Preliminary Program Sunday 15 March 2015 17:00 Registration of early arrivals at Stias conference center. 18:00 depart on short, leisurely walk along Eerste River, followed by the “Meet and greet” function with cheese and wine Monday 16 March 2015 08:20 Registration 09:00 Welcome and opening Theme: Tree physiology, growth and tree architectural responses in drought conditions. Keynote 1 Managing the trade-off between productivity and risk in a Mediterranean climate – principles and a case study from south Western Australia Impact of climate change and extreme events on tree architecture: Implications for forest decline and die-back. Coffee Break Prof. Dr. Rafael Rubilar, Chile. Dr. Donald White, Murdoch University, Australia Dr. Michel Vennetier, France. Dr. Adams and Zepple, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA and Maquarie University, Australia. What is the potential of Vachellia (Acacia) kosiensis as a dryland Dr. Mark Gush, CSIR, RSA forestry species in terms of its water use, growth rates and resultant water use efficiency? Effect of spacing and genotype on growth, leaf area index and leaf Rodrigo Hakamada, São Paulo water potential in high productivity Eucalyptus clonal plantation University, Brazil submitted to dry period Group Photo Lunch Climate, water and nutritional effect on growth of Pinus caribaea var. Isabel Deliberali, University of Sao hondurensis in Minas Gerais, Brazil Paulo, Brazil Implications of Canopy Conductance and Genetic Carlos González-Benecke, Carbon Interactions on Sustainability and Growth of Loblolly Pine Stands Resources Science Center - University under Changing Climate of Florida, USA Keynote 2; The physiology of drought-induced tree mortality. Theme: Site–species matching /genotype x environment interactions. Keynote; Alternative eucalypts for commercial pulpwood production at moderately dry sites in the KwaZulu-Natal warm temperate climate zone Coffee Break Understanding genotype x environment interaction using plant spacing trials: the TECHS Project Climate change and forestry in South Africa: Opportunities and challenges Growth and drought tolerance of some alternative pine species tested in the summer rainfall area of South Africa Growth, survival and physiology of four Eucalyptus species established in the Mediterranean drylands of Chile Prof. David Lee, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia Dr. Robin Gardiner, ICFR, RSA Otavio Campoe, IPEF, Brazil Dr. Ilaria Germishuizen, ICFR, RSA Dr. Andre Nel, Sappi, RSA Dr. R. Santelices, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca-Chile Tuesday 17 March 2015 Theme: Management systems for dry natural forest ecosystems (including Savanna forests, bush encroachment and sustainable livelihoods issues). Keynote 1; Perspectives from Kruger National Park on managing a heterogeneous tree/grass system Occurrence, abundance and growth of the dryland forest species Pterocarpus angolensis related to site characteristics in Namibia and southern Africa Natural regeneration potential of Pterocarpus angolensis (kiaat tree) in the dry forests of northern Namibia. Practical silvicultural management in Miombo woodlands to sustain benefits to rural society in Southern Africa Coffee Break Keynote 2; Periodic drought effects on Afrotemperate forests in the Southern Cape of South Africa Envisioning forest reproductive material choice for uncertain times at the temperate forest – steppe limit in SE Europe Understanding natural stands to design planted stands of Pseudocedrella kotschyi and Terminalia macroptera, two socioeconomical valuable tree species in the Sudanian zone Poster session Eucalypts behavior under water and nutrient stress Effects of mineral fertilization and climatic variables on the dynamics of seasonal growth of clonal plantations of E. urophylla vs globulus Wood anatomical properties of E. cladocalyx from sites with different water availability Fire resistance properties of tree bark as a function of its bark thickness, moisture content, surface topology, density, chemical composition, and the impact of surface fire damage on post-fire growth Effect of fertilizer application on productivity, stem form and basic wood density in Eucalyptus grandis plantation at southeastern of Brazil. Fine root biomass density of eucalyptus on response to different sources of calcium applications Soil moisture in Brazilian eucalyptus plantation under potassium and sodium fertilization The development of a wild fire policy for Sierra Leone What forestry can do for the managed honey bee industry and South Africa’s food security Morphological characteristics of eucalyptus leaves due to alternative K and Na fertilization Mobility of K, Na and Si in soil depth in Cerrado Eucalyptus forest due use of alternative fertilizers First steps of converting bush-encroached Namibian rangeland into a fruitful landscape Lunch Dr Izak Smit, Sanparks, RSA Vera De Cauwer, Polytechnic of Namibia, Namibia Fillemon Kayofa and B. du Toit, SU, RSA Prof. Coert Geldenhuys, RSA Prof. Paxie Chirwa, UP, RSA Hendri Jooste and T. Seifert, SU, RSA Prof. Csaba Mátyás, University of West Hungary, Hungary Dr Emeline Assede, Abomey-Calavi University, Bénin Ariane Silva et al, Departamento Florestal ESALQ/USP, Brazil