DBS-PG-14 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide RACKS RB-2P Series - Economy Welded 2-Post Open Frame Rack When you need quality on a budget, you can trust RACK BASICS®; the contractor-friendly brand of economy rack and cabinet solutions. The RB-2P77, your best economy option when a standard welded rack is required. •Constructed of 12 gauge steel (Suggested load capacity of 800 lb.). •44U - 83.12” Overall Height. •19” EIA-310-D compliant 10-32 front and rear tapped rails. •Side ganging and accessory mounting holes. •Two (2) bonding studs included: •One (1) at bottom to accommodate grounding from floor. •One (1) at top to accommodate grounding from overhead. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. •Rails and Base packaged in cardboard to prevent freight damage. Part No. RB-2P77 Description 44U, 19” Rack Mounting, 83.13” Overall Height DNRR**HDW Series - Heavy Duty Welded 2-Post Open Frame Rack •Constructed of heavy duty 10 gauge steel (Suggested load capacity of 1,530 lb.). •19” EIA-310-D compliant 10-32 front and rear tapped rails. •1.25” cable pass-through. •Tapped 10-32 accessory hole. •Ganging and accessory mounting holes. •Bonding studs located bottom and top to accommodate grounding options. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. •Rails and base packaged in heavy duty cardboard to prevent freight damage. Part No. DNRR42HDW DNRR70HDW DNRR77HDW DNRR84HDW Description 24U, 19” Rack Mounting, 48.13” Overall Height 40U, 19” Rack Mounting, 83.13” Overall Height 44U, 19” Rack Mounting, 83.13” Overall Height 48U, 19” Rack Mounting, 90.13” Overall Height Looking for more options? Visit www.hammondmfg.com for complete offering including both 19” and 23” mounting options. DRZ4 Series - GR-63 Seismic Zone 4 Certified 2-Post Rack •Constructed of 10 gauge steel (rails) reinforced with structural angle base for maximum structure. •19” EIA-310-D compliant 10-32 front and rear tapped rails (6.00” deep). •Rugged design engineered to perform in the most critical seismic environments. •Increased overall width of 22.50 inches provides additional side-to-side load strength. •Two (2) sets of side mounting holes on side of rack allows for Hammond cable managers to be mounted facing front and rear. •Two (2) ground studs - one (1) located at front of structural angle base, one (1) located under top Rack. •Includes top Rack mounting holes compatible with top cable accessories. •Includes large base for freestanding support of equipment. •Independently tested and certified to exceed established Seismic Zone 4 Telcordia® GR-63-CORE testing standards. •Dynamic (seismic) suggested load capacity of 800 lb. of equipment installed and 50 lb. of overhead cable weight on the top when secured using C4K-Z4 seismic bolt down kit. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. Part No. DRZ477 2 Height 84.00 Overall Dimensions Width Depth 22.75 18.00 www.hammondmfg.com Rack Units 44U Mounting Dimensions Height Width 77.12 19.00 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide •Base and panel constructed in 16 gauge steel. •Includes two (2) 12 gauge steel 19 inch EIA-310-D compliant mounting rails. •Rails are 10-32 tapped rails with rack space indicators. •Rails are angled 10-degrees when rack is assembled. •Starter pack of 25 rack screws included. •Available in 8U, 12U and 16U rack spacing. •Side of rails include multiple tie points for cable management. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. •Knockdown design ships unassembled for easy handling and shipping protection. •Tested to nearly double the suggested load rating of 195 lbs. Overall Dimensions Height Width Depth 16.00 20.00 11.50 23.00 20.00 11.50 30.00 20.00 16.00 Part No. HDR8UBK HDR12UBK HDR16UBK Rack Units 8U 12U 16U RACKS HDR Series - Desktop Open Frame Rack Mounting Dimensions Height Width 14.00 19.00 19.00 21.00 28.00 19.00 DNRR**HDKB Series - Heavy Duty Knockdown 2-Post Open Frame Rack •Constructed of heavy duty 10 gauge steel (Suggested load capacity of 1,200 lb.) •EIA-310-D compliant 10-32 front and rear tapped rails with 19” mounting. •Side rails include: •1.25” cable pass-thru •Tapped 10-32 accessory hole and ganging/accessory holes •Finished in smooth black powder paint. •Knockdown design ships unassembled for easy handling and shipping protection. •Self-squaring design reduces assembly time. Part No. DNRR70HDKB DNRR77HDKB DNRR84HDKB Description 40U, 19” Rack Mounting, 76.13” Overall Height 44U, 19” Rack Mounting, 83.13” Overall Height 48U, 19” Rack Mounting, 90.13” Overall Height Looking for other options? Visit our website for our full rack offering. DC4R Series - 4-Post Steel Open Frame Rack •Constructed of 12 gauge steel. •Available in 24U and 44U and in two convenient infinitely adjusting depths. •24”- 36” for standard rack mount equipment. •32”- 48” for extra deep equipment. •Includes two (2) pairs of 19” mounting EIA-310-D compliant square-hole rails with RU indicator. •Includes one (1) set of two (2) horizontal cable manager bars. •Ships unassembled in a flat pack container for easy handling and shipping protection. •Self-squaring design reduces assembly time. •Optional pair of rails available for multiple mounting depths. •Suggested load capacity of 2,000 lb. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. Part No. DC4R24 DC4R44 DC4R4448 Description 24U - 24” to 36” overall depth 44U - 24” to 36” overall depth 44U - 32” to 48” overall depth Accessories: Part No. DC4RSHCM DC4RPR24 DC4RPR44 RRALJK Description Additional Horizontal Cable Bars (2) Additional pair of rails for DC4R 24U Additional pair of rails for DC4R 44U Standard Baying Hardware Kit www.hammondmfg.com See pages 14 to 17 for rack shelves, cable managers, and more. 3 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide HWMR Series - Heavy Duty Adjustable Depth Pivoting Wall Mount Rack Part No. HWMR1912UBK HWMR1920UBK HWMR1924UBK HWMR1932UBK Description 12U Wall Rack 20U Wall Rack 24U Wall Rack 32U Wall Rack Depth (in) 18.00 to 24.00 18.00 to 24.00 18.00 to 24.00 18.00 to 24.00 Includes fifty (50) pack of 10-32 screws and cage nuts and wall mounting template for easy installation. Wall mounting hardware not included. WALL MOUNT •Constructed of 12 and 16 gauge steel. •19” EIA compliant square hole rails. •Rack frame pivots on center point. •Adjustable depth from 18” to 24” using slots for easy set-up and adjusting. •Three (3) spring pin positions allow for simplified equipment maintenance. •Side and rear cable access with multiple tie points for cable management. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. •Ships unassembled in a flat pack for easy handling and shipping protection. •Suggested load capacity of 220 lb. APB Series - Heavy Duty Adjustable Depth Wall Rack Part No. APB19007BK1 APB19010BK1 APB19014BK1 APB19021BK1 PBCOVER Description 4U Wall Rack 6U Wall Rack 8U Wall Rack 12U Wall Rack Dust cover/shelf Depth (in) 12.00 to 18.00 12.00 to 18.00 12.00 to 18.00 12.00 to 18.00 6.00 Includes twenty-five (25) pack of 10-32 black rack screws with washers and mounting template for easy installation. Wall mounting hardware not included. •Constructed of 14 gauge steel. •19” EIA compliant 10-32 tapped rails. •Double-hinged for easy rear access. •Adjustable depth from 12” to 18” using slots for easy set-up and adjusting. •Rear cable access with multiple tie points for cable management. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. •Ships unassembled in a flat pack for easy handling and shipping protection. •Suggested load capacity of 80 lb. APBS Series - Heavy Duty Adjustable Wall Rack with Shelf Part No. APBS194UBK Description 4U Wall Rack Depth (in) 12.00 to 18.00 Includes twenty-five (25) pack of 10-32 black rack screws with washers and mounting template for easy installation. Wall mounting hardware not included. •Constructed of 14 gauge steel. •19” EIA compliant 10-32 tapped rails. •Adjustable depth from 12” to 18” using slots for easy set-up and adjusting. •Includes twelve (12) inch depth shelf. •Rear cable access with multiple tie points for cable management. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. •Ships unassembled in a flat pack for easy handling and shipping protection. •Suggested load capacity of 75 lb. FWB Series - Economy Fixed Wall Rack Part No. FWB191UBK FWB192UBK FWB194UBK Description 1U Wall Rack 2U Wall Rack 4U Wall Rack Depth (in) 6.00 6.00 6.00 Includes four (4) 10-32 black rack screws with washers and clip nuts per rack unit. Also includes mounting template for easy installation. Wall mounting hardware not included. •Constructed of 16 gauge steel. •19” EIA compliant rails with clip-nuts. •Hinged for easy rear access to devices. •Rear cable access. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. •Suggested load capacity of 70 lb. VPB Series - Heavy Duty Vertical Wall Rack Part No. VPB192UBK VPB194UBK VPB196UBK Description 2U Vertical Wall Rack 4U Vertical Wall Rack 6U Vertical Wall Rack Includes four (4) 10-32 black rack screws with washers and clip nuts per rack unit. Wall mounting hardware not included. 4 www.hammondmfg.com •Constructed of 14 gauge steel. •Horizontal or vertical equipment mounting. •19” EIA compliant rails with clip-nuts. •Suggested load capacity of 135 lb. •Rear cable access. •Finished in smooth black powder paint. Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide RCHLB Series - Heavy Duty Ventilated Wall Mount Security Lock box Part No. RCHLB193UBK1 Overall Dimensions H W D 5.25 21.00 14.23 Panel Height 3U Note: Usable depth = 13.41” HLP Series - Low-Profile Network/Security Wall Mount Cabinet Part # HLP4UBK HLP6UBK HLP8UBK Rack Space Mounting Inches Units 7.0 4 10.5 6 14 8 Overall Dimensions (Inches) Height Width Depth 31.00 27.50 10.80 31.00 27.50 15.05 31.00 27.50 19.30 Includes starter pack of 10-32 black rack screws and clip nuts. Wall mounting template is included but hardware is not. Optional Accessories: Part # HLP4UR Description 4U Mounting Rail Kit Features: •Available in 4U, 6U and 8U. •Constructed of 16 gauge steel. •12 gauge steel mounting rails are punched for use with clip nuts. Rails pivot 180 degrees for easy equipment mounting. •22 inches of usable vertical mounting equipment depth. •Conduit knockout sizes include: •2.0”, 1.5”, 1.0”, 11/16” and 9/16” •Two (2) laser knockouts for optional fans located top and bottom. •Includes studs for grounding and electrical box installation. •Rugged sand-textured black powder paint (reduced fingerprints and marks). •Suggested load capacity of 150 lb. WALL MOUNT Features: •Constructed of 16 gauge steel. •19” EIA compliant rails with clip-nuts. •Vented sides with cable entry hole •Lock and key included. •Fixed mounting rails recessed (1”). •Suggested load capacity of 130 lb. •Finished in textured black powder paint. HWM Series - Swing Out Wall Mount Cabinet • • • • • • • • • • Designed for side venting high capacity servers, switches and other equipment. Additional sizes available at www.hammondmfg.com Constructed of 14 gauge steel (rear section); 16 gauge steel (center section and doors). Includes one (1) pair of tapped (10-32) mounting EIA compliant adjustable depth 10-32 tapped rails. Available in three (3) depths and four (4) heights. All sizes include either vented 63% perforated front door or clear window front door. Center section features: • Heavy duty spring-hinge pin for easy installation and removal. • Non-removable side panel includes two (2) vents and fan grill. Rear section features: • Top and side conduit knock-outs for cable entry. • Generous cable management lances located on the rear section as well as on mounting rails. Front door and center section keyed the same. Grounding lugs located on top and bottom of the door, center and rear sections. Rugged sand-textured black powder paint (reduced fingerprints and marks). Suggested load capacity of 275 lbs. Vented Door Part No. Window Door Part No. Overall Dimensions Height Width Depth HWM2412U20BK HWM2412U26BK HWM2420U20BK HWM2424U26BK HWM2412U20WDBK HWM2412U26WDBK HWM2420U20WDBK HWM2424U26WDBK 27.75 27.75 41.75 48.75 24.68 24.68 24.68 24.68 25.7 31.7 25.7 31.7 Rack Units 12U 12U 20U 24U Mounting Dimensions Height Width Center Depth 21 19 20 21 19 26 35 19 20 42 19 26 Accessories Cabinet Rack Units 12U 20U 24U Solid Front Door HWMSD2412UBK HWMSD2420UBK HWMSD2424UBK Tapped 10-32 Rail (Pair) HWMTR12U HWMTR20U HWMTR24U www.hammondmfg.com Square Hole Power Outlet 10-32 Rail (Pair) Strip Clip HWMSR12U HWMSR20U HWMPCLIP HWMSR24U Lock (Keyed Differently) HWMSLOCK 5 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide RCHS Series - Heavy Duty Solid Knockdown A/V Cabinet Part No. RCHS1901417BK1 RCHS1901717BK1 RCHS1902217BK1 RCHS1902817BK1 RCHS1901024BK1 RCHS1901424BK1 RCHS1902224BK1 RCHS1902824BK1 RCHS1902831BK1 Rack Units 8U 10U 13U 16U 6U 8U 13U 16U 16U Overall Dim’s (in) H W D 16.00 21.00 17.50 19.50 21.00 17.50 24.75 21.00 17.50 30.00 21.00 17.50 10.75 21.00 24.50 16.00 21.00 24.50 24.75 21.00 24.50 30.00 21.00 24.50 30.00 21.00 31.50 Includes rubber feet, black ABS plastic handles, a starter pack of 10-32 clip nuts & matching 1421ABK screws. Features: •Constructed of 16 gauge steel. •Knock-down design. •Assembly required (flat-pack shipment). •Simple assembly using one bolt in each corner to lock the sides to the top and bottom (hardware included). •EIA compliant rails with punched round holes for clip-nuts. •Suggested load capacity of 800 lb. •Black powder paint finish. RCHV Series - Heavy Duty Vented Knockdown A/V Cabinet Part No. CABINETS RCHV1901417BK1 RCHV1901717BK1 RCHV1902217BK1 RCHV1902817BK1 RCHV1901424BK1 RCHV1901724BK1 RCHV1902224BK1 RCHV1902824BK1 RCHV1902831BK1 Rack Units 8U 10U 13U 16U 8U 10U 13U 16U 16U Overall Dim’s (in) H W D 16.00 21.00 17.50 19.50 21.00 17.50 24.75 21.00 17.50 30.00 21.00 17.50 16.00 21.00 24.50 19.50 21.00 24.50 24.75 21.00 24.50 30.00 21.00 24.50 30.00 21.00 31.50 Includes rubber feet, black ABS plastic handles, a starter pack of 10-32 clip nuts & matching 1421ABK screws. Features: •Constructed of 16 gauge steel. •Knock-down design. •Side ventilated