••• SPECIAL SECTIONS 2015 ••• Code Audience BSRV ALL SAVE W,P Special Section Business Review Coupon Saver Publication Date Thur 1 Wed 28 NOON Deadline Fri, Dec 19, 2014 Fri, Jan 2 Format ROP/Fixed sizes BOOKLET/Fixed sizes PROG SAVE ALL W,P Always Lancaster 2015 (formerly Progress) Coupon Saver Sun 22 Wed 25 Fri, Jan 9 Fri, Jan 30 MAG BOOKLET/Fixed sizes HG,W Spring Home pages Thur 3/5-4/23 previous Friday ROP NIEW CAMP ALST SAVE WEDP P, W P, W S,M,P W,P W,ML NIE Week 2015 / Design An Ad Summer Kids All-Star Sports • Winter season Coupon Saver I Do Bridal (March-August) Tue 3 Sun 8 Tue 24 Wed 25 dist 3/30 Fri, Oct 24, 2014 Fri, Feb 20 Fri, Mar 13 Fri, Feb 27 Fri, Feb 20 TAB/Fixed sizes TAB TAB/Fixed sizes BOOKLET/Fixed sizes MAG/Fixed sizes APRIL CONV BABY MOMS SAVE ALL P, W P, W W,P Visiting Lancaster Baby, Toddler, Kids event (Show May 2) Lancaster Parenting Coupon Saver dist 4/1 Sun 26 Sun 26 Wed 29 Fri, Feb 27 Fri, Apr 10 Fri, Apr 10 Fri, Apr 3 MAG/Fixed Sizes TAB/Fixed sizes ROP BOOKLET/Fixed sizes MAY MTHR SMMR RETR RCBP SAVE P, W,ML Mother’s Day P, W Summertime in Lancaster County B Senior Living (Special Report) ALL Readers Choice Ballot Pages W,P Coupon Saver Sun 10 Sun 17 Tue 19 May 24-June 6 Wed 27 Fri, Apr 10 Fri, May 1 Fri, May 8 Fri, May 15 Fri, May 1 STD/Fixed sizes TAB/Fixed sizes ROP ROP/Fixed sizes BOOKLET/Fixed sizes JUNE POHM ALST FTHR SAVE CONV HG Parade of Homes (Special Report) S,M,P All-Star Sports • Spring season P, W,ML Father’s Day W,P Coupon Saver ALL Visiting Lancaster•US Womens Open edition Thur 11 Tue 16 Sun 21 Wed 24 dist 6/29 Fri, May 29 Fri, June 5 Fri, May 22 Fri, May 29 Fri, May 22 ROP TAB/Fixed sizes STD/Fixed sizes BOOKLET/Fixed sizes MAG/Fixed Sizes JULY GOLF SAVE S,M,W US Womens Open Preview W,P Coupon Saver Sun 5 Wed 29 Fri, June 19 Fri, July 3 TAB BOOKLET/Fixed sizes AUGUST MOMS RDCH SAVE WEDP P, W ALL W,P W,ML Lancaster Parenting Readers Choice Awards Coupon Saver I Do Bridal (September-January) Sun 9 Sun 23 Wed 26 dist 8/31 Fri, July 24 Fri, Aug 7 Fri, July 31 Fri, July 31 ROP TAB/Fixed sizes BOOKLET/Fixed sizes MAG/Fixed sizes HG,W Fall Home pages Thur 9/3-10/22 previous Friday ROP S,M,P B,P B W,ML,H W,P High School Football Preview Grandparents Day Senior Living (Special Report) PINK: A Women’s Event (Show 10/3) Coupon Saver Tue 1 Sun 13 Tue 15 Sun 27 Wed 30 Fri, Aug 14 Fri, Aug 14 Fri, Sept 4 Fri, Sept 11 Fri, Sept 4 TAB/Fixed sizes STD/Fixed sizes ROP TAB/Fixed sizes BOOKLET/Fixed sizes ALL W,F W,P B2B Visiting Lancaster Taste of Home Cooking School (Show 10/23) Coupon Saver Lancaster Chamber Business Expo (Show TBD) dist 10/1 Thur 15 Wed 28 Fri, Aug 28 Fri, Oct 2 Fri, Oct 2 MAG/Fixed Sizes TAB/Fixed sizes BOOKLET/Fixed sizes TAB/Fixed sizes Conestoga Valley College Night Guide Book Holiday Gifts & Lifestyle Food & Spirits Festival (Show 11/21-22) Lancaster Parenting Coupon Saver Holiday Showcase Small Business Saturday dist 11/2 Sun 8 Sun 15 Sun 15 Wed 18 Sun 22 Tue 24 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH SEPTEMBER FTBL GRND RETR PINK SAVE OCTOBER CONV HOMS SAVE LCHA NOVEMBER CVBK P IDEA W FINE F,ML,W,M,B MOMS P, W SAVE W,P HOGU W SBSS W DECEMBER SNTA ALST SAVE XMAS SAVE AUDIENCE Fri, Sept 18 Fri, Oct 23 Fri, Oct 30 Fri, Oct 30 Fri, Oct 16 Fri, Oct 2 Fri, Nov 13 BOOKLET/Fixed sizes TAB TAB/Fixed sizes ROP BOOKLET/Fixed sizes MAG/Fixed sizes ROP W,P Dear Santa Sun 6 Fri, Nov 20 TAB S,M,P All-Star Sports • Fall season Tue 8 Fri, Nov 27 TAB/Fixed sizes W,P Coupon Saver Wed 9 Fri, Nov 6 BOOKLET/Fixed sizes W Last Minute Gifts Tue 15 Fri, Nov 27 TAB W,P Coupon Saver Wed 30 Fri, Nov 27 BOOKLET/Fixed sizes CODES: Foodies—F; Parents (Moms)—P; Women—W; Men—M; Sports—S; Health & Fitness—H; Home & Garden—HG; Boomers—B; Business to Business—B2B; Millennials—ML Publications, Dates & Deadlines Subject to Change • Call (717) 291-8800 or your Sales Representative LNP MEDIA GROUP, Inc., P.O. Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-1328 • Phone 717-291-8800 • FAX 717-399-6523 • E-mail advertising@LNPnews.com • 1/21/15 RDSC-38, effective January 2015 2015 RETAIL COMISSIONABLE RATES PO Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-1328 • (717) 291-8800 (800) 809-4666 • FAX (717) 399-6523 e-mail: advertising@LNPnews.com • LancasterOnline.com Parcel Delivery address: 8 West King Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 ROP DAILY AND SUNDAY RATES OPEN RATES : $68.25 Monday thru Wednesday; Inches per yr 50 125 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,500 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 up to 7 weeks/year M-W Th-Sat Sun 64.25 71.65 77.65 62.55 70.15 75.95 61.15 68.65 74.45 59.85 67.25 73.25 58.55 66.25 72.15 57.55 65.55 71.05 57.15 64.95 70.25 56.85 64.65 69.65 56.55 64.45 69.15 56.25 64.15 68.85 55.95 63.85 68.45 55.65 63.65 68.15 55.35 63.45 67.85 M-W 58.55 56.85 55.35 53.95 52.65 51.65 51.25 50.95 50.65 50.35 50.05 49.85 49.55 $76.50 Thursday thru Saturday; 7 weeks/year Th-Sat 65.65 63.95 62.45 60.85 59.55 58.95 58.45 58.05 57.65 57.35 57.15 56.85 56.65 1. PERSONNEL John C. Derr, VP of Sales & Marketing Michelle A. Fisher, senior adv operations mgr Amanda Janaszek, senior adv sales manager Genine Antonelli, creative services manager 2. REPRESENTATION Send contracts, orders, printing materials to: LNP MEDIA GROUP, Inc. P.O. Box 1328 Lancaster, PA 17608-1328 Member of AP AdSend, Ad Express delivery networks. Call AdSend at 1-800-223-7363; Ad Express, 1-800-446-6646. 3. COMMISSION & PAYMENT TERMS a) Rates displayed in this rate schedule are commissionable. b) All advertising must be prepaid unless credit has been established. c) Charges to accounts are due and payable by the 15th of the month following publication. 4. POLICIES In submitting advertising for publication, the advertiser agrees to all provisions of this rate schedule, including the following: a) Retail advertising rates apply to the advertising of merchandise or services sold directly to the public at one or a limited number of outlets within our Retail Trading Zones. See General rate schedule for advertising re: beverages, food, processed food outlets, fuels, mail order, manufactured products, public utilities. See Classified rate schedule for advertising re: licensed motorized vehicles, public sales, real estate, business opportunities and employment. b) Rates, discounts and other provisions of this rate schedule may be revised at any time with 30 days notice. c) We will not be responsible or liable for delay or failure in performance if publication and/ or distribution of any edition is delayed or suspended for any reason. Sun 71.35 69.65 68.15 66.95 65.95 64.95 64.15 63.45 62.95 62.55 62.15 61.85 61.55 M-W 54.45 52.95 51.45 50.05 48.75 48.05 47.65 47.25 46.95 46.65 46.35 46.05 45.75 $84.75 Sunday 13 weeks/year Th-Sat Sun 61.25 66.65 59.65 64.95 58.15 63.45 56.85 62.25 55.45 61.15 54.75 60.15 54.25 59.35 53.85 58.90 53.55 58.05 53.25 57.65 52.95 57.25 52.65 56.95 52.45 56.65 M-W 52.15 50.55 48.95 47.65 46.55 45.85 45.45 45.05 44.65 44.45 44.15 43.85 43.55 d) Lacking credit approval, an advertiser must pay at the time the ad copy is submitted. A Business Information Form is required of all new customers. e) Credit cards will be accepted for the purchase of goods and services from LNP MEDIA GROUP, Inc. except for scheduled contract advertising. f) Advertising depth is measured in quarterinch depth increments. g) Advertisers may qualify for comparable display, preprint and color rates based on annual investment volume. h) Publisher shall not be bound by any terms or conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing in advertiser’s forms or copy