Invent, Innovate & Improvise to become Global Pioneers!!!! Leadership in innovation and new technology for transforming you into global champion. B H A R A T 2020 M A KE IN INDI A Gear up with your robots to propel our dearest Prime Minister – Hon'ble Narendra Modiji's initiative ‘MAKE IN INDIA' Organized by CBSE School Supported by Venue: MAEER's MIT Pune Vishwashanti Gurukul Nivasi School Wakhari, Pandharpur / Contact: 7350000801 / 7350000802 / 9552524629 / 7720049902 / 9272206100 23rd & 24th January 2015. R O B O C O N J R.2015 BHARAT 2020 - MAKE IN INDIA Invent, Innovate & Improvise to become Global Pioneers!!!! Robocon Junior is a national level robotics competition for school kids. It is being organised by MAEER's MIT Pune, Vishwashanti Gurukul Nivasi School, Pandharpur in association with MAEER's MIT Academy of Engineering (MITAOE) and Doordarshan Sahyadri. R O B O C O N J R.2015 BHARAT 2020 - MAKE IN INDIA The objectives of the Robocon Jr. are • To include an understanding and appreciation of robotics and automation amongst school going children. • To create awareness among the school children on the various actions that robots can perform which are fairly different than the industrial tasks • To help in the technological development from the tender age by providing a platform to practice robotics. • To encourage innovation in design among young kids and provide them with a forum that displays their work. ROBOCON Jr. 2015 aims at promoting new talent and sparking interest in children for Robotics The goal is to create awareness and enable children to build robots using pioneering techniques and break new barriers by year 2020. As responsible citizens of India, we should contribute in the best possible manner towards this pathbreaking initiative. Hence, through this edition of Robocon 2015 we would like to provide a platform to the children to understand the importance of this campaign “MAKE IN INDIA” with Zero defect robots which are indigenous, practical and environment friendly. COMPETITION Theme: Bharat 2020 MAKE IN INDIA ROBOCON Jr. 2015 has two categories: Junior category : students studying in class 3rd to 5th Senior Category: students studying in class 6th to 9 th & 11th • The students studying in classes 3 to 9 & 11 are eligible to be a part of the team for this competition. • Arena layout and Game Rules manual will be provided during the boot camps after registration along with the Robotic kit. • Please note that there will be two members / participants in each team from the same category. • All teams could be nominated by the schools where the kids are studying or they could register independently. • Team members can be from the same or different schools. • All the participants will be trained in the Boot Camp by experts in electronics and robotics field. • Boot camp will be organized at selected cities. The detailed information about the same will be available on the website after 5th December 2014. • Registration fee include Take away Robotic Kit/s. Note: Each game will be moderated & received by a panel of judges. Points will be awarded in each game using respective points chart. Rule book & points chart for each competition will be provided earlier for preparation. REGISTRATION, TRAINING AND COMPETITION FLOW CHART Invent, Innovate & Improvise to become Global Pioneers!!!! R O B O C O N To confirm your participation by registering your names with our Marketing Executive or by sending your names through email to Along with cash / demand draft drawn in favour of MAEER's Vishwashanti Gurukul, Wakhari, Pandharpur for Rs. 2000/- each towards Registration Fee. All the registered children will be trained at the boot camps by experts for pre-competition preparations. J R.2015 All these registered and trained children will compete at Robocon Jr. 2015 to be held at VGS-Pandharpur on January 23rd & 24th 2015. BHARAT 2020 - MAKE IN INDIA Glimpses of Robocon Jr.2014 REGISTER NOW th LAST DATE: November 30 2014 For registration contact: 7350000801 / 7350000802 / 9552524629 / 7720049902 / 9272206100 Organized by CBSE School PANDHARPUR Supported by Sponsored by On the competition day - Boarding and meals for the participant students and accompanied teacher (1 teacher for 15 students) will be arranged by the host school - i.e MAEER's MIT Pune Vishwashanti Gurukul Nivasi School.
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