Prathama Bank, Head Office, Ramganga Vihar Phase-II Moradabad (U.P.) Tender Document Tender Reference Number: PBHO/PMD/ 01/Outsource for Sweeping, Cleaning & Maintenance at our Bank /2015 HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES CONTRACT 2015-16 (Sweeping, Cleaning & Maintenance at our Bank Branches/offices) 1 Invitation for tender offers Prathama Bank invites sealed tender offers (technical and commercial offer) from eligible, reputed and interested Man power Service Providers for Sweeping, Cleaning &Maintenance at their branches/offices in Moradabad, Amroha, Rampur & Sambhal districts in Uttar Pradesh under its area of operation. A complete set of tender document may be down loaded by the eligible agencies/companies/vendors from the website The copy of tender document may be obtained from Head Office of Prathama Bank on all working days in person with in office hours. The details are given below: Tender Reference 01/2015-16/H0-PMD/Tenders/2015-16 Bid For Providers Manpower Services for Sweeping , cleaning & maintenance of our Branches/offices Date of commencement of Tender document 21.01.2015 Last Date and Time for receipts of Tender offers Address for Tender submission. Date & time of opening of Technical bid Date & time of opening of Financial Bid 05.02.2015 up to 5:00 pm. Prathama Bank, Head Office, Ram Ganga Vihar, Phase-II, Moradabad – 244001 (UP) 06.02.2015 at 11:00 A.M. 06.02.2015 at 03.00 P.M. Venue of Opening of Tender Prathama Bank, Head Office, Ram Ganga Vihar, Phase-II, Moradabad(UP) Email address Contact Number 0591-2455178 Rs.1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand Only) non refundable by Local Cheque / Demand Draft in favor of “Prathama Bank” payable at Moradabad (U.P.). In case the tender is down loaded from website, the amount should be Submitted along with the prequalification Bid. Rs. 25,000/= (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) by Demand Draft from a Scheduled Bank in favour of “Prathama Bank” payable at Moradabad (U.P.) . The EMD should be Submitted along with the prequalification Bid. Cost of Tender Document Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) /Security Deposits (N. Sekhar) General Manager 2 RFP: 01 / 2015-16/HO-PMD/TENDERS/2015-16 Date: 20.01.2015 To All Eligible Contractors Dear Sir, Sub: Sweeping, Cleaning & Maintenance functions at our Branches / Regional Offices / Head Office – Requirement - approximate number of requirement is 310 The Bank is a Regional Rural Bank having network of 310 Branches/offices in Moradabad, Amroha, Sambhal, & Rampur districts of Uttar Pradesh State. It is proposed to outsource the Sweeping, Cleaning and Maintenance functions by engaging Organizations/Agencies involved in providing these services for the Branches and Offices of the Bank. The Bank require Manpowe r services as f ollows: 01. For 3 Hours duration /day at 280 branches/offices. 02. For Full day duration /day at 30 branches/offices. We request comprehensive proposal (sealed tenders) from the Ma n P o we r o u t s o u rci n g contractors/agencies/organizations for providing of said services as per the details furnished in this document. The terms and conditions, format for technical bid and financial bid for providing the services are enclosed. The filled in formats shall be submitted in sealed covers in the name of “The Chairman, Prathama Bank, Head Office, Ram Ganga Vihar, Phase II, Moradabad- 244001”. The Technical bids and financial bids are to be submitted separately by mentioning the words “Technical bid”/”Financial bid” on the respective covers specifically. Only those bids which satisfy the technical specifications will be considered. The last date for receipt of Sealed Quotations is 05.02.2015 at 5.00PM. The technical bids & financial bids will be opened by the committee constituted by the Bank for this purpose. The committee’s decision to reject/accept bids will be final. No personal enquiry will be entertained. Yours faithfully, (N. SEKHER) GENERAL MANAGER Encl: 1) Terms and Conditions 2) Annexure-I-Bid form 3) Annexure-II-Bid Security form 4) Annexure-III-Letter of authorization to bid 5) Annexure-IV Technical Bid 6) Annexure-V-Format for financial bid 3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRE- REQUISITE: Disclaimer: This Request for Proposal (RFP) is not an offer by Prathama Bank, but an invitation to receive response from Manpower outsourcing Contractors/Organizations/Agencies. No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the RFP process unless and until a formal contract is signed and executed by duly authorized officers of Bank with the contractors. AUTHORISATION FORM: The proposal/ bid being submitted would be binding on the contractor. As such it is necessary that authorized personnel of the firm or organization sign the BID. The