January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Memories of the Future The Future is as Bright as the Promises of God St. John Brebeuf Parish 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 847-966-8145 www.sjbrebeuf.org Join us for our Family Mass, Open House and Pancake Breakfast Sunday, January 25, 2015 Mass at 9:00am; Breakfast and Open House 10:00am—12:00pm Page 1 Page 2 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 Dear Parishioners, For more than 60 years, we've brought to our young people the simple truths of the Gospel of Christ. The philosophy behind it is simple, too: Start with prayer and people who care deeply about the faith, and keep them as close to the children's budding lives as we can. Today more than ever, we want you to know exactly what that means. We try to apply in a very simple way theologian Bernard Lonergan's five-fingered exercise taken from his work Method in Theology. Be attentive to the world around you. Be understanding to God's voice in the scriptures and the sacramental life of the Church. Be reasonable by asking God's advice and counsel. Be responsible by always thinking of your neighbor, especially the poor. Be loving by willing to change yourself so that you can live a life for others. During Catholic School's week we honor our faculty, staff, students and their families of SJB School! Go Jaguars! We're proud of all your academic and athletic accomplishments! But most of all for your zeal in striving to follow Christ and to abide in His love. Yes, there is darkness and division that is very real and that you and I face each day in prayer. And yes, sometimes we fail to live as we would like, but God's love sustains us! Christ's abiding love reaches out to us - the worthy and unworthy - inviting us back to His loving embrace. And yes, I see that happening each day! You're good people! We need to recognize the partners to this endeavor of passing on the faith. First and foremost, you, the parishioners of SJB! You provide the LINK in the chain of faith that is indispensable! Never underestimate your witness of faith that spurs the young to “run the race”, as St. Paul says. Secondly, we are grateful for all those who minister to our young people. Our Religious Education Program, with 360 students, held each Wednesday and Thursday evening, plus after the Polish School classes Saturday afternoon. Our Youth Ministry made up of 45 teens who pray, worship and serve those in need. The 200 plus members of GLADD, religious education and faith formation for children and adults with special needs, the 450 students of Nicholas Copernicus School of Polish Language and Culture who strive to pass on not only the Polish Culture but the faith and the legacy of steadfastness even in the face of communism and oppression. Together we strive to instill the virtues and character of the Catholic faith to our children – the future leaders of the world and our beloved Church! In a very real way, the parish Sunday offertory supports all these ministries by providing the resources necessary to maintain the buildings, and to do capital improvements – roofs, lights, boilers, safety related projects. Please realize that the tuition and fees, while often a big sacrifice for the young families involved, only cover a small fraction of the actual costs. We do not receive any outside funding from the government or from the archdiocese except for the Archdiocese Caritas Scholarship for the most needy children. I would humbly ask you to please consider making a donation to our Parish building fund. This fund helps us tackle some of our major deferred maintenance issues. The children are very grateful! I am grateful! Your gift will ensure we have future leaders – people like Sheila Harrington, Penny Guerrieri, Uncle Pete – Peter Zonsius, Deacon John Perkowitz, Charlotte Lindquist, and Leo and Clara Weiss. Sincerely, Father Mike Meany January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 “Archbishop Cupich Welcome Mass” Everyone of Vicariate II is invited to welcome and meet our new shepherd, Archbishop Blase Cupich as the Ninth Archbishop for the Archdiocese of Chicago. A special mass will be held on: Thursday, February 12 at 7:00 p.m. St. John Brebeuf Church A reception will follow Mass. There will be an opportunity to meet Archbishop Cupich and have a photo taken (by a