Comments of the American Public Power Association (APPA) on EPA’s Section 111(d) Proposed Rule for Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Existing EGUs EPA-HQOAR-2013-0602 December 1, 2014 Submitted by: James J. Nipper Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Communications American Public Power Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 202-467-2931 Desmarie M. Waterhouse Director of Government Relations and Counsel American Public Power Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 202-467-2930 Theresa Pugh Director of Environmental Services American Public Power Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 202-467-2943 Alex Hoffman Energy and Environmental Services Manager American Public Power Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 202-467-2956 Contents I. Executive Summary................................................................................................................. 7 II. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 10 III. The Proposed Rule Denies States the Primacy and Implementation Authority Accorded by Congress........................................................................................................................................ 13 A. EPA’s Proposed Rule Unlawfully Constrains State Primacy Under Section 111(d)..... 14 B. EPA’s Discussion of State Implementation Issues Reveals Significant Problems with the Proposed Rule...................................................................................................................... 16 1. The Proposed Rule Does Not Provide States with “Flexibility.” ................................... 16 2. The Proposed Rule Encroaches on Areas of Exclusive State and Local Government Authority................................................................................................................................ 17 3. The Option of a Rate-Based or Mass-Based Goal ......................................................... 18 4. The Four Types of State Plans ....................................................................................... 19 5. Timing ............................................................................................................................ 20 6. Criteria to Approve State Plans ...................................................................................... 20 7. Components of Approvable Plans.................................................................................. 21 8. Deadlines and Process for State Plan Submittal............................................................. 21 9. EPA’s “Key Considerations” That States Must Address in Developing Their Plans .... 22 IV. The Proposed Rule Conflicts with Federal, State, and Local Utility Laws and Disregards How Electric Markets Work. ........................................................................................................ 24 A. The Proposed Rule Conflicts with the Federal Power Act’s Division of Regulatory Authority between Federal, State, and Local Governments...................................................... 25 1. The Proposed Rule Unlawfully Usurps State Authority Preserved by the FPA and the Tenth Amendment. ................................................................................................................ 25 2. The Proposed Rule Unlawfully Usurps FERC’s Regulatory Authority Under the FPA. .. ........................................................................................................................................ 28 B. The Proposed Rule Relies on a Flawed Understanding of Regulated Wholesale Electricity Markets and the Bulk Power System. ...................................................................... 33 1. EPA Has Failed to Address Reliability Issues. .............................................................. 34 2. EPA Misunderstands the Role of the States in Regulating Dispatch in RTO Regions. . 34 3. EPA Has Failed to Take into Account Impediments to Deploying the New Energy Infrastructure That the Proposed Rule Would Necessitate.................................................... 35 4. EPA Has Not Accounted for Recent Developments Regarding the Participation of Demand-Side Resources in the Electricity Markets. ............................................................. 36 5. The Proposed Rule Is Based on Fundamental Misunderstandings of RTO Capacity Markets and Their Potential to Facilitate EPA’s Goals......................................................... 37 V. New Source Review (NSR) Issues .................................................................................... 38 1 VI. The Proposed Rule Contains Many Inequities and Is Unfair in Many Key Respects. ...... 39 A. B. C. D. E. State Goal Computation ................................................................................................. 40 Early Action Credit ........................................................................................................ 40 Transmission Lines and Natural Gas Pipelines .............................................................. 41 Interaction with Other Clean Air Act Rules................................................................... 41 Public Health Benefits.................................................................................................... 42 VII. EPA’s Premise That a Significant Portion of the CO 2 Reductions the Proposed Rule Seeks to Achieve Can Be Done Through Fuel Switching from Coal to Natural Gas Is Based on Questionable Assumptions Regarding Natural Gas Supply, Price, and Infrastructure Availability. ............................................................................................................................................ 42 A. EPA Assertions About Natural Gas Supply Fail to Adequately Account for the Difficulty of Projecting Unconventional (Shale) Natural Gas Supplies as Well as Other Factors That Could Impact Supply. ....................................................................................................... 43 1. Shale Gas Reserves Are More Difficult to Project Than Conventional Gas Reserves. . 44 2. EPA Has Failed to Take into Account the Varying Accuracy of EIA Projections. ....... 45 3. EPA Has Failed to Consider the Impact of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exports and Increased Manufacturing and Transportation Demand on Supply. ....................................... 46 4. The Proposed Rule Also Fails to Take into Account the Use of Canadian Natural Gas by U.S. Electric Utilities and How Market Conditions in Canada Could Impact Supply and Prices in the U.S. ................................................................................................................... 51 B. EPA’s Assumption That Natural Gas Prices Will Remain Relatively Flat Through 2030 Fails to Take into Account the Historic Volatility of Natural Gas, the Impact on Price from Future Regulations on Upstream Production, or How Future Increased Demand Will Put Upward Pressure on Prices........................................................................................................ 52 1. Historically, Natural Gas Prices Have Been Volatile. ................................................... 53 2. The Proposed Rule Does Not Take into Account the Potential Impact on Price of Future Upstream Regulations............................................................................................................ 57 3. The Proposed Rule Does Not Take into Account the Potential Impact on Price of Increased Non-Electric Utility Demand for Natural Gas. ..................................................... 58 C. EPA’s Assertions Regarding the Adequacy of Existing Natural Gas Infrastructure and the Ability to Expand It to Facilitate Fuel Switching Fails to Take into Account Impediments to Infrastructure Development and the Lack of Sufficient Storage. ......................................... 58 1. The Proposed Rule Presumes That Significant Pipeline Expansion Is Possible, but Does Not Take into Account Impediments to Pipeline Construction and Expansion That May Impact the Large-Scale Fuel-Switching to Natural Gas to Reduce CO 2 Emissions. ............ 59 2. The Proposed Rule Fails to Examine Whether There Is Sufficient Natural Gas Storage Needed to Support Large-Scale Fuel Switching to Natural Gas for Electric Generation. .... 61 2 VIII. Gas-Electric Industry Coordination Issues Pose Barriers to the Rapid Increase in the Use of Natural Gas for Electric Generation. ................................................................................. 69 IX. The Proposed Rule Fails to Take into Consideration Other Federal Environmental Regulations That Will Impact the Ability of the States to Require Large-Scale Fuel Switching from Coal to Natural Gas to Achieve Their CO 2 Reduction Goals. ............................................. 72 A. EPA Did Not Consider That New NGCC Generation Must Meet Existing and Revised NAAQS. .................................................................................................................................... 73 B. The Proposed Rule Does Not Take into Consideration Non-Clean Air Act Regulations That Will Impact the Ability of States to Require Large-Scale Fuel Switching from Coal to Natural Gas to Achieve Their CO2 Reduction Goals. ............................................................... 74 X. EPA Should Withdraw and Re-Propose the Rule.............................................................. 74 XI. If EPA Will Not Withdraw the Proposed Rule, APPA Recommends Several Modifications That Would Improve Its Workability. ................................................................... 75 XII. EPA’s Selection of 2012 as the Baseline Is Inappropriate; States Should Be Allowed Flexibility in Establishing a Representative Baseline................................................................... 76 XIII. The Baseline and BSER Computations Should Allow Full Credit for Early Action. .... 77 XIV. The Assumptions EPA Made in the Building Blocks Are Flawed and Do Not Provide the Flexibility States Need to Meet Their CO 2 Reduction Goals. ................................................ 79 A. Building Block 1—Heat Rate Improvements ................................................................ 80 1. EPA Overlooks the Significance of NSR Issues in Building Block 1 “EGU Efficiency Improvements.” ..................................................................................................................... 80 2. EPA’s Analysis of Historical Data from Coal-Fired Units Fails to Provide Any Support for Its Claim that Heat Rate Improvements of 4 to 6 Percent Are Achievable. .................... 87 B. Building Block 2—Redispatch of Natural Gas Units .................................................... 92 1. EPA Improperly Calculated Capacity Factor and Number of Hours in Building Block 2—Existing Natural Gas Combined-Cycle Generation—and Should Correct Its Calculations. .......................................................................................................................... 92 2. EPA Should Adjust Its Calculated Building Block 2 Targets Where the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) Does Not Assume Removal of Coal Will Occur. ............................ 94 3. In Building Block 2, EPA Double Counted Some Units in Both the Existing NGCC Capacity and the “Under Construction” Capacity. EPA Should Remove Those Units from Its Goal Calculations. ............................................................................................................ 97 4. EPA’s Assumption That Each State’s Entire Fleet of Existing NGCC Units Can Match the Operational Level of Its Top 10 Percent of Units Is Unsupported and Should Be Corrected. .............................................................................................................................. 99 5. EPA Unreasonably Applied the Building Blocks to Non-Affected Subpart KKKK Units..................................................................................................................................... 102 6. EPA Correctly Excluded Natural Gas Conversion and Co-Firing from BSER. .......... 104 3 C. Building Block 3 - Renewable and Other Non-CO2 Emitting Generation................... 104 1. EPA’s Approach on Building Block 3 Fails to Take into Account the States’ Historical Renewable Generation Mix and How an Individual State’s Source Mix Compares to the Other States in EPA’s Designated Regions. ........................................................................ 104 2. EPA’s Application of an RPS from a State with a Rapidly Increasing Renewable Energy Source to a State in Which Its Primary Renewable Energy Source Has Remained Almost Flat Can Result in a Significant Overestimation of Renewable Generation Capability in the Latter State................................................................................................................. 108 3. EPA Should Clarify Its Stance on Biomass Fuel. ........................................................ 109 4. There Are Significant Additional Costs and Constraints Not Factored into the EPA’s Analysis of Building Block 3. ............................................................................................. 111 5. In Building Block 3, EPA Has Erred by Including Nuclear Capacity in Its State Goals. .. ...................................................................................................................................... 114 6. To Determine Lowest Cost BSER on a State-by-State Basis, EPA Should Modify Its Determination of BSER to Include Additional Time and Consideration of Relevant Costs. ... ...................................................................................................................................... 119 7. The State Renewable Energy Generation Targets Are Unreasonably Aggressive and Do Not Take into Account Factors Affecting the Actual Renewable Energy Growth Potential in Each State. ........................................................................................................................... 120 8. APPA Agrees with EPA’s Assessment that Hydro Power Is Not a Universal Resource and Should Be Excluded from EPA's Method for Quantifying Renewable Energy Generation Potential. ........................................................................................................... 123 9. The Alternative Renewable Energy Approach Is Unworkable. ................................... 124 D. Building Block 4 – Energy Efficiency ......................................................................... 126 1. The Load Growth Analysis in Building Block 4 Is Insufficient to Properly Account for Potential Fluctuations. ......................................................................................................... 126 2. Environmentally-Friendly Electric Technologies That May Contribute to Positive Load Growth ................................................................................................................................. 127 3. EPA Did Not Properly Account for the Decreasing Return on Investment in Energy Efficiency in Its Development of Building Block 4 and Should Adjust Its Effi ciency Requirement Downward...................................................................................................... 130 4. EPA Needs to Reconsider the Proposed Best Practices Level of Performance to Be Less Stringent and Reflective of a Feasible Level for All States. ............................................... 141 5. APPA Supports EPA’s Assumptions Between the Years 2012 and 2017 in the Best Practices Scenario................................................................................................................ 144 6. EPA Also Needs to Account for Differences in Reported and Projected Energy Efficiency Savings Versus Actual Savings as Well as Acknowledge the Potential Consequences if Projected Savings Are Not Met................................................................ 145 7. EPA Should Provide Additional Guidance in Multiple Areas. .................................... 147 4 8. EPA Should Provide Relief for New Electricity Use Driven Solely by Compliance Requirements from Other EPA Rules. ................................................................................ 148 XV. States Need More Time to Prepare, Submit and Obtain EPA Approval for Their Plans. 149 XVI. EPA Provides Too Little Guidance on Establishing Multi-State Plans and Interstate Trading and Cooperation. ........................................................................................................... 151 XVII. EPA Should Eliminate the Interim Reduction Goal and Allow States to Determine Their Own Glide Path........................................................................................................................... 152 XVIII. States Should Be Allowed an Opportunity to Adjust Their Final Reduction Goals, the Year That the Goals Are to Be Achieved, and/or the Glide Path Based on Materially Changed Circumstances. ............................................................................................................................ 156 XIX. EPA Should Allow Additional Compliance Flexibility. .............................................. 157 XX. The Cost of Electricity to Consumers Has Been Increasing and Will Increase Even More Under This Proposal ................................................................................................................... 157 A. EPA’s Regulatory Impact Analysis Is Flawed. ............................................................ 158 B. Electricity Prices Continue to Rise Generally.............................................................. 159 C. Costs in Regions with RTO Markets............................................................................ 161 D. Retail Electricity Prices Are Rising at a Faster Rate in States Within RTO Markets. . 163 E. January 2014 Polar Vortex Gas and Electric Price Spikes........................................... 164 F. Increases in Electricity Prices Disproportionately Impact Low and Fixed Income Consumers............................................................................................................................... 166 G. Increases and Volatility in the Cost of Natural Gas Flow Directly and Automatically to Consumers............................................................................................................................... 166 H. Remaining Useful Life of the Facility.......................................................................... 167 I. Stranded and Replacement Costs ................................................................................. 171 J. The Proposed Rule Will Impact Electricity Rates, Pushing Them Higher Than They Are Today....................................................................................................................................... 174 K. Potential Impacts on Credit Ratings Could Raise Borrowing Costs for Public Power Utilities. ................................................................................................................................... 177 XXI. The Proposal Raises Concerns About Reliability. ....................................................... 179 A. B. NERC Initial Reliability Review.................................................................................. 181 Transmission Planning ................................................................................................. 182 XXII. APPA Supports the Concept of a Reliability Safety Valve ......................................... 186 XXIII. The RTOs/ISOs Should Not Be Given Any New Market-Related Role in Implementing the Final Rule.............................................................................................................................. 188 A. B. XXIV. Regions Overview of RTOs/ISOs .............................................................................................. 188 Impediments to the Use of RTO-Operated Markets for CO2 Reduction Strategies ..... 189 The Difficulties Facing Proposals for Environmental Dispatch or Redispatch in RTO .................................................................................................................................. 191 5 A. B. 1. Summary of RTO Market-Based CO2 Reduction Proposals ....................................... 191 Critiques of RTO Market CO2 Reduction Proposals ................................................... 195 Prices and Costs Are Not Always Aligned. ................................................................. 196 C. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Is Not an RTO-Operated Program, but a Voluntary Program. ................................................................................................................. 200 D. Summary of APPA Position on Environmental Dispatch............................................ 201 XXV. RTO-Operated Mandatory Capacity Markets Pose Significant Barriers to New Generation Resource Development and Thus to Implementation of the Proposed Rule. .......... 202 A. Background on RTO-Operated Capacity Markets ....................................................... 202 B. RTO-Operated Mandatory Capacity Markets Have Not Been Effective in Leading to the Construction of New, More Efficient Resources at a Reasonable Cost to Consumers..... 203 C. Recent Mandatory Capacity Market Developments Create Direct Impediments to New Resources. ............................................................................................................................... 204 XXVI. Public Power’s “One Unit” Utility Members ........................................................... 207 XXVII. The Final EPA Rule Should Respect the Importance of U.S.-Canadian Electricity Generation Resources for Both Countries. ................................................................................. 210 XXVIII. Carbon Capture and Sequestration on Existing Power Plants .................................. 211 XXIX. The NSPS Process for Existing Plants Does Not Require Automatic Revisions Every Eight Years.................................................................................................................................. 212 XXX. Miscellaneous Issues. ................................................................................................... 212 XXXI. Potential Constitutional Issues Raised by Proposed Rule. ....................................... 213 A. The Proposed Rule’s Allocation of Renewable Energy Credits Potentially Raises Constitutional Concerns Under the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause. ................................. 214 B. The Proposed Rule’s Allocation of Renewable Energy Credits Potentially Raises Constitutional Concerns Under the Article 1 Contracts Clause. ............................................. 216 XXXII. XXXIII. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 217 Attachments .............................................................................................................. 218 6 I. Executive Summary The American Public Power Association (APPA) submits these comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or the Agency) on the Proposed Rule (or Proposal) under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act (CAA)1 to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel-fired electric generating units (EGUs).2 EPA’s stated goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 30 percent in 2030 from 2005 levels. APPA and its members believe the Proposed Rule aims to do too much too quickly. As a result, it will create economic inefficiency; impose inequitably distributed additional costs on consumers; threaten the reliability of the electricity system; and force a risky over-reliance on a single fuel—natural gas—to generate electricity. APPA agrees that the electricity sector needs to reduce CO2 emissions to address the adverse impacts of climate change. APPA greatly prefers congressional action to address the issue, given the inherent limitations of the current Clean Air Act, the fact that this issue needs to be addressed on an economy-wide basis, and the ubiquitous nature of CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. At the same time, APPA recognizes that congressional action is unlikely in the foreseeable future and that the President has directed EPA to issue a final rule to reduce CO 2 emissions in June 2015 under its existing authority. Thus, APPA’s comments emphasize a number of recommendations to improve the Proposed Rule that, if incorporated, would make it more workable for industry and more affordable for consumers, while still allowing substantial progress towards the Agency’s ultimate goal. The electric utility industry generally, and public power utilities in particular, have already made good progress in reducing CO2 emissions. In 2012, the industry’s CO 2 emissions were at their lowest level since 1994. Between 2007 and 2012, those emissions fell by 12 percent, though recently there has been a slight increase. The overall decrease that has occurred is mainly the result of investments in renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE), an increase in the use of natural gas to generate electricity, and the retirements of coal-fired generation units. Public power utilities are consistently recognized as leaders in renewable energy and energy efficiency . These utilities are also making new investments in nuclear and hydro energy, key non -emitting sources of baseload generation. All indications are that these CO2-reducing activities would continue and increase, even in the absence of new EPA regulation. 1 42 U.S.C. § 7411 (2012). Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units, 79 Fed. Reg. 34,830 (June 18, 2014) (Proposed Rule or Proposal). 2 7 APPA has multiple concerns with the Proposed Rule. Its requirements go beyond what is legally permissible under Section 111(d) and conflict substantially with the authority of other federal, state, and local governmental entities. The Proposal envisions compliance measures far beyond those that can be implemented at the affected sources of emissions, creating uncertain and legally untested compliance obligations for non-utility entities and the potential for enforcement actions against them. EPA asserts that, while electricity costs will rise due to compliance with the Proposal, consumers will see only “negligible” increases in their actual bills after 2020, and could see decrease in the long term as a result of the expected energy efficiency gains. APPA is highly skeptical of that assertion. APPA believes the Agency has relied too heavily on optimistic assumptions on a number of key elements, such as the price of natural gas; the ability of utilities and system operators to dispatch natural-gas units at significantly higher capacity factors; the availability in some states of viable, economic, renewable energy resource; and the rate at which new energy efficiency programs can be implemented. APPA also believes that EPA has underestimated or ignored other critical factors, such as the likelihood of stranded costs and economic value due to the forced early retirement of many coal-fired units, the availability of natural gas infrastructure necessary to support its projections of natural gas use, and the barriers to new resource development posed by the mandatory capacity markets in the eastern regional transmission organizations (RTOs). Thus, APPA believes it is more likely that costs and consumers’ bills will increase for years to come unless EPA modifies its Proposed Rule as recommended in these comments. For EPA to assert that the electric utility industry can achieve a 30 percent reduction in CO2 emissions and also lower consumers’ electricity bills by 2030 recalls the adage that “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.” APPA is also concerned about the Proposed Rule’s potential negative impact on electric service reliability. It essentially requires a rapid transition in the composition of the nation’s electricity generating fleet and end-use efficiencies that, if not implemented precisely as envisioned, can create gaps between supply and demand and other reliability problems. APPA notes the strong comments and recommendations on this issue of the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), and other entities responsible for ensuring the reliability of the system, as well as individual APPA members. Other concerns noted in these comments and by APPA members include: The lack of sufficient credit for investments and other actions to reduce CO2 emissions taken before 2012. The use of a single year (2012) as the baseline. The lack of sufficient time for states to develop and gain approval for their compliance plans. 