designated personnel should be authorized by a senior official of the organization having authority to do so. The proposal must be accompanied with an undertaking letter duly signed by the designated personnel providing a bid commitment. The letter should also indicate the complete name and designation of the designated personnel. Necessary resolutions/ authority available shall be enclosed. If proposals are submitted through the business partners etc., a separate "LETTER OF AUTHORISATION TO BID" on behalf of the main contractor/s with a commitment to fulfill the terms of the RFP should be enclosed along with the technical bid. Proposals received without the authorization letter/s will be summarily rejected. FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS MAY PLEASE BE TAKEN NOTE OF IN THIS CONNECTION. Bid Offer IN DUPLICATE shall be submitted. Technical Bid shall be submitted in one sealed cover and Price Bid shall be submitted in separate SEALED cover. BID SECURITY The contractor shall furnish, as part of its bid, a bid security for an amount of Rs 25,000/-(Rupees Twenty five thousand only) for participation in the form of Demand Draft. The Bid Security should be enclosed in original with the " Technical Bid". The successful Contractor's Bid Security will be discharged and returned upon the Contractor signing the contract & furnishing the Performance Security. Unsuccessful Contractor's Bid Security will be discharged or returned as promptly as possible, but not later than 30 days after the expiration of the period of bid validity prescribed by the purchaser. 4 The bid security may be forfeited: (i) If a contractor withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity; or (ii) In case of a successful Contractor, if the Contractor fails: a) to sign the Contract within the stipulated time: or b) fails to comply any terms of RFP or work order Bid should be submitted in 2 (two) separate sealed envelopes, one Financial Bid and other Technical Bid clearly mentioning on top of envelope 'Financial Bid' or 'Technical Bid’, duly super-scribing the envelope with the reference number of this letter. Technical Bid will be opened first. If the offer is non-responsive, Financial Bid will be returned unopened. The Technical Bid should necessarily contain all details and terms & conditions, which may appear in the Financial Bid. All pages of the proposal should be numbered in the format "Page No. X / Total Pages Y" and counter signed by the authorized official. Envelope 1: this sealed envelope shall contain application and Earnest Money / S e c u r i t y Deposit covering letter and all other information pertaining to bidder as called for in Annexure-IV and shall be super scribed as “Technical Bid” Envelope 2: This sealed envelope shall contain only the price bid and super scribed as “Financial bid” as called for in Annexure-V. Both these envelops shall be kept in one envelope and shall be super scribed as Tender for housekeeping (sweeping, cleaning and Maintenance) manpower services contract. Please note that if any envelope is found to contain both technical and commercial offer together, that offer will be rejected summarily. Last Date: The last date for submitting the proposals along with Bid Security is 05.02.2015 by 5.00PM. Any proposal received after the due date and time will not be considered. The bids complete in all aspects should be submitted to Prathama Bank Head Office ,Premises & Maintenance Department, Moradabad , within the above stipulated date. Technical Specifications (Technical Specifications and Technical Details) are to be furnished item wise. Please furnish full details, ensuring strict conformity with the specifications in every respect, in order to avoid ambiguity. Relevant Detailed information shall be submitted for each item with the proposal. Financial Bid :: To be submitted as per format in annexure-V 5 The Bank may at its discretion increase/decrease the requirement up to 35% or split the order among contractors within the validity period of the bid. If the work order is split between contractors, the performance security deposit got split and may be submitted by the contractor according to the % of share of work-order received from the Bank. The bank reserves the right to split the order at the sole discretion of the Bank between L1& L2 in the maximum ratio 50% & 50% respectively provided L2 match the price of L1.In case L2 bidder does not match the price with L1 bidder, under the RFP the Bank has an option to make an offer to L3 bidder and so on and so on and so forth. In case all the technically qualified bidders match the price of L1, the Bank reserves the right to split the order among bidders equally/proportionately. Clarifications needed, if any may be sought from the bank immediately. Bank reserves the right to reject this invitation to offer in part or full, or cancel the entire process at any stage without assigning any reason. Scope of work: Man Power Services to be provided is listed out hereunder: Once in a day : 1. Sweeping and moping the complete area in the premises occupied. 