2015 ALL CHURCH MINISTRIES GOALS Theme: From Generation to Generation Psalms 145:4 Dear CCUC Members: We are very pleased to present the 2015 all church ministries goals for each multi-site congregations. This year’s goals are related to the 8 core values set forth as part of our mission and vision. Each ministry team has met and set these goals in respect to the needs of their congregations. Also, town hall meetings were held for discussion of these goals (in lieu of the annual All Church Ministries gathering). We know that it is the Holy Spirit which leads and guides us to accomplish these goals. We trust that you will continue to work with the pastoral staff and deacons as we partner together. We covet your prayers and hard work to help accomplish them for His Kingdom. As always, feel free to contact your respective pastoral staff or any of the deacons if you have questions or feedback. We look with anticipation on how God will bless our church through this coming year of 2015. With Christ Blessings, CCUC Deacons and Pastoral Staff I. Eight Core Values II. Priority items of Deacons Board 2015 III. Cantonese Congregation Ministry goals IV. English Congregation Ministry goals V. Mandarin Congregation Ministry goals VI. CCUC-South Ministry goals VII. CCUC-West Ministry goals VIII. Pui Tak Center (David Wu, Executive Director) IX. Outreach Ministry to Pui Tak Center in 2015 (Rev. Dai Vay To) I. EIGHT CORE VALUES The Chinese Christian Union Church was birthed in 1915 to reach the immigrant Chinese population in Chicago for Jesus Christ. The latest census statistics indicate that this population, along with second generation Chinese, continues to flourish and grow. Thus our purpose as a church remains viable in the new millennium. Our vision is to be a Great Commission Church that glorifies God by reaching out to Chinatown, Greater Chicago, and the world at large. Together we seek to be disciples of Christ who reflect His image and impact our world. To achieve this vision, these are the core values that will guide us: A Commitment to Worship. We believe that God created humanity with the capacity to worship and enjoy Him. Worship is that place where the created catch a glimpse of the Almighty Creator and respond with reverence and adoration. "Oh come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker" (Psalm 95:6). Therefore, we are committed to creating a worshipful atmosphere that is God centered, vibrant and inspiring whereby the people of God are ushered into the holy presence of God to worship in Spirit and in truth. A Commitment to Prayer. We believe that God delights in our prayers and that unceasing prayer is essential to an authentic and transforming relationship with Him (1 Thess. 5:17). Prayer is vital for developing a life of faith, deepening our understanding and love for God, and for seeking to know His will. Therefore, we are committed to building a prayer-saturated church where prayer permeates every ministry and is practiced by every member. We will prioritize prayer, both corporate and individual, so that we will be a church totally dependent upon God. A Commitment to Biblical Teaching. We believe that the Bible is God's fully inspired word (2 Tim. 3:16) with ultimate authority for every time and place. It forms the bedrock of our core beliefs and values, and expresses the essence of who God is, who we are, and what we aspire to be as God's children. Therefore, we are committed to sound biblical teaching and preaching so that we will be equipped to share God's truth in the world. A Commitment to Missions. The mission of the church is the Great Commission, a calling to reach the lost of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:18-20). Through both local and global missions (Acts 1:8), God raises up worshippers from every people group through His church. Jesus shared the good news verbally but he also ministered to the physical needs of people, healing the ill and the lame, and feeding the hungry. Therefore we are committed to wholistic missions, with ministry to body, soul and spirit. We will engage both with our local community and with the nations of the world, serving all in the name of Jesus Christ. A Commitment to Discipleship. We believe that discipleship is the act of one person making an intentional impact on the life of another believer to become more like Christ (2 Timothy 2:2). Through a personal relationship with His disciples, Jesus modeled the virtues of one who follows God resulting in positive changes in their values, beliefs and lifestyle. Therefore we are committed to investing resources for the discipleship of all believers of all ages so that they will grow in maturity toward the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:13). A Commitment to Family Ministry. We believe that the church is the household of God (1 Tim. 3:15). As such, it should be multi-generational with people in every stage of life from newborns to senior citizens. Furthermore there should be