2 Day Summer Classic - The Greg Norman Golf Foundation

2 Day Summer Classic
Monday 19th – Tuesday 20th January 2015
Entry Fee:
Event A - 18 Hole Players - $66.00 (36 holes)
Event B – 9 Hole Players - $40.00 (18 holes)
Players must be financial members of the Junior Golf
Foundation of Queensland to enter.
Entries Close: Friday 9th January 2015
Entry Form
2015 Titleist 2 Day Summer Classic – Mount Coolum Golf Club
Monday 19th – Tuesday 20th January 2015
Entrants must be financial members of the JGFQ
Players Name: ___________________________________________________ Male/ Female
(please circle)
Golflink No: __________________________________ H/Cap: __________
Home Club: __________________________ Contact Ph No: __________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________
Please find enclosed my payment of:
$66.00 (18 Hole Players)
$40.00 (9 Hole Players)
Money Order/Cheques – Payable to: The Junior Golf Foundation of Queensland
Direct Debit – The Greg Norman Golf Foundation Inc.
BSB: 064-118 Account No: 0090 8848
Card Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___
Exp: ___ ___ / ___ ___ Card Holder’s Name: ____________________________________________________
Card Holder’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Entries Close: Friday 9th January 2015 at 4pm
Entries to:
Post: Junior Golf Foundation of Queensland, PO Box 50, RBH, HERSTON QLD 4029
Email: info@gngf.org.au
Fax: 07 3216 0754
THE TOURNAMENT: The Tournament will be played in H/Cap divisions: Event A – over 36 holes of stroke
play – 18 holes on each day 19/01/2015 –20/01/2015, and Event B -Over 18 holes - 9 holes on each day
19/01/2015 – 20/01/2015. H/Cap divisions will be determined as per entries received.
TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: The Tournament Committee appointed by the Greg Norman Golf Foundation
Inc. shall have the sole management & control of the tournament, will have full power to alter or vary any of the
conditions, at any time, including scheduling another day or venue should it be deemed necessary. The
Tournament Committee’s decision on all matters affecting the tournament shall be final.
ENTRIES: The tournament is open to male & female amateur golfers who have not attained the age of 18 years,
as at Monday 19th January 2015. Should entries be received in excess of the number deemed by the Tournament
Committee to be appropriate, late entries may be balloted out, and their entry fee refunded.
Entries must be received by the Tournament Director, JGFQ, PO Box 50, RBH Qld 4029 by 4.00pm on Friday 9th
January 2015. Late entries will not be accepted.
Nomination fees must accompany the nomination form at the time of nomination. Telephone entries will not be
accepted. Do not send cash in the mail – the GNGF will not accept responsibility for cash sent that is not received.
Once the draw is completed there will be no refund of entry fees to players who withdraw from the event.
RULES: The Rules of Golf as adopted by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews will apply together with
such Local Rules as are approved by the Tournament Committee.
PROTESTS: Disputes or protests must be made in writing and be lodged with the Tournament Committee within
ten minutes of the completion of the competitor’s round.
CADDIES: Caddies will be permitted during this tournament.
HANDICAP: Evidence of current Handicap is required (Handicap Card/Computer Print out etc.) to be produced
at the player registration office prior to commencement of the event. Competitors playing on an incorrect
handicap will be disqualified. Juniors who have no official GA handicap will only be eligible for the gross.
TIES: In the event of a tie for any H/Cap division of the Classic will be determined by use of the Australian
Count-back System, including overall Champions.
DRESS REGULATIONS: It is a requirement of this tournament that all players must comply with the minimum
dress regulations of the host club.
PRACTICE ROUNDS: Practice will be available by arrangement with Mt Coolum Golf Club 54463125
PACE OF PLAY: Rule 6-7 will be strictly enforced. Each group must maintain its position on the course with
respect to the group preceding it. Any group with a clear hole in front of it will be considered out of position.
Penalties will be issued to individuals in such groups who, by their pace, contribute to such delay. Warnings may
not be issued prior to penalties.
DRAW & STARTING TIMES: A draw for each day’s play will be published. Players shall start at the time and
in the order arranged by the Tournament Committee. Rule 6-3a provides ‘The Players shall start at the time laid
down by the Committee’. The penalty for breach of Rule 6-3a is disqualification. However, it is a condition of this
Tournament that, in the absence of circumstances which warrant waiving the penalty of disqualification as
provided in Rule 33-7, if the player arrives at his/her starting point, ready to play, within five minutes of his/her
starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time is two strokes, instead of disqualification.
DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: In this competition a player may obtain distance information by using a
device that measures distance only. However, if during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance measuring
device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might effect his play (e.g. gradient, wind-speed,
temperature etc) the player is in breach of Rule14-3 for which the penalty is disqualification regardless of whether
any such additional functions are actually used.
returning the best 36 hole gross score, will become the respective Champions. If a tie for the best gross score a
countback will be done as per Australian Countback System. All other H/Cap groups will have their respective
trophies (gross & nett winners and runner-ups). These players are requested to be available for the trophy
presentation that will be held immediately following the conclusion of play on Tuesday 20th January 2015. No
player can win more than one trophy.
SMOKING: Smoking is prohibited during play. Penalty: Disqualification.
USE OF MOTORISED VEHICLES: During any round of the tournament, competitors may not travel in or on
any motorised vehicles unless authorised by the Tournament Committee. Exceptions to this condition may be
granted where a player suffers from a disability, which would preclude him/her from competing in the event
without the use of a motorised vehicle. Details of the criteria for such exemptions are available on request.