for passive air flow. •Assembly required (flat-pack shipment). •Simple assembly using one bolt in each corner to lock the sides to the top and bottom (hardware included). •EIA compliant rails with punched round holes for clip-nuts. •Suggested load capacity of 800 lb. •Black powder paint finish. RCHD Series - Locking Door for RCHS/HCHV Cabinet Series Part No. RCHD1910BK1 RCHD1914BK1 RCHD1917BK1 RCHD1928BK1 Rack Units 6U 8U 10U 16U Overall Dim’s (in) H W D 8.75 18.88 0.50 14.00 18.88 0.50 17.50 18.88 0.50 28.00 18.88 0.50 Includes mounting hardware Shown Fastened to RSHV Cabinet Features: •Constructed of 16 gauge steel. •Both front & back of “RCHS” rack cabinets are punched to accept these doors •Mounts either right or left hand hinge (door & cabinet are symmetrical) •Includes installed lock and two keys •Black powder paint finish. See pages 14 to 17 for rack shelves, cable managers, and more. RCBS Series - Table Top A/V Cabinet Part No. Additional sizes available. RCBS1900517BK1 RCBS1900717BK1 RCBS1901017BK1 RCBS1901417BK1 RCBS1900324BK1 RCBS1900524BK1 RCBS1900724BK1 RCBS1901024BK1 Rack Units 3U 4U 6U 8U 2U 3U 4U 6U Overall Dim’s (in) H W D 7.25 21.00 17.50 9.00 21.00 17.50 12.50 21.00 17.50 16.00 21.00 17.50 5.50 21.00 24.50 7.25 21.00 24.50 9.00 21.00 24.50 12.50 21.00 24.50 Includes rubber feet, black ABS plastic handles, a starter pack of 10-32 clip nuts & matching 1421ABK screws. 6 www.hammondmfg.com Features: •Constructed of 16 gauge steel. •Two pairs of fixed 19” EIA-310-D compliant round hole punched rails. •Suggested load capacity of 600 lb. •Black powder paint finish. Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide RCSC Series - Deavy Duty Knockdown Server Cabinet The RCSC Rack Cabinet features a stacking design that allows for up to three (3) cabinets* to be stacked atop each other. This Rack Cabinet is fully loaded and includes two (2) pairs of infinitely adjustable sliding EIA square-hole rails, punch-outs for cable entry and/or fan cooling and comes in a variety of sizes and depths. The unique stacking feature enables your cabinet space to grow as your needs do. *Stack up-to three (3) 12U, two (2) 24U or one (1) of each cabinet atop each other using the required baying kit (RCSCBAY). The 12U cabinet is a great starter cabinet for any small to medium sized business. Optional Vented Window door shown. EASY ASSEMBLY! Knockdown 16 gauge steel frame with heavy-duty struts contributing to a weightload rating of 1500 lb. Ships unassembled. Four (4) embosses are included with support for optional levelling feet or casters. Grounding studs provided on body. Mounting Rails Includes two (2) pair of 19” mounting EIA-310-D compliant square-hole design feature U space markings. Rails are infinitely adjustable in depth. Rails are fabricated of heavy duty fourteen (14) gauge steel, painted smooth black. Cable Entry & Management The top and bottom of the RCSC includes two (2) laser knockouts (per side) for cable-entry or fans (includes gasket strip material). For 36” depth cabinet side panels include cable entry knockouts. Also includes a laser knockout rear gland plate for floor-level cable entry. Doors Optional doors are available in solid, tinted acrylic with venting (see above-left) and high airflow vented. Snap-in hinges can be mounted without having to bolt-on from inside the cabinet. In addition, the hinges can be mounted on the left or right. Thermal Performance High airflow perforated doors for both front and rear of the cabinet are suggested for most server applications. Perforated doors meet server manufacturer Free-AirRatio (FAR) requirements at 65%. Finish Finished in rugged black powder paint. Part No. RCSC1902124BK1 RCSC1904224BK1 RCSC1902131BK1 RCSC1904231BK1 RCSC1902136BK1 RCSC1904236BK1 Units 12U 24U 12U 24U 12U 24U Max Overall Overall Mounting Height Depth Depth 25” 24“ 23.5” 46” 24“ 23.5” 25” 31“ 29.0” 46” 31“ 29.0” 25” 36“ 29.0” 46” 36“ 29.0” Includes fifty (50) pack 10-32 cage nuts and screws. 42” Depth option available upon request. Dual laser knockouts at rear of cabinet for optional fans or cable entry when stacked. CABINETS OPTIONAL DOORS RCSC Frame Simple Stacking Optional Locking Doors Part No. Description 12U Solid Door w/lock RCSC19021SDBK1 12U Vented Door w/lock RCSC19021VDBK1 RCSC19021WDBK1 12U Vented Window Door w/lock 24U Solid Door w/lock RCSC19042SDBK1 24U Vented Door w/lock RCSC19042VDBK1 RCSC19042WDBK1 24U Vented Window Door w/lock Optional Accessories: Part No. RCSCATIP RCSCBAY Description Anti-tip Racks Baying kit - bays (2) RCSC’s together (vertically or horizontally) Cabinet ground cable kit Single (1) Fan kit with grills and cord Dual (2) Fan kit with grills and cord GRDKIT04 DNFK1AC120 DNFK2AC120 Optional Casters For detailed drawings please visit www.hammondmfg.com Part No. 1425P 1425BH Description Light-duty casters(4) Heavy duty casters(4) www.hammondmfg.com Rated 400 lb 1000 lb *NOTE: Baying kit (RCSCBAY) is required to lock cabinets together securely when stacking. 7 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide CLC Series - Co-Location Cabinet System The all new and improved Co-location Rack Cabinet System from Hammond features four (4) different bay configurations and several roof options. Whether you are leasing the space or want to restrict access to sections of your cabinet, the Hammond CLC Series is loaded with innovative features. Features: •One single frame allows multiple bay configurations. Mounting space includes: •1-Bay = 44U, 2-Bay = 21U, 3-Bay = 14U, 4-Bay = 10U •Standard available configurations available in 36”, 42” and 48” depths. •Vented shelves include rear removable panels for vertical PDU installations. •Front and Rear Perforated Doors designed for high air flow. •Doors include 4-pin combination lock with key override. •Vertical Cable Managers can be installed either top or bottom. Designed to accommodate sliding rail mount kit on servers. •Cabinet top includes removable top panel and provisions for containment system and cable trough accessories. CABINETS Specifications: •14-gauge welded steel frame; 16-gauge doors and side panel. •Adjustable depth 19” EIA-Compliant square hole mounting rails. •Finished in rugged textured black powder paint. Also available in textured white upon request. •Tested to nearly double the suggested load rating of 1,800 lbs. Vertical Cable Management can easily be moved to top or bottom. New and Improved Design! Visit website for full product details. Depth (Inches) 1 Bay (44U) 2 Bay (21U) 3 Bay (14U) 4 Bay (10U) 36 CLC1B36BK CLC2B36BK CLC3B36BK CLC4B36BK 42 CLC1B42BK CLC2B42BK CLC3B42BK CLC4B42BK 48 CLC1B48BK CLC2B48BK CLC3B48BK CLC4B48BK Solid Top Panel 36 CLCST36BK CLCST36BK CLCST36BK CLCST36BK Solid Top Panel 42 CLCST42BK CLCST42BK CLCST42BK CLCST42BK Solid Top Panel 48 CLCST48BK CLCST48BK CLCST48BK CLCST48BK 36 CLCBP36BK CLCBP36BK CLCBP36BK CLCBP36BK Brushed Gasket Bottom Panel 36 CLCBG36BK CLCBG36BK CLCBG36BK CLCBG36BK Solid Bottom Panel 42 CLCBP42BK CLCBP42BK CLCBP42BK CLCBP42BK Brushed Gasket Bottom Panel 42 CLCBG42BK