instructions PREPRINT ADVERTISING RATES Tabloid OPEN 7 Units 13 Units Pages CPM per yr per yr 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 $53.50 57.50 62.50 67.50 71.00 74.50 78.50 82.50 86.50 91.00 94.50 97.50 101.50 105.00 108.50 114.50 $49.22 52.90 57.50 62.10 65.32 68.54 72.22 75.90 79.58 83.72 86.94 89.70 93.38 96.60 99.82 105.34 $46.55 50.03 54.38 58.73 61.77 64.82 68.30 71.78 75.26 79.17 82.22 84.83 88.31 91.35 94.40 99.62 26 weeks/year Th-Sat Sun 58.65 63.55 57.15 61.95 55.55 60.45 54.15 59.25 52.95 58.15 52.15 57.15 51.55 56.35 51.15 55.85 50.85 55.45 50.45 55.15 50.15 54.85 49.95 54.55 49.65 54.25 M-W 50.25 48.55 46.95 45.65 44.65 43.95 43.55 43.25 42.95 42.75 42.55 42.25 42.05 48 weeks/year Th-Sat Sun 56.45 61.85 54.85 59.95 53.45 58.25 52.15 56.55 50.85 55.55 50.15 54.55 49.75 54.15 49.45 53.85 49.15 53.35 48.85 53.15 48.55 52.95 48.35 52.65 48.15 52.35 when in conflict with terms and conditions on publisher’s rate schedule policies. i) Advertising space scheduled, reserved or contracted for in publications produced by LNP MEDIA GROUP, Inc. shall not be brokered or sublet to others. Such space shall be used only by or on behalf of the advertiser scheduling the space and shall not be used directly or indirectly for the promotion of any business, person or organization other than the advertising customer. j) The Publisher will not extend credit for advertising orders or space reservations that claim sequential liability. Orders or reservations must be accompanied by cash, check or money order. 26 Units per yr $45.48 48.88 53.13 57.38 60.35 63.33 66.73 70.13 73.53 77.35 80.33 82.88 86.28 89.25 92.23 97.33 52 Units per yr $43.87 47.15 51.25 55.35 58.22 61.09 64.37 67.65 70.93 74.62 77.49 79.95 83.23 86.10 88.97 93.89 75 Units per yr 95 Units per yr $42.80 46.00 50.00 54.00 56.80 59.60 62.80 66.00 69.20 72.80 75.60 78.00 81.20 84.00 86.80 91.60 $37.45 40.25 43.75 47.25 49.70 52.15 54.95 57.75 60.55 63.70 66.15 68.25 71.05 73.50 75.95 80.15 Consult your advertising sales rep for pricing over 32 tab pages or for quantities less than full run Add $3.00 per thousand for quantities between 65,000 and full run; add $6.00 per thousand for quantities between 45,000 and 64,999; add $10.00 per thousand for quantities between 25,000 and 44,999; add $13.00 per thousand for quantities between 15,000 and 24,999; add $16.00 per thousand for quantities between 5,000 and 14,999. Add $3.00 per thousand for every 4 tab pages over 64 pages. 5. FULL-RUN RETAIL ADVERTISING RATES Retail advertising rates are available only to a business that is owned or operated by the same individual, partnership or corporation. Retail advertising promotes the sale of retail goods or services that are made available to the general public. Rates are commissionable. Advertising agreements can be initiated to comply with the advertiser’s budget year. Agreements consent to bulk space or bulk space in combination with annualized frequency commitments. Advertisers signing a frequency agreement commit to at least one advertising insertion a week for the stated number of weeks. Sunday ROP rates are in effect for the Thanksgiving Day edition. Pickup discounts do not apply for the Thanksgiving Day edition. For commitment levels in excess of 15,000 inches a year, consult your sales representative. 5b. PRE-PRINT DISTRIBUTION RATES Rates are calculated on a cost-per-thousand (CPM) basis for the actual number distributed. Consult with your Multi-Media Advertising Sales Representative for current distribution requirements and pricing. Preprints scheduled for mail distribution are subject to a surcharge to cover additional postage. Acceptance of preprinted inserts is subject to physical compatibility with mechanical equipment. Tabloid-size pages have a maximum size of 11” x 11-1/2”. Larger pages are considered standard size and must be folded to a maximum of 11” x 11-1/2”. Fold must be on longest edge of finished piece. Two, four and six page preprints, of .005” minimum thickness, or heavier, are accepted. Below minimum spec must be quarterfolded. Minimum page size is 5.5x8.5. For preprint packaging and shipping instructions and distribution zones, see the separate PREPRINT INSERT SCHEDULE. 