PILATES – (60 min.) Pilates exercises are designed to strengthen the (55 min.) A non-contact, martial arts based fitness class, choreographed to the latest music, providing an exhilarating experience and ultra-fast results. (55 min.) An exercise-to-music yoga, tai chi and pilates workout. You’ll feel long, strong, centered and calm. (55 min.) A strength training class using barbells that focuses on endurance as well as strength. Light to moderate weight with high repetitions all choreographed to highly motivating music. January-March 2015 core by developing stability and abdominal control. Develop strength, flexibility, endurance and posture without stressing joints. POWER YOGA – (60 -70 min.) Vigorous cardio style yoga practice that will challenge you mentally and physically. (55 min.) High intensity interval training cycling class. You’ll be lead through hills, flats, mountain peaks and speed work. (45 min.) Non-stop dance moves set to a sound track of chart-topping hits and club dance music. SH’JAM – (55 min.) A cardio dance class combining both (55 min.) A step class that is simple, basic yet athletic. Challenging high intensity intervals will shape and tone your lower body. (55 min.) A lower impact class that combines a cardio fitness block followed by a functional strength block. Tubing and soft fitness balls used. CARDIO STEP & TONE – (55 min.) Simple, fun step routines anyone can learn. Strength and toning component round out the class. Work at your own level. CORE STRENGTH & FITNESS STRETCH – (50 min.) Class that begins with core strengthening followed by a solid 30 minutes of stretching with emphasis on leg, hip and back muscles. SH’BAM and BODYJAM, a hip hop dance based modality. TAI CHI INSPIRED – (50 min.) Open energy channels, strengthen and calm with a unique blend of Qi Gong, tai chi, standing yoga postures, stretches, breath work and relaxation. Tai Chi Inspired is run as a series. TOTAL BARRE – (55 min.) Barre integrates elements of Pilates, dance, cardio, and strength training with emphasis on correct biomechanics of movement. Suitable for all. ULTRASPIN – (55 min.) An instructor-driven indoor cycling class that gives you an incredible cardio workout. ULTRASPIN & MUSCLE CONDITIONING – (70 min.) Our indoor cycling class combined with muscle conditioning. This class takes place in both Studio #1 and the Cycling Studio. VINYASA YOGA – (60 -70 min.) Challenge your body, open your heart and calm your mind in this “all levels welcome” yoga class that links movement with your breath. (30 min.) A core training workout based on cutting edge scientific research. Dynamic training will hone in on your abs, glutes, back and obliques. FF GENTLE YOGA – (60 min.) This yoga class teaches the basics to help you (55 min.) A fusion of high energy Latin and international dance music featuring aerobic interval training. GROUP FITNESS CLASSES understand the connection and healthy functioning of body and mind. Modifications are given. Chairs used to allow participants to safely explore various yoga postures. FF STRENGTH & BALANCE – (50 min.) Strength and conditioning class using dumbbells, balls, tubing and other aids. Chairs used for some exercises. Easy pace. (50 min.) A modified, low-impact version of Zumba that’s just as much fun. Easy to follow and refreshing. Zumba Gold is run as a series. FITNESS STRETCH – (30 min.) Series of athletic stretches with focus on hips, glutes, hamstrings, holding stretches for extended time. GENTLE YOGA – (60 min.) Flow through physical postures and poses designed to purify the body and provide strength. Includes breath work and modifications. KRIPALU YOGA – (60 min.) Basic to moderate yoga postures with emphasis on alignment and breath work fundamentals. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK hampshirehills.com 603-673-7123 | 50 Emerson Rd, Milford, NH HILLS ATHLETIC CLUB Hampshire Hills Group Fitness Classes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5:45 am 70 min UltraSpin & Muscle Conditioning Cycle Studio & Studio #1 5:45 am UltraSpin Cycle Studio 5:45 am BodyPump Studio #1 5:45 am RPM Cycle Studio 8:30 am 30 min Ball & Tube Strength Studio #1 8:30 am 30 min Ball & Tube Strength Studio #1 8:30 am 30 min CXWorx Studio #1 8:30 am 30 min Ball & Tube Strength Studio #1 8:30 am 30 min CXWorx Studio #1 9:00 am Body Combat Studio #1 9:00 UltraSpin Cycle Studio 9:00 am Pilates Studio #2 9:00 am Total Barre Studio #3 10:00 am BodyVive Studio #1 9:00 am Vinyasa Yoga Studio #2 10:00 am BodyStep Studio #1 10:00 am BodyFlow Studio #2 11:00 am Zumba Gold : Jan 5-Feb 5 & Mar 2-Apr 20 Studio #1 12:00 pm BodyPump Studio #1 4:30 pm BodyStep Studio #1 5:30 pm BodyPump Studio #1 9:00 am BodyPump Studio #1 5:30 pm RPM Cycle Studio 6:00 pm 70 min Power Yoga Studio #1 6:30 pm BodyAttack Studio #1 7:30 pm 30 min CXWorx Studio #1 9:00 am UltraSpin Cycle Studio 9:00 am Zumba Studio #1 9:00 am Kripalu Yoga Studio #2 9:00 am Total Barre Studio #3 10:00 am Pilates Studio #2 11:00 am FF Strength & Balance Studio #2 12:00 pm FF Gentle Yoga or Restorative Yoga Studio #2 12:00 pm RPM Cycle Studio 4:30 pm BodyPump Studio #1 5:30 pm Body Combat Studio #1 12:00 pm Core Strength & Fitness Stretch Studio #1 4:30 pm BodyVive Studio #1 6:30 pm Sh’Jam Studio #1 6:30 pm BodyFlow Studio #2 6:30 pm BodyStep Studio #1 5:30 pm BodyFlow Studio #2 9:00 am Vinyasa Yoga Studio #2 9:00 am UltraSpin Cycle Studio 5:30 pm RPM Cycle Studio 12:00 pm UltraSpin Cycle Studio 12:00 pm Fitness Stretch Studio #2 4:30 pm BodyStep Studio #1 5:30 pm 45 min Sh’Bam Studio #1 5:30 pm BodyFlow Studio #2 6:00 pm UltraSpin Studio #1 6:30 pm BodyPump Studio #1 9:00 am RPM Cycle Studio 10:00 am BodyFlow Studio #2 4:30 pm Zumba Studio #1 4:30 pm Gentle Yoga Studio #2 5:30 pm Body Combat Studio #1 5:30 pm Power Yoga Studio #2 6:30 pm Vinyasa Yoga Studio #2 8:00 am Body Attack Studio #1 9:00 am BodyStep Studio #1 8:00 am BodyFlow Studio #2 8:00 am RPM Cycle Studio 9:00 am 70 min Kripalu Yoga Studio #2 9:10 am UltraSpin Cycle Studio 10:00 am BodyPump Studio #1 All classes are drop in and open to all members 12 and above. Cycling studio is located near the running track. Pick up a numbered pass at the front desk to ensure your bike. This schedule is subject to change. 12:00 pm BodyPump Studio #1 Saturday 5:30 pm Total Barre Studio #3 6:30 pm Vinyasa Yoga Studio #2 9:00 am Power Yoga Studio #2 10:00 am BodyVive Studio #1 10:00 am Pilates Studio #2 11:00 am FF Strength & Balance Studio #2 10:30 am Tai Chi Inspired: Jan 7-Feb 25 Studio #2 5:30 pm BodyPump Studio #1 9:00 am BodyStep Studio #1 10:00 am BodyPump Studio #1 10:00 am Cardio Step & Tone Studio #1 5:30 pm Gentle Yoga Studio #2 6:00 pm UltraSpin Cycle Studio 9:00 am UltraSpin Cycle Studio 9:00 am Cardio Zumba Studio #1 Restorative Yoga runs the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 12:00 pm in place of Gentle Yoga. Roque DaSilva Group Fitness Coordinator 603.673.7123, x244 rdasilva@hampshirehills.com Sunday 8:00 am BodyPump Studio #1 8:00 am UltraSpin Cycle Studio 9:00 am Body Combat Studio #1 9:00 am 70 min Vinyasa Yoga Studio #2 10:00 am Zumba Studio #1 4:00 pm 70 min UltraSpin & Muscle Conditioning Cycle Studio & Studio #1
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