Registrations Our programs How? or in person. Where? McKernan Junior High School. (11330, 76 Avenue N.W.) When? Jan 13th 7-9 pm, and 17th 10am-12pm. Winter 2015 Levels: Taught in: Basic Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Beginners Elementary I Elementary II Early Bird Special Deal Available NOW!! English/Spanish Course schedule (Winter 2015, adult program only) Intermediate courses Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Intermediate I Intermediate II The Subjunctive Mood Mostly Spanish Saturdays 10:00 am – 12:30 pm (Ten classes: January 24th to March 28th) Advanced level AC Tuesdays 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm (Ten classes: January 20th to March 24th) Build Communication Skills Spanish Recovery costs (Includes GST) HISP ANIC CLUB Run by students, alumni and school staff, the Hispanic Club fosters social, cultural and educational activities. We encourage our students to take every opportunity to pair up and practice their Spanish outside of their classrooms. Attendance is voluntary and free of charge. Adults: Seniors (Aged 60 and over) $ 220* $ 180** Early Bird Special: $200 – general registration $140 – seniors (60+) $140 – students (ID required) ($20 more in each category after January 17th) Policies The Association follows the general guidelines described in our “General Policies sheet”, concerning: a) Student entitlements and responsibilities b) Terms of registration c) Withdrawal from our program d) Payment and refunds e) Class attendance Please ask for a copy and read it before you register. Students need to sign their conformity in the “Application for Registration” form. Textbook and workbook are purchased separately: “Embarque 1”, manual and exercise book ($55) For levels 1, 2, and 3 “Embarque 2”, manual and exercise book ($55) For levels 4, 5, and 6 Optional material Additional and complementary lessons for each course level can be purchased online, including complete access to the publisher’s website. Optional material is purchased on a term basis (6, 12, or 18 months). Price varies according to the term. Note: EHBA may have a limited number of used copies of these materials for re-sale at reduced prices. Please ask our volunteers about this option at the registration desk. Acceptable forms of payment: cheque, Paypal, or cash. (EHBA is a self-sustaining not-for-profit association group and receives no public or outside funds). Edmonton Hispanic Bilingual Association Asociación Bilingüe Hispánica de Edmonton Le ar n a new l an gua g e Spanish LANGUAGE & CULTURE Winter 2015 W hil e e xp er i en cin g n ew f l av or s Classes are held at: McKernan Junior High School 11330, 76 Avenue N.W. An d a dif f e r ent cu lt u re Al l in one! General information and registration materials are available at: Need more information? Please call us or send us an email! Tel : 780-472-0532 Mailing Address Edmonton Hispanic Bilingual Association P.O. Box 60-007 U of A Postal outlet Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2S4 Winter Session January 20th to March 28th 2015
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