CLCBG42BK CLCBG42BK CLCBG42BK Solid Bottom Panel 48 CLCBP48BK CLCBP48BK CLCBP48BK CLCBP48BK Brushed Gasket Bottom Panel 48 CLCBG42BK CLCBG42BK CLCBG42BK CLCBG42BK CLCSP42BK CLCCMSP CLCCMSC CLRHHNG CLCTRAY CLHAN-01 GKIT CLCSP42BK CLCCMSP CLCCMSC CLRHHNG CLCTRAY CLHAN-01 GKIT CLCSP42BK CLCCMSP CLCCMSC CLRHHNG CLCTRAY CLHAN-01 GKIT CLCSP42BK CLCCMSP CLCCMSC CLRHHNG CLCTRAY CLHAN-01 GKIT Step 1 Frame Kit Overall Dimensions 24” (W) x 83” (H) Step 2 Top Panel Step 3 Solid Bottom Panel Bottom Panel Step 4 Accessories 8 Easily remove cover panels to install a vertical PDU. Single solid side panel for 42 and 42 inch depth cabinets Cable manager security plate (includes 12 plates, 54 screws, 1 hex key) Cable manager security cover (includes 2 covers, 4 screws, 1 hex key) Right-hand door hinge kit. Cable Tray works as a top cable tray and hides cables view. Replacement Combination Lock Handle Cabinet Baying/Ganging/Joining Kit www.hammondmfg.com Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide CLCH Series - Cabinet System with Passive Airflow Chimney A popular and cost-effective method of containing heat produced by IT equipment is through a passive hot air chimney. The chimney is fastened to the top-rear of the cabinet and directs hot air from the cabinet into a ducted plenum (lowered T-bar ceiling). The main purpose of the chimney is to prevent the hot air from mixing with the cool air entering the front of the cabinets. Preventing hot air from mixing with cold air is important as it can increase your cooling efficiencies and eliminate the need for additional cooling. In some cases it can eliminate the demand on the facility CRAC or CRAH units resulting in significant operating costs. Features •Constructed in 14 gauge welded steel frame; 16 gauge doors and side panel. •Doors include 4-pin combination lock with key override. •Solid rear door includes gasket material to prevent air leakage. •Cabinet top includes brushed entry and optional cable trough accessories. •Finished in rugged textured black powder paint. Also available in textured white upon request. •Tested to nearly double the suggested load rating of 1,800 lbs. •Included unassembled adjustable height (up to 40.50”) chimney (ships inside of cabinet). Overall Dimensions Part No. Width Depth Per Bay 83.00 83.00 83.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 44U 44U 44U 1-Bay 1-Bay 1-Bay Mounting Dimensions Height Width Depth (Per Bay) 77.25 19.00 34.13 77.25 19.00 40.13 77.25 19.00 46.13 Part No. Description CLCSP36BK Single solid side panel for 36 inch depth cabinets CLCSP42BK Single solid side panel for 42 and 42 inch depth cabinets CLCCMSP Cable manager security plate (includes 12 plates, 54 screws, 1 hex key) CLCCMSC Cable manager security cover (includes 2 covers, 4 screws, 1 hex key) CLCTRAY Cable Tray works as a top cable tray and hides cables view. CABINETS CLCH1B36BK CLCH1B42BK CLCH1B48BK Rack Units Height TCS Series - Thermal Containment System Hammond is pleased to introduce our new cost-effective Thermal Containment System (TCS Series). The TCS Series is a factory customized panel system that is used to reduce or eliminate hot air and cold air from mixing. Typically used in new data centers, the TCS series can be customized for to fit any ceiling height. By implementing thermal containment a facility manager can increase cooling efficiencies and reduce facility operating costs. The TCS Series was designed to fit our CLC Cabinet Series (shown on this page) and can be installed upon cabinet delivery or added during future facility upgrades. Specifications: •Extruded aluminium panel frames. •Lightweight multi-wall polycarbonate panel has been fire rated to CAN/ULC-S102.2 specifications. •Foam used throughout containment assembly has been fire rated to UL94HF1 specifications. •Aisle doors include integrated ball barring nylon wheel for ease of movement. •Panels include fire rated gasket material for air tight seal. •Sliding Door is finished in textured black powder paint. Ask your Hammond representative for more details or visit www.hammondmfg.com www.hammondmfg.com 9 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide C4 Series - Pre-Configured and Modular Data Center Cabinet System Features: •Constructed of: •14 gauge steel (body). •16 gauge steel (doors and side panels). •10 gauge tapped rails, 12 gauge square hole punched rails. •Mounting Rails: •Zinc-plated mounting rails provide superior surface areas for equipment grounding. •EIA-310-D compliant 10-32 tapped or square hole punched rails with rack unit labels. •Rails are easy to move within the cabinet and are infinitely adjusting. •The 30” wide C4 rails have cable-tie support and pass-through holes. •Top panel optional include: •Solid •Vented •Fan cutouts •Pre-installed fan(s) capable of up to 550 CFM •Side panels: •Available in both solid and vented for thermal induction. CABINETS •Doors available in: •Solid •Tinted Acrylic •Perforated •Split Perforated (Barn Door) Q-Assembly helps you easily create a bill of materials for the cabinet size and the components you desire. Once complete, submit your configuration for quoting. •The 30” wide C4 includes: •Generous cabling space •Four (4) 3.5” wide cable entry holes on the top •Support for up to four optional 4” deep vertical cable managers •Vertical cable managers feature magnetic latching doors, and 3.5” wide x 4” deep cable space. PRE-CONFIGURED CABINETS: When you need cabinets quickly, our pre-assembled C4RR are a great option. Based off of our most popular requested configurations, each cabinet is factory configured and is packaged ready-to-ship. •Vertical cable trays are available for both 24” and 30“ width cabinets. •Complies with Seismic UBC Zone-4 standards when used with C4K-Z4 Seismic Bolt Down Kit. •Four (4) levelling feet are included with support for optional casters. •Starter pack of 10-32 Screws (and cage nuts when applicable). •Grounding studs provided on frame as well as side panels and doors. •Finished in textured black powder paint. •Suggested load capacity of 2,000 lb. C4RR “D” Series: C4RR “D” Series Specific Components: •Two (2) Pairs of adjustable square hole rails •One (1) Plexi Front Door •One (1) Perforated Rear Door •One (1) Fan cutout Top Panel •One (1) Vertical Tray with PDU Mounting Part No. C4RR247331DBK1 C4RR247336DBK1 C4RR247342DBK1 C4RR247731DBK1 C4RR247736DBK1 C4RR247742DBK1 C4RR307731DBK1 C4RR307736DBK1 C4RR307742DBK1 Overall Dimensions Height Width Depth 78.00 24.00 31.50 78.00 24.00 36.00 78.00 24.00 42.00 83.75 24.00 31.50 83.75 24.00 36.00 83.75 24.00 42.00 83.75 30.00 31.50 83.75 30.00 36.00 83.75 30.00 42.00 Rack Units 42U 42U 42U 44U 44U 44U 44U 44U 44U Mounting Depth Height Width Depth 73.50 19.00 29.50 73.50 19.00 34.00 73.50 19.00 40.00 77.00 19.00 29.50 77.00 19.00 34.00 77.00 19.00 40.00 77.00 19.00 29.50 77.00 19.00 34.00 77.00 19.00 40.00 Overall Dimensions Height Width Depth 78.00 24.00 31.50 78.00 24.00 36.00 78.00 24.00 42.00 83.75 24.00 31.50 83.75 24.00 36.00 83.75 24.00 42.00 83.75 30.00 31.50 83.75 