity acquittal SB 5233 Notice against trespass Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 21 of 28 members of the public employees' retirement system or the public safety employees' retirement system to negotiate to have their employers make the member retirement system contributions that are picked up pursuant to the federal tax code. Establishing the Washington internet crimes against children account. Concerning sexual assault examination kits. Adjusting the maximum speed limit for Interstate 90 in rural counties. Modifying indigent defense provisions. Concerning notice against trespass. Adding certain commissioned court marshals of county sheriff's offices to the definition of uniformed personnel for the purposes of public employees' collective bargaining. Collecting DNA samples from persons acquitted by reason of insanity. S Law & Justice Roach S Law & Justice Kohl-Welles S Transportation Baumgartner S Law & Justice Sheldon S Commerce and L Roach S Law & Justice Darneille S Law & Justice Sheldon SB 5245 Substance abuse programs SB 5246 (HB 1194) Death benefits/LEOFF, WSPRS SB 5247 Driving w/license suspended SB 5248 (HB 1429) Liquor industry SB 5250 (HB 1316) Arrest without warrant SB 5252 School safety, security ctrs SB 5253 DNA work product, Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 22 of 28 Concerning substance abuse prevention and treatment programs funded by the marijuana excise tax. Addressing the death benefits of a surviving spouse of a member of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system or the state patrol retirement system. Concerning driving while license suspended when the suspension is based on noncompliance with a child support order. Expanding authorized personal services by liquor industry members to retailers. Allowing for an arrest without a warrant when a police officer has probable cause to believe a person has violated certain temporary protection orders. Creating a pilot program to implement regional school safety and security centers. Concerning S HumSer/MenHeal Dammeier S Commerce and L Roach S Law & Justice O'Ban S Commerce and L Honeyford S Law & Justice Dammeier S EL/K-12 Dammeier S Law & Justice Darneille Support (SHB 1069) preserving SB 5256 Strip searches of juveniles SB 5261 Cmty policing/W St. hospital SB 5264 Silver alert system SB 5266 Criminally insane/facilities SB 5269 (HB 1258) Detention decision review SB 5270 (HB 1311) Missing children/advisry brd SB 5277 Patronizing a prostitute SB 5280 (HB 1198) Beer, cider/grocery stores SB 5287 Medicaid false claims SB 5290 Tribes/prescrip. monitoring Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 23 of 28 preservation of DNA work product. Requiring reasonable suspicion before allowing strip searches of juveniles in juvenile detention facilities. Concerning community policing at and around western state hospital. Creating a silver alert system. Concerning secure facilities for the criminally insane. Concerning court review of detention decisions under the involuntary treatment act. Concerning a nonoperating advisory board reporting to the state patrol. Making the crime of patronizing a prostitute a gross misdemeanor. Concerning the sale of beer and cider by grocery store licensees. Reauthorizing the medicaid fraud false claims act. Authorizing law enforcement and prosecutorial officials of federally recognized Indian tribes access to prescription S HumSer/MenHeal Darneille S HumSer/MenHeal O'Ban S Health Care Bailey S HumSer/MenHeal O'Ban S HumSer/MenHeal/ O'Ban S Law & Justice Roach S Law & Justice Kohl-Welles S Commerce and L Kohl-Welles S Health Care Keiser S Health Care Braun SB 5292 Powdered alcohol SSB 5299 (SHB 1048) Residential mortgage lending SB 5301 (HB 1343) Spirits retailers/for resale SB 5304 WA state patrol officers SB 5311 (HB 1348) Crisis intervention/officers SB 5336 (HB 1007) Traffic safety cameras SB 5338 (HB 1480) Intermittent-use trailers SB 5342 Human trafficking Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 24 of 28 monitoring data. Protecting children and youth from powdered alcohol. Updating, clarifying, and strengthening department of financial institutions' enforcement, licensing, and examination statutes relating to residential mortgage lending, and enhancing the crime of mortgage fraud in the residential mortgage lending process. Concerning spirits retailers when selling for resale. Concerning competitive salaries and benefits for Washington state patrol officers. Requiring crisis intervention training for peace officers. Limiting the use of automated traffic safety cameras to detect speed violations not in school zones to certain cities. Creating intermittent-use trailer license plates. Concerning definitions S Law & Justice Roach S FIDPS Benton S Commerce and La