VI ’S C ORNER: “ BUST ER” BEVERLY HILLS—My name is “Buster,” and if I look familiar, it’s because you saw me several months ago, and it’s a mystery to everyone as to why I still haven’t been adopted. They all thought that I would go “out of the door” in no time at all. However, I’m sure that special person is out there and will come along any day now. I’m a Terrier mix and I weigh about forty pounds – I’m what you would call medium size. So, for a person that wants a dog that’s not too big or not too small, I’m just right. If you like to run or jog, I’d be a really great partner for you! Or, if you have a yard where I can run and play, I’ll settle for that. I’m not aggressive in any way, and I love people, I get along with other dogs, and, if you’re wondering if I get along with cats – B y V i L o ga n yes, I sure do! I’ve never been around young children, so I think that older children would be best. I forgot to tell you two very important things – I’m housebroken, which is in your favor, and I love tummy rubs, which is in my favor! Won’t you please come to see me? A good question for you in a quote by Robert Brault: “Ever wonder where you would end up if you took your dog for a walk and never once pulled back on the leash?” To see all of the wonderful dogs and cats that are here waiting for loving homes, please check our website, which is: And, don’t forget “Buster!" FRIENDS OF ANIMALS 310-479-5089 VOL. IX ISSUE 02, HOME DELIVERY $100 per year JANUARY 13, 2013 HOPPER'S SON IN TROUBLE D E N N I S H O P P E R 'SS S O N A C C U S E D O F R A P E By Katherine Noland BEVERLY HILLS—Henry Hopper, son of late actor Dennis Hopper, is being accused of raping a 15-year-old girl after the alleged victim and her mother came forward at a news conference in Beverly Hills. According to the now 17-year-old victim, who remains as Jane Doe on police reports, the two met on Facebook through a mutual friend in Feb. 2011 when she was 15. After months of talking online, Hopper, who was 20 at the time, invited the girl over to his house in Venice where he allegedly fed her alcohol and drugs and pursued sexual activity with her despite conscious will. According to the lawsuit against Hopper, filed in August 2012, he performed intercourse, forced copulation, and sodomy after supplying her with drugs and alcohol that muddled her judgment and compliance. The lawsuit claims, “[Hooper] preyed upon a young impressionable child, suggesting that he cared for her, luring her into his home with promises of alcohol and illegal drugs, and then repeatedly taking advantage of her youth [and] vulnerability.” According to Doe’s attorney Jeffrey Herman, the same lawyer in the case against “Sesame Street” puppeteer Kevin Clash, By Katherine Noland comparison of “Django” to Tarantino’s film “Inglorious Bastards,” noting on the inappropriateness of the hypothetical sale of Jewish Holocaust victim dolls and Hitler dolls. Reverend Al Sharpton and the National Action Network is also calling for a national boycott of the dolls Produced by the manufacturer National Entertainment Collectibles Association and Weinstein Co., the 6 available 8” dolls include characters Django, Broomhilda, Dr. Shultz, Candie, Stephen and Butch. They are being sold separately on Amazon for $29.99 apiece, with the exception of main character Django who meets the price of $39.99. The film has racked over $108 million domestically, and is up for five Golden Globe Awards. D j a n g o a n d P r o f e s so r S h u l t z i n " D j a n g o U n c h a i n e d " By Robert Meyers TAFT, CALIFORNIA—Thursday, January to distract the teen long enough for students lifted to a hospital in Bakersfield. charged as a juvenile for attempted murder, 10 at around 9 a.m a yet unidentified 16 to be evacuated from the classroom. Heber The suspect, whose identity has not yet during a press conference held Thursday afyear-old student entered a science classroom and one other school official, Campus Su- been released, is now in police custody. Dur- ternoon. at Taft Union High school, brandishing a 12- pervisor Kim Lee Fields, were able to con- ing interrogation, the teen gunman alleged Taft Union High school does have an guage shot gun. The teen gunman shot one vince the gunman to relinquish the firearm. that his intended targets had previously bul- armed guard stationed at the school, but on student critically injuring him before shoot- Heber suffered a minor pellet wound to the lied him, according to the Kern County the day of the shooting the officer was ing and missing a second target. head and the wounded student remains in Sheriff Donny Youngblood. snowed in and unable to report for duty. The science teacher, Ryan Heber, was able critical, but stable condition after being airYoungblood added that the teen will be Declaration of Principles Ne w s ro o m St af f Claire Damian Darshan David Eileen Glenn Grady Ivetta Jennifer Jessica C Joann Jon Katherine Kevin Kristin LaDale Leanne Lily Marion Mike D Michael S Ryan P Robert Rosana Doe’s mother has pursued a lawsuit against Hopper in order to shed light on this kind of issue that is prevalent in the entertainment industry. She is hoping to ensure safety of other young females and that other girls will come forward. The girl, an aspiring model, claims that there were multiple attacks, nearly 7 or 8, over a span of several months after the first attack on April 21, 2011. According to the alleged victim’s mother, the girl’s emotional, mental, and physical health suffered in the months following the claimed rapes. She ran away from home, attempted suicide, was hospitalized for mental problems and substance abuse, and her grades dropped significantly. The accused’s father Dennis Hopper died in 2010 at age 74 from prostate cancer. He was best known for his roles in “Apocalypse Now,” Speed,” “Easy Rider,” and “Blue Velvet.” While Henry Hopper’s career is at its beginning, the 21-year-old actor’s biggest role yet was in Gus Van Sant’s British American Drama “Restless,” which released in September 2011. At 14, he took acting classes at Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, and later studied painting and H e n ry H o p p e r. sculpture at the California Institute of the Arts where he dropped out at 18 and went to Berlin, Germany where he lived in an P h o t o c o u r te sy o f F a c e b o o k artist’s collective. Hopper denied allegations on Monday, January 7 through his lawyer Joe Mannis. JOSH BROL IN A RREST ED FOR PU BLIC INT OX ICA TION ANOTHER SC HOOL SHOOT ING A T SOC AL HIGH SC HOOL WE PROMISE TO: 1.) Provide a community newspaper that tells all the news honestly without any political agenda, slant or spin. 2.) Allow commentary writers the freedom to express their opinions and views without interruption, censorship or persuasion. 3.) Provide members of the community (rich or poor) with the truth and a place to voice their concerns. 4.) Abstain from printing anything demeaning, calumniatory or potentially harmful to any living being. 5.) Maintain the highest level of journalistic integrity. EX TR A Bel Air, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Laurel Canyon, Los Feliz, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Melrose, Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Westwood, West Hollywood & Hollywood Hills "DD J A N G O U N C H A I N E D " D O L L S S P U R C O N T R O V E R S Y LOS ANGELES—The recent release of “Django Unchained” action dolls has spurred controversy, and is being denounced by many leaders in the African-American community and other activists. Despite its number of fans, Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” has ignited high volumes of negative responses, notably from director Spike Lee, due to its use of the “N” word and questionable historical accuracy. The release of action figure dolls depicting characters from the movie have now sparked outrage by some. At a news conference in Los Angeles on Tuesday, January 8, activist Naji Ali, director of “Project Islamic Hope,” stated that despite enjoying the film itself, he is against the commercialization of the time of history that the movie highlights. He also made the Ad v er t is e 31 0 .2 77 .6 0 1 7 Rose Smitha Skye Tim Tony Vi Winter SANTA MONICA—Actor Josh Brolin was arrested New Years Day for a misdemeanor charge of public intoxication, and was released from a Southern California jail with no citation. Known for his roles in “W.,” “No Country for Old Men,” “The Goonies” and the soonto-be released film “Gangster Squad,” Brolin was allegedly heavily intoxicated WESTWOOD—A study conducted by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) shows that drivers with revoked or suspended licenses are three times more likely to be responsible for causing fatal car accidents. It’s considered more dangerous to be a driver without a license instead of a person driving with a suspended or revoked license. Drivers like By Katherine Noland on a Santa Monica side walk just before mid- ‘cause I ended up in a jail cell for New Years.” night on Tuesday, January 1. The 44-yearBrolin is son of actor, James Brolin, old actor was arrested and booked at around known for “Catch Me If You Can” and 3:00 a.m. After sobering up, he was released “Hotel.” Josh Brolin plays a Los Angelesaround 7:15 a.m. without a citation. He will based police officer in the new movie not have to appear in court. “Gangster Squad,” set to be released in theOn Monday, January 7, the actor tweeted, aters on Friday, January 11. The film also “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-ap- stars Ryan Gosling, Emma Watson, and parently picked the wrong g***damn road Sean Penn. STUD Y RESULT S ON DRIV ERS' L ICENSES By Jennifer Alcaraz these are 2.6 to 2.73 times more likely crashes where one of the drivers was at to cause a deadly collision, but this fault for the crash. After this study, the also depends on the person behind the at-fault collision chance of drivers not wheel. allowed to drive has not decreased over The study, Fatal Crash Rates for Sus- time. pended/Revoked and Unlicensed Drivers, Additional findings by The Departcollected 23 years of consecutive data. ment of Motor Vehicles has shown the The primary interest in the research was percentage of two-vehicle fatal car acthe correlation among two-vehicle fatal cidents