photographer). Thursday February 5, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Parish Ministry Center St. John Brebeuf Lent/Easter-A Spiritual Preparation for Liturgical Lectors. Presenter: Father Robert Banzin, Former Pastor, Teacher and Liturgical Consultant. This session is designed for Lectors and Cantors to further understand the Word proclaimed in the Scripture readings and Psalms. Understanding the authors and their original audiences will help you reach our present day listeners. This session is also open to all parishioners. READINGS FOR FEBRUARY 1 First Reading — Moses spoke to all the people, saying: “A prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you” (Deuteronomy 18:15-20). Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Psalm 95). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). Gospel — The people were astonished at Jesus’ teaching; he taught them as one having authority (Mark 1:21-28). Page 4 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Devotions in the Church Rosary Monday through Friday After 8:45 AM Mass After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass (Including Benediction ) First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of Jesus After 8:45 AM Mass and After 7:00 PM Polish Mass First Saturday Devotions To Immaculate Heart of Mary After 7:30 AM Mass and After 6:30 PM Polish Mass Devotions in the Adoration Chapel Marian Prayer Group Monday 7:00 PM Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group Thursday 8:00 AM Hour of Divine Mercy January 25, 2015 LITURGICAL CALENDAR Sunday, January 25 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00—Family Mass—Catholic Schools Week 2:00—Baptisms Sunday, February 1 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Capital Campaign Announcement 12:30—Baptisms (Polish) Saturday, February 7 5:00—Archdiocesan Celebration of Consecrated Life Archbishop Blase Cupich Sunday, February 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Capital Campaign Commitment 9:00—Scout Mass 2:00—GLADD Friday 3:00 PM (Includes Stations of the Cross) Pray for priests every Thursday The Marvelous Rosary Join in Rosary Prayers daily, Monday through Friday, immediately following the 8:45 AM Mass; Saturday following the 7:30 AM Mass; Sunday before the 7:30 AM Mass. Praying the rosary together in front of the Blessed Sacrament gives many graces and is so peaceful. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Christ's followers were skeptical when He preached the reality of His Body and Blood as food and drink. St. John said, "many of His disciples withdrew and no longer went about with Him." Seeing this, Jesus asked the Twelve, "Do you also want to leave me?" Simon Peter did not understand any more than those who left Christ, but his loyalty was more firm. "Lord," he said, "to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." We have the "Word of Eternal Life" right here with us day and night in our Adoration Chapel. Do you have something you want to ask Him? There are several hours needing adorers. Please pick one for your personal hour with Him. Altar Server Schedule Week of January 26—February1 Monday: 8:45—Amanda Tolentino, Danny England Tuesday: 8:45—Ryan Inumerable, Jake Wargo Wednesday: 8:45—Maria Lojko, Johnny Sliwa Thursday: 8:45—Alexis Gandeza, Delilah Denka Friday: 8:45—Samantha Wargo, Vincent Macam Saturday: 7:30—Colleen Griffin, Suraj Mesquita Merril Philip 5:00—Monica Schoenfeldt, Stephen Kuechel Kurt Kozeny 6:30—Gloria Majka, Karolina Maniewski Steven Sciwiarski Sunday: 7:30—Jesse Healy, Allena Healy Jason Inumerable 9:00—Veronica Lane, Colin McNamara Jason Parinas 10:45—Rebecca Joseph, Colleen Murphy Joey Hodge 12:30—Agnieszka Rostkowski, Simon Rostkowski, Ania Rostkowski 6:00—Allison Regailo, Matthew Christian Joshua Vernon January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 We welcome the children baptized in December Ariana Jade, daughter of Matilde and Amy (Powell) Ocampo Celia Rae, daughter of Matilde and Amy (Powell) Ocampo Mateo Pijal, son of Romeo and Alicia (Pijal-Avila) Avila Mariusz, son of Mariusz and Anna (Watrobska) Bronkowski Tristan Constantin, son of Konstantin and Ewa (Bielska) Ivanov Christian, son of Jerturns and Carol (Agustin) Samson Addison Mira, daughter of Sebastian and Lauren (Grzetic) Waszak Scripture Study During lent and Easter plan to