8 The imposition of an interim goal starting in 2020 that comes a mere two years after approval of state plans and that, for many states, constitutes the majority of their final reduction requirement due in 2030. The inappropriate treatment of new nuclear units currently under construction in both the calculation of the relevant states’ required reduction and those units’ use for compliance. For all these reasons, APPA believes EPA should withdraw and re-propose its Proposal. If EPA moves forward with this Proposal, however, then APPA strongly recommends certain changes that, taken together, would improve its workability and affordability, while still continuing to reduce CO2 emissions. APPA’s recommendations generally are intended to address our overarching concern noted earlier that the Proposal tries to do too much too fast. Our recommendations also provide states and utilities with the flexibility to address their individual circumstances and to accommodate unanticipated and/or uncontrollable events. Lastly, the recommendations incorporate into the Proposal a greater level of state authority and discretion that hews much more closely to the model of cooperative federalism Congress intended when it enacted Title I of the Clean Air Act. APPA urges EPA to modify the Proposed Rule to: Allow states to choose a baseline that accurately reflects their unique circumstances. Provide full credit for investments already made that reduce or offset CO2 emissions. Fix the errors and revise the assumptions in the computations of the four building blocks to reflect what the states can realistically accomplish and ensure more equity among the states. Provide a streamlined process for new source review determinations and stipulate that an EGU’s energy efficiency upgrade under a state compliance plan should be considered greenhouse gas Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for Prevention of Serious Deterioration (PSD) determinations. Remove nuclear units under construction from the relevant state baselines. Allow all generating resources that emit no CO2 to be used for compliance. Provide states with more time to develop state compliance plans. Provide more guidance on the development of multi-state plans and interstate agreements. Eliminate the interim reduction requirement and allow states to determine their own emission reduction trajectory (glide path) to reach their final reduction goal. Allow a state’s final reduction goal, the year to achieve that goal, and/or the glide path to be adjusted if a state can demonstrate that circumstances have materially changed. Include and allow mechanisms to ensure that entities with a compliance obligation under a state plan have the maximum degree of flexibility to comply at reasonable cost, 9 including through reduction or avoidance measures from non-electricity portions of the broader energy sector. Provide for the establishment of a reliability “safety valve” to ensure that compliance with mandated emission reduction requirements does not inadvertently impair system reliability or conflict with NERC standards. APPA very much appreciates the Agency’s decision to extend the comment deadline to allow a fuller opportunity to analyze the myriad details of the Proposal. APPA also appreciates the positive and constructive attitude that the Agency and its staff have displayed during the extended comment period on the Proposed Rule, especially their willingness to liste n to APPA’s and its members’ concerns. APPA stands ready to continue to work with the Agency after the close of the comment period to help craft a Final Rule that further reduces CO2 emissions, while assuring electric system reliability, keeping associated cost increases to reasonable levels, and avoiding the stranding of significant utility assets. II. Introduction APPA is the national service organization representing the interests of not-for-profit, publicly owned electric utilities throughout the United States. More than 2,000 public power utilities provide over 15 percent of all kilowatt-hour sales of electricity to consumers and do business in every state except Hawaii. All APPA utility members are Load Serving Entities (LSEs), with the primary goal of providing customers in the communities they serve with reliable electric power and energy at the lowest reasonable cost, consistent with good environmental stewardship. This orientation aligns the interests of APPA utility members with the long-term interests of the residents and businesses in their communities. Collectively, public power utilities serve more than 47 million customers. The Proposed Rule, which seeks to address climate change concerns, would have a tremendous impact on APPA’s members and their communities. It would establish CO2 emission guidelines for existing fossil fuel-fired electric generating units (EGUs) under Section 111(d) of the CAA and require the states to submit plans to EPA for complying with those guidelines. APPA prefers congressional action to address climate change. However, in the absence of legislation, APPA wants to work with EPA to improve any final rule. Thus, these comments include several recommendations that would improve the Proposal. The Proposed Rule is simply unworkable. The building blocks in the Proposal are unrealistic, and few states will be able to meet the required emissions reductions by the interim and final deadlines. Further, the Proposal fails to provide public power utilities with full credit for taking early action to reduce their CO2 emissions by adding non-emitting or lower-emitting energy resources and adopting energy efficiency measures. This failure is doubly unfair because public 10 power utilities were encouraged by local, state, and other federal policies to reduce CO2 emissions through these methods. EPA describes the Proposed Rule as flexible and states that the deadline is 2030. In reality, however, the enforceable interim goal that must be met on an average basis starting in 2020 contains such a steep reduction for most states that the final 2030 deadline is not the crux of the problem. The fundamental issue is that the interim goal timeframe is too steep and comes much too fast. States (and public power utilities) need a longer glide path. These comments address the glide path and issues with the building blocks in Sections VI, VII, XIV, XV, XVII, and XVIII. The Proposed Rule deviates sharply from EPA’s past methods of regulation under Section 111, which have addressed a specific pollutant with a specific control technology. Of the nearly 100 New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) and emission guidelines that EPA has promulgated and revised since 1970, every single standard of performance has been based on a “system of emission reduction” that is incorporated into the design or operation of individual sources. By contrast, the Proposal’s “system” has states changing their statewide power-plant fleets, altering how these fleets operate, and reducing their citizens’ consumption of electricity through a set of “options” that really do not present any true choice. The stringency of the Proposed Rule’s goals means that in most states, all four building blocks must be used in order for the state to achieve the required emission reductions. Further, the building blocks, in combination with the interim and final enforceable goals, mean that many public power utilities would find it difficult—if not impossible—to keep their coalfired power plants operational. Worse, public power utilities may sustain significant financial harm because their fossil-fired generation fleets contain units with remaining useful lives of five, ten, or twenty years (or even more years for units that have just recently retrofitted emission controls to meet the latest EPA rules, such as the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS)), that are cut short by the constraints of the Proposed Rule on the states—and indirectly on the utilities. Public power utilities will have stranded and lost opportunity costs if their existing coal and natural gas-fired power plants are prematurely shut down. Some public power utilities might have remaining debt service on these generation units, but the problem is bigger than that, because the remaining useful life of a power plant may continue even after that debt is retired. APPA’s comments address these concerns for public power utilities in more detail in Section XX(H&K), XXVI, and XXXI(A&B). APPA is a member of the Utility Air Regulatory Group (UARG) and the National Climate Coalition. APPA endorses the legal and technical commentary, questions, and critiques offered by UARG on the Proposed Rule and incorporates those comments by reference. While UARG’s comments focus on broad issues relevant to the entire electric utility industry, APPA’s comments address legal issues of particular concern to public power utilities. APPA urges EPA also to carefully consider the comments submitted by individual APPA members, as those comments 11 contain detailed information and examples on issues presented by the Proposal, as well as recommendations for improvements. In addition, APPA endorses the comments of the National Climate Coalition. In particular, APPA asserts that the Proposed Rule is inconsistent with the requirements of the CAA because it would violate the Act’s clear division of responsibility for regulatory decision making between the federal government and the states, eliminating the broad discretion Congress granted to the states when it enacted section 111(d) of the Act. Instead, the Proposal seeks to assign all of that discretion to the Agency itself. Similarly, the Proposed Rule shows little regard for the complex division of federal, state, and local authority with respect to the governance and regulation of the electricity industry. The Federal Power Act (FPA) assigns federal regulatory authority in this area to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The authority of FERC, however, is strictly limited to transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce. States retain broad and exclusive regulatory authority over retail sales and service, local distribution service, and the need for and siting of generation facilities.3 States exercise that authority through comprehensive direct regulation of utility companies’ facilities, services, and rates—and by providing for the creation of state or local public power utilities and electric cooperatives that are largely selfgoverned and answerable to the customers in the communities they serve. The FPA preserves state sovereignty and local control of public power utilities by excluding states and their subdivisions and agencies from FERC’s plenary regulatory authority. EPA, although it has no authority to address any of these matters concerning the governance and regulation of the electric utility industry and its internal operations, would assume broad, overarching control of the industry with the finalization of the Proposed Rule. It is also clear that compliance with EPA’s Proposed Rule would expose utilities to substantial risk under the CAA’s New Source Review (NSR) program. EPA attempts to ignore this problem rather than address it directly. Indeed, there are numerous other examples in the Proposed Rule where EPA proposes to adopt mistaken or dubious policy positions or factual assumptions that result in the Proposal being unrealistic, technically infeasible, and arbitrary and capricious. That the Proposed Rule, if implemented, would have such enormous impact—economically, and with respect to federalism principles—makes these flaws all the more problematic. EPA has only just recently been reminded that it cannot simply seize massive new regulatory authority for itself. In Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA,4 the Supreme Court invalidated another of EPA’s regulations aimed at limiting the emission of CO2 because EPA overstepped 3 4 See, e.g., New York v. FERC, 535 U.S. 1 (2002). 134 S. Ct. 2427 (2014) (“UARG v. EPA”) 12 the authority granted to it in the CAA. In doing so, the Court provided valuable lessons that EPA should heed in these proceedings. The Supreme Court makes clear that regulation of greenhouse gases, including CO2, cannot be “‘extreme,’ ‘counterintuitive,’ or contrary to ‘common sense.’” 5 Regulations often fall into those impermissible categories, the Court explained, when an agency interprets a statute in a way that “would … bring about an enormous and transformative expansion in [its] regulatory authority without clear congressional authorization.” 6 The Court further cautioned that “[w]hen an agency claims to discover in a long-extant statute an unheralded power to regulate ‘a significant portion of the American economy,’ … we typically greet its announcement with a measure of skepticism.” 7 The Proposed Rule envisions an enormous and transformative expansion of the Agency’s authority, and the Clean Air Act evinces no congressional intent supporting EPA’s action, much less the clear authorization the Supreme Court requires. In the Proposal, the Agency would become the primary regulator of electric power within the United States, including regulating (i) the dispatch of electric generation, (ii) the amount of renewable power to be built, and (iii) requiring customers to limit their electricity consumption. This broad assertion of new-found regulatory authority is exactly what the Supreme Court has held EPA cannot do absent unequivocal statutory authority, which EPA does not have in this instance. The Proposal is thus flawed legally and as a matter of policy and should be withdrawn. However, APPA is keenly aware that EPA intends to issue a final rule under Section 111(d) in June 2015 pursuant to a specific directive from the President, and that any final rule must be based on the Proposed Rule. Thus, as mentioned previously, APPA’s primary intent in these comments is to recommend changes to the Proposed Rule to improve its workability and affordability for the consumer/owners of public power utilities. Those specific recommendations are summarized in Section XI and delineated more fully in subsequent sections of these comments. III. The Proposed Rule Denies States the Primacy and Implementation Authority Accorded by Congress. The Proposed Rule disrupts the congressionally established and judicially recognized division of responsibility for implementing existing source standards under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The Proposed Rule conflicts with the Act by reducing states to secondary partners with 5 Id. at 2441 (quoting Massachusetts v. EPA, 549 U.S. 497, 531 (2007)). Id. at 2432 (citing FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., 529 U.S. 120, 160 (2000)). 7 Id. at 2444 (quoting Brown & Williamson, 529 U.S. at 159). 6 13 EPA, when, in fact, Congress intended states to take the lead. This flaw is evident in the general approach EPA proposes to take: first, in establishing the CO 2 emission rate limits applicable to each state; and second, in the specific details of state plan implementation discussed throughout the Proposal. Each of these issues is addressed below. A. EPA’s Proposed Rule Unlawfully Constrains State Primacy Under Section 111(d). EPA’s authority under Section 111(d) is limited. EPA is empowered to “establish a procedure similar to that provided by [section 110 of the Act 8] under which each State shall submit to [EPA] a plan which … establishes standards of performance” for existing sources within the state (emphasis added).9 EPA can set substantive standards of performance only when a state fails to submit a “satisfactory” plan.10 The Act gives states, on the other hand, broad discretion to develop plans to implement section 111(d) standards of performance subject to a general requirement that the state’s exercise of discretion be “satisfactory.”11 For a plan to be “satisfactory,” it must include performance standards that are consistent with the definition of “standard of performance” in Section 111(a)(1), Id. § 7411(a)(1), and it must “provide[ ] for the implementation and enforcement” of the standards, Id. U.S.C. §§ 7411(d)(1)(B). Moreover, EPA must permit the state in applying a standard “to take into consideration, among other factors, the remaining useful life of the existing source to which the standard applies.”12 Apart from those statutory requirements, states have significant discretion to develop their plans, including discretion to adopt state plans that differ from EPA’s emission guidelines.13 EPA predicates the Proposed Rule on the Agency’s purported authority to impose “binding” CO2 emission rate goals on each state.14 But that assertion of authority ignores the structure and context of Section 111(d) and EPA’s implementing regulations. Those regulations direct EPA to 8 42 U.S.C. § 7410 42 U.S.C. § 7411(d)(1). 10 Id. § 7411(d)(2)(A). 11 Id. 12 Id. APPA’s comments on remaining useful life here and in other sections of these comments address economic and practical operational issues. APPA also incorporates by reference the detailed comments provided by UARG on remaining useful life issues as identified from the Proposed Rule and the Oct. 28 Notice of Data Availability, Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units, 79 Fed. Reg. 64,543 (Oct. 30, 2014) (NODA). 13 See 40 C.F.R. § 60.24(f) (2014). 14 See, e.g., 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,844, 34,892. 9 14 publish emission guidelines and contemplate that state-developed emission standards included in state plans will generally “be no less stringent than” EPA’s emission guidelines.15 The regulations make clear, however, that in contrast to the “emission standards” that states adopt, EPA’s emission guidelines are not “legally enforceable.”16 Instead, EPA’s emission guidelines are “only…criteria for judging the adequacy of State plans.”17 Thus, EPA cannot prescribe to states a standard of performance. The binding state emission rates in the Proposal do precisely that. Further, the Act and EPA’s regulations provide states with considerable flexibility to deviate from EPA’s emission guidelines in their plans. The regulations provide that states may apply “less stringent emission standards or longer compliance schedules” to individual facilities or classes of facilities if adopting the standards reflecting the emission guidelines would be unreasonably costly, physically impossible, or for other reasons.18 EPA must permit states to take into consideration the “remaining useful life of the existing source,”19 and in doing so, permit states to grant individual sources or classes of sources longer periods of time to comply, or to apply less stringent standards than set forth in EPA’s emission guidelines. EPA’s regulations also require that its emission guidelines address subcategories of “different sizes, types, and classes” of existing sources where factors like “costs of control, physical limitations, [or] geographical location” warrant the application of different guidelines.20 The Proposed Rule fails to do any of these things. Case law interpreting section 110 of the Act, which governs the requirements of state implementation plans (SIPs) to attain and maintain national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS), helps illustrate why the Proposed Rule exceeds the Agency’s authority. Courts have explained that states are “given wide discretion in formulating” their SIPs under section 110, Union Elec. Co. v. EPA, 427 U.S. 246, 250 (1976), and made clear that EPA’s role is “confine[d] … to the ministerial function of reviewing [SIPs] for consistency with the Act’s requirements,” Luminant Generation Co. v. EPA, 675 F.3d 917 (5th Cir. 2012). EPA, on the other hand has “no authority to question the wisdom of a State’s choices of emission limitations if they are part of a plan which satisfies the standards of § 110(a)(2).” Train v. NRDC, 421 U.S. 60, 79 (1975). Section 110 places more constraints on state discretion than does Section 111(d). Yet not even 15 40 C.F.R. § 60.24(c). State Plans for the Control of Certain Pollutants from Existing Facilities, 40 Fed. Reg. 53,340, 53,341 (Nov. 17, 1975). 17 Id. at 53,343. 18 40 C.F.R. § 60.24(f)(1)-(3). 19 42 U.S.C. § 7411(d)(1)(B) 20 40 C.F.R. § 60.22(b)(5). 16 15 Section 110 would allow EPA to establish state-specific CO2 emission goals as part of a SIP. The Agency certainly cannot establish such binding emission requirements for the states under Section 111(d). The Proposed Rule is plainly inconsistent with the Act. The Proposed Rule does not address any of these issues in a meaningful way. EPA merely points to the “flexibility” the Proposal would afford states. Regardless of the flexibility states would or would not have—and as explained elsewhere in these comments any flexibility afforded by the Proposal is very limited—EPA does not have the authority to disregard the Clean Air Act’s basic structure and eliminate the primacy and the discretion Congress afforded to the states in implementing any binding emission standards under Section 111(d). B. EPA’s Discussion of State Implementation Issues Reveals Significant Problems with the Proposed Rule. The Proposal leaves states in a difficult position. While touting the flexibility available to states, EPA provides only a bare bones description of how states might develop “satisfactory” plans to implement Section 111(d) requirements for existing EGUs. This approach, which leaves states without sufficient guidance on many practical matters, also obscures the fact that the P roposed Rule would, in reality, improperly constrain state discretion under Section 111(d). Each of the state plan development and implementation issues EPA identifies is discussed below. 1. The Proposed Rule Does Not Provide States with “Flexibility.” EPA repeatedly claims that it is offering states flexibility to design their Section 111(d) programs. By establishing state CO 2 emission goals based on aggressive assumptions about what each of the four building blocks can achieve (and by attempting to elimi nate state authority to revise those goals), EPA already has made the most significant policy decisions by itself. EPA claims that states retain the flexibility not to implement each of the building blocks in the manner EPA assumed when developing state goals.21 In reality, however, it would be difficult for a state to achieve the emission targets set by EPA without implementing all of the building blocks. Accordingly, states do not have the option of not implementing a building block or substantially deviating from EPA’s assumptions. Moreover, even if states could manage to get more emission reductions from one building block to offset fewer reductions from another, that would be considerably less flexibility than states must be afforded under Section 111(d). 21 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,926. 16 2. The Proposed Rule Encroaches on Areas of Exclusive State and Local Government Authority. Under state laws, most, if not all, of the emission-reducing measures contemplated in building blocks 2, 3, and 4 fall under the exclusive authority of state utility regulators or the governing boards of local public power utilities or rural electric cooperatives established pursuant to state law, not state environmental agencies or EPA. In the absence of a clear congressional authorization, which does not exist here, EPA cannot infringe upon traditional state sovereign functions. EPA even concedes in the Proposed Rule that including measures that are “the exclusive preserve of the state” in a plan that becomes federally enforceable might be unlawful. 22 EPA suggests these problems might be avoided if plans simply do not include such measures and states instead rely on them (and their emission reductions) as complementary programs. 23 This suggestion ignores the fact that states would still need to make significant changes in policies over which EPA has no regulatory authority in order to comply with the Proposed Rule. The Proposed Rule intrudes upon the local control of public power utilities. Most state laws allow for autonomous self-governance of their state and municipal public power utilities, most often by a board of directors or commissioners, which may be appointed or elected . The governing boards of public power utilities determine the composition of the utilities’ generation resource portfolios (the development and retirement of specific generation units) and how their generation fleets are operated and dispatched to meet the requirements of their customers. State utility commissions typically have limited or no regulatory authority over public power utilities . In some instances, the state utility commission approval of new generation units may be required through the issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity. But state utility commissions typically do not otherwise regulate public power utilities in their states. The Proposal assigns implementation of the portfolio-based emission-reducing measures in building blocks 2, 3, and 4 to the states. EPA does not specify whether the state utility commission or the state environmental regulatory agency is charged with implementing building blocks 2, 3, and 4. However, state environmental agencies generally do not have authority under state law to implement these building blocks—or have any experience in integrated resource planning—and thus they may be ill-suited to the task in comparison to the state utility commission. But the Proposal fails to appreciate that state utility commissions can implement building blocks 2, 3, and 4 only for the utilities they regulate under state law, and nearly all state utility commissions lack the authority to implement these building blocks with respect to their 22 23 Id. at 34,902. Id. 17 state’s public power utilities. Thus, EPA oversimplifies the difficulty of implementation of the Proposal’s portfolio-based building blocks under existing state laws. Moreover, EPA is mistaken, and oversteps its authority, if it believes that states can simply revise their laws to give their utility commissions (or environmental agencies) additional authority over public power utilities for the sole purpose of ensuring compliance with EPA’s Proposed Rule by all utilities in the state. Because building blocks 2, 3, and 4 require changes in core utility operations, state commission oversight of public power utilities for purposes of compliance with the Proposed Rule would be tantamount to plenary state commission (or agency) regulation of public power utilities. This would fundamentally reorder state choices on the governance of public power utilities and undermine the local control that has been the bedrock principle of the nation’s public power utilities for over a century. APPA and its members would oppose such policy initiatives. Indeed, in keeping with this principle, some state constitutions forbid the state’s public utility commission from asserting any authority over municipal utilities or municipal joint action agencies.24 In these states, implementation of the Proposed Rule cannot be done by special legislation and would require amendment of the state constitution, which is impracticable under short deadlines for submission of a state implementation plan under the Proposed Rule. 3. The Option of a Rate-Based or Mass-Based Goal Under the Proposed Rule, states must select either a rate-based or mass-based emission goal. EPA claims that this mandate provides flexibility to the states. 