F.U.N. Families United Network Newsletter A Message from Mary After a lovely fall season here on Cape Cod and so many fun happenings this last fall session, it is hard to believe we will be trying to outdo ourselves, but we will give it a good try! We have been working hard to find and adapt programming that will be helpful, educational, interesting and meet the needs of families by developing the winter programs you will see listed in this issue. There are some familiar programs that you have come to count on and some new offerings that will hopefully get you excited to try. It is the season for soup, and we are offering a “Story & Soup Group” that will meet the needs of working families who would love to join a playgroup and meet other families and can only come at night. Dinner will be part of the group, so cooking is not necessary and you can bring PJ’s for the children so you can pop them into bed when you get home after a group story time. Sound like fun? Well, don’t miss the other great offerings we have this session too and make sure you don’t miss the Healthy Family Fair! The Mid Cape CFCE Council has been planning some activities in the schools around “Brain Building: Family Engineering Nights” and held the 1st one at the Ezra Baker Innovation School in November. Families, whose children attend Ezra Baker from Preschool to 3rd Grade, attended the evening at the school where they were offered different materials to “engineer” buildings, bridges, gadgets, robots, etc. with. It was a great night of creativity, teamwork and community interaction that ended up with everyone having had a wonderful time and leaving with a brand new book. The Council is planning to replicate the event in both the ME Small Elementary school and the Hyannis West Elementary School over the next several months. Families whose students attend those schools will get notification through the school and we hope that you will join us if your child brings home a flyer. For some fun family tips/activities on early literacy and brain building, check out the CELL Early Literacy program: http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org and www.brainbuildinginprogress.org Have a wonderful winter! Mary mwilson@cccdp.org 508-775-6240 ext. 512 F.U.N. serves families in the Towns of Barnstable, Dennis and Yarmouth. MA DEPT OF EEC Volume 13, Issue 3 Winter 2014 Upcoming Events January-March 2014 Parent/Child Play & Learn Groups Registration for the Winter Session December 16- 20 Call: (508) 775-6240 ext. 512 to register. Mid-Cape CFCE Council Meetings Barnstable: Jan 13th -6:30-7:30pm May 12th -6:30-7:30pm YMCA Cape Cod D-Y: March 10th-6:30-7:30pm ME Small Elementary Childcare will be provided upon request. Parents and community members needed! Please contact Mary for more information. Winter 2014 Parent/Child Play & Learn Groups All Families United Network Programs are funded by a grant through the MA Dept of Early Education and Care Monday ** Fee based program fundraiser Tuesday Playgroup EI Building 9:30-11:00am With Bambi Rosario and Patti Gill Music & Movement** Osterville Library 8:30-9:30 10:00-11:00 8-weeks Wednesday Thursday Friday Sol, Solecito Playgroup EI Building 10-11:30 am With Gaby Ituarte Preschoolers Unplugged ME Small 10-11:30am With Gaby Ituarte & Sue Gubbins Playgroup Northside Methodist Church 10:00-11:30am With Patrick O’Leary Gymport Playgroup Gymport Playgroup 10:30-11:30am 10:00-11:00am With Elena Gino **fee-based group With Gaby Ituarte **fee-based group Baby Music 11:15-12:00 (Free) With Jill Silva **fee-based groups Story & Soup Group EI Building 5:30-7pm With Amy Gregoire Starts 9/12 Starts 9/13 See fees for each of the fee-based fundraisers with each description. All fee-based groups require registration forms and fees sent into the office prior to the start of the session. See attached form Sliding Scale and Scholarships available to qualified families. All Programs are subject to change due to funding. Registration Required Registration December 16-20, 2013 (voice mail will be returned in the order that it is received). All Parent/Child Play & Learn groups are closed 12/16/13 through 1/1/14. Winter programs begin January 2nd and run through March 14th (unless specified in the description). Closures: 1/20 Martin Luther King Day, 2/17-21 School Vacation week. *** Please note that families who were on the waitlist during the fall session will have priority for groups. To register for Play & Learn Groups and programs, call Mary at: (508) 775-6240 ext. 512 All Families United Network Programs are funded by a grant through the MA Dept. of Early Education and Care. Some programs also funded through the MA Children’s Trust, community collaboration