Braun S Transportation Rivers S Law & Justice Rolfes S Transportation Miloscia S Transportation Dansel S Commerce and L Hasegawa SB 5346 Life alert subscriber info SB 5353 Spirits, beer, wine SB 5354 Inmate postsecondary edu SB 5379 Medical marijuana for PTSD SB 5381 Firearms, return by law enf. SB 5394 (HB 1302) Child abduction statutes SB 5398 (HB 1360) Marijuana products in public Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 25 of 28 related to human trafficking. Providing first responders with contact information for subscribers of life alert services during an emergency. Concerning the service and sales of spirits, wine, and beer. Addressing the implementation of inmate postsecondary education degree programs to reduce recidivism. Adding posttraumatic stress disorder to the terminal or debilitating medical conditions that qualify for the medical use of marijuana. Creating a protocol for the return of firearms in the possession of law enforcement agencies. Clarifying the applicability of child abduction statutes to residential provisions ordered by a court. Concerning marijuana, useable marijuana, and marijuana- S Health Care Ranker S Commerce and La Angel S Law & Justice Hargrove S Health Care Hobbs S Law & Justice Billig S Law & Justice Rivers S Commerce and La Rivers SB 5399 (HB 1537) Liquor control brd officers SB 5402 (HB 1359) Marijuana acquisition/adults SB 5403 Competency to stand trial SB 5408 (HB 1476) Mistreatmnt/faith-based exem SB 5411 Wheeled all-terrain vehicles SB 5417 Local govt marijuana policy SB 5434 Cannabimimetics, synthetic SB 5438 Bicycles/stop and proceed SB 5450 Marijuana businesses Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 26 of 28 infused products in public. Concerning state liquor control board enforcement officers. Ensuring safe, responsible, and legal acquisition of marijuana by adults. Concerning competency to stand trial evaluations. Removing references to faith-based exemptions regarding criminal mistreatment of children and vulnerable adults. Providing liability immunity for local jurisdictions when wheeled all-terrain vehicles are operated on public roadways. Concerning local government marijuana policies. Placing certain synthetic cannabimimetics into schedule I of the uniform controlled substances act. Allowing bicycles to stop and proceed through traffic control signals under certain conditions. Expanding the S Commerce and L Conway S Commerce and L Conway S HumSer/MenHlth/ Conway S HumSer/MenHlth Mullet S GovtOp&StSec Roach S Commerce and La Rivers S Health Care Bailey S Transportation King S Commerce and O'Ban SB 5461 Marijuana convictions SB 5476 (HB 1535) Firearm dealer deliveries SB 5477 Vapor product packaging, etc SB 5482 GPS data disclosure SB 5493 Cannabis hlth & beauty aids SB 5494 (HB 1458) Tobacco and vapor products SB 5499 Nefarious drone enterprise SB 5500 Firearms at schools/officers SB 5501 Animal cruelty prevention SB 5503 Habitual property offenders SB 5502 Intimate images/distributing Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 27 of 28 restrictions on locating marijuana businesses. Vacating marijuana convictions. Concerning dealer deliveries to active law enforcement officers. Concerning the packaging, labeling, and advertising of vapor products. Addressing the disclosure of global positioning system data by law enforcement officers. Distinguishing cannabis health and beauty aids from marijuana. Concerning the age of individuals at which sale or distribution of tobacco and vapor products may be made. Allowing the filing of a special allegation of a nefarious drone enterprise. Permitting retired law enforcement officers to carry firearms on school facilities. Preventing animal cruelty. Concerning the distribution of intimate images. Establishing a special allegation La S Law & Justice Ranker S Law & Justice Dammeier S Commerce and L Dammeier S GovtOp&StSec Roach S Commerce and L Kohl-Welles S Commerce and L Miloscia S Law & Justice Roach S Law & Justice Roach S Law & Justice Fain S Law & Justice Padden S Law & Justice Padden SB 5518 Campus sexual violence SB 5519 Marijuana reform SJM 8006 Sexual abuse/children, peers Bill Status Report January 23, 2015 Page 28 of 28 for habitual property offenders. Creating procedures to address campus sexual violence. Enacting the comprehensive marijuana reform act. Requesting Congress, the President, and the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Justice to take action to implement the recommendations of the Government Accountability Office concerning efforts to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse by school personnel and sexual abuse between peers. S Higher Ed Kohl-Welles S Commerce and L Kohl-Welles S EL/K-12 Kohl-Welles
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