30.00 36.00 83.75 30.00 42.00 Rack Units 42U 42U 42U 44U 44U 44U 44U 44U 44U Mounting Depth Height Width Depth 73.50 19.00 29.50 73.50 19.00 34.00 73.50 19.00 40.00 77.00 19.00 29.50 77.00 19.00 34.00 77.00 19.00 40.00 77.00 19.00 29.50 77.00 19.00 34.00 77.00 19.00 40.00 C4RR “S” Series: C4RR “S” Series Specific Components: •Two (2) Pairs of adjustable square hole rails •One (1) Perforated Front Door •One (1) Split Perforated Rear Door •One (1) Fan cutout Top Panel •Two (2) Vertical Trays with PDU Mounting All configurations include: •One (1) Welded C4 Cabinet Frame with Top Cable Entry Holes •Two (2) Removable Side Panels (with 1/4 turn latches) 10 Part No. C4RR247331SBK1 C4RR247336SBK1 C4RR247342SBK1 C4RR247731SBK1 C4RR247736SBK1 C4RR247742SBK1 C4RR307731SBK1 C4RR307736SBK1 C4RR307742SBK1 www.hammondmfg.com Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide DCZ4 Series - Telcordia® GR-63 Seismic Zone 4 Certified Cabinet Features: •14 gauge steel (body), 12 gauge steel corner braces and 16 gauge doors and side panels. •19” EIA-310-D compliant 10-32 tapped or square hole punched rails. (Rails include rack unit labels) •Rugged design engineered to perform in the most critical seismic environments when secured using C4K-Z4 seismic bolt down kit. •Includes generous stud locations for grounding and bonding applications. •Compatible with standard C2 top panels with options that include Solid, Vented, Fan cutouts. •Pre-installed fan(s) capable of up to 550 CFM. •Flush-mount doors come with 3-point latching and stiffeners to reduce flexing and bowing while increasing cabinet security. Doors available in Solid, Window and 63% Perforated punch pattern. •Handle features 4-pin combination lock with key override. Also compatible with electronic locking options. •Ganging holes allow for joining multiple cabinets. •Finished in sand-textured black powder paint. Cable Management: •Includes four (4) 3.5” top cable access holes. •Various bottom panels allow different cable management options. •Corner braces include mounting for cable tray and outlet strips. •Support for up to four optional 4” deep vertical cable managers. Independently tested and certified to exceed established Seismic Zone 4 Telcordia® GR-63-CORE testing standards. Watch the seismic test on our website or scan the QR Code above. Dynamic (seismic) suggested load capacity of 1,000 lb. (453.6 kg) of equipment installed and 100 lb. (45.4 kg) of overhead cable weight when secured using the C4K-Z4 seismic bolt down kit. CABINETS Pre-Assembled Cabinet: •One (1) DCZ4F307742BK - DCZ4 Cabinet Frame •Two (2) C4PR77SZPL - Pair of Square Hole Rails •Two (2) DCZ4SP7742BK - DCZ4 Side Panels •Two (2) DCZ4VD3077BK - DCZ4 63% Vented Doors •One (1) C2T2436SBK1 - Standard C2 Solid Top Panel Overall Dimensions Rack Mounting Depth Part No. Height Width Depth Units Height Width Depth 83.00 30.00 42.00 44U 77.06 19.00 35.75 DCZ4A307742BK Also sold in individual components. Visit www.hammondmfg.com for more details. Electronic Locking When network security is a priority and a mechanical locking mechanism will not suffice, have peace of mind that Hammond has options to increase your cabinet infrastructure security. Hammond has formed a partnership with handle manufacturers Southco® and TZ® to ensure the Hammond cabinets are compatible with their state-of-the-art access control systems. Whether your facility requires standard audit trail, proximity access or military spec biometrics, both latching systems provide you a level electronic access control that can integrate into your network or facility security system. The electronic locking rack handle provides the functionality of a manual latching system with the added benefit of electronic locking for access control and remote monitoring. It can be combined with any access control device for a basic self-contained electronic access solution. The Hammond CLC, DC100 and DCZ4 Cabinet Series have been designed to be compatible with both latching systems. TZ® Locking mechanisms are compatible with most Hammond cabinets and enclosures. Ask your representative for details. Southco and TZ trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. www.hammondmfg.com 11 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide EN4SD Series - NEMA 4/12 Swing Out Wall Mount Cabinet • • • • • • • • • • • Constructed of 14 gauge steel. Smooth continuous welded seams without knockouts, cutouts or holes. Includes one (1) pair of adjustable EIA compliant 10-32 tapped 19” mounting rails. Mounting rails also include cable pass through holes. Heavy wall mounting base for cable entry with collar stud provision for optional inner panel. Wall base can be mounted with optional external mounting feet. Interior latch releases center section for added security, no tools required. Solid and Window door are provided with 2 or 4 point combination key & padlock handle. Bonding studs provided on door, body and wall base. Window door constructed with UV resistant polycarbonate material. Finished in RAL7035 light Gray. Solid Door Part No. EN4DH162415LG EN4DH202415LG EN4DH242415LG EN4DH362415LG EN4DH482415LG EN4DH162424LG EN4DH202424LG EN4DH242424LG EN4DH362424LG EN4DH482424LG Window Door Overall Dimensions Part No. Height Width Depth 24.00 15.01 EN4DH162415WLG 16.00 24.00 15.01 EN4DH202415WLG 20.00 24.00 15.01 EN4DH242415WLG 24.00 24.00 15.01 EN4DH362415WLG 36.00 24.00 15.01 EN4DH482415WLG 48.00 24.00 24.00 EN4DH162424WLG 16.00 24.00 24.00 EN4DH202424WLG 20.00 24.00 24.00 EN4DH242424WLG 24.00 24.00 24.00 EN4DH362424WLG 36.00 24.00 24.00 EN4DH482424WLG 48.00 Rack Units 7U 10U 12U 19U 26U 7U 10U 12U 19U 26U Mount Height 12.25 17.50 21.00 33.25 45.50 12.25 17.50 21.00 33.25 45.50 Center Depth 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 EN4SD Series - NEMA 4/12 Wall Mount Cabinet with Optional Swing Frame INDUSTRIAL IT • Constructed of 14 gauge steel. • Smooth continuous welded seams without knockouts, cutouts or holes. • Optional Swing frame is constructed of 12 gauge steel, painted smooth black and includes EIA compliant round hole mounting (for use with clip nuts). • Solid and Window door options are provided with a quarter turn latch. Order Part No. 2WKL to upgrade the front door to a Locking Wing Knob. • Bonding studs provided on door, body and wall base. • Window door constructed with UV resistant polycarbonate material. • Finished in RAL7035 light Gray. Shown with optional Swing Frame (ESF Series) installed. Some assembly is required. Solid Door Part No. EN4SD24246LG EN4SD24248LG EN4SD30248LG EN4SD36248LG EN4SD242412LG EN4SD302412LG EN4SD362412LG EN4SD242416LG EN4SD302416LG EN4SD242420LG EN4SD302420LG EN4SD302424LG Window Door Part No. EN4SD24246WLG EN4SD24248WLG EN4SD30248WLG EN4SD242412WLG EN4SD302412WLG EN4SD242416WLG EN4SD242420WLG EN4SD302420WLG Overall Dimensions Height Width Depth 24 24 6 24 24 8 30 24 8 36 24 8 24 24 12 30 24 12 36 24 12 24 24 16 30 24 16 24 24 20 30 24 20 30 24 24 Optional Swing Frame Part No. Rack Units ESF2424 11U ESF2424 11U ESF3024 14U ESF3624 17U ESF2424 11U ESF3024 14U ESF3624 17U ESF2424 11U ESF3024 14U ESF2424 11U ESF3024 14U ESF3024 14U Are you looking for the factory finish? We can help! When a standard product or assembly just won’t do, Hammond can design a product modified to your specifications. Modification means we use a standard Hammond design and build it to your requirements. While we can customize the product features, you aren’t paying for a custom price. Learn more on page 18. 