attend our Scripture study sessions. Our study is titled Good News in New Places. Explore the challenges faced by the early church in bringing the gospel to the gentiles from a Jewish culture. This study is 9 sessions. Our sessions begin on February 15. Sunday mornings 10:00 am - 11:55 am. Study fee is only $10.00. Contact Chester Gilbert at 847-966-4789 or bbgilbert@comcast.net Why do we sing at Mass? I was recently told, by someone a bit older than myself, that “back in the day” our society wasn’t afraid to sing. Apparently there was a time when the crowd sang the national anthem together at sporting events and every school aged kid knew the words to his or her school song. Today, however, one could easily think that the national anthem was always intended to be a solo, and that fight songs were written strictly for marching bands. In my experience, most people feel embarrassed to sing in public...after all, someone might be able to hear them! This general shift away from communal singing does not bode well for the way we celebrate the Mass. When we pray a Mass together as an assembly, music plays an important role. It brings us together as one, it highlights important aspects of the Mass, and it expresses our prayers in a different way. At Mass, the leading singer is called the “cantor.” It is more important to note that the leading singer is NOT called the “soloist.” This is because he or she is not supposed to be singing solos! The cantor’s role is to invite the assembly to sing together. He or she is there to make sure everyone is on the same page, can hear the melody, and knows when to begin singing. When the congregation truly sings together, we stay on the same pitch, form our words at the same time, and even breathe together. This unity, achieved through song, is fitting for the liturgy, during which we come together to become the body of Christ. The music also highlights important aspects of the Mass. The hymns we sing, which vary from week to week, echo the themes from the readings and remind us of the liturgical season. The songs that remain the same each week, including the Gloria, Holy, Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Great Amen, and Lamb of God are part of the Mass itself! Just as we recite certain prayers together during Mass, so must we all participate in singing these songs together. Finally, music enables us to pray in a different way. During the Mass, there are many instances in which we pray with words together, but the act of singing itself is a means of prayer. Music can express our greatest joys and deepest sorrows at a level beyond words. This form of expression is not reserved only for the musically trained or extremely talented. Music can be a form of prayer for you, the “assembly choir” as well. In the words of Pope Benedict XVI, “When a person experiences great joy, he cannot keep it to himself. He has to express it, to pass it on. But what happens when a person is touched by the light of the resurrection and thus comes into contact with Life itself, with Truth and Love? He cannot merely speak about it. Speech is no longer adequate. He has to sing." With that in mind, let us all open our hymnals together and make a joyful noise! Page 6 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 Singers! Niles Metropolitan Chorus Invites You To Join in Singing WHAT Rossini’s Stabat Mater—The stirring hymn to the Blessed Mother, set to beautiful and dramatic music. Faure’s Requiem—This all-time favorite continues to inspire. WHEN Tuesdays 7:00-9:00PM beginning January 27 WHERE St. John Brebeuf Church Music Rehearsal Room, East Parking Lot Entrance 8307 N. Harlem Avenue, Niles, IL 60714 between Oakton and Dempster PERFORMANCE Sunday, March 29, 3:00 PM with professional orchestra and soloists led by Marek Rachelski More info (702) 806-8421 or newmru@hotmail.com SJB YOUTH MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 1. JOIN US THIS SUMMER! SJB Youth Ministry is registering teens for our Summer Service camp “ALIVE IN YOU 2015”. Be part of an inspirational summer experience! We will be traveling to Springfield, Illinois, from June 23 through June 28, 2015. Registration fee is $120 if turned in by January 31, 2015. Interested? Contact Mrs. Pam Perez by texting (847-239-2379) or emailing her for the registration form. Tell your friends! ALL TEENS 13 YEARS AND OLDER ARE WELCOME! 