my Resume

The Kenneth M. Rosen Postdoctoral Fellow in Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
Cardiovascular Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital
Division of Cardiology, Harvard Medical School
Building 149, 13th street, Charlestown, MA 02129
Fax: (617) 726 – 3754
• Advanced Biomedical Signal Processing and Machine Learning: Bayesian Networks, Kalman
Filter, Wavelet Transform, Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks, Time Series Data Analysis
• Cardio-Respiratory Patient Monitoring: Filtering, Delineation, Segmentation, Compression, Feature
Extraction, Classification, Cardiac Risk Stratification, Myocardial Infacrtion Detection, T-wave Alternans
Analysis, ECG Modeling, Heart Rate Variability Analysis, ECG-Derived Respiration Rate Estimation
• Cardiac Rhythm Management: Cardiac Electrophysiology, Electrocardiography (body surface and
intracardiac electrograms from implantable devices), Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiac Technologies
• Data Analysis: Algorithm Development and Data Processing in MATLAB, Statistical and Probabilistic
Analysis and Validation Techniques
• Programs: Matlab, LabView, Stata, Mathcad
• Postdoctoral Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Developing Novel Algorithms and Therapeutic Technologies to Prevent Lethal Cardiac Tachyarrhythmias
– Heart Rhythm Society Research Fellowship Award: The Kenneth M. Rosen Fellowship in Cardiac
Pacing and Electrophysiology, supported by an educational grant from Medtronic, Inc.
– American Heart Association Founders Affiliate Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
• PhD, Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
(research supervised jointly at Sharif University of Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Modeling the Cardiovascular Signals Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Heart Abnormality Verification
– EE Department Research Assistant Scholarship
– Brilliant Talents Center Research Award
– Distinguished Ph.D. Graduate in BME (1st Place, highest honor) (GPA: 18.98 out of 20)
• MS, Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Model-Based ECG Processing (Denoising, Compression and Classification)
– Iran Telecommunication Research Center Award
– Highest Distinction Award in Bioelectric
– Brilliant Talents Center Research Award
– Outstanding M.S. Graduation Award in BME (1st Place, highest honor) (GPA: 19.12 out of 20)
• BS, Biomedical Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
ECG Signal Compression Using Wavelet Transform and Time-Frequency Features
– Outstanding B.S. Graduation Award in BME (1st Place, highest honor) (GPA: 18.24 out of 20)
Cardiovascular Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
• Leading Roles and Major Research Contributions:
– Research engineer of R01 and R21 NIH-funded research grants
– Overall, my work resulted in $500,000 funding through research grants
– Developed state of the art signal processing algorithms for real-time T-wave alternans analysis
– Performed comprehensive data analysis and algorithm validation in several cohorts of holter data
– Designed and implemented a real-time closed-loop system (LabView/Matlab) to suppress alternans
– Developed highly accurate signal processing techniques to measure ECG-derived respiratory parameters
– Developed novel anti-arrhythmic pacing technologies to treat lethal cardiac tachyarrhythmias
– Developed novel method to quanitfy the phase of discordant/concordant repolarization alternans
– Developed signal processing algorithms for the early prediction of the onset of acute myocardial ischemia
– Developed signal processing algorithms to analyze cell patch clamp data from electrophysiology studies
– Developed methods to characterize the spatio-temporal heterogeneities after myocardial infarction
– Studied the impact of neuromodulation (vagal stimulation) on cardiac vulnerability to arrhythmias
• Fellowships:
– Heart Rhythm Society Research Fellowship (01/11/2013–10/31/2014)
– American Heart Association Founders Affiliate Postdoctoral Fellowship (01/01/2012–12/31/2013)
• Mentorship:
– Designed research projects for other lab scholars; Supervised four MD trainees in a research project to
study the modulation of ECG intervals in patients with/without myocardial infarction
– Co-supervised graduate students at the University of Oxford and Sharif University of Technology
• Training courses from Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center:
(course participants are selected, competitively, through an application process)
– Introduction to Clinical Investigation; Certificate in Applied Biostatistics; Medical Device Development
Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• Major Research Contributions:
– Developed a novel model-based framework to analyze cardiovascular signals with high performance
– Designed a Kalman filter based classification technique for accurate cardiac arrhythmia detection
– Developed a benchmark filtering method for denoising cardiac electrograms
– Introduced a new multi-adaptive wavelet transform for ECG enhancement
Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
• Major Research Contributions:
– Developed time-frequency techniques for cardiac signal compression with low error rates
– Examined feature extraction/selection algorithms for lossy/loss-less ECG compression
• Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cardiovascular Research Center,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
• Lecturer, Department of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
• Research Assistant, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• Research Scientist, Behsaz Medical Manufacturing Company, Tehran, Iran
• The Kenneth M. Rosen Fellowship in Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology, awarded by the
Heart Rhythm Society (awarded annually to 6 applicants, worldwide)
• American Heart Association (AHA) Founders Affiliate Postdoctoral Fellowship, awarded by
the American Heart Association, Dallas, TX (acceptance rate: 15.5%)
• Outstanding Ph.D. Graduation Award in Biomedical Engineering
• Excellence in Teaching (1 place), Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
• Received 6 Research Scholarship awards, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• Research Award, Brilliant Talents Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• Travel Award, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
• Outstanding M.S. Graduation Award in Biomedical Engineering
• Highest Distinction Award in Bioelectric, Department of EE, Sharif University of Technology
• ITRC Award, Iran Telecommunication Research Center, Tehran, Iran
• Outstanding B.S. Graduation Award in Biomedical Engineering, Shahed University, Iran
• h-index = 9; Papers citations: 360; Papers downloads: 6500; Listed in the most viewed papers published in
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing and IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
• Omid Sayadi and A. A. Armoundas, Method and Apparatus for Measuring and Controlling Heart Rhythm
Disturbances Using the Phase of T-Wave Alternans (Pending).