cross-generational activity that connects us as a church family. Therefore, we are committed to creating a spiritual community where all are cared for and have a place of belonging regardless of age, gender or marital status. A Commitment to Multiculturalism. We are a church family that speaks multiple languages and dialects, and are influenced by both Chinese and western culture. Scripture affirms that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one in Christ (Gal. 3:28). Therefore, while embracing our many differences we also are committed to speaking with one voice as we treat every member and each congregation fairly and equally. A Commitment to Unity. We believe that church unity reflects the triune nature of God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwelling together as one (John 10:30; 2 Cor. 13:14). When believers love one another, their unity provides a powerful and appealing witness to the world. Therefore we are committed to seeking unity in the midst of our diversity as we value each other and seek to use our gifts to work together to build up the body of Christ. Our ultimate desire and vision is to be a Christ-centered church on mission to impact our world. Despite our complexity as a multilingual, multigenerational and multisite church that meets in multiple locations, we seek to move forward as one body as summarized by this statement: Many languages, One voice Many generations, One identity Many places, One home One Church Serving Christ II. Priority Items of CCUC Deacons Board 2015 - proposed 1) Focus on developing the 5 years church plan moving forward. 2) Celebrate the CCUC Centennial Celebration and bring the church together to count God’s blessing and refresh our great commission to share the love of Jesus through All Church Retreat, Anniversary Weekend and other Centennial Celebration activities. 3) With different ministries at CCUC, need unity and a common goal to focus on sharing the gospel and making disciples 4) Deacon election – confirm calling of current deacons and identify new candidates. 5) Pastoral Staff search, especially CCUC-West Pastor. 6) Consolidate changes as a multi-site church. III. CANTONESE CONGREGATION MINISTRY GOALS Worship 1. Aligning morning and noon worship services through adoption of similar format and program and mainly with worship team leading the service. Music program provided by the choir at noon worship service remains unchanged. The basic program sequence of the noon worship service is as follows: Singspiration Worship Team Prayer Pastoral staff/deacon Offering Congregation Special music Choir Message (Sermon topic) Pastor Mark Chan (Bible verses) Response (hymn singing) Congregation Welcome and Announcement Presider Benediction Pastor Mark Chan 2. Sharing Sunday School teachers between two Cantonese congregations so as to maximize teaching resources. --- new Sunday School classes for seniors attending morning service --- new Sunday School classes for younger people attending noon service Discipleship Training 1. Encourage everyone to participate in the "40-day Devotion Plan" that will be introduced in January 2015. This Devotion Plan will also help those involved in discipleship training. 2. Currently there are 34 individuals participating in the Discipleship training plan called "Pass it on". The first session of this plan (Preparation phase) will soon end, after completion of the study of "Disciplemakers' Handbook". The second session is the Practice phase, during which the trainee will take part in visitation and attend Sunday School class for new believers, so as to establish relationship with new believers. 3. The Discipleship training program "Pass it on" will unite all the discipleship training activities, thereby carrying out the Great Commission together. 4. In September 2015, a new cycle of discipleship training will commence. Those who have already completed the first year of training will enter into the next stage. 5. Rev. Johann Lai will lead a seminar on Bible Exposition in February (2/13 - 15, 2015). Church Unity 1. A new couple fellowship ("Grace Fellowship, for those married between 13 - 30 years) has been formed, to complement the other two couple fellowships ("Joshua Fellowship" and "Josiah Fellowship") to promote "fellowship living" together. 2. Youth work: the tutoring classes on Friday of the Nissi Fellowship need more volunteers to tutor, counsel, teach, and do evangelism work. Evangelism 1. "Yuun Fook Home" (Home of Grace and Blessing" is opened every Monday from 10:30 AM through 2:00 PM at Pui Tak Center (on second and third floors). 2. Easter Evangelistic outreach for Pui Tak ESL students on 3/27 - 28. 3. Music Evangelistic meetings by Christian Herald Organization will take place on 6/12 - 14 4. Pui Tak English Bible camp from 6/22 - 26. 5. Pui Tak English Bible camp from 6/29 - 7/3. 6. Chinatown Fair on 7/16. 7. Evangelism Tea party on 8/1. 8. Evangelism dinner party for senior citizen on 8/16. 9. Outing for Pui Tak ESL students on 8/22. 