was highest amongst people be- Josh Brolin. Photo courtesy of Twitter tween the ages of 20 to 29 who do not have an official license. Any person who is caught driving with a suspended, revoked license or without a license at all will be cited with a possible 30-day vehicle impoundment. Also there are fines amounting to thousands of dollars, and/or time added to a probation or suspension period. News UCLA CO-HOSTS MAYORAL D EBATE PAGE TWO WESTWOOD—UCLA will be co-hosting the live Mayoral Debate on January 28, 2013 at 7 p.m. and NBC4 chief political reporter Conan Nolan will moderate it. Franklin D. Gilliam Jr., Dean of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs will be a panelist in the debate. In addition, the Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy & Jobs will also help host the debate. The focus of the panel will be how to create jobs and the economy. According to UCLA, the four participants running as mayoral candidates include, City Councilman Eric Garcetti, attorney and radio talk show host Kevin James, City Councilwoman Jan Perry and City Controller Wendy Greul. The CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 HE A L I NG & HE A LT H - 4 0 7C By Jennifer Alcaraz panelists, Gilliam included as well will ask the candidates questions. Tickets are free and are available on a firstcome, first-serve basis through Ticketmaster® with a limit of one ticket per person. Tickets are required in order to be admitted at Royce Hall where the debate will take place. UCLA students, faculty and staff are able to pick up tickets at the Central Ticket Office starting Wednesday January 9. Lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced. Parking will be available in Parking Structures 4 and 7 (P4 & P7) at a $5 cost. Attendees are encouraged to walk to Royce Panelists for the Debate. Hall. CPR AND AED TRAINING Individuals & Groups Welcome Group Rates Available Call Stephanie: (310 ) 983-4CPR, w w w. q u a l i t y c p r. c o m AAA AFFORDABLE HYPNOTHERAPY Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Increase Earning Power Confidence, Memory, Stress, Anxiety. New Method Produces Incredible Success. CALL NOW! 1-800-474-9766 Board Certified Master Hypnotist Kevin Stone. KATT WILL IAMS ARRESTED IN WOODL AND HILLS WOODLAND HILLS—Comedian Katt Wiliams was arrested in Woodland Hills on Tuesday, January 8 after failing to show up for a court date in Sacramento. Williams was taken into custody at around 3:45 p.m. at his home in the 22500 block of Quinta Road. Williams was due in Sacramento court on Monday for al- By Ivetta Babadjanian legedly driving a three-wheeled motor- assault case. The Los Angeles police knew cycle on a sidewalk and refusing to stop of the comedian's bench warrant and for police on November 25. He is accused took him into custody after seeing him of evading police while driving reckless- outside his house. ly. Williams, whose real name is Micah In addition, he had a $10,000 bench war- Sierra Williams, was held on $105,000 rant issued for his arrest for failing to ap- bail. Williams is also facing charges in pear in a Yolo County court in a separate Oakland and Seattle from incidents that occurred while he was in those cities for shows. On December 28, Williams was arrested on suspicion of child endangerment after police allegedly found a stolen loaded gun in his home. Williams, 51, recently announced he would be retiring from stand-up comedy. SP ECI AL OLYMPI CS LOTTE RY FOR $ 4 MILLION HOME SHERMAN OAKS—The Special Olympics Southern California is hosting its 4th annual Dream House Raffle, where participants have the chance of winning a $4 million estate in Sherman Oaks. With a 1/50 chance of winning 1 of the 1400 prizes offered, the SPOSC is offering the grand prize of a 7500 square foot home in Sherman Oaks, or the choice of a $200 million cash payout. The raffle offers a number of other prizes, including cars, vacations, and other large amounts of cash in the top tier of winners. The proceeds will go toward training programs for individuals with mental and physical disabilities and “giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community,” according to the SPOSC website. Tickets are currently $150, and the dead- By Katherine Noland line for purchasing them is May 24. However, sets of early bird drawings will have the deadlines of February 15, March 15, and April 12. Participants have the choice to purchase 3-packs for $400, and 5-packs for $550. According to the Dream House website, the $4 million Sherman Oaks estate is a Mediterranean style home with 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bathrooms, a pool, spa, cascading waterfall, gourmet kitchen, and 4 door garage. Among many other luxuries, the house also has an elevator for its three levels, a two-story living room, wine cellar, and a guest suite. The house’s property contains 3/4 of an acre of land. The 2nd prize winner will have the choice between an Audi Q5, Mercedes-Benz C 250 Coupe, a BMW X 3, or $45,000 cash A view of back yard area of a dream house offered by prize. The prizes following include vacations jing, and Honolulu. The alternative to camcorder and jewelry. If interested in purchasing a ticket or for ranging from various locations such as these vacation spots is a $5,000 cash payParis, Venice, Alaska, Ney York City, Aus- out. Prizes 11-1400 include a variety of dif- more information, visit the following link: tralia, New Zealand, Cayman Islands, Bei- ferent items, including a platinum T.V., 3 2 F I RE F IG HT E RS F RE E WO RK ER S T U C K IN T R EE By Ivetta Babadjanian BRENTWOOD—A tree trimmer was stuck in a Eucalyptus tree on a hillside behind a home in Brentwood for almost two hours until he was freed by 32 Los Angeles firefighters. The man's situation was reported on Monday, January 7, at 5:40 p.m. at 11808 West Kearsarge Street, two blocks south of Sunset Boulevard. The homeowner's gardener noticed someone in the tree an hour after the crew to trim trees on the property packed up and left. The firefighters used 35-foot ladders, ropes and harnesses in order to bring the man safely to the ground. The rescue turned out to be difficult due to challenges that arose from attempting to put ladders up on the hillside. When the firefighters finally made it to the man, they noticed the worker was hanging from a harness that slipped from his waist to underneath his arms. The man was trans- ported to the hospital with unknown injuries. It was reported that the worker was intoxicated at the time and had a halffull bottle of Camarena Tequila tucked into his work belt. The man's name was not released and it is unclear how he got stuck in the tree. Classifieds CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 MUSIC - 408 P IAN O LES SO N S • AT YOUR HOME • All ages • All levels • Member of MTAC • Over 15 years teaching experience • 310-398-0431 HAULERS - 410 S P RI N G C L EA N U P Debris & Trash Removal You Gain PEACE OF MIND And MORE SPACE. SECURITY - 411 EXECUTIVE PR OTECTION SERVIC ES Former Law Enforcement Professional & Experienced Bodyguard with CCW License Available for Bodyguard/Protection Services. Excellent References: (323) 763-0003 Security Cameras Wireless Security Systems Night Vision, Vandal Prof Hidden Cameras FREE ESTIMATES Shawn 310-401-4954 HOME IMPROVEMENT - 4 12 ROBBY’S ROOTER ROOTER & PLUMBING LOW PRICES! * MAIN LINES * SINKS * SHOWERS * TUBS, ETC… INSTALLATION: FAUCETS, DISPOSALS, WATER HEATERS, LIC#773697 (800) 992-0197 (818) 637-2877 B H Li v i ng We Build Your Lifestyle, Residential Construction, Kitchens, Additions, Bathrooms, Roofing, General Remodeling All Your Other Home Improvement Needs Bonded. Insured. License #872961 Construction with a Conscience Call for a Free Estimate: 1-877-800-2454 Custom Painting Colors In Motion -Interior/Exterior Custom Painting, Tiling, Drywall, Plastering Free Estimates!!! Please Call 310-801-4380 WESTSIDE HANDYMAN Honest Reliable Reasonable Int/Ext Maintenance Window Washing, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting and other repairs. LOW RATES! 310-486-3181 Lic#815561 PAGE ELEVEN HOME IMPROVEMENT - 4 12 P ET S- 5 1 6 D & C CONCRETE Doberman A.K.C. 2nd Generation Champion. Black/Red. Oversized/Superior Size. Shots. Puppy Pack. Health guarantee. Available 650+ 661-733-1339 SPE CIALIZING IN: *CONCRETE *DRIVEWAY *PATIO *BLOCK & *RETAINING WALL ALL BRICK WORK, 310-904-8142 GENERAL REPAIR - Painting - Waterproofing - Hardwood Flooring - Tile Work, In Business For Over 25 years! Amnon 323-974-7006. Free Estimates Portfolio Available Felix Carpet & Cleaning Services Commercial / Residential Power washing, Wax / strip floors General cleaning, Demolition work Free estimates 818-653-6818 CENTURY HARDWOOD FLOOR QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT AFFORDABLE PRICES. NEW INSTALLATION, CUSTOM COLORING, REPAIRING, REFINISHING. 1-800-608-6008 OR 1-310-276-6707 CENTURYFLOOR@YAHOO.COM LICENSE #813778 S & R PAINTING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR QUALITY PREPARATION - Acoustic Removal & Smooth Coating - Powerwashing - Stucco repair - Wallpaper removal & installation CALL 310-489-7381 References Available. License #711844 FOR ADVERTISING PLEASE CALL 310-277-6017 EMPOLOYMENT - 619 DOG LOVER? Will you watch a dog in your home while the owner’s away? Home F/T? (not 24/7) (866) 867-5048 $22 per day & up INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - 626 5 Investors or Partner. $50K minimum, Huge REAL ESTATE - 628 Real Estate For Sale Northridge Patrician Hills 6 Bedrooms, 31/2 Baths’. Formal Dining Room. 2 Car Garage. Swimming Pool. RV Parking. Quiet Cul De Sac (818) 885-0515 Wichita, Kansas ON GOLF COURSE 2 BR, 2 BA, Frml. Din., Liv. Rm., Lg. Kit. w Brkfst Nook, on Main Fl. 1 BR, 1 BA, Fmly Rm, Storm Rm. in Bsmt. 4-Car Att. Gar. $350K Bt. 2002 (316)722-7015 (316)371-4181 m q eq u i p @ s bc g l o ba l .n e t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - 629 INCOME PROPE RTIES 7.98 Acre multi-use property New Home, 360 Degree view ROI, 8% right now. In 5 years, 2 x's your Evans Valley. 