2. Dusting of table, chairs and other Office furniture. 3. Brushing of carpets and vacuum cleaning of carpets. 4. Watering of indoor/outdoor plants, if any. 5. Daily removal of waste material 6. Cleaning of water filters, flasks and glass. 7. Cleaning of water coolers and refilling, if any. 8. Loading and unloading of materials 9. Any other work entrusted by the Branch Manager/ Departmental Head from time to time. Thrice in a Day :: Cleaning of toilets with appropriate cleaning agents Once in a Week :: 1. Cleaning of Fans, Tube lights, Venetian blades etc. 2. Cleaning of glasses and laminated surfaces. 3. Cleaning of A/C air filters 4. Cob webbing for the complete area in the premises occupied. 6 OTHER IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTRACT FORM & SECURITY DEPOSIT: Within Ten (10) days of receipt of the format of Contract Form, which will be sent along with the work order, the successful Contractor shall sign and date the contract and return it to the Bank. The Performa of the Contract Agreement will be provided along with the work order, which needs to be signed on Rs.100/- value Non-Judicial Stamped paper after receipt of work order. Within Ten (10) days of the receipt of work order from the Bank, the successful Contractor shall furnish the performance security for Rs.10.00 lacs valid in the format prescribed. Performance security shall be for the contract period + 3 months. Failure of the successful Contractor to comply with the requirement of executing Contract and submitting SECURITY DEPOSIT shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security, in which event the Bank may make the award to the next lowest evaluated contractor or call for new bids. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT: The Bank, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the contractor, may terminate this Contract in whole or in part: If the contractor fails to provide sufficient services within the period(s) specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the Bank. If the contractor fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract SUPPLIER'S OBLIGATIONS: The successful contractor is responsible for managing the activities of its personnel or subcontracted personnel and will hold itself responsible for any misdemeanors. The successful contractor will treat as confidential all data and information about the Bank, obtained in the execution of his responsibilities, in strict confidence and will not reveal such information to any other party without the prior written approval of the Bank. Other terms & conditions: a) Contract will be initially for a period of one year and may be extended on the same terms on mutual consent . b) The contractor’s staff shall not misbehave with any of the Bank’s staff members/ customers and will not enter into any unlawful activities in the premises c) Bank staff/security staff will have the right to check/search or interrogate any of the contractor’s staff while entering/working/leaving the premises. d) The contractor shall issue identity cards to their workers on the contractor’s ID Cards. No person without this card shall be allowed any entry in to the Bank’s premises. e) All the workers will attend the work in proper uniform with emblem/name of the firm embroidered at the cost of contractor. f) The points mentioned in the scope of work will be done to the satisfaction of the Bank and in time. g) The payment shall be made on monthly basis for which the contractor shall have to raise a bill. The contractor should have TIN No. Service Tax No etc as per Govt Guidelines. h) The rate shall remain same throughout the contract period and no extra amount shall be paid in case Bank ask to carry any work related to specialized cleaning on any day. 7 i) j) k) There will be no increase in the rate during the contracted period. However, minimum wages may be increased as per U.P. Minimum Wage Act . The contractor has to ensure that minimum wages are being paid to the skilled and unskilled work force and he has to produce the requisite certificate of depositing the desired amount of deductions ie.PF/ESIC etc. as per labour act with appropriate authorities. Monthly payment after every quarter shall be released only after receipt of PF&ESI counterfoil/letter showing deposited the requisite amount with respective competent authorities. Contractor/Service Provider to ensure that rates quoted by him fulfill the minimum wages criteria as fixed by the local State Govt. If the Bank feels that the rates quoted do not fulfill the minimum wages