5c. ZONED ADVERTISING RATES Zoned (targeted) ROP advertising is available each Wednesday. For more information, please see ZONED RATE SCHEDULE. Zoned advertising does not accrue to full-run ROP advertising agreements. 5d. INTERNET ADVERTISING RATES Reach new customers with Lancaster Online.com display advertising and sponsor opportunities. ROS rates begin at $10/CPM. Ask your Multi-Media Advertising Sales Representative for details. 5e. BUSINESS BUILDER RATES Ask your Ask your Multi-Media Advertising Sales Representative for information about Little Giant, Little Giant Color and Big Deals advertising — programs designed especially for small businesses. 5f. NON-SUBSCRIBER ADVERTISING RATES COUPON SAVER is a monthly tabloid publication just for coupon display ads and preprints. Inserted on the last Sunday of every month, mailed to non-subscribers and distributed via free news racks. See COUPON SAVER rate card. 5g. PRINT & DELIVER RATES We’ll create, design, produce and distribute your special single sheet inserts. Please see separate Print & Deliver Program rate card. 5h. IMPACT DISCOUNT PROGRAMS REPEAT ADVERTISING Earn special discounts on advertising space and color premiums when full-run advertising is repeated with no changes within a six consecutive day period. First repeat, 25% discount; second repeat, 40% discount; third repeat, 50% discount; fourth (and successive) repeats 65%. Repeat advertising from the previous six days on Mondays, Tuesdays or Saturdays earn a 50% discount. MULTIPLE FULL-PAGE DISCOUNTS Special discounts apply when a single advertising customer buys a minimum of four full-page units in a single day’s newspapers. GRAND OPENING DISCOUNT Earn a special discount when you advertise your Grand Opening or annual Anniversary. Some restrictions apply. Ask your Multi-Media Advertising Sales Representative for details. 6. SPECIAL CATEGORY ADVERTISING RATES GROUP AND ASSOCIATION RATES are available to recognized merchants’ associations comprised of firms doing business in a common shopping area. The advertised promotion endeavor must be easily identified with the shopping area and must feature six or more of its member businesses. A single invoice is generated and the designated or appointed representative is responsible for its payment. Rate per inch: $42.25 Mon-Wed; $48.30 ThurSat; $52.60 Sunday. MOVIE/CINEMA RATES All theatre ads include electronic enhancement on LancasterOnline.com, featuring movie listings, times and directions. DAILY (MONDAY-WEDNESDAY) INCHES PER YR OPEN 13 wks 26 wks 48 wks per year per year per year 50 125 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 66.00 64.40 62.80 61.30 59.60 58.50 58.00 56.50 54.80 53.10 51.30 49.90 48.80 48.40 54.10 52.20 50.80 49.20 47.80 46.80 46.00 52.10 50.50 48.90 47.40 45.90 44.90 44.40 DAILY (THURSDAY-SATURDAY) INCHES PER YR OPEN 13 wks 26 wks 48 wks per year per year per year 50 125 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 71.80 69.90 68.20 66.60 65.10 63.80 63.20 61.50 59.50 57.80 56.00 54.50 53.10 52.70 59.10 56.90 55.40 53.50 52.00 51.20 50.10 56.90 55.30 53.40 51.80 49.90 49.20 48.50 SUNDAY INCHES PER YR OPEN 13 wks 26 wks 48 wks per year per year per year 50 125 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 77.80 76.00 74.10 72.40 70.70 69.40 68.70 66.80 64.80 63.10 61.20 59.30 58.00 57.20 64.20 62.50 60.60 58.60 56.90 55.80 54.80 62.60 60.60 58.60 56.70 54.70 53.80 53.10 7. ROP