10. Thanksgiving lunch for Pui Tak new immigrants on 11/26. 11. Christmas outreach for Pui Tak ESL adult students on 12/11 - 12. 12. All Cantonese congregation "Loving and Caring" activity to encourage brothers and sisters to send "Christmas Evangelism Presents" (prepared by the church) to nonbelieving friends and relatives in order to show the Lord's love for them. Centennial Anniversary 曾思瀚博士 1. All Church Retreat on 5/23 - 25. Keynote speaker: Dr. Sam Tsang ( ). 2. Centennial anniversary celebration weekend on 10/16 - 18. Speaker: Dr. Stephen Lee 李思敬博士). ( Cantonese Ministry Team Roman Leung Ming Leung Tat Tsang Antony Chan Larry Wong Ivan Man Kenneth Yeung Wing Jue Polan Tam Danny Chendra Rev. Mark Chan Revl Dai Vay To Min. Sally Song Min. William Cheung Erica Tam-Wang Min. Johnson Hsu Rev. Andrew Lee ENGLISH CONGREGATION MINISTRY GOALS IV. There are eight core values that define our church here at CCUC: worship, prayer, biblical teaching (fellowships; Sunday school), missions, discipleship, family ministry (children; youth), multiculturalism and unity. We seek to ensure that these core values are imbued into everything that we do. For 2015, our ministry goals are focused primarily around the core values of unity, discipleship and missions. Ministry Goals 1. Unity/Community. In 2013, our goal was to stabilize our ABF systems and in 2014, our goal was to encourage members and attendees to get more involved in congregational life. In 2015, our goal is to foster a greater sense of belonging to the community here at CCUC. 2. Discipleship. We plan to mature our discipleship initiatives, from youth to adults. 3. Missions. We also plan to encourage our congregation to do more outreach. 1. • • • • 2. • • • • Unity/Community Encourage ABFs to involve more people in using their gifts to serve and build the community of CCUC Move towards smaller small group system to foster deeper community and stronger interpersonal relationships Develop strategies for welcoming and assimilating people in Sunday service into our ABF community system Encourage participation by the English Congregation in the overall CCUC community Discipleship For youth, implement new bi-monthly leadership program for DARE leaders. Also, implement new four-fold philosophy of discipleship: service, prayer, sharing and biblical learning Tighten bridge between KS and DARE for more coordinated high school discipleship effort For adults, begin bi-weekly discipleship programs on leadership Implement new discipleship system into ABFs 3. • • • • 4. Missions Build a stronger connection between our Sports Outreach Ministries and CCUC (Thursday night open gym basketball and volleyball, Saturday high school volleyball clinic, Labor Day Sports Tournament). Encourage fellowships to work with Pui Tak Center in outreach to community Continue summer youth evangelism programs (VBC, JSP, Junior and Teen Camps) Encourage respective fellowships to develop outreach programs • • • • • Family Ministry (children and youth) Continue YTW Service for junior high teens to teach Sunday worship as a regular, weekly discipline; continue to transition graduating students into Sunday main service Promote Sunday Service attendance at Friday night youth programs Develop strategies to address barriers facing youth to attend on Sundays Stabilize children’s ministry structure Restructuring of age-breakdowns for youth ministries Stronger oversight of youth ministry (youth board) • Prayer Continue to encourage participation in weekly prayer meeting • • • Worship Continue quarterly worship team meetings Continue bi-monthly worship leader mentoring Increase outreach to college and youth through new transportation system • 5. 6. 7. • Multiculturalism/Biblical Teaching Continue quarterly month-long Sunday School courses to promote intergenerational fellowship English Ministry Team Dr. Roman Leung Rev. Dr. Andrew Lee Jay Lee Gerald Huang Julia Gin Matthew Chan Anthony Chan Janice Yeo Christine Cheuk Chair of Deacon Board Senior Pastor Deacon English Minister English Congregation English Congregation English Congregation English Congregation English Congregation V. MANDARIN CONGREGATION MINISTRY GOALS In 2015 the Mandarin Congregation will continue doing “Discipleship Training”, the theme of Mandarin congregation for 2014 which is part of the 8 core values of CCUC. At the same time, we hope to grow together with the congregation in Biblical teaching in which fellowship among the members. We plan to firmly establish all the core values of the CCUC in the years to come. The plan and goals for 2015: 1. Theme: proclaim God’s handiwork from generation to generation (Psalm 145:4) 2. Emphasis: practice of fellowship 3. Pulpit messages: a) first quarter: “Meaning for fellowship”; b) second quarter: “Reasons for fellowship”; c) third quarter: “Obstacles to fellowship”; d) fourth quarter: “Channels for fellowship”. Apart from messages, every quarter we will try to share topics of interest forwarded by the congregation through distributed questionnaires. 