REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Call for Artists Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Commemoration Art Installation To be located in front of Saskatoon Police Service Headquarters 76 25th Street East City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Submission Deadline: Budget: Completed Installation: Unveiling: February 28th 2015 3:00 pm CST local time Total Package $120,000 (Canadian Funds) Summer 2016 Summer 2016 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND…………………………………………..3 2. OBJECTIVES…………………………………………………………………..4 3. SITE ANALYSIS……………………………………………………………..4 4. RECOMMENDED SITE……………………………………………………….4 5. DESIGN WORK PARAMETERS………………………………………………4 6. SCOPE OF WORK……………………………………………………………5 7. SELECTION CRITERIA AND PROCESS……………………………………….5 8. PHASE ONE………………………………………………………………….. 5 9. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES…………………………………………………….6 10. PROJECT SCHEDULE ………………………………………………………….7 11. ELIGIBILITY…………………………………………………………………..7 12. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS………………………………………............7 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Enquiries……………………………………………………………..7 Closing Date………………………………………………………....8 Qualifications Review Committee…………………………………..8 Review and Selection………………………………………………..8 Signed Responses……………………………………………………9 Acceptance of Responses……………………………………………9 13. PHASE TWO …………………………………………………………………9 14. NOTIFICATION OF RESULTS………………………………………………….9 15. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS …………………………………………………9 16. CHECK LIST………………………………………………………………….10 17. ENTRY FORM………………………………………………………………...10 10. APPEDNDIX A………………………………………………………………..11 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 2 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Beginning in 2013 the Saskatoon Tribal Council, Saskatoon Police Service and the Provincial Government partnered on a Commemorative Art Installation (CAI) project to honor missing and murdered Aboriginal women from the Saskatoon area. An Aboriginal artist will create a commemorative art installation paying tribute to the growing number of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and reflect the experiences of families affected. The Saskatoon Tribal Council and the Saskatoon Police Service are pleased to announce the dedication of a permanent public space for artwork to be displayed in order to commemorate and bring awareness to missing and murdered Aboriginal women. The CAI will be situated in front of the new Saskatoon Police Station headquarters. A series of well-attended community consultation meetings were held introducing the project. The community was appreciative that a project dedicated to missing and murdered Aboriginal woman was going to become a reality. Subsequently, notes and information gathered from the community consultation meetings will be useful for the selected artist in giving potential inspiration for the preparation, conceptualizing and designing of the commemorative piece. The Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Partnership (MMAWP) seek Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) from an artist and/or team to work with the community in the creation and implementation of the project. The competition is open to both established and emerging artist(s) in which at least one artist is living in Saskatchewan and preference will be given to an Aboriginal artist(s) who has familiarity with the subject matter. The artist will be asked to work collaboratively in consultation with people from the Saskatoon community that are invested in bringing awareness to Saskatchewan’s missing and murdered Aboriginal women. Budget: Total package $120,000 (Canadian Funds) includes all costs associated with the project, including but limited to: completed artworks and interpretive elements, artist fees, travel expenses, design development, maquette, engineer fees and drawings, fabrication, supplies, artist insurance, health and safety costs, taxes and fees, documentation, and any brokerage and customs fees and all other expenses and charges. Deadline for submissions by mail only: February 28th 2015 3:00 pm CST local time OBJECTIVES The objective of this public art project is to commemorate and bring awareness to the important issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women. The MMAW seek Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) from an artist and/or team to work with the community in the creation and implementation of the project. The selected artist(s) will create a CAI that reflects the growing number of MMAW reflect the experiences of community and families affected. The artist’s expression will be REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 3 inspired by stories, thereby creating a one-of-a-kind public art piece unique to the Saskatoon community but universal in content. Ceremonial protocol has and will continue to be followed throughout the duration of this project. Families of those who have been affected by MMAW have supported this endeavor and have given direct input towards the development of this project. Elders in the community have also been key participants and have given guidance and will continue to guide the selected artist(s) in this endeavor. This project will be built to support the community; to provide a safe place to gather, to