SEPTEMBER 2014 Erith School Handbook PLEASE NOTE: This Handbook replaces the School Prospectus which is no longer a statutory requirement. This Handbook will be regularly reviewed and updated. Whilst much of the content is directed at new parents for the academic year 2015-16, the Rules, Procedures and Policies are also relevant to the current academic year 2014-15. It should not be assumed that the details given in this Handbook will not change before the end of the year 2014-15 or in subsequent years. However, we will do everything reasonably possible to ensure that the information published is accurate. LAST UPDATED: September 2013 ERITH SCHOOL CONTENTS Foreword by the Headteacher What kind of School is Erith School • Our Vision • Our Mission • Our Values • Our Aims Background to Erith School Erith School Governing Body People – Who’s Who at Erith School Admissions Information • Visiting Arrangements for Prospective Parents • Admission Policy Term Dates Timing of the School Day Pastoral Care and Welfare • The Form Tutor • Heads of Year • Student Absence • Late Policy • Special Needs – The Curriculum Support Faculty School Uniform, Hair Cuts and School Equipment Information The Curriculum – Overview • Morning Assembly • Sex Education • Citizenship • Extra Curricular Activities Other Extra Curricular Activities • Homework Keeping Parents Informed • Contact Points and The Contact Book • Profiles (Reports) to Parents • Parents’ Consultation and Information Events • Erith School Website • Parent Texts and Emails Governing Body Responsibilities Dealing with Complaints Parents – How Can Parents be More Involved? Charges and Payments Policy and Insurance The School’s Pledge The Students’ Pledge The Parent’s Pledge Rules and Regulations • Rewards Student Charter • Sanctions • Exclusions School Rules Policy Statements: Multi-cultural Education & Equal Opportunities Examination Results 2012/2013 4 5 8 12 16 17 20 23 25 26 27 31 41 50 51 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 67 72 73 Foreword by the Headteacher Mr Brian Lloyd Bed, Cert Ed, NPQH Welcome to Our School At Erith, we believe we have a good school. We are not perfect – no school is, but we are never complacent. We strive to improve year on year in everything we do. At Erith, over a long period of time, we have worked hard to build a school of which the Governors, staff, students and parents can be proud. In August 2014 we made a modest improvement on our previous GCSE examination results with 42% of our students achieving %+A*-C including English and Mathematics. This is the best performance in the history of the School. Alongside this, 100% of our students left the School with a creditable qualification they can be proud of, which is a clear indication that we do well for the overwhelming majority of students at Erith School. In the 6th Form we also performed very well. Our overall “A” Level G CE pass rate was 98% on grades A to E and the higher grade pass rate A*-B improved to by 5% to 50%. There were, as ever, some exceptional individual results and a full breakdown of all the 2014 achievements is shown at the back of this Handbook. We truly value all children irrespective of ability. At Erith, all staff are dedicated to making a difference to the life chances of the students in our care. Not only have we done well in terms of examination results but also in a huge range of other activities which are aimed at fully developing the “whole child”. We care passionately about sport, both individual achievements and team competitions, as well as nurturing creativity through art, music, dance, drama. We care about enriching children’s lives through day trips and longer journeys which improve students’ understanding of particular subjects as well as developing vital in te r -personal skills. All of these go beyond exam grades and cannot be measured in league tables. Erith School does make a difference. Children in our school make good progress. They gain new skills, knowledge and confidence, as they move from year to year in preparation for adult life. 5 We have continued to make significant improvements to our physical environment year on year as we believe that children and staff work better in bright, new and inspirational surroundings. We continue to work in a culture of successful learning and achievement. This is firmly set in a positive ethos of firm, fair and supportive teaching that is aimed at meeting the needs of all our students. We are ambitious for the future There has been an Erith School serving the local community for over 100 years. We are proud of our heritage; however, we do not stand still and have ambitious plans for the future. Erith School is not a Local Authority Maintained School. This ceased on 4 t h June, 2007 when Erith School became a self-governing school, firstly as a Foundation School and now as a new-style Academy. In other words, the Governors are in charge – working in partnership with teachers and support staff, parents and the local community. Self-governance means that the Governors take on a greater strategic role in determining the direction and development of the school. At Erith School, we firmly believe that we have the strength in our Governing Body, in our senior staff and in our teachers and support staff to do this successfully. We now enjoy greater autonomy and a sense that our destiny is in our own hands. This means that: The Governing Body of Erith School is the employer of all staff (teachers and support staff). The Governing Body of Erith School is the Admissions Authority. Governors determine our admissions policy in accordance with the national Code of Practice. Erith School Governors have ownership of all land and buildings on behalf of the school. The advantages are that we can be more pro-active and can progress building and maintenance work more quickly, efficiently and at a more competitive price. The Governors have greater freedom in determining the curriculum to ensure it will enable our students to achieve high standards. Erith School receives all the funding allocated by Central Government rather than a proportion being held back by the Local Authority. At times of financial difficulties in public services nationally, this means that the school can decide how it spends its allocated budget for the benefit of our students rather than this being decided by the Local Authority and: We continue to serve the community. We continue to deliver the statutory curriculum. We continue to work constructively and positively with parents as an important part of the school community. We are a community school admitting local children. Parents and staff continue to be elected to the Governing Body. 6 We are ambitious. We want the best for our students, staff, parents and community. Welcome to Erith School Mr Brian Lloyd Headteacher 7 WHAT KIND OF SCHOOL IS ERITH? ‘ With all our strength’ At Erith School we believe that anything is possible through: Hard work, Dedication and a Sense of Purpose. 8 OUR VISION Our Vision is to be an Outstanding School recognised for promoting a rich and positive culture of learning that supports, challenges and stretches all of our students. OUR MISSION Our mission is to have a relentless focus on improving teaching and learning in every classroom and to raise standards in every area of the School. We are committed to developing good relationships based on mutual respect and trust; high expectations of achievement and positive attitudes to learning. . 9 OUR VALUES These are our fundamental, core beliefs. These are our starting points, from which we should never deviate. At Erith School, we uphold the following values: Achievement and success for all Good progress of each individual student Treat everyone in the same way as we would want to be treated. Instil a sense of justice and fair play based on equality, mutual respect and an understanding of the needs of others. Mutual respect and tolerance of other people’s values and beliefs and an understanding and respect of other cultures and races. Developing spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness. Developing a high level of moral purpose, honesty and integrity. Individual self-esteem and dignity Understanding the difference between Rights, Duties and Responsibilities and the difference between right and wrong Non-abusive, non-violent, non-racist, non-threatening and non-discriminatory behaviour 10 OUR AIMS The Aims of Erith School spell out the broad path to be followed in the years ahead. They also break the Mission Statement down into a number of areas that can be tackled. To acquire skills, understanding and knowledge through hard work at school and supported by solid learning at home. To continuously improve the quality of teaching and learning. To promote the importance of excellent attendance and full participation in school life To prepare our young people to be active and well-informed citizens in a changing and complex society. To develop the appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding essential for the world of work. To develop a sense of community and team spirit To provide a well-resourced learning environment that delivers a stimulating and relevant curriculum. To foster enthusiasm and confidence to make learning an enjoyable and important part of life. To develop positive relationships between students and with all teachers and support staff To maintain a supportive and caring school for children, staff, parents and Governors. To have high expectations of achievement and behaviour encouraged through co-operation between home and School. To build and maintain strong links between the School and the local community 11 ERITH SCHOOL Avenue Road Erith Kent DA8 3BN Email : Telephone : 01322 348231 Fax : 01322 351528 HEADTEACHER : Mr B Lloyd Bed, NPQH CHAIR OF GOVERNORS : Mr David Friend STATUS : Academy (Since October 2010) Erith School is a mixed secondary school serving the needs of over 2000 boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 18. We have a 6th Form of almost 300 students. We are committed to providing a high quality educational experience for all its students. As a large school we are able to put on a range of diverse and rich opportunities for all the young people in our care. Erith School has been in existence since the 1890’s – serving the local community for over 100 years. It has been on the Avenue Road site since the 1950s as Erith Grammar School. In the 1960s, the Grammar School combined with Northumberland Heath Secondary School based on Brook Street. For many years the younger students were taught on Brook Street (West building) and the older ones on Avenue Road (East building). In January 1997 the school ceased to be a split-site school and today, all year groups are located on a large single site on Avenue Road following an initial £6.5 million building programme. Since 1997, the student roll has increased significantly and a huge financial investment has been made on providing new buildings and facilities in order to improve the learning opportunities for our students. In 2007 we opened the David Friend Building – a purpose built 6th Form Centre and more recently we completely upgraded the student dining area as well as creating an attractive outdoor eating area. We are a successful school. Our achievements range from excellent examination results, to local and national sporting achievements - all the way through to service in the local community. 12 Erith School's first objective is to offer a top quality education to all its students. We also work in partnership with many local Secondary and Primary schools, as well as interacting with our local community in many ways, drawing in speakers, advisers and helpers from local industry, the police and the local churches. We also support many other activities such as placing our students with local employers for work experience and helping with elderly care projects in the area. We work hard to ensure that our students have been successfully prepared for entrance to University, Further and Higher Education, Apprenticeships or to go directly into worthwhile employment. We believe we have a school which is second to none. Parents have demonstrated this. In 1989 the student roll was 1,500 students. Today it is just over 2000 students and the school has been heavily oversubscribed for over 10 years. We value all children irrespective of ability. We work hard at developing a friendly, caring atmosphere and at the same time our expectations of behaviour and hard work are high. “…there is a calm atmosphere and students show positive attitudes to their learning” “The School’s work to keep students safe and secure is good. Students report that they feel safe.” Students are polite, helpful and considerate. They engage willingly in the wide variety of activities on offer and have many opportunities to take on leadership roles. Ofsted 2014 13 OFSTED What makes Erith School such a success story? “Leadership has improved markedly since the arrival of the new Headteacher”. “Leaders express their pride in both the staff and students and their determination to take the school forward at a rapid pace …” “The courses students follow have been reviewed, are flexible and meet the needs of all students. This flexibility includes not only the range of choices but also allows students to follow pathways suited to their ability. The range of subjects taught meets students’ needs well, in the main school and sixth form. A good range of clubs and other activities promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well. Ofsted March 2014 Erith School is proud of its history as a local school, serving local students and led and governed by local people. 1933 "Picture courtesy of Bexley Local Studies & Archives Centre" However, this does not mean that we are stuck in the past! 14 The Governing Body and the School Leadership have been always been ready to take advantage of the different opportunities available to ensure year on year improvement for our students. Our public examination results have improved year on year both for Year 11 and 6th Form as we constantly strive to get the best out of our students whatever their ability level. In 2005, to further develop and improve the resources for teaching and learning we gained Specialist Status in Sport, Mathematics and Computing. This was followed in 2009 by redesignated as a High Performing Specialist Status School with an additional specialism of Applied Learning. ERITH SCHOOL 15 ERITH SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY Our Governors and Senior Leadership Team make all the decisions relating to our school because they are the ones working with the students, the parents and the local community on a day to day basis. We were therefore proud to become, firstly, a Foundation School and in 2010 an Academy. On conversion, we maintained all of our existing Governors with on-going terms of office. This continuity of experience and local knowledge is vital. GOVERNORS 2014-2015 Trust Members: CHAIR OF GOVERNORS Mr David Friend Mr Peter Carter Mrs Adeola Olojo Mr John Turner Mrs Anne Nuckley Mr Gary Hyde Mr David Friend Serving the School for 26 Years Full List of Governors: Trust member as Governor and Chairman Mr D Friend Trust members as Governors Mr P Carter Mr J Turner Mrs A Nuckley Miss A Olojo Mr G Hyde Trust Appointed Governors Mrs Y Enoe Associate Governor Mrs M Jarvis Elected by Staff Mrs M Cane Mrs F Melder Ms A Cumming Elected by Parents Mrs W Maietta-Turner LA Appointed Cllr J Davey The Headteacher (ex-officio) Mr B Lloyd The Board of Governors will hold at least three full meetings per academic year - often many more. There are also a full range of Committees including, Finance and Resources, Teaching and Learning, Student Support, Marketing and Community and many more. These Committees meet more regularly than the full Governing Body. At Erith School we are rightly proud of our strong and committed Governors PEOPLE - WHO'S WHO AT ERITH SCHOOL 2014 – 2015 How is Erith School organised? Headteacher Mr Brian Lloyd (Bed, CertEd, NPQH), is supported by the Senior Leadership Team of two Deputy Headteachers, six Assistant Headteachers and one Business Manager. This Senior Leadership Team, (known as SLT) has responsibility for the day to day running of the school, for implementing and developing school policy, for the overall quality of teaching and learning and for managing the development and implementation of the curriculum. SLT also manages and monitors the annual school budget. Erith School enjoys the benefits of being a very large school and is divided into twelve academic Faculties and six Year Groups. The twelve Faculties are each led by a Head of Faculty who takes responsibility for the curriculum and the quality of teaching and learning in their own, particular faculty. Each Year group, including the Post 16, is supported by a Head of Year, an Assistant Head of Year and a full time non-teaching Support Officer. The Heads of Year take responsibility for pastoral care, learning support and academic monitoring in each of the Year Groups. Deputy Headteachers Mrs S Allen, BEd (Hons),NPQH has overall responsibility for Key Stages 4 & 5: (Years 10, 11 and 6th Form). Mathematics, English, Modern Foreign Languages, Creative Arts, Computing & Business, and Curriculum Support Faculties) Mr S Bryce, BEd (Hons), has overall responsibility for Key Stage 3: (Years 7, 8 and 9). Science, Humanities, Contemporary Studies, PE, Design Technology and Life Skills Faculties) Assistant Headteachers Mrs Allen’s Team Ms L Hope Mr A Maher Mr B Morgan Mr Bryce’s Team Mrs L Dixon Mr T Harrison Mr D Norman Business Manager Mrs I Millar is part of the Senior Leadership Team and responsible for Support Staff, Finance and Premises Heads of Faculty Computing and Business Studies Contemporary Studies (Acting) Creative Arts Curriculum Support Design Technology English Humanities Life Skills (Transition, Careers, Work Experience and PSHEE) Mathematics Modern Foreign Languages Physical Education Science Mr H Flanagan Mr C Mitchell Ms L Williams Mr G Parker Mrs E Houston Ms L Lawes Ms E Leopard Miss J Alsop Mr M Williams Mr J-Y Delyfer Mr S Richardson Mr T Gates Heads of Department Art Business Studies Social Science/Citizenship (Acting) Drama Resistant Material Geography History ICT Music Religious Education Mr R King Mrs Aggrey-Soloman Miss R Hoque Mr G Kensit Mr R Barrett Mr M Marsh Miss S Twiner Miss N Edwards Mr A Wilkinson Mr K Kalifungwa Key Stage Co-ordinators English Maths Science PE MFL Curriculum Support Key Stage 3 Ms S Yates Mrs T Duckworth Ms F Enver Mr J Woods Miss G Stroud N/A Key Stage 4 Ms C Williams-Stewart Mr J Richards Mrs A Maslen Mr P Crowe N/A Ms A Grant Key Stage 5 Ms E Birch N/A Mrs G Tantony N/A N/A N/A Heads Of Year Deputy Heads Of Year Mrs R Davidson Mr S Lucraft Miss C Windsor Mrs. A Bryce Miss D South/Mr R Culley Mr P Brannigan (Director of 6th Form) Mr A Coulson Ms N Carey-Shine Miss Y Tighe Miss K Wadhams N/A Mrs M Taylor (Deputy Director of 6th Form) Bexley Education Improvement Partnership Strands Mr T Burcombe Mr P Wiseman Ms A Wright Mrs T Ayton BIP Inclusion Manager Learning Support Manager (The Progress Centre) More Able & Talented and Teaching & Learning Strand Leader Lead Learning Mentor Other Roles of Responsibility Miss B Jandu Mrs H Viligiardi Mr S Vasudaven Literacy Co-ordinator KS3 Progress Co-ordinator Student Leadership and Rights Respecting Schools Co-ordinator SUPPORT STAFF Erith School has a committed and loyal team of Support Staff who ensure that teaching and learning in the classroom is fully supported and that the school runs smoothly. The Business Manager, Mrs Millar, has overall responsibility for all Support Staff. The Support Staff of Erith School include: Assessment Officer, Attendance Assistants, BIP Learning Mentors, Cleaners, Cover Manager and Supervisors, D&T Technicians, Deputy Headteachers’ PA, Exam Secretary and Invigilators, Faculty Support Assistants, Finance Staff, General Office Staff, Headteacher’s PA, Human Resources officer, ICT Manager and Technicians, Laboratory Technicians, Librarians, Maintenance Staff, Media Resources Staff, Mid-day Supervisors, Premises Staff, Progress Centre Assistants, Receptionists, Resources Manager for the 6th Form, School Nurse, Safeguarding Officer, Sessional Cleaners, Sports Centre Manager and Leisure Assistants, Switchboard Operators,Teaching Assistants, Technology Technicians, Work Experience Co-ordinator, Year Support Assistants. Attendance Advisory Consultant (SEAAS) (Attendance Monitoring) Mrs Denise Percival School Nurse In September 1998, Erith School was fortunate enough to be able to appoint its own School Nurse. Our present School Nurse is Mrs Margaret Hurley. We have a Medical Room equipped to a high standard for the provision of First Aid. Mrs Hurley’s role in the school is to deal with First Aid issues (e.g. sickness, accidents and injuries in school) to both staff and students. Mrs Hurley also works alongside the Heads of Year and Heads of Faculty, as well as contacting parents over medical concerns. Please note that our School Nurse is not an alternative to visiting your doctor. ADMISSIONS INFORMATION OVERVIEW There are three types of admissions to Erith School. These are: Annual Year 7 Admission - of 360 students in September each year. ‘In Year’ Admission – where a student enters a Year Group at any time other than September. Where Year Groups are oversubscribed, there will be a waiting list. This is managed by the Governing Body. Appeal Admission – where parents gain a place at Erith School over and above the 360 limit, following an appeal to an independent panel. For entry into Year 7 in September 2015, Governors will continue to participate in the Local Authority procedures for managing admissions. Therefore, parents will complete the Local Authority Secondary Common Admissions Forms (CAF) and comply with the deadlines set in this process. VISITING ARRANGEMENTS FOR PROSPECTIVE PARENTS The arrangements detailed below are essentially for parents choosing a Bexley Secondary School in September 2014 for entry into Year 7 in September 2015. Parents interested in visiting the school should telephone and ask to speak to the Admissions Administrator. The Admissions Administrator will take any necessary details and pass them on to the relevant member of staff. OPEN MORNINGS 2014 Please continue to check our website for these details. OVER-SUBSCRIPTION Erith is a twelve form entry school, making a total of 360 students in each year from 7-11. With the 6th Form, this gives an approximate total of just over 2,000 students For over ten years, the new Year 7 group has been heavily over-subscribed even with more school places available and fewer Year 6 students coming through to Bexley Secondary Schools. From September 2009, Fair Banding was introduced as an admission arrangement which means that the distance of places offered in each of the nine bands can vary. ERITH SCHOOL IS ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR SCHOOLS IN BEXLEY PRIMARY LINKS We liaise closely with our feeder schools regarding the transfer of students to our care and to ensure progression through all stages of the National Curriculum. BEXLEY EXCELLENCE IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIP (BEIP) We work closely with 13 primary and 2 other secondary schools in what is known, as the BEIP. The purpose of this partnership is to continually raise our standards and improve behaviour. Exciting joint activities occur throughout the year involving students and staff from the partner schools. OTHER PRIMARY LINKS We believe that it is essential for the development of students and the continuity of education that close contact is maintained between Erith School and our feeder primary schools. Therefore, staff from our feeder schools and staff from Erith School meet regularly throughout the year for informal discussions. In addition, primary students are invited to visit Erith School and experience life within the school as often as possible. Summer Term 2015: The Headteacher, Deputy Headteachers, the Head of Year 7, Learning Mentors and staff from the Curriculum Support Faculty will visit the Primary Schools in June and July 2015 to speak to the children about what they can expect at Erith School in the following September. Erith School staff also speak to the Primary Headteachers and class teachers regarding the needs of individual children. Year 6 children visit Erith School towards the end of the summer term. The dates for these Year 6 visits are Monday 29th June and Tuesday 30th June, 2015. Intake Evening – July 2015: Parents who have been finally allocated a place at Erith School are invited to visit the school on Thursday 25th June, 2015, to give confidential (e.g. medical, personal) and general information. Uniform is displayed, questions are answered and an opportunity is given to parents to acquaint themselves with the layout of the school. This evening is essentially for parents of new Year 7 students ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS FOR YEAR 7: SEPTEMBER 2015 It is a national requirement that the details of the admission arrangements for each Primary and Secondary school are provided by all local authorities in the country, in advance for consultation. In addition, the admission arrangements for Erith School are on our school website. All school admission arrangements are in the Bexley Admission Booklet. However, in case you have not had the opportunity to read them yet, the Erith School Admissions Arrangements are included in this Handbook. As an Academy, we decide our own Admissions Policy but it is expected that all schools in a local authority will have fairly similar arrangements. Since September 2010 access to places at Erith School has been through the ‘Fair Banding’ system which is operated by the Governing Body. Banding is a means of achieving an intake which reflects the range of abilities of the children applying to a school or group of schools. Where a school uses banding as an over subscription criterion, all children applying for a place are placed into ability bands based on their performance in a test or other assessment. Places are then allocated within each band using other over-subscription criteria. Put simply, parents will complete the Common Application Form for Bexley. Students hoping for a place at Erith School will take the Banding Test on Saturday 29th November or Saturday 6th December. Once all the applications for places have been received and test results are available, students will be identified as being in one of the 9 ability bands. If there are too many students in any one of these bands, the usual over-subscription criteria will apply (i.e. medical reasons, siblings at the school and distance). (Please note that if you have a son, who may want a place at Erith School or Hurstmere School, he can take the test at either school – whichever is nearest to your home). In this way, Erith School is able to maintain ‘a balanced range of academic ability’. Students who have passed the 11+ can still request a place at Erith School but they will need to take the Banding Test in order to be considered for a place. Banding and Band Transfers When students start in year 7 they are assigned to one of five bands based on their ability. The banding is mainly based on KS2 data received from primary schools (ie SATs results) although other information may be taken into account if known including reading age, spelling age, Erith admissions test and Teacher Assessment levels. The top four bands all receive the same curriculum although differentiated to meet the needs of the students. The fifth band is formed of two transition groups of fifteen students in each class. These groups will remain together for the majority of their lessons and the plan is that they will remain together right through KS3 until the end of year 9. Movement between the other bands will be reviewed half termly when data is collected on each student. This process will be carried out by senior staff, including the Headteacher, in consultation with Heads of Faculty and Heads of Year. It is pictured that during the year and especially at the end of each academic year there will be significant movement between the bands. Students who have met or exceeded their targets are likely to move up; students who have not made expected progress across a range of subjects are likely to move down. Parents/carers will be contacted and consulted in these cases. Following option choices in Year 9: all students join one of four learning pathways in Year 10 and 11 suitable to their academic profile: Limewood purely academic; Colyers academic with one vocational option; Ramsden academic with two vocational options; Avenue mainly vocational. These pathways are named after the four roads surrounding Erith School and have been designed to ensure ALL students are on a Road to Success during their academic journey at Erith School. There are no bands in years 12 and 13 where students take both academic and vocational qualifications. What Does This Mean for you and Your Child? If you have a child in Year 6 looking for a secondary school place at Erith School from September 2015, please read our Admissions Arrangements very carefully. If there is anything that is not clear, or if you have any concerns, please speak to Senior Staff when you visit the school during the recruitment period. Erith School Determined admission arrangements 2015/16 ADMISSION POLICY (For entry in September 2015) Erith School has a published admission intake number of 360 students. Responsibility for Admissions The ‘Admissions Authority’ is the Governing Body of Erith School. The admission number is 360. The parents of all applicants must complete an application form obtained from their home Local Authority. All applicants will then sit a compulsory Ability Banding Test at the school. Parents will be advised in writing of the arrangements for the tests as part of the recruitment procedure. Erith School will admit students representing all levels of ability from admission applicants. All applicants will take a standardised Non-Verbal Reasoning Test. The Banding Tests will be held at the school on Saturday 29th November 2014 and Saturday 6h December 2014. Children will be placed into one of nine ability bands based on the results of this test. Students will be allocated proportionately as indicated below. BAND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admissions number, children will be admitted from each band on the basis of the oversubscription criteria set out below. Note: Where a student has a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names Erith School as the educational provision suitable to meet the student’s SEN that student has to be admitted to Erith School. Therefore for the purposes of allocating places such students will be treated as having the first priority for admission to the Erith School, and will be automatically allocated a place. Priority 1 – Looked after children This is given to Children in Public Care and Children previously in Public Care Note: This is a mandatory requirement from the new admissions code February 2012 reference below: All schools must have oversubscription criteria for each ‘relevant age group’ and the highest priority must be given, unless otherwise provided in this Code, to Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children. Previously Looked After Children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). Further references to previously Looked After Children in this Code means such children who were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. Oversubscription criteria must then be applied to all other applicants in the order set out in the arrangements Priority 2 – Medical This is given where a child, sibling or a parent has a medical condition, which would cause significant hardship if the child could not attend the school of parental preference. In such cases the school will require confirmation that it is essential, on medical grounds, for the child to attend Erith School. Note: If you wish to request this priority you must do so, and provide any supporting evidence, at the time of application including confirmation of the relevant condition from a registered medical practitioner. Medical conditions consequential from a failure to obtain the preferred school, for example emotional distress (whether or not leading to a recognised medical condition), do not fall within this priority. “Significant hardship” will be interpreted as being greater than inconvenience, financial disadvantage or emotional upset. The Governors’ Admissions Committee will determine whether the evidence provided is sufficiently compelling to meet the requirements of this criterion. Priority 3 – Sibling This is given to a child with a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission, other than where the older sibling started at the school in the sixth form. Note: For this priority, brother/sister includes a full brother/sister or step/half brother/sister living at the same address. Please be aware that you must provide the necessary details when you apply. Children of multiple births will be treated individually under the banding system. Priority 4 – Distance This gives priority to students living nearest the school based on distance from home to school, measured by radial distance (straight line) from the home address to the nearest official school entrance. The distance will be measured from the front door of the home address (the main entrance in the case of flats or multi-occupation dwellings) to the nearest school entrance. The official pupil entrances, approved by the Governors’ Admissions Committee, are on Avenue Road, Ramsden Road and Limewood Road. Note: Home address is the address at which the child lives with a parent or registered guardian who is the main carer, defined as the parent eligible to receive Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit. In the event of there being two or more applicants at a flat or multi–occupational dwelling vying for a lesser number of remaining places, a random lottery will be used to determine allocation of those places. Tie-Breaker If the number of applicants assigned to one of the above oversubscription criteria exceeds the number of remaining places, a tie-breaker will be used to allocate those remaining places amongst that group of applicants. The tie-breaker will be home to school distance as set out in criterion number 4 above. Where applications exceed places, a waiting list will be maintained in accordance with the admissions criteria. Parents have the right to appeal. In such cases parents should forward their appeal in writing to the Clerk to the Governors, at the school address preferably within 14 days of hearing that their child has not been allocated a place. The Appeals Panel will then listen to the appeal. In accordance with the Coordinated School Admission Arrangements parents will be sent a letter saying which school their child has been offered. This letter will be posted by first class post on first working day following 1st March. *TERM DATES 2014-2015 AUTUMN TERM 2014 1st SEPTEMBER 2014 – 19th DECEMBER 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1st September – 2nd September – 3rd September – Autumn Half Term FRIDAY 24th OCTOBER 2014 – MONDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2014 (Inclusive) (Staff Training Day) (Staff Training Day) (First Student Day) SPRING TERM 2015 5th JANUARY 2015 – 27th MARCH 2015 MONDAY 16th FEBRUARY 2015 –FRIDAY 20th FEBRUARY 2015 (Inclusive) Spring Half Term SUMMER TERM 2015 13th APRIL 2015 –17th JULY 2015 Summer Half Term MONDAY 25th MAY 2015 – FRIDAY 29th MAY 2015 (Inclusive) *PROVISIONAL TERM DATES 2015-2016 AUTUMN TERM 2015 3rd SEPTEMBER 2015 – 18th DECEMBER 2015 26TH OCTOBER 2015 – 30th OCTOBER 2015 Autumn Half Term – – To Be Advised To Be Advised (Staff Training Days) (First Student Day) SPRING TERM 2016 4TH JANUARY 2016 – 24th MARCH 2016 15th FEBRUARY 2016 – 19th FEBRUARY 2016 Spring Half Term SUMMER TERM 2016 11th APRIL 2016 – 22nd JULY 2016 Summer Half Term 30th MAY 2016 – 3rd JUNE 2016 Start Of Autumn Term 2016 And Training Days To Be Advised *Please note that all dates and times are subject to change throughout the academic year. Please consult our website to confirm dates and times. THE ERITH SCHOOL DAY The pattern of the school day for 2014-15 is set out below: Start Time Finish Time Registration / Assembly / Form Period 8.30am 8.50am Lesson 1 8.55am 9.55am Travel Time to Lesson 2 9.55am 10.00am Lesson 2 10.00am 11.00am BREAK 11.00am 11.25am Lesson 3 11.25am 12.25pm Travel Time to Lesson 4 12.25pm 12.30pm Lesson 4 12.30pm 1.30pm LUNCH 1.30pm 2.05pm Lesson 5 (includes Registration) 2.05pm 3.05pm Please note: Each year, we review and evaluate our practice. The above plan shows the school day for the current academic year, 2014-15. 