2. Our next OPEN ROOM is Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st, in the Youth Ministry Office from 7:00-9:00pm. Enjoy video games, board games, new DVDs. Invite your friends, and make new ones! Youth Ministry provides snacks and pop. Pizza is $3.00. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME! 3. TEENS WE NEED YOUR HELP! Youth Ministry is supporting the Catholic Women’s Club International Night on Friday, February 13th from 6:00-9:00pm. We will be serving U.S.A. cuisine of hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, brownies, and popcorn. Youth Ministry needs helpers to set up, to serve the food, and to clean up. Contact Mrs Perez by emailing her or texting her (847-239-2379) to sign up. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 4. SAVE THE DATE! Join Youth Ministry for our Overnight Lenten Retreat Saturday February 21st to Sunday February 22nd in the Parish Ministry Center. We start with our LIFETEEN MASS at 5:00 in the church. Then we proceed for the evening and overnight activities in the PMC. Enjoy food, games, inspirational prayers, worship music, witness talks, and fellowship with other youth. $5.00 donation and permission form are required to attend the overnight event. Contact Mrs Perez by texting her (847-239-2379) to get permission form and more details. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME! Find us on Facebook! Search for St John YM or our group St John Brebeuf YM Questions? Contact Pam Perez, Youth Ministry Director, 847-966-9815 www.pjperez52@yahoo.com Check out our upcoming events at www.sjbrebeuf.org and select Parish Ministries, then Youth Ministry, then select Calendar. January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 It is written in Psalms: "They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters...and the land was polluted with blood..." The innocent blood of our preborn is polluting our land through decriminalized abortion. Let us continue to pray daily: “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” Page 8 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus says: “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” As disciples, we are called to continue God’s work on earth. Taking care of God’s poor is indeed living gospel values. Last month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to provide $270.00 for Rent, $257.00 for Electric, $295.00 for Medical Assistance, $1,000.00 Twinning with St. Turibius Parish, $3,200.00 for the Christmas Gift Card Program, and $1,416.00 in Misc. Client Aid. May God Bless You! Parish Office: (847) 966-8145 Email: sjbrebeufsvdp@yahoo.com Hospital Bed Available There is a family in the parish wishing to donate an electric hospital bed. Anyone in need of this bed kindly call the parish office and leave your name and phone number. A member of St. Vincent de Paul Society will contact you to arrange for you to pick it up. Call 847-966-8145. PRESENTATION OF MINISTRIES/ ORGANIZATIONS Parish Council is asking all of the Ministries/ Organizations to represent themselves to the Parish. During the next four months, leaders of our ministries will be in the main vestibule to present themselves to our parishioners. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are thinking about using your time and talent, this would be a great time to join. During January we will be highlighting the Commissions that make up Catholic Education. ATTENTION: HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR GIRLS! The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) offers a $1,000 college scholarship (renewable to $4,000) and applications are now available. Please contact Judi Stephens at 847-8429295 for an application or more information. Open to high school senior girls in Cook and Lake counties. The deadline is March 1. January 25, 2015 SJB HOSTS ACCW VICARIATE II OPEN BOARD MEETING The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women of Vicariate II Board will have an Open Meeting on Monday, January 26 at 9:30 am at the May Ministry Center. All SJB women are invited to attend to see what the ACCW is about. Refreshments are served. Contact Judi Stephens at 847-842-9295. THANK YOU Hi! My name is Jimmy Connolly and I am a Life Scout in Troop 175. I have been working on a project to lead the community in making 100 knotted twine