25 This is not the case given that EPA requires that any mass-based goal must be equivalent to the rates the Agency would prescribe.26 States were originally invited to calculate their own mass-based goals, and EPA provided some guidance in the Proposal on how it believes those calculations should be made. On October 28, 2014, EPA issued additional information on converting state emission goals from rate to mass.27 In response to concerns from numerous states, however, about the complications of calculating the mass-based goal and proposed regulatory language suggesting EPA believes it could reject a state plan that calculates a mass-based goal in a manner with which EPA does not agree, EPA released a technical support document (TSD) that provided each state’s mass-based goal less than 30 days before the deadline for these comments on November 24 See, e.g. Logan City v. PSC, 271 P.2d 961 (1929) (Utah). See 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,897. 26 Id. at 34,892 (mass-based goal must “achiev the same degree of emission limitation” as EPA’s rate-based goal). 27 25 18 6, 2014.28 EPA should not reject any state plan that proposes a mass-based goal calculation that addresses the source category even if it does not achieve the same “emissions levels” as would be calculated under a rate-based goal. The two methods of achieving emissions goals are entirely different, and because of the significant discretion afforded to states under Section 111(d), states should be permitted to design or translate a mass-based goal in any reasonable manner that they see fit. This should include giving states the discretion to develop both a ratebased or mass-based approach for the power plants or utilities in their state. This discretion would allow states to take into consideration the individual circumstances of the utilities and their resources in that state. It should not matter whether different approaches are applied to utilities in the state as long as states can demonstrate that the emissions achieved by their state plans would be equal to or less than a rate-based or mass-based approach set at the state level. 4. The Four Types of State Plans The Proposed Rule acknowledges that “section 111(d) gives states the primary responsibility for designing their own state plans for submission to the EPA.” 29 The Proposal and EPA’s State Plan Considerations Technical Support Document (“State Plan TSD”) identify four types of plans that EPA believes will be approvable: (1) rate-based CO2 emission limits applied to affected EGUs; (2) mass-based CO2 emission limits applied to affected EGUs; (3) a state-driven portfolio approach; and (4) a utility-driven portfolio approach. 30 Because states have the primary role in designing plans, EPA cannot disapprove a plan simply if it does not conform to the plan types it has identified. EPA acknowledges that there are material differences between state plans submitted under Sections 110 and 111.31 The courts have consistently recognized a state’s primary discretion in setting the pace of implementation under the Act.32.33 28 79 Fed. Reg. 67,406 (Nov. 13, 2014) (notice). 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,901. 30 State Plan TSD at 5; see also 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,901-02. 31 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,834. 32 See, e.g., Bethlehem Steel Corp. v. Gorsuch, 742 F.2d 1028, 1036 (7th Cir. 1984)(“Congress has given the states the initiate and a broad responsibility regarding the means to achieve those ends through state implementation plans and timetables for compliance…The Clean Air Act is an experiment in federalism, and the EPA may not run roughshod over the procedural prerogatives that the Act as reserved to the states…”) See also CAA §110(a)(2), 42 U.S.C. § 7410(a)(2) (“Each implementation plan shall-(A) include enforceable emission limitations and other control measures, means or techniques as well as schedules and timetables for compliance, as may be necessary or appropriate to meet the applicable requirements of this Act…”). 33 The issues pertaining to the types of state plans, timing of the plans and flexibility of the plans are also implicit in the Agency’s call for comments in the NODA. APPA’s comments on natural gas infrastructure for building block 2 also respond to the NODA. These are found in APPA’s comments in Section VI and Section XIV. 29 19 The Proposed Rule also acknowledges that the plans EPA envisions would differ significantly from other types of Clean Air Act implementation plans and plans submitted under Section 111(d). The Proposal, however, glosses over the unprecedented and arguably unlawful elements of each plan type, including measures that would be enforceable against entities other than affected EGUs and treating demand-side energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) requirements as “standards of performance” for the affected EGUs. EPA must provide a more thorough analysis of these issues rather than simply leaving states to grapple with them. 5. Timing The Proposed Rule states that its interim goals, which must be achieved on average over 2020 to 2029, and its final goals, which must be achieved by 2030, provide states with flexibility to design plans over the long term. 34 But because the interim goals are so stringent, many states will have to take significant actions by 2020 in order to comply. The Proposed Rule also requires significant effort by the states in preparing their plans, including the requirement to include achievement “demonstrations” that use utility-scale capacity expansion and dispatch planning models to show the state can meet the interim and final goals.35 This requirement exceeds the statutory standard that a state plan be “satisfactory.” 36 Moreover, if EPA is going to require this type of effort from the states to develop the plans, then it must give far more time to the states than the Proposal contemplates. 6. Criteria to Approve State Plans The Proposed Rule includes “four general plan approvability criteria,” explaining that, at a minimum, a state plan must meet these criteria to be “satisfactory” under section 111(d)(2)(A).37 The approvability criteria are: (1) Enforceable Measures; (2) Emission Performance; (3) Quantifiable and Verifiable Emission Performance; and (4) Reporting and Corrective Actions. 38 EPA cannot bootstrap the statute’s single “satisfactory” criterion into something far more demanding. In addition, there are practical issues with each of these factors that EPA must further address before states can reasonably be expected to submit plans that might reflect the criteria EPA has 34 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,904-05. Id. at 34,904; Plan TSD at 28-31. 36 42 U.S.C. § 7411(d)(2)(A). 37 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,900, 34,909. 38 Id. at 34,909-11. 35 20 identified. For example, with regard to enforceable measures, the Proposed Rule notes that there are serious questions about whether plans will be able to ensure enforceability given the nature of the Proposal.39 As to emission performance, the Proposed Rule states that plans must be at least as stringent as the proposed goals, but again, there are serious legal issues with EPA’s proposal to impose binding goals for the states. There are similar problems with the remaining criteria, and EPA should recognize that it is for states to determine how to address these issues in their plans. 7. Components of Approvable Plans In addition to the four criteria, the Proposed Rule identifies twelve components that must be included in a plan in order for it to be approved by EPA: 40 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Identification of affected entities; Description of plan approach and geographic scope; Identification of state emission performance level; Demonstration that plan is projected to achieve emission performance level; Identification of emissions standards; Demonstration that each emissions standard is quantifiable, non-duplicative, permanent, verifiable, and enforceable; 7. Identification of monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements; 8. Description of state reporting; 9. Identification of milestones; 10. Identification of backstop measures; 11. Certification of hearing on state plan; and 12. Supporting material. The Proposed Rule is flawed because Congress afforded the states primary authority over the contents of their Section 111(d) plans. 8. Deadlines and Process for State Plan Submittal Section 111(d) by its terms authorizes EPA to “establish a procedure” for state submission of implementation plans.41 The procedure EPA has proposed here, however, has multiple problems. First, the Proposed Rule would allow only 13 months for initial plan submittal, with 39 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,909. Id. at 34,852, 34,911-14. 41 42 U.S.C. § 7411(d)(1). 40 21 extensions of one year or two years possible depending on whether states are submitting single state or multi-state plans.42 Although at first blush this time limit may seem reasonable, as EPA acknowledges, the plans the Agency seeks here are unlike any regulatory plan states have experience preparing.43 The impacts of the Proposed Rule and the complexity of the issues it raises require much more time for plan development. The Proposed Rule also notes that states may need to modify their plans over time, and EPA proposes that modification will generally be allowed provided the revision “does not result in reducing the required emission performance for affected EGUs specified in the original approved plan.”44 EPA cites no authority for imposing this limitation. If the modified plan continues to be “satisfactory,” then state modification of the plan should be permissible. EPA does ask whether it would be helpful if the Agency developed a template plan that states could use.45 Such a plan would be helpful, but EPA cannot require states to follow the template in order to have their plans approved. 9. EPA’s “Key Considerations” That States Must Address in Developing Their Plans EPA closes its discussion of state plan and implementation issues with a discussion of what it calls “key considerations” for states as they develop their plans. APPA discusses each of these considerations below. Affected Entities Other Than Affected EGUs. EPA acknowledges that placing enforceable goals on non-EGUs (i.e., the portfolio approach) may be “challenging” and tasks states with working out these problems.46 EPA cannot impose goals if it does not know if they are lawful, and it cannot circumvent that by asking the states to figure it out. Treatment of Existing State Programs. EPA states early emission goals (those that took place before the date of the Proposal), are reflected in the baseline for each state but are not otherwise credited. EPA should improve its treatment of existing programs and early reductions by expanding the ways states can apply those goals to meeting their goals. One way EPA could do that is by adopting alternative approaches described in the Proposed Rule for taking existing EE 42 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,915. Id. 44 Id. at 34,917. 45 Id. 46 Id. 43 22 programs into account. Specifically, EPA should change the cutoff for the date by which actions to put EE into place may be taken to at least 2005. EPA should also allow emission reductions that occur prior to the initial performance period—at least as early as 2005—to count toward meeting state goals.47 Incorporating RE and Demand-Side EE Measures Under a Rate-Based Approach. EPA asks how states should credit or adjust CO2 emission rates to take RE and EE into account.48 EPA should acknowledge that states have broad discretion over such decisions. Quantification, Monitoring, and Verification of RE and Demand-Side EE Measures. EPA seeks comment on emission monitoring and verification guidance it intends to prepare.49 That guidance should ensure that states have broad discretion over how to address such matters in their plans. Projecting Emission Performance. Again, this is an area where states have discretion. At a minimum, as discussed above, if EPA insists on states providing detailed modeling with their plans, then more time must be provided to ensure the states can meet their deadlines. Potential Emission Reduction Measures Not Used to Set Proposed Goals. According to EPA, “[s]tates may include measures in their plans beyond those that the EPA included in its determination of the [best system of emission reduction (BSER)].”50 States should be free to include any measures they deem appropriate. Consideration of a Facility’s “Remaining Useful Life” in Applying Standards of Performance. Section 111(d) expressly requires EPA to permit states “to take into consideration, among other factors, the remaining useful life of the existing source to which such standard applies.”51 The Proposed Rule, however, eliminates state authority to consider remaining useful life in deciding whether to apply an EPA emission guideline to a source or class of sources and instead allows states only the supposed flexibility to adjust requirements applicable to specific EGUs, making some less stringent and others more stringent than might otherwise be the case.52 This is not consistent with Section 111(d), which does not require that if a state applies a less stringent standard to a source based on a factor, such as remaining useful life, the state must then extract 47 See Id. at 34,919 (describing EPA’s proposed and alternative provisions for counting emission goals). Id. 49 Id. at 34,920. 50 Id. at 34,923. 51 42 U.S.C. § 7411(d)(1)(B). 52 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,925. 48 23 further emissions reductions from another source to make up for the less stringent standard. See Section XX(H&I) for further explanation on remaining useful life of a plant. Emissions Averaging and Trading. The proposed emission guideline includes EPA’s legal rationale for why emissions averaging and trading are allowable under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. APPA agrees that averaging and trading are permissible under Section 111(d). However, averaging and trading do not justify a more stringent determination by EPA of BSER. Multi-State Plan Considerations. The Proposed Rule sets forth considerations for multi-state plans. Of particular significance, EPA seeks comment on joint demonstration of emission performance in multi-state plans and proposes two alternative approaches to doing that. Under the first option, the weighted average emission rate goal for a group of participating states is computed using each state’s emission rate goal from the emission guidelines and the quantity of electricity generation by affected EGUs in each of those states during the 2012 base year that EPA used in calculating the state-specific goals. Different levels would be computed for the interim and final goals. Under the second option, the weighted average emission rate goal for a group of participating states is computed using each state-specific emission rate goal and the quantity of projected electricity generation by affected EGUs in each state. The calculation would be performed for the 2020 through 2029 period to produce a multi-state interim goal, and for 2030, to produce a multi-state final goal.53 States should have discretion to decide which approach makes the most sense for their multi-state jurisdiction. EPA has no basis for disapproving plans that adopt either of these approaches, or any other reasonable approach, for that matter. IV. The Proposed Rule Conflicts with Federal, State, and Local Utility Laws and Disregards How Electric Markets Work. The Proposal is contrary to a host of local, state, and federal laws governing the electric utility industry—including laws in 47 states providing for the creation and governance of state and municipal public power utilities—by seeking to regulate both the broad matters that Congress preserved as the province of exclusive state or local regulation and the specific matters Congress assigned to FERC. EPA’s intrusion into the regulation of these areas of utility governance and operations, over which it has no jurisdiction and no expertise, has resulted in a Proposal that will 53 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,911-12. 24 cause serious harm to public power utilities, wholesale electric markets, and electric reliability, if finalized and implemented. A. The Proposed Rule Conflicts with the Federal Power Act’s Division of Regulatory Authority between Federal, State, and Local Governments. The facilities, services, operations, rates, and governance of the electric utility industry is subject to regulation at all three levels of government—federal, state, and local. Part II of the Federal Power Act (FPA)54 establishes a strict division between federal and state roles regarding the generation, transmission, distribution, and sale of electricity. Section 201(b) of the FPA recognizes and preserves the states’ traditional authority over electric generation facilities, local distribution, retail sales of electricity, and intrastate transmission.55 Section 201(a) limits federal authority to “the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce and the sale of such energy at wholesale in interstate commerce.” 56 Section 201(a) also expressly states that federal authority “extend[s] only to those matters which are not subject to regulation by the States.”57 The provisions of the FPA also generally do not apply to the U.S. and federal agencies (including federal power marketing administrations), states and municipalities and their agencies (including state and local public power utilities), and most rural electric cooperatives.58 EPA’s Proposed Rule impermissibly interjects EPA into all of these federal, state, and local regulatory spheres. Accordingly, the Proposed Rule is invalid and must be withdrawn. 1. The Proposed Rule Unlawfully Usurps State Authority Preserved by the FPA and the Tenth Amendment. The FPA draws clear lines between state and federal jurisdiction over electricity markets and generation facilities.59 The Supreme Court has observed that the FPA’s “legislative history is replete with statements describing Congress’ intent to preserve state jurisdiction over local 54 16 U.S.C. §§ 824–824w (2012) Id. § 824(b). 56 Id. § 824(a). 57 Id. See Fed.Power Comm’n v. S. Cal. Edison Co., 376 U.S. 205, 218 (1964) (“FPC v. SCE”). 58 16 U.S.C. § 824(f). While the FPA exempts APPA’s members (like other federal and state entities) from FERC’s jurisdiction under most provisions of the FPA, 16 U.S.C. § 824(f), APPA’s members are generally subject to pervasive oversight by state, municipal, or other local bodies. Accordingly, to the extent that the Proposed Rule impacts the price of wholesale sales or transmission by APPA’s members, it is invading the regulatory sphere that the FPA reserves for state regulation and not the sphere reserved for FERC. This does not alter the fact that the Proposed Rule improperly invades both state and FERC jurisdictional spheres under the FPA. 59 FPC v. SCE, 376 U.S. at 215 (“Congress meant to draw a bright line easily ascertained, between state and federal jurisdiction…”). 55 25 facilities.”60 The Court further noted that FERC itself “has recognized that the States retain significant control over local matters even when retail transmissions are unbundled.”61 As for state and local public power utilities, the situation is even clearer—Congress expressly stated that FERC’s general FPA authority does not apply to states and subdivisions of states, unless the FPA provision expressly so provides.62 Importantly, the Supreme Court has also emphasized that federal regulation by agencies other than FERC may not invade the domain that the FPA has preserved for the states. In Pacific Gas & Electric Co. v. State Energy Resources Conservation & Development Commission,63 it concluded that federal regulation of the safety of nuclear power plants did not override state authority over “the regulation of electricity production….” The Court explained that states have “traditional authority over the need for additional generating capacity, the type of generating facilities to be licensed, land use, ratemaking, and the like.”64 The Court noted that the only exception to state regulation of these activities was FERC’s authority under the FPA over interstate wholesale sales and transmission by FERC-jurisdictional utilities.65 Decisions by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit likewise confirm that federal regulation cannot directly or indirectly intrude into the sphere that the FPA reserves for state regulation. See, e.g., Electric Power Supply Ass’n v. FERC, 753 F.3d 216, 224 (D.C. Cir. 2014) (“the Federal Power Act unambiguously restricts FERC from regulating the retail market”) (“EPSA v. FERC”); Duke Power Co. v. FPC, 401 F.2d 930, 935 (D.C. Cir. 1968) (explaining that the “major emphasis” of the FPA “is upon federal regulation of those aspects of the industry which—for reasons either legal or practical—are beyond the pale of effective state supervision”); see also EPSA v. FERC, 753 F.3d at 221 (“noting FERC cannot ‘do indirectly what it could not do directly’”) (quoting Altamont Gas Transmission Co. v. FERC, 92 F.3d 1239, 1248 (D.C. Cir. 1996)). 60 New York v. FERC, 535 U.S. at 22-23. New York v. FERC, 535 U.S. 1, 24 (2002) (citing Order No. 888, at 31,782, n.543 “(‘Among other things, Congress left to the States authority to regulate generation and transmission siting’); Order No. 888, at 31,782, n.544 (‘This Final Rule will not affect or encroach upon state authority in such traditional areas as the authority over local service issues, including reliability of local service; administration of integrated resource planning and utility buyside and demand-side decisions, including DSM [demand-side management]; authority over utility generation and resource portfolios; and authority to impose non-bypassable distribution or retail stranded cost charges’)”). 62 16 U.S.C. § 824(f). 63 461 U.S. 190 (1983) 64 Id. at 212. 65 Id. at 205. 61 26 The FPA’s preservation of state regulatory authority of the electric utility industry is consistent with the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which declares that “[t]he powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Before Part II of the FPA was enacted in 1935, states pervasively regulated utilities within their borders based on their general police powers. Congress adopted the 1935 amendments to the FPA only after the Supreme Court held that states could not regulate interstate sales of electricity under the Commerce Clause in Commission of Rhode Island v. Attleboro Steam & Electric Co.66 FERC was given authority over interstate transmission and interstate wholesale sales of electric energy solely to close this “Attleboro gap.”67 In so doing, however, Congress chose to confine FERC’s sphere of excusive regulation to these matters68 and expressly preserved traditional state regulatory authority over all other sales—including retail sales—and over generation and local distribution facilities.69 Thus, Congress intended to “tak[e] no authority from State Commissions.”70 Moreover, Congress specifically preserved the autonomy of state and local public power utilities from plenary FERC regulation.71 EPA’s Proposed Rule ignores the careful preservation of state and local authority embodied in the FPA and associated constitutional requirements and attempts to claim state authority over generation matters for EPA. As stated by FERC Commissioner Tony Clark in recent congressional testimony, the Proposed Rule would “dramatically alter” the “traditional lines of authority by creating a new paradigm of oversight of net carbon emission from a state” and potentially result in states “ceding ultimate authority of the regulation of their state’s public utilities and energy development to the EPA.”72 In enacting Section 111(d) of the CAA, Congress could not possibly have intended to empower the EPA to take on such a monumental task. As the Supreme Court recently stated, EPA cannot reasonably interpret a statute to authorize “an enormous and transformative expansion in EPA’s regulatory authority without clear congressional authorization.”73 EPA can have no greater 66 273 U.S. 83, 90 (1927). See New England Power Co. v. New Hampshire, 455 U.S. 331, 340 (1982). 68 See FPC v. SCE, 376 U.S. at 215, 69 16 U.S.C. § 824(b). 70 New England Power, 455 U.S. at 341 (quoting H.R. Rep. No. 1318, 74th Cong.,1st Sess. 8 (1935)) (emphasis omitted). 71 See 16 U.S.C. § 824(f). 72 Written Testimony of Commissioner Tony Clark, Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power, United States House of Representatives, Hearing on FERC Perspective: Questions Concerning EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan and other Grid Reliability Challenges at 5 (July 29, 2014) (“Clark Testimony”). 73 UARG v. EPA, 573 U.S. at 2432. 67 27 authority to address matters Congress has expressly reserved to state regulation than FERC has under the FPA. Accordingly, the Proposed Rule is unlawful and must be withdrawn and reproposed. 2. The Proposed Rule Unlawfully Usurps FERC’s Regulatory Authority Under the FPA. Although the FPA preserves state and local control over generation resource facilities, their development and procurement, generation resource adequacy, and generation resource portfolio diversity, a long line of cases makes clear that FERC has exclusive jurisdiction over interstate transmission and wholesale sales of electricity. 74 Because the Proposed Rule also would interfere with areas that fall squarely within FERC’s FPA purview, as described below, it must be withdrawn and re-proposed. a. The Proposed Rule Supplants FERC’s Authority Under Sections 205 and 206 of the FPA. Sections 205 and 206 of the FPA govern FERC’s authority to regulate interstate transmission and wholesale sale of electric energy, and the measures called for by the Proposed Rule would step directly into these areas, in violation of the FPA. 75 Under Section 205(b), jurisdictional public utilities must file with FERC “all rates and charges for any transmission or sale subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and the classifications, practices, and regulations affecting such rate and charges, together with all contracts which in any manner affect or relate to such rates, charges, classifications, and services.” 76 Under section 205(a), FERC may accept filed rates, rules, and practices if it determines that they are “just and reasonable.” 77 Courts have affirmed that the section 205 filing requirement applies broadly to all classifications, practices, and procedures that “significantly affect” the price or non-price terms and conditions of FERCjurisdictional services.78 74 See, e.g., New York v. FERC, 535 U.S. at 6–7; Nantahala Power & Light Co. v. Thornburg, 476 U.S. 953, 966 (1986) (quoting FPC v. SCE, 376 U.S. at 215-16 (“Congress meant to draw a bright line easily ascertained, between state and federal jurisdiction….This was done in the [FPA] by making [FERC] jurisdiction plenary and extending it to all wholesale sales in interstate commerce except those which Congress has made explicitly subject to regulation by the States.”) (internal quotation marks omitted)). 