2015 Jan 22nd, 2015 ENEWS CALGARY AREA ENEWS Please forward your E-news comments, questions & submissions to marketing@calgarygirlguid es.com Next E-News February 12th, 2015 Please send your requests to E-News to marketing@calgarygirlguid es.com This e-newsletter is designed to forward information to Guiders on a bi-weekly basis. Message from our Area Commissioner Hi everyone. Hasn’t January’s weather been great so far? I hope you are taking advantage of the warmer winter weather to get the girls outside, and put some of the Getting Girls Outside training the trainers and camp advisors put on last year into practice. If you missed out on this or some of the other trainings, why not consider checking out what’s being offered, not only locally but also provincially. We are here to support you. All local trainings are free and Area is willing to pick up a 1/3 of the provincial trainings costs and usually Districts will pick up 1/3 leaving only 1/3 to be paid by the leaders or their unit. Provincial trainings do tend to be longer but offer a stay in a hotel with meals and MEGA ideas. The next big training is in March. Why not come and check it? You might be surprised at who you meet there. Leeanne Smith Register for Spring Ranger Camp Camp is held on March 6-8, 2015 weekend! Open to all Rangers, 3rd Year Pathfinders, and Trex (Girls in grade 9 and up) You may register as individuals or as a unit.Cost $50/girl Please email calgaryrangercamp@gmail.com for a registration package. CALGARY AREA ENEWS TRAINING The Training Committee wants to challenge you! All sessions will be offered at Guide Centre unless otherwise indicated. You MUST register for training sessions by calling the office at 403-283-8348 or email at ggcinfo@calgarygirlguides.com. Provide your name, iMIS number, branch that you lead, District, your phone number, your email address. We have a new Training Challenge crest for 2014/2015. Anytime you take a training session, you can receive a crest. Ask your trainer!! Safe Guide Tuesday, January 27 – 7:00 – 9:30 pm Saturday, February 7 – 9:30 am – noon Wednesday, March 4 – 7:00 – 9:30 pm Safe Guide compliance is part of all of our activities! That’s why it is a mandatory session for all Guiders within your first 6 months. This session is devoted to understanding our responsibility as Members of GGC in ensuring safety while managing risks in activities. We’ll explore the contents of the document – you don’t need to know it all . . . you just need to know what to look for and where to find it! This session is geared to assisting you with that! There are still about 60 (or more) new Guiders who have not completed Safe Guide training. Anyone who registered in September must take Safe Guide before the end of February or in early March in order to continue working with the girls. Understanding the Adult Learner Wednesday, February 11 -7:00 – 9:30 pm Are you interested in becoming a trainer? This is the place to start. We will talk about how adults learn, discuss learning preferences and styles and explore your role in facilitating learning. The session will give you a better understanding of the role of a trainer. Financial Management (new and experienced Treasurers) Monday, February 23 – 7:00 – 9:30 pm Learn to keep your books so that it is easy to keep them balanced and up to date. We will show the paper and the electronic methods of doing the books. You will leave with the knowledge to meet the deadlines to have your books reviewed with no stress. Trainers will come to your District to give sessions to you closer to home. Contact the training committee at training@calgarygirlguides.com to book a training day for your District! Be sure to give about a month’s notice so the best trainers can be found for your sessions. Contact Guide Centre at ggcinfo@calgarygirlguides.com to register for these sessions. ENEWS CALGARY AREA INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE: Check out the newly updated International website at http:// www.calgarygirlguides.com/international.html for information about the new Twinning Countries and Challenges, WAGGGS, Travel Opportunities and other helpful International information. Come by every month for new Instant Meetings and fun travel tips! January Travel Tip: When travelling with extra shoes, stuff socks into them to maximize space in your bag! January Instant Meeting: Afghanistan. Take your unit on a trip to Central Asia with these fun crafts, games and recipes! Questions? Contact international@calgarygirlguides.com Trefoil Guild Members, current and former Guiders, Come join the WestRockers Trefoil Guild to celebrate Thinking Day 2015 Saturday, February 21st 1:00 – 3:00 pm Calgary Guide Centre 2188 Brownsea Drive NW We will accept donations to the Canadian World Friendship Fund and collect new socks for the homeless. No RSVP is required. Uniform is optional. We look forward to welcoming you! Page 3 ENEWS CALGARY AREA Sparklefest! Calgary Area GGC Sparks Day Camp Saturday April 11, 2015 9:30 am – 2:00 pm Centennial House – Camp Jubilee Responsible Guider: Suzanne Collins 403.241.3444 sue.guides@shaw.ca Girls will have fun playing games, doing crafts, and learning some outdoor fun skills. Requirements: Girls must register with a unit The unit must provide ratio and appropriate first aider(s) as per Safe Guide. *Some activities are held outdoors. Girls and adults must dress for the weather and bring their own lunch, including dishes, and water bottle; each participant is responsible for transporting her own garbage home. All Safe Guide Paperwork will be prepared for you, but unit Guiders will be responsible to distribute, collect and return necessary forms to Calgary Area as required. Registration is on a first come, first served basis, for this year we are only accepting 90 girls. Deadline to register: March 20, 2015 Please return this form with your unit’s fee to Calgary Area Guide Centre on or before March 20, 2015. Sparklefest 2015 Sparks Day Camp Registration Form (please print) Unit: _______________________________________________________________________________ District: ____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Guider: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone #:____________________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Payment Enclosed: # of Girls _________ x $5.00 = $ ___________ Form and