5 one hour lessons per day 25 one hour lessons per week We work on a one week timetable PASTORAL CARE AND WELFARE We regard our students' personal, emotional and social development to be of the utmost importance. The Form Tutor The Form Tutor plays a vital role in the pastoral care network in the school; they will get to know all the students in the tutor group and be able to offer guidance and advice when this is needed. All students in the Tutor Group meet with the Form Tutor each morning for registration and to complete administrative and pastoral matters. The Form Tutor may well remain with the tutor group for up to five years. This enables the Form Tutor to get to know members of the tutor group and their parents very well and provides a most valuable link between the school and home. Parents are strongly advised to make contact with the Form Tutor as the first ‘port of call’. There may be occasions at a later stage when the Head of Year will need to be involved. Heads of Year Erith School is divided up into six year groups. Each year group has its own very distinctive identity and is led by a Head of Year or Director who is supported by a Deputy Head of Year of Deputy Director. They have a dedicated Year Support Assistant (YSA) attached to their team who is available on the phone throughout the day. When unavailable, Heads and Deputy Heads of Year can be contacted via an answer phone service. The Year Heads have overall responsibility for their year groups. They are very important people and parents are strongly advised to make contact at an early stage should serious concerns begin to develop. The Head of Year and Form Tutor have crucial roles and will do their very best to sort out difficulties. For 2014-2015, the following Year Teams are in post: Year Head of Year Deputy Head of Year Year Support Assistant Year 7 Mrs R Davidson Mr A Coulson Miss J Moon Year 8 Mr S Lucraft Mrs N Carey-Shine Ms L Bearsby Year 9 Miss C Windsor Miss Y Tighe Mrs C Coshall Year 10 Mrs A Bryce Miss K Wadhams Mrs A Eastman Year 11 Miss D South/Mr R Culley (Co-Heads of Year) 6th Form Mr P Brannigan (Director) N/A Mrs M Taylor (Deputy Director) Miss P Elliott Mrs Y Thomas In order to ensure that problems concerning students may be dealt with as fully and as sympathetically as possible, the Year Heads and Senior Leadership Team maintain very close links with all external agencies including Social Services, the Education Psychology Service, Behaviour Support Service and the Police, and involve parents in their discussions wherever possible. STUDENT ABSENCE Our expectation is that all students will attend school every day and arrive on time. On the rare occasions when a student is too unwell to attend or they have an urgent medical appointment, please telephone the School as early as possible in the morning of the first day of absence, stating your child's name and Tutor Group. The message concerning the circumstances of the absence will then be passed on to the Form Tutor and then the Head of Year. We have a dedicated telephone line for the reporting of first day of student absence: STUDENT ABSENCE HOTLINE: 01322 339642. THIS LINE IS ONLY FOR ATTENDANCE MATTERS AND IS AN ANSWERPHONE SERVICE ONLY. This number is NOT for general messages or enquiries. Alternatively telephone 01322 348231 Option 1, or email to When a student returns to school from absence, we do insist that a note is provided covering every period of absence. A message in the Contact Book alone is not sufficient. This is a double check and will be placed in the child’s file. This practice has helped Erith School maintain a high attendance record and your co-operation is sought in this matter. REQUESTS FOR HOLIDAYS IN TERM TIME WILL BE REFUSED It is the policy of Erith School, in line with guidance from the Department for Education, that no leave of absence will be authorised during term time, except in the most extreme of circumstances. ‘Extreme circumstances’ do not include the argument that holidays are cheaper in term time, that parents have fixed holiday dates which cannot be negotiated or that holidays have been purchased by third parties without the parents’ knowledge or agreement. Permission for absences in term time is only given in one off, never to be repeated, exceptional circumstances. Please be aware that any absence from school that has not been agreed by the Headteacher will be recorded as unauthorised. In accordance with the school’s policy on any unauthorised absences during term time, if you take your child out of school for an unauthorised absence during term time, it is possible that a Penalty Notice will be issued to each parent for each child taken out of school, as stipulated in the Education (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2007, as amended. Standard information provided with each Penalty Notice states that £60 is payable within 21 days of the Notice being issued, rising to £120 if paid between the 22nd day and 28th day. If neither of these sums is paid within these periods, liability to prosecution will arise. A student will be taken off the school roll if they have ceased to attend the school and no longer ordinarily reside at a place which is a reasonable distance from the school. (Regulation 8 (1) (e). The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006)". If there are extreme circumstances, where parents feel compelled to take their children out of school in term time, a letter giving a full list of reasons must be sent, in advance, to the Headteacher for consideration prior to the absence. Did you know? The school expects 100% attendance! • • • • Good attendance means 95% or above 90% attendance = loss of half of one year’s education in Key Stage 3 & 4 80% attendance = loss of a whole year of education in Key Stage 3 & 4 Only 10% of students with poor attendance achieve 5 A*- C grade GCSEs compared to 58% of students with good attendance. LATE POLICY Students arriving late to school after 8.30am will have an immediate same day after school detention of 30 minutes. Persistent lateness will be dealt with severely. The following will apply: Stage Number of Lates Action 1) 3 Detention from Form Tutor 2) 6 Detention and letter from Form Tutor 3) 9 Detention from Head of Year 4) 12 Detention and letter from Head of Year 5) 15 Parental meeting with Head of Year 6) 18 Detention from SLT 7) 21 Detention and letter from SLT Meeting with parent 8) 24 BIP referral - 1 day 9) 27 SEAAS referral / SLT detention - Friday 3.05-5.00pm 10) 30 SEAAS referral and parental meeting 11) 33 Governors’ formal punctuality meeting 12) 36 1 day Internal Exclusion from Mainstream Schooling Punctuality is a serious matter and will feature in a reference. A referral to SEAAS (South Eastern Attendance Advisory Service) for persistent lateness may result in a fixed penalty notice, which has a fine attached, being issued by the Local Education Authority. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS & DISABILITY (SEND) THE CURRICULUM SUPPORT FACULTY: Head of Faculty/ SENCO: Mr G Parker. The Curriculum Support Faculty provides support for students at Erith School who have special educational needs. These relate to aspects of learning and/or aspects of behaviour that affect the students' ability to maximise their learning potential. This support is provided in a variety of ways. It is the policy of Erith School that, where possible, students are supported in the mainstream classroom environment. This support is provided by a team of experienced Teaching Assistants and Curriculum Support Teachers, who work alongside the mainstream teacher in the classroom to ensure that all students can understand and cope with the work and develop appropriate behavioural skills. Students who are experiencing particular difficulties with reading, writing and spelling may be withdrawn from a scheduled lesson and attend a lesson with a Curriculum Support teacher, at which they receive intensive help to improve their literacy skills. The aim of these lessons is to raise the student's literacy level to a point where they can effectively cope with the demands of the curriculum. These lessons assist the student to fulfil their learning potential whilst receiving the broad and balanced curriculum to which they are entitled. The Faculty maintains a register of all children with special educational needs currently attending Erith School. All the steps taken to meet the needs of individual students are recorded and used to meet their future needs. This register is regularly reviewed and updated, applying the Bexley Local Authority Guidance criteria. The Faculty works closely with the parents of the students identified as having special educational needs. The relationship between parents and the Faculty has an important bearing on the students’ educational progress and the effectiveness of any school-based action to meet their special educational needs. Erith School recognises that a number of students in the school may have special educational needs at some time during their school career. It is the role of the Curriculum Support Faculty to help the school to identify the nature and extent of those needs and to ensure that they are being fully and effectively met. The school works within the national government guidelines contained in the Code of Practice (2014) on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). All other Faculties and Departments in the school are expected, as part of school policy, to make a substantial contribution to supporting students with special educational needs. This process is assisted by regular contact between the Curriculum Support Faculty, Faculties and Year Teams. Currently, the Curriculum Support Faculty contains 3.8 full-time equivalent teaching staff and twenty four Teaching Assistants (which include 3 HLTAs), who support, in the first instance, students with Statements of SEN. In addition, students receive support from Local Authority and staff from other agencies who visit the school on a regular basis. They include behaviour support staff, teaching support staff, educational psychologists, assessment teachers, educational social workers, a teacher for students with hearing impairment, a support teacher for students with a visual impairment, advisory teachers for students with autism and speech and language therapists. Students with SEND will apply for and be allocated places using the published admission procedures. Erith School fulfils its responsibilities in relation to the Equality Act 2010. Our Accessibility Plan has been approved by the Local Authority. SCHOOL UNIFORM At Erith School we are proud of our uniform, our traditions and our colours. Among the many reasons for wearing school uniform is that of contributing to self-respect and pride in the school – both basic to the aims of the school. It also avoids competition in dress between students. Senior Staff and Heads of Year want to focus on teaching, learning and student progress. We therefore ask all parents for their wholehearted support. It goes without saying that uniform and appearance should always be neat and clean. It should be clearly understood by parents who wish their sons or daughters to enter the school that all students (Years 7 to 11) are expected to wear the school’s uniform as detailed below and to possess the necessary and appropriate kit for Physical Education and practical subjects. The 6th Form Dress Code is also detailed. The School reserves the right to deem what is appropriate uniform GIRLS UNIFORM Blazer Navy blue blazer with School Badge. It is compulsory for all girls in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to wear a navy blue blazer with a school badge. These are available from the school outfitters. Skirt/Trousers Plain dark navy blue, knee length skirts only. The style of skirt is a drop-waisted skirt with stay pressed pleats. No other styles are permitted. However, parents with legitimate religious beliefs, who wish their daughters to wear long skirts, should write to the Headteacher and a special Contact Book Red Pass will be issued. Girls have the second option of wearing black, tailored, school approved trousers, which may also be purchased from the school outfitters. Fashion styles are not allowed. Jumper/Cardigan The jumper/cardigan is not compulsory. However, the only jumper/cardigan allowed must have the Erith School badge woven into the garment. This V-neck navy blue jumper/cardigan can only be purchased from the school outfitters. No alternative jumpers/cardigans or sweatshirts are allowed. Students who choose to wear the school jumper/cardigan must still wear the school blazer. The jumper/cardigan is not an alternative to the blazer. Shirt/Blouse Plain Saxe blue shirt – long or short sleeves. No “fashion” shirts are allowed. Vests or T shirts worn under the blouse must not be visible. Blouses are to be worn tucked into skirts or trousers. Socks/Tights All girls may wear tights but these must be navy blue, black or natural in colour – no patterns. If socks are to be worn with trousers, they must be plain black or navy blue. If socks are worn with skirts they must be plain black or dark navy knee length socks or plain black, dark navy or white ankle socks. Shoes Black shoes are required. Fashion shoes are not permitted. No shoe is allowed to cover the ankle bone and heels must be no higher than one inch (2.5 cm). No trainers are allowed. We ask that parents send their daughters in sensible footwear for every day school use – no high heels, sling backs, boots, trainers, canvas/fabric shoes or boots, open toed shoes, conspicuous or fashion shoes please. Boots are not allowed under any circumstances. Soles more than ½” thick are not permitted. Trainers (outside of PE) are not considered acceptable footwear and are not allowed to be worn to and from school, during breaks or the lunch hour. Parents of students with a medical condition should contact the School and speak to the Head of Year before assuming that their daughters can automatically wear trainers. A doctor’s certificate will be required. School Tie This is worn by all girls from Year 7-11. In September 2012 a new design tie was introduced, which is currently only available from Boffins School Outfitters. This is compulsory for all new entrants to the school from that date. It can also be purchased for older students wishing to replace an existing tie. In the academic Year 2014/2015, students will wear the Erith School tie with the relevant coloured stripe: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Green Stripe Orang e Stripe Purple Stripe Red Stripe White Stripe The tie will be worn in the conventional manner, outside of the blouse or shirt and with both the school badge and the coloured stripe showing below the knot (new design) or 3 year coloured stripes below the knot (old design). Jewellery Only one small plain stud earring per ear may be worn and only in the lobe. The wearing of any other jewellery is not permitted. Body piercing is not allowed. The wearing of any facial piercing e.g. nose, lip or tongue studs or rings is not allowed. Any other body stud, ring or bars are also not permitted. These regulations are necessary for Health and Safety reasons Watches of a reasonable size and with a sensible strap may be worn, subject to the proviso that the student accepts full responsibility for its’ safe keeping. Neither the watch nor the strap may be brightly coloured. Watches should never be taken into a PE lesson. The school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage. Students must not bring into school expensive or sentimental items of jewellery. Please note: Failure to comply with the jewellery rules will lead to confiscation of items. The School is not responsible for the loss of jewellery items. They should not be brought into School in the first place. Teaching staff should not have to waste their valuable time in confiscating jewellery, setting up elaborate systems of storage and then have to spend more time returning to students at the end of the term. The School does not accept liability or responsibility for jewellery during confiscation and storage. Parental requests for early return of jewellery are not automatically granted. In such rare cases, the items will be returned only to a parent. Make-up No students in school uniform are allowed to wear make-up. Students will be asked to remove make-up and/or coloured nail varnish or artificial nails whilst on the School premises. Outdoor Coats Only a plain navy or black top coat, raincoat or anorak is allowed. The following are NOT allowed and will be confiscated: Denim, fur, leather, simulated leather, plastic, simulated fur or suede jackets or any coloured coats. Outdoor coats must be plain with no badges, emblems, logos, designs etc. Parents will be required to collect confiscated items. No “hoodies” of any description are allowed – they will be confiscated. Scarves/Hats Football scarves are not allowed and will be confiscated. Plain or dark patterned traditional scarves are permitted. No caps. Design Technology Aprons Please purchase from the school outfitters. PE KIT *Pe Kit - To Be Purchased Only From Boffins School Outfitters *Shorts - Compulsory Navy blue for PE embroidered with Erith School Badge Boys and Girls styles available. *Sports Shirt - Compulsory White and Blue polo shirt with new full colour school badge. Boys and Girls styles available. *Fleece Top - Compulsory Fleece (Navy) with school badge – *Socks - Compulsory Football socks in the school colours. (Navy/sky blue) Tracksuit/Jogging Bottoms – Optional Plain navy blue or black. Trainers - Compulsory Only allowed in PE. Please avoid “fashion” styles and wear footwear appropriate to indoor and outdoor P.E. Football Boots - Optional Shin guards- Compulsory Mouth guards Highly advisable but not essential. BOYS UNIFORM Blazer Navy blue blazer with School Badge. It is compulsory for all boys in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to wear a navy blue blazer with a school badge. These are available from the school outfitters. Trousers Plain, dark grey or black. Trousers are available from the school outfitters. Extremes of fashion are not allowed. Pin stripes and black jeans are not allowed. Jumper/Cardigan The jumper/cardigan is not compulsory. However, the only jumper/cardigan allowed must have the Erith School badge woven into the garment. This V-neck navy blue jumper/cardigan can only be purchased from the school outfitters. No alternative jumper/cardigan or sweat shirt is allowed. Students who choose to wear the school jumper/cardigan must still wear the school blazer. The jumper/cardigan is not an alternative to the blazer. Shirt Plain Saxe blue shirt – long or short sleeves. No “fashion” shirts are allowed. Vests or T shirts worn under the blouse must not be visible. Shirts are to be worn tucked into trousers. Socks Plain dark grey or black. Shoes Black shoes are required. Fashion shoes are not permitted. No shoe is allowed to cover the ankle bone. No trainers are allowed. Boots are not allowed under any circumstances. Soles more than ½” thick are not permitted. We ask that parents send their sons in sensible footwear for every day school use – no boots, trainers, canvas/ fabric shoes/boots, conspicuous or fashion shoes please. Trainers (outside of PE) are not considered acceptable footwear and are not allowed to be worn to and from school, during breaks or the lunch hour unless students are involved in a supervised activity. Parents of students with a medical condition should telephone the School and speak to the Head of Year before assuming that their sons can automatically wear trainers. A doctor’s certificate will be required. School Tie This is worn by all boys from Year 7-11. In September 2012 a new design tie was introduced, which is currently only available from Boffins School outfitters. This is compulsory for all new entrants to the school from that date. It can also be purchased for older students wishing to replace an existing tie. In the academic Year 2014/2015, students will wear the Erith School tie with the relevant coloured stripe: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Green Stripe Orange Stripe Purple Stripe Red Stripe White Stripe The tie will be worn in the conventional manner, outside of the blouse/shirt and with both the school badge and the coloured stripe showing below the knot (new design) or 3 year coloured stripes below the knot (old design). Jewellery Only one small plain stud earring per ear may be worn and only in the lobe. The wearing of any other jewellery is not permitted. Body piercing is not allowed. The wearing of any facial piercing e.g. nose, lip or tongue studs or rings is not allowed. Any other body stud, ring or bars are also not permitted. These regulations are necessary for Health and Safety reasons Watches of a reasonable size and with a sensible strap may be worn, subject to the proviso that the student accepts full responsibility. Neither the watch nor the strap may be brightly coloured. Watches should never be taken into a PE lesson. The school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage. Students must not bring into school expensive or sentimental items of jewellery. Please note: Failure to comply with the jewellery rules will lead to confiscation of items. The School is not responsible for the loss of jewellery items. They should not be brought into School in the first place. Teaching staff should not have to waste their valuable time in confiscating jewellery, setting up elaborate systems of storage and then have to spend more time returning to students at the end of the term. The School does not accept liability or responsibility for jewellery during confiscation and storage. Parental requests for early return of jewellery are not automatically granted. In such rare cases, the items will be returned only to a parent. Outdoor Coats Only a plain navy or black top coat, raincoat or anorak is allowed. The following are NOT allowed and will be confiscated. Denim, fur, leather, simulated leather, plastic, simulated fur or suede jackets or any coloured coats. Outdoor coats must be plain with no badges, emblems, logos, designs etc. Parents will be required to collect confiscated items. No “hoodies” of any description are allowed – they will be confiscated. Scarves/Hats Football scarves are not allowed and will be confiscated. Plain or dark patterned traditional scarves are permitted. No caps. Design Technology Aprons Please purchase from the school outfitters. PE KIT *Pe Kit - To Be Purchased Only From Boffins School Outfitters *Shorts - Compulsory Navy blue for PE. Boys and Girls styles available. *Sports Shirt - Compulsory White and Blue polo shirt with new full colour school badge. Boys and Girls styles available. *Multisports Top - Compulsory Reversible sports shirt (Navy/sky blue) – Compulsory for boys. *Socks - Compulsory Football socks in the school colours. (Navy/sky blue) Tracksuit/Jogging Bottoms – Optional Plain navy blue or black Trainers - Compulsory Only allowed in PE. Please avoid “fashion” styles and wear footwear appropriate to indoor and outdoor P.E. Football Boots – Compulsory Shin guards - Compulsory Mouth guards Highly advisable but not essential. General All boys should be clean shaven. There is a dispensation for 6th Form male students where they are allowed a very closely trimmed beard. 