75 16 U.S.C. §§ 824d, 824e. 76 Id. § 824d(b). 77 Id. § 824d(a). 78 See, e.g., City of Cleveland v. FERC, 773 F.2d 1368, 1376 (D.C. Cir. 1985) (“[T]here is an infinitude of practices affecting rates and service. The statutory directive must reasonably be read to require the recitation of only those practices that affect rates and service significantly….”). 28 Section 206 of the FPA requires FERC to revise any filed “rate, charge, or classification,” or any “rule, regulation, practice, or contract” affecting them, if FERC determines that they are “unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory, or preferential.”79 In recent decades, FERC, with varying degrees of success, has generally attempted to rely on open-access, non-discriminatory interstate transmission service and competitive market forces to ensure that wholesale prices are “just and reasonable.”80 Implementation of building block 2 would infringe upon the state and local control of generation resources that the FPA reserves to the states, as explained above. But it also would improperly impinge on FERC’s section 205 and 206 authority to regulate FERC-jurisdictional public utilities. Building block 2 requires “environmental dispatch” of generation from higher emitting sources to favor “EGUs with expanded low- or zero-carbon generation.”81 The Proposed Rule states that EPA has determined that environmental dispatch is feasible and that its costs are reasonable.82 But, as stated above, under sections 205 and 206 of the FPA, FERC must determine if practices that significantly affect the price of its jurisdictional wholesale and transmission services are just and reasonable. EPA has no role to play and cannot create one for itself. To ensure non-discriminatory transmission service and to separate the operation of the transmission grid from the economic interests of generators, FERC has also encouraged the creation of Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission Organizations (collectively “RTOs”).83 These entities, which do not own or operate any generation facilities, operate the transmission facilities of transmission-owning utilities and “provide open access to the regional transmission system to all electricity generators at rates established in a single, unbundled, grid-wide tariff that applies to all eligible users in a non-discriminatory manner.”84 These RTOs are FERC-jurisdictional public utilities, subject to comprehensive FERC regulation under the FPA. Implementation of the Proposed Rule’s building block 2 would impermissibly interfere with FERC-approved generation dispatch and redispatch rules in these RTO regions. In these regions, which encompass nearly two thirds of the load in the U.S., the dispatch of generation resources is 79 16 U.S.C. § 824e(a). See Morgan Stanley Capital Group v. Public Util. Dist. No. 1, 544 U.S. 527, 535-38 (2008). 81 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,836. 82 Id. at 34,865 (“We view these estimated costs as reasonable and therefore as supporting the use of a 70 percent utilization rate target.”). 83 See Midwest ISO Transmission Owners v. FERC, 373 F.3d 1361, 1364 (D.C. Cir. 2004). 84 Id. at 1364 (internal quotations omitted). 80 29 largely governed by RTO operating rules and RTO tariffs that are on file with FERC as required by section 205 of the FPA and subject to modification by FERC under section 206 of the FPA.85 The following map depicts the territories administered by RTOs. Of these, the New England ISO (ISO-NE), New York ISO (NYISO), PJM ISO (PJM), Mid-Continent ISO (MISO), Southwest Power Pool (SPP), and California ISO (CAISO) are all FERC-jurisdictional RTOs. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) employs dispatch systems like those used in the other RTOs but is exempt from FERC regulation under section 205 of the FPA. Figure 1: Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO)/Independent System Operators (ISO) See EPA has no authority to modify RTO tariffs or generation-dispatch rules.86 But that is precisely what the Proposed Rule attempts to do through building block 2. Indeed, FERC Commissioner Philip Moeller has stated that FERC-jurisdictional RTO markets “would need to be 85 See, e.g., Security Constrained Economic Dispatch: Definition, Practices, Issues, and Recommendations: A Report to Congress Regarding the Recommendations of Regional Joint Boards for the Study of Economic Dispatch Pursuant to Section 223 of the Federal Power Act, FERC (July 31, 2006) (describing existing dispatch regimes, their emphasis on security-constrained economic dispatch, and the role of RTOs in administering them). 86 See, e.g., Atlantic City Electric Co. v. FERC, 295 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2002). 30 fundamentally altered and redesigned to implement EPA’s proposal to accommodate environmental dispatch.”87 These are regulatory determinations that only FERC can make under the FPA with respect to FERC-jurisdictional RTOs. Similar limits on EPA authority over generation dispatch by FERC-jurisdictional public utilities apply in areas of the nation that do not have RTOs. In those regions, FERC-jurisdictional public utilities provide open-access, non-discriminatory transmission service under tariffs that are modeled closely on FERC’s pro forma open-access transmission tariff (OATT), and many nonFERC-jurisdictional federal power marketing administrations, state and local public power utilities, and rural electric cooperatives provide transmission service under comparable “reciprocity” tariffs or through other arrangements.88 In these non-RTO regions, FERCjurisdictional public utilities sell wholesale power under tariffs and contracts subject to exclusive FERC regulation.89 These tariffs and contracts may govern the dispatch of EGUs. In any event, these tariffs and contracts can be amended only by the public utilities or by FERC under sections 205 and 206 of the FPA—not by EPA or state regulators.90 These public utilities’ retail sales, local distribution facilities and services, and generation facilities remain subject to comprehensive state regulation, as already noted. The generation portfolios of these public utilities, and the dispatch of the units in these portfolios to provide retail service, are subject to comprehensive oversight by state utility regulatory authorities—not by state environmental officials and not by EPA. In the case of public power utilities, EPA’s lack of authority over their operations is even clearer. The generation dispatch of public power utilities is not subject to plenary FERC regulation91 and, in most states, is not subject to oversight by a state regulator. The makeup of public power generation portfolios may be subject to state regulation in the issuing of certificates of public convenience and necessity for new generating facilities, and in some states, by renewable portfolio standards, but public power utilities are not generally subject to plenary state regulation; indeed, some state constitutions forbid such regulation, as already noted. Consistent 87 Commissioner Philip Moeller’s Answers to Preliminary Questions for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Energy & Power (July 29, 2014). 88 See Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in Transmission Service, Order No. 890, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,241, order on reh’g, Order No. 890-A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,261 (2007), order on reh’g, Order No. 890-B, 123 FERC ¶ 61,299 (2008), order on reh’g, Order No. 890-C, 126 FERC ¶ 61,228, order on clarification, Order No. 890-D, 129 FERC ¶ 61,126 (2009) (establishing the current version of the pro forma OATT used by most FERC-jurisdictional utilities that are not participating in RTOs). 89 See, e.g., Nantahala, 476 U.S. at 966; FPC v. SCE, 376 U.S. at 215. 90 See Miss. Power & Light Co. v. Mississippi, 487 U.S. 354, 369-74 (1988); Ark. La. Gas Co. v. Hall, 453 U.S. 571, 577-78 (1981). 91 See 16 U.S.C. § 824(f), 31 with the animating principle of public power—local control—the operation of the EGUs of a public power utility are assigned under state and local laws to the sound business judgment of the public power utility, subject to the authority of the utility’s governing officials or board, who may be elected or appointed (e.g., a mayor, city manager, or utility board or commission). Ultimately the managers and governing officials of a public power utility must answer to the customers in the local community. Finally, EPA attempts to justify its intrusion into these areas by noting that the RTOs’ existing “least-cost” economic dispatch rules can account for existing environmental regulations by permitting sellers to include environmental costs in their offers. 92 This is no defense. As noted above, EPA has proposed a radical transformation of electric dispatch rules that is nothing like current RTO rules, and, regardless, EPA has no authority to take such action. b. The Proposed Rule Supplants FERC’s Authority Under Section 202(a) of the FPA. Section 202(a) of the FPA authorizes FERC to “divide the country into regional districts for the voluntary interconnection and coordination of facilities for the generation, transmission, and sale of electric energy” in order to ensure “an abundant supply of electric energy” with “the greatest possible economy” and with regard to the “proper conservation and utilization of natural resources.”93 The Proposed Rule would override FERC’s authority under section 202(a) by promoting multi-state plans to implement EPA’s environmental dispatch policies in regions effectively established by EPA based on other criteria. Moreover, FERC’s section 202(a) authority to “divide the country into regional districts” is for the “voluntary … coordination” of generation facilities in utility operations.94 To the extent the Proposed Rule requires the regional, coordinated operation of FERC-regulated generation facilities, EPA would be supplanting Congress’ judgment that these matters be left to administration by FERC. 92 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,862. 16 U.S.C. § 824a. 94 See, e.g., Atlantic City Elec., 295 F.3d at 12 (citing Duke Power Co., 401 F.2d at 943). Cf. S. Car. Pub. Serv. Auth. v. FERC, Nos. 12-1232 et al., slip op. at 25–31 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 14, 2014) (upholding FERC construction of section 202(a) to include coordinated operations but not planning). 93 32 c. The Proposed Rule Supplants FERC’s Authority Under Section 215 of the FPA. Section 215 of the FPA authorizes FERC to certify an electric reliability organization to develop and enforce mandatory reliability standards for the nation’s bulk-power system, and further authorizes FERC to approve and enforce those reliability standards.95 Pursuant to this authority, FERC has certified the NERC as the electric reliability organization. NERC and its various regional reliability entities now administer a comprehensive set of mandatory reliability standards subject to FERC’s oversight. The Proposed Rule acknowledges that reliability is an issue of concern, but ultimately rests on a conclusion that it provides sufficient flexibility to avoid reliability concerns. 96 EPA has not adequately consulted with FERC or NERC regarding its conclusion on the potential reliability implications of the Proposed Rule or other issues related to NERC’s reliability standards approved by FERC. There is every indication, however, that the massive changes in generation dispatch that the Proposed Rule would require will lead to conflicts between EPA’s policies and NERC’s reliability standards. Moreover, by disregarding the FERC-approved reliability standards and by making its own reliability-related determinations, EPA contravenes Section 215 of the FPA by supplanting FERC as the ultimate authority over the reliability of the bulk-power system. See Section XXI for more discussion of APPA’s concerns regarding impacts on reliability. B. The Proposed Rule Relies on a Flawed Understanding of Regulated Wholesale Electricity Markets and the Bulk Power System. The Proposal reflects fundamental misunderstandings of FERC-regulated wholesale electricity markets in RTO regions and the bulk power system. For that reason, it is arbitrary and capricious and must be withdrawn and re-proposed. See, e.g., Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass’n v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 463 U.S. 29, 43 (1983) (agency action will be upheld only if it “articulates a satisfactory explanation for its action including a ‘rational connection between the facts found and the choice made’”) (quoting Burlington Truck Lines, Inc. v. United States, 371 U.S. 156, 168 (1962)). 95 96 16 U.S.C. § 824o 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,836. 33 1. EPA Has Failed to Address Reliability Issues. As noted above, the Proposed Rule rests on a finding that it will not significantly impact electric reliability. That finding, however, involved no substantive coordination with FERC, the agency with statutory responsibility for establishing reliability standards. EPA’s failure to adequately consult with, and defer to, FERC concerning issues that fall squarely within its expertise is arbitrary and capricious. 2. EPA Misunderstands the Role of the States in Regulating Dispatch in RTO Regions. As discussed above, the Proposed Rule assumes that states can regulate dispatch and require environmental dispatch to implement the measures contemplated in building block 2. In RTO regions, however, such matters are managed by RTOs pursuant to FERC-approved rules or directly through FERC-approved tariffs. The Proposal is arbitrary and capricious because, in failing to recognize FERC’s role and its statutory obligations when regulating dispatch, it would create serious regulatory conflicts. As explained by FERC Commissioner Tony Clark: [E]ven if all states in a region band together under the regional grid operator, any changes in the wholesale markets must necessarily be vetted and approved by FERC. The Commission would be charged with the awkward task of evaluating fundamental wholesale market design changes driven by environmental priorities approved by EPA. Yet FERC is an economic and reliability regulator. Any decisions made by FERC must be rooted not in the Clean Air Act, but in our “just and reasonable” and not “unduly discriminatory or preferential” rate standard in the Federal Power Act. FERC’s ability to alter or reject an RTO-proposed compliance mechanism would present a conflict with EPA’s evaluation of the compliance plans. Absent Congress stepping in and clearly defining FERC authority and EPA authority, it is hard not to envision a future jurisdictional train wreck. 97 Similarly, if states do not coordinate their policies, then “regional grid operators will be faced with an increasingly complex task of implementing multiple compliance mechanisms into what 97 See Clark Testimony at 7. 34 was once an efficiently dispatched regional electric grid.” 98 FERC Commissioner Philip Moeller has also explained that because electricity markets are actually “interstate in nature,” the Proposed Rule’s “state-by-state approach results in an enforcement regime that would be awkward at best, and potentially very inefficient and expensive.” 99 EPA’s failure to consider these complications has resulted in an unworkable Proposed Rule. It is therefore arbitrary and capricious. 3. EPA Has Failed to Take into Account Impediments to Deploying the New Energy Infrastructure That the Proposed Rule Would Necessitate. EPA believes that “system operators typically have flexibility to choose among multiple EGUs when selecting where to obtain the next [megawatt hours (MWh)] of generation needed” and that electricity is “fungible.” 100 It also believes that the natural gas transmission system is capable of supporting the increase to 70 percent utilization of natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) units envisioned by the Agency to result from implementation of the Proposed Rule. 101 These assumptions are not warranted. FERC commissioners have testified to Congress that EPA’s assumptions are likely unrealistic and that adequate infrastructure would not likely be in place in time to ensure compliance with the Proposed Rule. As Commissioner Moeller has explained, natural gas infrastructure constraints will likely exist because it is difficult to finance construction of new pipelines before new markets are established.102 EPA has also given too little consideration to constraints imposed by the nature of the electric transmission grid. As Commissioner Moeller informed Congress: As we have seen with the implementation of EPA’s mercury rule (MATS), load pockets matter because the laws of physics trump written words. Although a specific generating plant may not contribute significant power to the grid, its other output such as 98 Id. at 6. Written Testimony of Commissioner Philip D. Moeller, Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power United States House of Representatives, Hearing on FERC Perspective: Questions Concerning EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan and other Grid Reliability Challenges at 3 (July 29, 2014) (“Moeller Testimony”). 100 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,880. 101 Id. at 34,863-64. 102 See Moeller Testimony at 3-4. 99 35 voltage support or “inertia” qualities may contribute significantly to grid stability. Moreover, the details of how reserve margins are calculated can have a significant impact on the ability of excess capacity in one load pocket to transfer power to another load pocket that is short. These challenges can be addressed but it takes engineering expertise, especially when designing optimal infrastructure improvements.103 Similarly, EPA has failed to consider transmission grid “integration issues” (e.g., voltage control, natural gas backup power, etc.) that would have to be addressed in order to accommodate the substantial influx of renewable resources that the Proposed Rule contemplates.104 All of these serious shortcomings go to the heart of the Proposed Rule and render it arbitrary and capricious. 4. EPA Has Not Accounted for Recent Developments Regarding the Participation of Demand-Side Resources in the Electricity Markets. The D.C. Circuit’s recent decision in EPSA v. FERC has significant ramifications for the Proposed Rule that EPA has not taken into account. Building block 4 of the Proposal involves “[r]educing emissions from affected EGUs in the amount that results from the use of demandside energy efficiency that reduces the amount of generation required.” 105 In EPSA, however, the court ruled that FERC’s wholesale jurisdiction does not extend to the regulation of putative “wholesale sales” by demand-response resources because that would constitute “direct regulation” of state-jurisdictional retail markets. 106 EPSA v. FERC thus holds that demandresponse resources may not be permitted to participate as sellers of wholesale energy in FERCjurisdictional, RTO-administered markets. Some have argued that this holding would also apply to demand-response resources participating as sellers in RTO capacity markets. At the same time, the EPSA decision does not disturb state-administered demand-response programs and does not foreclose the recognition in wholesale markets of such demand-response programs in wholesale demand. The court of appeals has denied rehearing of its decision, but has stayed the effectiveness of its decision to allow FERC time to seek U.S. Supreme Court review. Thus, no one predict the final outcome of the case at this juncture. APPA believes that the EPSA decision respects state and local authority over demand-response resources and will, in 103 Id. at 7. Id. at 1, 7. 105 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,836. 106 EPSA, 753 F.3d at 222, 224. 104 36 the long run, better enable the development of demand response in wholesale markets. Thus, the EPSA decision is not an impediment to EPA’s long-term goals. But since the decision has vacated FERC’s attempt to supplant state and local authority over retail demand response, to the extent EPA predicated the Proposed Rule on the existence of FERC’s now-vacated demandresponse regime, EPA may need to reevaluate its assessment of this building block and appropriately adjust each state’s near-term emission goals. 5. The Proposed Rule Is Based on Fundamental Misunderstandings of RTO Capacity Markets and Their Potential to Facilitate EPA’s Goals. The Proposed Rule relies in part on the RTO capacity markets to serve the policies that the Proposed Rule seeks to implement. EPA misunderstands, however, how those markets function. For instance, EPA asserts that in states where RTOs manage markets, the RTOs “administer[] auctions for forward capacity” in which generators “all compete to provide potential resources for meeting the projected demand for electricity services.” 107 But only two of the five RTOs administer such auctions. Further, RTO capacity markets are extremely controversial and subject to many pending legal disputes. Many FERC stakeholders, including APPA, have argued for years that RTO capacity markets have failed to serve their intended basic function, i.e., to procure capacity needed for reliability in an economically efficient way, and thus should be substantially modified, or eliminated—not expanded in scope or introduced to new regions. A major open FERC docket is currently considering the core design and purpose of RTO capacity markets. 108 Individual RTOs are likewise continuously making alterations that seek to correct, in APPA’s view unsuccessfully, identified flaws in existing capacity markets. 109 Consequently, it is not reasoned decision-making for EPA simply to assume that RTO capacity markets can take on the new function of advancing the Proposed Rule’s objectives. 110 More discussion of these issues is contained in Section XX of these comments. 107 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,881. See Centralized Capacity Market Design Elements, Docket No. AD13-7-000. 109 See, e.g., PJM Capacity Performance Proposal, PJM Staff Proposal (Aug. 20, 2014) (preliminary proposal to establish new categories of capacity products to address defects in existing PJM capacity market designs subject to eventual filing with, and review by, FERC under the FPA). 110 See Markets Matter: Expect a Bumpy Ride on the Road to Reduced CO2 Emissions, Navigant Consulting (May 2014) (analysis, funded by APPA, describing long-running RTO capacity market problems including the ways in which existing RTO capacity market structures impede the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency resources) (Attachment 3 to these Comments). 108 37 EPA needs to withdraw the Proposed Rule, fully engage with FERC regarding these issues, and revise its Proposed Rule to reflect the actual market conditions under which any Section 111(d) regulations would be implemented. V. New Source Review (NSR) Issues Building block 1 of the Proposed Rule consists of measures to reduce CO 2 emissions through heat rate improvements at affected EGUs. EPA explains that these heat rate improvements can be achieved by “installing and using equipment upgrades … such as extensive overhaul or upgrade of major equipment (turbine or boiler) or replacing existing components with improved versions.”111 EPA has targeted these sorts of projects as triggers for compliance with the Clean Air Act’s NSR requirements. Indeed, EPA has previously determined that a project’s potential to improve an EGU’s efficiency strongly supports a finding that the project is not excluded from NSR requirements as “routine maintenance, repair or replacement” (RMRR).112 EPA’s policy position is incorrect as a matter of law, 113 but it has nevertheless led to hundreds of NSR enforcement actions and citizen suits targeting the very sort of projects that the Proposed Rule would now seek to require EGUs to undertake. See Comments of the Utility Air Regulatory Group (listing projects of the same type identified in the Sargent & Lundy report and the Technical Support Document for GHG Abatement Measures that EPA or citizens have claimed have violated NSR requirements). Despite its own stated policy positions and recent history, EPA claims in the Proposed Rule that there will be “few instances” where “an NSR permit would be required” as a result of implementing building block 1 measures.114 But EGUs cannot rely on this vague statement. Indeed, EPA has previously given utilities such assurances with respect to NSR only to reverse 111 Technical Support Document for GHG Abatement Measures at 2-16; see also Sargent & Lundy LLC, COALFIRED POWER PLANT HEAT RATE REDUCTIONS at 2-1 to 5-4 (Jan. 22, 2009) (cited by EPA and identifying projects to improve heat rate). 112 See Letter from Francis X. Lyons, Reg’l Adm’r, EPA, to Henry Nickel at 2-5 (May 23, 2000), available at 113 See, e.g., Nat’l Parks Conservation Ass’n v. TVA, No. 3:01-cv-71, 2010 WL 1291335 (E.D. Tenn. Mar. 31, 2010) (finding economizer and superheater replacements to be RMRR); Pennsylvania DEP v. Allegheny Energy, Inc., No. 05-885, 2014 WL 494574 (W.D. Pa. Feb. 6, 2014) (finding superheater, lower slope panel and reheater replacements RMRR). But see United States v. Louisiana Generating LLC, No. 09-100, 2012 WL 4107129 (M.D. La. Sept. 19, 2012) (finding reheater replacements not to be RMRR). 114 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,859. 38 course and seek penalties for alleged NSR violations years later. 115 Regardless of EPA’s current policy position, it is apparent that environmental organizations and others will target EGUs undertaking heat rate improvement projects as a result of section 111(d). Even if those suits lack merit—and APPA believes that they undoubtedly will—they will take years and consume enormous resources to litigate.116 As not-for-profit, government-owned entities, public power utilities cannot risk such expensive and time-consuming litigation. Despite these significant risks, EPA has failed to provide a clear statement and proposed regulatory text ensuring that any project necessary to implement building block 1 will not trigger NSR. EPA’s only proposed solution is that states attempt to fix this problem of EPA’s creation. EPA first suggests that states somehow attempt to balance any increased utilization of more efficient units by adjusting demand-side management and renewable energy requirements. The Agency provides no indication, however, of how states reasonably could be expected to achieve this. Moreover, whether such an approach could offer sufficient protection from liability is questionable given that EPA has maintained that it can pursue alleged NSR violations even when actual emissions decrease and challenge a projection of post-project emissions performed by a utility. EPA’s second suggestion is to impose synthetic minor limits on all coal-fired sources. But this approach would eliminate almost all flexibility that states otherwise might have to implement section 111(d) requirements. VI. The Proposed Rule Contains Many Inequities and Is Unfair in Many Key Respects. The Proposed Rule is unlike nearly every other significant EPA regulatory action. Apart from the proposed procedures for the submission of state plans, most of the Proposal is a description of the policy decisions underlying the proposed state CO2 emission goals. The policy decisions and the analysis supporting them, however, are deeply flawed and result in a Proposal that places enormous burdens on the electric utility industry. EPA should withdraw and re-propose the Proposed Rule for these reasons alone. 115 See, e.g., United States v. Ala. Power Co., 681 F. Supp. 2d 1292, 1310 (N.D. Ala. 2008) (EPA “could not tell Congress it envisioned very few future WEPCO-type enforcement actions on the one hand, and then argue in subsequent enforcement actions that the utility industry was unreasonable in relying on those, or similar, EPA statements.”). 