Safe Working Procedure (SWP) Elevated Work Platform/Man Lift Department Arc@UNSW Limited Location Venue & Production, Roundhouse, UNSW Supervisor/Manager Production Manager Author Production Manager/HR & OD Manager Effective Date 21/01/2013 Review Date Every two years or as required Associated Documents/SWP N/A Associated Risk Assessment N/A Safe Work Procedures and Basic Description Title Elevated Work Platform/Man Lift – Safe Working Procedure Description Safe Working Procedure to ensure the safety of Arc representatives who hold a EWPA Certified Working From Heights Yellow Card/Permit for the purpose of operating the EWP/Man Lift. NO EXCEPTIONS. Type Procedure Tools and Equipment First Aid Emergency Safety Equipment Requirements before starting: You MUST have an EWPA Certified Working From Heights Yellow Card/Permit to operate the EWP/Man Lift. NO EXCEPTIONS. Place SAFETY BARRICADES in the area surrounding the EWP/Man Lift to prevent members of the public from walking under it during operation. Ensure you have ANOTHER PERSON with you to act as a SPOTTER. SWP – Elevated Work Platform/Man Lift Page 1 of 4 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Date Effective: 21/01/2013 Version: 1 Switch power off after use. Keep aisle and work area clean. Use machinery guards. Store in a secure location/ keep locked up Mandatory requirements are specified and must be followed. Report any accidents. Task/Procedure Equipment Procedure/Task Step EWP Man Lift Operation Go through all the safety checks listed on the front page of the Yellow log book, located in the pouch on the EWP platform. Fill in details on the “Operator Safety Check Record” page If there are any faults, you cannot operate the EWP and need to complete the “Faults/Problems & Action taken” page. Place a DO NOT OPERATE sign on the unit and report this either to Steve Coull or Jared Neal. Make sure the area in which you’ll be operating the EWP is completely clear of debris before rolling it out on to the main floor. Use the appropriate key to turn on the EWP. Install the 4 support legs on each corner, making sure each one is raised high enough until the small green light at the base of the fixture turns itself on. The machine locks itself out from operation until this has been done. Put safety barricades in place in the area surrounding the EWP to prevent members of the public from walking under it during operation. Example in the photo. Make sure you have another person with you when operating the EWP, acting as a spotter for both yourself and anyone walking through the public area. This person does need to have an EWP Card, but they do need to be an Arc employee. When operating the EWPO, ALWAYS look up whilst elevating, making sure that no roof structures/fixtures will obstruct your personal space. Also, ALWAYS look down as you are depressing the EWP to make sure no-one is standing underneath you. Your spotter should also be doing this. Potential Hazard Controls Manual handling Manual handling Collisions Manual handling Moving parts Collisions Manual handling Moving parts When you are finished with the EWP, put it in the back-of-house area near the audio storeroom and plug it into a 240v power extension. Make sure the red stop button is pushed in when doing so to ensure a full battery charge. SWP – Elevated Work Platform/Man Lift Page 2 of 4 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Collisions Manual handling Moving parts Be careful when lifting and moving heavy objects Follow instructions on manual handling /ergonomics poster Be careful when lifting and moving heavy objects Follow instructions on manual handling /ergonomics poster Use safety barricades Ensure you have another person with you to act as spotter Always keep the work area clear and clean Ensure you have a spotter to assist you Switch power off after use. Always look in the direction you area heading Always look up when elevating and down when depressing. Always keep the work area clear and clean Ensure you have a spotter to assist you Switch power off after use. Always look in the direction Date Effective: 21/01/2013 Version: 1 you area heading Always look up when elevating and down when depressing. EWPs DOS & NOTS DO NOT USE THE EWP OUTDOORS: It is not rated for outdoor use and in doing so you will be breaking the law. DO NOT REACH OUT OVER THE RAILING OF THE EWP PLATFORM: Reaching out too far will cause an imbalance in the EWP and will increase the likeliness of it falling over. DO NOT REST EQUIPMENT ON THE RAILINGOF THE EWP PLATFORM: This will cause an imbalance in the EWP’s stability and will increase the likeliness of it falling over. DO NOT APPLY FORCE FROM WITHIN THE EWP PLATFORM: i.e. Do not physically push against surrounding walls or permanent structures. This will cause an imbalance in the EWP’s stability and will increase the likeliness of it falling over. This includes the use of high powered electric drills and/or hammer drills. SPOTTER RESPONSIBILITIES: To defer anyone walking towards the EWP operation area in an alternate direction. To watch the operator of the EWP during elevation/depression and inform them of anything that is at risk of coming into their personal space. They need to be ready to press the Emergency STOP button on the machine causing the EWP to power down. They will then need to use the emergency decompression button to lower the platform. PHOTOS INSTRUCTIONS: Safety Barricades: EWP Emergency Down Valve: EWP Charging Point: Emergency Procedure All electrical switches must be within easy reach to all operators to shut down in case of an emergency. Display emergency procedures in the area. All emergencies call 56666. All emergencies contact the Production Manager or Food & Beverage Manager (after emergency services have been contacted). Clean up procedures for task Pack all Safety barricades away in a secure area. When you are finished with the EWP, put it in the back-of-house area near the audio storeroom and plug it into a 240v power extension. Make sure the red stop button is pushed in when doing so to ensure a full battery charge. Ensure that use of the EWP/ManLift has been recorded in the log book. SWP – Elevated Work Platform/Man Lift Page 3 of 4 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Date Effective: 21/01/2013 Version: 1 Resources List legislation, standards and codes of practice used in development of the SWP Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW), Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (NSW) Approval, training and review Approval Production Manager Training Review Date Signature All persons operating this equipment or following this procedure/task must hold a EWPA Certified Working From Heights Yellow Card/Permit for the purpose of operating the EWP/Man Lift. NO EXCEPTIONS. HR & OD Manager Responsibility of 21/01/2015 Review Current SWP will be available from the HR Department or from the WHS Website. Version Date Author Approval Sections modified [1.0] 21/01/2013 HR & OD Manager/ Production Manager HR & OD Manager/Production Manager N/A SWP – Elevated Work Platform/Man Lift Page 4 of 4 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Details of amendments This is a new procedure Date Effective: 21/01/2013 Version: 1
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