2 Wells, pasture, Marketable investment. Limited Time. Serious Investors trees. RV Parking, Fenced, Organic Garden. Only. 818-359-6638. Electronic Gates to Asphalt Driveway. Minnesota Lakeshore and Wilderness Parcels being liquidated by private party. Call 612-636-3066 or visit (541) 301-1909 (800)444-1938 New Home For Sale in Seeley Lake, MT. Creek frontage, 6.520 acres with water rights. REAL ESTATE - 628 Price reduced for quick sale $559,000.00. BEVERLY HILLS PRIME LOCATION 406-210-1013 or 719-738-3400 Call for further details. 3 PRIVATE OFFICES W/PANORAMIC VIEW, PLUS RECEPTION & CONFERENCE AREA. Real Estate Loans - 630 CAT5, SECURE PARKING. CONTACT JULIANA 310-724-5555 RETIREMENT Trona. Retire. Cheap $4K Down payment, For AppleBee’s Restaurant Wanted 1st T.D. Loan@ 5% $104 Biwk, 10% APR, $21K-15yr Loan, Interested 6 years, Interest only, 13407 Yucca, Near Ridgecrest. Interest paid monthly, Secured by 4-Plex. ….Fencing & Gates…. Chain Link, wood, Call (760)608-0818 Agent. Great Location. 909-985-2677 vinyl Bus/Home/Ranch, BUSY R ESTAUR ANT B UILDING FENCING - 412-A New and Repair. Call Dave 661-917-0720, Corner Coldwater/Victory Blvd. B E V E R LY H I L L S - 7 2 0 C 661-722-2083 NEXT DOOR TO BURGER KING Forever Princess & Heroes, Magical Birthday BK is doing over $3 million/year. 4,000 Sqft pizza parlor. ROOFING - 4 1 2 - C High visibility - theatres galore! T W I N S R O O F I N G , IN C LEASE or BUY building $1,500,000 Terms or Repair, Replacement, Maintenance Trade. Call Bernie MacElhenny BMRA. Established 1993 Owner anxious (805) 692-2807 CA Lic# 670381 REAL ESTATE RETIREMENT 818-364-8489 or 805-795-0512 Trona. Retire.Cheap T EX T I L E / FA B R I CS - 41 3 $4K Down payment, $104 Biwk, 10% APR, We sell silk, cotton, poly for home furnishings, garments & draperies w w w. k a p o o r t e x t i l e . c o m S P I R IT U A L - 4 1 4 $21K-15yr Loan, 13407 Yucca, Near Ridgecrest. Call (760) 608-0818 Agent. Party Place. Open Everyday, Playdates, Dress-Up, Face-Painting, and Arts & Crafts. 8808 Horner St., Los Angeles, CA, 90035. (310)801-6363 CONSTRUCTION - 725 NED PARKE R CONSTRU CTION Complete Residential Contracting Services. Fully insured, licensed (658-486). Driveways and Decks are Specialties. P h . 3 2 3 -8 7 1 - 8 8 6 9 Foreclosure and Bank Owned Homes/Land from $15,000 M a r i o ’s C o n s t r u c t i o n Prime Development Properties Starting at Brakes, Driveways, Concrete, Paving, Walls, $2,000/Acre Keychains, Bathrooms, Tiles, and Painting 40 Acre Ranch - $90,000 MIRACLE WORKER Free Estimates. 20 Years of Experience. SEI Real Estate Professionals Spiritual Guide, Fortune Teller Life Coach Psychic Medium and Clairvoyant African Healer "ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST" 1-800-738-6858 ( 8 1 8 ) 8 3 8 -5 0 4 0 1 . 8 88 . 9 7 3. 4 7 3 7 BUCKS COUNTY, PA - Yardley. 2 mins. to I-95 DENTAL / MEDICAL - 74 6 interchange. 2 story French Colonial. 4,300 ME DICAL PR ACTICE s.f. 4 bd.4 baths. $84,000 in upgrades. Close For Sale or Lease Building to shopping, train, etc. Reduced from Furnished / Unfurnished $717.000 to $699,000. DAVID FIORI, INC. Main Street Covina. 1 block medical center REALTORS 215-757-1000. Price: Negotiable. Contact (626) 617-3234 Classifieds PAGE TEN CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS............................101 PERSONALS.........................................102 ANTIQUES.........................................102-A PAINTING...........................................103 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.................203 BUSINESS SERVICES.......................203A YARDWORK..........................................204 FIREWOOD...........................................302 FOR SALE..............................................304 COLLECTIBLES...................................305 AUTOMOTIVE.......................................306 CATERING/FOOD..............................307 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING SERVICES....................................308 AIR CONDITIONING...........................401 LEGAL SERVICES..................................402 PERSONAL TRAINER......................403 COMPUTER SERVICES .....................404 RUGS .....................................................405 HEALTH CARE .....................................406 SERVICES..............................................407 SENIOR SERVICES...........................407A CLEANING SERVICES.....................407B HEALING & HEALTH.......................407C HOSPITAL HOME CARE..............407D CAREGIVERS.................................407E ELECTRICAL....................................407F MUSIC.....................................................408 EVENTS..............................................408-A MUSIC/DANCE .....................................409 VOICE LESSON...........................409-A HAULERS..............................................410 MOVERS............................................410-A SECURITY..............................................411 HOME IMPROVEMENT........................412 FENCING ...........................................412-A GENERAL CONTRACTOR ...............412-B ROOFING ..........................................412-C TEXTILE / FABRICS.............................413 SPIRITUAL.............................................414 ORGANIZER..........................................415 TRAVEL..................................................416 HAWAII TRAVEL ...............................416-A WEDDING OFFICIANTS.....................417 HUNTING..............................................418 BEAUTY..................................................419 HOUSE SITTING .................................420 PETS.......................................................516 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT..................618 EMPLOYMENT.....................................619 MOVIE/FILM.........................................620 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY......626 INCOME PROPERTIES................626-A RENTAL........................................627 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ............629 REAL ESTATE LOANS .................630 PLUMBING.........................................631 B E V E RLY HIL LS...................720C OPEN HOUSE.................... ..........722 COMMERCIAL RENTALS..... .......723 HOMES FOR SALE.......................724 CONSTRUCTION..........................725 CEMETERY.................................726 HOME CARE...............................727 BRENTWOOD...............................728 CENTURY CITY.............................729 HOLLYWOOD HILLS ..................730 LAUREL CANYON........................ 731 LOS FELIZ....................................732 MELROSE.....................................733 MALIBU........................................ 734 SHERMAN OAKS..........................738 STUDIO CITY................................739 TOLUCA LAKE..............................740 TOPANGA CANYON......................741 WEST HOLLYWOOD....................742 WEST LOS ANGELES..................743 WESTWOOD.................................744 OUT OF AREA...............................745 DENTAL/MEDICAL........................746 CARPENTRY.................................747 LEGAL FILINGS...........................800 ANNOUNCEMENTS - 101 A L Z H E I M E R ’ S A S S O C I AT I O N Please help us find a cure. Donate your vehicle, running or not. Your contribution is tax deductible 1-888-250-3663? TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR DIAMONDS 4 CT + & ESTATE JEWELRY PLEASE CALL JACK FOR AN APPOINTMENT AT (310) 994-8664 9595 WILSHIRE BLVD. BEVERLY HILLS. CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 ANNOUNCEMENTS - 101 PERSONAL TRAINER - 403 SERVICES - 407 WE PAY MORE! 1 L I F E . . . L I V E W E LL Free One Hour training session & evaluation! I come to you. Individual/Group sessions, any fitness level/age. John (818) 597-9330 Over 40 years experience! L.O.V.E. PARENTING. Coaching, Insight, Support. “Truly amazing.”-Carrie-Anne Moss. Honest Buyers of Antiques, Arts, Jewelry, Diamonds & Watches. House Calls OK. Strictly Confidential. 310-860-9991. 11:00am - 6:00pm PERSONALS - 102 L A’ S P R E M I E R E X O T I C E V E N T & SERVICES - 407 GOLD C OAST MARBLE All Natural Stone and Marble Polishing PAR T Y S TA F F I N G F I R M Specializing in Floor and Shower Theme Parties Available. Bartenders-Servers- Restorations Tile and Grout Cleaning and Etc. Sealing. "Serving the West Side Over 15 PA I N T IN G - 1 0 3 FOR ADVERTISING PLEASE CALL 310-277-6017 BUSINESS SERVICES - 2 0 3 A WORK FROM HOME! Growing environmentally concerned company seeking outgoing representative. Earn up to $3K/month, part-time. call Erik 310-927-8160 Electro-stress? BIOPRO has the solution for electropolution. For families thriving in the wireless age. FOR SALE - 304 Tales of a Beverly Hills Bitch One dog's story 800-206-0999, "Slam Dunk" Al Kasha, 2x Academy Award winner Four 200-year-old Plantation Posts from New Orleans (not in Katrina) 9 1/2 ft. height with 5” x 5” sq. base $2300, (323) 309-6109 ESTATE SALE DUX BED, 2 yrs old, sacrifice, $2,900 Cherrywood Office Suite $900 ICON Gallery faux fireplace $1300 Balinese Armoir $1100 1930s Wardrobe $1300 Oriental headboard $100. 