and fundraising Winter Family Programs & Events All Programs are subject to change due to funding (For all fee-based fundraiser groups, you must call to register and use the attached form to make payment) Monday Playgroup: Mondays at the EI Building from 9:30am-11:00am. Join us for some exploration of toys, sensory materials, stories, songs, a snack, outdoor play (weather permitting) and creative crafts designed for learning. Appropriate for Birth to 5 years. FREE. Registration required. Tuesday Music & Movement– (8-week classes/8:30-9:30 and 10-11:00) at the Osterville Library. Join Jill Silva for a musical morning using fun songs and instruments/props. Appropriate for all ages. This is a fundraiser for the FUN Program. Fee: $75 per family. Registration required. Tuesday Baby Music– ( 11:15-12:00) at the Osterville Library. Join Jill Silva for a musical morning using fun songs and instruments/props. Appropriate for pre-walking babies. This program is FREE. Registration required. Story & Soup Group-Tuesdays 5:30-7:00pm at the Early Intervention Building with Amy Gregoire. Working moms and dads can finally come to playgroup! Take the night off from cooking and bring the whole family for a different soup dinner every week! Appropriate for Birth to 5 years. FREE. Registration required. Sol, Solecito (Sun, Little Sun) Play & Learn Group: For children ages Birth to 5 years, Wednesdays from 10:00-11:30 am at the Early Intervention Building in Hyannis with Gaby Ituarte. Give your child an opportunity to play and learn Spanish in a fun and creative way. FREE. Registration required. Wednesday Playgroup with Pat O’Leary: Wednesdays from 10-11:30- Northside Methodist Church, 701 Airline Road, Brewster. Join Pat for some fun activities for young children, a story, snack and outdoor play (weather permitting). Appropriate for children ages Birth to 5 years. FREE. Registration required. Preschoolers Unplugged: Thursdays from 10-11:30am at ME Small Elementary School. Join Sue and Gaby for some creative activities designed to stimulate the brains of young children and share your knowledge about how you handle the influx of media in your family, share ideas on the play value of different toys, favorite toys when you were young and favorite toys of your children. Interpretive services for Spanish speaking families will be available. Appropriate for Birth to 5 years. FREE. Registration required. Thursday Gymport (Hyannis) from 10:30-11:30am. Open Gym time. Appropriate for walkers through 7 years along with a story at the end of each session. This is a fundraiser for the FUN Program. Fee: $50 per family. Registration required. Friday Gymport (Hyannis) from 10:00-11:00am. Open Gym time. Appropriate for walkers through 7 years along with a story at the end of each session. This is a fundraiser for the FUN Program. Fee: $50 per family. Registration required. Story & Science with Kim Torres -snack/free book provided, Appropriate for children ages Birth to 8 years. FREE. Registration required. Tues Jan 7th 6-7pm-Hyannis Public Library-Weather: We'll learn what makes the weather and why it is so important to us. Sat Jan 25th 10-11am-South Yarmouth Library-Weather Sat Feb 8th 10-11am –Hyannis Public Library-Color/Camouflage: Color not only makes life interesting, but find out how it helps many plants and animals to survive. Thurs Feb 13th 6-7pm –Northside Methodist Church- Color/Camouflage Sat March 8th 10-11am –Northside Methodist Church-Birds Tues March 11th 6-7pm – Hyannis Public Library –Birds: Spring is here and so are the birds. Bird songs, nest, eggs, and more! Thurs April 10th 6-7pm–Northside Methodist Church-Ponds: Frogs, ducks, and turtles are just some of the things that call the pond "home". Sat April 12th 10-11am –Hyannis Public Library-Ponds Healthy Family Fair-Saturday, March 1st (snow date March 2nd) from 10am-1pm at the D-Y Regional High School. Music, game, activities, fun fitness demos, obstacle course, food, community information, and many more things to support your families’ health. This event is FREE. No registration required. Father-Baby Pizza Party- Every other month from 6-8pm at Cape Cod Hospital. Dads and other important male caregivers with their babies can join Paul Melville (CC Neighborhood Support Coalition) and Ann Macdonald (Childbirth Educator/Cape Cod Hospital) for some pizza and a great topical speaker. FREE. Registration required. Call Ann Macdonald at 508-862-5520 to register. New Year, New Ways To Save Money: An informational and conversational session for people who want to learn about creative and concrete ways to save money. Come learn and share tips and ways to save money for the year ahead with Mary Wilson. Thursday, January 9th from 