COLOR ADVERTISING RATES Add color premiums to applicable space prices. All art, veloxes or film must contain at least three register marks. Film must be Right Reading, Emulsion Down. No minimum ad size for color. Repeat discounts apply to color as well as space. Colors are NAA/AAAA sanctioned. Color must be reserved 24 hours in advance of normal advertising deadlines. Color positions are regulated by press configurations. DAILY COLOR RATES No. of OPEN 7 Units 13 Units 26 Units 52 Units 125 Units Colors per Year per Year per Year per Year per Year 1 $512.30 $496.40 $486.20 $460.60 $435.00 $409.40 2 794.60 770.30 754.40 714.70 675.00 635.30 3 936.00 907.30 888.60 841.80 795.00 748.30 SUNDAY COLOR RATES No. of OPEN 7 Units 13 Units 26 Units 52 Units 125 Units Colors per Year per Year per Year per Year per Year 1 $617.90 $599.10 $586.80 $555.90 $525.00 $494.10 2 924.00 895.80 877.40 831.20 785.00 738.80 3 1014.50 1010.00 989.10 937.10 885.00 833.00 SPECIAL SECTIONS COLOR RATES No. of OPEN 7 Units 13 Units 26 Units 52 Units 125 Units Colors per Year per Year per Year per Year per Year 1 $311.00 $301.30 $295.10 $279.50 $264.00 $248.50 2 450.00 435.90 427.00 404.50 382.00 359.50 3 491.00 475.90 466.10 441.50 417.00 392.50 8. SPECIAL ROP UNITS Strip ad units are available in certain publications on certain days. Contact your Multi-Media Advertising Sales Representative with your specific requests. 9. SPLIT-RUN ADVERTISING RATES Split-run/copy testing advertising is available in the daily and Sunday newspapers. Advertisements must be at least eight column inches. An additional charge applies. Black and white ad make-over charge $555.00; Color make-over charge $655.00 10. SPECIAL SERVICES Creative layout and copy assistance is available at no charge. Primary Lancaster MSA market research data, syndicated research information and budgeting assistance is available. Co-Op Advertising Services. Many national manufacturers will assist you in marketing their products sold in your store by providing advertising monies. We can provide assistance in developing your co-op resources. Direct Mail. LNP MEDIA GROUP, Inc. has a comprehensive and up-to-date Lancaster County household database that can be merged/ purged against any customer list or used for an independent saturation mail campaign. Copywriting, graphic design, printing, inserting, addressing and postal services also provided. Ask your Multi-Media Advertising Sales Representative for details. 11. SPECIAL AVAILABILITIES LNP MEDIA GROUP, Inc. publishes a comprehensive array of special section and focused-interest pages throughout the year. Ask your Multi-Media Advertising Sales Representative for a yearly planning calendar. 12. ROP DEPTH REQUIREMENTS A. Standard broadsheet page (6 col. x 21 inches) — Minimum display advertisement is one column x one inch. Advertisements measuring more than 19 inches in depth will be billed at full column depth. B. Tabloid page (5 col. x 10-3/4 inches) — Minimum display advertisement is one column x one inch. Advertisements measuring more than 9 inches in depth will be billed at 10.75”. C. Advertisement depth is available in onequarter inch increments. Width is available in full column increments. 13. CONTRACT & COPY REGULATIONS a. If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at any time, whether or not the same has already been acknowledged and/or previously published. Acceptance of advanced payment for ad space does not constitute a contract to publish. Publisher reserves the right to insert the word “ADVERTISEMENT” in 9 pt. caps over the left hand column. b. The advertising customer assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in the advertising copy and will protect and indemnify LNP MEDIA GROUP, Inc., their owners, publishers and employees against any and all liability, loss