RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 Dear RA Candidate, Thank you for your interest in being a Resident Assistant with the Department of Housing and Residential Life! We are excited that you are interested in joining our team and we look forward to getting to know you better through the selection process. RAs play an important role for the department by providing resources and support for our students. Therefore, we are looking for students who are thoughtful and caring, and willing to be role models and team players. This RA job is a rewarding and challenging experience, but it will require you to be able to balance your academic requirements, job requirements and personal commitments. As an RA, you will have the unique opportunity to gain or development valuable leadership skills. You will also develop many other skills that will be of valuable to you in your future career aspirations; critical thinking skills, conflict resolution skills, event planning, and communication skills just to name a few. It is a priceless opportunity to be challenged, grow as a leader, and develop as an individual. This packet will provide you with information to aid in applying for the Resident Assistant position. It is full of important information so it is important that you read the information carefully and seriously reflect on its content before you apply. Once you decide if this job would be a good fit for you, utilize the checklist to ensure you have successfully completed all of the required components of the application process. Applications will be made available on-line between November 3, 2014 and January 21, 2015. Please note that you are able to attend one of the information sessions scheduled between November 3, 2014 and November 13, 2014 at various locations and time on campus prior to submitting your application. Please pay special attention to the timeline and application process details provided for you at the information session you attend. Once again, thank you for your interest in the RA position! We look forward to meeting you and wish you the best of luck should you choose to apply! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Residential Life and Education staff in your area or the central housing office at 512-245-3705 or email reselection@txstate.edu. Sincerely, Susan L. Dudolski, Associate Director Residential Life and Education DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 RA APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please use this checklist to make sure you are completing everything you need to throughout the process. • Read through the information packet, especially the job description, thoroughly. Consider and reflect on what will be asked of you in this position as well as your time commitments before you apply. • Attend an Information Session. Attendance at an information session is not required. The information provided to you during the session will help you understand the process and may also answer some of the questions you have. If a topic in the job description or information in this packet is not clear to you, the information session is the place to seek clarity! Information session dates, times, and locations can be found later on in this packet. • • Everyone needs to apply through Jobs4Cats and submit a cover letter and resume through that process. In Jobs4Cats, you will find the link to the RA application. You must then complete the online application. The application can be found online at http://www.careerservices.txstate.edu/campus-jobs.html. The due date for submission is Wednesday, January 21, 2015 by 5pm. References: You will need to find THREE references to fill out our reference form in order for your application to be complete. One must be a hall staff member (Residence Director, RA, etc.), one must be a faculty/staff member at Texas State, and the third can be anyone else (not related to you) that can speak to your character. Your three references will fill out an online form. Please make sure you send them the link that needs to be filled out http://bit.ly/1toBL01. An example of what will be asked is attached to the end of the packet for you to view. Resume: A current resume should be uploaded to your application Cover Letter: A current cover letter should be uploaded to your application. • Hold February 6, 2015 on your calendar for an RA Introductory Workshop. This will be a time where you can interact with other candidates, current RA’s and Residence Directors. The social will take place from 1pm-6pm and you will be assigned time slot. • Hold February 11-13 and 18-20 on your calendar for interviews within the process. February 11-13 will be individual interviews, in which you will participate in your first round of one hour interview on one of these days. February 18-20 will be your second round of one hour interview on one of these days and you will participate in a two hour interview on one of these days. All applicants must participate in both individual interview processes to receive full consideration for the position. • Check your Texas State email account. We will be emailing you throughout the process as important information will need to be communicated to you. In order to ensure you don’t miss any reminders or updates, please be sure to check your Texas State email account at least once per day! • You will pick up your notification letter about your hiring status during the week before Spring Break. An email will be sent informing you when you can pick up your letters from Department of Housing and Residential Life Office (corner of Comanche and Woods St.). DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 • Confirm or decline your appointment and return contracts to secure your position. All paperwork should be submitted by 5pm on Monday, March 23, 2015 the Department of Housing and Residential Life Office (corner of Comanche and Woods St.). PROCESS TIMELINE Date: Item: November 3 Applications available November 10-13 Information Sessions held in halls November 3-6 January 21 January 30 February 11-13 February 18-20 Notified week prior to Spring Break March 23 Arranged before end of semester by RD August 3 APPLICATIONS DUE Notification of application status and interview details February 6 April 25 Information Sessions held in halls RA Candidate Introductory Workshop 1st Individual Interview 2nd Individual Interview Notification letters available for pickup Accept/Declination Due Meet and Greet with 2014-2015 staff* New RA Orientation* Training begins* *Times for these events are still TBD. We will communicate with you about these events when we get closer to the date. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 INFORMATION SESSION *All info sessions are optional, however, it is recommended to attend one to obtain important information about the position and process. All sessions will present the same information so there is no need to go to multiple sessions. DATE: TIME: LOCATION: November 3 6pm Gaillardia: Traditions Room November 4 6pm Jackson: Theater November 3 November 3 November 4 November 4 November 5 November 5 November 5 November 6 November 6 November 6 November 10 November 10 November 11 November 11 November 11 November 12 November 13 November 13 7pm 8pm 7pm 8pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 6pm 7pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 7pm 6pm 7pm San Jacinto: Theater Chautauqua: Traditions Room Bobcat Village: Clubhouse Lantana: Second Floor Lobby Falls: Seminar Room 112 Arnold & Smith: Arnold Admin Lobby Bexar: Main Lobby (near front desk) Hornsby & Burleson: Burleson Lobby Butler: Second Floor Lobby Laurel & Retama: Laurel Lobby Beretta & Brogdon: Beretta Lobby Elliott: Elliot Administration Building San Marcos: Sayers: Seminar Room 112 The Tower: 1st Floor lobby The College Inn: Lobby Sterry: 1.5 Lobby Blanco: 3rd Floor A/B Lobby DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 Application Deadline: Applications are available beginning November 3, 2014. They are due January 21, 2015 by 5pm (references must be submitted by this time as well) Candidate Introductory Workshop and Location: RA Candidates will get the chance to informally spend time with current Residence Directors and current Resident Assistants. This social is to provide a chance for networking, asking any follow up questions, and to get to know one another better. This will take place Friday, February 6, 2015 from 1-6pm in the Department of Housing and Residential Life Building, Room 312. You will be assigned a time slot based off of your schedule. Individual Interview Dates and Locations: Your first individual interview will take place during February 11-13, 2015. During this one hour interview, you will get a chance to speak with a Residence Director and one or two current Resident Assistants. Dress for this interview is professional. They will take place in the Department of Housing and Residential Life building (corner of Comanche and Woods St.). You will be assigned a one hour time slot based off your schedule. Your second individual interview will take place during February 18-20, 2015. During this one hour interview, you will get a second chance to speak with a Residence Director and one or two current RA’s. During this interview, questions will explore topics a bit more in depth than the first interview. You will be assigned a one hour time slot based off your schedule. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 LIVING LEARNING COMMUNITY POSITIONS Within the Department of Housing and Residential Life, there are multiple Learning Communities that our residents can choose to live in. These Living Learning Communities (LLCs) are where a group of students live together on the same floor, wing, or building, take classes together, and agree to participate in a co-curricular experience. This co-curricular experience consists of events and programs that happen outside the classroom, to help connect the students and their learning to both in and out of the classroom experiences. Faculty and staff members are involved in each Learning Community and play a role in the activities that happen. Living Learning Community RAs have some expectations that differ from our Resident Assistant position. There is a bigger emphasis on programming in the halls, especially with an academic focus. There are a few more meetings involved, ensuring that all stakeholders in the community are involved. Below is an overview of our positions and communities available. For the most part- in order to apply for these positions, you must be in that specific major. When you fill out your application, be sure to acknowledge that you are interested in a Living Learning Community position, when appropriate. LLC # beds reserved Business 56 Terry Scholars 24 Future Teachers PreMed/PreDent Psychology Journalism/Mass Comm Career Exploration Non Tower LCs STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) LEAD (Leadership) Honors Residential College 56 18 28 28 56 location floor #RAs RA majors Tower 6th 2 Accounting, marketing, management, finance, $125 CIS. 8 desk hours Tower 3rd 1 Curriculum & Instruction/Interdisciplinary Studies Any. Preferably a Terry Scholar. 1 Psychology. Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower 5th 4th 7th 7th 8th 2 1 1 Any. Preferably Chemistry or Biology. 