Rosaries for Hines VA Hospital. The Rosaries were blessed at Scout Mass in December and delivered to the hospital in January. A donation was also made so that more religious items can be purchased for the Veterans. I would like to thank everyone for their support of my project. January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9 INTERNATIONAL NIGHT DONATIONS The Catholic Women’s Club is looking for items that can be used to make up baskets for raffle prizes for International Night on February 13th. Toiletries, kitchen items, wine or liquor, chocolate, gardening articles, and gift cards are some suggestions. If you would like to donate an already-made basket, that would be very much appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at he parish office marked, “INTERNATIONAL NIGHT”. If you cannot drop off your donation, arrangements can be made for pick up. Any questions, call Sheila Ryan, 847-207-8717. LADIES NIGHT OUT Be sure to put March 10th on your calendar! The Catholic Women’s Club Ladies Night Out” will be held at Riggio’s. More information will follow. SJB WOMAN OF THE YEAR Nominations are open for the SJB Woman of the Year. Please send a profile of your nominee of not more than 200 words, describing your reasons for her nomination, her church and community activities, her family information. Deadline is March 1. The CWC Board will make a selection on March 3 and the name of our Woman of the Year 2015 will be announced at the March 10 CWC general meeting. Nominations may be dropped off at the parish office CWC box, “Attn: Judi Stephens”. Contact Judi at 847-8429295 for a list of past recipients of the honor and with any questions. Page 10 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 KNIGHTLY NEWS Invoices for the upcoming fraternal year of 2015 are being mailed this month January 2015. Please mail your membership fees to the council as soon as you are able. We fully appreciate all the support that our membership gives us throughout the year and appreciate all the support both monetary and volunteering for all the events that take place to benefit the charities in our community. Without you we would not be able to do any of the Knights work that we are able to accomplish. It is because of our membership and our supporters that allow us to be as successful. Your contributions help support the underprivileged, the intellectually disabled, right to life and many charities and disasters our country and foreign countries face. Many service hours are spent by the Knights helping all in need. I for one am proud and humbled to be Grand Knight and a member of this fine organization. It gives us all an opportunity to put our faith into practice. "For the least you do for your brother you do for me" (Jesus). Michael Curtis, Grand Knight, North American Martyrs, Council 4338 “Priesthood of Everybody”… ...is the topic of a lecture/discussion by Kenneth J. Brucks, Senior Management Analyst for the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Dept., on Wednesday, January 28th at 9:15 a.m. This presentation by Theology of Park Ridge will be at Our Lady of Hope Church (9711 W. Devon, Rosemont) and will explore the warm touch and surprise of the “Spirit” that heals, empowers and inspires us to be sons and daughters of “Love.” Cost: $10 or $35 for the four remaining sessions. “Coffee and… is served. Please contact Judi Stephens for carpooling or a ride at 847 -842-9295. Upcoming Events: January 28 - Knights of Columbus Officers Meeting 7:00 PM in the PMC. All officers and program directors are invited to attend this important meeting. February 4 - General Business Meeting in PMC at 7:30 PM February 12 - Honor Guard has been requested at 7:00 PM at SJB Church for a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop Rev. Blase J. Cupich If you have any questions regarding the Knights of Columbus Council #4338, please contact Grand Knight, Michael Curtis at 847-663-1733 or email: michaelc.kofc@gmail.com. January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 11 Page 12 You are Invited to our Annual Ball Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 13 Drodzy Parafianie, Przez ponad 60 lat, przedstawiamy naszym młodym parafianom prostą prawdę o Ewangelii Chrystusa. Filozofia Ewangelii jest prosta: Zacznij od modlitwy i ludzi, którzy troszczą się o wiarę i trzymaj ich blisko przy