payment must be returned to the Guide Center by March 20, 2015. Make cheques payable to “Girl Guides of Canada”. Please mark the envelope: “Sparklefest” FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received at Calgary Area: _____________________________________. Receipt Issued: _____________________________ Page 4 ENEWS CALGARY AREA TWINNING 2020 – GUYANA: This Twinning project is very different from what has been done in the past. There is no “giving” component from Canada – it is a partnership between us and our twining country. It is “a WAGGGS pilot partnership to enhance engagement of girls in WAGGGS initiatives, extend adult leadership opportunities through Twinning innovation and to learn, understand and adopt the WAGGGS approach to youth learning”. Our Vision is “A world where girls can easily connect and bring about their own empowerment”. Resource material e.g. provincial/country information and the WTD activities will be put up on the Alberta website and there are plans to create a Twinning 2020 Alberta – Guyana Group Facebook Page monitored by both Alberta Council and Guyana Girl Guides. Check the Area website for information about Guyana and an Instant Meeting coming soon! WORLD THINKING DAY 2015: FEBRUARY 22nd Please consider doing one of the following with your Unit to celebrate Thinking Day with our Twinning partners in Guyana. Take a picture of your unit participating in one of these activities and send it to twinning@albertagirlguides.com. These will be shared with our Guiding sisters in Guyana. Play the WAGGGS Thinking Day Game from the WAGGGS Thinking Day Activity Pack http://www.worldthinkingday.org/en/resources/document/ view/25466 and take an interesting photo. Do one of the activities/questions from the WAGGGS Thinking Day Game. Share your #guidinglight. For example, light a candle, use a spark from two pieces of flint, organize a campfire, a sparkler, even use a flashlight or your mobile phone, or capture the light of the sun! Think of a message you would like to share with this amazing worldwide Movement you are part of on WTD. Your Guiding light ceremony can be small and simple, or make it part of your bigger WTD celebrations. If you have any questions please send them to Enidd Isaac, Alberta Twinning Lead at twinning@albertagirlguides.com Page 5 ENEWS ENEWS CALGARY CALGARY AREA AREA STEM Day for Brownies on March 7th Registration Form Registration opens Monday, Jan. 26th Deliver form and payment to Guide office WHAT: Bring your Brownies for a half day where they will rotate through four stations of fun, hands-on activities and learn that Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are part of the every day world all around us. Stations will be led by enthusiastic and talented science volunteers. The event will complete the requirements of the Alberta STEM Challenge as well as portions of the Key to STEM. Additional information will be provided after you register. WHERE: Guide Centre, 2188 Brownsea Drive NW WHEN: Saturday, March 7, choice of morning or afternoon sessions CONTACT INFORMATION: Brownie Unit Number Contact Adult Name Contact Email Contact Phone Number ATTENDANCE & FEES: This will be a green event. Units must supply Guiders and/or other female adults for 1:8 ratio. The registration fee includes all activities, STEM crest and snack for all participants. Payment is by unit cheque ONLY. Make cheques payable to “Girl Guides of Canada — Calgary Area”. No post-dated cheques. There are no refunds but you may make substitutions. # of Adults Attending @ No Charge # of Brownies Attending @ $8.00 / girl = CHOICE OF SESSION: Units will attend either the morning or the afternoon. Please circle your choice of session. The morning and afternoon sessions will be the same with a maximum of 100 girls per session. Morning Session 9:00 am—Noon First Choice Second Choice Doesn’t matter Afternoon Session 1:00—4:00 pm First Choice Second Choice Doesn’t matter Page 6 ENEWS CALGARY AREA Calling all 3rd Year Guides, Pathfinders, Trex Rangers & Links CALGARY AREA WINTER CAMP Have you been tenting in January??? It’s good freezing fun! Ever played snoccer? Built a quinzee? Boiled ice cubes for water? Come and triple your appreciation of the hot-after-camp shower! JANUARY 30 – FEBRUARY 1, 2015 CAMP MOCKINGBIRD – BUS SERVICE PROVIDED There will be some space available for those who would like to learn some winter skills but aren’t quite ready to brave winter in a tent. Call the Guide Centre to pre-register before Wednesday, January 14TH with a main contact name & number and the number of attendees for your Unit. Registration of $30/girl and forms must be received at the Guide Centre by January 23rd, 2015. Units must bring their own tents and food, as well as provide ratio and first aider. Individual registrants will be paired with other participants. Please contact Alana at (403) 2544963 for additional information. Pre-camp meeting will be 1-3 PM January 18th at Guide Centre. Orientation is MANDATORY for all Guiders and girls attending Winter Camp for the first time. Registration form on following page. Page 7 ENEWS CALGARY AREA Guiding Mosaic 2016 GM 2016 Information Meeting Are you interested in taking a patrol to GM 2016? This meeting will go over information we know to date about the event, how to prepare your patrol, role of the patrol guider and what to expect at camp. People who attended GM 2010, as well as people who know the Camp Woods site, will be there to help answer questions. Dates: Tuesday, Feb.3 – 7:00 pm (register by 4:00 pm Feb. 2) Sunday, Feb. 8 – 2:00 pm (register by 4:00 pm Feb. 6) Please register at (403) 283-8348 or camping@calgarygirlguides.com (name and contact phone number and/or email). Questions? Contact camping@calgarygirlguides.com Preregistration Information Are you Intending to Attend? If so, please refer to the Guiding Mosaic page on the Alberta Girl Guides website (http://www.girlguides.ca/AB/More/ Guiding_Mosaic_2016.aspx). Here you will find two documents “Preregistration and Registration Concerns” and “Guiding Mosaic 2016 Info Sheet” to assist you. More information will be coming out in the next Blueprint and at the Information Meeting listed above. Note: The correct address for our provincial GM Liaison is GM.AB.liaison@shaw.ca who will be happy to answer questions. Page 8
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