6TH FORM CODE OF DRESS A Code of Dress operates in the 6th Form (Years 12, 13 and 14) which was agreed between the students and staff. This code certainly gives the students a sense of corporate identity and sets them apart from the rest of the school who are dressed in uniform. All 6th Form students are expected to conform. For security reasons, all students must wear the official Partnership 6th identity badge on an Erith lanyard. The jewellery rules are enforced for Health and Safety reasons. In common with all other years, the 6th Form students wear the same outdoor uniform coat. FEMALES Suits Dark suit or dark jacket and dark trousers or dark knee length skirt. Shirts Plain white or plain pastel coloured high necked shirts or tops Tights/Socks Tights must be navy blue, black or natural in colour – no patterns. If socks are to be worn with trousers, they must be plain black or navy blue. Shoes Black shoes with a maximum ½ inch soles, 1 inch heels or less. No boots or trainers. Jewellery Only one small plain stud earring per ear may be worn, in the lobe. The wearing of any other jewellery is not permitted. Body piercing is not allowed. The wearing of any facial piercing e.g. nose, lip or tongue studs or rings is not allowed. Any other body stud, ring or bars are also not permitted. These regulations are necessary for Health and Safety reasons Watches of a reasonable size and with a sensible strap may be worn, subject to the proviso that the student accepts full responsibility. Neither the watch nor the strap may be brightly coloured. Watches should never be taken into a PE lesson. The school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage. Students must not bring into school expensive or sentimental items of jewellery. Please note: Failure to comply with the jewellery rules will lead to confiscation of items. The School is not responsible for the loss of jewellery items. They should not be brought into School in the first place. Teaching staff should not have to waste their valuable time in confiscating jewellery, setting up elaborate systems of storage and then have to spend more time returning to students at the end of the term. The School does not accept liability or responsibility for jewellery during confiscation and storage. Parental requests for early return of jewellery are not automatically granted. In such rare cases, the items will be returned only to a parent.. Outdoor Coats Plain black or dark navy blue (no suede, leather or denim). No other coat to be worn in or to/from school. Coats are not allowed to be worn in classrooms, common rooms or assemblies. MALES Suits Dark suit or dark jacket and trousers. Shirts Plain white or plain pastel coloured shirts. Tie Appropriate Tie. Socks Dark socks. Shoes Black shoes with a maximum ½ inch soles, 1 inch heels or less. No boots or trainers. Outdoor Coats Plain black or dark navy blue (no suede, leather or denim). No other coat to be worn in or to/from school. Coats are not allowed to be worn in classrooms, common rooms or assemblies. Jewellery Only one small plain stud earring per ear may be worn, in the lobe. The wearing of any other jewellery is not permitted. Body piercing is not allowed. The wearing of any facial piercing e.g. nose, lip or tongue studs or rings is not allowed. Any other body stud, ring or bars are also not permitted. These regulations are necessary for Health and Safety reasons Watches of a reasonable size and with a sensible strap may be worn, subject to the proviso that the student accepts full responsibility. Neither the watch nor the strap may be brightly coloured. Watches should never be taken into a PE lesson. The school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage. Students must not bring into school expensive or sentimental items of jewellery. Please note: Failure to comply with the jewellery rules will lead to confiscation of items. The School is not responsible for the loss of jewellery items. They should not be brought into School in the first place. Teaching staff should not have to waste their valuable time in confiscating jewellery, setting up elaborate systems of storage and then have to spend more time returning to students at the end of the term. The School does not accept liability or responsibility for jewellery during confiscation and storage. Parental requests for early return of jewellery are not automatically granted. In such rare cases, the items will be returned only to a parent.. IN RELATION TO ALL UNIFORM ITEMS FOR ALL YEARS - THE SCHOOL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DETERMINE WHAT IS CONSIDERED SUITABLE ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE STUDENT’S NAME. It is strongly recommended that parents have some form of insurance policy which covers personal items. Procedure for Temporary Uniform Variation Parents are asked to send their son or daughter to school with a note if they are unable to conform with particular items or uniform, even for one day. The student will then be issued with a note in the Contact Book by a Senior member of staff to cover that particular discrepancy. Parents are strongly advised to contact the School to clarify uniform regulations before making purchases. If in doubt please contact the school. UNIFORM OUTFITTERS Boffins Matthews (Outfitters) Limited TFS John Lewis 37 Pickford Lane, Bexleyheath DA7 4QU 33 Upper Wickham Lane, Welling DA16 3AD 49 Spital Street, Dartford DA1 2DX Bluewater, Greenhithe DA9 9SA Reminder: The School PE Kit and tie can only be purchased from Boffins NEARLY NEW UNIFORM SHOP Mrs Helen Bardoe, Mrs Sharon Willis and Mrs Gillian Zahra (Teaching Assistants) operate a Nearly New Uniform Shop. Parents need to contact them via the school for a mutually convenient appointment. The school stocks a wide range of nearly new articles of uniform at very reasonable prices. GOVERNORS’ POLICY ON HAIR CUTS AND HAIR STYLES (Years 7 to 6th Form) No unacceptable hair styles, or extreme hair colouring, will be allowed. This policy applies to both boys and girls from Year 7 through to the 6th Form. The school considers the following unacceptable:Shaven heads where the scalp is visible i.e. a number 0 or 1 hair shave is not allowed. Any form of pattern(s) or stripe(s). Hair which is partially shaved/partially short. Hair which is partially long (usually on the top and placed in a ponytail) and then shaved/cropped short underneath. Only the student’s natural hair colour is acceptable. Hair extensions and beads are not acceptable for Health and Safety reasons. Students with long hair must tie the hair back in all practical subjects i.e. Science, Technology, PE, Art, Dance and Drama. It is expected that a good standard of hair hygiene is maintained. Hair sprays and gels are dangerous as they are flammable. THE SCHOOL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DETERMINE WHAT IS CONSIDERED A SUITABLE HAIRCUT If students/parents are uncertain as to whether or not a haircut is suitable – please contact the school and speak to the Head of Year before any hair cutting or styling/colouring. If a student deliberately contravenes this policy, then exclusion could follow. SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Parents please try and provide the following basic equipment for your son/daughter. At secondary school writing is done with a pen and not in pencil. PENCIL CASE: Essential Pen - Biro or Fountain Pen Pencil Ruler Rubber Pencil Sharpener Desirable Coloured Pencils Coloured felt tipped pens – water-based Calculator NB: Liquid Tipp-Ex or correcting fluid of any sort is not allowed. Home Dictionary Atlas of the World Calculators It is an important part of the National Curriculum, especially in Mathematics, that students learn how to use calculators and can apply that knowledge in many learning situations. Homework will be set which can only be done using a calculator, so it is vital that your son/daughter has access to one at home. In school, calculators may be shared, so those students who bring their own will find this helpful. It will also help your son/daughter if they get used to their own calculator and use it both at school and at home, as models differ. At first, a simple calculator which adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides will be sufficient, but quite soon more functions are needed – you may think it sensible to buy a scientific model now which will last your child throughout the school. We, therefore, strongly recommend that you buy a calculator for your child. You are advised to mark it clearly with your son/daughter’s name. Unfortunately the school is not insured for damage or loss of students’ property School Bags Students are expected to bring a suitable plain dark coloured, strong, waterproof bag which will contain all of their books and equipment. A plain rucksack/backpack style bag is most suitable. Any other impractical, brightly coloured/patterned and fashion styles are not permitted. THE CURRICULUM The curriculum at Erith School has been specifically designed to achieve the following educational aims: 1. ENTITLEMENT: All students are entitled to a broad and balanced Curriculum includes a range of different subject areas encompassed in the National Curriculum. 2. RELEVANCE: The Curriculum should be relevant to the needs of individual students. It should provide the knowledge, skills, understanding and experiences they require and should be matched to their individual abilities and aptitudes. 3. EDUCATION AS A LIFELONG PROCESS: The Curriculum should enable students to develop to their full potential, should prepare them for adult life and should guide them towards continued learning and education. THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM The term 'curriculum' describes all the different subjects and courses that Erith School provides for its students. The term also describes the time allocated to them and the way they are taught, resourced with books, materials and equipment, and the way in which they are assessed or examined. The term 'curriculum', therefore, means much more than just the timetable. Parents will have heard of the National Curriculum and know that a national or common compulsory curriculum should be followed by all boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 16. Government legislation has allowed for greater flexibility at Key Stage 4. This is reflected in the curriculum plan for Years 10 and 11 which includes elements of Work Related Learning as well as the English Baccalaureate. The basic structure of the Erith School curriculum fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum. The curriculum is continually being reviewed and developed along national guidelines. The Erith School curriculum can be conveniently considered in three linked stages, as follows: Years 7, 8 and 9 Key Stage Three (ages 11 to 14 years) Years 10 and 11 Key Stage Four (ages 14 to 16 years) Years 12 and 13 Key Stage Five (ages 16 to 19 years - the 6th Form) YEARS 7, 8 AND 9 (KEY STAGE THREE) What Is The Curriculum In The Early Years? When students join the School in Year 7 they are allocated to a teaching group based on their ability. This is determined on the basis of the admission tests taken by Year 6 students in the Autumn term prior to entry, KS2 teacher assessment results and internal school decisions. Since September 2010 admissions have been allocated on the basis of the Erith Admissions Test. (Please refer back to the Admissions section of this Handbook for details of allocation and movement between these bands) All boys and girls at Erith School are entitled to a rich, balanced and vibrant curriculum – irrespective of the teaching group into which they are placed. During the school year senior staff will examine the achievements and efforts of every boy and girl in each class. On the basis of these discussions and analysis, transfers will be made in full consultation with parents. Students who have shown both the aptitude and ability to cope with more advanced academic work will be promoted while those making less than expected progress may be moved into a more appropriate learning pathway. The curriculum at this stage reflects the need to provide a broad balanced education which builds on the work covered in Primary Schools, and provides a foundation for the examination courses in Years 10 and 11. In Years 7, 8 and 9 all students, therefore, study the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science (this covers the teaching of Biology, Chemistry and Physics), French or Spanish, History, Geography, Citizenship, Religious Education, Design & Technology (Resistant Materials, Graphics, Food, Textiles), Information Technology, Music, Drama, Art & Design and Physical Education. All students study Music but, in addition, parents may pay for individual music tuition on a wide range of instruments including the violin and drums. Erith School has a varied and active Creative Arts Faculty, where students will be given an opportunity to play musical instruments, to act, to dance and to sing to a wide range of audiences, from the more formal Music Concerts to song and dance productions. The important theme of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is incorporated into nearly every subject. ICT involves using computers for word processing, handling data, graphic design and control, manufacturing technology and elements of programming. Throughout their time at Erith, students follow a tutorial programme known as Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHEE). Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) are developed through all subjects. PSHEE is delivered through Citizenship in Key Stage 3 classes in Year 9. Students with special learning needs are supported at Erith School in a number of different ways. The Curriculum Support Faculty provides individual teaching in small groups, one to one tuition or in-class support to ensure that children with special needs receive specialised help, guidance and care. Our Transition Groups also provide support for those vulnerable children who need special nurturing and guidance. Our expectations are made absolutely clear. All students must achieve their minimum progress targets. All Students are expected to make at least 3 levels of progress from the start of their school career in Year 7 to the end of Key Stage 4 in Year 11. For students with less than level 4 on entry, the expectation is at least 9 or more GCSE grades at A* to G with English and Mathematics. We know that many will exceed this target. All students are valued irrespective of ability and are challenged to achieve their very best. Key Stage 4 Public Examination Curriculum Years 10 and 11 - are designated as KEY STAGE FOUR of the National Curriculum. The main task in Years 10 and 11 is to develop earlier work to public examination level which in our school is the General Certificate of Secondary Education or G.C.S.E. plus BTEC (Vocational qualifications equivalent to 2 GCSEs) and the Cambridge National Certificate in Information Communication & Technology (equivalent to at least two GCSEs). All students will continue to have access to a broad and balanced education although this must conform to the minimum requirements of the National Curriculum. It is considered important that no student is allowed to neglect an area of experience which might later become significant in terms of career choice. In Years 10 and 11 all students will study the National Curriculum core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. GCSE Science can lead to a triple or double certificate. English leads to 2 GCSEs (Language and Literature). In addition, key stage 4 students will also study R.E. and Physical Education. At present, in addition to the National Curriculum core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science all students will take a further three or four GCSE equivalent courses depending upon their level of ability. In order to better meet the needs of all our students, we have developed the “Roads to Success” Programme. Based on the four roads that serve Erith and bring all our students into the school and ultimate success, the Roads to Success programme offers a range of different learning opportunities to better meet the needs of all our students. Limewood – a fully Academic programme for high achieving students focussed fully on gaining entry to University or Higher and Further Education. Colyers – an Academic Programme with the opportunity of taking one Vocational subject. Again, this ‘Road’ aims to support students through 6th Form and onto Higher and Further Education. Ramsden – a Vocational Programme that provides an alternative learning direction. Many of these students will progress to the 6th Form or a College of Further Education. Avenue – a fully Vocational Programme that also includes college courses in Construction Skills and Catering, as well as extended Work Experience. Whatever “Road” they happen to be travelling on, all students will also study the three core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. At Erith School, the majority of students normally take GCSE or GCSE equivalent examination courses in at least nine subjects, which is the Bexley and national average. All students in Years 10 and 11 will also follow courses in Physical Education, R.E., Careers and in Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (which will include Sex Education and Citizenship). Students in Years 10 and 11 with special educational needs continue to receive extra help, guidance and care where they need it - one to one, in small groups or by in-class support. Careers, PSHE and Work Experience can lead to a GCSE qualification in Work Skills. Years 12 and 13 (6th Form) It is the national expectation that all young people will stay on in education or training until they are 18. Erith School has one of the largest 6th Forms in Bexley - over 250 students. Since June 2007 our 6th Form has had its own exclusive building, the David Friend Building, used only by Year 12 and Year 13 students. In many respects the 6th Form is an entity in itself with its own Director, who provides advice on University and College entrance, courses, careers and vocational training. Whilst the focus of 6th Forms students' life is clearly on academic studies, they also play a large and important part in the general running of the school - as School Head Boy and Head Girl, Prefects, Sport Captains and Peer Mentors working with younger students and the Community. Teachers and, in particular, 6th Forms tutors at Erith School are interested not only in academic progress but also in positive development in each student's personality and character. Since September 2003, Erith School has been involved in a Consortium arrangement with other local schools, currently with Welling School and Trinity School, called Partnership 6th. This has enabled students from each of the schools to take courses away from their ‘home’ school. The Consortium has increased the choice of subjects for students, boosted staying on rates and provided an exciting new opportunity to become involved in educational, cultural and sports activities within the three schools. Partnership 6th has its own Director who co-ordinates planning between the three schools. Students are able to follow a variety of one, two or three year courses which include both academic and vocational subjects. We cater for students of all abilities for whom continuing education in a school setting is appropriate. The 6th Form at Erith School also offers a one year Work Skills programme. It is tailored for students who are predicted or have achieved lower grades in Year 11. The benefits of an extra year at school will provide students with the best preparation for: employment; possible progression onto advance level 3 programmes in the 6th form; or for further education courses at local colleges. Advanced Level 3 courses, known as GCE AS, (first year) and GCE A2, (second year) or BTEC National Awards/Certificates, are offered in combinations which enable the students to develop their own interests and knowledge and allow progression into Higher Education or employment. Our 6th Form students are successful both in public examination - a pass rate of over 90% for over ten years at Advanced level courses - and in gaining places at Higher Education institutions across the country, including the following Universities – University of Cambridge, Kingston, De Montford, Queen Mary’s University of London, Aberystwyth, London Royal Holloway, Kings College, Kent, East London, Greenwich, Hertfordshire, North London, London School of Economics, Loughborough, Brunel, Wolverhampton, Kent Institute of Art & Design and Canterbury Christ College, Winchester, Liverpool, Nottingham Trent, Kingston, Coventry, Brighton, London South Bank, London Metropolitan, Roehampton to name but a few. All university applicants, including those who wish to apply for Oxford or Cambridge, are fully prepared and receive appropriate guidance. 6th Forms Advanced Level Academic (GCE) Courses: Courses are available in Accounting Applied Science (Medical), Art & Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, Film Studies French, History, Law, Mathematics, Media Studies, Philosophy, Physical Education, Psychology, Sociology. Other GCE courses may also be available at either Partnership Schools, changing on a yearly basis. 6th Forms BTEC National Awards/Certificate Level 3 Courses: Areas offered here include Performing Arts and Childcare (CACHE) and are the equivalent to 2/3 A Levels, also BTEC Fashion Textiles (1 A Level) and BTEC Hospitality and Business. 6th Form students at Erith School will have opportunities to take coaching awards, together with the Community Sports Leaders Award. The opportunity to take GCSE Maths and English is also available for those students wishing to achieve Grade C or above. 6th Form Religious Education: All students, under the requirements of the 1996 Education Reform Act, are required to participate in Religious Education. This is delivered through 6th Form Partnership conferences once a term. Leisure and community activities for all will also be provided. Religious Education, Leisure and Community Activities and PSHE are compulsory for all 6th Form students. Football Academy At Erith School, we are always looking for new and exciting ways of meeting the very diverse needs and interests of our students. As a result, we are pleased to announce the introduction of our new Football Academy from the star of the 2014/15 Academic year. The Football Academy provides an opportunity for talented male and female football players to continue playing their chosen sport to a high level while at the same time, studying a three A’ Level equivalent BTEC Sports Studies programme. Successful students must not only show a practical aptitude in football, playing at a high level, but also a good level of academic ability in order to meet the very demanding coursework expectations. Football Academy students will also have the opportunity to take Level 1 and Level 2 F.A. Coaching qualifications, as well as the CSLA; a refereeing qualification as well as a number of other nationally recognised sports awards. OTHER CURRICULAR INFORMATION …. Faculty of Life Skills Although the Life Skills Faculty is involved with many facets of school life, its main aim is to contribute to the positive development of your child by: Supporting their learning Improving their achievement Offering suitable preparation for their life in the adult world. This is achieved through 5 focused areas: Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education Careers Information, Advice & Guidance Work Experience Record Of Achievement Vocational Studies The five areas of the Faculty link together to establish a continuous process whereby personal awareness will be strengthened, so providing a basis for each young person to realise their own strengths and limitations and encourage them to work hard in a variety of ways to develop their full potential. In general, students have Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education Focus Days during the academic year that follows a carefully planned programme based on the themes of health, citizenship and careers education. The whole programme contributes towards the social, cultural, physical and moral development of every young person and is a vital part of their “growing-up” education. Careers Education and Guidance encompasses the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes and sets out to promote self-awareness so helping young people to make informed choices and decisions about further education and future careers. Work Experience is an integral part of the Life Skills programme and currently all Year 11 students have an opportunity to participate in a two week placement following their Key Stage 4 examinations. This programme has proved invaluable in motivating students and gives them a greater understanding in possible and suitable career paths. It is a very successful part of Erith School life and the excellent reports from employers indicate that the youngsters have matured in their attitude and relationships and responded to the demands of the workplace with skill and confidence. The Record of Achievement is designed to help the young people identify and value their skills and qualities as well as recognise their achievements. This information is then used to help make more informed choices. Vocational Studies is a specially designed programme for those young people in Key Stage 4 who find the normal school environment difficult. Students follow the National Curriculum subjects to GCSE level and have opportunities to follow practical college courses and extended work experience. Religious Education Although mainly Christian in character, Erith School is not affiliated to any particular religious group or sect. Moreover, Erith School tries to reflect the local multi-faith community of Christian, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim traditions and above all places great emphasis on religious tolerance. Religious Education follows the Local Authority’s agreed syllabus and forms part of the timetabled curriculum for all classes in Years 7 to 11 and is organised by the Religious Education Department, in the Contemporary Studies Faculty. The Education Act of 1988 requires that all students of ages 11 to 18 participate in a course of Religious Education. In 6th Form, we fulfil the legal requirements by organising three “RE Stop Days” per year for our students to consider issues of a moral and philosophical nature. The Local Authority’s agreed Religious Education syllabus is available for inspection at the school. The law provides for parents to withdraw their children from all or part of the religious education programme provided by Erith School but this must be done in discussion with the Headteacher and the Head of the Contemporary Studies Faculty. If parents feel that this is necessary, then they must contact the Headteacher, in the first instance. Morning Assembly A variety of Assemblies are held during the week. These can take the form of Year Assemblies, or Tutor Group Assemblies. As far as is possible our Assemblies conform to the requirements of the 1988 Education Act. The main part of the assembly aims to present ideas of a topical nature and does not contain material likely to be offensive to any particular religious belief. All members of the school must attend for the important notices which are often included in the Assembly. On written request to the Headteacher, a student maybe excused from an Assembly which has a specific religious content due to their cultural belief. In a school with as many students as Erith has on roll, it is impossible to hold a whole school assembly each day where all students and staff are present. We have two main assembly halls each with a maximum capacity of 360 students. For these reasons, the school day cannot start for all 2000+ students with an act of collective worship. Therefore, in accordance with a published rota, one Year Assembly will be held each day. All assemblies fit into a weekly programme to which there will be a special theme selected by the Headteacher. This structure provides a minimum of one assembly each week for each student and four tutorial sessions. Sex and Relationship Education The various aspects of Sex Education are given in all Years as part of the curriculum for Science, Religious Education and PSHEE. The subject of Sex Education is approached with great care and is conducted in a responsible manner with due consideration being given to the age of the students. Sex Education has been developed in full consultation with parents and School Governors and takes into account all aspects of Government legislation. Science and Reproduction Human reproduction is a compulsory aspect of the National Curriculum for Science and is therefore a compulsory topic of study. Students are taught human reproduction in Year 7. We will not seek consent from parents before the human reproduction unit is taught. The topic is taught in a prosaic manner using terminology in the same way that it is used to describe any other part of the body and the way in which it functions. Human reproduction is distinct from sex and relationships education which is taught primarily through the PHSE curriculum. At no time in any science lessons are there discussions about sexuality or moral aspects of relationships. There is no use of inappropriate, rude or vernacular words to describe any aspect of reproduction. The topic is taught purely from a scientific view point. Although taught as a discrete unit of study aspects of human reproduction occurs throughout the key stage three programme of study. Ideas and terminology used in the human reproduction unit appear in topics as diverse as cell specialisation, plant biology, genetics, hormones, healthy lifestyles and the uses of medicines. When a student misses lessons in which aspects of human reproduction crop up then a significant amount of the science curriculum will not be covered. It is therefore strongly advised that all students participate in all science lessons regardless of their content. If any of this guidance is in any way problematic then please contact the Head of the Science Faculty Citizenship Citizenship is now a well-established part of the curriculum at Erith School. The Citizenship ethos that Erith promotes emphasises the importance of Community Involvement, Active Citizenship and Social Justice. Knowledge, skills and understanding students gain from Year 7 through to the 6th Form enable them to become informed, responsible and active citizens. These students will then be able to fully participate in the life of the school and local, national and global communities. At Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9), Citizenship is delivered as a subject in its own right to most students. In line with statutory requirements, students’ progress in Citizenship is recorded at all Key Stages and is reported to parents. At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11), provision comes via a cross-curricular approach and some students have been given the opportunity to gain a GCSE in Citizenship. Extra-Curricular Activities Erith School is a school where hard work and positive attitudes are both encouraged and rewarded, in and out of the classroom. We hope that all children will achieve their full potential, not only in their academic studies, but in a wide range of extra-curricular activities including sport, community service, drama, school trips and music. Creative Arts Faculty Every year, the Creative Arts Faculty puts on a Whole School Production, which enables students to participate in performance skills, such as acting, singing and dancing. Students are also encouraged to develop technical skills in lighting, sound, costume and scenery. Work-related skills such as leadership, planning and team-building are promoted as students can become part of the back stage crew and technical team. BTEC, GCSE and A’ Level students in Drama and Music will showcase their work in a number of Performance Evenings in the Spring and Summer Terms. An A’ Level exhibition of Art students’ work will be displayed in the 6th Form Block in the Summer Term. BTEC Performing Arts productions are also planned. The Music Department offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities and our students have many opportunities to show off their musical talents in public performances. Our annual Carol Service and termly School performances include contributions from the Choir and various smaller vocal and instrumental ensembles. Many children involve themselves each year in our major Whole School Production in the Spring Term. In recent years, music groups from Erith School have been invited to perform at local churches, schools and department stores. A team of visiting instrumental teachers provide tuition in strings, woodwind, brass, piano, guitar and percussion and all children are encouraged to take advantage of this scheme. The Drama Department offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities including Drama and Dance clubs. Each year, the Drama Department arranges after school visits to theatrical productions both locally and in central London. Wherever possible, practioners are invited in to deliver educational workshops to pupils in school. The very prestigious Shakespeare’s Schools Festival is an annual and very popular event at Erith School, this year Midsummer Night’s Dream will be practised and performed by Erith students at the Mick Jagger Centre in Dartford. The Art Department has established partnerships with a number of Higher Education Institutions including The Courtauld Institute of Art, London College of Communication and Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication. Staff from these institutions deliver careers and education advice to students in school and invite KS4 and 5 students to attend summer schools and open days. Students are also invited to work with staff to produce set designs for the Whole School Production and Year 9s are invited to submit work to a competition to design the posters for the Whole School Production. The Art department also runs a Christmas Card competition for the Erith School Christmas Card. Students work is selected each year to be entered in the Young Art in Bexley competition. PE Faculty Facilities for Sport and Physical Education are excellent with Basketball, Soccer, Handball, Netball, Rugby, Hockey, Cross-country running, Running, Badminton, Cricket, Gymnastics, Athletics, Dance, Rounders, Table Tennis, Tennis, Trampoline, Volleyball, Boxercise, Kickboxing and Weightlifting. As a school, we excel in team games. The Physical Education Faculty has a Borough-wide reputation for fielding strong sporting teams in a variety of sports. The school has regular fixtures in athletics, rounders, hockey, cricket, football, netball, rugby and basketball. We participate in all types of tournaments and competitions Borough, County and National - regularly reaching (and winning) finals and many students gain representative honours. At Erith School, we continue to build our proud record of sporting achievement. Other Extra Curricular Activities Art Club, Air Training Corps Squadron (Girls and Boys), Football, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Adventure Holidays, Computer Club, Field Trips organised by Humanities and Science Staff, Fitness Club, Cultural, Language and Sporting Residential trips abroad, Gymnastics Club, History Trips, Hockey, Instrumental Teaching, Museum Trips, Music Concerts, Netball, Student Voice, Rounders, School Choir, Swimming, Tennis, Theatre Visits, Trampoline, Volleyball, Whole School Production, a Work Zone in the School Library and Year Council. On the sports field, our students have maintained their high standard and we have established strong links with Charlton Athletic. Overall, last year, our students enjoyed a huge number of enrichment activities that took them way beyond the normal teaching programme. As a school, we have continued to develop what is on offer outside normal lessons. HOMEWORK We expect all students to complete homework in each of the subject areas. Every student is issued with a CONTACT BOOK and a homework timetable is published for each year group. The times allocated to subjects will vary and as a student moves through the school it is likely that an increased commitment to work at home will be necessary. At Erith School we believe homework is very important: firstly, because the pace of the teaching necessitates the setting of homework to consolidate the work done in the classroom: secondly, because we aim to encourage good study habits whereby a student gradually