116 See, e.g., Pennsylvania v. Allegheny Energy, Inc., No. 05-885 (W.D. Pa.) (NSR citizen suit that took approximately nine years to litigate, resulting in dismissal of all claims). 39 A. State Goal Computation EPA applied the four building blocks to each state’s 2012 electric generation to determine state goals for CO2 reductions.117 EPA’s methodology for applying the building blocks is difficult to interpret. But it is apparent that, in many instances, EPA has simply assumed that individual states will be able to implement the building blocks, without closely examining whether this is feasible in each case. This in itself is unreasonable and inadequate. EPA also claims that it is imposing “reasonable … rather than the maximum” levels for each building block and that states can compensate for not using one building block by increasing the use of another. 118 But because EPA’s one-size-fits-all approach does not take into account the actual limitations on the states’ abilities to implement the building blocks, this purported “flexibility” is in many cases simply nonexistent. EPA’s assumptions underlying the state targets are also questionable. In particular, EPA has included NGCC units that are under construction in its applications of building block 2. 119 Those units, however, are “new” sources under Section 111 and cannot be regulated under the existing source rules.120 Moreover, in setting state goals based on units that may never be completed, EPA distorts its assessment of achievable emission reductions. EPA has further distorted its assessment of achievable state goals by inappropriately including units smaller than the Proposal’s 73 MW applicability threshold in its calculations of the state goals. EPA has provided no justification for its decision to include these units in setting state goals. B. Early Action Credit When determining BSER, it is EPA’s responsibility to identify what emission reduction systems exist and how much they reduce air pollution in practice. This allows EPA to identify potential emission limits for the purpose of evaluating each limit in conjunction with its costs and benefits. EPA may not prescribe a particular technological system that must be used to comply with a New Source Performance Standards (NSPS).121 However, by departing from the NSPS power plant “fence line” in determining the “best” modeling technique used to identify reductions for CO2, EPA’s approach was flawed in that it arbitrarily stretched an identified “best” measure to 117 See 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,863. Id. 119 Id. at 34,877. 120 CAA § 111(a)(2). 121 42 U.S. Code § 7411, CAA § 111(b)(5). 118 40 match with states that had already spent effort to appropriately reduce CO 2 emissions. In glossing over prior actions taken to reduce CO 2, EPA effectively ignored the situational increase in compliance costs with the Proposal and set each building block measure at a level that is too stringent to reflect practical reality. Because EPA does not fully consider early action, the Proposal imposes undue additional compliance costs on states and entities. For further examples, please see section “XIII. The Baseline and BSER Computations Should Allow Full Credit for Early Action.” C. Transmission Lines and Natural Gas Pipelines EPA’s Proposed Rule for existing sources cannot be implemented without significant new generation from natural gas and renewable energy sources. Increased utilization of such sources will require major changes to the nation’s natural gas pipeline and electric transmission infrastructure as discussed in greater detail in Sections VII, VIII, and IX. Making these infrastructure improvements will require lengthy permitting processes involving local, state, and federal agencies. Those permitting actions, moreover, are all likely to be targets of litigation, further slowing the path to compliance with any Section 111(d) requirements. D. Interaction with Other Clean Air Act Rules EPA has not adequately considered how implementation of the Proposed Rule’s requirements will impact sources that are already complying with other federal requirements, including EPA rules. For instance, EPA projects that that the Proposed Rule will require Arizona to shut down all coal-fired generation by 2020 to achieve the state’s interim target and the final target in 2030. Pursuant to EPA’s own regional haze rule for three facilities in that state, however, utilities are currently in the process of investing hundreds of millions of dollars to install controls that limit emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at units that would have to cease operation less than three years after those projects must be completed. In addition, the Proposed Rule will require ramping up generation from facilities that are located in current nonattainment areas, which would violate NAAQS requirements. As EPA revises the NAAQS, the number of nonattainment areas will grow, causing even greater problems. 41 E. Public Health Benefits EPA claims the Proposed Rule will lead to billions of dollars in health co-benefits due to reductions in pollutants other than CO 2, namely ozone and fine particulate matter. 122 These pollutants are independently regulated under the NAAQS program. Accordingly, to the extent EPA relies on emission reductions that will otherwise be required by compliance with the NAAQS, those benefits cannot be attributed to the Proposed Rule. Indeed, EPA itself acknowledges that it may be double-counting benefits.123 The NAAQS, moreover, reflect the level of air pollution that EPA itself has determined is requisite to protect the public health and welfare. 124 If EPA believes the NAAQS do not sufficiently protect public health, the proper way to address that problem is through the NAAQS themselves—not a “back door” amendment through new CO 2 regulations. VII. EPA’s Premise That a Significant Portion of the CO2 Reductions the Proposed Rule Seeks to Achieve Can Be Done Through Fuel Switching from Coal to Natural Gas Is Based on Questionable Assumptions Regarding Natural Gas Supply, Price, and Infrastructure Availability. The Proposed Rule states that it would reduce nationwide CO 2 emissions from the power sector by approximately 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. A significant portion of this reduction would be achieved through fuel switching from coal to natural gas, which when burned to generate electricity emits about half the CO 2. This is a matter of high irony given that the large amount of coal generation in existence today is a direct result of action by the federal government. Passage of the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act in 1978 by Congress restricted the construction of natural gas-fueled power plants.125 Electric utilities were not allowed to construct new natural gas plants until passage of the Natural Gas Utilization Act of 1987, which repealed the provisions of the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act.126 Federal policies such 122 See 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,939, Table 16. Regulatory Impact Analysis at 4-15 (estimated benefits of the Proposal “may account for the same air quality improvements as estimated in the illustrative NAAQS [regulatory impact analyses]”). 124 CAA § 109(b). 125 See 126 Id. 123 42 as these and others promoted coal as a fuel source for electric generation. By 1987, 56.9 percent of all electric generation was from coal. 127 It should be noted that this Emily Litella “never mind” episode foisted on consumers and the electric power industry was the product of natural gas supply forecasts by the natural gas industry and the federal government. In the Proposal, EPA assumes relative ease to the power sector and low cost to consumers in essentially requiring a massive switch from coal to gas. This assumption by EPA is problematic given it fails to take into account a host of issues that are very likely to impact the supply and price of natural gas, as well as impediments to the expansion of natural gas infrastructure needed to facilitate fuel switching. For example, the agency assumes relatively flat long-term natural gas prices and ample supply, but does not take into account how increased demand for natural gas by domestic manufacturers, the transportation sector, and international markets is likely to reduce supply and increase prices. The agency also assumes that natural gas infrastructure can be expanded to meet the significant increased demand of electric utilities in a relatively short amount of time. EPA needs to reexamine these assumptions and adjust its timetables for reducing CO2 emissions from fuel switching. A. EPA Assertions About Natural Gas Supply Fail to Adequately Account for the Difficulty of Projecting Unconventional (Shale) Natural Gas Supplies as Well as Other Factors That Could Impact Supply. APPA has filed extensive comments in earlier proceedings at EPA regarding its concerns about fuel switching. These concerns were largely based on a study commissioned by APPA from the Aspen Environmental Group in 2010 entitled, Implications of Greater Reliance on Natural Gas for Electricity Generation (APPA Natural Gas Report).128 However, it does not appear that EPA has taken into consideration many of the concerns APPA raised, and those concerns not only remain, but are heightened by the rapidity with which the Proposed Rule assumes increases in electricity generation from natural gas. While the data in the APPA Natural Gas Report has not been updated, it is still relevant in showing the potential impacts of a significant increase in natural gas use by the electric utility industry. This increase in demand could put upward pressure on prices even if natural gas supply were to remain constant. EPA’s Proposed Rule assumes that prices will remain relatively flat, but nothing in the Proposal or Technical 127 See EIA Electricity Net Generation: Electric Power Sector, 1949-2007. APPA’s report was prepared by Aspen Environmental Group, EPAHQ-OAR-2011-0660 (, and EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0495 ( 128 43 Supporting Documents addresses the question of whether shale gas production can actually occur at the levels needed to keep prices flat. 1. Shale Gas Reserves Are More Difficult to Project Than Conventional Gas Reserves. EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) 2013 Early Release projects U.S. natural gas production to increase from 23 trillion cubic feet in 2011 to 33.1 trillion cubic feet in 2040, a 44 percent increase.129 Almost all of this projected increase in domestic natural gas production is from shale gas production, which is expected to grow from 7.8 trillion cubic feet in 2011 to 16.7 trillion cubic feet in 2040.130 Due to the fact that shale gas reserves are more difficult to project than conventional gas reserves, EIA has had to revise its shale gas numbers downwards several times in the last five years. Nothing in the Proposed Rule or Technical Support Documents acknowledges these downward projections or what that could mean for long-term supply. Without new natural gas production from shale gas (and oil) formations, it would be extremely difficult to achieve the CO2 emissions reductions required by the Proposal. Natural gas production from conventional supplies (found in reservoirs) has decreased over the last thirty years and is expected to continue to do so. Various sources have made widely divergent predictions. Thus, at best, it remains an open question just how much shale gas exists in the U.S., and more fundamentally, what the production rate will be. While technological innovations and efficiencies have made directional drilling far more effective, the brittleness of rocks in shale formations makes it much more difficult to predict their long-term output. As the figure below illustrates, from 1975 to 2010, all conventional gas wells tended to have lower production after 10, 20, or 30 years. Available shale gas production records from a few states (predominantly the Texas Railroad Commission 131) show shale gas wells tend to deplete significantly after about three years. 129 Id. 131 and 130 44 Figure 2: U.S. Dry Natural Gas Production 132 (trillion cubic feet) Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2013 Early Release Insufficient information exists thus far to predict whether the dry shale natural gas plays in the Utica, Marcellus, and other formations will be as lucrative as those in the Williston Basin and the Eagle Ford Shale formation. The availability and timeliness of drilling reports varies among states, further complicating the ability to predict supply. Moreover, EPA staff may not be familiar with all the nuances of drilling reports or the fact that many EIA reports comingle liquid natural gas or wet and dry data when reporting on annual drilling and production records. Such a commingling can inadvertently provide an overly optimistic picture of shale gas production. 2. EPA Has Failed to Take into Account the Varying Accuracy of EIA Projections. Neither the Proposed Rule nor its Technical Support Documents address concerns about the historic variations of EIA projections of natural gas supply. Estimates regarding production from shale gas formations have varied widely, and as mentioned earlier, had to be adjusted downward several times due to a variety of factors, including poor methodology and inaccurate or untimely 132 45 information, among others. EPA appears to take it on faith that EIA’s current long-term estimates of low-cost, plentiful domestic natural gas supply are accurate. APPA urges EPA to examine these projections carefully and to incorporate analyses from other respected sources to arrive at a more balanced assumption about future supply. According to EIA, the Marcellus formation, which stretches from New York to West Virginia, produced about 15.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day in August 2014, about 38 percent of total U.S. natural gas production for the month. 133 However, records are minimal for dry gas production from the Marcellus and Utica formations. Given how little information actually exists about production, continuing public concern about fracking, and other issues such as water and land use, it seems premature to assume these formations will be able to produce the gas needed for large-scale and long-term fuel switching. 3. EPA Has Failed to Consider the Impact of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exports and Increased Manufacturing and Transportation Demand on Supply. The Proposed Rule and accompanying Technical Support Documents also fail to take into consideration the impact exports of LNG and non-electric utility demand will have on natural gas supply and prices. Given the recent applications to the Department of Energy (DOE) for approval to construct new LNG export terminals (see Figure 3), U.S. producers will begin exporting natural gas to European and Asian markets where demand for gas is also increasing and prices are higher than in the U.S. Domestic demand for natural gas is also projected to increase for use by manufacturers as feedstock and by the transportation sector as a fuel source.134 However, EPA apparently has not examined any of these issues that could impact the supply available for electric utilities or the price they would pay for the gas. The agency needs to look at these issues and accordingly revise its assumptions about the timing and feasibility of pervasive fuel switching from coal to natural gas to reduce CO 2 emissions from power plants. a. Liquefied Natural Gas Not long ago, the U.S. was an importer of LNG. However, shale gas production has increased domestic supply significantly and reduced prices. These reduced prices, along with international demand for natural gas, have led to recent efforts by domestic producers to export their gas as 133 The Fuel Fix, Aug. 27, 2014 See Financial Times article, U.S. Sees $90bn Boost from Shale Gas Boom,” December 14, 2012, available at Also see copy of the Wyden-Dow $80 Billion list is inserted into Attachments Section. 134 46 LNG. In addition, European concerns about reliance on Russian gas have led to calls by some for the U.S. to export gas to the continent. While it is still unclear how much domestic natural gas may be exported, it is very likely that exports would put upward pressure on domestic prices, which would impact electricity rates. EPA needs to factor this real possibility into its assumptions about how much fuel switching from coal to natural gas can occur to reduce CO2 emissions from the utility sector. Domestic natural gas producers have a lot of incentive to export LNG. As of fall 2014, international natural gas is trading at about $16 Mcf. In the U.S., it is trading at $4.00 Mcf.135 Thus far, more than 25 applications for LNG export terminals have been filed with DOE, and several have been approved. Further review is required by FERC or the State Department. It is unclear how many of these facilities, once approved, will be constructed or how much natural gas will be exported. But given the great demand for natural gas in Europe and Asia, where prices are much higher than they are in the U.S., it is very likely the U.S. will start exporting LNG, which will impact domestic prices, as well as the long-term supply of natural gas for use by the utility, manufacturing, and other sectors. Most LNG facility applications at FERC would require substantial construction time. However, the Sabine-Golden Pass project136 that was approved in late September 2014 neither requires much time nor needs much new construction. The project is currently an LNG import terminal, whose owners, ExxonMobil and the Qatar Government, plan to change the directional flow to enable the export of an amount of gas that is approximately three percent of all U.S. natural gas production per day. Unlike other LNG terminal projects pending FERC approval that also need state and local permitting approval, the Sabine-Golden Pass project does not need such approvals and thus will begin exports in the near future. In addition, EPA has not looked at the impact Canadian LNG exports could have on U.S. natural gas prices and supply. The U.S. is the largest user of Canadian gas and many utilities use it for generation,137 including a number of public power utilities located on the west coast, in the Northwest, and along the Iron Range of the U.S. If Canada exports some of its natural gas that it currently supplies to the U.S., that will also put upward pressure on gas prices. U.S. shale gas can be exported through Canadian LNG terminals to other international markets.138 According to a Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd. (LNGL) announcement made on August 28, 2014, a site in 135 136 137 138 and 47 Richmond County, Nova Scotia (Canada) that was originally designed to be an LNG import facility will now be an export facility, which is expected to be operational by 2022. LNGL plans to export Canadian natural gas along with U.S. Marcellus shale gas through Nova Scotia to international markets.139 It is also worth noting that Asia petrochemicals manufacturers want to take advantage of U.S. natural gas supplies and plan to build tanks and retool plants to store and process liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) derived from shale gas. LPG would replace costlier naphtha, a byproduct from oil and gas wells, as a raw material for the manufacturing of chemical products and plastics. Samsung Total Petrochemical, LG Chem, and Royal Vopak are among a number of companies in Asia expanding import terminals or retrofitting plants over the next one to two years as they buy more LPG.140 According to an August 22, 2014, Reuters story, Asian imports of LPG will reduce U.S. domestic supply of shale gas.141 The EPA Proposal and Technical Supporting Documents do not take into consideration the potential impacts of LNG exports on domestic prices or the subsequent potential impact on domestic electricity prices. EPA should examine these issues closely and adjust the relevant assumptions in building block 2 and state reduction requirements accordingly. 139, Aug. 22, 2014 141 Id. 140 48 Figure 3: Lower 48 Proved Nonproducing Reserves Since 2000, 168.7% Increase Source: b. Manufacturing Demand The Proposed Rule also does not factor in announcements by the manufacturing sector of more than $90 billion in new investments in the U.S. that would use shale gas as a feedstock to produce a wide variety of chemicals, fertilizers, specialty tubing, specialty steel, plastics and other commodities.142 Greater use of natural gas as a feedstock and the increasing number of power plants that will use natural gas will very likely put upward pressures on the price of natural gas as demand increases.143 In July 2014, the University of Michigan studied this issue and issued a report entitled, Shale Gas: A Game Changer for U.S. Manufacturing. It asserted that “lower feedstock and energy costs could help U.S. manufacturers reduce natural gas expenses by as much as $12 billion annually through 2025, creating one million new manufacturing jobs” and noted that “In February 2014, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) 142 See Financial Times article, U.S. Sees $90bn Boost from Shale Gas Boom,” Dec. 14, 2012, available at Also see copy of the Wyden-Dow $80 Billion list is inserted into Attachments Section 143 49 reported 148 chemical and plastics projects totaling $100 billion in potential new investment in the U.S.” 144 While the report focused on how “the shale gas boom can be used to the best advantage of U.S. manufacturing,” it also discussed challenges that had to be considered, including infrastructure issues, upward pressure on supply and prices from the exporting of LNG, and use of natural gas by the electric utility industry. It also cited an EIA projection that “use of natural gas for electric power generation is expected to eclipse industrial use by 2040 when, EIA predicts, industrial usage will slow in response to rising price.” 145 It is troubling that entities examining the U.S. manufacturing renaissance have examined the future impact of electric utility use of natural gas on supply and prices, but EPA has not examined the combined impact of greater use of natural gas for electric generation and manufacturing on supply and prices. The Agency needs to do so and adjust its assumptions accordingly. The U.S. Industrial Energy Consumers of American (IECA) has also studied natural gas issues related its members’ consumption and the potential impact electric utility fuel switching could have on natural gas prices. Included below is a graphic that IECA included in a 2014 letter to FERC that discusses the group’s concerns about LNG. c. Transportation Demand As APPA pointed out in its May 9, 2014, comments on the proposed NSPS for new fossil fuelfired power plants, the manufacturing and electric utility sectors are not the only parties seeking natural gas or compressed natural gas (CNG) for use. Many transportation companies have announced plans to move to CNG. Some of these cite the lower price of natural gas, while others cite meeting other environmental regulations. Regardless of the motivation, many parties are expected to use U.S. shale gas for transportation purposes. While natural gas exports via LNG for international transportation demand may be at least five or ten years away, it is also relevant for consideration under the Proposed Rule. Energy consultants Wood Mackenzie say global gas demand in the transport sector could grow from under 5 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2012 to over 160 bcm by 2030, which would be equivalent to two-years-worth of current (2014) British gas demand (approximately 3 million barrels of oil).146 With international CNG running at about double the price of U.S. natural gas in Europe 144 Shale Gas: A Game-Changer for U.S. Manufacturing, prepared by the University of Michigan, July 2014, available at 145 Id. at 24. 146 50 ($10 Mcf) and almost four times the price of U.S. natural gas in Asian import markets (approximately $20 Mcf), the export of CNG for transportation markets in not implausible.147 4. The Proposed Rule Also Fails to Take into Account the Use of Canadian Natural Gas by U.S. Electric Utilities and How Market Conditions in Canada Could Impact Supply and Prices in the U.S. The Proposed Rule does not take into account the fact that some natural gas supplies used by electric utilities and the manufacturing sector come from Canada, nor the variability in that supply. Between 2002 and 2008, Canadian gas producers saw a tremendous uptick in drilling in response to U.S. import pressures (See below). That largely fell off in late 2009 because of the impact of the economic recession of 2007-2009. Canadian natural gas producers have also seen some decline in production from wells. For example, wells located in the Horseshoe Canyon formation in Alberta have seen a decline in production despite the fact that prices increased in U.S.–Canadian natural gas transactions. 148 As the table below indicates, natural gas production in Canada has been falling for a decade. Table 1: Canadian Daily NG Production 2001 to 2012 149 Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 20122 Average daily production in bcf/d1 16.56 16.69 16.12 16.14 16.55 16.60 16.17 15.27 14.22 13.96 14.05 13.00 % Change from previous year NA +0.1% -2.8% 0% -2.5% 0 -2.65% -5.6% -6.9% -1.8% +.01% -7.5% Source: National Resources Canada 1 Billion cubic feet per day 2 Author’s estimate 147 Id. and Bill Powers, Cold, Hungry, and in the Dark (New Society, 2013), 168. 149 Natural Resources Canada, “Energy Sector: Energy Sources: Canadian Natural Gas: Monthly Market Update: Historical Data, “January 2001 – April 2012, date modified 4/13/2011, 148 51 However, while Canadian natural gas production has decreased, prices have remained low, which has attracted some new industrial manufacturing to Canada, although not at the scale expected in the U.S.150 Low gas prices have also made Canadian natural gas attractive to U.S. users, including electric utilities. Canada has plans to build pipelines to supply the U.S. with natural gas. However, there are questions about whether the U.S. will approve the new interstate pipelines needed to move Canadian gas from the border to where it is needed within the U.S. Canada will look to other markets if the U.S. fails to build such pipelines, such as those in Asia. The Proposed Rule does not consider how increased demand for Canadian natural gas could put upward pressure on the prices paid by U.S. electric utilities nor does it consider the impact reduced gas from Canada could have on the ability of utilities to use more gas for electric generation to reduce their CO2 emissions. (See Section XXVII related to exports of electricity to the U.S. from Canada and whether that hydro or nuclear-based generation of electricity would qualify under the NSPS for states to meet their interim or 2030 goals). B. EPA’s Assumption That Natural Gas Prices Will Remain Relatively Flat Through 2030 Fails to Take into Account the Historic Volatility of Natural Gas, the Impact on Price from Future Regulations on Upstream Production, or How Future Increased Demand Will Put Upward Pressure on Prices. In the Proposed Rule, EPA states its belief that natural gas prices will remain relatively flat through 2030. That is a problematic assumption. APPA believes there is considerable uncertainty on that point, and EPA should reconsider its assumption to recognize that uncertainty. There is a direct correlation between supply and demand and price. When demand increases, if there are constraints on supply, prices will increase accordingly. The section above discusses the uncertainty about the supply of natural gas, even though EPA assumes a plentiful supply for many years to come. In addition, the agency seems to not recognize that historically, natural gas prices have been volatile due to a variety of factors including federal policies, shortterm imbalances between supply and demand, and the availability of necessary infrastructure, among other things. EPA also fails to take into account the potential impact on natural gas prices of future regulation of the upstream production of gas, or increased demand for gas by domestic manufacturers and the transportation sector. Any or all of these factors could very likely put upward pressure on natural gas prices. EPA needs to take all of these issues into account, adjust its assumptions, and then modify the states’ emission reduction goals accordingly. 