12 www.hammondmfg.com Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide PCJ Series - Type 4X Non-Metallic Enclosures for Wireless Access Points Designed to insulate and protect wireless access points in both indoor and outdoor conditions. The wall mounting flange provides easy mounting to walls and surfaces. • • • • • • • • Constructed of rugged polycarbonate thermoplastic enclosure with matching cover. Enhanced UV inhibitors protect against outdoor weathering. Threaded brass inserts are for optional inner panel mounting. Mounting hardware is included. Door fasteners include a provision for padlocking on Snap Latches. Molded hinge with 316 stainless steel pin. Captive oil resistant gasket provides a positive seal. Operating temperatures between 130°C and - 35 °C (266°F to - 31 °F). Polycarbonate material has a light gray finish. Solid Door Part No. PCJ664LF PCJ864LF PCJ1084LF PCJ12106LF PCJ14126LF Window Door Overall Dimensions Part No. Height Width Depth PCJ664CCLF 5.93 6.16 3.98 PCJ864CCLF 7.94 6.16 3.98 PCJ1084CCLF 9.93 8.15 3.98 PCJ12106CCLF 11.92 10.15 5.98 PCJ14126CCLF 13.94 12.16 5.98 Panel/Equipment Dimensions Height Width 4.81 4.81 6.75 4.88 8.75 6.88 10.75 8.88 12.75 10.88 Optional Inner Panel Part No. PCJA0505 PCJA0705 PCJA0907 PCJA1109 PCJA1311 Inner panel is constructed of 0.080 type 5052 H-32 aluminium. HDME Series - Type 12 Dust Tight Cabinet The Hammond Data Modular Enclosure (HDME) System provides a vast array of features and advantages supported by Hammond Manufacturing’s reliable quality and service. Configuration • • • • • One (1) Welded frame with pre-installed leveling feet One (1) Removable solid top panel with mounting points for optional lifting eye-bolts Two (2) Pairs of EIA-Compliant Square Hole Rails One (1) Removable bottom panel w/gland plates Two (1) Solid doors with die-cast swing handle along with pre-installed gland plates Construction • • • • • • Formed 14 gauge steel. Fully welded frame with 25mm hole pattern for superior mounting flexibility. Seamless foam in place gasket. Frames can be joined together with an optional joining kit. Doors can be easily removed, reversed, and/or interchanged. Bonding and grounding studs are provided for all doors and panels. INDUSTRIAL IT The HDME product line combines the rugged NEMA 12 housing of the Hammond HME Series with a Data/Comm designed configuration to serve you dust-tight requirements. The modular design permits interchangeable components and ability to join cabinets together while maintaining an industrial dust-tight seal. Finish • Phosphatized and finished in textured black powder coating. • Mounting Rails are unpainted galvanized 12 gauge steel. Shown with optional NEMA 12 Filter Fan installed. Side panel removed for demonstration purposes only. To learn more about our NEMA 12 Data/Comm Configurations, please contact your local Hammond Representative. www.hammondmfg.com 13 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide 2-Post Mounting Shelves: Screw and Cage Nut Combo Pack Part No. RASU190107UBK1 RASU190115BK1 RASU190315BK1 RASU190320BK1 RASU190515BK1 Description Solid Rack Shelf Solid Rack Shelf Solid Rack Shelf Solid Rack Shelf Solid Rack Shelf Rack Units 1U 1U 2U 2U 3U RASV190107UBK1 RASV190115BK1 RASV190315BK1 RASV190320BK1 RASV190515BK1 RASV190520BK1 Vented Rack Shelf Vented Rack Shelf Vented Rack Shelf Vented Rack Shelf Vented Rack Shelf Vented Rack Shelf 1U 1U 2U 2U 3U 3U 7.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 - 40 40 100 100 200 200 RACSV190315BK1 RACSV190515BK1 RACSV190715BK1 Clamping Rack Shelf Clamping Rack Shelf Clamping Rack Shelf 2U 3U 4U 15.0 15.0 15.0 - 100 200 200 25 10-32 Cage Nuts 1421CNA25 1421CNA100 100 10-32 Cage Nuts 1421CNA250 250 10-32 Cage Nuts DNDMS19BK1 Centered Solid Shelf 2U 19.5 - 200 DNDMV19BK1 Centered Vented Shelf 2U 19.5 - 200 1421N25 1421N100 1421N250 25 10-32 Clip Nuts 100 10-32 Clip Nuts 250 10-32 Clip Nuts Centered Depth Adapter Centered Depth Adapter Centered Depth Adapter Centered Depth Adapter 2U 2U 2U 2U 15.0 20.0 26.0 31.0 - 400 400 400 400 H1224S25 H1224S100 H1224S500 25 12-24 100 12-24 500 12-24 RDAB2U15 RDAB2U20 RDAB2U26 RDAB2U31 Depth Mount Rated (in) Depth (lbs) 7.0 40 15.0 40 15.0 100 20.0 100 15.0 200 RDA1U4 Rail Depth Adapter 1U 4.0 - - RDA2U4 Rail Depth Adapter 2U 4.0 - - 4-Post Mounting Shelves & Drawers: RSVS1918BK1 RSVS1921BK1 RSVS1926BK1 RSUS1918BK1 RSUS1921BK1 RSUS1926BK1 RSLIDEEX RMASU1925BK1 RMASUHD1925BK1 RMASU1930BK1 Sliding Vented Shelf Sliding Vented Shelf Sliding Vented Shelf 18 21 26 20 22 28 120 120 120 Sliding Solid Shelf 1U 18 20 120 Sliding Solid Shelf 1U 21 22 120 Sliding Solid Shelf 1U 26 28 120 Increases RSVS/ RSUS Mounting-Depth by 14 in Adjustable Solid Shelf Adjustable Solid Shelf Adjustable Solid Shelf Adjustable Vented Shelf RMASV1925BK1 RMASVHD1925BK1 Adjustable Vented Shelf RMASVHD1936BK1 Adjustable Vented Shelf 1U 2U 1U 25 25 30 25 - 35 25 - 35 30 - 40 75 200 75 1U 2U 2U 25 25 36 25 - 35 25 - 35 36 - 48 75 200 200 RAAB2436BK Adjustable Angle Bracket 1U 24 24 - 36 200 RAAB3648BK Adjustable Angle Bracket 1U 36 36 - 48 200 Locking Rack Drawer Locking Rack Drawer Locking Rack Drawer Locking Rack Drawer 2U 2U 3U 4U 12 22 16 22 12 22 16 22 120 120 120 120 Keyboard Drawer 2U 16.0 6 - 18 - RDRW1900312BK1 RDRW1900322BK1 RDRW1900516BK1 RDRW1900722BK1 ACCESSORIES 14 1U 1U 1U RAKS19BK1 RSKS19005BK1 RMS193BK1 Swivel Keyboard Shelf 2U 15.0 34.8” 120 lb 3-in-1 Shelf and Keyboard Drawer 3U 17.0 - - We have a huge selection of standard accessories to choose from. Take a look at www.hammondmfg.com www.hammondmfg.com Part No. 1421CNABK50 1421CNABK100 Qty 50 100 Tap 10-32 10-32 Tap 10-32 10-32 10-32 Type Screws Screws Screws 25 10-32 H1032BK25 H1032BK100 100 10-32 H1032BK500 500 10-32 Screws Screws Screws Mounting Hardware Part No. 1421ABK25 1421ABK100 1421ABK500 Qty 25 100 500 Screws Screws Screws 25 12-24 Cage Nuts 1421CNC25 1421CNC100 100 12-24 Cage Nuts Filler Panels Improve cooling efficiency and visual appearance with blanking/ filler panels. Available from 1U to 18U in a variety of colours, materials and configurations. Part No. PBPS19001BK2 PBPS19003BK2 PBPS19005BK2 PPFS19001BK2 PPFS19003BK2 PPFS19005BK2 PBFS19001BK2 PBFS19003BK2 PBFS19005BK2 PBPA19001BK2 PBPA19003BK2 PBPA19005BK2 PVSS19001BK2 PVSS19003BK2 PVSA19001BK2 PVSA19003BK2 Description 1U Solid Steel Panel 2U Solid Steel Panel 3U Solid Steel Panel 1U Steel Perforated Panel 2U Steel Perforated Panel 3U Steel Perforated Panel 1U Formed Solid Steel Panel 2U Formed Solid Steel Panel 3U Formed Solid Steel Panel 1U Aluminum Solid Panel 2U Aluminum Solid Panel 3U