pray, a place for meditation, a place to begin and end marches, walks and vigils. SITE The proposed site contains many existing elements that include concrete slabs as the base. The site is situated to the left of the front doors when exiting the police station’s main doors and adjacent to the proposed site is 25th street. Due to the closeness of the building and the street, there are lampposts that provide light and designated sidewalks that ensure easy accessibility to the CAI. There are several benches provided for people to sit and meditate if needed. The City of Saskatoon has conditionally approved a specific location for the CAI. We recommend visiting the site. A diagram of this location can be found in the appendices. It is to be located in front of Saskatoon Police Service Headquarters 76 25th Street East City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. DESIGN WORK PARAMETERS Artwork of the CAI must: a) CAI must be culturally sensitive and reflective of the community and Elders input b) Be of the highest quality c) Possible within the proposed budget d) Not reproduced elsewhere e) Not pose a risk of injury to the public (i.e. sharp edges, slip hazard or pinch points) f) Meet fire codes with respect to flammability g) Meet all Saskatchewan and City Codes h) Not restrict movement on the roadways i) Vandal resistant j) Show a clear connection to Saskatchewan The artist must: • Guarantee that the work is of original design and the artist owns all rights to what is used and does not violate the copyright of any other person(s). Other: • The site-specific works must be durable, low maintenance and appropriate to the location. • Cultural considerations are mandatory. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 4 SCOPE OF WORK Budget: Total package $120,000.00 in Canadian funds. Include all costs associated with the project including but not limited to: Completed artworks and interpretive elements, artist fees, travel expenses, design development, maquette, engineer’s fees and drawings, fabrication, supplies, artists insurance, health & safety costs, taxes and fees, documentation, and any brokerage and custom fees and all other expenses and charges. The successful candidate(s) are responsible for: Fabrication, transportation, delivery, installation, and will be expected to be present during the installation process and unveiling ceremony. Note: all engineer stamps must be from a Saskatchewan licensed engineer. SELECTION CRITERIA AND PROCESS • • All submissions will be prescreened to ensure completeness and eligibility as per RFQ. The project manager will be responsible for all communications between applicants, the steering committee and other partnering parties. This project consists of two phases. Phase One is the RFQ. Phase Two is the submission that will include an RFP submission. Both phases are outlined below. PHASE ONE RFQ Artists must submit the following in order to qualify for consideration in the competition (in the following order): TO APPLY All applications must include: A. Entry Form – Page One completed and signed with proper contact information. This will be the agreement that this submission will be shared with the selection committees, technical committee, and community committee. B. Letter of interest – This is one page maximum in length that will indicate the applicant’s interest in the project. C. Artist Statement (1 page) that will illustrate an understanding of the objectives of the project. D. Support Material - of individual and/or team members including samples, which best illustrates previous work. • Include 10 images of previous works (jpeg, pdf on a CD or DVD) • Corresponding Image List - Include a corresponding numbered list of images, indicating title, medium, size and date. • List of publications or other works of interest, excerpts from programs, catalogues and other publications including newspaper clippings and websites of previous works. E. Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 pages) - if submitting as a team, each team REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 5 member must submit a resume. Maximum of 2 pages per resume. • Three professional references per individual that can speak to the applicant’s art practice and interest and/or experience in public art projects. One reference must be from a recent client. Indicate name, occupation, address, contact numbers, email and a brief statement of your working relationship. E. Proposal (2 pages) Include: • A brief conceptual statement for the project, 500 words or less that outlines the specific idea for a direction for the work. • A suggested timeline for preparation and installation. • How will it engage with the community. Optional: A description or rough sketch or video of a hypothetical project and Note: this is an optional component and will not detract from your application it is an opportunity for emerging artists that have fewer qualifications. F. Return Envelope - Include a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage if you’d like your submission to be returned. Please allow 4 weeks for notification. Submissions that do not include all of the above will be deemed incomplete and may not be considered. Include only the requested material in your application package. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 1) Submit three (3) copies of your proposal and one electronic copy (PDF format) • One hard copy clearly marked “Original” to be considered “official copy”. • Two copies marked “copy”. • Electronic copy of all submission materials submitted on a CD or memory stick. Please have this labeled with your name. 2) Limit hardcopies to 8.5 x 11. 3) Applicant(s) name is to appear on the upper right corner of all pages 4) All pages must be numbered 5) Do not send any models or maquettes. 6) Electronic copy must be: • Submitted in MS Word and PDF format. Do not compress (zip) files. • Must be self-contained. Do not include embedded links, websites or links to on-line documentation. • Images to be in: JPG, or PDF format only. Images must not be in presentation documentation (PowerPoint, publisher). • Image size 72 dpi to a maximum of 700 pixels in height or maximum of 940 pixels in width. • Do not include materials that need software, plug-ins extensions or programs that need to be downloaded or installed. • PC compatible CD labeled with applicant’s name and contact information. 7) Do not submit any original materials or support files as submissions, they will not be returned. 8) Please retain a copy of submission for your own records. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 6 9) Do not bind, staple or use plastic covers. 10) If submitting as a team, designate one person as the main contact person. Please provide name, address, telephone number, email, fax and mobile numbers for each member of the team. All team members must sign the application form. 11) At this stage the applicant acknowledges and agrees that the MMAWP are not responsible for any costs (inclusive of shipping and insurance), expenses, losses, damages or liabilities that may be incurred by the artist as a result of responding to this Request for Qualifications. PROJECT SCHEDULE: Proposal Deadline: Shortlist notification: Proposal Honorarium: Completed Installation: Unveiling: February 28th 2015 3:00 pm CST local time March 23th 2015 March 23th 2015 Summer 2016 Summer 2016 ELIGIBILITY The competition is open to any and all except for members of the Visual Arts Placement Jury, employees of Saskatoon Police Service, Saskatoon Tribal Council. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 12.1 Enquiries All enquiries related to this RFQ are to be directed, in writing, to the contact person at the emailing address on the front cover of this RFQ. Marylou Mintram, project manager for the project at and 306.715.1599. The RFQ application should be sent via mail only. 12.2 Closing Date Complete requested 3 hard copies and one electronic copy of each response must be received before February 28th 2015 3:00 pm CST local time and mailed to: Aboriginal Missing and Murdered Women Commemoration Art Installation Aboriginal Missing and Murdered Women Commemoration Art Installation c/o Marylou Mintram Saskatoon Tribal Council #200 – 335 Packham Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7N 4S1 Responses must not be sent by facsimile. Responses and their envelopes should be clearly marked with the name and address of the respondent and the project or program title. 12.3 Qualifications Review Committee The selection process will involve a selection committee made up of but not limited to: • Representative from Saskatoon Police Service • Representative from Saskatoon Tribal Council • Representative from the City of Saskatoon REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 7 • • • Consultant from facilities management of Saskatoon Police Service Headquarters Community Elder And other technical teams as needed in an advisory capacity 12.4 Review and Selection The qualifications review committee will check responses against the mandatory criteria. Responses not meeting all mandatory criteria or late applications will not be considered for review. Qualified applicants will be provided with a copy of the RFP in Phase Two. This RFQ will be using a selection process and the evaluation criteria includes: • • • • • • • • • • Qualifications and professional experience. Demonstrated successful completion of public art or other projects of similar size and scope, particularly outdoor installations. Demonstrated ability to work with the design team, landscaping designers, general contractors, committee members, and other team members. Ability to attend or participate in meetings with design team, community members, the jury and other involved in the project. Participation by phone is permitted. Ability to work within short timelines and work within proposed budget. Understanding the intent and the vision of the project as it relates to MMAW. Strength of any partnerships proposed. Level of creative merit and references. Demonstrate an understanding of the conditions in which the installations will be situated and also the dynamism of the Canadian Prairie climate. Originality and sensitivity to the MMAW content. 12.5 Signed Responses Page One of the application must be completed and signed with proper contact information. This will be the agreement that this submission will be shared with the selection committees, technical committee, and community committee. 