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NOELLE (310) 980-6071 West Coast DMJ services a private duty home care giving company which provides qualified home care givers at competitive rates. Please call 310-850-6457 or Cell 310-435-4657 CLEANING SERVICES - 407-B C l e an S w e ep L . A . Top quality cleaning Services for residential & commercial businesses covering Westside areas. C ALL ( 31 0) 6 5 1– 40 1 9 w w w. c l e a n s w e e p i a . n e t HE A L I NG & HE A LT H - 4 0 7C RAW FOOD CLEANSE FOOD PREPARED WITH FRESH ORGANIC INGREDIENTS AND DELIVERED DAILY. YOU CAN START IN 24 HOURS GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE 310-405-5561 RAWESSENCEFOODS@GMAIL.COM FOR ADVERTISING PLEASE CALL 310-277-6017 CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 News PAGE THREE POLIC E PU RSUIT E ND S IN LOS FELIZ LOS FELIZ—A police chase ended in Los Feliz on Tuesday, January 8 when a man allegedly driving a stolen car crashed into a vehicle. Authorities reportedly began pursu- By Ivetta Babadjanian ing the suspect in Sunland. The suspect was driving a white Honda Civic and went onto the 210 Freeway heading east. The chase continued as the suspect took the 2 Freeway south and exited into Los Feliz. The chase ended after the suspect crashed into another vehicle in Los Feliz. He exited the vehicle and proceeded to follow the officers' orders. The sus- pect was taken into custody without incident. No further information has been released as of press time. T WO VI OL E NT CR I ME S ON UCL A CA M PUS WESTWOOD—Two violent crimes occurred on UCLA’s campus early Monday morning: an armed robbery and an attempted sexual assault. Police are urging students to walk safely and take caution. At around 12:05 a.m. on Monday, January 7, a male student was heading North on Veteran Avenue from Gayley Avenue where he was approached by man who put a hand gun to the student’s back. After de- By Katherine Noland manding his money, the student avoided a female student was heading East bedanger and gave him his wallet and cell tween Structure No. 9 and Engineer No. phone. The suspect fled the scene imme- 4 where a man, described as around 30 diately, and was last seen by people near- years old and white/light skinned Asian, by on Montana. He is described as black, bear hugged her and told her he was goin his 20s, around 5’9” and 170 pounds. ing to sexually assault her. The woman He also had a light beard, and was wear- was able to break away from the ating a dark beany hat, large jacket and dark tempted assault, and was not injured. The pants. suspect is around 5’11” tall, about 160 About an hour later, at around 1:30 a.m., pounds, and has black hair. He was wear- ing a grey hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. UCLA police strongly encourage students to take advantage of the school’s escort service, which can be reached at 310794-WALK, or to at least walk with a friend whenever possible. Anyone with information regarding the crimes are asked to call 310-825-1491. SHEEN APOLOGIZES FOR LA MAYOR REMARKS LOS ANGELES—Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa refused to make any additional comments on Tuesday, January 8 regarding his interaction with actor Charlie Sheen during his recent trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Sheen posted a photo of himself last month with his arm draped around Villaraigosa on his Twitter and Instagram stating in his caption that the mayor "knows how to party." Villaraigosa claimed the interaction was brief as they bumped By Ivetta Babadjanian into each other and conversed for a few Sheen said his version of events was minutes. In addition, he stated that he misunderstood by the public. “Mayor asked Sheen to refrain from posting any Villaraigosa was gracious enough to take photos onto the internet. a photo with me while we are at the same On Tuesday, Sheen countered the may- event. The mayor spoke to many other or's statement by indicating that their in- people during the opening, as well as I teraction was not brief. He said that did. I am a giant fan of the mayor’s, and they spent over two hours together in a apologize if any of my words have been hotel suite where they partied with drinks misconstrued.” and women at Hotel El Ganzo on DeDuring a news conference for Eli cember 29. Broad's new art museum, The Broad In a statement released by a spokesman, Museum on Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles, the mayor's vacation in Cabo was mentioned. Reporters asked questions such as “Can you just set the record straight for us?” “What was it? Two hours or three minutes?” “Does what happens in Cabo stay in Cabo?” The mayor did not give any additional information and merely stated, “I’ve said what I’m going to say on that, everybody. You had fun. Let’s talk about the important things, like a thousand jobs today.” LA NO L ONGER MOST DANGEROU S CIT Y LOS ANGELES—On Monday January 7, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Police Chief Charlie Beck announced that Los Angeles has decreased its number of homicides for the third year in a row in 2012. The city went from 1,096 murders per year two decades ago to under 300. The crime reduction in the city of Los Angeles, placed it at the lowest per capita crime rate of any city over 2 million peo- By Jennifer Alcaraz ple, which is lower than Houston, city had a total of 9,284 police officers. ToPhiladelphia, New York City and Chica- day the police force has a total of 10,023 go. officers. Crime reduction was attributed to the Since the mayor’s election in 2005, viincrease in police force regardless of olent crimes have dropped a total of the city’s large budget deficit. This is a 27.2 percent, according to the departcontinuous goal Mayor Antonio Vil- ment. The number of homicides stayed laraigosa has maintained as his priority, under 300 for the third consecutive year. to continue to hire police officers. The On the other hand, there was a small inyear Villaraigosa was elected mayor the crease in property crimes, attributed to a rise in electronic device thefts such as cell phones and computers. Beck praised the mayor’s focus on reducing gang crimes. There has been a 47.5 reduction in gang crime since Villaraigosa took office, with 152 gang homicides in 2012, which is a record-low. It’s a hope for Villaraigosa, that the next mayor elected expands the police force in the city. SERIAL KILLER CHA RGED WIT H 3 UNSOLVED MURDERS By Katherine Noland LOS ANGELES—A 72-year-old suspected serial killer was arrested on Monday, January 7, for the cold case murders of three women in the 1980s. The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office has charged Samuel Little, who also went by the name of Samuel McDowell, for three formerly unsolved murders after being brought from Kentucky to California by the U.S. Marshals Service in September for unrelated criminal activity. Little’s DNA has been linked to three bodies that were found in the Central Avenue-Alameda street corridor south of downtown LA. The bodies belonged to victims Carol Alford, 41, who was found dead on July 13, 1989, Audry Nelson, 35, whose body was discovered August 14, 1989, and Guadalupe Apodaga, 46, who was found dead September 2, 1989. According to LAPD detectives, the killings were done with sexual motive. Little has racked up a heavy criminal record, with multiple counts of drunk driving, shoplifting, and burglary. Police believe he is accountable for a number of unsolved cases, including two murders and two attempted murders in Florida and Mississippi that he never got charged with. Little was acquitted from the case of the strangulation of a 26-yearold Florida woman named Patricia Ann Mount whose body was found September 12, 1982. As for the three Mississippi cases, Little was never brought to trial. Police believe he is responsible for a number of other unsolved violent crimes. According to detectives, he targeted drug users, prostitutes, and those with other similar “destructive” lifestyles. The LAPD have asked other law enforcement agencies to contact the LAPD Cold Case Detectives if similar crimes have occurred between 1960 and present. Whether or not Little will face the death penalty is currently unknown. PAGE FOUR Features & Entertainment "PPRETTY LITTLE LIARS" RETURNS WITH 'SSHE'SS BETTER NOW' HOLLYWOOD—It seems like eons since we last talked about the ABC Family guilty pleasure “Pretty Little Liars,” but after months of being on break the show returned with a bang on Tuesday with its winter premiere. The episode amply titled “She’s Better Now” paid a huge focus to “A” herself, Mona (Janel Parrish), who has since been released from Radley Sanitarium. The audience is well aware that Mona is still up to her old antics alongside “A” team member Toby (Keegan Allen). That’s right, Spencer’s ‘boyfriend’ has been plotting against her all along and she has no clue! Yes, the smartest liar of them all is getting played big time, but she’ll find out this season. It’s just a question of what she’ll do when she finds out that has everyone concerned. The episode opened with someone dressed in a black hoodie skateboarding through town. We are lead to believe it's Toby, but no face was seen. Someone in a vehicle hot on their trail attempts to run them off the road and it's revealed to be Toby. Just who was he trying to run down is the question? Mona begged Hanna (Ashley Benson) for assistance with her transition back to school, scaring her half to death in the middle of the night. Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Aria (Lucy Hale) discussed the opportunity to befriend Mona to get information about the “A” team, while Aria was super defensive of the issue that her father may have played a role in Alison’s death. I felt so much compassion for Mona as she made her transition back to school. Yes, she’s done some terrible things, but CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 By LaDale Anderson didn't the liars deserve it? To see someone place a brain with a knife in it inside her locker was horrid, while everyone used their phones to capture it. It appears Jason (Drew Van Acker) and Lucas (Brendon Robinson) were watching her every move, just as Mona whispered something to Lucas, which peaked Hanna’s interest. He just walked away. “Welcome to Mona 2.0,” shouted a sarcastic Spencer. Best line of the night so far. Aria’s worst enemy, Meredith, became her teacher. Looks like an opening for Mona to become Aria’s friend by taking care of Meredith, the wicked witch from the east. Hanna and Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) speculated who Aria stabbed with the screwdriver on the haunted train, and Emily was stunned to see the gentleman from the Lost Woods Resort working as a janitor at the high Emi l y (S ha y M i tc h e l l) , Ha n na ( As hl e y Be n so n) a nd Sp e n c e r (Tro ia n Be l l is a ri o ). school. deliver money to Caleb. He revealed that demanded money. The liars were caught Jason comforted Mona, which fueled he had an accident while skateboarding, red-handed by the janitor and Toby. Mona rage inside Spencer, creating sparks in her which indicated Toby tried to run him over. locked eyes with Meredith, plotting somerelationship with Toby. Hanna and Emily He did reveal that Mona had been sneak- thing sinister that injured Meredith. Score (Shay Mitchell) spied on the janitor and ing out for quite some time; the friends 1 for Aria. found some of Mona’s things. “A” left a were sweet on each other for a few seconds. A very defensive Bryon