Aluminum Solid Panel 1U Steel Slotted Panel 2U Steel Slotted Panel 1U Aluminum Slotted Panel 2U Aluminum Slotted Panel Brushed Horizontal Cable Manager Part No. BRP1UBK BRP2UBK Description 1U Brushed Panel 2U Brushed Panel Rack Mount Monitor Rack •Heavy duty 12 gauge steel. •3U for small screens 15”- 27”. •10U for large screens 32” and up. •Includes monitor screws. •Black powder paint finish. Part No. RMMB193UBK3 RMMB1910UBK3 Description 3U - VESA MIS-D 10U - VESA MIS-F Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide Horizontal Cable Management Part No. RB-HRM1 RB-HRM2 Fan Components Description 1U Econo Horizontal Ring Manager 2U Econo Horizontal Ring Manager Part No. Description DNFK1AC120 Single (1) Fan kit with grills and cord - 100 CFM DNFK2AC120 Dual (2) Fan kit with grills and cord - 200 CFM PCMBS19001BK1 1U Horizontal Ring Manager PCMBS19003BK1 2U Horizontal Ring Manager PCMDD19001BK1 1U Horizontal Hinged PCMDD19003BK1 2U Horizontal Hinged PCMDD19005BK1 3U Horizontal Hinged PCMDS19001BK1 1U Horizontal Hinged Metal Finger PCMDS19003BK1 2U Horizontal Hinged Metal Finger PCMDS19005BK1 3U Horizontal Hinged Metal Finger RDCM2136BK 2U Adjustable Depth Cable Manager RDCM3348BK 2U Adjustable Depth Cable Manager PCMBV19001BK1 1U Horizontal Hook & Loop CLB194BK CLB192BK CLB190BK 0U 4” Deep Lacing Bar (10-Pack) 0U 2” Deep Lacing Bar (10-Pack) 0U Lacing Bar (10-Pack) HCM194BK HCM192BK HCM190BK 0U 4” Deep L-Bar (10-Pack) 0U 2” Deep L-Bar (10-Pack) 0U L-Bar (10-Pack) 0U Lacing Bar with 48” length of Hook and Loop HCM190UBK1 PCMT19003BK1 2U Rack Panel Mount Trough TS96 96” length strip of Hook and Loop Rack Mount Fan Trays •1U 19” Rack Mount Fan Trays •Ideal solution for hot spots •Integral finger guards •Circuit breaker protection •Black powder paint finish Part No. FT300HA1BK FT600HA1BK FT900HA1BK Description 3-Fan,300 CFM, ON/OFF Switch 6-Fan,600 CFM, ON/OFF Switch 9-Fan,900 CFM, ON/OFF Switch Max Mount Depth Unlimited 19.2” 24.7” Casters and Dollies Part No. RRLDCASTER 1425BM 1425PHD 1425BH Description Open Frame Rack Casters Medium Duty Cabinet Casters Medium Duty Cabinet Casters Heavy Duty Cabinet Casters Weight Rating (lb) 800 700 800 1050 Height Added (in) 3.75 4.38 2.50 4.38 Rack Unit Label Part No. RULBK Vertical Cable Management 44U 8” x 8” Dual-Door Metal Finger FRCM44U128 44U 12” x 8” Dual-Door Metal Finger FRCMCD Tooless Metal Cable Divider FRCMSPOOL Tooless Metal Cable Spool CMRC34BK1 1.5” x 3” x 4” Cable Ring CMRC36BK1 1.5” x 3” x 6” Cable Ring CMRC126BK1 1.5” x 12” x 6” Cable Ring RRCM44UD 44U 6” x 5” Hinged Door RRCM844UD 44U 8” x 6” Hinged Door RRCM1244UD 44U 12” x 6” Hinged Door CMRBK1 CMR3BK1 CMRB 1U Single Cable Ring - 1.25” Wide 1U Single Cable Ring - 3.00” Wide 1U Tie Down Rack VCT28 VCT42 VCTPDU73 VCTPDU77 VCTPDU78 16U Universal Cable Tray 24U Universal Cable Tray 42U Tooless PDU Cable Tray 44U Tooless PDU Cable Tray 45U Tooless PDU Cable Tray FRCMCH88 FRCMCH128 RRCMCH65 RRCMCH86 RRCMCH126 36” High Cable Chimney for FRCM 36” High Cable Chimney for FRCM 36” High Cable Chimney for RRCM 36” High Cable Chimney for RRCM 36” High Cable Chimney for RRCM Copper Busbar •19” and 23” mounting widths. •Includes (2) Ø 0.31 ground lug holes. •Mounts directly to EIA mounting rails. •Constructed of Solid 0.188” Copper Bar. •Includes (10) 10-32 drilled and tapped holes spaced at 1”. Part No. GRDBAR19 GRDBAR23 Description 19” Horizontal Rack Mount Copper Busbar 23” Horizontal Rack Mount Copper Busbar Ground Lug Part No. DNGL Description Dual L16 type aluminum lug DIN Rail Rack Bracket •19” mounting widths. •Includes 17.18” wide DIN Rail. •Mounts directly to EIA mounting rails. •Slots allow front/back adjustments of DIN rail. Part No. RMAD19003BK www.hammondmfg.com Description 19” DIN Rail Rack Bracket ACCESSORIES FRCM44U88 Description Universal Rack Unit Label - up to 49U 15 Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide # of Outlets All Outlet Strips on this page include a 125 VAC circuit breaker, use 1U (1.75”) panel space, and are finished in black. Part No. Front Rear 15A Outlet Strip with FRONT Mounted Receptacles 1582H6A1BK 1582H6B1BK 1582H8A1BK 1582H8B1BK 1582T6A1BK 1582T6B1BK 1582T8A1BK 1582T8B1BK ACCESSORIES 16 Power Indication Pilot Light Cord Switch Only Length Plug Type Amp Rating Surge Finish 6 6 8 8 6 6 8 8 - Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated - Yes Yes Yes Yes 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A - Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 15A Outlet Strip with REAR Mounted Receptacles 1583H6A1BK 1583H6B1BK 1583H8A1BK 1583H8B1BK 1583T6B1BK 1583T8A1BK 1583T8B1BK (Front) 1583H6A1SBK 1583H6B1SBK - 6 6 8 8 6 8 8 6 6 Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Yes Yes Yes - 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A Yes Yes Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 15A Outlet Strip with FRONT AND REAR Mounted Receptacles 1583H6A1BKX 1583H6B1BKX 1583T6A1BKX 1583H12A1BKX 1583H12B1BKX 1583T12A1BKX (Rear) 2 2 2 6 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 6 Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated - Yes Yes 6ft 15ft 6ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A - Black Black Black Black Black Black 15A Outlet Strip with 90 Degree Offset Receptacles 1582H6A1BKRA 1582H6B1BKRA 1582T6A1BKRA 1582T6B1BKRA 1583T12A1SBKRAX 1583H6A1BKRA 1583H6B1BKRA 1583T6A1BKRA 1583T6B1BKRA 6 6 6 6 6 - 6 6 6 6 6 Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A Yes - Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 20A Outlet Strips with FRONT OR REAR-Mounted Receptacles 1589H6D1BKRF 1589H6F1BKRF 1589H6G1BKRF 1589H8G1BKRF 1589T6D1BKRF 1589T6G1BKRF 1589T8F1BKRF 1589H6D1BKRR 1589H6F1BKRR 1589H6G1BKRR 1589H8G1BKRR 1589T6D1BKRR 1589T6F1BKRR 1589T6G1BKRR 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 - 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 No Light No Light No Light No Light No Light No Light No Light No Light - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 15ft 6ft 15ft 15ft 15ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 15ft 15ft 6ft 15ft L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P 5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P 5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A - Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 15 & 20A Outlet Strip with built-in Ammeter 1582H6A1BKAM 1583H6A1BKAM 1583T6A1BKAM 1583T6B1BKAM 1589H6F1BKRRAM 1589T6C1BKRRAM 1589T6F1BKRRAM 6 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 Illuminated Illuminated No Light - Yes Yes Yes Yes 6ft 6ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 6ft 6ft 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 15A 15A 15A 15A 20A 20A 20A - Black Black Black Black Black Black Black With over 500 skus of Outlet Strips, we could not possibly add them all into this product guide. For additional sizes and options, please visit www.hammondmfg.com www.hammondmfg.com Hammond Manufacturing - Data/Comm & Security, Quick Reference Product Guide Part No. Part No. Pilot Light On/Off