Andrea Wenzel et al, São Paulo University, Brazil. Dr. Martina Meincken and F. Munalula, SU, RSA Benedict Odhiambo et al, SU, RSA José Rocha et al, São Paulo University, Brazil Yesid Mariño et al, São Paulo University, Brazil. Ferreira et al, São Paulo University, Brazil. Dr. Emmanuel Alieu, Njala University, Sierra Leone Masehela et al, SU. RSA Ferraz et al, São Paulo University, Brazil. Toledo et al, São Paulo University, Brazil. Dr. Ibo Zimmermann, Polytechnic of Namibia, Namibia Theme: Products, procurement, wood properties and markets. Keynote; Commercial opportunities with eucalypts in semi-arid regions Wood quality of timber from fire exposed trees Sustained cooking fuel from the Miombo’s: a comparison of ethanol, charcoal and firewood options Coffee Break Dr. Brand Wessels, SU,RSA Evan Shield, Argentina Dr. Martina Meincken, SU, RSA Dr. Graham von Maltitz, CSIR, RSA Lumber properties of three drought tolerant eucalyptus species grown in arid regions of South Africa Comparison of wood, fibre and pulp properties and within stem variations of three eucalypt species suitable for dryland forestry in South Africa Spiral grain in trees from drought tolerant Eucalyptus species grown on dry land on west coast of South Africa Economic feasibility study and comparison of farming with three drought tolerant Eucalyptus species on the dry west coast of Southern Africa Dr. Marie Johansson et al, Linnaeus University Växjö, Sweden Dr. Sven-Olof Lundqvist et al, Sweden Harald Säll, Linnaeus University, Sweden Phillip Crafford et al, SU, RSA Wednesday 18 March 2015 Theme: Integrated fire management. Keynote; Bushfires and Fuel Reduction Burning in SE Australian forests and woodlands: costs and benefits. The effect of repeated controlled burning under semi-mature pine plantations on tree damage, fuel loading, understory vegetation and nutrient dynamics: early results To be confirmed Coffee Break Field trip Visit to tree physiology trial in Jonkershoek plantation Visit to Euc. hybrid trial at Mariendahl, Elsenburg Visit to Euc. species- and espacement trials in Backsberg Wine estate Visit to indigenous forest Paarl Mountain Wine tasting (own costs) at a local Wine estate Prof. Mark Adams (Dean FAE), University of Sydney, Australia Ben Bothma, C. Gresse, and B. du Toit, SU, RSA To be confirmed Anton Kunneke et al, SU, RSA Deon Malherbe et al, SU, RSA Deon Malherbe et al, SU, RSA To be Confirmed Thursday 19 March 2015 Theme: Silviculture regimes and management systems for Dryland Forestry. Keynote Review of the use of hydrogel (polymer) to improve establishment success and results from a field trial testing different quantities of hydrogel and two methods of placement A business case for Eucalyptus pulpwood production in Zululand Eucalyptus nutrient omission study in northern Brazil Coffee Break Eucalypt coppice management for rurally based, small-scale timber growers in South Africa Post-fire regeneration in Mediterranean reforested sites as affected by mechanical site preparation: lessons for restoration Productivity of Eucalyptus grandis plantation under different forest residue management in south-eastern Brazil Biomass equations for selected drought tolerant eucalypts in South Africa Solubility of phosphate fertilizers and P availability of soil and plant in early growth of Eucalyptus grandis at southeastern of Brazil Lunch Prof. Dr. Leonardo Gonçalves, University of São Paulo, Brazil Dr. Jacob Crous, Sappi, RSA Dr. Marius du Plessis, Mondi, RSA Rafaela Carneiro, Brazil Dr. Keith Little, NMMU, RSA Nurit Hibsher, Israeli Forest Service, Israel Ayeska Hubner, Brazil Darius Phiri, SU, RSA José Bazani, Brazil Theme: Landscape improvements and ecosystem services from woodlots and farm forestry projects. Keynote; The Green Landscapes concept: An African spatial decision support tool to optimise land-use portfolios for ecosystem service provision in a changing climate. Opinion - the good minus the bad: national economic valuation needed to quantify nett benefit of exotic forestry species Farm forestry in South Africa Approaches to dryland salinity control: some recent approaches in Prof. Thomas Seifert, Germany Dr. Ruan Veldtman, SU, RSA Craig Norris, NCT, RSA Prof. Richard Harper, Murdoch southwestern Australia University, Australia Coffee Break Detection and Measurement of Landscape Fragmentation Socio-economic and ecological impacts of land restoration investments in the Sahel: The case study from Niger Potential of forest plantation for climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and fight against desertification in semi-arid areas of Cameroon: case study of Diamare plain Peter Vogt, Italy Larwanou Mahamane, African Forest Forum, Kenya Victor Kemeuze, Cameroon Gala Dinner Friday 20 March 2015 Participants to Post-Conference tour depart early morning to Cape Town airport Optional free full-day GuidosToolbox workshop on digital data The workshop will be presented by Peter analysis for pattern, connectivity, fragmentation; use of gdal-libraries Vogt from the Joint Research Centre, for pre-/post-processing; producing GoogleEarth image overlays. Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Forest Resources and Climate Unit, Italy.
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