learns to take more and more responsibility for his or her own learning - without always having a teacher present. Good academic progress can only be maintained if homework is done promptly and conscientiously. Parents should note that if homework is not completed then sanctions (including detentions) will be imposed. The vast majority of students complete their homework conscientiously. Many Faculties use pre-printed Homework booklets or publish termly homework schedules on the School Website. Homework activities will also be available on-line through our SAM Learning System which can be accessed by following the links on our School Website. Parents are asked to take an active interest in homework by inspecting and signing the Contact Book at least once a week. The Head of Year is happy to investigate any problems relating to homework. We ask that all our Parents support the school and their children by monitoring and checking that homework is completed. Too Much Homework? Too Little Homework? Homework Problems? Please telephone or email: Mr Maher (Assistant Headteacher) Email: Telephone No: 01322 348 231 KEEPING PARENTS INFORMED Contact Points The welfare of each student lies at the heart of our organisation and the Pastoral system is recognised as a strength at Erith School. Each Year group is led by a very strong Head of Year who is supported by an Assistant Headteacher and an administrative Year Support Assistant. Within each year team there are 16 tutor groups who are individually led by a Form Tutor who works very closely with all the students in their care. These tutors are continually receiving a range of information about every student in their group and therefore, it is the Form Tutor who should be the first point of contact when making any sort of enquiry regarding a student’s progress or performance. All other routine matters such as absence, medical appointments and information of general interest should also be directed to the Form Tutor in the first instance. It is the Form Tutor who will usually contact parents to discuss a problem, raise an issue or even inform them of a student’s achievement or success. It is also the Form Tutor who will help students through any difficulties, monitor their progress and encourage them to take full advantage of what the School has to offer. If you have a general concern about behaviour, bullying or academic progress, contact the Form Tutor, Head of Year or Deputy Head of Year. This can be done by letter or by telephone. If you have a specific concern with respect to an individual subject (e.g. English) then please contact the appropriate Head of Faculty. Particularly urgent or serious problems to do with student welfare, pastoral care or Curriculum matters (e.g. subject choices, timetable, etc.) will be dealt with by Mr Bryce (Deputy Headteacher) or Mrs Allen (Deputy Headteacher) The Headteacher, Mr Lloyd, will ultimately deal with all serious problems or complaints brought to his attention by either Mrs Allen or Mr Bryce (Deputy Headteachers). Please contact Mrs Nunn (Headteacher’s PA) in the first instance. The Contact Process In order to ensure that we are able to deal effectively with your queries and /or concerns, we ask that parents follow these stages of the contact process: 1 In the first instance, contact the Student’s FORM TUTOR 2 If the issue remains unresolved or for more serious complaints please contact the Student’s YEAR OFFICE 3 4 For issues relating to school Policy or procedure or serious complaints which remain unresolved at stage 2 contact a member of the: For complaints which have not been resolved at stage 3 or for very serious complaints please contact one of the two Deputy Headteachers SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM: Mr Norman Year 7 Mrs Dixon Year 8 Mr Harrison Year 9 Ms Hope Year 10 Mr Morgan Year 11 Mr Maher 6th Form Deputy Headteachers Years 7, 8 or 9 Years 10,11 or 6th Form Mr Bryce Mrs Allen The Contact Book At the start of each academic term, every student in the school is issued with a Contact Book or Planner. The aim of the Contact Book is to provide a continual link between school and the home. In a large school it is important that gradual improvement or deterioration in a student's work or behaviour is communicated to parents quickly. This enables parents to praise and encourage or look for remedial action promptly. The Contact Book functions as a day to day link with parents and should be used as a channel for communication with the home. The Form Tutor or Subject Teacher may have occasion to use it as a brief "letter", particularly when seeking reasons for a student's absence. Where there is urgency e.g. a detention to be completed, details of a trip or an early closure, the Contact Book can be used to get the message home. Parents sign below the message as an acknowledgement. The parent should also use the book for short messages to school e.g. note of medical appointments, request for student to be excused PE for a medical reason. The Contact Book will be issued each term and thus a continuous record of achievement, sanctions, conduct, homework and communication will be maintained. IF USED CORRECTLY, THE CONTACT BOOK IS AN EXCELLENT WAY OF MONITORING STUDENTS' PROGRESS. Profiles These were formally known as Reports. Profiles are sent out annually in individual booklets. Attainment and progress are commented on in detail. Any parents who are concerned about their son or daughter's progress in one or more subjects can obtain information on progress at any time during the school year. Contact the Head of Year in the first instance In addition, we provide a Student Progress Tracking sheet which is sent home at the end of each term indicating how well a student is currently progressing against their termly and yearly target grade. Full details of Parents' Consultation Days and Evenings, the issue of profiles and the dates of the annual school examinations are given in the Contact Book and in regularly issued newsletters. The newsletters also provide parents with information on forthcoming events such as drama productions, music concerts and presentations. Parents’ Information and Consultation Events A Parents' Evening is arranged for each year group at least once a year. It is organised on an Appointment System and will afford the opportunity for parents to discuss progress and welfare with the Form Tutor, Year Head and individual subject teachers. The Headteacher, Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers are also always in attendance and more than willing to assist parents with any problem. Parents' Consultation and Information Evenings for 2014-2015 will be held as follows: Year 7 16th October 19th March 2014 2015 Year 8 2nd July 2015 Year 9 9th October 2014 26th February 2015 Year 10 27th November 2014 Year 11 4th November 18th November 22nd January 11th March 2014 2014 2015 2015 6th Form 29th January 2015 Partnership 6th Academic Tutoring Day 26th March 2015 Erith School Website We are constantly developing and improving our website to make it useful for parents, carers and students. It provides relevant and up to date school information and opportunities for feedback. Currently this includes: current news and information details of the school’s Curriculum Pastoral arrangements background and history of the school community links. If there is an EMERGENCY situation in school and you want to find out what is happening (heavy snow, adverse weather warning, heating failure, etc.) we will provide the most up to date information on our website. Parent Texts and Emails The introduction of parent texting for emergency information and for reminders of scheduled events has been extremely successful and popular with parents. We can also contact you by email. It is important that we have your up to date contact details so that you can receive this information instantly. GOVERNING BODY RESPONSIBILITIES This section details the roles and responsibilities of governing bodies. The School Handbook (formerly known as the Prospectus) There is now no statutory requirement for schools to produce a ‘School Prospectus’ with proscribed contents. However, as a school we have always felt that having all the important information in one place was very useful both for parents and staff. There are also some pieces of information which schools are required to make available on their website (As outlined in the School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012.) These include: Information about the schools allocation of Student Premium funding Details of the school’s curriculum Links to the School’s Admissions Arrangements Policies on Behaviour, charging and SEN and disability provision Links to school’s Ofsted report and performance tables Most of these items are included in this Handbook or there are links to other sites from our website. The Home-School Agreement Under Sections 110 and 111 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, the governing body of every maintained school is required to have in place a written home-school agreement, which should be drawn up in consultation with parents and students and reviewed from time to time. The agreement should explain the school’s aims and values and the respective responsibilities of the school and of the parents, and what the school expects of its students. Students’ Educational Records The Education (Student Information) (England) Regulations 2005 require maintained schools (other than nursery schools) and any special school (whether or not maintained by a local authority) to keep a curricular record for each student and disclose on request a student’s educational record to their parent. Under these Regulations, maintained schools must transfer a student’s educational record to his or her new school when he or she changes schools. The curricular record means a formal record of a student’s academic achievements, his or her other skills, and abilities and progress in school. The Governing Body is responsible for making available a student’s educational record to his or her parents, within 15 school days of receipt of the parent’s written request. If parents make a written request for a copy of the record, this must be provided to them, also within 15 school days of that request being received. The Governing Body can charge an administration fee for the copy, but if it does this, it must not be more than the cost of supply. The educational record should include the curricular record, but also other information about the student that may be kept by the school, such as details of behaviour and family background. Some information is exempt from disclosure. Please contact the School should further details be required. Access to Information About Students With Statements of SEN Access to information about students with statements of SEN is governed by the Education (Special Educational Needs) (England) (Consolidation) Regulations 2001 and by the Code of Practice on Identifying and Assessing Special Educational Needs. Where a child has a statement of SEN, that statement forms part of the child’s educational record. The parent must be sent a copy of the statement. DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS From time to time there may be things that you are worried about, not happy with or which you need explained more clearly. At Erith School we do our best to be accessible and to speak with parents as quickly as possible. Stage One (Informal) If parents are worried about any areas of school life, they should get in touch with their child’s Form Tutor in the first instance so that any problems can be discusses. Concerns and queries can be dealt with more effectively if parents follow the contact process as outlined in the ‘Keeping Parents Informed’ section (Page 51) in the first instance. Stage Two (Informal) If it is a really serious complaint then contact one of the Assistant Headteachers or either of the two Deputy Headteachers. Please do this as early as possible. We are always happy to do our very best to resolve difficulties and complaints. However, if parents feel they need to make a formal complaint, there are more formal procedures for dealing with them. Stage Three (Formal) When it has not been possible to resolve a problem through the ‘Informal’ procedures, then the formal procedure may be operated. The first stage of the formal procedure is the consideration of the complaint by the School Governing Body. The complainant may submit written evidence to the Governing Body through the Clerk to the Governing Body, c/o Erith School, Avenue Road, Erith, Kent DA8 3BN and the complainant will be invited to attend a meeting to discuss the issues. In the past twenty years, most complaints at Erith School have usually been resolved through talking to the relevant school staff including the Headteacher or through the Governing Body. However, if the complainant is still not satisfied following consideration by the Governing Body, the second stage of the formal procedure entitles the complainants to refer their complaint to the Department for Education and the Secretary of State for Education. In the Academic Year 2013-14, one formal complaint was made. HOW CAN PARENTS BE MORE INVOLVED? Parents as Partners Just by having a child at the school you become involved in the life of Erith School. However, we realise that some parents have the time, energy and inclination to be more involved than others. We would like to suggest simple ways in which all our parents can work in partnership with us, as well as those more demanding ways in which you may feel you can help us. Firstly, we would like to emphasise that if you have any questions or concerns at all, we would like you to get in touch with us. Please contact your child's Form Tutor. Except in an emergency, this is best done by letter or via the Contact Book. For serious matters, the Head of Year may be approached. Day to Day Your support is invaluable in helping us to establish the routines which will help your child to make good progress in school. Please make sure that your child: • attends school on a regular basis • gets to school on time • brings the right books, equipment and kit, including his/her Contact Book • uses an appropriate bag - not a carrier or fashion bag - to carry them in • wears full school uniform, including a school blazer and a school tie As a parent, please: • attend Parents' Evenings on a regular basis • inspect the Contact Book on a weekly basis It is very helpful if you discuss the week's homework with your child before signing the homework diary pages in his/her Contact Book. We encourage students to note their homework in a clear organised way. If you cannot understand what your child has written, please insist that they note the work more clearly. Form Tutors also check Contact Books each week, so any queries or comments you write in the Contact Book will be read by them. Other Ways You Can Help We need contact numbers for emergencies. If these change please let your child's Form Tutor know. Please ensure that these are written clearly in the Contact Book Let us know if your address. mobile phone or home telephone number changes. When your child has been absent from school, please write us a note which he/she can bring with him/her on his/her return. Even if you have telephoned, it is essential for us to have a written note confirming the reason for the absence. Support our policies on Discipline and Good Behaviour. There can be no learning without good order. Support our policies on School Uniform, appearance, haircuts and hair styles. When you opt to send your son or daughter to Erith School you are effectively "signing up" to all our rules and policies. Do not pick and choose which you agree with and vice versa. We are a fairly conventional, traditional school and will not tolerate passing fashions, 'fads' or trends Schools are expected to take the opinions of parents into consideration. All schools have parent representation on their Governing Body. Erith School is no exception. There is a small group of parents known as Parents Voice which meet and discuss educational matters that relate not only to the school but also to the Community and nationally. Their views are relayed to the Governors and help to form School policies. The Chair of Governors, Mr Friend can be contacted through the school for more information. CHARGES AND PAYMENTS AT ERITH SCHOOL The day to day education provided by the school for every student is of course free. nothing may be charged for. However, there are more and better opportunities which can be offered with the co-operation of and/or funding from parents. School Fund At the start of each academic year we respectfully ask all parents to make a voluntary contribution of £5 per student per year. The voluntary subscription for a family of two or more students in the school is £8 in total NOT £5 each. This money is used extensively to provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities for the student and also for the upkeep and maintenance of our minibuses and our environment. Student Voice (formerly the School Council), made up of students of all ages, are asked to make recommendations on how School Fund monies are spent. This year School Fund contributed to the massive improvements in the students’ dining room and external service area. It also supports the bulk of our sporting and cultural events for students. We hope you will be generous and support us in our endeavours to provide a rich programme of extracurricular activities and facilities for the children. Cashless Catering We operate a cashless system for the catering service at Erith School. Our desire is to continue to provide and improve upon the quality of the school meal service at our school. The system will enable us to deliver a more efficient, faster service and to continue to provide wholesome, healthy and enjoyable meals at the lowest cost. In addition parents will be able to monitor what their child is buying! There are a number of ways that you will be able to pay for your child’s food and drink. The methods of payment are: - Online If you have a bank account/payment card and access to the internet you will be able to manage your child’s account online. The minimum amount or on-line payments is £10.00. You would do this via the WisePay link on the Erith School website - - Cash in School Should you wish your child to continue to bring money into school for lunch or snacks, the facility for accepting cash payments for the day, or for a number of days, will still be available. In this instance, students will need to deposit their cash into one of two automatic cash terminals. The cash terminals are programmed to accept £20 - £10 - £5 notes and £2 - £1 - 50p - 20p - 10p coins. Students cannot use the cash to buy food directly at the food counters. Free School Meals Students receiving Free School Meals will have their allowance automatically credited and parents/carers can top this up if they wish to pay for breakfast or mid-morning snacks. Money paid into your personal account is held within the system. Money that your child spends on food will be deducted from the system and students can always check their remaining balance by using the terminals in school. In addition to this, you will be able to access a report via the WisePay link, for any time period, detailing each item of food bought, each credit made to the system and also, the current balance. There is a daily ‘spend limit’ programmed into the system of £5.00. This ‘spend limit’ can be increased or decreased for an individual student if a written request is made to the Catering Manager at Erith School. At the tills, students will be identified using Biometric Technology personalised card. For further information please see the school website - Other Funding Issues Outside the basic curriculum, many extra opportunities can be created at one time or another if parents choose to fund them. For example, students studying Geography or Citizenship will have local field-work organised by the school, without charge. If, however, they wish to participate in a language trip abroad, this will depend on sufficient parents being prepared to help meet the cost. The school certainly cannot organise such trips on any other basis. The same applies to an adventure holiday or to theatre and gallery visits. Often parents can pay for such events in instalments. In Food Technology classes students’ work is supported by the system of students bringing their specified ingredients from home (and later taking the dish home to be eaten). Any system whereby ingredients were provided at school would be immensely time-consuming at the start of lessons, when everything would need to be weighed out to each student; and much further time would be lost when money had to be collected at the end before the finished product went home. For this reason you are asked to provide your children with the necessary ingredients when requested; but to let us know if this poses any real difficulties. In all cases, however, parents who feel that their child is missing something important because of constraints on the family finances are asked to get in touch with the Head of Year or Deputy Headteacher in the first instance. All such discussions will remain confidential. The Governors will expect parents to refund the school wholly or to an agreed sum, if their children fail to attend without good reason a public examination for which a fee has been paid, cause damage to school property, or misuse or lose school materials and books. Insurance It is important that each student takes full responsibility for his/her own property and that he/she respects the property of others and of the school. Students are therefore advised to bring to school only such items of clothing and property which are essential and appropriate for use in school. Parents Should Note The school does not provide insurance cover in respect of students' personal property. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that they have appropriate insurance cover for their children's personal effects The school is not able to make payments in respect of loss or damage to students' personal property from the delegated school budget. On all school outings, students are insured through the School Journey Insurance cover provided either by the School’s insurer or through the school travel company organising the particular trip. The cost of this insurance cover is included in the costing of trips and journeys. THE SCHOOL'S PLEDGE WE AGREE TO: 1. Value all children irrespective of ability. 2. Provide a broad and balanced education. 3. Provide an education based on high expectations. 4. Provide work which is appropriate to age and ability. 5. Provide a high standard of teaching, academic support and personal guidance. 6. Provide regular homework with a published timetable. 7. Provide regular marking of work. 8. Keep you informed about general school matters and, in particular, about your child’s progress. 9. Send you one detailed annual Profile (report) per year and termly Student Progress Tracking data. 10. Organise one major Parents' Consultation Evening per year 11. Provide access to Senior staff and to Pastoral staff on an appointment basis 12. Ensure on-site staff supervision of students before and after school, during break and lunch times. 13. Offer students the chance to participate in a wide range of additional activities outside the classroom. 14. Provide a secure and well-disciplined working environment which is both safe and caring. 15. Provide text books, equipment and library facilities. 16. Offer the support and protection of the Erith School Equal Opportunities Policy and the Safeguarding Policy. 17. Make contact if and when matters start to go wrong. 18. Make contact when matters go well. 19. Give access to an adequate complaints procedure. 20. Be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the community life of the school. THE STUDENTS’ PLEDGE 1. I come to school to work. I will always do my very best in classwork, homework, tutor group work and out of school activities. 2. I will listen to my teachers and do as I am told straight away at the first time of asking, without argument. 3. I will always bring the necessary equipment to school – including pens, pencils, colouring pencils, rubber and ruler. I am also required to bring the correct Technology/PE/Games equipment at all times. This includes protective clothing. 4. I will treat my school with respect. My school consists of students, staff, visitors, equipment and buildings. 5. Everybody has the right to feel safe and comfortable whilst at school. I will never use violence, either verbal or physical, for any reason. I will never bring banned items into school, e.g. cigarettes, matches, lighters, fireworks, drugs, drugs related paraphernalia, weapons or any item which may cause or has the potential to cause harm. 6. I will not bring into school items of mobile technology including a mobile phone or other electronic device including cameras. 7. I will do nothing that will spoil the good reputation of Erith School. I will behave myself in lessons, around the school and in the community, for example at bus stops and in the local shops, as is expected of all Erith School students. I will never go down the local alleyways, as these are out of bounds. 8. I will always do my best to attend school on every school day and achieve 100% attendance. I will arrive at Registration and at lessons on time. 9. I will always wear the full and correct uniform as required at Erith School. 10. I will keep to the left in corridors and on stairways, walk sensibly around the site and never run inside the school building. 11. As a member of Erith School, I will obey and respect the School Rules. I will work hard to try and understand why it is necessary to have rules in a school community. The Headteacher and staff of Erith School believe that the majority of students are sensible, responsible and well behaved. Most students will understand that, in order to have a secure, comfortable environment where learning is the key task, good behaviour is all important. THERE IS NO LEARNING WITHOUT GOOD ORDER We expect all students to honour their Pledge. THE PARENTS' PLEDGE I/ WE AGREE TO: 1. Ensure where possible 100% attendance and punctuality and inform the school promptly about any reason for absence. 2. Encourage and support my/our child with their work. 3. Supervise their homework. Check exercise books from time to time. 4. Check and sign their Contact Book every week. 5. Attend parents' evenings and school functions in which my/our child is involved and attend any special appointments if requested. 6. Keep him/her in the correct uniform. 7. Provide him/her with a well-stocked pencil case including rubber, ruler, pens, pencils, colours, etc. 8. Pay for the replacement of deliberate breakages and of damaged or lost school property. 9. Help my/our child to understand the necessity for rules and a Code of Conduct. 10. Support the policies of the school as detailed in the Information to Parents Handbook. Erith School expects all parents to exert a strong influence over their children to accept the School's Disciplinary Code, Values and Standards. 11. Support the values of the School including those of hard work, non-violence, tolerance and honesty. 12. Support and consent to the application of the School Rules and sanctions for breach of the school rules. 13. Should there be a complaint; the School will be approached first to resolve the issue. RULES AND REGULATIONS REWARDS AND SANCTIONS AT ERITH SCHOOL At Erith School we value and reward hard work, excellence, good behaviour, service to the school, smart appearance and excellent attendance and punctuality. At Erith School we will take strong action against any student who engages in disrupting teaching and learning; class disruption; anti-social behaviour; violence; physical intimidation; bullying; verbal intimidation; vandalism; insolence to staff; supplying, selling or using drugs; sexist or racist abuse. We will also take strong action against persistent, non-attenders who fail to attend school without good reason. Exclusions are imposed in accordance with Department for Education “Guidance on Improving Behaviour and Attendance: Guidance on Exclusion from Schools”. Respect for others and their property is the basis for our Classroom Charter. We encourage our students to have respect for themselves and for others and we try to make them aware of the wider community in which they live. Our Classroom Charter is set out clearly in the Contact Book and is displayed in every classroom. At Erith School the vast majority of our students are responsible, hardworking and well-behaved. They deserve to enjoy their education and make excellent progress in all they do. They are a credit to the School. REWARDS As a school we try to balance our rewards and sanctions. This is essential in maintaining good standards of behaviour. We believe that the best behaviour occurs when particular emphasis is placed on rewards. Students appear to achieve more, to be better motivated, and to behave better when teachers commend and reward their successes and emphasise their potential rather than focusing on their failures and shortcomings. At Erith School, as a general rule, we believe that students should be given at least three times as much praise as censure. CARROT REWARDS – MY STICKERS We have updated our rewards system with ‘Carrot Rewards – My Stickers’ This system uses a combination of printed rewards and integrated online technology to help engage and motivate students. Points accumulated can be exchanged for prizes when certain benchmarks are achieved, or saved for entry into draws for bigger prizes. As an added incentive for students, for every reward they log they are entered into a national prize draw (prizes range from karaoke machines to Apple IPads). A new reward system of “Hit My Target” relating to pupil progress has been introduced in 20132014 and is based on tracking grades on a termly basis. Apart from the Classroom Charter and specific written School Rules, Erith School requires all students to conduct themselves in a manner which does credit to themselves and to the school. The essential policy of the school is to foster sensible self-discipline and respect. To achieve this aim, a few basic rules and a simple sanctions system are both necessary to enable the school community to run efficiently. We ask parents for their full support. GOOD BEHAVIOUR THE STUDENT CHARTER Here at Erith we aim to… SANCTIONS Inevitably, there will be some students who let themselves down and come into conflict with the school in one way or another. Minor misdemeanours are usually dealt with immediately by the teacher concerned. If any sanction is deemed necessary, a student may be set some additional written work, be deprived of their leisure time at break or lunchtime and asked to do some socially useful service. This might include the collection of litter, the refurbishment of defaced furniture, the cleaning and removal of graffiti. This will very much depend on the circumstances. Most schools have a list of sanctions and Erith School is no different. Our sanctions include: Comments in the Contact Book Lunchtime detention (1.30pm – 1.45pm) Additional written work, loss of break time, etc. Letters home to parents Referral to Head of Faculty/Head of Year Detention for up to fifteen minutes by any member of staff after the end of the school day without notice to parents School detention of up to sixty minutes, by any member of staff after the end of the school day for serious cases of indiscipline. Parents will be given 24 hours written notice Any student arriving late to school after 8.30am will serve an immediate 30 minute detention at the end of that day without notice to parents. Sanctions will be imposed for persistent lateness in accordance with the School’s late policy and at its most severe it will result in a referral to the Attendance Advisory Officers (formally known as Education Welfare Officers) Please Note: At Erith School we utilise both the after school (3.05 p.m. – 4.05 p.m.) and before school (8.00 a.m. - 8.30 a.m.) detention system for all students in all year groups (7 to 11 Sanctions for serious and/or continual poor behaviour are: On Report Students who find themselves