ARES Announcements - Marion County Amateur Radio Emergency

Marion County Ham Radio Announcements January 21, 2014
Wednesday’s 7:30PM 146.700 repeater
NCS for Aug 3 is Sam – WA9VBG, NCS for Aug 10 is Brent – K9CFEN17 is Mike –
WWW.MCINARES.ORG and click NET INFO on the main page
Holding the ARES net on the 146.700 repeater is made possible thru the courtesy of the Indianapolis Repeater Association. If
you enjoy using this repeater and are not a member, please consider joining. For more information, log on to
Feeding Frenzies
The Amateur Radio Lunch Bunch will meet on Friday January 23rd at 11:30 AM at Formosa Seafood and
Chinese Buffet located at 6304 East 82nd Street.
The W9ICE Lunch Group will meet on Friday January 23rd at 11:15 AM at Down Home Cookin’ located at
2621 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street.
The Amateur Radio Lunch Bunch will meet on Monday January 26th at 11:30 AM at Kinsey’s Italian Café
located at 6383 West Broadway in McCordsville, Indiana.
Local VE Testing
In Marion County on Saturday February 14th at 12 PM at the Salvation Army EDS Facility located at 4020
Georgetown Road. Walk-ins are welcome and the testing fee is $15. For more information contact Jim Rinehart
by email at
In Johnson County on Saturday February 21st at 9 AM at the Johnson County EMA office located at 8468 East
21st. Walk-ins are welcome and the testing fee is $15. For more information contact Rhonda Curtis by email at
Local Club Meetings
The Indianapolis Repeater Association will hold its Annual meeting on Monday January 26th at 7 PM at
George’s Neighborhood Grill located at 6935 Lake Plaza Drive. Elections for new board members will be held
at this meeting. For more information please go to
The Indianapolis Radio Club will meet on Friday February 13th at 7:30 PM at Ivy Tech Community College in
the IFC Building in Room 101-2. More information can be found at
The Mid-State Amateur Radio Club will meet on Saturday February 21st at 8:00 AM at the Johnson County
EMA office located at 1101 Hospital Road in Franklin. More information can be found at
Marion County ARES Training
The Marion County ARES Training Program will resume on Saturday January 31, 2015 at 9:00 AM at the
Regional Operations Center Community Room located at 201 N. Shadeland Avenue. The topic for this training
session will be Fundamentals of Public Service Communication. This training is open to all Amateurs; we do
ask that you RSVP with your name and callsign to or by registering at
and selecting the January Registration tab on the main page
Local Hamfests
The Brownsburg Hamfest will take place on Saturday February 14th from 7 AM to 3 PM at the American
Legion Post 331 located at 630 East Main St in Brownsburg. Admission is $5. For more information go to
IN SECTION ARES HF VOICE NET This net is held EVERY Sunday at 5 PM ET. It is held on or about
3.900 LSB. All ARES members are welcome to check in.
INDIANA TRAFFIC NET The morning session of the Indiana Traffic Net is held on 3.910 at 8:30 AM
Eastern time. The evening net is held on 3.940 at 6:00 PM Eastern time. All amateurs are welcome. If you
have an interest in traffic handling, tune in as they are always looking for traffic handlers and net control
The Indiana HF Digital Net is held every Wednesday at 8:30 PM ET using Olivia 8/500 and is held on or
about 3.583 USB.
The Marion County ARES Packet Net is held on the first and third Wednesday’s of the month, immediately
following the voice net. For more information on this net go to and select the Net Info tab
on the main page.
The Indianapolis Radio Club 220 net is held every Tuesday at 8:00 PM on the 224.800 repeater with an 88.5
PL with the 2 meter portion temporarily held immediately following on the 146.880 repeater.
The Indiana State D-Star net is held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM on the 444.125 repeater
which is connected to reflector 24 Bravo.
The 6meter FM Experimental Net is still on the air using the 52.700 repeater. It is held every Thursday at
The Shelby County Net is held every Monday at 7:30 PM on the 145.480 repeater.
The Hendricks County Net is held every Tuesday at 7:30 PM on the 147.015 repeater.
The Hancock County Net is held every Tuesday at 7:30 PM on the 145.330 repeater.
The Morgan County Net is held every Wednesday at 8:00 PM on the 147.060 repeater with an 88.5 PL tone.
The Rush County Net is held every Thursday at 7:30 PM on the 147.000 repeater with a 127.3 PL tone.
The Boone County Net is held every Thursday at 8:00 PM on the 147.105 repeater with a 77.0 PL tone.
The Johnson County Net is held every Sunday at 7:00 PM on the 146.835 repeater with a 151.4 PL tone.
The Hamilton County Net is held every Sunday at 8:00 PM on the 145.170 repeater with a 77.0 PL tone.