4. Training courses: in the second and third quarters we will offer training courses for group leaders, equipping them to lead different ministries/caring small groups such as cell groups, sharing and caring groups, Bible study groups, and evangelism and fellow-up groups. 5. Establishing small groups: on entering the fourth quarter, we will promote formation of new groups or changing existing groups. We plan to aim at the 180 odd Sunday attendees for caring ministry, dividing them into groups of 10 persons. Hence, we will need 18 group leaders and 18 group leaders in training. Our goal is “Fellowship with everyone, caring for the whole congregation”. Afterwards we will hold sharing sessions for group leaders every 3 months, to make sure that small groups are growing in a healthy way. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Plans for the whole ministry: Discipleship ministry: continue 8-lesson discipleship training, helping members in need of training or new believers to establish a good spiritual foundation, capable of self-growth and becoming real disciples. Ministries according to different ages: we plan to form a youth fellowship for high school students, using tutoring classes as points of contact, to lead the youth to the Lord and train them to be disciples. Prayer ministry: strengthen the current Wednesday prayer meetings; form a prayer network, organized through small groups as units and providing special seminars related to prayers. Worship ministry: establish inspirational worship services, allowing worshippers to meet God through Bible preaching and hymn singing, and galvanizing action as response to God. Unity ministry: teach and encourage members participate in the various evangelistic activities such as picnic for the ESL students, Thanksgiving and Christmas luncheons etc. Mission ministry: encourage and support members participating in short-term mission, so as to know God’s will on our individual lives. Mandarin Ministry Team Nam Shiu Rev. Ming Lee Min. YiZhen Wang Bo Shi Wayne Li Theresa Randy Yeh FuGao Song Jonathan Liang Henry Bu Ryan Zhao Deacon/Chairman of co-worker meeting Associate Pastor Pastoral Assistant (women ministry) Worship (music) Trustee/worship (audiovisual) Worship (general administrator) Worship Small Group Small Group Trustee/Sunday School Sunday School VI. CCUC-SOUTH CONGREGATION MINISTRY PLANS Producing Disciples 2015 Worship 1. Continue to improve the A/V system for the services, including the translation station. Training for the serving crews, including the moderator, song leader and usher. 2. Develop a ministry committee for the FHL youth worship. Prayer 1. Implementation within the Discipleship Plan which include: Prayer and Worship, Biblical Teaching, Missions, Fellowship, Serving Biblical Teaching Implementation within the Discipleship Plan Missions 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Implementation within the Discipleship Plan Taiwan and Nepal STM (June, July). Implementation of the “Caring of Missionary” ministry by all Fellowships. Plan for the Mission Seminar/Sunday. Outreaching to the growing Chinese community by:“Fun Nights”/”Outings”/ ”BBQ” /Celebration during the holidays, Gospel Sundays, and ESL ministry. 7. Training of the Gospel team about the Personal Evangelism. Family 1. Recruit and equip of the Caring/ Visitation Team, more visits and care to our members and their families. Discipleship 1. Implementation of the Discipleship Plan, starting with 101 and 201, then followed by 301 and 401 later of the year. 2. YM: Develop and implement a 7th year curriculum template and student discipleship plan so that the youth ministry teachings will be more structured, systematic, comprehensive, and sustainable; 3. CM: Launching of AWANA.(Sept) Multiculturalism: 1. Creation of youth ministry visioning documents: The youth ministry mission statement, measurable three-year goals, statement of values, and structure. Unity 1. 2. 3. 4. Recruit and equip of the Caring/ Visitation Team, more visits and care to our members. There is Fellowship day to enhance the interaction of fellowships. Participate in CCUC events. Improve communication (translation, simulcast) 城南堂事工委員會 Associate Pastor 副牧師 Pastoral Assistant 牧師助理 Deacon 執事 Deacon 執事 Trustee 董事 Co-worker 同工 Co-worker 同工 CCUC-South Ministry Team Rev. Alan Kwok Min. Hazel Or Wei Wu Chen Jiang Hao Brandon Zhang Sheng Liang Jonathan Jia 郭民昌牧師 柯志瑛傳道 陳偉武 江浩旋 張紹輝 梁岳勝 賈文征 VII. CCUC-W Ministry Goals 1. Discipleship 2. 主日學特別講堂 b. Weekend workshops 周末專題演講 c. Weekend discipleship classes 周末門徒訓練課程 d. Sunday school teacher training 主日學教師培訓教學認證 Missions 傳福音: Actively and intentionally doing follow-up and outreach.