or expense arising out of claims for libel, unfair trade practices, unfair competition, infringement of trademarks, trade names, patents, copyrights and proprietary rights, and all violations of the right of privacy or other violations resulting from the publication by these newspapers of advertising copy. c. A release for photographs or names of persons to be used in advertising is required. Forms are available. d. Publisher shall be under no liability for failure, for any reason, to insert an advertisement. Publisher shall not be liable by reason of any error, omission, and/or failure to insert any part of an advertisement for which it may be responsible, beyond liability for the value of actual space occupied by the item in which the error, omission and/or failure to insert occurred. In such cases, a credit adjustment will be allowed for first insertion only. Adjustment claims must be made within 30 days of publication. e. Publisher will not accept cancellations of advertisements after closing times. f. Every effort will be made to afford advertising position desired. However, specifications on orders for the use of any page, or the use of any portion of any page, or relating to the kind of news or advertising on any page or barring the use of any page will be treated as requests only. Instructions for “special position or omit” will not be accepted. A paid position premium charge must accompany requests for specific page position. In no event will an adjustment, rerun or refund be made because of position. g. All contracts and agreements must be in writing, duly signed by an authorized representative of both the advertising customer and LNP MEDIA GROUP, Inc. in order for the customer to receive contract rate discounts. h. Publisher will not be responsible for advertising materials left with the newspaper beyond 30 days. 14. CLOSING TIMES EXCEPTIONS: Multi-color ads must be reserved 24 hours prior to the above deadlines. Double truck ads must be reserved 24 hours prior to the above deadlines. Special sections have advanced close dates. Day of Pub. Copy Close Electronic File Proof Return MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN ZONED Wed 4pm Thur 4pm Fri 4pm Mon noon Tue 4pm Wed 4pm Tue 4pm Fri noon Thur noon Fri noon Mon noon Tue noon Wed noon Thur noon Wed noon Fri noon Fri noon Mon noon Tue noon Wed noon Thur noon Fri noon Thur noon Mon noon 15. PRODUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LNP MEDIA GROUP printing process: Flexography printing. Pages are paginated via electronic processing. PDF is the preferred media for receiving advertising copy. When submitting ads in electronic format, all electronic files must be complete and adhere to these specifications: Created in Adobe InDesign; Adobe Illustrator, and/or Adobe Photoshop™. Graphics must be saved in a TIFF™ format with complete ad in Encapsulated Post Script (EPS) format. Ads should be actual size and include all licensed screen and printer fonts. Ads must be received 24 hours in advance of close times listed in item 14. ROP & TABLOID INCHES Columns ROP Inches Tab Inches 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.75 3.60 5.45 7.30 9.15 11.00 1.9 3.925 5.95 7.975 10 n/a ROP DOUBLE TRUCKS Columns 11 13 Inches 18.8 22.5 Picas/Points 112p9.6 135p0 TABLOID CENTER SPREAD Columns Inches Picas/Points 11 21 126p0 16. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION RATES Community Rate. Community Rate. This rate applies to advertising which satisfies all of the following criteria: (a) the advertiser must be a charitable organization providing non-commercial services that benefit a local community; (b) the advertisement must relate to an activity which is held for the purpose of benefitting or improving the community or which helps that organization continue to service the community, and (c) the content of the advertisement cannot be political, advocacy nor controversial in nature. Requests for application of this rate must be approved by the advertising sales manager. Mon-Sat $25.00; $30.00 per inch Sunday. Entertainment Lancaster, This Week In Lancaster County. These publications provide residents and visitors with complete, timely information about dining, theatre, and things to do in the Lancaster, PA area. The tabloid section is delivered weekly on Thursday. Approximately 10,000 are distributed free to tourism sites for out-of-town guests. Agreement rates plus $10.40 per column inch premium. Paid Position for preferred page position add $9.70 per column inch. In no event will any adjustment, rerun or refund be allowed because of position. If preferred position is not available at the time of publication, the preferred position charge will not be billed. Co-Op Advertising Plan (C.A.P.) Rate Available to separately-owned multi-signature and dealer list advertising that is product or service oriented. CAP rate advertising can be administered when manufacturer Co-Op advertising funds are directed for the advertising effort. One invoice is generated. $54.65/column inch. 17. CLASSIFIED RATES See 2015 rate schedule. 18. COLOR COMICS/PRESS INSERTS Advertise in the Sunday color comics and reach virtually every demographic profile. Color comics advertising is cost-effective, dramatic, flexible and affordable. Price includes full color; price does not include pre-press charges. Press insert rates are per thousand (net) to LNP. Requires 8 week reservation. For deadlines and production guidelines, consult with your MultiMedia Advertising Sales Representative. SPADEA GATEFOLD (5-3/4”) FULL ROP PAGE 2/3 ROP PAGE 1/2 ROP PAGE 1/3 ROP PAGE 1/6 ROP PAGE 4 PAGE TAB 8 PAGE TAB 12 PAGE TAB 16 PAGE TAB 20 PAGE TAB 1 of 52 $5,095 $3,695 $4,275 $3,615 $2,910 $2,015 $1,365 7 of 52 13 of 52 $4,945 $4,840 $3,585 $3,510 $4,145 $4,060 $3,505 $3,435 $2,820 $2,765 $1,955 $1,915 $1,325 $1,300 26 of 52 $4,585 $3,325 $3,840 $3,250 $2,615 $1,810 $1,230 48 of 52 $4,330 $3,140 $3,630 $3,070 $2,470 $1,710 $1,160 1 week 7 wks 13 wks 26 wks $44.35 $42.15 $41.05 $39.95 $84.60 $80.40 $78.25 $76.15 $124.95 $118.70 $115.60 $112.45 $161.30 $153.25 $149.20 $145.20 $198.85 $188.90 $183.95 $178.95 48 wks $37.70 $71.90 $106.20 $137.10 $169.00 19. SPECIALTY PUBLICATIONS Fly Magazine, Central Pa’s most complete guide to nightlife, dining and entertainment. Fly Magazine publishes three separate editions monthly covering Lancaster, York and Harrisburg. All three editions include entertainment and dining articles, a calendar including the specials and entertainment schedules compiled from hundreds of bars and restaurants, a “Dining Directory” of local restaurants listed by category, and area concert and theatre listings. La Voz Hispana, a Spanish language monthly tabloid allows you to reach the growing Spanishspeaking audience in the Lancaster MSA. Approximately 5,000 copies are distributed free at stores, racks and newsstands throughout the city of Lancaster. Reach this important market with your targeted message. Ask your MultiMedia Advertising Sales Representative for rates. 20. CIRCULATION INFORMATION Audit Bureau of Circulation, 6-month Publisher’s Statement September 30, 2014 Monday-Friday ........................................ 62,168 Saturday................................................... 62,440 Sunday News ........................................... 87,994 DAILY READERSHIP (Adults 18+) Read Yesterday ................................... 197,700 Read at least 1 in last week (cume) .... 248,100 SUNDAY READERSHIP Read last Sunday ................................ 215,200 Read at least 1 in past month (cume) . 257,800
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