• Omid Sayadi et al., “A Novel Method to Capture the Onset of Dynamic Electrocardiographic Ischemic
Changes and its Implications to Arrhythmia Susceptibility”, J. of the American Heart Association, 2014.
• Omid Sayadi et al., “An Optimized Method for Estimating the Tidal Volume from Intracardiac or Body
Surface Electrocardiographic Signals: Implications for Estimating Minute Ventilation”, American Journal
of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology (AJP), 2014.
• E. H. Weiss*, Omid Sayadi* et al., “An Optimized Method for the Estimation of the Respiratory Rate
from Electrocardiographic Signals: Implications for Estimating Minute Ventilation”, AJP, 2014.
• F. M. Merchant, Omid Sayadi et al., “A Translational Approach to Probe the Proarrhythmic Potential
of Cardiac Alternans: a Reversible Overture to Arrhythmogenesis?”, AJP, 2014.
• F. M. Merchant, Omid Sayadi et al., “T-wave Alternans as an Arrhythmic Risk Stratifier: State of the
Art”, Current Cardiology Reports, 2013.
• Omid Sayadi et al., “A Novel Method for Determining the Phase of T-Wave Alternans: Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Implications”, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 2013.
• Omid Sayadi and M. B. Shamsollahi, “Utility of a Nonlinear Joint Dynamical Framework to Model a
Pair of Coupled Cardiovascular Signals”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2013.
• A. A. Armoundas, E. H. Weiss, Omid Sayadi et al.,“A Novel Pacing Method to Suppress Repolarization
Alternans in Vivo: Implications for Arrhythmia Prevention”, Heart Rhythm, 2013.
• Omid Sayadi et al., “Life-Threatening Arrhythmia Verification in ICU Patients Using the Joint Cardiovascular Dynamical Model and a Bayesian Filter”, IEEE Transactions on Biomed. Engineering, 2011.
• Omid Sayadi et al., “Synthetic ECG Generation and Bayesian Filtering Using a Gaussian Wave-Based
Dynamical Model”, Physiological Measurement, 2010.
• Omid Sayadi et al., “Robust Detection of Premature Ventricular Contractions Using a Wave-Based
Bayesian Framework”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2010.
• Omid Sayadi and M. B. Shamsollahi, “A model-based Bayesian framework for ECG beat Segmentation”,
Physiological Measurement, 2009.
• Omid Sayadi and M. B. Shamsollahi, “ECG Denoising and Compression Using a Modified Extended
Kalman Filter Structure”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2008.
• Omid Sayadi and M. B. Shamsollahi, “Model-Based Fiducial Points Extraction for Baseline Wandered
Electrocardiograms”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2008.
• Omid Sayadi and M. B. Shamsollahi, “Multiadaptive Bionic Wavelet Transform: Application to ECG
Denoising and Baseline Wandering Reduction”, EURASIP J. on Advances in Signal Processing, 2007.
• Omid Sayadi et al., “A Combined Dynamical Sequential Network for Generating Coupled Cardiovascular
Signals with Different Beat Types”, ISABEL, Rome, Italy, 2010 (Invited).
• Omid Sayadi et al., “Model-Based ECG Fiducial Points Extraction Using a Modified Extended Kalman
Filter Structure”, ISABEL, Aalborg, Denmark, 2008 (Invited).
• Omid Sayadi et al., “ECG Denoising Using Parameters of ECG Dynamical Model as the States of an
Extended Kalman Filter”, EMBS, Lyon, France, 2007.
• Omid Sayadi et al., “ECG Denoising with Adaptive Bionic Wavelet Transform”, EMBS, New York, 2006.
• F. Merchant, Omid Sayadi et al., “A Translational Approach to Probe the Arrhythmic Potential of the
Heart: Therapeutic Considerations”, in Intro. to Translational Cardiovascular Research, Springer, 2015.