grilled Aria about threatening gift for Aria about Ezra (Ian Her campaign video really worked as whether her friends implemented the Harding) being a daddy. She’s in over her everyone began to befriend her as the gang stunt that injured Meredith and then head. Hanna gave up a weird clue re- prepared for the marathon walk. called him out on his secrets. The episode garding Caleb not knowing his father as she Emily, who was held “captive” at home, wrapped with Spencer paying Jason a vispressured Aria to reveal the truth. Some- disarmed the house alarm so she could it and getting a call from Aria indicating one spied on Spencer and Toby in the hot catch some fresh air, and ran into the oth- that “A” set them up; while Bryon eavestub, which unnerved Toby. Aria attempt- er girls as they broke into the janitor’s dropped on his daughter. Jason had a nifty ed to pry information from her father about room and all of Mona’s things were MIA. scar that Mona helped heal. Someone in Alison, which caught him off guard; it was The liars discovered Ali’s diary, and dis- a black hoodie was seen toying with someobvious he was lying. covered things about Bryon (Chad Lowe). one’s bike, which led to a tragic fall. “PretMona sent out a cyber video telling her A flashback revealed Alison blackmailing ty Little Liars” airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on story about being bullied, which caught Bryon, threatening to reveal his affair ABC Family. The twists and turns have just Hanna’s attention, but Lucas stopped by to and he got quite physical with her as she begun. Until next week “PLL” fanatics! NIG HT SC H OOL 102 : W ASTELA ND E PIP HA NY HOLLYWOOD—Perched on a bench amid the furry green turf that rose sharply, Jason opened the zebra-covered journal and proceeded to read the undated entry: “Fame is not something I would wish on anyone,” Suzanne wrote. Jason blinked back a tear seeing Suzanne's idiosyncrasy, once annoying, now endearing, of writing a small i for I.”People who have not experienced fame, cannot believe what a hell storm it is. They go to a supermarket and lazily leaf through a magazine consecrated to fame, dreaming of it, consuming and envying it. To go to a supermarket, without makeup, my hair disheveled, is a luxury now denied to me. Success has left me without time to pick my nose—and if I did pick my nose, some dam paparazzo would take a picture. Soon I won't be able to throw out my nail clippings, hair strands and floss for fear somebody will mine my DNA. And autographs! This childish obsession with autographs! You have a dream come true and then you stew because it is nothing like what you imagined it was going to be, nothing at all. Nobody imagines sweating tourists from By Grady Miller Omaha with bad breath, trembling like And gleaming condos to be built decrepit rabbits, asking for your signature. And you bungalows were demolished and their reknow. I envy every one of them because they mains of twisted plumbing and termite-ridcan walk down a street without being den lumber were dumped here. To the east stopped.” acres and acres of automotive graveyards Jason sat on the grass mound, squinting housed the crushed husks of their cars, piled at the sun which had at last broken out from like pancakes. Purring forklifts lightly tossed behind the gloom. It poured down between the carcasses of Cadillac’s and old pickups, the fluffy clouds in golden shafts. Jason gazed when they had ceased to serve, at last circularly from the green island onto the sur- stripped bare of every useful part like the rounding lunar landscape: mountains of gray bones of a Thanksgiving turkey. cement dust, mountains of fragmented To the south, a monumental series of considewalks from Los Angeles, smelly smol- veyor belts and a superstructure resembling dering debris that rose against the platinum a rocket launch pad pulverized the old sky and poisoned children's lungs. sidewalks and cement steps of Los Angeles, To the northeast spread out the purple and to the southwest, near where Jason had majesty of mountains not made by man. Ja- first kissed Candy, a series of funnels and son beheld it all, drank it all in: Sun Valley paddles, pulleys and gigantic mixers, stirred was offstage for the vast metropolis that fresh concrete for the growing city. Such ugcould not smell its own stink, could not bear liness and beauty dwelled together. to behold its waste, and washed its hands of His soul expanded and cleansed by this barthis eyesore it alone had birthed. ren monumentality, Jason returned to JefUnseen, the blue fleet of Regal Waste ferson Adult School. He was remarkably free Company garbage trucks whisked in and out of the angst that usually filled him before of the finest neighborhoods, retrieved their class. The angst had melted away. Jason himrefuse, and brought it here special delivery. self couldn't explain why. What was undisputable was that the anguish which in the past twisted his stomach into knots had vanished. Maybe he was the loser garbage brought here by Hollywood that had no use for him. So what! He had glimpsed grandeur in Sun Valley's garbage mountains. After reading Suzanne's thoughts on fame, he felt pricked by remorse for never having opened up to her his own putrid pit of envy. He'd played the game of chicken where the person who fesses up loses when he says, “I envy the hell out of you! Why did all the success happen to YOU?” And now, Jason realized with a gasp, Suzanne all the time had been asking “Why me?” Nobody, but NOBODY has it made in Hollywood, Joey Leonard once told him. Some are itching for their first act, others pine for a second act, the Greats crave for the curtain to descend while still at the top of their game, and yet how few take that final bow with dignity. (to be continued) CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 Life Style C HRIST MAS LEFTOV ERS PAGE NINE UNITED STATES—Just three weeks after Christmas, many of us are already wondering what to do with poinsettias, cyclamens, Christmas cacti, hollies and living Christmas trees. Christmas cacti and hollies are perhaps the easiest of these to accommodate. Christmas cacti do not even need to leave the home as their flowers eventually deteriorate, since they are happy as foliar houseplants or potted on sheltered porches, and with good sun exposure, will bloom annually. Hollies make handsome shrubbery where their prickly foliage will not be a problem. Since some hollies get quite large, and others stay low and compact, it is helpful to know which variety any particular holly plant is. Cyclamens are popular as cool season bedding plants as well as blooming potted plants. Gardeners typically dispose of those grown as bedding plants as if they were mere annuals. However, they are actually cool season perennials that go dormant through summer. If they are not in the way of warm season annuals in spring, and are among other plants that will cover for them during their dormancy, they can be left in the garden to regenerate and bloom again next winter. Individual potted plants that get too tired to be appealing in the home can be retired to partly shaded shallow ground cover or mixed perennials for a bit of winter col- By Tony Tomeo or. Poinsettias are a bit more complicated, which is why so many people simply discard them as they slowly lose their color after Christmas. They can keep their color for many months, and be happy as houseplants, but rarely bloom again in the home once their first bloom is gone. Alternatively, they can be planted into sheltered and partly shaded spots in the garden after frost. Through summer, they develop taller scrawny stems that bloom early in January or so. (Yes, they bloom 'after' Christmas.) They are sensitive to frost, so like to be under eaves. Of all the popular potted plants associated with Christmas, living Christmas trees are the most problematic, not because they are difficult to care for, but because they so often get planted in bad situations. Only the compact conifers, like spruces, junipers and Scots pines, can stay potted to function as Christmas trees for a few years or more. Almost all other pines P o i n s e t t i a s c a n b e c o m e h a n d s o m e h o u s e p l a n t s . grow too vigorously to be happy for long grow to maturity without causing trouble, rarely pale orange bracts surrounding in containers. After Christmas, they it best to find another home for it, or to these flowers are merely colorful leaves. should instead get their circling roots sev- discard it when it outgrows contain- Some varieties have marbled, blotched or spotted bracts. Compact potted plants that ered, and then be planted into the garden. ment. Flower of the Week: Poinsettia are mostly less than two feet tall and broad The problem is that most living ChristThe tiny, yellow buds at the center of can get quite lanky and taller than ten feet mas trees are Italian stone pines or Canary Island pines, each of which gets much too poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) in the garden. The dark green leaves are large for confined garden spaces. If there blooms are actually the unimpressive about three to five inches long. is not enough space for such a tree to flowers. The colorful red, white, pink or LOS ANGELES—I’m sometimes asked about TV infomercials touting high priced seminars that offer to teach you how to buy real estate without a down payment. My answer is generally the same: It’s an interesting idea, but it’s not something I would pursue. I just don’t think this is a realistic way to pursue real estate if you’re a serious buyer. Back in the 90s for instance, there wasn’t much money available in a bad economy so you could find deals where you could buy property without making a down payment or having to get financing. It was a different time and the economy was a lot different than it is today, so some of those types of deals could be done today. But it’s not very likely. Back in the early 90s when there was less money around in the market, the only thing people could do was do all inclusive trust deeds where they kept the current institutional financing after and the seller sold the property to the buyer who was still servicing the old loan. But the problem there was that it could become a very difficult situation should the new owner not pay the