ORGANIZING COMMITTEE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Patron Prof. S. Sivasubramanian, Former Vice-Chancellor, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Co‐Patrons : Prof. S. KARUTHA PANDIAN Member, Vice-Chancellor Officiating Committee Dean, Faculty of Science Alagappa University, Karaikudi Prof. V.MANICKAVASAGAM Registrar, Alagappa University, Karaikudi Convenors : Prof. P. MANISANKAR Professor & Head Department of Industrial Chemistry Dr. G. PARUTHIMAL KALAIGNAN Professor, Department of Industrial Chemistry Organizing : Dr. T. STALIN Secretary Asst. Professor Department of Industrial Chemistry Members : Dr. H. GURUMALLESH PRABU Professor, Department of Industrial Chemistry Dr. S. THAMBIDURAI Associate Professor Department of Industrial Chemistry Dr. M. SUNDARARAJAN Asst. Professor Department of Industrial Chemistry Dr. G. GOPU Asst. Professor Department of Industrial Chemistry Dr. S. VISWANATHAN Asst. Professor, Department of Industrial Chemistry Dr. S. UMA DEVI Asst. Professor (UGC – FRP) Department of Industrial Chemistry Dr. P. MUTHU MAREESWARAN Asst. Professor (DST – INSPIRE) Department of Industrial Chemistry National Seminar on FRONTIER AREAS IN CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES – 2015 (FACTs-2015) Dr. R. Brakaspathy, SERC, DST, New Delhi. Prof. B. Viswanathan, IIT-M, Chennai. Prof. S. Sampath, IISc, Bangaluru. Dr. Vijayamohanan K. Pillai, Director, CECRI Karaikudi. Prof. T. Vasudevan, Former Registrar Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil. March 6 ‐ 7, 2015 Prof. S. Perumal, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Prof. S. Muthusubramanian, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Dr. P.T. Perumal, Former Scientist, CLRI, Chennai. Prof. R. Ramaraj, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. ALAGAPPA UNIVERSITY Prof. S. Karutha Pandian, Alagappa University, Karaikudi. Dr. D. Velayutham, CECRI, Karaikudi. Prof. S. Kabilan, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Prof. P. Thomas Muthaiah, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. Prof. S.Baskaran, IIT-M, Chennai. Dr. K. Krishnamoorthy, NCL, Pune. Prof. H.Suryaprakash Rao, Pondicherry University, Puducherry. ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION Dr. G. Paruthimal Kalaignan Convenor, FACTs – 2015 Department of Industrial Chemistry Alagappa University Karaikudi – 630 003 Tamilnadu. E-mail : Mobile : +91 91-9443135307 (Dr. G. Paruthimal Kalaignan) Mobile : +91 9944266475 (Dr.T.STALIN) Organized by Department of Industrial Chemistry KKDI. Cell : 98847 12091 POOCHARAM, : Prof. S. KALIYAMOORTHY Convenor Vice-Chancellor Officiating Committee Alagappa University, Karaikudi (DST‐ FIST, DST ‐ PURSE and UGC ‐ SAP Sponsored Department) SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES ALAGAPPA UNIVERSITY (Reaccredited with “A” Grade by NAAC) Karaikudi – 630 003, Tamilnadu. National Seminar on Frontier Areas in Chemical Technologies – 2015 (FACTs-2015) March 6 ‐ 7, 2015 ABOUT KARAIKUDI Karaikudi is the biggest town in Chettinad region of Sivagangai district in Tamilnadu, INDIA. It is situated in between Trichy - Rameswaram National Highway road and well connected to Madurai and Thiruchirapalli Airport. Karaikudi is also home of two famous Institutions, Alagappa University and Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CSIR - CECRI). The city is well known as hub of educational institutions such as Higher Secondary Schools, Polytechnic Institutions, Arts, Science & Engineering colleges and University. The Lord Karpaga Vinayaga Temple in Pillaiyarpatti and Lord Murugan Temple in Kundrakudi are at 12 kms away from Karaikudi. The city has known temples such as Koppudaiamman, Sri Meenakshi-Sundareswarar, Muthu Mariamman..etc., ABOUT THE SEMINAR Advancements in research activities on Chemical Technologies attain greater momentum and reached hallmark in the era of scientific developments. Chemical and Electrochemical technologies are a challenging as well as fascinating branch of chemistry and finding applications in almost all areas of Science and Technology. It is important for the researchers, educators and developers from academic institution and industries to know the research and recent developments that have been made on various aspects of Chemical and Electrochemical Sciences. For the effective discussions and interactions, the Department of Industrial Chemistry, Alagappa University, Karaikudi is organizing a National Seminar on Frontier Areas in Chemical Technologies (FACTs-2015) to bring together National experts from academic, research institutions and industries on a common platform. The technical sessions of the seminar consists of invited lectures by eminent speakers and papers for presentation. THEME The seminar is aimed at updating the academicians, researchers, scientists, and industrialists with the latest developments in the field and exposing the participants to innumerable applications in different areas of Chemical and Electrochemical Sciences. The seminar will provide great opportunities to get a comprehensive view and meet the most recognized scientists of the domain. ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY Alagappa University has emerged from the galaxy of institutions initially founded by the great philanthropist and educationist Padmabhusan Dr. RM. Alagappa Chettiar in 440 acres. This university is reaccredited by NAAC with “A” Grade with 3.21 CGPA in a 4.0 point scale. This green and lush campus with all academic activities is having plenty of International collaborations with Universities / Institutions of Higher Learning in countries like U.S.A., China, U.K., Australia, Malaysia, West Indies and South Korea and National collaborations. New innovative programmes are suitably designed and offered at the University for the Indian as well as foreign students. The post-graduate Departments and Centers in Science and Humanities in the University and other collaborative agencies offer quality education through regular and distance modes catering to the needs of more than one lakh students. The Universitiy's motto is “Excellence in Action” and the University keeps before it the vision of excellence in all spheres of its action. ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The Department of Industrial Chemistry was established in 1985. It is offering two year PG programme in M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry (Specialization in Electrochemistry and Textile Chemistry), M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Phil and Ph.D in Chemistry. Research activities are in the fields of Electrochemistry, Textile Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Advanced Batteries, Nanochemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry. This Department has received funds to a tune of Rs. 12 crores for research projects from UGC, ICAR, AICTE, DST, CSIR, DRDO, DRDL, TNSCST and Sethu Samuthram Canal project etc. This Department has also been recognized by UGC for Special Assistance Program (SAP) and by DST for FIST and PURSE programs. More than 1500 research papers have been published in International/National journals and presented in various conferences. The Department has 17 patents to its credit and more than 150 students have got their Ph.D degree in Chemistry. The Department has conducted many refresher courses, two UGC innovative courses and International / National level conferences / workshops etc. The Department has undertaken many consultancy services to various industries including BHEL. THEMATIC AREAS OF FACTs ‐ 2015 Electrochemical Technology Textile Technology Nano Technology Green Technology Polymer Technology Sensor Technology Solar Energy Technology Water Technology Photochemical Technology This Seminar is open to Faculties, Research scholars and students of Science and Engineering Institutions, Scientists from R&D and Industrial Establishments. The participants will be provided with lunch, certificate of participation and seminar kit. The participants have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Original research papers on the above areas are invited for presentation in the Conference. Contributors are requested to submit two copies of the abstract not exceeding 300 words typed on A4 size paper with two line spacing and 12-font size in Times New Roman. It should contain the title, name and address of the authors with email id (author presenting the paper to be underlined). The abstract may also be sent to the convener as MS word 2003 (.doc) file by e-mail/CD with a hard copy by post. REGISTRATION The participants are requested to send the filled in Registration form to the convener along with Registration fees by DD drawn in favour of "The Convenor, FACTs-2015" payable at Karaikudi. Spot registration will not be entertained. The registration fee for various categories is given below: Delegates from Industry : Rs. 2000 Delegates from R & D and Academic Institutions : Rs. 1000 Research scholars / Student delegates : Rs. 500 VENUE Seminar Hall, Convocation Auditorium, Alagappa University, Karaikudi. ACCOMMODATION Accommodation can be arranged on priority basis in the University Hostel on request on payment basis (Rs. 100 per person Per day). However, the delegates are free to make their own arrangements for accommodation in Karaikudi. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for submission of Registration form & fee along with Abstract : 16.02.2015 Notification of Acceptance : 23.02.2015 Last date for Accommodation on request : 27.02.2015 ALAGAPPA UNIVERSITY (Reaccredited with “A” Grade by NAAC) Karaikudi – 630 003, Tamilnadu. National Seminar on Frontier Areas in Chemical Technologies - 2015 (FACTs - 2015) March 6 ‐ 7, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM Name : Age : Gender : Designation : Institution/Organization : Address for correspondence : Pin Phone Email Title of the paper : : : : Please tick (√) whichever is applicable Abstract of the paper enclosed : Yes/No I intend to present a paper : Yes/No I intend to participate in the seminar : Yes/No I require accommodation in hostel : Yes/No Details of payment Amount Rs.------------DD No.-------------------------Date---------------------Bank----------------------------Place : Date : Signature (Photostat copies of this form can also be used for registration)
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