2 Advertising, print, electronic media, photography, public relations. Any. 18 Sayers 2nd 1 Science, math, engineering, technology, etc 18 San Jacinto Laurel 1st 1 Any. Preferably a 3rd year RA. 80 210 Females- 3 4th Males2nd Beretta Hall and 9 Brogdon Hall Compensation and Desk Hours $125 8 desk hours $125 8 desk hours $125 8 desk hours $125 8 desk hours $125 8 desk hours $125 8 desk hours $125 3 desk hours Any. Need to be students in good standing in the honors college. $125 3 desk hours $125 3 desk hours Any. Need to be willing to do lots of general community building. $100 Regular desk hours- 8 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 JOB DESCRIPITION Resident Assistant (RA) Job Description The resident assistant is a student staff member of Housing and Residential Life who assumes major responsibilities in a residence hall for developing an environment conducive to comfortable living, academic excellence and personal growth. The following expectations specify the major responsibilities of the resident assistant position. REPORTING The resident assistant reports directly to the residence director of his/her assigned residence hall PRIORITIES The resident assistant is expected to establish the following priorities for his/her time: 1) academic commitments, 2) residence hall staff responsibilities, and 3) extracurricular activities Housing and Residential Life believes resident assistants are first and foremost students. However, an RA should be the caliber of student that can handle the position responsibilities and academic requirements without neglecting any of these areas. QUALIFICATIONS TO APPLY: The resident assistant must meet the following requirements at the time of application: a. Overall GPA of 2.5 or higher Semester GPA of 2.5 or higher c. 15 completed college credits by time of appointment d. Minimum of one semester of residence hall living experience (or equivalent) by time of appointment e. No current or pending disciplinary sanctions f. Good standing with the University, Dean of Students, University Police, Housing and Residential Life, and eligible for work in the United States REQUIREMENTS TO MAINTAIN THE POSITION: a. Overall GPA of 2.5 or higher b. Semester GPA of 2.5 or higher c. Be enrolled minimum of 12 semester hours throughout the semester (unless otherwise approved) d. Receive a grade of “C” or better in SAHE 4178 (previously COUN 4378) prior to or during the first semester of employment e. Under special circumstances and on a case-by-case basis, RAs with at least one semester of RA experience may work in a position outside of his/her DHRL job. Before they begin work, written approval must be obtained from his/her residence director and assistant director. In order to work outside of the RA position, RAs must be in good academic and job standing. Outside employment in off campus employment must not exceed 10 working hours per week for that position. If working on campus, RAs may never work more than 5 additional hours. RAs must understand that his/her RA role comes first before any other employment position. f. Written approval from your supervisor and assistant director for any regularly scheduled outside activities that require an inordinate amount of time. This would include club involvements, internships, and officer position in any organization. Pledging activities that consume a great deal of time or energy are not allowed during the first year of employment. During the second year of employment, pledging activities may take place with the residence director’s permission. COMPENSATION: a. A single room (on-campus) and a board plan. b. A monthly stipend of $103 (RAs and Residential College), $125 (Living Learning Community RAs), $400 (Bobcat Village RAs) DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 EMPLOYMENT POLICIES Student staff members serve without fixed terms and at the pleasure of the Director of Housing and Residential Life. As employees at will, either the University or the student staff employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause and without liability for failure to continue the employment. Each staff member will receive a formal evaluation of his/her performance each semester, and reappointment to the position is based upon satisfactory job performance. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POSITION As a member of the Housing and Residential Life Staff, the resident assistant is part of a team, and must establish effective working relationships with other University personnel. To the Residence Director: a. Complete tasks delegated by residence director b. Suggest and assist with projects contributing to the residence hall community c. Inform RD of any events or conditions that could potentially affect a resident, a floor, a hall, or the University d. Serve as a communication link between residents and staff e. Assess areas needing improvement in the building each night f. Clear any overnight time away from the building through the RD To the Residents: a. Know residents in the assigned area of responsibility b. Be aware of resident needs, and assist them in meeting those needs c. Be available to residents, interact with them daily and assist in his/her adjustment to Texas State d. Refer students to other appropriate personnel e. Encourage and facilitate positive interaction and respect between residents f. Help residents understand his/her rights and responsibilities in accordance with residence hall and University policies To Other Staff: a. Assume a fair share of both individual and group responsibility b. Cultivate an effective working relationship with all members of staff c. Keep lines of communication open between staff members d. Maintain a comfortable, safe and non-threatening atmosphere in which to work e. Respect confidentiality f. Support other RAs g. Be friendly and cooperative to other personnel and appreciate his/her efforts h. Be familiar with the roles and responsibilities assumed by other University personnel i. Understand the role resident assistants assume as part of DHRL and establish effective working relationships with all DHRL personnel For Administrative and Office Procedures: a. Act in the residence director's absence, as designated b. Be familiar with all phases of hall and office operations c. Fulfill office duty and on-call duty responsibilities whenever assigned d. Assist in maintaining hall security and safety e. Return early for training/hall-opening and remain for hall closing at breaks and until the hall closes after the last