old lender. Today, you would have a very difficult time finding anyone to agree to do anything like that. Especially in a large metropolitan area like Los Angeles. You may have a better chance in a far-flung community where the market is more impacted by the economy. It’s easier for somebody to risk their $300,000 house than their million dollar By David Rosenfeld house. So there is not that kind of market pressure and have no money down and sell a place. What would happen back in the early 90s was that the buyer would fix up the property get new financing and/or turn around and sell the property. But today, loans have become more restrictive with these types of deals, making it harder to do them with any success. But in terms of no money down, it’s very hard to find somebody willing to sell their property based on getting a payment from you every month. It has to be somebody you know who is willing to do this for you or someone to whom you were recommended who is willing to do it. The desperation that once existed for people to do this doesn’t exBeware of ‘No Money Down’ schemes. ist anymore. if I can’t pay it back?” Like any loan, this type may ask yourself if someone has a secret way But what these infomercials say is that there are ways to make a deal with no mon- of loan has to be paid back sooner or later and to buy real estate without using their own ey down with the property owner where he if you can’t pay it back, it’s going to be a ma- money, why don’t they keep it to themselves unless it’s not making them as much monor she can finance you or they show you ways jor problem. Another possible scenario is asking a sell- ey as selling the seminars to you are? It’s an to try to raise money from investors. But in reality, people are generally very hesitant to er to lease the property with an option to pur- interesting question to ponder. David Rosenfeld is a Real Estate broker and risk money on something like this so it’s no chase. If you’re a seller, you want to sell your property and not lease it so it’s a tall order president of Advantage Real Estate, a Real Eswonder these deals are so rare. tate and investment firm in Santa Monica, Part of the selling points of these “no mon- to get a deal this way. And there are many other things you can and a Rotary Club member. He has more than ey down” seminars is the fact they offer you various ways to find financing. Among these do without putting your own money to pur- 20 years experience in commercial and resis borrowing money from your life insurance chase property, but in the end, none of idential property investments and financial policy. And it can be done, but you still have these are very likely to get you a deal, given counseling. He can be reached at dr@adto ask your insurance agent “What happens today’s real estate market. In the end, you BEW ARE O F 'NNO M ONEY DO WN' REAL ESTATE SCHEMES PAGE EIGHT LAUREL CANYON—Well this past weekend was an affirmation that the hills are still alive with music - not the Broadway show kind - but the amped up rock n’ roll that put Laurel Canyon on the music map of the world. The first Annual Love Street Festival. Jim Morrison of the Doors wrote about Love Street, a small strip of Rothdell Trail where he used to live. He made it famous. People still make pilgrimages to Love Street. The occasion for the Festival - a fundraiser to help protect local wildlife. So put together the music and the cause and you have a rockin' good party. Everyone was in a groovy mood; a mother with blue hair, a Daddy taking a toke. Let me mention the very looonggg Cadillac; everyone was invited to paint it; a man strolling around in a silk kimono and a girl twirling a hula hoop! The stage was all about guitars, statocasters, Les Pauls, drums, vocals amps, and more amps. Wall to wall music from 10 am to 6 pm, bands doing 35 minute sets. Music for hours on end? I thought surely the bands would play Point of View I T 'SS A L L R O C K 'NN R O L L CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 By Joann Deutch 2-3 sets throughout the day. Not so. Apparently there are plenty of local rockers to hold down the fort for 8 hours. The bands were more than just great. I overheard a comment from the audience, “jeez we do a fundraiser, and it stinks by comparison to this music. Maybe we should rethink our fundraiser.” Every band had a connection to the Canyon. Many of the musicians had done a stint at Lilly’s enjoying the sunshine and atmosphere, sitting around and composing music and lyrics that spoke of the role the canyon played in their artistry. I recognized Jo ee C o rso p erf o rmin g at L o ve S treet F estival. any number of faces on stage. When they had the look of a throwback to the 60s. I worked his original lyrics to honor the hard took the stage and sang their hearts out, waited for them to take the stage. The lead working volunteers who put the show topassionate original lyrics of love, sorrow, clarity, and wisdom, I asked myself why was singer Joee Corsivo is a well known Los An- gether to protect the local wildlife. His set I brought up short? Maybe because having geles musician and lyricists. He has a solo included songs which were delicate odes to seen these artists hunched over their song- career, but for this event he joined forces love, its sadness and pain. You could tell books, I was oblivious to the serious busi- with friends. I recognized him from Lilly’s these were personal experiences that made porch where he hung out to create his mu- him stronger as a man. He left me wanting ness at hand on Lilly’s porch. I came upon a tricked out van parked be- sic. He sang about the influence, passion, his set to run long. This jam made me understand how Lauhind the stage with mottos and tid-bits of love and gratitude he owed to the spirit of wisdom scribbled all over the van. This band Laurel Canyon. With a twinkle he re- rel Canyon has a mystical link to music. TAKING A LOOK AT MENTAL ILLNESS UNITED STATES—Why is it when it comes to mental illness it’s a discussion people prefer not to have. Mental illness is a serious issue in America and a discussion that we need to have. It should not be a taboo subject matter, there are thousands, perhaps millions of people suffering from mental illness everyday, yet we turn a blind eye to the issue. When it comes to having a conversation about mental illness we should not be hesitate to create a forum to discuss bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression or any other illnesses that affect the human psyche. Why is it we frown when we hear dis- By Trevor Roberts cussions about people suffering from seri- causes people to question you as a person, ous diseases? Instead of running away from and that should not be the case. All of us the issue by talking about it there is a pos- suffer some case of depression to a degree. sibility that we can facilitate a way to treat Some encounter milder cases of depression such illnesses. By doing so not only are than others, but we cannot refuse to achelping society, but we are also providing knowledge it. We get into bad moods, somethe opportunity from those individuals times moods that are difficult to shake and who may feel ostracized by society be- the best way to get out of that funk is cause of their illness to be more open with through therapy or medication. those who just don’t get it. Am I saying every single person should fly We’d all like to think mentally we’re as to the doctor to be treated for a mental illhealthy as we can be, but the truth is that ness, no, only if you have reason to believe we all suffer some sort of mental illness to that you may be suffering from something a degree; it’s the label that disturbs many of that you can’t quite place your finger on? us. If you’re labeled mentally unstable it The reason for seeking treatment is those who suffer from illnesses that can turn violent can seek help before it’s too late. Many cases have arisen in the media in recent year where violent crimes have taken place by individuals deemed to be mentally unstable, yet medical treatment was not given to these individuals before it was too late. Mental illness is an issue that we can no longer refuse to discuss. We must have the courage to tackle a prevalent problem that continues to haunt many Americans. That struggle faced by those people grappling with mental illness is not only their problem, but as Americans it’s our problem as well. Features & Entertainment B I G W E E K F O R "GG H , " "YY &RR , " "AA M C " & "OO L T L " CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 HOLLYWOOD—This has been a huge week for soap fans across the nation. Earlier in the week it was announced from Prospect Park that ABC sudsers “All My Children” and “One Life to Live” will be getting a revival only this time airing on the Internet. Jeff Kwatinez and Rich Frank from Prospect Park released the following statement on Monday, January 7 confirming the launch of the two soaps. "We are pleased to confirm that Prospect Park is reviving the beloved soap operas, All My Children and One Life To Live as the anchor programs on The Online Network (TOLN). Today we are also pleased to confirm that Prospect Park has: 1) signed guild agreements with both SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) and the DGA (Directors Guild of America); 2) entered into a consulting agreement with Agnes Nixon, the creator of All My Children and One Life to Live, guaranteeing her active involvement; 3) hired Foz McDermott (coordinating producer Heroes) as TOLN's head of production, Jennifer Pepperman (Director, One Life to Live) as Executive Producer on One Life to Live, and Ginger Smith (Producer, All My Children) as Executive Producer on All My Children; and 4) arranged the necessary financing to begin production in February on both All My Children and One Life To Live. We thank the loyal audience and new generation of fans of both shows By LaDale Anderson who have demonstrated that passion and exciting story lines are not just reserved for traditional television. Their enduring support encouraged us to move forward each and every day. We look forward to sharing more details including our launch air date and additional specifics in the coming weeks." Some actors from those shows have already signed on for the reboot as some