getting into trouble too often may be placed "on report". This means that their standard of work, attitude and behaviour will be commented on each lesson and they will have to report to a Head of Year at specified times during the day. Parents are also asked to countersign the Report each day. We have found that such close monitoring can be very productive in helping to remedy problems. "On Report" files are colour coded - green, amber and red - to indicate the seriousness of the situation. Exclusions Internal Exclusion in the Behaviour Improvement Programme’ or ‘BIP’ Inclusion Centre. If there is a breach of discipline or school rules, a student will be placed in the BIP Inclusion Centre, where they will be given relevant work, which will be completed in silence, away from their peers. They will be supervised at all times by the BIP Mentors and the Inclusion Manager. Parents will always be informed by letter of any internal exclusions. External Exclusions The Headteacher will not hesitate to use the statutory exclusion regulations where a student prevents others from learning or the teacher from teaching. Where there has been a very serious breach of discipline or persistent flouting of the School Rules, a student will be sent home pending a full investigation and parental interview. In all cases the school is obliged to inform the Chair of Governors and the Local Authority. There are two types of external exclusion – fixed term and permanent. All categories are dealt with by the Headteacher. Fixed term and permanent exclusions are considered by the Headteacher for the following reasons: Actual physical violence or threatening violence to a student or member of staff. Bullying. Intimidating, threatening or abusive behaviour towards students or any member of staff. Racial, sexist or homophobic harassment. Any form of behaviour which threatens the safety and well-being of other students or members of the teaching and support staff. Malicious allegations towards members of staff. Persistent and long term disruption of lessons which has an adverse effect on the learning of other children. Breach of Governors’ Behaviour and/or Attendance Contract. Persistent breach of the Attendance and Punctuality rules despite warnings. Persistent breach of uniform/appearance regulations. Malicious and wilful activation of the school fire alarm system or equipment which sets in motion the school evacuation procedure. The selling of any goods or items on in or out of school to other students *Possession, use or supply of illegal substances or offensive weapons *Possession, use or supply of illegal substance paraphernalia Possession, use or supply of cigarettes/tobacco including Shisa pens A combination of any of the above, including a long history of disruptive behaviour and breach of school rules. When a student’s behaviour is causing real concern, a meeting of the Governors' Student Support Committee may be convened to review the situation with the Headteacher, Head of Year and parents. If poor behaviour persists, the Headteacher may choose to impose a Permanent Exclusion Order. A Permanent Exclusion Order may also result from a single very serious offence being committed by the student. Governors are always involved in a decision to permanently exclude a student and there is a parent’s right of appeal. *It is important to note that: Possession, use or supply of illegal substances or offensive weapons will result in a permanent exclusion. Possession, use or supply of illegal substance paraphernalia will result in a permanent exclusion. PARENTS ACCEPTING A PLACE AT ERITH SCHOOL SHOULD NOTE: SANCTIONS ARE NOT NEGOTIABLE DISCIPLINE AND GOOD ORDER ARE HIGH PRIORITIES AT ERITH SCHOOL TEACHING IS OUR CORE ACTIVITY. TEACHING CANNOT TAKE PLACE UNLESS THERE IS GOOD ORDER SCHOOL RULES : 2014-2015 All parents who wish their son or daughter to attend Erith School will be presented with a copy of the School Rules to sign at the start of the academic year and are asked to support the School in its efforts to ensure that their son or daughter obeys them. To ensure that everybody understands what is expected of them, there has to be a number of rules - most of them are obvious. At Erith School we feel these rules are sensible and straightforward and will enable us to live and work together in learning. They form the basis of the Student’s Pledge. Attendance The first rule of the school is that students attend every day. We expect every student to achieve 100% attendance over the academic year. Students are expected to attend school unless they are genuinely ill or have medical appointments. Parents should note that attendance records are of crucial interest to prospective employers. These records are then presented to employers in references. Full attendance is the foundation for educational achievements and success. Non-attendance or poor attendance is a breach of the first rule of the school. Strong action which may include exclusion procedures will be taken against students who do not attend school on a regular basis. When the school has concerns about a child’s attendance parents will be contacted initially by letter to alert them to the situation. If the attendance level does not improve parents will be invited into school for an interview with the Head of Year or other Senior Staff. Alternatively the School may ask the Attendance Advisory Officers (formally known as the Education Welfare Officer) to make a home visit to discuss the situation. The School also runs a Student Attendance Panel (known as “Fast Track”) comprising a representative of the school, a School Governor and Attendance Advisory officers. This panel meets on a regular basis with parents and students to discuss attendance concerns. This panel sets targets and monitors student attendance over a fixed period of time. If there is not a significant improvement in a student’s attendance, the Attendance Advisory Officer has the authority to issue Fixed Penalty Notices which carry a £120 fine for each parent. This again reflects the importance the school attaches to full attendance. REQUESTS FOR HOLIDAYS IN TERM TIME WILL BE REFUSED If a holiday is taken in term time despite our refusal, then the non-attendance will be designated as UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE (i.e. truancy) and will be placed on the student’s record. Such absence can lead to fixed penalty notice fines and court action. Punctuality Persistent lateness will be dealt with in accordance with the School’s Late Policy and at its most severe, it will result in a referral to the Attendance Advisory Officer. Behaviour All students are expected to behave in a quiet and co-operative manner in the classrooms, corridors and in all other areas of the school grounds. All students are expected to fulfil the requirements of the Student’s Pledge and follow the Classroom and Rights Respecting Schools Charters as set out in the Contact Book. Courtesy and Manners (a) Courtesy. At the start of each lesson, students should stand until greeted by the teacher and invited to sit down. Students should stand when a senior teacher, Head of Year or visitor enters the classroom, unless told to remain seated. (b) Addressing Adults. All female staff should be addressed as "Miss" or as "Miss X" or "Mrs. X". Male staff should be addressed as "Sir" or "Mr. X". Behaviour Out of School (a) Students are expected at all times to remember that the reputation of Erith School is their concern and to conduct themselves in a manner which will bring credit and no discredit to the school. On the school site, certain standards of behaviour are required. Smoking is prohibited. Off the site, smoking, loitering in groups on street corners or outside shops, noisy and inconsiderate behaviour in public places and the dropping of litter are all offences against this rule. The Headteacher will take strong action, including exclusion, against any student who misbehaves on the way to and from school and therefore bringing the school into disrepute. (b) Students using buses must queue and behave in a quiet and orderly manner, with due consideration for members of the public. When buses are crowded, as an act of courtesy, students should offer their seats to adults, particularly elderly persons. Bad behaviour on public transport will result in sanctions issued by the school. In exceptional cases of poor behaviour, the Headteacher will request that the free bus passes are cancelled. (c) All the local alleyways are strictly out of bounds to all students. School Discipline Student’s Pledge, Rewards and Sanctions are as already detailed in a previous section of this handbook Leaving the School Premises Students can only leave the building if they are in possession of a Gate Pass which has been signed by the appropriate Head of Year. Out of courtesy when leaving the lesson for a medical appointment for example, students should inform the Subject Teacher and show them the Gate Pass. The Gate Pass must be shown to any Member of Staff on request. Before leaving the School site students must sign the "Signing Out" Book at Reception. On returning, students must sign themselves back in School. Students who leave the school site without permission, are Truanting. This will be treated seriously and is punishable with detention(s) in the first instance. Break times: No student in Years 7-11 is allowed to leave the school site during morning break to visit the shops or to go home. This is considered as truancy. Only 6th Form students are allowed out at break time. The School’s policy is to provide supervision for all students on the school site throughout the midday break. Lunch times: No student in Year 7-11 is allowed to leave the school site at lunchtime to visit the shops or to go home. This is considered as truancy. Only 6th Form students are allowed out at lunchtime. The School’s policy is to provide supervision for all students on the school site throughout the midday break. Students with special medical reasons for having to return home for lunch must apply for a special Home Lunch Pass. A Doctor’s medical certificate is required. Parents are responsible for supervising these students throughout the midday break. Use of Buildings and School Grounds (a) Students must always keep to the left in corridors and on stairs. Students must obey one way systems and walk at all times. Students should never run, shout or push in the corridors. (b) Litter. All litter should be placed in the bins provided. Rooms should be checked for litter at the end of each lesson and tidied up for the next class. Detentions are used to pick up litter in the school grounds. (c) Food and drink. All food and drink must be consumed in the dining room or other designated areas. No eating or drinking is permitted in classrooms, corridors or foyer areas and is strictly forbidden in the vicinity of all computer work stations. Chewing gum is expressly forbidden, for obvious reasons. (d) Vandalism and graffiti. Students found guilty of any vandalism or graffiti will be severely punished and expected to make good the damage. Students who damage the fabric of the school (e.g. break windows, furniture) will be expected to pay for the damage. We will pursue debts for damage through the school’s solicitors. (e) During unofficial games, at break times, great care must be taken to prevent balls from going over into neighbouring gardens. Any which do so must be reported to the Head of Year or Senior Staff, who will decide what action should be taken. Ball games must not be played in the vicinity of the glass doors or windows. Broken windows have to be paid for. No student is allowed to climb onto the school roof. The assistance of the premises staff is to be requested to recover ‘lost’ balls. (f) The rules relating to the use of the buildings before and after school and during breaks must be strictly observed. Only 6th Form students are exempt from restrictions in these matters. Other year groups may be granted limited privileges and in inclement weather, certain corridors and areas will be set aside for students' use. (g) Students must not touch or interfere, in any way, with any windows, or any apparatus such as thermostats or fire extinguishers or any other equipment about the School. Deliberate misuse of the fire alarm system will result in immediate exclusion. (h) Students must not deliberately or thoughtlessly throw or kick stones, missiles or other objects in the confined spaces of the playgrounds, school grounds or inside the buildings. This sort of behaviour can cause serious injury to other students and will result in punishment including exclusion. Contact Book (a) As previously explained, all students in Years 7 to 11 must carry the official school Contact Book with them at all times. It must be used correctly and filled in so as to be up to date at all times. Parents should inspect and sign the Contact Book on a weekly basis. 6th Form students are also expected to carry the official School Planner. (b) Procedure for students with NO CONTACT BOOK (forgotten or lost): Obtain a Day Sheet from their Head of Year. If lost, purchase a new Contact Book - £3.00 from the Head of Year. Cycles, Motorcycles and Cars Cycles may be ridden to School with the permission of the Head of Year, which may be granted subject to:their being roadworthy. that they wear an appropriate cycling helmet. that they are not ridden on school premises; students must dismount and walk once they have entered the School grounds. that they are stored in the cycle store provided under the Sports Hall. that the rider has passed the Cycling Proficiency Test organised by R.O.S.P.A the School will not accept responsibility for cycles stored on the premises no student may bring a motor vehicle or motor cycle onto the school site. Cyclists must exercise the greatest care on the roads. Riding more than two abreast and carrying a passenger is contrary to the Highway Code. Two on a cycle is against the law. 6th Form students are not permitted to park vehicles on the school site. Valuables – Personal Property No money or valuables should ever be left unattended and the school will not take responsibility for expensive personal possessions left unattended under any circumstances. Students are advised not bring anything valuable into school. There is no school insurance policy for students’ valuable items. Students must rely on home insurance policies if they risk their valuables in school. Please note, Erith School is unable to accept responsibility for damage, loss or theft of students’ property, personal effects or valuables. This includes confiscated items. Erith School does not have an all-risks insurance policy for student possessions. Under no circumstances will jewellery of any description be covered by school insurance against loss or theft. Jewellery is banned at Erith School, apart from one small ear stud in the lobe and a wrist watch which should not be valuable. Calculators are also brought in at the owner’s risk and as with all items of clothing, should be marked permanently with the owner's name. Students are expected to act responsibly and to look after their own property. Use of Computers and I.T. Equipment (a) A teacher’s instructions for computer use must be obeyed. Students must not touch or interfere with any computer until instructed by a teacher. (b) Students must not attempt to gain access to any work on the computer apart from their own. Interference or damage to a computer or to any work or data on it could have very serious consequences. Any student found tampering with the system or damaging a machine may be banned from further usage. Computer hacking will result in severe punishment. Accessing/distributing pornography and other inappropriate material will lead to exclusion. (c) No software brought from home may be used on any machine unless passed as “clean” by the I.T. teacher. (d) No food or drink may be consumed while using a computer. Forbidden Items (a) No student may bring to School at any time any object which is likely to be harmful to another student. This includes knives, air pistols, fireworks or weapons of any description. Possession of any knife or other article deemed to be an offensive weapon will lead to instant exclusion. Use of such a weapon either as a threat or to inflict actual bodily harm will be punished by permanent exclusion. (b) No student may bring into school the following:- cigarettes, shisha pens, lighters, matches, tobacco, drugs, drugs paraphernalia, illegal substances, jewellery, CD players, radios, walkmans, MP3’s, iPods mobile telephones, pagers, laser pens or materials/objects which could either offend or cause harm to other students or staff working in the school. These items will be confiscated. In the case of offensive weapons and/or illegal substances this will lead to permanent exclusions and the Police will always be notified. (c) Possession of any goods or items for the purpose of selling to other students either in school or out is strictly forbidden and will lead to exclusion. (d) Mobile ‘phones are expressly forbidden. They will be confiscated and will not be returned on the same day. These are only returned to parents/ carers by appointment after the first day of being confiscated. This is to ensure that students understand they are breaking the School Rules. Repeat offenders will be sanctioned further. (e) Chewing gum is forbidden at all times because of the damage caused to furniture and carpets. Chewing/bubble gum caught up in student’s hair or on personal clothing can cause considerable upset and distress. Premises staff and support staff are not able to remove chewing gum. (f) The School has a ‘No smoking’ policy in all areas, including buildings and grounds. It is against the law for anyone to smoke on or in the vicinity of school premises (including gateways and surrounding pavements). Any student found in possession of cigarettes and/or lighters/matches will have these confiscated. Detention will follow. Parents will always be informed. (g) Drugs, illegal substances and related paraphernalia are strictly forbidden. Possession, use and/or dealing will lead to permanent exclusion and the Police will always be notified. (h) Extreme Behaviour (a) Physical or verbal harassment. Students responsible for causing distress to others whether verbal or physical will be punished. Threatening violence is unacceptable. In extreme cases students will be permanently excluded. Students who swear at or make threats of violence towards staff, risk permanent exclusion. (b) Violence of any description will not be tolerated. We will not tolerate fighting between students under any circumstances. Physical assault and intimidation can result in permanent exclusion. Fighting inside or outside of school is expressly forbidden and, in most cases will result in exclusion. (c) Any student who threatens or carries out a physical assault on a member of staff will be excluded. (d) At Erith School we do not tolerate BULLYING of any description – name calling, physical threats, violence, intimidation, sexist, homophobic or racial abuse. The Governors and the Headteacher will take very strong action against any student who engages in such behaviour, including permanent exclusion. (e) At Erith School the Governors will take strong action against any student who engages in class disruption, anti-social behaviour, violence, physical intimidation, bullying, verbal intimidation, vandalism, gross insolence to staff or racist abuse. Our sanctions include the use of formal exclusion procedures imposed in accordance with Department of Education “Guidance on Improving Behaviour and Attendance: guidance on Exclusion from Schools” POLICY STATEMENTS Erith School is a Multicultural School At Erith School, we take the racial and cultural backgrounds of our students seriously. We value everyone’s contributions to the work of the school. We will provide access to cultural events and an opportunity to take part in festivals and celebrations relating to cultural backgrounds and religions. We consider these to be important features of a positive school ethos and to enable our students to make a full and positive contribution to the society in which they live. We value all children from different cultures and races. RACISM OR SEXIST BEHAVIOUR OF ANY KIND IS NOT TOLERATED IN ERITH SCHOOL The Governors' Policy Statement is available, on request. Equality of Educational Opportunity Every student at Erith School is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum, including the National Curriculum as well as equal access to extra-curricular activities. Each member of the Erith School community will be respected equally as an individual, whatever their gender, cultural background, religion, ability or disability. Erith School, through its organisation and codes, has established a positive environment, which encourages an understanding and recognition of the value of every individual within the school community. . COMMENTARY ON THE PUBLIC EXAMINATION RESULTS YEAR 11 EXAMINATION RESULTS 2013/14 (GCSE/BTEC) Here, at Erith School, we prepare our Year 11 students for the national GCSE examination (the General Certificate of Secondary Education), for BTEC vocational qualifications (equivalent to 1 or 2 GCSEs) and for the OCR Nationals in ICT (currently equivalent to 1-4 GCSEs). Students can achieve pass grades A*, A, B, C, D, E, F or G. For the highest achievers a starred Grade A or Distinction can be achieved in all the individual subject areas. At GCSE/BTEC level there are three main national bench marks: Firstly, the percentages of students gaining 5 or more GCSE Certificates at the four higher grades (Grades A*, A, B or C ) including English Language and Mathematics Secondly, the percentage of students gaining 5 or more GCSE Certificates at the four higher grades (Grades A*, A, B or C) Thirdly, the percentages of students gaining 5 or more GCSE Certificates at Grades A* to G an indicator as to how well a school serves the majority of its students. At this school, we have a concern for the more able students - those that achieve 5+ GCSE Grades A* to C with English and Maths, but we also operate within a sincerely held belief that at Erith School, we value all students of all abilities and therefore the 5+ GCSE A* to G is also a very important indicator to us. We want the majority of our Year 11 students to secure the maximum number of certificates after 5 years in the school. In 2013-2014, Erith School achieved excellent GCSE results. The percentage of boys and girls at Erith School who gained 5 or more GCSE certificates at Grades A* to C was 66%. An excellent achievement. 215 individual boys and girls in a year group of 324 students achieved 5 or more GCSE passes (or equivalent) at Grades A* to C. 42% of students achieved the national benchmark of 5+A*-C including English and maths. Well done to those boys and girls. Let us now look at how the majority of students achieved at GCSE. The percentage of boys and girls at Erith School who gained 5 or more GCSE certificates at Grades A* to G was 98%. In addition, 100% of our students achieved at least one GCSE qualification and the majority achieved at least 5. In reality this means that 317 boys and girls - out of a total of 324 achieved five or more GCSE certificates at Grades A* to G. In 2013-14 there were many excellent individual achievements. Our high performing students are: Chloe Roebuck successfully gained A* grades across the board in 12 subjects Nicole Roebuck successfully gained A* grades across the board in 11 subjects Ola Volhin achieved 5A*, 6A and 1B Anita Sangha achieved 4A*, 4A and 3B We congratulate all our students on their results. We also acknowledge the hard work and dedication of all the subject staff in the Faculties, the hard work of the students themselves and the back-up and support of parents. In 2013 – 2014 66% of our Year 11 students gained 5 or more GCSE certificates at Grades A*-C SIXTH FORM EXAM RESULTS 2013/14 In our Sixth Form at Erith School, we prepare our students for two types of national public examinations • the Advanced Level GCE (General Certificate of Education) awarded at Grades A to E • the BTECs in vocational subjects awarded at Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction* This year the Advanced Level GCE pass rate at Erith School was 98%. This maintains a high level of achievement over the past 10 years. The percentage of students gaining the top three grades this year A*, A and B at Advanced Levels was 50%. Our best results ever at Erith School, an increase of 5% on last year. For the past three years Erith School has been the best performing, non-selective Sixth Form in Bexley. Congratulation goes to all our students on their results. At Advanced Level 3, there are 100 students who sat for a total of 224 entries in 28 different subject areas. Sixth Form Enjoying a 98% pass rate and with our excellent A*-B results at 50%, up by 5% on 2013. Some of our outstanding performers were: Arandip Sahota achieved 3 A grades Lia Harlin achieved A, B and Double Performing Arts Hannah Barlow achieved B, C and Double Dist. I BTECn Applied Science Heather Oke achieved B and Double Dist in Performing Arts Oyindamola Olagunju B, Dist. in Business BTEC and ICT Cherry Chow Achieved B, B and Dist, in Business. There is a good range of vocational courses undertaken in Sixth Form. Sixth Form students took courses leading to Level 3 in BTECs Performing Arts, Music, Hospitality, Sport, Applied Science, ICT, CACHE and Art & Design (Textiles). At Level 2 the following Vocational courses were offered, Business, Money Management, Food Technology, Creative iMedia, CACHE and CSLA. Mr Brannigan, as Director of Sixth Form Education in the school, working within Partnership 6th (the Sixth Form Consortium between Erith, Trinity and Welling Schools) continued to push forward progress and development of the 16-19 phase. In leading the Sixth Form team, Mr Brannigan has been ably assisted by Mrs Taylor, Deputy Director of Sixth Form. KEY STAGE 4 PUBLIC EXAMINATION RESULTS 2013/14 Summary of G.C.S.E. and Equivalent (BTEC) Results - Year 11 : GCSE Results Analysis: The three nationally accepted "standards" or key indicators by which to measure performance at GCSE. These are: (i) (ii) (iii) % of students 5+A*-C including English and mathematics % of students who achieved five or more certificates at higher grades A*-C % of students who achieved five or more certificates at grades A*-G. NOR* 324 Boys Girls Targets 13/14 Bexley 13/14 Nationals 13/14 155 49% Erith 13/14 324 42% January 2014 Achieving 5+ A*-C (inc. Eng. and Maths) Achieving 5+ A*-C Achieving 5+ A*-G Entered for 1+ GCSEs Achieving 1+ A*-C Achieving 1+ A*-G No A*-G 169 35% 51% 65% Not available 68% 98% 169 74% 97% 155 66% 98% 324 79% 100% 74% 97% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 0% * On roll on the third Thursday in January, having reached the age of 15 in the 12 months preceding the start of the reporting year. Year 11 students were entered for GCSE (including short course)/BTEC equivalent qualifications. Erith School Key Improvement Indicators and 3 year trends: % 5+GCSE A*-C Incl. Maths & English 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 43% 44% 42% % 5+GCSE A*-G 2011/12 2012/13 98.2% 96% 2013/14 98% % 5 GCSE A*-C 2011/12 2012/13 90% 84% 2013/14 66% SIXTH FORM EXAM RESULTS 2013/2014 Summary of Advanced Level GCE Results - Years 13/14 NB: All results relate to the 100 students on roll in Years 13/14 in January 2013 Bexley A*-B % 55% A*-C % 80% A*-E % 99% School 50% 71% 98% Advanced Level GCE % Pass Grades A*-E Erith School 3 year trends: 2011/12 98% 2012/13 100% 2013/14 98% Advanced Level GCE % Higher Grades A*-C Erith School 3 year trends: 2011/12 69% 2012/13 74% 2013/14 71% Advanced Level GCE % Higher Grades A*-B Erith School 3 year trends: 2011/12 35% 2012/13 43% 2013/14 50% ERITH SCHOOL STATUTORY POLICY DOCUMENTS Please Note: These policies are to be reviewed by the School’s Governing Body during the academic year 2014-5 ERITH SCHOOL STATUTORY POLICY DOCUMENTS Please Note: These policies were reviewed by the Governors’ Policy and Strategy Committee in July 2013, to be ratified by the relevant Governors’ Committees at their meetings during the Autumn term. ERITH SCHOOL STATUTORY POLICY CHARGING and REMISSIONS POLICY Legislation: Maintained schools - Education Act 1996, section 457. Education (School Sessions and Charges and Remissions Policies) (Information) (England) Regulations 1999. The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012. Erith School is committed to the provision of free education during school hours for registered pupils. Any educational activity which is deemed sufficiently important to take place wholly or mainly in school time is, therefore, free to all pupils, regardless of parents' ability to pay, with the exception of music tuition and residential board and lodging costs as detailed below. Parents on low incomes and in receipt of benefits will be informed of support available to them when being asked for contributions towards the cost of school visits. When a school informs parents about a forthcoming visit, they should make it clear that parents who can prove they are in receipt of the following benefits will be exempt from paying the cost of board and lodging: Income Support (IS); Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA); support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; Child Tax Credit, provided that Working Tax Credit is not also received. the guarantee element of State Pension Credit; and an income related employment and support allowance. 1. CHARGING WILL BE MADE IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS OF ACTIVITY: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Board and Lodging on residential visits. The charges must not exceed the actual costs per pupil. Costs associated with individual tuition in the playing of a musical instrument whether in or out of school hours (unless it is provided as part of the syllabus for a prescribed public examination, or is required by the National Curriculum). Activities which take place wholly or mainly outside school hours, but which are not provided as part of the syllabus for a prescribed public examination and are not required in order to fulfil statutory duties relating to the National Curriculum or to religious education. The cost of entering a pupil for a public examination not prescribed in regulation and for preparing the pupil for such an examination outside school hours. Re-sits of prescribed public examinations where no further preparation has been provided by the school, or if the school recommends against a re-sit. The Governors will seek to recover the examination fees from parents whose sons or daughters, having been prepared for a public examination by the school, and without good reason, fail to complete the examination requirements, including coursework. The Governors will further seek to recover examination fees from parents whose sons or daughters fail, without good reason, to attend for a public examination. The School will accept responsibility for undertaking any necessary action to recover such a civil debt. With regard to prescribed public examination re-marks and re-checks of published results, the Governors will not seek to charge where the school instigates the re-mark. Parents will be charged if the school recommends against a re-mark. The Governors will seek to recover the cost of non-accidental breakages or wilful damage to school property and textbooks caused by a pupil's misbehaviour. As in (f), the Governors will take action to recover a civil debt. 2. Optional Extras Charges may be made for some activities that are known as “optional extras”. Where an optional extra is being provided, a charge can be made for providing materials, books, instruments, or equipment. Optional extras are: education provided outside of school time that is not:a) part of the National Curriculum; b) part of a syllabus for a prescribed public examination that the pupil is being prepared for at the school; or c) part of religious education. examination entry fee(s) if the registered pupil has not been prepared for the examination(s) at the school; transport that is not required to take the pupil to school or to other premises where the local authority/governing body have arranged for the pupil to be provided with education; and board and lodging for a pupil on a residential visit. In calculating the cost of optional extras an amount may be included in relation to: any materials, books, instruments, or equipment provided in connection with the optional extra; non-teaching staff; teaching staff engaged under contracts for services purely to provide an optional extra, this includes supply teachers engaged specifically to provide the optional extra; and the cost, or a proportion of the costs, for teaching staff employed to provide tuition in playing a musical instrument, where the tuition is an optional extra. Any charge made in respect of individual pupils must not exceed the actual cost of providing the optional extra activity, divided equally by the number of pupils participating. It must not therefore include an element of subsidy for any other pupils wishing to participate in the activity whose parents are unwilling or unable to pay the full charge. Furthermore in cases where a small proportion of the activity takes place during school hours the charge cannot include the cost of alternative provision for those pupils who do not wish to participate. Therefore no charge can be made for supply teachers to cover for those teachers who are absent from school accompanying pupils on a residential visit. Participation in any optional extra activity will be on the basis of parental choice and a willingness to meet the charges. Parental agreement is therefore a necessary pre-requisite for the provision of an optional extra where charges will be made. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS (a) (b) (c) Parents who are willing to contribute in cash or in kind for ingredients, materials, equipment etc., needed for practical subjects will be encouraged to do so on a voluntary basis. It must be pointed out that if parents do not wish to do this, there will inevitably be restrictions on certain activities. The school proposes to charge for, or require the supply of, ingredients and materials if parents have indicated in advance a wish to own the finished product (e.g. in RM, Food Technology, Textiles etc.). From time to time, the school will invite parents to contribute as before towards the cost of school trips within school hours when we may not charge, and out of school hours also (e.g. French day trips, theatre visits, end of year trips to Thorpe Park etc.). All contributions will be genuinely voluntary and the school will ensure that no child whose parents are unable or unwilling to contribute will be treated differently from the other pupils if the activity is in school time. However, for the activity or trip to take place, much will depend on parents' willingness to make contributions as they have in the past. Sufficient funds will have to be available for a trip to go ahead. 3. ERITH SCHOOL WILL CONTINUE TO FUND THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: (a) (b) (c) 4. Transport to off-site centres (swimming baths, work experience, link courses at College etc.). Entries to public examinations. Certain items of necessitous and protective clothing (e.g. safety goggles). PARENTAL SUPPORT As a school we hope that parents will see their way to supporting school activities in the future as they have already done. Erith School will only organise activities and trips that have a positive value educationally or in the life of the school. There is no new source of funds for us to call on if parents do not voluntarily subscribe to the costs, and we do not want pupils to have to forego these valuable experiences. 5. LETTINGS Charges for lettings in the sports centre are agreed by the Sports Centre Management Committee in the first instance, and those, together with any other school lettings, are then agreed by the Governors Finance and Premises Committee. 6. PHOTOCOPYING The school will charge for private photocopying to cover costs 7. TELEPHONE CALLS AND FAXES Private telephone calls and faxes may be made by staff and others at the normal BT rates Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. HEADTEACHER Policy originated: June 2010 Last reviewed: Review frequency: Draft policy – 04.06.13 Governing Body free to determine ERITH SCHOOL STATUTORY POLICY DATA PROTECTION POLICY Legislation: The Data Protection Act 1998. (with consideration to the eight data protection principles appearing in Schedule 1). Schools are 'Data Controllers' under the Data Protection Act 1998. Erith School complies with the key principals of the Data Protection Act: 1. Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless – (a) at least one of the conditions in Schedule 2 of the Act is met, and (b) in the case of sensitive personal data, at least one of the conditions in Schedule 3 of the Act is also met. 2. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes. 3. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. 4. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. 5. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes. 6. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act. 7. Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. 8. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. Erith School adopts the guidance as provided by the Information Commissioners Office This includes advice concerningbiometric fingerprinting, photography, examinations and accessing pupil and official information. See: Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. HEADTEACHER Policy originated: 2010 Last reviewed: July 2013 Review frequency: At least every two years. Data Protection Technical Guidance Note Access to pupils’ information held by schools in England This guidance is aimed at state primary and secondary schools and Boards of Governors to help them understand their responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act) regarding requests for access to pupils’ information. Special schools (see note 1) including those that are not maintained by the local education authority are covered by this guidance. Local education authorities may also find it useful. The note also covers the separate right of access that parents, have to access the official educational records of their child. What rights exist for access to a pupil’s personal information? There are two distinct rights to information held by schools about pupils. 1 The subject access right – under the Act a pupil has the right to a copy of their own information. In certain circumstances requests may be made by a parent on behalf of their child. 2 Rights to the educational record – under the Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005, referred to here as the Regulations, a parent has the right to access their child’s educational record. Under the subject access right parents will only be able to see all the information about their child when the child is unable to act on their own behalf or gives their consent. Who has responsibility for requests for information? Under the Regulations, requests from parents to view their child’s educational record should be dealt with by the Board of Governors. All other requests for personal information from the pupil, or someone acting on their behalf, should be dealt with by the school. In practical terms this will make little difference in dealing with requests. However, it is important that requests for personal information are passed to the appropriate person as soon as possible after the request is received. 1 The subject access right Under the Act, a pupil, or someone acting on their behalf, has the right to access their personal information held by the school. Note 1 As defined by section 6(2) Education Act 1996 V 2.0 (E) 24.01.07 1 This includes: • information held on computer (or other automated means); • information held in structured files; • information in the educational record regardless of the form in which it is held; and • unstructured information, for example, held in loose correspondence. It is likely that most pupils’ personal information will be held by a school as part of pupils’ educational records. These are described in more detail below in the section ‘What is an educational record?’ However, there is a possibility that some pupil information could fall outside this, for example, information provided by the parent of another child. Requests should be made in writing and the school is entitled to ask for any further information reasonably required to locate the information and satisfy itself about the identity of the person making the request. A pupil is also entitled to be told whether or not the personal information they want is held by the school, and to ask what that information is. They will also be entitled to a description of the information, the purposes it is used for, who it is released to, and any information available about the source of the information. The information must be supplied in an intelligible form (so any codes should be explained) and should be in hard copy unless it is not possible to do this or would involve a disproportionate effort, or if the pupil or parent agrees to access the information in another form. At what age can a child make their own subject access request? The Act does not specify an age at which a child can make their own request for access to their information. When a request is received from a child for access to their own information, those responsible for responding should take into account whether: • • the child wants their parent (or someone with parental responsibility for them) to be involved in the request; and the child properly understands what is involved in making the request and the type of information they will receive. As a general guide, a child of 12 or older is expected to be mature enough to understand the request they are making. A child may, of course, be mature enough at an earlier age or may lack sufficient maturity until a later age, and so requests should be considered on a case-by-case basis. When can a parent or other person make a general subject access request on behalf of their child? If the child cannot understand the nature of the request, someone with parental responsibility can ask for the information on the child’s behalf and receive the response. A child who understands the nature of an access request may ask an adult to act on their behalf. Anyone can appoint an agent in this way and those responsible V 2.0 (E) 24.01.07 2 for responding should treat the agent's request as though it came from the child. If it is not clear whether an adult has parental responsibility for the child or is acting as their agent, then this should be clarified before responding to the request. What happens if there is information about other individuals in the information requested? Where the response includes information about another individual, the request should be considered carefully. There is a duty to consider the rights of the individual making the request and the privacy of any other individuals who may be identified. For advice on how to deal with general subject access requests containing information about another individual, please see our guidance 'Subject access requests involving other people's information'. Can any other information be withheld? There are two situations when information may be withheld. The first is when the information is covered by an exemption in the Act (see (a) below). The second is when the cost of supplying information held in an unstructured way would exceed the set limits (see (b) below). (a) The main exemptions when information may be withheld relate to: • information which might cause serious harm to the physical or mental health of the pupil or another individual; • cases where the disclosure would reveal a child is at risk of abuse; • information contained in adoption and parental order records • information given to a court in proceedings under the Magistrates’ Courts (Children and Young persons) Rules 1992; • copies of examination scripts; and • providing examination marks before they are officially announced. If the information relates to exam marks and scripts, please see our guidance on ‘Individuals' rights of access to examination records’. Please contact our office if you need detailed advice about how an exemption applies. (b) Unstructured personal information. The Act limits the action a school must take to respond to a request from a child, or parent acting for them, for personal information held manually and in a completely unstructured way. This needs to be distinguished from personal information held in highly or partly structured files, such as a teacher’s own records with sections for different classes and pupils, to which the normal rules of subject access apply. Where the request is for unstructured personal information, schools are entitled to ask for a description of the information to help them find it. They do not have to supply the information, or confirm whether or not it exists, if it would cost more than £450 to do either of these things. This cost structure is in The Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. V 2.0 (E) 24.01.07 3 Guidance on this is available from the Department for Constitutional Affairs website at 2 The parents’ right of access to their child's educational record As stated earlier the Regulations give a parent their own independent right to a copy of their child’s educational record. What is an educational record? The Regulations provide a legal definition of an ‘educational record’, (mirrored in Schedule 11 of the Act with the addition of any statement of special educational needs and any personal educational plan). The definition is wide and includes, regardless of its form, any information about current and past pupils that is processed by or for a school’s governing body or teacher. It includes a 'curricular record', defined as a formal record of a pupil’s academic achievements, other skills and abilities and progress in school. The educational record is confined to information that comes from a teacher or other employee of a local authority or school, the pupil or their parents. Communications about a particular child from head teachers and teachers at a school and other employees at an education authority will therefore form part of that child’s official educational record, as will correspondence from an educational psychologist engaged by the governing body under a contract of services. It may also include information from the child and their parents, such as information about the health of the child. Information kept by a teacher solely for their own use does not form part of the official educational record. How should a request be made? A parent should make the request in writing to the Board of Governors. Can any of the information in the educational record be withheld from the parent? Generally, any information that could not be disclosed to the child under the Act or to which they child would not have a right of access under the Act should not be disclosed to a parent exercising their independent right of access under the Regulations. 3 What are the timescales for dealing with requests? Requests for information from pupils, or parents, for information that contains, wholly or partly, an educational record must receive a response within 15 school days. Unless a parent simply asks to see the official educational record under the Regulations, schools and authorities are entitled to receive any fee first (see below). Most requests for information are likely to ask for at least some information in the educational record. However, should a subject access request be made just for personal information outside the educational record, a response must be made V 2.0 (E) 24.01.07 4 promptly and at most within 40 calendar days. However, the 40 days does not begin until after the fee (see below) and any further information about identity or the location of the information is received. 4 Can a charge be made for accessing personal information? If a pupil or parent acting on their behalf requests makes a subject access request for personal information containing, in whole or part, the 'educational record', the amount that can be charged depends on the number of pages provided. The fees work on a scale basis as shown below. Number of pages 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100-149 150-199 200-249 250-299 300-349 350-399 400-449 450-499 500+ Maximum fee £1 £2 £3 £4 £5 £6 £7 £8 £9 £10 £15 £20 £25 £30 £35 £40 £45 £50 If a pupil or parent acting on the pupil’s behalf makes a subject access request which does not include any information from the educational record, the maximum fee which can be charged is £10. If a parent exercises their independent right under the Regulations simply to view the educational record, then this should be free of charge. If a copy of the educational records is supplied under the Regulations, a fee can be charged by the Board of Governors. This fee must not exceed the cost of supplying the information. More information If you need any more information about this or any other aspect of data protection, please contact us. Phone: 01625 545745 E-mail: please use the online enquiry form on our website Website: V 2.0 (E) 24.01.07 5 Erith School Statutory Policy Equality Information and Objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication NB Previously known as: Our Commitment to Equality and Diversity Policy Legislation: The Equality Act 2010 and The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011. 1. Introduction The Governing Body of Erith School is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity for all in employment and in the provision of teaching and learning. We take pride in our increasingly diverse community and all the cultural richness that it brings with it. This statement outlines our commitment to equality and diversity. It sets out our intention to create an environment in which everyone in our school community can take full part in the social and cultural life of the school. It also sets out our commitment to promote equality and diversity among our pupils, their families and our staff. 2. Statement of Intent The Governing Body recognises that certain groups in society have historically been disadvantaged on account of unlawful discrimination they have faced on the basis of their race, gender, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age. We will put in place a range of actions to eliminate prejudice, unlawful discrimination and victimisation within the school community we serve and our workforce. The Governing Body intends to achieve all its targets in respect of the equalities agenda and become recognised as a leader on equalities. 3. Our aim We want to see a strong, sustainable and cohesive community in our school. We will continue to develop and promote policies and systems that make sure that the school community and our workforce are not unlawfully discriminated against. Our aims are to: • promote equality of opportunity; • eliminate unlawful discrimination, and • promote good relations between people from different backgrounds. 4. How will we deliver our commitment? The Governing Body has adopted the following principles: • we recognise the value of diversity within the community, our workforce and our student body and the contribution made by people from different backgrounds; • we are committed to ensuring that teaching and learning meet the varied and complex needs of pupils in our care; • we will make sure our employment is accessible to everyone and that we actively value and celebrate the wide variety of lifestyles and cultures within the community; Our commitment is supported by a legal duty to provide learning and employment opportunities fairly, without unlawful discrimination. We believe we have a strong moral and social duty to recognise any unlawful discrimination, take steps to challenge prejudice and discrimination and promote equality. 5. Objectives 5.1 Accessible services and partnerships: Where appropriate we will work with other organisations and local voluntary and community groups to provide teaching and learning and access to employment which promote equal opportunities to all by: • building on good practice; • consulting with and involving our local community; • providing accessible information and ways for people to comment; • carrying out equality impact assessments of new and existing policies and practices to make sure that they do not unlawfully discriminate against anyone; • removing barriers which deny people access to our school community; • using our powers to make sure that organisations providing services on our behalf work in line with this statement; • promoting an environment which gives all pupils an equal chance to learn and live free of unlawful discrimination and prejudice, all staff to work and live free of unlawful discrimination and prejudice; • take steps to build an inclusive and cohesive school community. 5.2 Equal and appropriate treatment in employment, training and recruitment opportunities: We will put in place a range of actions aimed at tackling prejudice and celebrating diversity within our workforce. This will be achieved by: • developing a workforce which reflects the community at all levels; • making sure that all employees understand their responsibilities under this statement; • making sure that all employees know about their rights of protection from unlawful discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation; • developing and promoting policies which give everyone equal access to employment and opportunities; • setting performance targets so we can measure our progress. 6. Responsibilities The Governing Body is an equal opportunities employer and provider of teaching and learning. In order to support this public commitment all staff play a key role in ensuring that provision does not give rise to unlawful discrimination of any kind and that we have a shared understanding of the relevant issues and how best to deal with them. All employees of the Governing Body are expected to comply with our values of promoting equality and diversity and treat colleagues and others in the school community with dignity and respect at all times. This commitment must be evidenced in practice. Any behaviour that falls below these standards is unacceptable to the Governing Body and potentially constitutes misconduct. Leaders and managers are expected to: • be at the forefront of best practice on equalities within their respective areas; • mainstream equalities within their respective areas; • set equality targets, monitor outcomes and develop relevant action plans; • review all provision to ensure elimination of unequal treatment of staff, pupils and the wider school community; • raise equality-related issues with their staff and senior colleagues; • encourage leadership on equalities amongst their staff and other providers; • establish monitoring systems; • report to governors on the results of assessments, consultations and monitoring; • train staff on equalities issues; • consider better access for people with disabilities; • monitor provision by contractors and other external providers; • have evidence of consultation carried out with staff and the school community; • make guidance readily available to staff. 7. Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation The commitment will be implemented through our School Equality Action Plan. The Plan sets out the arrangements for taking action on individual tasks that will help deliver the broad aims set out in this statement. We will set clear deadlines and give responsibility to named leaders/managers who will be accountable for implementation of the given tasks. With the help of feedback from employees and the wider school community we will continue to develop arrangements to monitor, review and evaluate the effectiveness of our employment policies and provision of teaching and learning. If our monitoring reveals any gaps in our policies/provision, we will take necessary action. Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. HEADTEACHER Policy originated: Review frequency: Last reviewed: 24th November 2010 every four years* May 2013 * Equality information to be reviewed annually ERITH SCHOOL Statutory Policy HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY Legislation: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Sections 2(3), 3 and 4. Risk Assessments: The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: SI 1999/3242. The 1999 regulations impose a duty on employers to produce a risk assessment. It is the responsibility of each individual teacher and every member of the support staff to be aware of the safety aspects regarding his/her teaching/work area. All Faculties, Departments and Year Teams' will operate according to the Whole School Health and Safety Policy. Certain Faculties eg. Science, Physical Education and Technology because of their specialist nature have individual risk assessments on Health and Safety. The responsibility for ensuring that the Health and Safety Statements are available and up to date rests with the School Health and Safety Officer/ The Assistant Principal with responsibility for Health and Safety. Introduction The Governors of Erith School recognises and accepts its responsibilities and duties as the employer to conduct its operations in a manner which protects the health, safety and welfare of employees, students and visitors so far as is reasonably practicable. As a responsible employer, the Governors will endeavour to honour their legal obligations, in particular the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated regulations and codes of practice. Currently the main relevant pieces of legislation covering health and safety are: Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (Amended by the Quarnes Regulations 1999). Health and Safety Regulations 2002. The work at Height Regulations 2005 and the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Regulations 2002 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 2002 Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 2009 Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 2008 Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) Noise at Work Regulations 2005 Electricity at Work Regulations 1992 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). To achieve this aim, there will be consultation with employees and/or their elected representatives with a view to maintaining and promoting safe working procedures and practices, in particular: A safe place of work for all employees, pupils and visitors. School security. Arrangements in place to monitor and review measures necessary to reach satisfactory health and safety standards. Maintenance and when necessary examination and testing of plant and equipment. Control of hazardous substances. Management of asbestos. Recording and reporting accidents to staff, pupils and visitors. Fire safety, including testing of alarms and evacuation procedures. First-Aid and supporting pupil’s medical needs. Off site visits including school-led activities. Training of staff in health and safety including competence in risk assessment. Health and stress issues related to work and appropriate actions. The role the Health and Safety Committee to discuss and develop the effectiveness of this policy. This policy will be formally reviewed and modified as required by the Governors Premises and Resources Committee. Organisation and arrangements The following paragraphs establish the duties and responsibilities of all employees to achieve implementation of the Governors' Health and Safety Policy: SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES Management (For the purposes of this document, a manager is any person who exercises a supervisory function over employees). All levels of management must appreciate that their responsibilities for health and safety are no less than for any other function. They have a duty to do everything reasonably practicable to provide and maintain buildings and equipment, systems of work, a workplace and a working environment which are safe and without risk to health. To this end the Governors and staff in positions of responsibility have the responsibility to ensure that information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees are provided. Staff It is the duty of all staff to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, their colleagues and persons who may be affected by their actions at work. They are required to co-operate with any person in a position of responsibility to enable statutory duties or requirements to be achieved. Governors The Governors have overall responsibility for the health and safety function within the School, determining the policy and its implementation in accordance with their Health and Safety Policy Statement. The Governors are responsible for ensuring that all statutory requirements are adhered to, and will continually review the effectiveness of this policy. Promote high standards of health and safety within the school Assign responsibilities, including designating a governor for health and safety Establish a committee for health and safety Ensure that there are risk assessment procedures in place to identify all risks relating to the premises, school activities and school-sponsored activities Provide appropriate resources from the school’s designated budget to ensure that risks and hazards are minimised or eliminated Ensure that all staff receive supervision, instruction and training appropriate to their duties and responsibilities Evaluate the measures taken to minimise or eliminate risks and hazards Ensure that there is a designated space for medical examinations and treatment for caring for sick or injured students and staff Ensure that hirers of the premises are aware of their duty to arrange insurance to cover the activities which are taking place Take all reasonable steps to ensure that the principal person in charge conduct themselves and carry out their operation in such a manner that all statutory and advisory safety requirements are met at all times. When the premises or facilities are being used outside of normal hours for an activity, then, for the purpose of this policy, the organiser of that activity, even if an employee, will be treated as a hirer and expected to comply with this policy. Review this policy annually and update when changes are necessary The responsibility for monitoring this policy rests with the Governors Premises and Resources Committee and the School's Health and Safety Committee. Regular reports will be provided to the full Governing Body. Principal The Principal will generally oversee the day-to-day management of safety and implementation of this policy within the school. The Principal will co-ordinate and supervise the preparation of information, guidance and operating procedures arising out of occupational safety legislation as it affects the school and the distribution of all information relating to health and safety to staff within the School. He/she must: Make himself/herself familiar with any documentation and/or instruction referring to the health and safety arrangements for staff, building maintenance or operation of the school. Maintain an up-to-date file of all documents pertaining to this policy available for all staff and Governors to examine. Ensure that all staff are adequately trained and fully aware of the hazards involved in their work. Ensure that all staff and persons affected by the school are aware of first aid facilities, evacuation of premises and other emergency procedures. Report and investigate all accidents, take such measures as appropriate to prevent recurrence and ensure all persons under their control are aware of the reporting procedure. Ensure that health and safety matters are taken into account when new methods, equipment or change are being considered or planned. In the event of any hazard or risk to health and safety of any person under their control, take appropriate action to remove the hazard. Where action taken is of a temporary nature consult as appropriate to enable positive steps to be taken. Ensure that all statutory registers and records are accurately kept. Ensure by frequent inspection that all machinery, equipment and plant is maintained in a safe condition, that safety devices are fitted and maintained and that safety rules are observed and safety equipment worn. If during an inspection variations from this policy are observed, immediate and effective steps must be taken to rectify the situation. In those instances involving health and safety and cost implications liaise with the Governors to clarify responsibility. The event of disagreement should not prevent emergency action, e.g. erecting a barrier to fence off a hazard. Take appropriate action under the Disciplinary Procedures against anyone under their control found not complying with the letter and spirit of the policy. The Principal may nominate a Vice/Assistant Principal to undertake this role. He/she will be responsible for assisting the Principal to achieve his or her duties. At Erith School the Health and Safety Officer for 2013-2014 is Mrs Linda Dixon (Assistant Principal). Head of Faculty/Year With their special knowledge of the area of work for which they are responsible, these persons have a key role to play in the running of those activities safely. They are expected to ensure that all employees under their supervision know the relevant safe working practices and that the arrangements for working are safe. They should familiarise new staff with safety aspects of their work and should make sure accidents are reported immediately, and preserve the health and safety of those other than staff insofar as they are affected by the work supervised. All staff In addition to any specific responsibilities which may be delegated to them, all staff must: Make themselves familiar with and conform to this safety policy, including any instructions and requirements for safe methods of work. Make sure they are aware of the hazards associated with their work and familiarise themselves with emergency procedures, first aid provision and accident reporting. Take reasonable care of all safety equipment and clothing given into their possession and report any defects. Always wear safety equipment when under-taking those jobs for which it is required and use all safety devices provided. Only use equipment that they are competent to use. Report all accidents, damage, hazard and defects to the Assistant Principal i/c Health and Safety. Staff must use the correct documentation/accident forms. Conduct their activities so that they provide no risk to health and safety of those persons under their control. Exercise effective supervision of pupils and ensure that they know emergency procedures. CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION At Erith School there is an established, formal Health and Safety Committee with agreed terms of reference and elected representatives from teaching and non-teaching staff. The Committee is chaired by the Assistant Principal i/c Health and Safety and meets twice per term. The function of this Committee is to implement the School's Health and Safety policy, to monitor procedures and to consider specific concerns. This Committee then provides the Governors Premises and Resources Committee with a detailed termly report. CONTRACTORS Any contractor or sub-contractor employed to do work for, or in, the School, will be required within the contract document to operate to standards of safety, not less than those set out in this statement. Any member of staff observing contractors placing another employee or pupil, visitor, etc., at risk of injury, is to notify the Principal who will raise the matter with the contract supervising officer or directly with the contractor. Signed: ………………………………………………………….Date: ……………… CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Signed: ………………………………………………………….Date: HEADTEACHER Policy originated: 2010 Reviewed: July 2013 Review frequency: Governing body free to determine. ERITH SCHOOL STATUTORY POLICY SCHOOL BEHAVIOUR POLICY Legislation: Academies, free schools and independent schools - Independent School Standards Regulations (Schedule 1 part 3 paragraph 9). The Governing Body of Erith School believes that in order to enable effective teaching and learning to take place, good behaviour in all aspects of school life is necessary. It seeks to create a caring and learning environment in the school by: Promoting good behaviour and discipline; Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority and positive relationships based on mutual respect; Ensuring fairness of treatment for all; Encouraging consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour; Promoting early intervention; Providing a safe environment free from disruption, drugs bullying and any form of harassment; Encouraging a positive relationship with parents and carers to develop a shared approach to involve them in the implementation of the school’s policy and associated procedures. 