Bulletin - Murray Street Baptist Church

Sunday, January 18, 2015
The Church with Heart
in the Heart of the City
175 Murray St.
Peterborough, ON
K9H 2S7
705-745-4376 (phone & fax)
or 705-745-4744
Twitter: @murraystbaptist
Find Us on Facebook – Follow Us on Twitter
Senior Minister: Rev. Dale R. Soble
Director of Music: Nola Wilson
Minister to Seniors: Rev. Evelyn Moore
Outreach Worker: Casey O. Watson
Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec
January 18, 2015
8:00 am Breakfast Church
10:30 am Worship
Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high
priest whom we confess. Hebrews 3:1 (Daily Wisdom NIV)
Entering Into Worship
Invitation to Worship
Rise Up, O Church of God
vs. 1 & 4 #433
*Songs of Praise and Worship: Shout to the North
My Life Is in You Lord
Not Be Shaken
Greeting Time
Hearing and Engaging God’s Word
Time with Young Worshipers
Colossians 2: 6 - 23
All That I Am
Sermon: Why Do You Live as if You Belonged to the World? Rev. Soble
Responding to God’s Presence
*Congregational Response in Song:
Let It Be Said of Us
Our Gifts, Tithes and Offerings:
*Presentation of Offering & Prayer: I Will Bless Thee vs. 1 #174
Congregational Prayers & The Lord’s Prayer
Blessed and Sent
*Closing Song:
God of Grace and God of Glory
Choral Amen
* If able, please stand where indicated.
“Almighty God and Creator, forgive me. Holy Spirit, fill me. Son of God, cleanse my heart. I want to yield
to your control. I want to be faithful in every season of life. I want to be spiritually wise in what I say and
do. I want you, O LORD, to have influence and control so that others can know your grace. In Jesus’
name, I ask for these mercies. Amen.” (Spiritfire by Heartlight)
If you would like Intercessory Prayer following the service, please speak to Rev. Soble, Casey Watson, Rev.
Moore, or a deacon. They’d be happy to help.
We warmly welcome you to Murray Street Baptist Church this morning. If this is your first visit,
please sign one of our Guest Books (in Webb Hall or the narthex). Please join us in Webb Hall for light
refreshments following worship.
Praying Together: Praying Together is an opportunity for those interested in praying for our church and for others
who have concerns that need prayer. All are welcome to gather on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Quiet Room.
( Recovering at home: Audrie Boulet, Lyn Draper
ŠHappy Birthday to Linda Williams (21st), Justine Poser (23rd)
i A Big Thank You to Casey Watson for helping to take down the Christmas decorations. Sharron Hatton
! My many thanks to all of you for your prayers, cards, phone calls, and food during my recent surgery and
convalescence. The poinsettia was so beautiful, and the cosy shawl has been in service every day!! I’m so blessed
to have such a caring church family. Audrie Boulet
• Please make the following change in your Church Directory: New Address for Catherine Allen Summit Terrace, #307-1802 Cherryhill Rd., Peterborough, ON, K9K 0G4, phone number remains the same.
NEEDED: Ushers are needed for our Sunday services and other special occasions. Please consider volunteering
for this ministry and speak to Rev. Soble or Sharron Hatton if you’d like to help. Thanks in advance for your
Devotional Day Planners from the Bible League of Canada are available on the Literature Table in Webb Hall for a suggested
donation of $2.50. They contain Scripture verses and a plan for reading through the Bible in a year.
A draft copy of the 2015 Church Directory has been placed on the Literature Table in the Library. Please
check your listing TODAY and make any necessary changes. Thanks very much for your help to keep our
directory up to date.
Murray Street Events
Tuesday, January 20 @ 12:30 pm: Baptist Women will meet for a shared lunch – bring a few extra sandwiches,
fruit, vegetables, or a sweet to share with others. The meeting will begin at 1:30 pm with Elizabeth Eaton from
Library Services. Did you know that these services are available at home? Outreach: children’s vitamins for Ptbo.
Medical Brigade are needed. All women are invited to this event.
• Revised Date for submissions to the Mirror: Monday, January 26 (earlier if possible. February 8 is the
targeted publication date.
• Sunday, February 22, 2015: Congregational Meeting following the worship service.
Nursery & Toddlers Schedule
Today: Debbie McCulloch
January 25: Sharron Hatton & Jeff Boulet
“A blind, anemic, weak-kneed flea on crutches would have a greater chance of defeating a herd of a thousand
wild stampeding elephants, than the enemy has of defeating God.” Ray Comfort (Quotemeal)
Tai Chi Classes: You are cordially invited to come for a demonstration of our Tai Chi program. We
meet at MSBC on the following days and times:
Monday - 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday - 9:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Thursday - 9:30 a.m.
Friday - 10:00 a.m.
Call the group leader, George Kerr, at 705-750-0827, if you have questions.
JAVA JIVE will be performing at the NEXICOM STUDIO at Showplace on Sunday, February 1 at 2:00 P.M. The
concert is in support of the Friends of Honduran Children’s Education Scholarship Fund. Most Honduran
children cannot afford to attend school beyond Grade 6. The scholarship fund helps more children to complete
their education. Concert tickets are $25 each and are available at the Showplace box office at 705-742-7089 or
online at www.showplace.org.
January 19
9:30 am:
Heart to Heart Bible Study
3:00 pm:
ALS Support Group meeting
7:00 pm:
Deacons Committee meeting
January 20
9:15-11:00 am: The Closet (women)
10:00 am:
Staff Meeting
12:30 pm:
Baptist Women meeting (see above for details)
1-4:00 pm:
Watercolour Art Class
6:30 pm:
Beavers: Bowling - meet & pick-up @ Bowlerama; Cubs: Surprise! Red Flower
January 22
10-11:00 am: The Closet (men)
6:30 pm:
7:00 pm:
Choir practice
January 25
8-9:00 am:
Breakfast Church
10:30 am:
Worship. Rev. Dale Soble preaching. Sermon: New Life in Christ. Scripture: Colossians 3: 1-17.
6:00 pm:
Church in the City (see insert)
Community Groups Using Our Facilities
Alternatives Community Program Services, ALS Society, Bereaved Families of Ontario, Downtown Youth Space
program, FourCast Housing Drop-In, Lighthouse Drop-In, NA meetings, Peterborough County City Health Unit,
PRHC Peer Support Group, Peterborough Singers, Tai Chi classes, Warming Room