150 52 1. Historically, Natural Gas Prices Have Been Volatile. Historically, the percentage of natural gas used for electric generation has been small. In 1949, about 13 percent of electricity was generated from natural gas. 151 The amount steadily increased to a then high of approximately 24 percent in 1970 and decreased below 10 percent in 1990 152 as a result of federal policies that curtailed natural gas deliveries due to high demand and low supplies as discussed above. Figure 4 charts the percentage of total power generation share in the U.S. by fuel type from 1949 to 2013. Figure 4: Net U.S. Power Generation Share by Source, 1949-2012153 In addition to federal policies impacting the use of natural gas for electric generation, price volatility also affected its use. A July 15, 2010, Navigant Consulting paper for the Task Force on Natural Gas Market Stability entitled, Price Instability in the U.S. Natural Gas Industry Historical Perspective and Overview, defines volatility as “sustained, unpredictable price movements that frustrate the economics of high-load factor use of natural gas in industrial, chemical, and power-generation applications (on the upside), or frustrate the organized, sustained 151 See National Renewable Energy Laboratory Renewable Energy Project Finance article by Jeffrey Logan, Feb. 26, 2013, citing EIA Feb. 25, 2013, Electric Power Monthly at 152 Id. 153 Id. citing Energy Information Administration, Feb. 25, 2013, Electric Power Monthly, available at 53 growth of deliverability from domestic onshore unconventional resources.”154 The Navigant paper includes three EIA charts that show electric utility use of natural gas for generation increasing by 61 percent between 1990-2000, a period defined by relatively stable prices and ample supply.155 The Navigant paper then contrasts that period with 2000-2010, which it calls “Crisis, Volatility, Growth, and New Natural Gas Abundance.” Between 2000 and 2010, price movements on the Henry Hub spot market and wellhead prices tracked fairly closely.156 See Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7. Figure 5: Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price157 154 See p. 11 at rkets_0.pdf 155 Id. at 21. 156 Id. at 25. 157 54 Figure 6: U.S. Natural Gas Wellhead Price158 Figure 7: Henry Hub Spot Prices and U.S. Natural Gas Wellhead Price Overlaid 158 See EIA website at 55 The Navigant paper notes there were three major drivers of large price movements during the decade—the California energy crisis, Hurricane Katrina, and price runs with oil. Commonalities shared by the three drivers include growth of natural gas use for electric generation, insufficient natural gas storage, and the lack of long-term contracting for natural gas supply. The report concludes that “the vitality of and responsiveness of the supply-demand balance is the most important factor determining whether price volatility in either direction will occur.” While current natural gas supply is ample and prices are relatively low, APPA is concerned this may not remain the case prospectively. The agency needs to ensure that its analysis of long-term natural gas prices and the corresponding impact on future electricity prices takes into account historic natural gas volatility and the potential for future volatility. And while the shale gas boom has resulted in a sharp decrease in prices in recent years, gas prices are still volatile, as evidenced in early 2014 during the two polar vortexes. This volatility has impacted not only the prices utilities pay for natural gas, but also the wholesale price of electricity. EIA reported on January 21, 2014 that “day-ahead, on-peak power prices at the Massachusetts Hub went slightly above $200 per megawatt hour (MWh) during a brief cold spell in mid-December 2013 and up to $237.75/MWh during the early January freeze.”159 EIA attributed these prices to “corresponding movements in natural gas prices as the demand for natural gas for both power and heating led to full use of natural gas pipelines in [New England] and a scarcity of supply.160 Prices at the Algonquin Citygate trading point in Massachusetts… were up to $38.09/MMBtu in early January.”161 They are usually around $3-6 during unconstrained periods.162 In New York City, “spot natural gas prices reached as high as $47.80/MMBtu, higher than New England—likely because New England was able to meet part of its natural gas demand with imported supplies of liquefied natural gas[] and Canadian offshore natural gas production. Power prices hit $233.59/MWh on January 8.”163 It is very likely further price spikes will occur as the demand for natural gas increases for electric generation. On November 6, 2014, the Wall Street Journal pointed out that a colder December weather pattern appears to already have influenced natural gas prices earlier than normal.164 While no one can predict what the winter 2015 natural gas prices will be, the price of natural gas has increased 159 EIA Today, January 21, 2014, available at 1 160 Id. 161 Id. 162 Id. 163 Id. 164 56 significantly since the Proposed Rule was announced in June 2014 from about $3.50 to $4.04 Mcf. Some variability in price is expected in anticipation of colder weather and higher residential use. 2. The Proposed Rule Does Not Take into Account the Potential Impact on Price of Future Upstream Regulations. Another issue that could potentially impact the price of natural gas that EPA failed to account for in the Proposed Rule is future local, state, and federal regulations on the upstream production of natural gas. Such regulations increase the costs of doing business and would be passed on to natural gas users through higher prices. Potential regulations include those to capture methane from upstream oil and gas production, controls for capturing other volatile organic compounds (VOC) from upstream natural gas production,165 NOx regulations for new nonattainment areas 166 where natural gas production did not exist before, and future treatment requirements for fracking or production water.167 In August 2014, EPA announced efforts to regulate methane emissions from natural gas and oil drilling, production, and gas processing that could result in increased natural gas prices over time. Further, DOE is looking into the possibility of regulating methane from natural gas pipelines.168 It is unclear whether methane regulations in the upstream sectors producing and transmitting natural gas will be issued under the CAA (as VOCs or GHGs) or some other authority. Regardless of how such emissions are regulated, it is very likely the costs of complying with them will be borne by the consumers of natural gas, including electric utilities. In addition, the U.S. Department of Transportation may develop new regulations to improve safety for pipelines, specialty tank cars and other rail equipment used to transport natural gas.169 EPA needs to look at all of these issues and factor them into the final rule’s presumptions about the future of natural gas and the effects on electricity rates. 165 167 168 169 166 57 3. The Proposed Rule Does Not Take into Account the Potential Impact on Price of Increased Non-Electric Utility Demand for Natural Gas. As described earlier in this section, EPA has failed to consider the impacts of LNG exports and increased non-electric utility demand on natural gas supply. The Agency also failed to look at the effects of these phenomena on natural gas prices. Also, increased demand for natural gas by manufacturers for feedstock and the transportation sector will likely lead to increased natural gas prices. With all of the expected growth in demand for natural gas, EPA should re-examine its assumption that prices will remain relatively flat and not impact electricity prices. C. EPA’s Assertions Regarding the Adequacy of Existing Natural Gas Infrastructure and the Ability to Expand It to Facilitate Fuel Switching Fails to Take into Account Impediments to Infrastructure Development and the Lack of Sufficient Storage. According to the EIA, currently there are approximately 300,000 miles of interstate and intrastate natural gas pipeline capacity in the U.S. 170 EPA asserts that pipeline capacity can be added to enable the large-scale fuel switching the Proposed Rule envisions is needed to reduce CO2 emissions. It states that “over a longer time period, much more significant pipeline expansion is possible.”171 Unfortunately, EPA’s analysis fails to examine whether this significant expansion can happen by 2020 or even 2030 given the impediments the pipeline industry faces in constructing and expanding pipelines, barriers posed by certain restructured wholesale electricity markets, and differences in the business models for the electricity and gas pipeline industries. According to comments filed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in October 2014, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) anticipates that the pipeline industry would need to build approximately 2,000 miles of pipeline each year or a total of 300,000 miles of pipelines (interstate and intrastate) between 2014-2035 to meet anticipated natural gas demand.172 . The Proposed Rule also does not examine whether sufficient natural gas storage exists to support large-scale fuel switching. Many states do not have adequate geologic formations to store gas that is needed by electric utilities for generation as baseload power, to back up intermittent renewables, or provide peaking power. The Agency needs to look at these issues and adjust its 170 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,864 172 See INGAA comments filed regarding Endangered Species Act listings determinations, but not specifically for EPA’s ESPS/NSPS for power sector 171 58 assumptions about the timetables by which states and the electric utility industry can meet the requirements of building block 2. 1. The Proposed Rule Presumes That Significant Pipeline Expansion Is Possible, but Does Not Take into Account Impediments to Pipeline Construction and Expansion That May Impact the LargeScale Fuel-Switching to Natural Gas to Reduce CO2 Emissions. As APPA pointed out in its 2012 and 2014 comments to EPA on the proposed NSPS for new fossil fuel-fired power plants, an enormous amount of natural gas pipeline and storage infrastructure will be needed to enable fuel switching from coal to natural gas in many states. While some of the information in APPA’s 2010 Natural Gas Study is out of date and does not reflect new pipeline projects pending approval before FERC in Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New England,173it is still the case that very few pipeline investments have been made by major pipeline companies for downstream customers, such as power plants. A March 2014 study by ICF International for the INGAA Foundation 174 shows that most of the oil and gas pipeline investments made in the last four years were made to move the upstream production of natural gas to gas processing centers or oil to refineries. Very little pipeline capacity has been built to address electric utilities’ current or future demand for natural gas. EPA’s Proposed Rule assumes that sufficient natural gas infrastructure will be in place by 20 20 for states to reduce CO2 emissions through the dispatch (or redispatch) of NGCC units running at up to a 70 percent capacity factor. 175 The U.S will need thousands of miles of pipelines to meet the demand for natural gas by the electric utility sector once the Proposed Rule is finalized.176 It will take time for these projects to be sited, permitted, financed, and constructed. Unfortunately, the Proposed Rule does not take into account how much time will actually be needed to build this infrastructure, nor does it look at potential impediments to the siting and permitting of natural gas pipelines. 177 173 North America Midstream Infrastructure through 2035: Capitalizing on Our Energy Abundance, and INGAA’s related Building Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines: A Primer 175 APPA’s comments will address the weaknesses in the EPA assumptions about the 70 percent capacity factor in Section XIV(B) on page 92. 176 177 Please see the report by INGAA on impediments to pipeline construction available at 174 59 For example, FERC must review and approve all projects to construct new interstate pipelines or expand existing ones before they can be built. During the FERC approval process, an environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). FERC must also verify that applicants have secured permits from local, state, and federal agencies before construction can begin.178 Conflicts can arise during the review process between the various permitting agencies involved in the approval process. These conflicts slowdown the approval process, and in some cases, prevent the project from going forward. Many times the delays that occur from these conflicts on projects that ultimately do proceed result in increased construction costs that are eventually borne by natural gas end users. In addition, contentious permitting issues can lead to avoidance of certain areas of the country for future permitting, “constraining the ability of supply to reach markets.”179 Market-related issues can also present impediments to new gas pipeline development. RTOoperated capacity markets in the eastern part of the U.S. create obstacles to the construction of new pipelines needed to supply sufficient gas to electric utilities (as well as obstacles to the construction of renewable generation). This has been particularly problematic in New England, which generates over half of its electricity from natural gas and where the lack of sufficient pipeline capacity is widely expected to have significant, adverse reliability and cost impacts. (See Section VII for more discussion of this capacity market issue.) Concerns about overreliance on natural gas and the need for sufficient pipeline capacity to meet demand by the New England states led to an attempted effort to develop a new business model for obtaining needed natural gas pipeline and transmission infrastructure. In December 2013, the Governors of the New England states issued a joint statement expressing their commitment to “continue to work together, in coordination with ISO-NE, and through the New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE), to advance a regional energy infrastructure initiative that diversifies [its] energy supply portfolio while ensuring that the benefits and costs of transmission and pipeline investments are shared appropriately among the New England States.”180 To further the Governors’ stated goals, NESCOE launched the Energy Infrastructure Initiative (“Initiative”) with two primary purposes; to increase pipeline capacity in 178 See INGAA Foundation report, Avoiding and Resolving Intergovernmental Conflicts with Interstate Natural Gas Facility Siting, Construction, and Maintenance, available at 179 Id. 180 “New England Governors’ Commitment To Regional Cooperation On Energy Infrastructure Issues,” Dec. 5, 2013, available at: 60 the region and to expand electric transmission to facilitate the delivery of electricity from “low to no-carbon resources.”181 NESCOE recognized that the natural gas and electricity markets are not producing needed pipeline construction. Natural gas pipelines require long-term contracts to provide a steady stream of revenue, and in contrast the natural-gas-fired merchant generators operate in a shortterm restructured market with volatile revenue streams. As a result, these generators are not willing to commit to a long-term contract. Pipeline projects in New England have had no electric power generators purchasing firm gas transportation. The absence of generator subscription caused Spectra Energy’s Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) pipeline project to be downsized from the planned 500 mmcf/day to 342 mmcf/day. 182 However, the NESCOE Initiative is currently on hold as a result of the Massachusetts legislature’s adjournment without passage of a bill to provide for state long-term contracting for electricity from resources with zero or low carbon dioxide emissions. Although this development primarily affected the electric transmission component of the Initiative, the natural gas infrastructure efforts were also stalled. 183 Natural gas is not the only fuel for electricity generation that faces obstacles with respect to its transportation from its source to the point of use. Continued monopoly abuses by the railroads, for example, pose serious issues and increased costs for those shipping coal for electricity generation. However, given the EPA’s heavy reliance on increased use of natural gas to implement the Proposal, EPA needs to revise its assumptions, related calculations, and timelines to reflect the reality of the significant amount of natural gas pipeline capacity that will be needed. 2. The Proposed Rule Fails to Examine Whether There Is Sufficient Natural Gas Storage Needed to Support Large-Scale Fuel Switching to Natural Gas for Electric Generation. EPA’s Proposed Rule does not appear to address any issues related to natural gas transport to the power sector. This is disappointing since APPA has met with EPA, filed comments on these issues, and given presentations on natural gas storage, transport, and the concept of “rapid turn” 181 “Update on the New England Governors' Proposal to Invest in Strategic Infrastructure and Address Price Disparities,” NESCOE presentation to the US DOE Electricity Advisory Committee, Sept. 25, 2014, at 12, available at:, 61 or “rapid use” several times since 2009.184 UARG, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), the Industrial Energy Users of America, and others also filed comments on these issues between 2011and 2014. While natural gas pipelines can typically be permitted, financed, and constructed in four to eight years, construction of natural gas storage facilities is far more difficult because of the limited geology for natural gas storage. Most parts of the U.S. lack the appropriate geology to store natural gas in the subsurface. Natural gas transmission pipelines cannot store significant quantities of gas. At best, they can store a marginal amount through “linepacking.”185 The question of sufficient storage is often not considered because many existing natural gas-fired power plants are located in regions of the U.S. with suitable geology to store sufficient amounts of natural gas for the power and industrial-manufacturing sectors without any glitches in supply and delivery, or they are part of a larger, diversified fleet where they provide back-up power for renewables or peak power. In a few states, semi-depleted natural gas fields offer excellent locations for storage of natural gas, but they are not suitable for natural gas re-injection on a “multi-turn” or “rapid-use” basis needed by the power sector.186 Factories do not need the ability to send back natural gas as they very rarely re-inject natural gas into storage fields on a much smaller volume. Typically, they use the gas they purchase in anticipation of their daily manufacturing need.187 Utilities, however, encounter weather events that alter how much gas they may need and have to resell it since they do not have sufficient localized storage. Underground natural gas storage will be necessary to allow the electric utility industry to generate more power from natural gas-fired power plants. “Storage is very useful in providing flexibility to support gas burns by electric generators. Natural gas storage lets a power plant operator: ramp up or ramp down operations quickly (especially for intermittent renewables); 184 EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0660, EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0495,, and EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0090 185 “Linepack is an extra amount of gas in a pipeline or distribution line relative to maximum anticipated load….It can be thought of as a system’s first form of temporary gas storage.” See APPA Natural Gas Study at p. 59. 186 “Single-turn storage is used to inject and withdraw generally once per year; multi-turns storage allows several cycles of injections and withdrawals over the course of the year.” See APPA Natural Gas Study at p. 61, available at: and 187 In the rare instances, manufacturers need to sell off already purchased natural gas due to an unexpected problem in the manufacturing process or maintenance issue. 62 manage its imbalances; potentially hold less firm pipeline capacity; and maintain reliability.”188 Table 2Table 2 and Figure 8 (pages 64 and 65) help illustrate the importance of natural gas storage and how important storage will be to the attainment of the Proposed Rule’s interim and final goals. EIA reported that as of 2013, roughly 4.6 Tcf of underground storage working gas capacity, representing roughly 410 underground gas storage fields, were in operation.189 This is an increase of approximately 0.6 Tcf, or 15 percent relative to the 4 Tcf cited in APPA’s Natural Gas Study in 2010.190 But these underground storage fields are not equal. For example, most are not configured to provide rapid withdrawals for power plants.191 In addition, many are not located close enough to power plants to support the rapid change in linepack needed when a power plant fires or otherwise accommodates multiple turns often needed to support power plant operations. Figure 8 on page 65 shows the location of natural gas storage facilities and their proximity to existing coal-fired power plants. Of the fields currently in operation, 90 percent are “reservoir or aquifer storage where gas is generally injected during the summer months and withdrawn during winter to serve seasonal demand (with certain exceptions).”192 The other 10 percent are high-deliverability salt cavern facilities.193 “Most, but not all, of the multi-turn, salt cavern storage is located along the Gulf Coast.”194 Additionally, most of the new storage added since the 2010 APPA Gas Study was released is “producing area storage” located in the states of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. Table 2 summarizes the key characteristics of U.S. natural gas storage. 188 See APPA Natural Gas Study at p. 57. Id. at p. 57. “Terminology: cushion (sometimes called pad or base gas) is gas intended to stay in the formation to maintain field pressures sufficient to achieve desired withdrawal levels; working gas is the amount of gas that can be injected into or withdrawn from the field and still be able to fill it in a given period of time; withdrawal capability is the amount of gas that can be withdrawn in a given period, usually a day; the withdrawal capability is higher when the field is filled with more gas and achieves maximum field pressures; injection capability is the amount of gas that can be injected in a given period, usually a day; the injection capability falls at the field is filled and operating pressures rise.” 190 This excludes the roughly 100 small LNG needle peaking operations that exist for meeting peak day demands in specific locations where there is no underground gas storage and pipeline capacity into the region is lower than peak day demand. 191 Semi-depleted gas fields are also being used for storage of water, condensate, or other petroleum products, which would make them unavailable for electric utility use. The EIA data reported above excludes underground storage of those products. 192 Id. 193 Id. 194 Id. 189 63 Table 2: Storage Summary Type Characteristic Owner User Purpose Price Sites Working Gas (Bcf) Maximum Daily Withdrawal (MMcf/d) Reservoir/Aquifer195 Single Turn LDC or Pipeline LDC Seasonal Demand196 Cost of Service 379 4,293 82,271 Salt Formation Multi-Turn Independent Gas Marketers Arbitrage or Daily Peak Option Value 40 456 32,158 Source: Aspen Compilation of EIA Data, 2014 195 Also sometimes called “traditional” storage. Some reservoirs can be configured for multi-turn high-deliverability storage. The Lodi and Wild Goose facilities in northern California are examples of reservoirs that provide multi-turn storage and that serve primarily the price arbitrage market. We have shown them as reservoir storage nonetheless because that is how they are characterized in the EIA data. 196 64 Figure 8: Geographic Distribution of Underground Gas Storage Facilities and Coal-Fired Power Plants197 197 A prior version of this appeared in the APPA Natural Gas Study at p. 58. The red dots represent coal-fired power plants. The green circles represent traditional, reservoir-based underground gas storage, while the gold circles represent salt formation storage facilities. 65 As the 2010 APPA Natural Gas Study notes: Most existing natural gas storage was built before the trend towards more use of natural gas to generate electricity and tends to be located where a pipeline or a local distributor chose to build based on the accident of geology and the economics of revenue recovery.198 Pipelines that are not connected to storage tend to impose stricter balancing rules. Stricter balancing rules make it harder or more costly for electric generators to operate.199 Fundamentally, natural gas storage balances demand against production. We use it particularly to allow producers to operate their wells on a relatively levelized basis: when demand is lower than production, the excess gas goes into storage. We then withdraw it when demand exceeds production. Figure 9 provides an illustration of this concept. Storage also allows local demand to be met with gas stored near the load center, thus reducing the need to size trunkline transmission capacity into the load center large enough to meet peak day demand. Some types of storage also lend themselves to either medium-term price arbitrage or to intraday peaking service.200 Another use of storage is to remedy imbalances between deliveries into a pipeline against the quantity of gas burned by end-users. As explained elsewhere in this paper, those two quantities often differ. They often differ by fairly large amounts for electric power plants. When they differ by more than the pipeline operator can address 198 New storage being added today tends to be added by local distributors who can make incremental investments to existing facilities or by independent merchant storage providers who charge market-based rates for storage service assuming several cycles, or turns, of gas are made through the inventory space. 199 See p. 59. 200 “It used to be common for summer natural gas prices to be lower than winter prices; thus, LDCs would purchase gas under levelized take contracts and store the excess gas until winter. Even recognizing the carrying cost on the inventory, consumers routinely benefited from these transactions. With the kind of price volatility that exists today, however, that can result in winter prices being lower than summer prices, these seasonal transactions cannot be sure to provide price benefits. Instead, we see marketers using short-term storage to capture the intrinsic and extrinsic, or real option value of storage. The intrinsic value is based on the cost of spot gas today versus today’s forward value. One can buy gas, inject into storage, and assure a profit spread by locking in today the sale upon withdrawal. The extrinsic value is based on changes one might realize due to the future movement of prices until the gas is withdrawn, e.g., actual spot prices being higher or lower than the purchase price or the locked-in forward price on the day of purchase.” 