1 STAGE 1: Erith School Classroom Charter THE ESSENTIALS OF GOOD BEHAVIOUR THE CLASSROOM CHARTER ALWAYS EXPECT TO LEARN RESPECT Yourself Others The Environment RESPONSIBILITY Attend and be punctual Come prepared to learn Behave in a way that allows the teacher to teach and everyone to learn EFFORT Listen carefully Follow instructions Always try your best in school and at home We will recognise good work and behaviour by using positive awards including the Carrot Reward stickers. Similarly, poor behaviour will be recorded and appropriate sanctions applied. We have a rule to always give three rewards for every one sanction. Good Behaviour Poor Behaviour Comments in the Contact Book Reward stickers Letters Home Certificates Awards Prizes Commendations at Celebration Afternoons STAGE 2: Comments in the Contact Book/Letters Home Subject/Year detention Referal to HOF/HOY Head Teacher’s detention Use of Behaviour Report System Referral to the BIP Centre Exclusion Supporting the Charter Our aim is to create a pleasant, orderly, working environment where teaching and learning are the central activities. As a school it is important that we all work together to achieve our stated aims. We need to be aware that what we do in our teaching area will affect the way the pupil behaves in the next lesson and/or the rest of the day. We have a responsibility to adopt an approach that is consistent with the expectations of the school. We must remember that the form tutor has a crucial role to play in the academic and social progress of their pupils. 2 An effective form tutor should: Take pride in their tutor group Have a personal interest in the performance, attendance and welfare of their pupils Build a relationship with their pupils Let pupils know they are interested in their progress. To facilitate this tutors should try to: Visit the pupils in lessons Conduct whole class discussion on how the previous day went Have one-to-one discussions Involve parents (phone/letter) to alert them to potential problems Build a team ethos Form tutor periods should be regarded as the first “lesson” of the day. Form Tutors Should: Be punctual. Arrive before the pupils. Make sure pupils have removed their coats and are sitting at their desks. Make sure that pupils have contact books out. Encourage pupils to bring a reading book to school, which they read if there is not another organised activity. Take the register in a formal manner (yes/no sir/miss or similar title), preferably in silence. Check contact books and uniform. Check equipment. When the bell goes dismiss in an orderly fashion. Supervise the exit from the classroom. Be supported by their Head of Year and Deputy Head of Year. It will be important for routines to be established so that the above is achievable and not arduous. Subject Teachers Should: Be punctual. Greet the pupils as they arrive. Get pupils into the classroom/teaching area as quickly as possible. Establish a routine so that there is an activity for the pupils to engage in as soon as they enter the classroom/teaching area. E.g. contact books open, equipment out, “brain teaser”. During the course of the lesson expect to check uniform (quietly prompt, rather than making it a big issue) and take a register. Establish how the classroom rules will be implemented e.g. do not call out, raise hands. Focus on praise (verbal and non-verbal); use the “stamp” to recognise good work and good behaviour. However, do not devalue its worth by using it too frequently. If a pupil misbehaves deal with the matter quietly, but firmly. Do not back the pupil into a corner with no escape route. Remember, it is the behaviour you are not happy with, not the pupil. Remember that pupils have a highly developed sense of “fair play”. Try to give reasons for a request or instruction. (This does not mean that you negotiate with the pupils, but they need to understand why you are telling them to do something). They will respect you if you respect them. Be polite. Avoid making personal remarks about pupils, e.g. comments on appearance. Whenever possible, try to establish your own classroom discipline but remember that support is always available if you need it. Provide a stimulating, orderly, well-maintained teaching area e.g. display work, resources stored tidily. Take ownership of the area around your teaching area. (Be out on the corridors at change of lesson) Dismiss the pupils in an orderly fashion. Be supported by their Head of Faculty and or Head of Department. 3 General Advice to All Teachers Remember: Movement around the school is a whole school problem. Pupils should walk on the left, quickly and in an orderly fashion. One way systems should be adhered to. Be firm from the start and set ground rules with each new class in the first lesson Avoid confrontation by issuing pupils with clear direction and choices Avoid creating confrontation over minor misdemeanors, e.g. (a) chewing – take the bin to pupil, (b) getting pupils’ attention – indicate to face the front/listen rather than shouting or threatening them. Try not to get into arguments with pupils, e.g. when a pupil states ‘why are you picking on me? Do not respond to their question, instead restate what you want them to do. Do not ‘threaten’ something you are not prepared to carry out, e.g. if you say the pupil will be issued with a detention, issue it and ensure they attend. Always do what you say you will do. Here are some other suggestions that might help you to resolve problems that you could encounter with certain pupils. Support Structures Speak to pupils on their own during lesson Detain the pupils at break or lunchtime. Seek advice from other members of the team or line manager on how to deal with the situation. Speak to the pupils at the end of the lesson. (This will only be possible at the end of Period 2, 4 or 5). Contact parents by telephone or in writing (Discuss with HOF/HOY before doing this). Request support in the classroom while you deal with the problem. Observe how your line manager deals with the situation and follow up with a short discussion on why a particular strategy was used. Ask the line manager to deal with the problem (this must not be the first strategy used). In serious incidents use the emergency BIP call-out system. Use the “buddy” system, available in each Faculty. Remember HOF/HOD/DHOY are there to help you. Don’t be frightened to involve them. Keep them informed. STAGE 3: Using Rewards and Sanctions As a teacher you should be firm, fair, smile and care! Emphasise the positive. In any lesson the ratio of positives to negatives should be at least 3:1. Operate the Four Point Plan when managing poor behaviour. Simple Direction Redirect back to primary instruction Choice or Option Exit (Remember, the majority of pupils will comply) Rewards should be earned. Punishments should be consistently applied, should be hierarchical and fit the crime. REWARDS Non-verbal, e.g. smile, nod of the head. Verbal, e.g. “well done”, “almost”, “a good try”. Written – comments in the contact book. Smiley face (or equivalent) Positive rewards written in Contact Book and Carrot Reward stickers Commendations Positive Letters home Certificates Awards Prizes 4 Subject Teacher/Form Tutor Issues Detention Detention Served? Yes NFA No The Subject Teacher/Form Tutor may of course choose to deal with the matter themselves by contacting parents directly for example. Detention Re-set Detention Served Yes NFA No Refer to HOD/DHOY This stage may not be appropriate in some situations Detention Re-set Detention Served? Yes NFA No Refer to HOF/HOY A similar process would then be applied by HOF/HOY, who would refer to their Line Manager if the detention were not served. The Headteacher’s Detention can only be used by members of the SMT. Exclusions Fixed term exclusion – Parents informed by letter and must attend re-admission interview, used for serious misconduct or persistent re-offenders. STAGE 6: Implementation If the Behaviour Policy is to be effective everyone must apply it consistently. ******************************** 6 Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. HEADTEACHER Policy originated: Last reviewed: Review frequency: June 2010 July 2013 Headteacher free to determine. NB Final revisions Autumn 2013 7 ERITH SCHOOL STATUTORY POLICY SEX RELATIONSHIP EDUCATION POLICY (The Education Act 1996: Section 404) Legislation: Academies and free schools – Funding Agreements require these schools to have regard to DfE guidance on Sex and Relationship Education. 00 Introduction Sex Relationship Education forms part of a wider programme of health education, which is taught within the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and Citizenship programmes. Aspects of sexual development and behaviour are taught in the context of a moral framework and with regard to the values of family life. The need for self-restraint, dignity and respect for others is emphasised to both sexes and students are taught the emotional, moral and physical risks of promiscuous behaviour. The benefits of planned parenthood within a stable married relationship are discussed as an integral part of the course. The Legal Background All maintained secondary schools are required to provide sex education (including information about HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases) to all students. Only the biological aspects of sex education are taught as part of National Curriculum Science. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from any teaching of sex education with the exception of National Curriculum Science. We believe that sex education is important for all students and we would expect parents to discuss any concerns with the school before seeking to exercise their right to withdraw a child. Teaching resources are available for parents to view on request and opportunities will be provided for parents to see these materials when they are displayed at open evenings. More details regarding the specific content of the programme are available by request to the School Office. Occasionally during a lesson which is not part of the PSHEE programme, issues relating to sexual conduct may arise from the subject matter being taught. Discussion arising on such an occasion will reflect the values endorsed in the school’s policy statement but would not constitute ‘sex education’ as defined in law. Policy Statement Sex and Relationship education is an educational entitlement for children and young people and must build upon the best evidence as to what works. It should support children and young people in managing puberty and adolescence and prepare them for an adult life in which they can: Be aware of and enjoy their sexuality. Develop positive values and a moral framework that will guide their decisions, judgements and behaviour. Have the confidence and self esteem to value themselves and others. Behave responsibly within sexual and personal relationships. Communicate effectively. Have sufficient information and skills to protect themselves and their partner from unintended/unwanted conceptions and STIs including HIV. Neither exploit others nor be exploited. Access confidential advice and support. Sex Ed Forum 1999 SRE is a lifelong learning process of acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs and attitudes about sex, sexuality, relationships and feelings (Sex Ed Forum 1999) Aims and Objectives of School Sex Education Policy Including their relationship to the schools' aims and existing policies. 1. The Erith School Sex Education curriculum will be primarily concerned with: the provision of factual information and the development of an understanding of it. the development of a range of appropriate personal skills. Governors at Erith School believe that the school's programme of sex education should aim to present facts in an objective, balanced and sensitive manner, set within a clear framework of values and an awareness of the law on sexual behaviour. the clarification of attitudes and values. 2. At Erith School the specific aims of sex education will match the age and maturity of the young people involved but underpinning all of them will be an understanding of biological, emotional, social, legal and moral aspects of sex and sexuality. In order to achieve these aims the following objectives will be considered: to enable young people to understand the biological facts related to human growth and development including reproduction and contraception. to enable young people to understand the nature of feelings and emotions experienced by themselves and others and the importance of healthy personal relationships. to develop an understanding of and sensitivity to different lifestyles, needs and feelings of others. to enable young people to identify and use sources of help and advice available within the family, school and community. to assist young people in making informed decisions about their sexual behaviour and the consequences of behaviour which carry risks. to develop an understanding of a range of values and moral issues including the value of family life in its many different contexts. to enable young people to know and understand the legal framework relating to sexual activity. to foster a range of personal skills and qualities such as communication, decision making, negotiation, assertiveness and self-esteem which will enhance the young people's ability to lead sexually fulfilling and healthy lives. The list of objectives is not prioritised. At Erith School we will need to consider and identify those that are most appropriate for our particular pupils and students and our specific set of circumstances. Moral and Values Framework The Governors of Erith School recognise that sex education is a difficult issue which will place demands on the school and teachers. But it is an important part of children's preparation for adult life, and Governors are grateful to teachers for the contribution they make to this. The purpose of sex education should be to provide knowledge about loving relationships, the nature of sexuality and the processes of human reproduction. At the same time it should lead to the acquisition of understanding and attitudes which prepare pupils to view their relationships in a responsible and healthy manner. It must not be value-free; it should also be tailored not only to the age but also to the understanding of pupils. The Governors believe that the school's programme of sex education should therefore aim to present facts in an objective, balanced and sensitive manner, set within a clear framework of values and an awareness of the law on sexual behaviour. Pupils should accordingly be encouraged to appreciate the value of stable family life, marriage and the responsibilities of parenthood. They should be helped to consider the importance of self-restraint, dignity, respect for themselves and others, acceptance of responsibility, sensitivity towards the needs and views of others, loyalty and fidelity. And they should be enabled to recognise the physical, emotional and moral implications, and risks, of certain types of behaviour, and to accept that both sexes must behave responsibly in sexual matters. Teachers need to acknowledge that many children come from backgrounds that do not reflect such values or experiences. Sensitivity is therefore needed to avoid causing hurt and offence to them and their families; and to allow such children to feel a sense of worth. But teachers should also help pupils, whatever their circumstances, to raise their sights. Parents A. The prime responsibility for bringing up children rests with parents. Erith School therefore recognises that parents are key figures in helping their children to cope with the emotional and physical aspects of growing up and in preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities which sexual maturity brings. The teaching offered by Erith School should be complementary and supportive to the role of parents, and should have regard to parents' views about its content and presentation. The more successful Erith School are in achieving this, the less the likelihood that parents will wish to exercise their right of withdrawal. B. Information for parents. In order to secure maximum support for their programme of sex education, the Governors of Erith School will work hard to ensure that both current and prospective parents are fully informed of the content of these programmes and of how they can play a part in influencing the development or review of these. Information about sex education will be included in the school's prospectus. Erith School will also ensure that parents understand the right of withdrawal and how to exercise it. C. The right of withdrawal. Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their children from any or all parts of the sex and relationships education provided at school except for those parts included in statutory National Curriculum. This Parental right to withdrawal extends to all pupils attending maintained schools, including those over compulsory school age. A pupil in the latter category who sought to challenge the parental decision would, if he or she could not resolve the matter with the parents, ultimately have to apply to the courts. The parental right of withdrawal may be exercised by either parent or by a person who has responsibility or care of the child. Any unresolved disputes between them would also have to be referred to the courts. Parents do not have to give reasons for their decision; nor do they have to indicate what other arrangements they intend to make for providing sex education for their children. Once a request that a child be excused has been made, that request must be complied with until the parent changes or revokes it. D. Arrangements for withdrawal. Erith School will therefore ensure that the arrangements we make for the submission of such requests are straightforward and easily understood. We will avoid putting any pressure on parents who decide to exercise this right. We may, however, invite parents voluntarily to indicate their reasons for withdrawal, so that any misunderstandings about the nature of the sex education provided by Erith School can be resolved. Where a parent wishes to discuss with the school possible ways of providing sex education at home, the school will be ready to offer appropriate support, information and help, perhaps by recommending particular written materials on various aspects of sex education (including education about HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases) that parents may find helpful. Content Headings for School Sex Education Programme Sex Education will be taught as a part of the Personal, Social and Health Education programme. The areas to be covered are the sexual behaviour aspects of human relationships, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS. The programme will also seek to encourage an exploration of personal, social and moral considerations and will seek to equip students with the skills of resisting unwanted pressure. To comply with government requirements, sex education in Science will be restricted to the biological aspects of sexual behaviour. In other subject areas opportunities for considering broader emotional and ethical dimensions to sexual attitudes may well arise and be dealt with. The programme will present factors in an objective and balanced manner so that students can: o Comprehend the range of sexual attitudes and behaviour in present day society o Know what is and what is not legal o Make informed, reasoned and responsible decisions about the personal values they will adopt both while they are at school and in adulthood o Emphasise the skills, attitudes and insights that young people need in order to form loving and caring relationships o Understand the potential issues of peer pressure similar to smoking or drugs o Foster self-esteem, self- awareness and the skills of assertiveness that will enable them to resist and avoid unwelcome peer or social pressures. Equal Opportunities The Governors of Erith School have determined that sex education be provided for all children irrespective of academic ability, age, gender, race, religion and must include those children with physical, learning or emotional difficulties. At Erith School we intend to attempt to eradicate the perpetuation of inequalities between people based on differences such as gender, race, sexuality and disability. Our policy and teaching will seek to emphasise equality in relationships between men and women and will confront exploitation based on gender. Pupils will need to constantly reassured that they are worthy and valuable individuals. As our society consists of a wide range of different cultures, it is important that our pupils are constantly encouraged to accept the values of all people and that there are differences in sexual attitudes between cultures. Organisation of School Sex Education The climate of the teaching environment will need to be such that pupils feel able to discuss sensitive issues without embarrassment, and to respond to each other sensitively with a considerable and tolerant approach. The negotiation of 'ground rules' as to what is acceptable within the classroom is recommended as is a discussion of confidentiality and the limits of any such confidentiality. It is also important that young people are shown respect for personal privacy and are given the 'right to pass' if they do not wish to discuss a particular topic that is especially sensitive for them. The broad course at Erith School will be developed, taught and organised in mixed groups so that sex education is not further isolated within the whole curriculum. It is important that boys and girls are encouraged to communicate with each other and so develop understanding and empathy for alternative points of view. We know from current research that the lack of communication within relationships is a major hindrance to the adoption of safer sexual practices. However, it may be necessary to create opportunities for single gender group work to address the different needs of girls or young women and boys or young men. It is quite clear from young people's experiences and current research that there are substantial gender differences in attitudes, beliefs, feelings and peer pressures around sexuality and early sexual experiences. Explicit Issues. There will be occasions when teachers and other professionals giving sex education have to exercise their discretion and judgement about how to deal with particularly explicit issues raised by an individual pupil. It is unlikely to be appropriate to deal with such issues with the whole class. Teachers should normally discuss the child's concerns first with the parents, to see how they would like the matter to be handled. Where the parents wish them to do so, it may be appropriate to respond individually to the child's question outside the class. In exceptional circumstances, where the teacher has reason to believe that a child may be distressed or in danger, it may be appropriate for the teacher to speak individually to the child, before consulting the parents, to clarify the basis for the concerns. Where there is a risk that a teacher might be compromised in these circumstances, it would be wise for them to be accompanied by another member of staff. Sensitive Issues. (a) In this policy we are highlighting issues that teachers, parents and young people regard as particularly sensitive. We are aware that society, place and context have shaped and changed the definition of what constitutes a sensitive issue at any one time. We need to encourage a respect for the varied beliefs and values held by different groups in our pluralistic society. (b) The HMI Report 'Health Education from 5 - 16' states that schools need to deal "sensitively and appropriately with issues such as contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, homosexuality and abortion" pointing out that such issues will be brought to pupils' attention in a variety of contexts both inside and outside school. The Report goes on to say that "some account of the law applying to sexual relationships and children under 16 should be given". Furthermore, Circular 11/87 states that "education about AIDS is an important element in teaching programmes offered to pupils in the later years of compulsory schooling". At Erith this will be delivered through the PSE programme and the Science non-statutory curriculum. (c) Abortion. - Abortion is one of the more challenging topics within sex education. Educationalists will need to create a climate in which young people are able to explore the emotional and factual aspects of abortion. It is also essential that the religious views of young people and their parents are respected and dealt with sensitively. A balanced view should always be presented and resource material will need to be carefully monitored. The programme at Erith School will include: an awareness that there are differing opinions about the stage at which the foetus becomes an individual human being. consideration of the genetic factors and medical conditions which could affect the health of the mother; the development of the foetus; and the potential quality of life of both. understand that both physical and emotional trauma can be experienced after abortion and that a variety of sources of help and advice are available before and after termination. discuss the prevailing views about the advantages and disadvantages of abortion to society and the individual. (d) Contraception. - Clearly "information about sexual relationships is manifestly incomplete without information about the nature of contraception and the various methods employed" (HMI 'Health Education 5 - 16'). The general rule about the provision of contraceptive advice to young people under 16 is "that giving an individual pupil advice on such matters would be inappropriate exercise of a teacher's professional responsibilities and could, depending on the circumstances, amount to a criminal offence" (11/87). In the classroom or youth work situation with groups of young people, where we are engaged in providing information and facilitating understanding (but not individual advice as such), it is possible to discuss contraception in a curriculum context. The programme will include: the place of contraception within a sexual relationship. the place of contraception in preventing unwanted pregnancies and information about appropriate local services. the place of contraception in decreasing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. a consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of family planning in terms of personal preference, social and religious implications, accessibility and effectiveness. Close liaison is invaluable with Family Planning Practitioners and Health Authority Personnel who may be able to facilitate individual advice and counselling within Department of Health guidelines. (e) Advice to individual pupils on contraception. - It is important to distinguish between, on the one hand, the school's function of providing education generally about sexual matters on the basis described above and, on the other, counselling and advice to individual pupils on these issues, particularly if this relates to their own sexual behaviour. Good teachers have always taken a pastoral interest in the welfare and well-being of pupils. But this function should never trespass on the proper exercise of parental rights and responsibilities. Particular care must be exercised in relation to contraceptive advice to pupils under 16, for whom sexual intercourse is unlawful. The general rule must be that giving an individual pupil advice on such matters without parental knowledge or consent would be an inappropriate exercise of a