rozwijającym się życiu dzieci, jak najbliżej jest to możliwe. Dzisiaj, bardziej niż kiedykolwiek, chcemy, abyście wiedzieli dokładnie co to znaczy. Staramy się zaaplikować w bardzo prosty sposób ćwiczenie palców teologa Bernarda Lonergan, wzięte z jego dzieła Metody w Teologii. Bądź uważny na świat wokół ciebie. Zrozum Boży głos w Piśmie Świętym i sakramentalnym życiu Kościoła. Bądź rozsądny, kiedy prosisz Boga o radę i pociechę. Bądź odpowiedzialny, poprzez ciągłą troskę o sąsiadów, a zwłaszcza tych ubogich. Bądź kochający, poprzez dobrowolną przemianę siebie, tak abyś mógł żyć dla innych. Podczas tygodnia Szkół Katolickich, odznaczamy radę pedagogiczną, zarząd, uczniów i rodziny szkoły SJB! Do boju Jaguars! Jesteśmy dumni z Waszych akademickich i sportowych osiągnięć! Ale najbardziej z Waszej gorliwości podążania za Chrystusem. Aby trwać w Jego miłości. Tak, jest również ciemność i podziały, które są bardzo realne i którym Ty i ja stawiamy czoło każdego dnia na modlitwie. Tak, czasami upadamy, aby żyć tak jakbyśmy chcieli, ale miłość Boga nas podtrzymuje! Stała miłość Chrystusa dociera do nas – godnych i niegodnych – zapraszając nas do powrotu w Jego ramiona. Tak, widzę to każdego dnia! Jesteście dobrymi ludźmi! Musimy zauważać przyjaciół w tych zmaganiach przekazywania wiary. Pierwsi i najważniejsi jesteście Wy, parafianie SJB! Łączycie niezbędny łańcuch wiary. Nigdy nie bagatelizujcie Waszego świadectwa wiary, które pociąga młodych do “podjęcia biegu”, jak mówi Św. Paweł. Po drugie, jesteśmy wdzięczni tym wszystkim, którzy posługują młodym ludziom. Nasz program Edukacji Religijnej z 360 uczniami, odbywa się w każdą środę i czwartek wieczorem oraz dodatkowo po klasach Polskiej Szkoły, w sobotę po południu. Nasz program Duszpasterstwa Młodzieży ma 45 młodych ludzi, którzy się modlą, wielbią i służą ludziom w potrzebie. Ponad 200 członków GLADD, programu edukacji religijnej i formacji dla dzieci i dorosłych ze specjalnymi potrzebami, 450 uczniów Szkoły Języka Polskiego i Kultury Im. Mikołaja Kopernika, która stara się, aby przekazać nie tylko polską kulturę, ale również wiarę i spuściznę wytrwałości, nawet w obliczu komunizmu i opresji. Razem staramy się zaszczepić cnoty i charakter wiary katolickiej w naszych dzieciach – przyszłych liderów świata i naszego kochanego Kościoła! W realny sposób, niedzielna taca parafialna wspiera wszystkie duszpasterstwa, poprzez dostarczanie źródeł potrzebnych do utrzymania budynków i do generalnej poprawy – dachu, oświetlenia, boilerów, projektów bezpieczeństwa. Proszę zdajcie sobie sprawę, że czesne i opłaty są wielkimi wyrzeczeniami dla młodych rodzin, pokrywają tylko częściowe koszty całościowych potrzeb. Nie otrzymujemy żadnej pomocy zewnętrznej od rządu lub od archidiecezji, poza Stypendium Archidiecezjalnym Caritas dla najbardziej potrzebujących dzieci . Proszę Was pokornie, abyście rozważyli dotację na nasz fundusz parafialny związany z utrzymaniem budynków. Fundusz ten pomaga nam podjąć odroczone projekty konserwacji. Dzieci są bardzo wdzięczne! Ja jestem wdzięczny! Wasze dary pozwolą zapewnić, że mamy przyszłych liderów – ludzi jak Sheila Harrington, Penny Guerrieri, Wuj Pete – Peter Zonsius, Diakon John Perkowitz, Charlotte Lindquist, i Leo i Clara Weiss. 12-go lutego Wikariat II przywita Arcybiskupa Cupich. Św Jan Brebeuf będzie gospodarzem Mszy Św. i przyjęcia. Proszę powitajcie naszego nowego biskupa! Wszyscy są zaproszeni. Szczęść Boże, Ks. Mike Meany Page 14 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 DUSZPASTERSTWO OSÓB W ŻAŁOBIE Co roku mamy pomiędzy 150 a 200 pogrzebów celebrowanych w parafii Św. Jana Brebeuf. Dzisiaj, chcielibyśmy rozpocząć Duszpasterstwo Osób w Żałobie, które będzie służyło naszej parafii. Prosimy, abyście rozważyli w jaki sposób możecie służyć w tym duszpasterstwie dla siebie nawzajem i dla rodzin, które są w żałobie. Wyobraź sobie, że asystujesz rodzinie, prowadząc modlitwy, pomagając im podjąć decyzje związane z Mszą Św. pogrzebową, ofiarując pomoc rodzinie po pogrzebie. Otrzymacie szkolenie i pomoc związaną z żałobą. Naszym celem jest, aby stworzyć zespół ludzi, którzy będą się wspierać i wymiennie służyć, podczas pogrzebów w parafii. To duszpasterstwo pozwoli Wam być wrażliwymi dla rodzin, służyć im w potrzebie i umocnić ich nadzieję. Zadzwońcie do biura parafialnego, aby zostawić swoje imię i numer telefonu. Modlimy się, aby wolontariusze podjęli nowe wyzwanie w tym nowym duszpasterstwie w parafii Św. Jana Brebeuf. January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 15 Page 16 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR DECEASED Lucy Simone Janina Smolko Alberto Odulio Waclaw Kniga Robert R.Voegel Mary Dolores Vrablik MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY If you would like to remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way, here is your opportunity. We are accepting donations for the altar breads and wine that are used at Mass each week. Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread and wine was donated in memory of. Suggested donation is $50. You can drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and the name/s of whom you would like to be remembered. Requests are published in the bulletin in the order that they are received. Celebrating our SJB Military Remembrance St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the process of establishing a military remembrance presentation for all active and fallen since September 11, 2001. We are accepting family members names, branch of service and photo. Please bring them to the parish office, attention Legion of Mary. ARMY, NAVY, MARINES, AIR FORCE, COAST GUARD, NATIONAL GUARD. Please remember in prayer the following who are currently serving in the Armed Forces: Timothy Casey Joseph Merkel Robert Monaco Thomas Neuhengen Christopher Vick Pvt. James Cunningham CDR John Tutwiler Dominic Carrabotta Mark Honsa Peter Merkel Chief Ryan Morrow Scott Rodberg Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Susanne Connolly Tutwiler Kevin Michael Kozeny Col. Barbara Jones (Wiltgen) May they return safely to their families. January 25, 2015 Pray for all our ill Members Carlyn Delort Eugenio & Antonia Dias Diana D’Costa Angela D’Costa Walter Przybysz Aidan Stotz Virginia Penkala Barbara Donovan Kathy Berresheim Sr. Rose Mary Carney Henryk Stankiewicz Michael Curtis Bob Biewald Lorraine Bielat Lourdes Vivar Dolores Perales Esther Prochaska Mary O’Toole Irene Dodaro Mildred Nosko Madeline Albano Jackie Weiss Sally Raphael Clem Juris Shahla Lahijani Anna Chacko Terry & Dominic DiVito Margaret Lach Mary Hamma Debbie Terzakis Souk Tha Phone Rose Ugel Cathy Neff Donna Miller Albert DeLorenzo Dorothy Cichon Kim Travaglio Pamela Sobie Charlene Green Jeffrey Bandis Betty Weiss Henry Zajac Kamillus Urban Patti Maher Tyska Ida Lui Stanley Kogut Zdzislaw Puacz Stanley Budzinski Laura Begale Michael Luisi Agnes Ornate Lorna Alba John Wargo Annette Schubert Patrick Leahy Eugene Mangan Adam Rowel Varant Minatiskan Madeline Pukal-4 yrs. old Cyril & Peg Maher Elaine Friedman Patricia Clausen Dolores Gruzynski John Peter Rolwes Nanette Sadorra Oscar Malabanan Jeff Sefcik Lita Rosales Alma Kort Randolf Abana Noli Failma Christina Curtis Alberto Odulio Julie Cardone Bernadyne Semmerling Jerry Brazowski Michael Likvan Madeline Hendricksen Mary & Mario Colosi Ruben Pactol Mitchell Miklas Marcelino de la Cruz Donna Kornovich Geraldine Tyre Barbara Zonsius Edward Kolasa Patricia Jablonski Dolores Perales Linda Karno Marilyn Philippsen Butch Reeder Linda Bennett James Kurtzer John Nawodylo Wladyslaw Policht Franciszek Policht Jadwiga Cudnowska Adrian Quintana Morgan Prellberg Jan Martin Dorothy Pedtke Tom Surace January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, January 26—Sts. Timothy & Titus 6:30—God’s Blessings in the New Year for George, Laurie, & Lucyna Gorecki God’s Blessings for Piotr 8:45—Felizarda Antonio Pamela Beusse & Deceased Family Members Maria Wiechec Leonard Radtke Tuesday, January 27—St. Angela 6:30—For All Parishioners 8:45—Emily Skrypek (7th Anniv. Of Death) Jim Woods Wednesday, January 28—St. Thomas Aquinas 6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch God’s Blessings for Piotr 8:45—Louie Majetic Thomas Heavey Sam Grisanti 7:00—Ludwik & Weronika Sajdak Florence Syprzewski, Diana Stec O Zdrowie i Dary Ducha sw. dla Malgorzaty Danko z Rodzina Thursday, January 29—Weekday 6:30—Eduardo Irabagon Katherine Wenderski-Knisley 8:45—Filippo Giacone Birthday Remembrance for Raymond Grochocki Andrzej Marek Siek (10th Anniv. Of Death) Stanislaw Siek (11th Anniv. Of Death) Friday, January 30—Weekday 6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch Tony P. Falco, Sr. (1st Anniv. Of Death) Paul Janis 