Switch 15A Vertical Outlet Strips 15851T6A1 15851H6A1 15851T6B1 15851H6B1 15852T8A1 15852H8A1 15852T8B1 15852H8B1 15853T6A1 15853H6A1 1585T8A1 1585H8A1 1585T10A1 1585H10A1 1585T10B1 1585H10B1 1585T10B1S 1585H10B1S 1586T10A1 1586H10A1 1586T10B1 1586H10B1 1586T12A1 1586H12A1 1587T10A1 1587H10A1 1587T12A1 1587H12A1 1587T12C1 1587H12C1 1587T12D1 1587H12D1 1588T12A1 1588H12A1 1588T12A1BK 1588H12A1BK 1588T12B1BK 1588H12B1BK Includes hardware required to mount to a cabinet, unistruts or open frame racks. Additional kits can be purchased by ordering Part No. 1585CLIP 20A Vertical Outlet Strips 1589T48D1 1589H48D1 1589T48F1 1589H48F1 1589T48G1 1589H48G1 1589T48D116 1589H48D116 1589T48F116 1589H48F116 1589T48G116 1589H48G116 1589T60C1 1589H60C1 1589T60D1 1589H60D1 1589T60F1 1589H60F1 1589T60G1 1589H60G1 1589T70C1 1589H70C1 1589T70D1 1589H70D1 1589T70F1 1589H70F1 1589T70G1 1589H70G1 1589T70D124 1589H70D124 1589T70F124 1589H70F124 1589T70G124 1589H70G124 1589T77C1 1589H77C1 1589T77D1 1589H77D1 1589T77F1 1589H77F1 1589T77G1 1589H77G1 # of Overall Cord Surge Outlets Length Length Protection Plug Type Amp Rating Finish 6 6 8 8 6 8 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 18” 18” 24” 24” 36” 48" 48" 48" 48” 60” 60” 60” 70” 70” 70” 70” 77” 77” 77” 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 6ft 6ft 15ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 6ft 6ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 6ft 15ft No No No No No No No No Yes* No No No No No No No No No No 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P L5-15P L5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Black Black 8 8 8 16 16 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 24 24 24 12 12 12 12 48" 48" 48" 48" 48" 48" 60" 60" 60" 60" 70" 70" 70" 70" 70" 70" 70" 77" 77" 77" 77" 15ft 6ft 15ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P L5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P L5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P L5-20P L5-20P 5-20P 5-20P 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver When mounting to HWM series use Part No. HWMPCLIP See page 9 for details. Are you looking for an IP Managed or enhanced PDU? Our alliance with power distribution industry leaders gives you access to the products you need, mounted within the Hammond Cabinet you trust. If we do not have an outlet strip that meets your needs, we can help find you one that will. Please contact your Hammond Mfg representative for more information. Part No. 1584H6A1 1584H6A1S 1584H6B1 1584H6B1S 1584H8A1 1584H8B1 1584T6A1 1584T6A1S 1584T6B1 1584T8A1 1584T8B1 Power Indication Lighted Pilot # of On/Off Light Outlets Switch Only 6 Yes 6 Yes 6 Yes 6 Yes 8 Yes 8 Yes 6 Yes 6 Yes 6 Yes 8 Yes 8 Yes www.hammondmfg.com Surge Protection No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No Cord Length 6ft 6ft 15ft 15ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 6ft 15ft 6ft 15ft Plug Type 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P Amp Rating 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A Finish Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black ACCESSORIES 15A Industrial & Commercial Grade Outlet Strip 17 When a standard product just won’t do! When a standard product just won’t do, Hammond can design a product modified to your specifications. Modification means we are building off of a standard Hammond product. While we can customize the product features, you aren’t paying for a custom price. See our five (5) modification options below as well as modifications that we have built for other customers. PAINT / COLOUR HOLES / CUTOUTS BONDING / STUDS Choose from one of over 10 stock colour options, or provide us with a CMYK, RGB, Pantone® or RAL colour code to match. Precision punching and laser equipment can insert optional Knockouts, venting and unique patterns. Forget the hassle of field installation. Choose from mounting options, ground, bonding and PEM studs and nuts. Based on the Hammond C2 Cabinet Series 18 SIZE CHANGES Whether you have a drawing on a napkin or a CAD drawing. If you required specific product dimensions and features we can help! Based on the Hammond C4 Cabinet Series www.hammondmfg.com OTHER OPTIONS We can factory install shelving, fans, outlet strips, apply screen printing and drop ship the product, neatly packed on a skid. Based on the Hammond HWM Swing Out Wall Mount Cabinet Series Over 80 Years of Quality Racks & Cabinets Hammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd., provides voice, data, and security products and service solutions that optimise, store, and secure technology equipment. Hammond manufactures and markets cabinet, enclosure systems and accessories; security systems, such as electronic locking systems; and grounding and bonding products. The company also offers power management products that include power distribution units, power strips, and in-line meters; two and four-post racking systems; and wall-mount open and enclosed systems. Its products are used in physical security, system integration, and regulatory compliance applications in government, education, finance, retail, healthcare, manufacturing and data center sectors. Hammond markets its products through a network of distributors, contractors and integrators worldwide. Global Headquarters and Metal Fabrication Facility Guelph, Ontario, Canada US Facility, Sales and Distribution Center Cheektowaga, New York, USA Quebec Sales Office Laval, Quebec, Canada With our Global Headquarters and metal fabrication facility in Guelph, Ontario, Canada; Hammond has additional manufacturing facilities in the United States, Asia, and Europe. To support our global customer base we have sales offices and distribution facilities in Canada, US, China, Australia and the UK. www.hammondmfg.com 19 Canada Toll-Free Support Line: USA Toll-Free Support Line: (877) 535-3282 (800) 526-2266 Français: Local: (514) 343-9010 (716) 630-7030 Locations in Canada: Locations in USA: Hammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 394 Edinburgh Rd, North, Guelph, Ontario N1H 1E5 Canada Phone: (519) 822-2960 dcisales@hammfg.com Hammond Manufacturing Co. Inc. 475 Cayuga Rd Cheektowaga, New York, 14225 USA Les Fabrications Hammond (Québec) 985 Rue Bergar Laval, Quebec, H7L 4Z6 Canada Follow us on social media. Just search for hammondmfg Facebook Twitter Google+ Linked In YouTube Phone: (716) 630-7030 us-info@hammondmfg.com Phone: (450) 975-1884 quebec@hammondmfg.com Locations in Europe: Locations in Australia: Hammond Electronics Limited 1 Onslow Close Kingsland Business Park Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8QL England Hammond Electronics Pty. Limited 11-13 Port Road Queenstown, SA, 5014 Australia Phone: +44 1256 812812 uk-info@hammondmfg.com Distributed by: Phone: +61 8 8240 2244 oz-info@hammondmfg.com Learn more at: hammondmfg.com Design and Specifications are subject to change without notice © Hammond Manufacturing Company Limited Printed in Canada
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