criteria clause, the bid shall be rejected out-rightly. l) Contractor/Service Provider to ensure that the wages of their workforce engaged by the Bank is credited to their respective bank account. m) The Contractor shall bear all the costs and expenses in respect of all charges, stamp duties etc. relating to the contract, documents etc. to be signed. n) The contractor shall be responsible for the wellbeing and health of the manpower provided . The Contractor shall pay a security deposit for Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs only) to the Bank within 10 days of the receipt of work order and prior to commencement of service under the contract. The Security Deposit may be in the form of Deposit with the Bank or in the form of Bank Guarantee from a reputed Bank. The Bank shall be entitled to adjust or appropriate or forfeit the said security deposit towards loss or damage caused by the Contractor or his employees or the amount of value of shortage or breakage to any premises, equipments, appliances, items etc. entrusted to or caused to other assets of Bank by the Contractor or his employees or any other liability of the Contractor. The security deposit will be released after three months of termination /expiry of contract. In case, the Contractor assigns or sub-contracts this contract without written approval of the Bank or in case the performance of the Contractor is found unsatisfactory in case of contravention by the contractor of any of the terms & conditions contained herein and Schedules hereto, the Bank shall have the right to terminate the contract without giving any notice to the Contractor. The Chairman of the Bank shall be the sole authority to decide and judge the quality of service rendered by the Contractor and his decision will be fully binding on the Contractor. The Successful Contractor shall execute an indemnity bond against the loss/damage sustained during the period of contact caused by the personnel outsourced by that particular Contractor/Agency. The indemnity holds good and binds over the contractor, if the information about the said loss/damage is unearthed even after the contract period. 8 Terms of Payment: Payment will be made by the Bank against the acquaintance/invoice and on production of satisfactory evidences of EPF, ESI & Other statutory remittances. Payment will be credited directly to the account of the Contractor and the Contractor shall maintain account with our Bank for this purpose. Arbitration: All disputes and differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the purchase order shall be referred to arbitration under MORADABAD Jurisdiction. The arbitrator may be appointed by both the parties or in case of disagreement each party may appoint an arbitrator and the decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final. Such arbitration has to be governed by the provisions of Indian Arbitration Act. 9 Annexure- I BID FORM Ref. No………………… Place: .......... Date : ........... To, The Chairman, Prathama Bank Head Office, Ram Ganga Vihar Phase II Moradabad 244001 Dear Sir, Having examined the Request for Proposal (RFP): ----------------------------------------------, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the personnel for sweeping, cleaning & maintenance of your Branches/ Offices in conformity with the said RFP for the sum mentioned in the Price Bid or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of Prices attached and made part of this Bid. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to provide personnel/labour in accordance with the Schedule specified. We agree to abide by this bid for a period of 180 days from the last date of submission of Bid and the Bid shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof and your Notification of Award, shall constitute a binding Contract between us. We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely "Prevention of Corruption Act 1988". Commissions or gratuities, if any paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Bid, and to contract execution if we are awarded the contract, are listed below: Name & address of agent, Amount & currency, gratuity * (If none, state none) Purpose of commission or We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive. Dated this of ................. 