8:45—Successful Surgery for Remedios Silva Mat Peters Saturday, January 31—St. John Bosco 7:30—God’s Blessings for Piotr 5:00—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany Thomas Birt Ann Miller 6:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia Jozef Malacha (8th Anniv. Of Death) Franciszek Zembol (26th Anniv. Of Death) Maria Zembol Arkadiusza Pekala (30-ci dui po smierci) Teresa Kobylak Teresa & Zenon Jankowski Page 17 Marian, Jozefa, & Stanislaw Kierzek Ryszard Molski (20th Anniv. Of Death) Mario Krolowo Rozanca Swietego z Pompejow, Prosze cie o Laski i Zdrowie dla syna Pawla i Boze Blogoslawienstwo na caly rok Sunday, February 1—Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia Albert & Georgiana Dorsch God’s Blessings for Piotr James M. Gwozdz Wesley Dobranski (6th Anniv. Of Death) 9:00—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany Josephine & John Maltese Salvatore Badalamenti Steven Saranecki Margarita & Rufe Manigos Andy Beierwaltes, Jr., Dolores McAndrew Andrzej Marek Siek (10th Anniv. Of Death) Stanislaw Siek (11th Anniv. Of Death) Thanksgiving, Blessings & Good Health for Siek Family 10:45—Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall Joseph Gallo, Frances Kaputska Lorenz Gfesser, Irvin Blaszynski Betty Martin, Jean Hansen Michael Zuber Josephina Bronick (6th Anniv. Of Death) Birthday Blessings for Rudy & Marina DeLara Good Health for Nene Mandigma, Nanette Sadorra, Jun De Lara, Rene Ando & Dante Billedo 12:30—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor Regina Karwowska (3rd Anniv. Of Death) Helena, Wladysaw, Maria & Jan Siwiec Wladyslaw Boczar (2nd Anniv. Of Death) Michael Puacz, Zofia & Tomasz Boczar Za Duszami Ktore Najbaroziej Potrzebuja Pomocy Krystyna Liszka, Ryszard Kozlowski Franciszek Pankiewicz (42-ga. Rocz. Smierci) O Laske Zdrowia dla Haliny O Laske Uzdrowienia Magdy Tadeusz Sokolowski (18th Anniv. Of Death) O Boze Blogoslawienstwo Zdrowie Opieke Matki Bozej dla Mark, Emalee, Elyse i for Josh On His Birthday 6:00—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia Elizabeth Matteoni Requests for Mass Intentions Please submit all Mass Intentions to the parish office 12 days in advance of your request so they can be printed in the bulletin. Only intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass. We appreciate your cooperation. Page 18 St. John Brebeuf Church Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 Staff Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany Associates: Rev. Piotr Rapcia Rev. Robert Pajor Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall Deacons: Larry Skaja Andy Beierwaltes, Mariusz Kosla Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban Music Director: Marek Rachelski Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz School Principal: Elise Matson Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist Bulletin Editor, Parish Secretary: Barbara Bronder Rectory: 8307 N. Harlem Ave. Parish Office: 8305 N. Harlem Ave. Niles, IL 60714 (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014 Website: www.sjbrebeuf.org School: (847) 966-3266 Website: www.sjbschool.org Religious Education: (847) 966-3269 Youth Office: (847) 966-9815 Mass Schedule “We are a people of faith who offer each other and those touched by us the means to experience God through prayer, sacraments, education and mutual support in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.” January 25, 2015 Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish) Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:45 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish) Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM Holyday: 5:30 PM (English); 7:00 PM (Polish) Vigil: 7:00 PM English Reconciliation - Saturday 11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish) First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish) Baptisms Last Sunday of each month during 10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service (Polish): First Weekend of each month: at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday & Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction. Matrimony Four months notice is minimal. Eucharistic Adoration 24 Hours a Day In Parish Ministry Center Chapel St. Vincent de Paul—sjbrebeufsvdp@yahoo.com
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