scheduled graduation For Discipline: a. Know and understand policies and procedures as they relate to residents and emergencies b. Role model appropriate conduct expected in the hall c. Ensure problems or potential problems are addressed immediately and refer as necessary DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 For Peer Counseling: a. Recognize that RAs are not professional counselors b. Be a good listener, receptive and sensitive to residents when approached for assistance c. Provide accurate information and referral to students who need further assistance d. Aid residents in problem solving e. Respect the confidential nature of the peer counseling role while also realizing it is necessary to share information with your supervisor For Programming: a. Identify areas of student needs within the programming model and program accordingly b. Direct residents to other individuals sharing similar interests c. Encourage residents to participate in hall and campus program activities d. Fulfill programming contract with staff and residence director e. Create an attractive and comfortable environment in which to live For Hall Government: a. Articulate the integral role hall governments play in DHRL b. Attend and assist with floor meetings, hall meetings, hall functions, and campus activities For Maintenance and Custodial: a. Establish good communication and relationships with custodial/maintenance staff b. Teach residents how to report custodial and maintenance concerns c. Emphasize the residents’ role in maintaining community living d. Regularly inspect hall public areas and complete the appropriate reports e. Help investigate and follow up on residence hall damage f. Complete Room Condition Forms at hall opening and closing and whenever students move in or out of a room g. Report maintenance work needed in public areas h. Report damage or theft of University property to the RD i. Assist in the follow up on damage of residence hall property For Professional Development: a. Prior to or during the first semester of employment, successfully complete the RA class with a grade of C or better b. Return to campus early, and participate in the Fall and Spring pre-service training workshops c. Attend all residence hall staff meetings d. Attend training sessions as directed e. Other duties as assigned For Professionalism: a. Convey a positive attitude toward the RA position and its duties and responsibilities b. Act as a positive role model both for fellow staff members and residents by not participating in questionable or unethical behavior c. Refrain from gossip, complaining and negative comments about residents, the RA position, DHRL and other staff members d. Use the appropriate channels to voice your concerns or suggestions regarding DHRL policies and procedures e. Take pride in your work, as it is a reflection not only of you but of your staff, DHRL, and Texas State DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 MANDATORY TIME COMMITMENTS & OTHER TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT • Reserve Monday evenings from 6pm-8pm or 8pm-10pm for staff meetings and Department in services (no classes and no other meetings). If you are in Student Government, you must sign the appropriate paperwork with your supervisor. • RAs will be required to work before the halls open, during finals, and after halls close in order to prepare the facilities. • RAs must maintain full time status as students (at least 12 hours) and if enrolled for more than 18 hours, they must obtain permission from their supervisors • Any student working on campus can only work a total of 25 hours a week. The RA job consists of 20 hours a week, therefore, if you are to hold another employment position within the University, it can only be for 5 hours a week. This additional employment MUST be approved by your supervisor prior to working. *DHRL strongly encourages that our first year RAs do not hold other employment positions. • Any employment that happens outside of the University is limited to 10 hours a week, and again, must be approved by your supervisor prior to working. *DHRL strongly encourages that our first year RAs do not hold other employment positions. • You are encouraged to discuss any extra-curricular activities, clubs, and other organizational membership with your supervisor to ensure that you are giving the RA job the proper focus and time. • You will be a role model at all times. You will not be working 24 hours a day, but you will be a role model 24 hours a day. Your actions and decisions should ensure you are setting a positive example for the residents (this includes social media, situations dealing with alcohol, and other behaviors). MEETINGS/COMMITMENTS THAT WILL HAPPEN ON A REGULAR BASIS WITHIN THE RA POSITION: • • • • • Staff meeting (happens every Monday between 6pm-8pm or 8pm-10pm) One on One meeting with your supervisor (about an hour a week) Eight desk hours every week (happen between 10am-10pm) On calls (varies on building- but average is one weekend a month and a weekday every other week) Programs hosted by each RA (varies again, but average is an event every other week) DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System. RA Application & Resource Packet 2015-2016 CONNECT WITH US! Feel free to connect with us on any of our social media sites! We would love to hear from you! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TexasStateHousing https://www.facebook.com/TexasStateLearningCommunities https://www.facebook.com/TexasStateRATraining TWITTER: @txstatehousing @TXST_RA @txst_lc INSTAGRAM: txstatehousing PINTERST: Texas State Housing DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE 601 UNIVERSITY DRIVE|SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666-4616|phone 512.245.2382|fax 512.245.7619|WWW.TXSTATE.EDU Texas State University, founded in 1899, is a member of the Texas State University System.
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