6:00-7:30pmCCCDP Early Intervention Building, Pearl St. Hyannis. FREE. Registration Required- Childcare available on a limited basis. Single Parenting Groups-A non-therapeutic group for single parents to come together to share their strengths and challenges. Dinner and limited childcare provided. Once a month (12/19, 1/23, 2/13, and 3/20/14) from 5:15-6:45 pm at the Early Intervention Building, Hyannis. FREE. Registration required. This program is supported through the Cape Cod Neighborhood Support Coalition and Not Your Average Joes. Effective Positive Discipline-Starts Wednesday January 8th. (This group fills up fast!) An 8-week parenting series, with Cindy Horgan, for parents with children Birth through 6 years old. It will be held at Faith Assemblies Church in Hyannis from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm. Dinner, childcare and transportation provided. This program is supported by a grant from the MA Children’s Trust. FREE. Registration is required. To register for parent/child events and programs, call Mary (508) 775-6240 x512 Family Program Registration Form/Fee-Based Fundraising Groups- Winter 2014 Note: You must call prior to sending in this form to make sure there is space in the group Yes, I’d like to register for the group below (please check): □ Tuesday Music 8:30-9:30 Price: $75 each family (starts 1/7) □ Tuesday Music 10:00-11:00 Price: $75 each family (starts 1/7) □ Thursday Gymport 10:30-11:30 Price: $50 each family (starts 1/2) □ Friday Gymport 10:00-11:00 Price: $50 each family (starts 1/3) Program Price: ________ Number of Children: _______ Number of Adults _________ Total Program Cost:______ □ Check enclosed □ Cash □ Credit Card(check below) Credit card: □ VISA □ Master Card Name on card: Billing address: Credit card #: ______ Expiration date: _____ Contact Person:_________________________________ Phone number: _________________________________ Mailing Address:_______________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: Cape Cod Child Development—FUN Program 83 Pearl Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Any questions, please call: Mary Wilson 508-775-6240x512 Code: 440-3404 The F.U.N. Page __________________________________________________________________________________ Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow! __________________________________________________________________________________ Book List The Snowy Day Ezra Jack Keats The First Snowball Anne & Harlow Rockwell Snow Day Betsy Maestro Sledding Elizabeth Winthrop Thomas’ Snowsuit Robert Munsch The Snow J. Birmingham The Biggest, Best Snowman Margery Cuyler Mitten Poem OUTSIDE FUN Snowball Hunt Sledding Snow Sculptures Freeze Things/Melt Things Snowmen Snowball Hunt Thumb in the thumb place, Fingers all together. This is the poem we say During Mitten Weather. Snow Science -What happens to water when you freeze it? -What happens when you put salt on the ice? -Can you make different sizes of snowballs? -Which snowball is heavier? (Use a bathroom scale) Winter Family Excursions Visit a local library- www.clamsnet.org (libraries also have passes for many local attractions) Heritage Museum, Sandwich/Hidden Hollow Discovery Area for childrenhttp://heritagemuseumsandgardens.org/hidden-hollow/ Cape Cod Museum of Natural History/Brewster-508-896-3867 Green Briar Nature Center, Sandwich-508-888-6870 National Marine Life Center of Buzzard’s Bay-508-743-9888 Plymouth County Sheriff’s Farm and Petting Zoo-Obery Street, Plymouth, MA (off Exit 5 on Route 3) Cape Cod Children’s Museum-Mashpee-508-539-8788 Check out other activities by logging onto www.capecodonline.com Additional People and Organizations we would like to thank for all their support over the Fall Session: Thank you! It takes a village… To all the Families that made financial donations for participating in the groups and who donated snacks and supplies for the Parent/Child play & learn groups, Cape Cod Neighborhood Support Coalition- for their support funding the facilitator of the Single Parent Support Group, Eileen Donaruma and Family-for their generous donation of $50 to the FUN Program, Faith Assemblies Church and Sue Smith of Kiddie Kollege- for hosting the “Effective Positive Discipline” 8-week parenting class series, The South Yarmouth Library- for hosting The Mitten StoryWalk and the Story & Science programs, The Hyannis Library-for hosting the Story & Science Programs, The Osterville Library- for hosting the Music & Movement and Baby Music Programs, The Northside Methodist Church- for hosting the Story & Science groups and the Wednesday Playgroup, Barbara Bennett from West Parish Family School and Ann Macdonald from Cape Cod Hospital- for helping with the “Brain Building: Engineering Family Night” at Ezra Baker Elementary School, Cotuit Center for the Arts- for hosting “Getting Ready For Kindergarten” at a reduced space usage fee, Scottie’s Famous Pizza- for their generous discount on pizza and food for the Effective Positive Discipline 8-week parenting series, The YMCA Cape Cod-for hosting the Maternal Depression Task Force Meetings and the Mid Cape CFCE Council Meetings, ME Small Elementary School-for hosting the Mid Cape CFCE Council Meetings, Taylor Bray Farm, Miss Scarlett’s Blue Ribbon Farm, Cape Cod Organic Farm, Crow Farm, CapeAbilities Farm, Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary, and Green Briar Nature Center-for hosting the FUN on the Farm group this fall, and Not Your Average Joe’s in Hyannis- for providing dinner to the Single Parenting group. FUN Program Wish List The following support would be most appreciated: People who can help with the Healthy Family Fair (setting up decorations, helping with the activities, doing promotion and getting sponsors for the event) People who are interested in being Babysitters for the parenting classes-Training and compensation provided People who can help with posting flyers, spreading the word about programs Financial donations-Should you care to make a financial donation to the FUN Program, please make checks payable to:Cape Cod Child Development, Attention Mary Wilson, 83 Pearl Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 (We will use your donation to help support the programs that we currently offer by providing childcare, food and transportation to families who need it in order to participate in our parenting classes and for supplies we may need for the play and learn groups.) *All donations to our program are tax deductible according to current tax guidelines. More News! Sign, Say, & Play™ Class –is being held at the South Yarmouth Library beginning January 6th from 11am-12pm. It is a six-week series-offering parents/caregivers & babies a fun environment for learning all the basics of signing! The combination of rich classroom experience and the proper tools for learning at home give you & your baby a great start in a loving and supportive way. For children ages six months to two years and the parents/caregivers who love them. This program is FREE and is being supported by a grant from the Education Foundation for Dennis and Yarmouth and through the collaborative efforts of the South Yarmouth Library and the FUN Program. Registration is through the South Yarmouth Library: please call Jayne Chouinard, Yarmouth Town Libraries Children's Librarian, 508-760-4820 ext. 1316 Cape Cod Neighborhood Support Coalition offers free and confidential information and referral service for families on the Cape and Islands, including parent education and support. Go to www.capecoalition.com for more information or for the most current listing of Parent Education and Support activities, log onto: http://capecoalition.com/calendar/ Are you a parent experiencing stress around raising your children? Parenting is one of the hardest jobs there is! Please know that there is someone available to help 24 hours a day. Call the 24 Hour Parental Stress Line at 1-800-882-1250 and someone can help. The Mid Cape Family Resource Guide is now online! Log onto: http://www.cccdp.org/assets/1291234530-Mid-CapeResourceDir.pdf It is a valuable resource for community programs/agencies that support families. We are working on the revision for the 2014/2015 edition and will update the link soon for the newer version. Financial workshops: Homebuyer Education Creating a Budget Rebuilding Your Credit Home Forever Learn how you can participate in these programs by contacting Cheryl at 508-771-5400x287 The FUN Program now offers Free Developmental Screenings For children between 1 month and 5 years old. Babies and children grow & change so quickly! Young children are learning every day. Do you have questions about how your child is doing? Do you wonder if there are ways you can help your child’s development? Our staff will work with you to: Determine if your child is learning and gaining skills well Share ideas to help you be your child’s first teacher. Connect with programs and resources if you and your child need extra help. Call the FUN Program of Cape Cod Child Development and ask to speak with Mary Wilson/Coordinator at 508-775-6240x512 __________________________________________________________________________________________ If you would like to no longer receive emails from the FUN Program, please contact Mary Wilson and ask to be removed from the email list. Email: mwilson@cccdp.org or phone: 508-775-6240x512
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