teacher's professional responsibilities. Teachers are not health professionals, and the legal position of a teacher giving advice in such circumstances has never been tested in the courts. Accordingly a teacher approached by an individual pupil for specific advice on contraception or other aspects of sexual behaviour should, wherever possible, encourage the pupil to seek advice from his or her parents, and, if appropriate, from the relevant health service professional (eg. the pupil's GP or the school doctor or nurse). Where the circumstances are such as to lead the teacher to believe that the pupil has embarked upon, or is contemplating, a course of conduct which is likely to place him or her at moral or physical risk or in breach of the law, the teacher has a general responsibility to ensure that the pupil is aware of the implications and is urged to seek advice as above. In such circumstances, the teacher should inform the Headteacher. The Headteacher should arrange for the pupil to be counselled if appropriate and, where the pupil is under age, for the parents to be made aware, preferably by the pupil himself or herself (and in that case checking that it has been done). Whether the specialist support services (including school health professionals) or the local education authority should also be involved will depend upon the particular circumstances involved and the professional judgement of the staff. (f) Sexuality. - "Given the openness with which homosexuality is treated in society now it is almost bound to arise as an issue in one area or another of a school's curriculum. Information about and discussion of homosexuality, whether it involves a whole class or an individual, needs to acknowledge that experiencing strong feelings of attraction to members of the same sex is a phase passed through by many young people but that for a significant number of people these feelings persist into adult life" (HMI 'Health Education 5 - 16'). The programme will include: discussions about sexuality that are not restricted to HIV/AIDS education. the importance of sexuality as an element in the development of a variety of personal relationships. helping to develop an awareness of the range of sexual attitudes and behaviour in present day society. opportunities to gain an understanding of the nature of sexuality particularly during a period when they themselves are exploring and developing their own sexual identity. providing information about the law including the fact that a legal distinction is made between the age of consent for heterosexual intercourse and homosexual intercourse. any course will need to provide a clear stance against prejudice and discrimination. Consequences of homophobic bullying (g) Sexually Transmitted Diseases Including HIV/AIDS. To be fully aware that there are risks involved in certain forms of sexual behaviour young people need to be given an understanding of the ways in which STD's and HIV are transmitted. The Department for Education 'HIV/AIDS A Guide for the Education Service' states that "it is of great importance that everyone should know about and understand the implications of HIV and AIDS. Schools, Colleges and the Youth Service have an important part to play in this process". It is also recommended that schools be ready to answer younger pupils' questions about HIV and AIDS and to introduce for older pupils issues associated with the transmission of infection including a consideration of the dangers of risky behaviour such as sexual promiscuity and intravenous drug use. Teachers will also wish to consider introducing a balanced discussion about the implications of HIV/AIDS for individuals and for society at large. In the National Curriculum Science Orders (1992) pupils are now required at KS3 to learn how "the healthy functioning of the human body may be affected by diet, lifestyle, bacteria and viruses including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the abuse of solvents, tobacco, alcohol and other drugs". The programme will include: Clarifying information about STD's, HIV and AIDS including transmission. A consideration of the patterns of sexual behaviour which will minimise personal risk. Development of those personal skills which would enable them to assimilate knowledge, make informed decisions and thus positively affect their personal behaviour. Information and discussion of the provision of special clinics for testing, treatment and counselling relating to all sexually transmitted conditions. Work to counteract prejudice and ignorance about HIV and AIDS and to challenge stereotypical views of the spread of the virus. An examination of young peoples attitudes, values, their responsibility towards self and others and the benefits of loving and caring relationships. Support and advice from external health professionals, such as representatives from the NHS. (h) Curriculum entitlement. The Governors of Erith School have determined that the sex education programme as described in the NCC Science orders, the NCC Guidance 5 Health Education and the Bexley Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education be provided for all children, young people and adults from Year 7 to Post 16, including those with physical, learning or emotional difficulties. Section 7 of this policy sets out the curriculum entitlement. Advice and confidentiality Staff may not offer students one-to-one advice on contraception or sexual behaviour. Neither may staff promise confidentiality to students since there are some issues e.g., child protection or unplanned pregnancy, which may have to be referred to other people. In cases of special needs, students may require alternative and more appropriate provision. In such circumstances help from outside agencies may be sought but always in consultation with parents and the students. Specific Issues with Sex Education Withdrawing Pupils Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the sex and relationships education provided at school except for those parts included in statutory National Curriculum. Those parents/carers wishing to exercise this right are invited to discuss their objections and concerns and reflect on the impact withdrawal may have on the child. Once a child has been withdrawn they cannot take part in the Sex Relationship Education programme until the request for withdrawal has been removed. Materials are available to parents/carers who wish to supplement the school Sex Relationship Education programme or who wish to deliver Sex Education to their children at home. Safeguarding Sex education may bring about disclosures of safeguarding children issues and all staff are conversant with the procedures for reporting their concerns. In these cases the school’s safeguarding children policy needs to be referred to. Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. HEADTEACHER Policy originated: Last reviewed: Review frequency: June 2010 July 2013 Governing body free to determine. ERITH SCHOOL STATUTORY POLICY SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS POLICY Legislation: Academies and free schools - Section 1(8) of the Academies Act 2010. Also see, The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. Policy to promote the successful inclusion of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities at Erith School. At Erith School, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our pupils, whatever their needs or abilities. Not all pupils with disabilities have special educational needs and not all pupils with SEND meet the definition of disability but this policy covers all of these pupils. Pupils have Special Educational Needs if they have a learning, physical or emotional difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. Pupils with a disability have special educational needs if they have any difficulty in accessing education and if they need any special educational provision to be made for them, that is anything that is additional to or different from what is normally available in schools in the area. 1. GUIDING PRINCIPLES All our pupils have the right to an education which is appropriate to them as individuals. As far as possible, therefore, it is our aim to minimise the difficulties that pupils will experience. We aim to achieve this by adopting three principles that are essential to developing a more inclusive curriculum. Three principles for inclusion Setting suitable learning challenges – We aim to give every pupil the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard as possible. Responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs – We take into account the different backgrounds, experiences, interests and strengths which influence the way in which pupils learn when we plan our approaches to teaching and learning. Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils – We recognise that a minority of pupils will have particular learning and assessment requirements that will create barriers to learning if we do not address them through special arrangements. 2. In making provision for pupils with special educational needs, our policy objectives at Erith School are: To ensure that our duties, as set out in the Education Act 1996 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 and the SEND Code of Practice 2002, are fully met to enable pupils with special educational needs to join in the normal activities of the school along with pupils who do not have special educational needs; To ensure that all pupils gain access to a broad and balanced curriculum and have an equal opportunity to receive an education that is appropriate to their needs; To use our resources as efficiently and equitably as possible when assessing and meeting the special educational needs of our pupils; To provide a graduated approach in order to match educational provision to pupils’ needs; To develop a partnership with parents/carers in order that their knowledge, views and experience can assist us in assessing and providing for their children; To take into account the ascertainable wishes of the pupils concerned and, whenever possible, directly involve them in decision making in order to provide more effectively for 1 them; To ensure effective collaboration with Local Authority (LA) education services, health services and social services in order to ensure effective action on behalf of pupils with special educational needs; To ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities towards pupils with special educational needs and are able to exercise them; To monitor our effectiveness in achieving the above objectives. 3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES In attempting to achieve the above objectives, the Governors, the Headteacher and the staff will take all reasonable steps within the limit of the resources available to fulfil the requirements outlined in this policy document. Governors will fulfil their statutory duties towards pupils with special educational needs as prescribed in the Education Act 1996 (see SEN Code of Practice 2002, 1:16 to 1:22). In order to do this, they will develop and monitor the school’s SEND policy and ensure provision is an integral part of the school development plan. All governors, with the SEND governor or committee of governors taking the lead, will be knowledgeable about the school’s SEND provision, including how funding, equipment and personnel are deployed. The governors will monitor the quality of SEND provision. The Headteacher has overall responsibility for day to day management of provision. The Headteacher will work closely with the school’s SEND co-ordinator and will keep the governing body fully informed about the working of this policy, taking account of the requirements listed by OFSTED. The Headteacher will encourage all members of staff to participate in training to help them to meet the objectives of this policy. 4. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) The SENDCO will be responsible for: The day to day operation of this policy; Co-ordinating provision for pupils with SEND by working closely with staff, parents/carers and other agencies; Providing related professional guidance to colleagues with the aim of securing high quality teaching; Monitoring the quality of teaching and standards of pupils’ achievement, and by setting targets for improvement; Collaborating with curriculum co-ordinators to ensure learning for all pupils is given equal priority; Ensuring that proper records are kept; Contributing to the in-service training of staff; Using available resources to maximum effect. 5. All staff should be fully aware of the contents of this policy and, in particular, of the staged procedures described below. Appropriate in-service training will be made available. The Responsible Person Headteacher (Please note that an Assistant Head has line management responsibility for SEND and the management of the Curriculum Support Faculty) The LA have been informed that, when they conclude that a pupil at the school requires a statement of special educational needs, they should inform the above, who will ensure that whoever teaches the pupil knows about his/her special educational needs. 6. ADMISSIONS The school aims to meet the needs of any pupil whom the parent wishes to register at the school as long as a place is available and the admission criteria are fulfilled. The currently agreed admissions policy of the Governors makes no distinction with regard to pupils who 2 have SEND. No pupil can be refused admission solely on the grounds that s/he has SEND except where the pupil is the subject of a “Statement” under section 324 of the Education Act 2001 and the Local Education Authority has indicated (in the Statement) that the provision required is incompatible with that available at Erith School. Where a pupil due for admission is known to have special education needs, the SENDCO will gather appropriate information from any school the pupil has been attending and from other agencies known to have been involved. The LA also organise an information transfer day to which Primary SENDCOs are invited. Information in general is also collected by the Head of Year and Excellence in Partnership Strand Leaders which is then collated and shared with relevant staff. 7. SPECIAL FACILITIES Erith School has limited wheelchair access in the main building and disabled toilet facilities. The Curriculum Support faculty is based within the main building, alongside the English Faculty. It is in a high profile position, which does not separate needs of students off from others. This ensures a flexibility which encourages students with a wide range of abilities to seek help from the Curriculum Support faculty. There are two large dedicated rooms, with three additional smaller rooms for specialist work, e.g. speech and language, visually impaired, hearing impaired, ASD, social skills groups, Educational Psychologists’s Assessments. All the rooms have at least one computer linked to the school’s network and the Internet. There is at least one additional computer used as a stand alone. The Faculty also has access to a lap top trolley which is portable for use in each area. Two main rooms have interactive whiteboards and the downstairs rooms also feature small interactive whiteboards. Each room has a range of age and ability appropriate reading books and other literacy and numeracy resources. Group size is kept small to enable a high level of support for children who are experiencing literacy difficulties. Extra English groups run in Years 7-9, with an experienced teacher and Teaching Assistant in each group. Teaching and Learning using Dyslexia friendly methods is encouraged in all faculty rooms. Other small group withdrawal work or 1:1 interventions are arranged as necessary. 8. RESOURCES When the Erith School Governing Body approves the school’s budget, consideration will be given to the resources allocated to meeting special educational needs. Consideration will also be given to any funds allocated by the LA in respect of pupils who are the subject of “Statements” (see below). The Headteacher will manage the allocated funds and will ensure that the best use is made of these resources. This will be achieved by prioritising needs through the staged procedure described below and by ensuring that, wherever possible, pupils are appropriately grouped to optimise the use of staff time (teaching and non-teaching) and equipment. 9. STAGES OF ASSESSMENT AND PROVISION Access to the school’s broad and balanced curriculum is achieved for most pupils by differentiation of classwork by subject teachers as part of our Personalised Learning strategy. When teachers find, despite their planning, that a pupil is consistently failing to achieve learning objectives, the following procedures will be adopted. Once identified as SEND, a pupil will be placed on the school’s SEND Register at one of the following stages: School Action 1. When a subject teacher, member of the pastoral team or SENDCO identifies a pupil with special educational needs, they will provide interventions additional to or different from those provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum offer. 2. The triggers for intervention will be concerns about the individual pupil who, despite 3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. receiving differentiated learning opportunities, makes little or no progress shows signs of difficulty in developing literacy and numeracy skills that result in poor attainment persistent emotional and/or behavioural difficulties which continue despite behaviour management techniques generally used in the school has sensory or physical problems which continue despite the provision of specialist equipment has communication and/or relationship difficulties which continue despite differentiated approaches to the curriculum The parents/carers of the pupil will be consulted by appropriate staff and the views of the pupil sought. (Note: this may be a Year Head, Form Tutor, etc.). When there is agreement with parents that a pupil may need further support, the SENDCO and/or Head of Year, as appropriate, will be consulted. All information about the pupil from within the school, together with any additional information from the parents, will be considered. The SENDCO will undertake further assessment of the pupil as appropriate and may use outside specialists to enhance the assessment and provision being made. The SENDCO will facilitate the collection of all available information about the pupil. Information will be collected from: within the school, using pastoral systems and identified link staff working in departments and faculties parents/carers and the pupil appropriate outside agencies such as health and social services The SENDCO or Head of Year/Head of Faculty, as appropriate, will take the lead in planning future support for the pupil, monitoring and reviewing the action taken. The pupil’s subject and pastoral teachers will be responsible for working with the pupil on a daily basis and for planning and delivering an individualised programme. The SENDCO will co-ordinate, where appropriate, the planning of appropriate teaching and learning strategies and set targets in discussion with appropriate staff. Subject teachers will use their expertise to devise strategies and identify appropriate methods of access to their particular curriculum areas. All staff will be involved in providing further help to pupils. Subject teachers and their line managers will receive confidential SEND notes from the SENDCO for pupils where relevant. This information can also be found in the appropriate school communal folder for easy access for subject teachers. The teaching and learning plans will be discussed with the pupil and parents and will be reviewed as and when appropriate. Whenever possible, the pupil will take part in the review process and will be involved in setting further targets. If not directly involved, the pupil’s views will be ascertained and considered in any discussion. Note: A review of progress might coincide with a routine Parents’ Consultation Evening, although it is recognised that some parents might prefer a private meeting. The review may be undertaken by a number of staff, i.e. Form Tutor, Pastoral staff and SENDCO. Many pupils with SEND will be catered for satisfactorily at School Action by their pastoral tutor and subject teachers. Some will need further assessment and provision. A request for additional advice from external services may be made at this stage. It is anticipated the decision to seek further advice may be taken by the SENDCO in consultation with teaching and pastoral staff, parents and pupil. (Progress may be such that the pupil is no longer giving cause for concern and can revert to being subject to the usual differentiated curriculum available to all pupils.) School Action Plus The SENDCO will take responsibility for the following arrangements: 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 10. Involving external support services, both those provided by the LA and/or outside agencies, who will advise on a range of provision including new targets and appropriate strategies. Specialist assessment arrangements may need to be made and the Education Psychology Service involved at this time. Where a pupil is identified as being at risk of disaffection or exclusion, the LA’s EITS (Early Intervention Team Service) will be involved as early as possible. Subsequent planning will reflect strategies to meet their needs and show a graduated response to those needs. The triggers for intervention at School Action Plus could be that despite receiving an individualised programme, and /or support, the pupil: continues to make little or no progress in specific areas over a long period of time continues working at National Curriculum levels substantially below that expected of pupils of a similar age continues to have difficulty in developing literacy and numeracy skills has emotional or behavioural difficulties which substantially and regularly interfere with their learning, or that of the class, despite having an individualised behaviour management programme and/or Pastoral Support Plan (PSP). has sensory and/or physical needs, and requires additional specialist equipment, and/or regular advisory visits from an outside agency has ongoing communication or relationship difficulties which impede social development and act as a barrier to learning The SENDCO, link teachers or subject specialists, literacy and numeracy co-ordinators and external specialists, will consider a range of different teaching approaches and appropriate equipment/teaching materials, including the use of information technology. New strategies will be set out for supporting the pupil’s progress. The strategies set out will, as far as possible, be implemented in the normal classroom setting and the delivery of the teaching strategies will be the responsibility of subject teachers. The arrangements for monitoring progress will be agreed with those who will be teaching the pupil. The SENDCO will ensure that the subsequent review is conducted as before. Parents will be consulted and the pupil involved in the review process. The outcomes will be recorded and targets will be set for the next review. Where progress is satisfactory it may be decided the pupil remains at School Action Plus. Where the pupil is consistently achieving targets over time, a decision will be made to revert to the earlier stage of School Action. If at the review stage the SENDCO and external specialists consider that information gathered about the pupil is insufficient then, with the parents’ consent, further information will be sought from other outside professions. The SENDCO will note in the pupil’s records what further advice is being sought and the support being provided for the pupil while this is being done. The decision by the school to request a statutory assessment from the LA will be made when the pupil has consistently failed to reach targets and has demonstrated considerable cause for concern. The decision will be reached in consultation with parents and external agencies. The Headteacher/SENDCO will ensure that parents are aware in general terms of the purpose and nature of formal assessment and will inform them that the LA will be writing to them to explain the detailed arrangements. Whenever possible, the pupil will be involved in this process. School Request for a Statutory Assessment The Headteacher will ask the LA to initiate a formal assessment by completing the relevant form in collaboration with the school’s designated Educational Psychologist. 5 1. The SENDCO will again take a leading role and will provide the LA with written evidence of, or information about: the school’s action through School Action and School Action Plus teaching and learning strategies for the pupil records of regular reviews and their outcomes the pupil’s health, including a medical history where relevant National Curriculum levels attainments in literacy and numeracy educational assessments from an advisory specialist, support teacher or educational psychologist views of the parent and child involvement of other professionals involvement of the social services or education welfare services A moderating panel will scrutinise the information provided. At this point, the LA will take the lead in assessing and determining the provision that must be made to meet the pupil’s special educational needs. The school’s role here is to continue to support the pupil at School Action Plus. The planning and review undertaken at School Action Plus will continue to be used for this purpose. If the LEA decides not to make a statement of special educational needs then the pupil will remain at School Action Plus. If appeal procedures are involved the pupil will continue to receive support at School Action Plus. 11. Statemented Action If the LEA does make a statement then the school’s role is as follows: 1. The Headteacher/SENDCO will make effective use of any additional resources allocated by the LEA to the school to supplement our efforts to meet the pupil’s special educational needs. 2. Ongoing class teacher and Teaching Assistant monitoring and recording of observations. 3. Progress will be reviewed by holding an annual review meeting at least once a year. The LEA will initiate the annual review process by writing to the school. 4. The Headteacher/SENDCO will seek: written advice from parents and professionals ascertain the views of the pupil convene the review meeting prepare a review report for the LA 5. Those to be invited are: the pupil’s parent/carer relevant teacher/s representative of the funding LA the pupil, whenever possible where appropriate representatives of health and social services, other professionals closely involved. 6. The review report is an integral part of the Statement Review and will be copied to parents, LA and other relevant professionals. The report will be sent to the LEA no later than within ten days of the meeting or at the end of term, whichever is the earliest. On receiving the Statement Review information the LA will review the statement and ascertain whether the provision continues to be appropriate or whether changes are needed. The school will be able to inform the parents that any changes the LA intends to make to their child’s statement will be set out in writing and sent to them. The Annual Review in Year 9 – Moving Forward Transition Plan The annual review of the statement in Year 9 will consider all the same issues as at other reviews but will specifically: 6 Review the young person’s statement Draw up and subsequently review the transition plan The annual review procedure as described above applies with the following additions: The Headteacher/SENDCO will invite the Connexions Service to provide written advice and attend the review meeting. This will enable all options for continuing education, carers and occupational training, to be considered. The Headteacher/SENDCO will ensure that other professionals such as health are aware of the Year 9 review procedures and invited to attend where appropriate. The Headteacher/SENDCO will ensure a plan is drawn up in conjunction with the Connexions Service. The young person will be fully involved with this process and their views will be sought and recorded wherever possible. The Connexions Service provides support for all young people aged 13-19. It has a particular focus of supporting pupils with special educational needs, including those without statements. We will consult with the Connexions Service, as appropriate, to ensure that any pupil with special educational needs receives support with regards to their further education. The pupil and parents will be fully involved in this process. In Year 11 the young person will be involved in the process of a Moving Forward Plan (S139a) with the support of the Connexions Service. INCLUSION We are fully committed to the principle of inclusion and the good practice which makes it possible. Our policy, as set out in this document, will enable pupils with SEND to be an integral part of our school community. Regardless of the stage pupils have reached, our emphasis will be upon trying to include them, alongside the other pupils, in the full range of activities the school has to offer. INVOLVING PARENTS The views of parents will be sought at all stages of assessment and provision. Whenever and wherever possible, the views of the pupil will be ascertained and the pupil will be directly involved in the process. All communication involving decisions about a pupil will be recorded and dated. Staff will try to get to know the parents of pupils with SEND and will encourage them to work with the school in helping their child. Parents and teachers can, by working together, build up a more complete picture of a pupil and his/her needs. We intend that parents will feel able to ask about our provision and express their concerns to us. In return, we will seek their help regarding work that they can do with their child at home. Records will be kept of all who are parents and/or have parental responsibility for each pupil. When this involves adults in more than one household we will deal directly with the parent who has day to day responsibility for the pupil. We will seek to involve all parents and those who have parental responsibility in decisions about the pupil, while appreciating the sensitivities that may arise. Parents can be advised as to local groups and agencies that may offer additional support. PARENT PARTNERSHIP SERVICES The LA has made arrangements to provide independent information and advice on SEND matters to the parents/carers of pupils with special educational needs. The overall aim of the service is to empower parents to play an active and informed role in their child’s education. This includes access to an Independent Parental Supporter. In Bexley, this is done through the Local Authority SEND Department. LEAVING SCHOOL When a pupil leaves us, the SENDCO will forward relevant information about the pupil’s needs and the efforts we have made to meet them to relevant agencies 7 MONITORING AND EVALUATION The Governors ensure that SEND provision is an integral part of the school development plan and will evaluate the effectiveness and success of this policy in the light of the policy objectives detailed under the heading “Guiding Principles”. In order to achieve this Governors will monitor: The standards obtained by pupils with special educational needs The number of pupils at School Action, School Action Plus and those with Statements of SEN in each year group The pattern of resource allocation to pupils at each stage resources allocated for pupils with “Statements” The level and pattern of help provided at each stage (i.e. average time allocated and the balance of in-class and withdrawal help) The views of parents expressed in annual review and any complaints received where relevant Details of visits by specialist teachers, educational psychologists and other agencies Staff views on in-service training opportunities. This Policy should be read in conjunction with the School’s Equality Policy and Accessibility Policy Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Signed: ……………………………………………….. Date: ………………………. HEADTEACHER Policy originated: Last reviewed: Review frequency: June 2010 July 2013 Governing body free to determine. 8
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