12.6 Acceptance of Responses Responses to an RFQ are assessed in light of the qualification review criteria and, if chosen for the shortlist, will be contacted for the RFP phase. Each recipient will be notified by mail. PHASE TWO Submission including presentation interview Only selected finals will be contacted to participate in Phase Two. • Phase One submissions will be shortlisted via review committee. • The decision of the review committee will be final and without recourse. • Short listed applicants of Phase One will be provided with submission requirements and selection criteria for their detailed proposals for Phase Two. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 8 • • An honorarium will be provided to applicant/team of shortlisted candidates to create a concept, model and all necessary renderings. The City of Saskatoon Public Art Advisory Committee will award the project according to City of Saskatoon public art policy. NOTIFICATION OF RESULTS Only successful candidate(s) will be notified in writing. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Proposals addressing this RFQ may be submitted by mail or hand delivered to address: Aboriginal Missing and Murdered Women Commemoration Art Installation c/o Marylou Mintram Saskatoon Tribal Council #200 – 335 Packham Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7N 4S1 All submissions for Phase One must be received at the above address by February 28th, 2015 3:00 PM CST local time. This is not a postmark deadline. Faxed or emailed submissions will not be accepted. Incomplete or late proposals will not be reviewed. Submissions will not be returned. All materials submitted will be become part of the property of the jury. Please note that the jury is not required to accept any of the submissions and they also reject submissions. The jury reserves the right to reissue the RFQ if required. Please refer to the website for any amendments issued in reference to this RFQ; it is the responsibility of the applicant to check the website for any updates prior to submitting the application. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 9 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Call for Artists Check List Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Commemoration Art Installation Please ensure you have included the following: o Entry Form – Page One completed and signed with proper contact information. This will be the agreement that this submission will be shared with the selection committees, technical committee, and community committee. o Letter of interest – This is one page maximum in length that will indicate the applicant’s interest in the project. o Artist Statement (1 page) that will illustrate an understanding of the objectives of the project. o Support Material - of individual and/or team members including samples, which best illustrates previous work. o Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 pages) - if submitting as a team, each team member must submit a resume. Maximum of 2 pages per resume. o References - Three professional references per individual that can speak to the applicant’s art practice and interest and/or experience in public art projects. One reference must be from a recent client. Indicate name, occupation, address, contact numbers, email and a brief statement of your working relationship. o Proposal (2 pages) Include: § A brief conceptual statement for the project, 500 words or less. That outlines the specific idea for a direction for the work. § A suggested timeline for preparation and installation. § Optional: A description or rough sketch or video of a hypothetical project and how will it engage with the community. § Note: this is an optional component and will not detract from your application; it is an opportunity for emerging artists that have fewer qualifications. o Return Envelope - Include a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage if you’d like your submission to be returned. Please allow 4 weeks for notification. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/ EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Commemoration Art Installation ENTRY FORM (PLEASE PRINT) 9.1 Applicant Information Name (Main Contact): Current address: Website (If applicable): City: Province: Phone (Main): Mobile: 12.7 Other Team members Name: Current address: Website (If applicable): City: Province: Phone (Main): Mobile: Postal Code: Email: Name: Current address: Website (If applicable): City: Phone (Main): Province: Mobile: Postal Code: Email: Province: Mobile: Postal Code: Email: Name: Current address: Website (If applicable): City: Phone (Main): 12.8 Signatures Postal Code: Email: I authorize the verification of the information provided on this form. Signature of main applicant: Signature of team members (only if for a joint membership): Date: Date: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 11 APPENDIX A The proposed site contains many existing elements that include concrete slabs as the base. The site is situated to the left of the front doors when exiting the police stations main doors and adjacent to the proposed site is 25th street. Due to the closeness of the building and the street, there are lampposts that provide light and designated sidewalks that ensure easy accessibility to the CAI. There are several benches provided for people to sit and meditate if needed. Photos Courtesy of Saskatoon Police Service Shai Gil Fotography courtesy of CS&P Architects REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 12
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