2015 (Signature) (In the capacity of) Duly Authorized to sign bid for & on behalf of (Name & Address of the Contractor) 10 Annexure-II BID SECURITY FORM Whereas called “the Contractor”) has submitted its Bid dated 2015 for providing Manpower services______________________ (hereinafter called “the Bid”) KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE of having our Registered Office at (hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound to Prathama Bank, Premises maintenance Department, Head Office, Moradabad-244001 (hereinafter called “the Principal employer”) in the sum of for which payment well and truly to be made to the said contractor, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this day of 2015. THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are: If the Contractor withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Contractor on the Bid Form; or If the Contractor, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Principal employer during the period of Bid validity. Fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form if required; or Fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the terms of the Bid. We undertake to pay the Principal employer up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the Principal employer having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Principal employer will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including -----------------, 2015, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date. (Signature and Seal of Bank) 11 Annexure-III LETTER OF AUTHORISATION TO BID No. ……........................ Dated: / /2015 The Chairman, Prathama Bank, Head Office, Ram Ganga Vihar Phase II, Moradabad-244001 Dear Sir, Sub: Letter of Authorization to bid for Prathama Bank’s RFP floated for providing manpower services requirements. We M/s …................................ (Name and address of the Agency) hereby authorize …..................... (Name and Address of Agents), our Business Partner/Authorized representative to submit a bid, and sign the contract on behalf of us for all the requirements by the bank as called for vide the bank’s request for proposal reference no. …………………….. Dated ……..…... 2015 Yours faithfully, (NAME) (Name of principal contractor on whose behalf the proposal is submitted) Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the principal contractor/agency/organization on whose behalf the proposal is submitted and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the principal. It should be included by the Contractor in its bid. 12 ANNEXURE-IV TECHNICAL BID (Supporting documents with appropriate S. No. to be submitted) S.No Particulars 1 Full Name of the Company Organization/Agency / Contractor 2 Constitution 3 Complete Address To be filled by the participant / Proprietorship / partnership/company Telephone/Mobile No. Fax E-mail address 4 Details of – Name Address Tel./Mob. No. E-mail Proprietor Managing Partner Managing Director (whether Proprietary/Partnership/Co. 5 6 7 8 Pvt. Ltd./ Pub. Ltd. (certificate or Registration/ Partnership Deed, MOA/AOA to be enclosed) Name and Address of the Contact Persons & Phone/Mobile Nos. The agency / Organization shall be in the business of providing Manpower services for sweeping, cleaning and maintenance of Branch/office premises Year of Establishment of the Company/Firm INCOME TAX PAN No. (with date) 1. 2. 3. TAN No. (with date) The agency should have effective infrastructure to provide the personnel required. The agency should credible supervisory infrastructure & network. Total Number of workmen employed / on the roll of the company. 9 Number & date of license issued under Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition Act 1970, if applicable) 10 Details of EMD/Security Deposit 11 EPF No. with date …………………………………………………………… …. We confirm that no minor is employed by our firm/s ESI No. with date Service Tax No. with date 13 12 Main Clients (Present) Address & responsible person with cadre & Mob. No. 1. 2. 3. 13 Turnover during last 2 financial years (without any constitution) change in 2012-13 2013-14 the (Attach self attested documentary proof like IT Return, Balance Sheet etc.) 14 Registration No. under shop Establishment Act. with certificate & I confirm that provisions of Minimum Wages Act in the State of UTTAR PRADESH will be complied with during the contract period. Verification: I verify that all the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in case of furnishing of any false information or suppression of any material information, the bid shall be liable for rejection besides initiation of penal proceedings by the bank, if it deems fit. Signature of the Contractor with Seal 14 Annexure-V FORMAT FOR FINANCIAL BID Description Administrative charges of manpower service provider as % of wage expenses on Man Power provided Contractor’s quote % Note :: 01. Wage expenses on Man power Service provided should be claimed as per U.P. Govt./Central Govt. norms of minimum wages prescribed from time to time. (minimum wages Act of UP Govt. + EPF 13.61% +ESI 4.75%) 02. The Manpower requirement is for* 280 Branches/offices for 3 Hours/day * 30 Branches /offices for Full day We abide by the terms and conditions of the bid. SIGNATURE OF THE CONTRACTOR WITH SEAL 15
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