are calling it. Actress Debbi Morgan who portrayed Dr. Angie Hubbard on “AMC” has already signed on, as well as Vincent Izziary who portrayed the wicked Dr. David Hayward. A complete list of all actors expected to return for the soap which concluded in September 2011 has not yet been disclosed. Other casting news this week is big for fans of “ General Hospital” and “The Young and Restless.” Steve Burton who portrayed Jason Morgan on “GH” for more than 20 years is jumping ship to “ A ll M y C h i ld r e n . ” “Y&R” where he will portray Dylan the coming weeks. Just how Francis will McAvoy, a war vet and ex-lover to Avery be reintroduced into the mix is not yet (Jessica Collins). Burton made the an- known, but I’m guessing it will be major nouncement on Monday with the ladies of considering she was last seen in 2008. the CBS show “The Talk.” As “Y&R” There is also buzz that perhaps Jack gains one famed actor, “GH” is gaining a Wagner could possibly make a return to fan favorite. the soap by reprising his role as Frisco. Entertainment Weekly revealed that The big wigs at “GH” have been trying to Genie Francis who was last seen portray- lure the actor back for some time, but no ing Genevieve Atkinson on “Y&R” is ex- deal has been made. It would be great to pecting to return as Laura Spencer for see him back on the small screen with Fe“GH.” It’s huge news, as the soap is get- licia (Kristina Wagner) as Cesar Faison ting ready to celebrate its 50th anniversary (Anders Dove) implements his new onin April, so expect some juicy storylines in slaught of terror to Port Charles. Looks like PAGE FIVE Francis isn’t the only familiar face returning to the show, as Jon Lindstrom (Kevin) is set to return to Port Charles just in time for February sweeps. It will be a treat to see Kevin alongside Lucy (Lynn Herring) who recently made her return to the soap a few weeks ago. Expect other big announcements in the coming weeks from Prospect Park as I’m sure more actors and actresses sign on for “AMC” and “OLTL.” “ General Hospital” airs weekdays at 2 p.m. on ABC and “Young and Restless” airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. on CBS. “ LINCOLN” GRABS 12 OSC AR NOMINAT IONS By LaDale Anderson BEVERLY HILLS—The nominees for the 85th Annual Academy Awards were announced on Thursday, January 10 by Seth MacFarlane and actress Emma Stone. The duo had great chemistry joking while announcing the nominees. Leading the pack of all nominees is the picture “ Lincoln” with a total of 12 nominations, followed closely behind “Life of Pi” with 11 nominations and “Silver Linings Playbook” with 8 nominations. Competing in the Best Picture race are the following pictures “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” “Silver Linings Playbook,” “Zero Dark Thirty,” “Lincoln,” “Les Misérables,” “Life of Pi,” “Amour,” “Django Unchained” and “Argo.” Contenders for Best Actress include Naomi Watts “The Impossible,” Jessica Chastain “Zero Dark Thirty,” Jennifer Lawrence “Silver Linings Playbook,” Emmanuelle Riva “Amour” and Quvenzhane Wallis “Beasts of the Southern Wild.” Missing from this race is Marion Cotillard for “Rust and Bone.” This is a very interesting race; it’s wide open with potential. Amour becomes the oldest person nominated at 85 and Wallis is the youngest at only 9. Nominees for Best Actor are Daniel Day-Lewis “Lincoln,” Denzel Washington “Flight,” Hugh Jackman “Les Misérables,” Bradley Cooper “Silver Linings Playbook” and Joaquin Phoenix “The Master.” Lewis is considered a front-runner for the prize, and I don’t see anyone close to the taking except perhaps Cooper or Phoenix. Those vying in the Best Supporting Actress race include Sally Field “Lincoln,” Anne Hathaway “Les Misérables,” Jacki Weaver “Silver Linings Playbook,” Helen Hunt “The Sessions” and Amy Adams “The Master.” Snubbed in that category is Nicole Kidman who is nominated for a Golden Globe and SAG award for her work in “The Paperboy.” Up for Best Supporting Actor are Christoph Waltz “Django Unchained,” Phillip Seymour Hoffman “The Master,” Robert De Niro “Silver Linings Playbook,” Alan Arkin “Argo” and Tommy Lee Jones “Lincoln.” This was a tough category to predict with all the nominees being actors who are winners. A surprise though is Leonardo DiCaprio which many expected to get a nod for his villainous turn in “Django Unchained.” Big surprises in the Best Director category, but this year’s nominees include David O. Russell “Silver Linings Playbook,” Ang Lee “Life of Pi,” Steven Spielberg “Lincoln,” Michael Hanake “Amour” and Benh Zeitlin “Beasts of Southern Wild.” Notable surprises no love for Ben Affleck “Argo,” Kathryn Bigelow “Zero Dark Thirty,” Tom Hooper “Les Misérables” and Quentin Tarantino “Django Unchained.” With those omissions this field is indeed wide open, where I think it’s a race between Russell and Spielberg. For Best Original Screenplay the contenders are John Gatniss “Flight,” Mark Boal “Zero Dark R o b e rt De Ni r o i n "S i l v e r L i n i n g s P l a y b o o k . " Thirty,” Quentin Tarantino “Django Unchained,” Michael Hanake “Amour” and Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola “Moonrise Kingdom.” For Best Adapted Screenplay the nominees are Lucy Alibar and Behn Zeitlin “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” David Magee “Life of Pi,” David O. Russell “Silver Linings Playbook,” Tony Kushner “Lincoln” and Chris Terrio “Argo.” The nominees for Best Animated Feature include “Brave,” “ParaNorman,” “Wreck-It Ralph,” “The Pirates! Band of Misfits” and “Frankenweenie.” To check out the full-list of Oscar nominees visit The 85th Annual Academy Awards will be handed out on Sunday, February 24 at the Dolby Theatre at the Hollywood and Highland Center live at 5:30 p.m. PST on ABC. The ceremony will be televised in more than 225 countries worldwide. The awards season is definitely looking a bit more surprising with these Oscar nominations! Entertainment PAGE SIX CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 JUDGE S T AKE CENTER STA GE! By Rose Quintiliano HOLLYWOOD—Once again we have turned our eyes to the twelfth season of "American Idol." The show is set to premiere on January 16, with new judges Nicki Minaj, Mariah Carey, Keith Urban and Randy Jackson with host Ryan Seacrest. All eyes will be on the judges. Nicki Minaj will be terrific. She's smart, funny, and while many viewers will be admiring her outfits, it will be her character and personality that will shine. Despite the decline in viewers the show still remains a hit, even though Simon Cowell has been gone since 2010. Mariah Carey, certainly knows what she is talking about in the music industry. She was once married to the legendary music-industry veteran Tommy Mottola. Keith Urban, truth be told, will do justice to any country singers, since they seem to dominate the winner's platform of competition shows lately. The winner of the second season of the "X Factor" Tate Stevens performed a rendition of Keith Urban's "Somebody Like You," during Number Ones-themed Top 8 night. Stevens, rendition of the Garth Brooks song "If Tomorrow Never Comes," I believe made him the winner. That's why Keith Urban will be an asset to "American Idol." What can I say about Randy Jackson, he's like a fixture on "Idol." He will continue to use street slang in his critiques, including his infamous "dawg." Randy Jackson does have some realmusic industry credentials as a record producer. The judges will try to make the show work. Who wouldn't with their salaries? According to published reports, Mariah Carey is earning a reported $18 million. Nicki Minaj is in second place, with a reported $12 million, and Keith Urban is running in third place with a measly $5 million. "American Idol" is still in the running, it will make you laugh and cry. Expect to see the usual sad stories of some contestants and their auditions. The other entertaining show "The X Factor," despite a 20 percent drop in ratings still wants Britney Spears as a judge, according to reports. Britney-reportedly took home $15 million as her salary. She was criticized by many for her facial expressions, which often appeared to be dazed and confused, leaning forward in her seat and muttering "Very good," into the microphone, with generic critiques and never becoming the main attraction the show badly needed. With the departure of fellow judge L.A. Reid, reports immediately began to surface last month that fellow judge Britney Spears, 31, would not return back in September. Executive producer Simon Cowell is always looking to improve the Gonzalo's Lawn Care & Landscaping 3 23.98 4.504 3 EMPLOYMENT Assistant Curator Landscaping, Irrigation, Lawns, Walkways. Lowest rates - Free estimates. Commercial, Residential, Apartments, Hotels, Tree Service, Industrial. References Available. 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I bumped into her dad Mitch Winehouse last year at the Tribeca Film Festival, when he was there to attend the premiere of Tony Bennett's film the "Zen of Bennett." CLEANING SERVICES KisClean, INC. Non-Toxic House cleaning Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly Move-in/out cleaning, Event cleanup Post-remodel FREE ESTIMATE: (310) 498-1227 ****BONDED & INSURED**** Do you have a PASSION for HEALTH and a head for Business? If this describes you, give me a call. New Ground Floor Business Opportunity with a Proven Product! 56 2- 22 5- 19 89 & Repairs OUT OF AREA - IDAHO-BOISE 2 Homes, 1,586 sq ft. Built in 1996. 3 bedrooms, 2 Baths GSI $11,880. Sell: $165K 1.008 Sq. Ft. Built in 1994. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths GSI $8,340. Sell: $69K 619-444-0739 Mind Majors offering you the best in music SPIRITUAL and mastering. Spiritual Reader & Advisor MARRIAGE, BUSINESS, FAMILY OR SUCCESS Come Visit a Psychic Who Can help you understand your Destiny. One visit will convince you! $20 Special! Readings by Ann Cell: (954) 826-7073 First time in this Area. Call for appt. CEMETERY EDEN MEMORIAL CEMETERY TWO SIDE BY SIDE PLOTS FOR SALE EXLUSIVE MASADA SECTION $5,500/EACH CALL 619.888.3440 Business Opportunity Home Improvements 24 Yrs Experience! Fully Insured Lic. 656262 MUSIC production. Innovative solutions: From producing, writing, composing, mixing MA SS AG E Talented Hands Massage Relax your body & soul, let COMPUTER REPAIR Free Assessment 24/7 Onsite Support, Home / Office Any Computer Issue, Troubleshooting/Security Install/Repair/Upgrade, Internet/Antivirus/Website Day Davis: 310/592-2740, 818/795-5985, BEAUTY GOODBYE SUMMER, HELLO 20% OFF SEASONAL FACIALS! Michelle Beverly Hills 3106520504 By appointment only 9666 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, 90210 our experienced CMT's relieve your MUSIC stress, tension & more. Mind Majors offering you the best in music Serving West LA 310-666-2316 PAGE SEVEN By Michael St John show and speculation has it that it may be revamped. Interestingly enough, at the end of Season 1-when the show had 2 million more viewers-judges Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger along with host Steve Jones were all fired abruptly. Rose's Scoop: After a second inquest into the death of 27-year-old soul singer Amy Winehouse, - R EM O D E L IN G - R OO F I N G, - PA I NT I N G - D R Y WA L L , - P L U M B I N G - E L E CT R I C AL , - S T U C CO ( 31 0 ) 41 5 - 0 09 1 Entertainment R O S S C H A P P E L L "LL U P U S D O E S N 'TT S T O P M E ! " CANYON NEWS 90210 JANUARY 13, 2013 production. Innovative solutions: From producing, writing, composing, mixing and mastering. MUSIC Mind Majors offering you the best in music production. Innovative solutions: From producing, writing, composing, mixing and mastering. HELLO AMERICA!—It is so easy to feel sorry for ourselves when dealing with personal loss or physical mishaps which seem to delay our life objectives and dreams. However, when one meets a gifted thinker and writer such as Ross Chappell, you suddenly face a kind of different self reality. He doesn’t allow Lupus to daunt his dreams or the way he wants to live and enjoy his life. MSJ: Ross, even though you might be limited to what you might produce as a creator or writer, nothing seems to affect your determination to be or do what you obviously were born to do. Is the reason for this based on where you grew up or the type of family influence you’ve had? RC: Well, I’m the child of two librarians, so I suppose I never had a chance to escape the love of books and words, the expression of ideas, and the investigation of everything around me, a kind of innate curiosity that leads to opening the world to further observation and, hopefully, illumination. Beyond that, my family certainly had a major influence on the way I view life. Though my father died when I was quite young, his humble nature and consistent commitment to helping others whenever the opportunity presented itself left a lasting impression. When I was seven, I sat quietly in the back seat of my dad’s red Buick coupe next to what seemed to me one of the worst-smelling German shepherds on the planet. It was the service dog of one of my dad’s friends, a man who was blind, had few friends with a car, and couldn’t afford a cab. He needed a ride to the bus station, and when we arrived to pick him up, I watched as my dad, without a moment’s hesitation, led the gentle (but so smelly) dog into the backseat next to me. My dad paid no heed to the considerable mess that the dog tracked in with him. When we had dropped them off at the station and returned home, I remember thinking, “That’s love,” both in admiration for my father and notation for future reference. “That’s love.” What I would come to understand much later in life is that giving to others is as much a blessing to the giver as to the receiver. His quiet commitment to the service of others was a trait he shared with my grandmother, who I am happy to say, lived to the age of ninety-six. She shared so many stories with me… of marrying my grandfather the night he left to fight in Nicaragua, of running the length of the train platform to leap into his arms when he returned, of sitting in the chapel in Annapolis after he died in the line of duty while she was pregnant with my father. She was an amazing woman. A book on her life’s story has been slowly brewing in the back of my mind for some fifteen years now. If my body allows me to get through my current (FIVE! YIKES!) writing projects, perhaps that will be next. Both my dad and grandmother had a major impact on me and have left me with an abiding determination to take life as it comes, continue moving forward, and do whatever I can to help along the way. I suppose that is the primary reason my writing has moved from fiction, plays, and poetry to my current non-fiction and children’s book projects. I slowly let go the notion of deciding what to write and now simply write what comes, guiding my attention to share whatever I am given. That is, in fact, a motto that has grown in me in recent years, “The big picture is not our job. Our job is to say ‘Thank you,’ and share what we’re given.” And what a beautiful gift that is in return. MSJ: As a youngster, how did you envision the world? Was it based on films? RC: I recognized fairly early in life a trait I have since come to call my writer’s brain. It’s that part of myself that observes without judgment, simply taking note of all that transpires around me. It’s part of how I experience the world and life itself. Though only one facet of my personality and perspective, it is a potent one and it helps me engage others where they are, without judgment, listening with an open heart. As for what I saw when I looked out, it was a rather mad-cap mixture of reality and fantasy. I was lucky in that my parents encouraged my creative side. And, yes, I loved going to the movies, an experience of magic if ever there were one. MSJ: What writers influenced you during your academic developing years? And how? RC: That list goes on for pages, but J.R.R. Tolkien and my father must be the most influential. Tolkein was a favorite of both my mom and dad, and he engendered a love of expressive language and grand imagination as well as interesting perspectives on the creative process, the journeys of life, and life as a journey (Tree and Leaf, et al). Some of my father’s poems rank among the best I have ever read. Truly. Speaking to a quiet and warm observation of the world around us, they are simple, moving, beautiful. He specialized in haiku, and much of my own poetry evokes his, though it generally pales in comparison. I actually have one of his haiku tattooed on my shoulder. MSJ: When it was determined that you had Lupus, how did it affect how you looked at yourself, people around you or even the world? Were you angry? RC: Like most people who have to navigate the medical journey of an auto-immune disorder diagnosis, which is frequently a long and circuitous route, I had a variety of reactions as I moved through the process. The start-and-stop nature of it and the lack of definitive answers and treatment options can muddle the responses quite a bit. Initially diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis thirteen years ago, I was twenty-six at the time, and the pain and lack of function were life-altering, to say the least. At the onset, I was more overwhelmed than angry. (It was only two years ago that my diagnosis was corrected to Lupus, and that actually brought a bit of peace as I finally had an explanation for all my unexplained symptoms.) However, it also brought an even deeper empathy for my mother who had struggled with RA for many years. Degenerative diseases slowly change everything about how you inter- R os s C happ el l . act with the world, and it is not just that you have to learn anew how to function; you must learn and re-learn as the disease progresses, always adapting to new limitations. You must re-learn how to be you. As the disease progresses, it can also be incredibly isolating, though the digital world has lessened the impact of being mostly homebound. Some people respond well to treatment; others don’t. Either way, there are a range of challenges. I have found it important to move past any feeling that I am broken. I do what I can and am grateful for every day. Gratitude is a beautiful experience. It allows us to continue to contribute what we can, appreciate life while we have it, and receive some measure of grace from the people in our lives. MSJ: Did you discover something new about yourself as a human being? If so, what? RC: The answer to that is a book in and of itself. Suffice it to say I certainly learned that I have more in me than I realized and share more with my parents and grandparents by way of their strength and grace than I could ever have hoped for. I learned to meditate in college, and while I began many years ago meditating occasionally for pain management and to replace sleep (when pain made sleep impossible), I began sitting in silent meditation and prayer twice daily some two and a half years ago, and it has helped bring me to a new understanding of myself and the world around me. It has helped me to understand past mistakes and selfishness. It has gently guided me in a direction that, I hope, allows me to give more and take less. MSJ: Our country, the world is undergoing tremendous change, in a cultural sense; do you believe this will make for better understanding people and countries, different from our own? RC: I hope so. With so much suffering in the world, most of which can be traced in one way or another to greed and fear, an honest attempt at mutual understanding and acceptance will go a long way toward helping us solve the problems we face. When I see someone giving of themselves with no thought of recognition or return, I am reminded of our capacity to help heal each other, ourselves, our world. MSJ: Ross, when you’re alone and look in a mirror, what do you see and how does it make you feel? RC: A grinning idiot. That particular label may be partly a joke (I have not yet mentioned that I laugh… a LOT), but there is also a sincerity to it. Whenever I catch my gaze in the mirror, a small grin slowly spreads as I remember that it is just life. If we take it too seriously, we will drown in our own self-importance. I prefer to see it all through the lens of gratitude. To paraphrase Einstein (or more accurately, to rudely pilfer his pockets and run madly down the alleyway): There are two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a gift; the other is as though everything is a gift. Like Einstein, I have chosen to believe the latter.
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