專注関懷探訪和傳福音 a. Recruit members to serve 擴張関懷事工成員 b. Meet regularly for fellowship and prayer定期開會跟進,相互支持 c. Provide training 提供訓練課程 Actively search for pastoral candidate積極尋找合適牧者候選人 門徒訓練: 栽培新同工人選 Provide discipleship training and develop new leaders via a. Sunday School special sessions 3. CCUC-West Ministry Team David Huang Sandy Hui Lie Li Gordon Chi Kai Han Deacon Trustee Trustee 門徒訓練, VIII. Pui Tak Center 2015 Plan Pui Tak Center was started by CCUC to be a witness to Chinese in Chicago. Our programs serve immigrants and others in the Chinatown and Bridgeport communities. Through service and relationships, the Gospel can be shared (CCUC’s core value of Missions) and seekers/new believers are transitioned to church (CCUC’s core value of Discipleship). Ministry-Related 1. Work closely with CCUC including Outreach Ministry, Yunn Fook Home, Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry to transition seekers and new believers to CCUC. 2. Develop opportunities for CCUC fellowships to serve at Pui Tak Center. 3. Develop more opportunities for churches and Christians to be involved in our programs through short term volunteer involvement and to support our work financially. Program-Related 1. School: offer 7th grade during the 2014-2015 school year, continue exploring facility options to enable the school to grow 2. Explore and develop services in the area of children, youth, services to children with disabilities and employment assistance to ESL students. Organization-Related 1. Work on issues related to recent strategic planning process including • improve communication with volunteers and supporters; • clarifying how PTC and CCUC work together; • review board functioning and implement changes, as needed; and • review and implement strategies to increase staff and volunteer engagement. BOARD MEMBERS Larry Wong – President Sze Kin Wong – Vice President Andrew Tang – Secretary Paul Poy – Treasurer Chun-Tao Che Andrea Eng Julia Gin Rev. Andrew Lee Victor Lee Victor Louie Rev. Dai Vay To David Wu Cheuk Yung IX. Outreach Ministry to Pui Tak Center in 2015 The Outreach ministry to Pui Tak Center focuses on: 1) Reaching out to adult ESL students and people who come to the Center through weekly activities, special events, and personal contacts 2) Recruiting, equipping and developing volunteers for various programs and events. 3) Referring students who became seekers and new believers in the outreach programs to Cantonese and Mandarin Congregations. 4) Accompanying seekers/believers to Sunday services/Sunday school to CCUC different sites based on his/her situation. A. Outreach Activities : Stay passionate and sharpen our approach in Preaching Bible teaching to believers, seekers and non-church people. Counseling and meeting with student, volunteer and PTC staff. Consolidating and improving existing weekly and seasonal programs. Continuing to explore new opportunities 1) For Yunn Fook Home • Adding a seeker class and a new believer class for Cantonese speaking students. The classes will be overseen by the CE department. • Coordinating with ESL teachers to enhance the English Corner hour. 2) Encouraging believers to get baptized. 3) Rallying further support from ESL teachers. 4) Enhancing the cooperation with Church Congregations in recruitment of volunteer and follow up task. 5) Continuing to channel seekers and new believers who are available for Church activities to respective Congregations. 6) Identifying potential future leaders. Special events 1) Easter Outreach on March 27 and 28. 2) Spring English Bible Camp from April 22 to April 24 3) Summer English Bible Camp from June 29 to July 3 4) ESL student outing on August 22 5) Thanksgiving Day luncheon for ESL New Immigrant. 6) Christmas Outreach on December 11 and 12. B. Prayer Requests : 1) A female assistant minister. 2) The follow up and discipleship for students who became seekers, intercessory prayer requesters and new believers. 3) The recruitment of new volunteers and the retaining of existing volunteers, especially for the weekly Monday Yunn Fook Home ministry. CCUC Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor Cantonese Associate Pastor Mandarin Associate Pastor CCUC-South Associate Pastor Outreach Pastor to Pui Tak Center English Pastoral Assistant Cantonese Pastoral Assistant Cantonese Pastoral Assistant Mandarin Pastoral Assistant CCUC-South Pastoral Assistant Pastoral Assistant Music Director Rev. Dr. Andrew Lee Rev. Mark Chan Rev. Ming Lee Rev. Alan Kwok Rev. Dai Vay To Min. Gerald Huang Min. Sally Song Min. William Cheung Min. YiZhen Wang Min. Hazel Or Min. Johnson Hsu Mrs. Erica Tam-Wang CCUC Administrative Staff Executive/Multi-Site Administrator Multi-Site Multimedia Director Facilities Manager Ms. Annette Moy Mr. Simon Yu Mr. Craig Wong 2015 CCUC Deacon Board Chairman, Roman Leung Antony H. Chan Larry Wong Jay Lee Hao Jiang Vice Chairman, Ming Leung Tat Tsang Nam Shiu Wei Wu Chen David Huang 2015 CCUC Trustees Board Chairman, Antony H. Chan Secretary, Kent Lau Treasurer, Ben Ng Alex Leung Sandy Hui Henry Bu Roger Hui Wayne Li Vice Chairman, Kin On Lau Vice Secretary, Matthew ZW Chan Victor Kwong Toby Cheuk Brandon Zhang Ivan Man Dan Nham Lie Li
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