2010 APPA Natural Gas Study at p. 59. 66 with linepack or offsets by other shippers, the excess or shortage of gas must be addressed with gas in or out of storage .201 Linepack cannot be used to store enough natural gas for major power plants. It can only be used for marginal hedging against unexpected weather events and often will provide up no more than 12 hours of supply, assuming that only one or two utilities are doing this on an entire pipeline. Figure 9: How Storage Balances Seasonal Demand with Monthly Production202 201 Id. “Note that the injections do not exactly equal the withdrawals; this difference ends up as left-over gas inventory at the start of the next annual cycle. This outcome is not that uncommon.” Id. at 60. 202 67 “Electricity generators can benefit from multi-turn or rapid storage by subscribing, for example, to enough storage to meet their total gas requirements for the five days that might be the maximum likely interruption in the case of a gas curtailment. The generator could use the space to inject or withdraw gas to cover its daily imbalances or for price arbitrage in the meantime. Multi-turn storage costs more, but most of the costs are fixed, so the more times the generator cycles gas in and out, the lower the amortized cost per MMBtu” - Aspen Figure 8 from the APPA Natural Gas Study shows that storage facilities are not evenly distributed, either geographically or relative to demand around the country. 203 Most stored gas is used relatively close to the region in which it is located, and geology does not always provide sites where storage is needed. Certain pipelines and regional markets do not currently have access to any underground gas storage. Figure 8 plainly shows that Nevada, Idaho, and Arizona have none. The Central Plains states and Missouri have virtually none. The entire East Coast has none other than far upstream in western New York, western Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.204 To the extent that there is a small amount of storage in the Southeast, Figure 8 shows that none of it is in the eastern coastal states.205 It is also worth noting that NERC reliability standards require electric generators to be able to generate within 10 to 15 minutes of receiving notice to do so (depending upon NERC region). This requirement means that the natural gas to run those generators needs to be relatively close by. In summary, the Proposed Rule fails to look at key issues related to natural gas storage. EPA needs to examine these issues and revise its assumptions regarding the timetable by which electric utilities could convert from coal-fired generation to natural gas-fired generation to reduce their CO2 emissions. It is likely that the success of many state compliance plans will depend heavily on the ability to build new natural gas infrastructure in a specific timeframe. The inability to do so, based on factors beyond their control, is a prime example of why states should be allowed the opportunity at any time to request that EPA consider changes to their CO2 emission goals and/or an extension of the final compliance date as discussed in Section XVIII. 203 Aspen Environmental Update, Nov. 2014 The LNG terminals located at Elba Island, Georgia; Cove Point, Maryland; and Everett, Massachusetts might provide some important natural gas storage peaking benefits, but they cannot provide all of the storage needs of utilities in those areas. 205 “The states without storage now are largely without the depleted reservoirs or salt formations that can economically be turned into storage.” Id. at 61. 204 68 VIII. Gas-Electric Industry Coordination Issues Pose Barriers to the Rapid Increase in the Use of Natural Gas for Electric Generation. APPA is concerned that a prolonged dash to gas will lead to over-reliance on one fuel type and have adverse consequences for the balance and diversity of the power sector and the economy. There are numerous barriers to fuel diversity within the electric generation fleet, including the Proposed Rule. The increased use of natural gas to generate electricity will put stress on the natural gas system, which is presently designed to meet peak winter heating needs by requiring increasingly larger supply and flow rate to power plants. This increased reliance on natural gas has already contributed to rapid price spikes in the cost of gas, which translates into much higher wholesale electricity prices. Given the Proposed Rule’s key assumption that large-scale fuel switching can occur to help achieve state CO 2 reduction goals, it is concerning that EPA has failed to look at the impediments to greater use of natural gas for electric generation or consider the implications of over-reliance on natural gas for generation. There are additional concerns surrounding the synchronization of electricity and natural gas markets as supplies of power and natural gas are secured on a different time basis. This disconnect may prevent facilities committed to provide electric power from securing the gas supplies they need to operate, or require them to pay higher prices for longer time periods. This issue is further complicated by the interdependent nature of the natural gas and electric generation industries. As more power generation comes from gas, the impact of simultaneous peak electricity demand and peak consumer heating demands converge, creating a scenario where gas deliverability capability can become a bottleneck. This is particularly true in the winter when shorter days and colder temperatures increase demands for heating and lighting. While adequate supplies of natural gas exist, delivering at the rate needed during peaks could be constrained. Additional coordination between these two industries is needed, in addition to fuel diversity, which will reduce the interdependence risk. Since a series of events in 2011 and 2012 cast a light on mismatches in the operating cycles between the natural gas and electricity generation markets and pipeline capacity shortages, FERC has led an effort to encourage stakeholders and numerous collaborative bodies to identify regional issues and propose possible solutions. A number of RTOs have established task forces on electric and gas coordination, looking at information sharing, operations coordination, and process improvements. In November 2013, FERC issued an order allowing the voluntary sharing of non-public operational information between interstate gas pipelines and electric transmission providers to promote grid reliability and operational planning. While FERC was able to take steps quickly to address communications between the two industries, the issues of insufficient gas infrastructure 69 and the nonalignment of gas and electricity markets have proven to be thornier for the Commission to deal with as the U.S. gas boom whets the appetite for more gas-fired power. Extreme spikes in spot gas and electricity prices, accompanied by widespread unplanned outages of gas-fired generation facilities, experienced in the eastern United States, and especially in New England, during the polar vortex of January 2014 brought gas-electric interdependency to the forefront once again. Though likely planned before that event, FERC’s proposed changes to pipeline nominations and scheduling procedures soon followed. In March 2014, FERC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR),206 which has spawned an extraordinary effort by the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) and natural gas and electric industry participants to develop a consensus on standards for coordinating the scheduling processes of the natural gas and electricity markets. FERC took the unprecedented step of delaying the filing of comments in its NOPR docket proposing changes to the gas pipeline nomination and scheduling timetable to provide NAESB the opportunity to develop a counterproposal broadly supported by the industry. The NOPR required NAESB to submit any counterproposal developed by the industry by September 29, 2014. The NOPR points out that, under the current scheduling timelines in the gas and electric industries, natural gas-fired generators in RTO markets must purchase and nominate gas before they know whether they will be called upon in the Day-Ahead energy markets.207 In areas outside of RTO markets, the NOPR indicates that gas-fired generators may benefit from additional nomination opportunities in order to reflect weather conditions or other operating needs.208 In response, FERC proposed to move the start of the Gas Day from 9:00 a.m. Central Clock Time (CCT) to 4:00 a.m. CCT, to institute four intra-day nomination opportunities for pipeline shippers, and to maintain the no-bump rule for the final intra-day cycle – 8:00 a.m. CCT (bump), 10:30 a.m. CCT (bump), 4:00 p.m. CCT (bump), and 7:00 p.m. CCT (no-bump). In response to the NOPR, NAESB convened several meetings of its Gas Electric Harmonization Task Force (GEH Task Force) after FERC issued the NOPR. The NAESB Board imposed super-majority voting requirements on the GEH Task Force. No proposal would pass unless it obtained at least 2/3 of the votes from the Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) and the Wholesale Gas Quadrant (WGQ). In addition, proposals would need at least 4 percent of the votes from each segment of the WEQ and WGQ to pass. The GEH Task Force, which consisted 206 Coordination of the Scheduling Processes of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines and Public Utilities, Docket No. RM14-2-000 (March 20, 2014) (NOPR). 207 NOPR at P 29. 208 Id. at P 30. 70 of well over 400 participants, solicited proposals from any interested entity. Thirteen companies or groups submitted proposals for consideration by the GEH Task Force. As the various proposals were discussed, participants were able to synthesize the most controversial issues for consideration: What time should the Gas Day start? How many intra-day nomination cycles should be adopted? Should the final intra-day cycle be subject to the no-bump rule? After substantial discussion and a number of straw polls, the GEH Task Force took binding votes at a two-day meeting held June 2-3, 2014. Neither the 4:00 a.m. CCT nor the 9:00 a.m. CCT obtained super-majority support. The 9:00 a.m. CCT Gas Day, however, received slightly more support than the 4:00 a.m. proposal. As a result, NAESB will not propose an alternative to the NOPR’s proposal to commence the Gas Day at 4:00 a.m. CCT. In contrast to the deep disagreements among GEH Task Force participants regarding the start of the Gas Day, the Task Force seemed to reach consensus on the number and timing of intra-day nomination cycles. With little disagreement, the GEH Task Force agreed that timely nominations should be due at 1:00 p.m. CCT prior to the Gas Day; evening nominations should be due at 6:00 p.m.; the first intra-day nominations should be due at 10:00 a.m. on the Gas Day; the second intra-day nominations should be due at 2:30 p.m.; and the third and final intra-day nominations should be due at 7:00 p.m. The first and second intra-day nomination cycles would be bumpable under the GEH Task Force proposal, while the no-bump rule would apply to the third intra-day nomination cycle. When the GEH Task Force considered this timeline without a proposed start to the Gas Day, the group was unable to muster super-majority support, as many participants expressed concern about supporting an incomplete proposal. Nonetheless, the NAESB Board voted to direct the WGQ to draft standards adopting this timeline without a proposed Gas Day start. If the WGQ is successful and its standards are adopted by the NAESB Board and its membership, NAESB will submit those standards—without a proposed start to the Gas Day—to FERC as an alternative to the nomination and scheduling timeline proposed in the NOPR. With respect to the applicability of the no-bump rule, a group of natural gas customers in the desert Southwest (Desert Southwest Group) claimed that, unlike the concerns of gas-fired generators in the Northeast, gas-fired generators in the Southwest face issues in the late afternoon if solar facilities are unable to deliver the expected levels of energy. The Desert Southwest Group holds firm pipeline capacity, but notes that its members are sometimes precluded from accessing that capacity late in the Gas Day due to restricted intra-day nomination opportunities and the no-bump rule. 71 The remaining participants agreed that additional intra-day nomination cycles should be adopted, but overwhelmingly rejected any attempts to make the final cycle subject to bumping. Many noted that the Desert Southwest Group’s issues seemed regional in nature and could possibly be resolved by discussions with the interstate pipelines serving the region. Comments on the NOPR were due on November 28, 2014. If NAESB elects to support the pipeline scheduling and nomination timeline, minus a proposed start to the Gas Day, interested parties may simultaneously submit comments on that proposal. The GEH Task Force process demonstrates that the energy industry’s views on the NOPR vary widely by region and by segment, which may make it difficult for FERC to issue a final rule that is not subject to timeconsuming rehearing and appellate processes. Moreover, any additional steps FERC may take to bridge the gas-electric divide will come with costs for consumers. So FERC needs to work with the gas and electric industries to ensure those costs are manageable. As noted elsewhere in these comments, the EPA Proposal relies heavily on the ability to rapidly increase the amount of natural gas used to generate electricity. However, the gas/electric coordination issues raised in this section pose significant barriers to such an increase. In addition, there remains considerable uncertainty as to whether, and if so, how, FERC may continue to address these issues. Thus, EPA should re-examine and revise the assumptions it has made with respect to related provisions in the Proposed Rule, particularly in its construction of building block 2. IX. The Proposed Rule Fails to Take into Consideration Other Federal Environmental Regulations That Will Impact the Ability of the States to Require Large-Scale Fuel Switching from Coal to Natural Gas to Achieve Their CO2 Reduction Goals. The assumptions EPA makes in the Proposed Rule about the ability of the utility industry to fuel switch from coal to natural gas fail to take into consideration other environmental regulations that impact the construction of natural gas infrastructure or the operation of NGCC units. While EPA does not administer all of the relevant environmental regulations it should have considered in this rulemaking, it does administer some of them, such as NAAQS. These regulations are likely to increase the difficulty states face in achieving their goals. For additional information on permitting requirements please see Section IX(A). 72 A. EPA Did Not Consider That New NGCC Generation Must Meet Existing and Revised NAAQS. NOx emissions from all fossil fuel generation are regulated as precursors to ozone and fine particulate patter (PM2.5) under the NAAQS program. The level of stringency of NOx emission limits may depend on whether the generation is located in an attainment area or a nonattainment area. Existing NGCC units are usually licensed to operate at full load continuously. However, given what is essentially a requirement under the Proposal to re-order unit dispatch, a significant change in ozone standards could result in a request to conduct additional Air Dispersion Modeling to address the higher NOx resulting from related operational changes such as ramping. It is difficult to anticipate the impact of a revised ozone standard on existing coal or natural-gas fired units without running air dispersion modeling for each location. Moreover, results will vary depending on topography and proximity to other sources such as factories and roads. However, EPA did not appear to take into account possible increases in NOx emissions that might occur. The Proposed Rule’s compliance timeline for meeting the interim and final goals does not provide the utility sector or states with sufficient time to go through all of the steps required to conduct the new Air Dispersion Modeling runs needed to verify attainment of existing NAAQS. EPA apparently presumes that all or most existing NGCC units that would need to be redispatched to a higher capacity factor to meet building block 2 would immediately pass the Air Dispersion Modeling tests. Likewise, the Agency didn’t take into account the impact of complying with revised NAAQS under a redispatch scenario. EPA did not even consider the time needed to acquire revised Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permits for existing units when it set the interim and final compliance dates in the Proposed Rule. Had EPA done so, it would have realized that more time will likely be needed to achieve the reduction goals the agency set for each state. In addition, EPA finalized a new NAAQS for nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) that set a 1-hour standard for ambient NO2 at 100 parts per billion.209 NGCCs can comply with this standard, but because background ambient NO2 levels will be determined by monitors placed near highways, there is a concern that they will be found in non-compliance because the monitors cannot separate the NGCC unit emissions from the emissions attributable to motor vehicles. This could result in urban areas falling into nonattainment, which would trigger more stringent permitting 209 See Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2006-922. INGAA filed written comments that the one-hour standard “could require emissions levels beyond the capability of current control technologies.” 73 requirements for NGCCs. EPA’s list of counties that would be in nonattainment 210 is conservative as the NAAQS rule requires new dispersion monitors be placed in more counties where monitors are currently not located. The monitors could be placed near highways and existing factories where NOx emissions would be higher. If an existing NGCC unit is sited in a newly designated NOx nonattainment area, emission offsets and/or use of some sort of control equipment not currently envisioned, or a higher stack, may be required. Those costs or possible ozone precursor limitations of replacing existing coal plants with new NGCC units are not considered in the Proposal. Also, EPA’s state plan requirements do not give states adequate time to conduct PSD determinations using Dispersion Modeling since the state plans will presume that any existing coal plant with co-firing, or any gas plant needing any PSD modeling approval, would be completed before 2020. See Sections IX(A), XV, and XVI addressing state plans. B. The Proposed Rule Does Not Take into Consideration Non-Clean Air Act Regulations That Will Impact the Ability of States to Require LargeScale Fuel Switching from Coal to Natural Gas to Achieve Their CO2 Reduction Goals. When developing the basis for its BSER determination, EPA did not look at any non-Clean Air Act regulations that will impact the ability of utilities to fuel switch at the large scale needed to comply with the state goals in the Proposed Rule. For example, EPA did not consider the role of Endangered Species Act (ESA) regulations on the natural gas pipeline permitting process or new Department of Transportation regulations that require the retrofitting of existing natural gas pipelines to improve their safety. EPA also did not take into account its own pending regulations to eliminate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) along pipeline segments211 with new non-PCB materials. It is fair to assume that the application of such regulations will add time and costs to the development of the infrastructure required to support the new gas generation. EPA should have factored this into its analysis. X. EPA Should Withdraw and Re-Propose the Rule. In these comments, APPA provides detailed information and analysis on the concerns we have with the Proposed Rule. These include that the Proposal: (1) goes far beyond EPA’s statutory authority under Section 111(d); (2) conflicts significantly with other federal, state, and local authorities; (3) relies on questionable data and assumptions with respect to the long term availability and price of natural gas; (4) makes unrealistic assumptions about the availability of 210 211 74 the infrastructure necessary to support the assumed massive increase in the use of natural gasfired generation; (5) would increase substantially the cost of electricity to consumers; (6) imposes unduly stringent reduction requirements on many states by using unrealistic and overly aggressive assumptions in the building block calculations; and (7) does not provide states with sufficient time or flexibility to develop, implement, or modify, when appropriate, their plans for implementation. For all these reasons and others discussed in these comments, APPA urges EPA to withdraw and re-propose the rule. XI. If EPA Will Not Withdraw the Proposed Rule, APPA Recommends Several Modifications That Would Improve Its Workability. In the event that EPA does not withdraw and re-propose the Proposed Rule, APPA strongly recommends that EPA modify the Proposed Rule as follows: Allow states to choose a baseline that accurately reflects their unique circumstances. Provide full credit for investments already made that reduce or offset CO2 emissions. Fix the errors and revise the assumptions in the computations of the four building blocks in a manner that reflects what can realistically be accomplished and ensures greater equity among the states. Provide a streamlined process for NSR determinations and stipulate that an EGU’s energy efficiency upgrade under a state compliance plan should be considered GHG Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for PSD determinations. Remove under-construction nuclear units from the relevant state baselines. Allow all non CO2-emitting generation resources to be used for compliance. Provide states with more time to develop state compliance plans. Provide more guidance on the development of multi-state plans and interstate agreements. Eliminate the interim reduction goal and allow states to determine the emission reduction trajectory (glide path) to reach their final reduction goals. Allow a state’s final reduction goal, the year to achieve that goal, and/or the glide path to be adjusted based on the discovery of materially changed circumstances, with the burden of so demonstrating placed on the state. Include and allow mechanisms to ensure that potentially regulated entities ha ve the maximum degree of flexibility to comply with state plans at reasonable cost, including additional reductions or avoidance measures from the energy sector. 75 Provide for the establishment of a reliability “safety valve” to ensure that compliance with mandated emission reduction goals do not inadvertently impair system reliability or conflict with NERC standards. These recommendations are discussed in much more detail in the following sections. XII. EPA’s Selection of 2012 as the Baseline Is Inappropriate; States Should Be Allowed Flexibility in Establishing a Representative Baseline. Choosing any single year for the baseline is problematic because it is inconsistent with the way the industry operates. Various anomalies and unanticipated events can occur in any single year that render that year unrepresentative of the performance of generating units within a state, and often within a single utility. EGUs require regular maintenance and must be taken out of service for extended periods of time to complete maintenance and upgrades. For example, Laramie River Station (LRS) in Wyoming, which is comprised of three generating units, is on a threeyear maintenance schedule, with each unit being shut down for maintenance on a rotating basis. Many utilities in the industry adhere to a three-year maintenance schedule. However, regardless of the specific schedule utilities follow, the selection of a single year as a baseline of measurement is unlikely to reflect the actual capability of the generating fleet. Moreover, not all power plants were operating in 2012. In Minnesota, Sherburne County Generating Station (Sherco) Unit 3 was offline for all of 2012 due to an unplanned outage, making the starting point of Minnesota’s goal calculation atypical. This should be corrected, as Minnesota will continue to rely on this generating unit (approximately 900 MW) for the duration of the planning period, and likely beyond. Other units were running for only part of the year due to other types of unplanned outages, such as those resulting from storms or floods. In addition, changes in electricity demand, such as the loss of an industrial or large commercial customer, can result in reduced output from a generating unit, even though it is still operational. As recognized in EPA’s NODA,212 variations in weather have a significant impact on not only the demand for electricity, but also the type of electricity generated in a given year. For example, the amount of fossil generation in the Upper Great Plains region is significantly affected by the amount of hydropower generation: during high water years, there is more hydro 212 and 76 and less fossil generation, and likewise in low water years, there is less hydro and more fossil generation. Averaging the baseline will tend to reduce the impact of weather anomalies as well as unit outages. Therefore, instead of prescribing 2012 as the baseline, the final rule should allow each state to establish a baseline that the state believes equitably represents its circumstances, utility generation, and related emissions. For example, EPA should allow a state to choose any three years within the most recent ten-year period for which emissions data is available and then average those three years to establish a baseline for its emission reductions and compliance plan. Variations of this approach are obviously available as well. The key element is to provide some flexibility so that the final emission goal is equitable. XIII. The Baseline and BSER Computations Should Allow Full Credit for Early Action. In the Proposed Rule, EPA did not properly take into account efforts by states and their utilities to reduce emissions that occurred prior to 2012. By ignoring effects from efforts already undertaken by electric utilities and states when it performed its analysis of what is re asonably achievable to reduce CO2, EPA erred in setting BSER. This results in a BSER that effectively penalizes a state for early actions that reduced CO 2 emissions. Early action typically involves establishing energy efficiency programs that are most cost effective, as well as employing renewable energy technologies that produce energy at the least cost to the consumer. This means that early action states will find that both renewable energy and energy efficiency options to meet building block 3 and 4 are more cost-limited than for states which did not aggressively pursue early action to reduce CO 2 emissions. The result is a higher long-run cost of compliance and fewer alternative choices for states that chose to reduce CO 2 prior to the EPA Proposal. While actions, such as increasing energy efficiency, can improve environmental outcomes, there is an optimal investment point over which further investment in a particular measure becomes uneconomical, even in the context of compliance. Because states with utilities that have undertaken renewable energy and energy efficiency programs are potentially forced to spend more than other entities that may be regulated under this rule, it is appropriate for EPA to designate some mechanism to provide credit for early action in establishing state emission reduction goals. This concept is also appropriately mentioned in EPA’s NODA. To address the inequities created by the lack of credit for early action in the Proposal, APPA suggests that if a state or entity can show verifiably that it has reduced its emissions via some measure, it should receive credit under the building block computation of the state’s emission reduction goal. Emissions goal credit could be accounted for in state plans and EPA goal calculations by using units of MWh for each state representing all actions taken by the state since 2005 that reduce 77 CO2. This unit of MWh would be subtracted from the denominator of the state rate calculation or total mass reduction requirement incrementally starting in 2017 and depreciated at a rate of 10 percent over the following 10 years. For example, a state has entities that have verifiably reduced CO2 emissions relative to business as usual by 10 MWh via a solar power system and energy efficiency measures since 2005. The state should be allowed to calculate these measures into its state goals by adding the 10 MWh to its goal/target denominator starting in 2017 and decreasing that 10 MWh amount by 10 percent each year. This method would also help improve the glide path issues noted by EPA in its NODA.213 Consider the following examples of early action from public power utilities: In Wisconsin, the early addition of renewable resources significantly in excess of state regulatory requirements amounting to 16.04 percent renewables in 2013 versus the Wisconsin RPS requirement of 6.24 percent. A 2010 steam turbine retrofit at Boswell Unit 4 in Minnesota, which increased plant output by approximately 8.5 percent with no increase in emissions. In the case of EPA’s proposal and goal calculation methodology, the state is penalized twice for the project–it lowers Minnesota’s 2012 baseline emission rate and removes a potential compliance measure. 2011 agreement to purchase approximately 162 MW resulting from an extended power uprate of NextEra Energy Resources’ Point Beach Nuclear Plant. The uprate has the effect of increasing the at-risk nuclear component in Wisconsin’s goal-setting calculation, making Wisconsin’s goal more stringent. In Minnesota, energy efficiency programs typically have an 11to12 year weighted useful life. Between 2005 and 2012, state efficiency programs implemented by the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency have reduced over 900,000 tons of CO2. The state of Minnesota should be allowed to take credit for that early action. In Missouri, City Utilities of Springfield installed dense pack turbines to improve unit efficiency in 2010, a project that was touted by EPA in the TSD to this rule. This early action removed the lowest cost opportunities from the power plant and makes significantly less additional efficiency available. In recent years, the owners of LRS have taken significant steps to improve its heat rate, including the following projects, along with the noted improvement in heat rate: turbine upgrades, 200 Btu/kWh, hydrojet installation to clean the boiler walls, 40 Btu/kWh, 213 and 78 installation of an intelligent soot blowing program, 20 Btu/kWh, and CO monitors/combustion optimizer, 25 Btu/kWh. These upgrades, along with a rigorous maintenance program, have helped LRS achieve and maintain a 3 percent efficiency improvement. This improvement should be accounted for in the target requirement using the method proposed above to reduce the overall compliance burden required by the state. To prevent the punishing effect of increasing marginal compliance costs unduly, EPA should allow full credit for early action. XIV. The Assumptions EPA Made in the Building Blocks Are Flawed and Do Not Provide the Flexibility States Need to Meet Their CO2 Reduction Goals. The Proposed Rule states that while it “lays out state-specific CO2 goals that each state is required to meet, it does not prescribe how a state should meet its goal.” 214 It further states that “each state will have the flexibility to design a program to meet its goal in a manner that reflects its particular circumstances and energy and environmental policy objectives.” 215 APPA appreciates the stated intent of EPA to provide states with flexibility to meet their goals, but upon careful review believes the assumptions underlying the building blocks, which are used to calculate those goals, are flawed and actually limit state flexibility. In addition, several of the building blocks appear to work at cross-purposes with one another and further limit state flexibility to achieve CO2 reduction goals. Below is a discussion of some of the key flaws APPA has identified in each building block. EPA’s approach to calculating each state’s interim and final emission goals is flawed. The Agency’s goal calculation methodology contains numerous errors, inconsistencies, and oversights that substantially and adversely impact each state’s goals. These errors do not affect just a handful of states; they undermine the proposed goals for every state. To remedy this, EPA must withdraw its Proposed Rule and re-propose a revised set of emission goals for public comment. If EPA proceeds with this rulemaking, it cannot and should not finalize the Proposal in its current form. The goal calculation methodology is so problematic and full of errors that any rule, if corrected and finalized, would not be a logical outgrowth of the Proposal. Therefore, EPA should make all necessary corrections, withdraw and re-propose this rule. 214 215 Page 16 prepublication version of proposed rule. Id. at 16-17. 79 Figure 10: BSER Building Blocks Source: Latham & Watkins 2014, the cost estimates are EPA’s and not endorsed by either APPA or Latham & Watkins A. Building Block 1—Heat Rate Improvements 1. EPA Overlooks the Significance of NSR Issues in Building Block 1 “EGU Efficiency Improvements.” Building block 1 of EPA’s Proposed Rule consists of measures to reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired EGUs by improving heat rate, reducing the amount of fuel needed to produce electricity.216 The Agency cites a 2009 Sargent & Lundy Report that identifies “equipment upgrades at a facility that could provide total heat rate improvements in a range of approximately 4 to 12 percent.”217 The projects identified by Sargent & Lundy 218 are also included in a TSD for this rulemaking, and they include upgrading soot blowers, boiler feed pumps, economizers, turbines, boilers, air heaters, feed water heaters, condensers, forced draft (FD) and induced draft 216 See 79 Fed. Reg. 34,928. 79 Fed. Reg. 34859 218 See Sargent & Lundy LLC, Coal-Fired Power Plant Heat Rate Reductions at 2-1 to 5-4 (Jan. 22, 2009) 217 80 (ID) fans, pulverizers, condensate pumps, flue gas conditioning systems, selective catalytic reduction systems, ash handling systems, neural network optimization systems, electrostatic precipitators, and system controls.219 The chart below (Table 3) lists various efficiency improvements in the TSD for this rulemaking and alleged NSR compliance issues raised by EPA and citizens in EGU NSR enforcement actions. All but one of the upgrades has been targeted by EPA and citizens in CAA NSR enforcement actions. The significance of PSD permitting is two-fold: (1) “preconstruction review” requires 14-24 months and air quality dispersion modeling and NAAQS and increment analysis, as well as the application of BACT (not “existing source NSPS”), and (2) in order to legally avoid NSR review, the operator must permit emission limits on the unit’s production.220 The chart below lists various efficiency improvements in the TSD for the Proposal and NSR compliance issues raised by EPA and citizens in EGU NSR enforcement actions. 219 U.S. EPA, Technical Support Document for Carbon Pollution Guidelines for Existing Power Plants: Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Sources, GHG Abatement Measures, at 2-1-16 (June 10, 2014) (same) (“GHG Abatement Measures TSD”). 220 APPA cites further comments in UARG regarding EPA’s omission in the rulemaking of these NSR impediments and inherent legal inconsistency of BACT with NSPS. 81 Table 3: Technology Assessment Modified and Existing Sources Efficiency Improvements for Existing Coal-Fired EGUs and ICI Boilers Efficiency Improvement Technology Replace Turbine Blading and/or Rotor Description Combustion Control Optimization Automated adjustment of coal and air flow to optimize steam production. Cooling System Heat Loss Recovery Recovery of a portion of the heat loss from cooling water exiting the steam condenser Reported Efficiency Increase221 0.84-2.6% EGU watt-peak (Wp) 28 APPA IDENTIFIED EPA ALLEGED COMPLIANCE ISSUE 0.15-0.84% EGU Wp-28 EPA and Sierra Club NSR complaints assert that any change to an analogue system to adjust air flow into a boiler optimizes steam production, enabling the unit to burn more fuel, triggering NSR because they are routine changes. Replacement and rebuilds of condensers are sometimes identified by EPA as alleged NSR violations because of their capital cost, but they have not to our knowledge been identified as an alleged NSR violation. Instrumentation adds up to ~3% ICI Wp- 8 0.2 to 1 % EGU Wp 28 221 In one of the most notorious of the CAA NSR cases alleging PSD/NSR violations for replacement and upgrades in high pressure section of two steam turbines involved retrofit of a Detroit Edison turbine with a General Electric (GE) dense pack (rotor and blades). Starting with the initial complaints against Cinergy and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in 1999, replacement turbine blades are alleged to violate NSR.222 Citations are to EPA’s White Paper titled “Available and Emerging Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Coal-Fired Electric Generating Units” (Oct. 2010), (“EGU WP”) and “Available and Emerging Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Industrial Commercial, and Institutional Boilers (Oct. 2010)” (“ICI WP”). 222 Letter from Francis X. Lyons, Reg’l Adm’r, EPA, to Henry Nickel at 2, 3 (May 23, 2000) (“Detroit Edison Determination”), available at See Also EPA legal analysis of NSR impacts at: 82 Efficiency Improvement Technology Replace/ Upgrade Burners Flue Gas Heat Recovery Description Older, wrongly sized, or mechanically deteriorated burners are typically inefficient. Inoperable dampers, broken registers, or clogged nozzles will render an otherwise good burner into a poor performer. These inefficiencies result in incomplete combustion (high carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and unburned carbon) and the need for high excess air. It may be possible to recover heat lost when flue gas exits the boiler by installation of a condenser exchanger to heat preheat boiler feedwater. Reported Efficiency Increase221 Up to 4-5% ICI Wp—8 0.3 to 1.5% EGU Wp 28 83 APPA IDENTIFIED EPA ALLEGED COMPLIANCE ISSUE From the initial November 3, 1999, NSR utility enforcement initiative action filed by U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno against eight investor-owned utilities (IOUs) and TVA-to-the present NSR actions against utilities and nearly every other industry sector in the U.S., EPA has asserted that addition and/or replacement and/or or upgrading burners in any type of boiler resulted in a significant emissions increase from the unit requiring PSD review. Eleven burner upgrades and replacements were alleged to have violated NSR in the first nine utility enforcement cases. Note also that even installation of low-NOx burners, a pollution prevention device, is not exempt from NSR if it increasing the efficiency of a boiler See New York v. EPA, 433 F.2d 3 (D.C. Cir. 2005), cert denied. EPA, Sierra Club, and Wild Earth Guardians have routinely identified as NSR violations the installation of condensers to recover flue gas as a physical change to the combustion unit that increases the capacity of a boiler because it significantly increases SO2, NOx, and CO emissions. Efficiency Improvement Technology Air Preheaters and Reheaters Economizers— replacements or retubing Feedwater Heaters and Improvements Description For most fossil fuel-fired heating equipment, energy efficiency can be increased by using waste heat gas recovery systems to capture and use some of the heat in the flue gas. Heat recovery equipment includes various type of heat exchangers (economizers and air heaters), typically located after the gases have passed through the steam generating sections of the boiler. An economizer preheats condensed feed water recycled back to the boiler tubes to the boiler enabling the boiler to heat water more efficiently increasing output, including air emissions as a result of increased output. Using other heat sources for the feedwater heater avoids the need to extract steam from the turbine allowing the steam to be used for electric power generation Reported Efficiency Increase221 ~1% per 40 degree temp. decrease up to ~ 4% ICI Wp 9 APPA IDENTIFIED EPA ALLEGED COMPLIANCE ISSUE 40 degree decrease in flue gas temp = ~1% ICI Wp 8-9 The cost of a new economizer can exceed the cost of $2.3 million for a large boiler according to EPA’s EGU and ICI whitepapers. Replacement of portions of an economizer tubing, typically exceeds $100,000 and is not considered routine maintenance because they are neither frequent or “like kind replacements,” typically involving installation of higher grade chemical resistant coating. Economizer replacement and economizer tubing replacement is cited in nearly every complaint EPA or any citizen has ever filed against an electric utility. NSR violations for economizer installations, repairs and replacements were alleged 37 times in the first nine NSR enforcement cases brought by EPA. Increases the output of the steam cycle in turn increasing the output from the boiler and EPA has alleged that feedwater heater replacement and new installation is not done frequently, and boosts output or restores lost capacity which triggers NSR review. EGU Wp p. 34 discusses but does not specify efficiency improvements. 84 Heat recovery also includes installation of air preheaters, as well as changes in design of preheaters, including baskets in a preheater. EPA and Sierra Club assert they trigger NSR because they increase or recover lost capacity from a boiler increasing NSR-regulated pollutants. Efficiency Improvement Technology Cooling System Heat Loss Recovery Flue Gas Heat Recovery Low-Rank Coal Drying Sootblower Optimization Description Recovery of a portion of the heat loss from cooling water exiting the steam condenser Recovery of the heat lost when flue gas is sprayed with flue gas desulfurization (FGD) reagent slurry and cools Drying of subbituminous and lignite coals using waste heat from flue gas and/or cooling water systems Intermittent injection of high velocity gets of steam or air to clean coal ash deposits from boiler tube surfaces to maintain adequate heat transfer Reported Efficiency Increase221 0.2 to 1 % EGU Wp 28 0.3 to 1.5% EGU Wp 28 0.1 to 0.65% EGU Wp 28 0.1 to 0.65% EGU Wp 28 85 APPA IDENTIFIED EPA ALLEGED COMPLIANCE ISSUE Recover a portion of the heat loss from the warm cooling water exiting the steam condenser prior to its circulation thorough a cooling tower or discharge to a water body. The identified technologies include replacing the cooling tower fill (heat transfer surface) and tuning the cooling tower and condenser. Replacement and rebuilds of condensers are generally always identified by EPA as alleged NSR violations. Replacing the cooling tower fill has not to our knowledge been identified as an alleged NSR violation. Recovering lost energy in the flue gas to preheat boiler feedwater via use of a condensing heat exchanger has been alleged by EPA to violate NSR because it increases potential output from the boiler. “Low-rank coal drying” has not nominally been alleged as an efficiency improvement that triggers NSR in enforcement actions. However, general modifications of coal handling systems to dry coal to make it easier to handle, convey, and pulverize – improving the overall efficiency have generically been described in a number of EPA NSR complaints and EPA CAA requests for information utilized by the Agency in preparation of NSR enforcement actions. Sootblowers intermittently inject high velocity jets of steam or air to clean coal ash deposits from boiler tube surfaces in order to maintain adequate heat transfer. The identified technologies include intelligent or neural-network sootblowing (i.e., sootblowing in response to real-time conditions in the boiler) and detonation sootblowing. Sootblowing has been alleged by the Sierra Club to violate state and federal opacity standards, as well as NSR for particulate. Efficiency Improvement Technology Steam Turbine Design Description Maintain mechanical and physical condition of steam turbine use of efficiently designed turbine blades and stead seals Reported Efficiency Increase221 0.84-2.6% EGU Wp-28 APPA IDENTIFIED EPA ALLEGED COMPLIANCE ISSUE In the Notice of rulemaking, EPA recognizes the potential NSR consequences of implementing building block 1 and states that it expects there will be “few instances” where “an NSR permit would be required.”223 But clearly these views are not shared by EPA’s enforcement arm, as is evident from the Detroit Edison determination and the hundreds of projects targeted in the enforcement initiative since then. Based on the history of EPA’s NSR enforcement initiative, EPA’s assurance that there will be “few instances” in which building block 1 projects would trigger NSR is not supported by the preponderance of past actions by the agency. Even if EPA believes there will be “few instances” where an NSR permit would be required, there is no suggestion that all states or citizens share that belief. Citizen plaintiffs have been just as active as EPA in litigating NSR suits over the past 15 years. Even when those citizen suits lack merit, they often delay the implementation of efficiency improvement projects, take several years to litigate, are very expensive, and drain scarce resources of the parties and courts. This is an artifact of EPA’s Proposal that adds considerable risk and expense. EPA’s failure to account for the potential cost of NSR—and NSR uncertainty—for building block 1 projects in the Proposed Rule is arbitrary and capricious. As a result, utilities implementing building block 1 that do not project an increase in emissions as a result of an equipment upgrade will face the ongoing threat of NSR litigation years after their projects. In an enforcement action filed just last year, for example, EPA sued Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company for allegedly violating NSR even though emissions have decreased since the projects were undertaken.224 In this suit, EPA brought these claims following the very same types of upgrades it is now recommending states to implement under building block 1: the replacement of economizers and turbine blades and the addition of heat transfer surface in boilers. EPA should eliminate the threat of protracted NSR litigation and provide a clear statement that any upgrades necessary to implement building block 1 do not trigger NSR. 223 224 79 Fed. Reg. 34,859. United States v. OG&E, No. 5:13-cv-00690 (W.D. Okla.). 86 Because EPA’s justification of the state emission goals relies on the ability of sources to implement efficiency improvement measures, and because EPA has failed to propose any credible regulatory provisions to otherwise address this issue, EPA has failed to demonstrate the achievability of its goals as required by section 111. APPA asks EPA to review the UARG comments for more information. 2. EPA’s Analysis of Historical Data from Coal-Fired Units Fails to Provide Any Support for Its Claim that Heat Rate Improvements of 4 to 6 Percent Are Achievable. EPA is proposing to find that overall heat rate improvements of 6 percent (or 4 percent under the alternate goals EPA solicits comment on) are achievable at existing coal-fired EGUs under building block 1.225 The Agency based its estimates of achievable heat rate improvements primarily on measures described in a 2009 report by Sargent & Lundy, along with its own limited analysis of historical generating data. 226 EPA’s estimates are arbitrary and capricious, and they demonstrate the Agency’s poor understanding of the nature, cost, and availability of heat rate improvement measures. EPA has failed to consider several critical factors that will make it impossible for affected EGUs to reach this goal individually or on average across any state. APPA also notes that forcing changes in the operation of coal plants will create stranded costs. For example, at LRS in Wyoming, because there is no practical way to reduce the heat rate under building block 1, the only option remaining at the source is a drastic one: the owners are faced with the requirement to run the plant less or shut down one or more units. The first option, running the plant less, will reduce the efficiency of the plant (and the heat rate, contrary to EPA’s objective) and cause an increase in the operating costs—wholesale cost increases that will have to be passed on to their customer-owners. It is unlikely, however, that simply running the plant less will be sufficient to meet the CO 2 emission reduction required of LRS, whether under the rate-based or mass-based approach. If, instead, the owners are forced to shut down a unit prematurely, it will cause significant stranded costs and will run afoul of the directive of 111(d) to take into account remaining useful life.227 In EPA’s NODA,228 it asks if it should consider 225 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,861. Id. at 34,859; GHG Abatement Measures TSD. 227 CAA 111(d)(1)(B) 228 226 87 such issues in adjusting timeline and compliance requirements.229 At a minimum, EPA should allow all stranded costs to be considered in adjusting timelines and targets accordingly to allow recovery of costs. As a threshold legal and regulatory issue, many of the operating practices and equipment upgrades that are the basis of the Agency’s assertion that 4 to 6 percent heat rate improvements are achievable are not included in a Subpart Da affected facility. For this reason, EPA lacks authority to regulate such equipment under Section 111(d). Subpart Da is the codification of the NSPS for electric utility steam generating units, and these pieces of complicated equipment, logically enough, generate steam. The “affected facility” is “each electric utility steam generating unit.”230 Equipment within the boiler island is the Subpart Da affected facility, while equipment beyond the boiler island is not. APPA agrees with UARG’s comments that the following equipment is specifically beyond the purview of this rule: steam turbines, water purification equipment, water-supply systems, air cleaning and cooling apparatuses, condensers, main exhaust and main steam piping, water screens, motors, and moisture separators for turbine steam. EPA’s attempt to require improvements in these components’ efficiency for building block 1 is contrary to law. Even if EPA had authority to regulate these pieces of equipment under Section 111, its technical conclusions are erroneous. As discussed by UARG’s consultants J. Edward Cichanowicz and Michael Hein, the Agency does not account for the fact that the efficiency benefits associated with the measures identified in the Sargent & Lundy report are highly variable by unit, are not cumulative, and are only temporary.231 Large benefits from steam turbine upgrades (the highestpayoff measure) are only possible for units that are already severely degraded; for most units, the available payoffs would lie at the low end of the possible range. Many of the available heat rate improvements for which the efficiency benefits outweigh the costs have already been implemented by EGU owners for economic reasons and would not yield substantial benefits if they were implemented again. Many of the available actions to improve heat rate do not provide cumulative benefits and thus cannot be added together to estimate the potential efficiency gains at coal-fired EGUs. In particular, measures that increase heat removal from the boiler, such as economizer modifications, improved air heater performance, and low temperature heat recovery, do not 229 40 C.F.R. § 60.40Da. 231 J. Edward Cichanowicz & Michael C. Hein, “Evaluation of Heat Rate Improving Techniques for Coal-Fired Utility Boilers as a Response to Section 111(d) Mandates” (Sept. 12, 2014). 230 88 provide additive efficiency benefits because any heat that is recovered by an individual project cannot be recovered a second time. EPA ignores in its building block 1 analysis the ways in which EGUs’ heat rates (and thus, CO2 emissions) are negatively impacted by operating load and by auxiliary power requirements needed to run associated equipment and emission controls. In particular, the Agency has overlooked the negative impact on coal-fired EGU efficiency of an EGUs’ obligations under the remaining components of its proposed BSER and under other CAA programs. For example, based on regional haze rule requirements, the operators of LRS are installing a selective catalytic reduction system. The fans associated with this system are expected to increase station power requirements by 22.5MW, or 7.5 MW per unit. Based on generating capacities of 570MW per unit, this power increase means regional haze rule related compliance controls contribute to a 1.3 percent reduction of plant efficiency at full power and a 1.7 percent reduction in efficiency at 75 percent capacity. EPA should adjust its modeling assumptions and allow states to adjust their targets based on compliance obligations that power plants have under other CAA programs. Because EPA failed to consider the effect of looming or recently completed emission control projects that adversely affect EGU heat rate, affected EGUs will be forced to overcome the energy penalties associated with these controls and then achieve an additional 4 to 6 percent improvement in heat rate, on average, in order to comply with the Proposed Rule. In addition to these fundamental oversights, the Agency has failed to provide any reasonable analysis of whether its heat rate improvement targets are achievable. For these reasons, the “assessment of heat rate improvement potential” in the GHG Abatement Measures TSD does not support EPA’s claim that state-wide heat rate improvements of 4 to 6 percent are achievable.232 Again, because plants will have to install control equipment for both this rule and other rules, and EPA ignored the energy penalty associated with such equipment, the Agency’s “assessment of heat rate improvement potential” is arbitrary and capricious. 233 Under building block 2 of the Proposed Rule, EPA is requiring states to redispatch generation from coal-fired EGUs to NGCC units, which will result in more coal-fired EGUs being dispatched as load-following units rather than providing baseload at high capacity factors. As EPA itself acknowledges, EGUs have higher heat rates when operating as load-following units and during periods of startup and shutdown.234 The Agency should adjust its assumptions and 232 See GHG Abatement Measures TSD at 2-30 to 2-34. Id. 234 GHG Abatement Measures TSD at 2-5, 2-21 233 89 allow states to modify their goals to account for reduced heat rate that occurs due to loadfollowing, variable renewable energy resources. APPA agrees with UARG that EPA’s “model” assessing potential heat rate improvements via “best practices” is arbitrary and capricious. In this “model,” the Agency grouped hourly heat input data into “bins” representing ranges of load and ambient temperature, then performed crude calculations to reduce the variation among observations in each bin by arbitrary increments of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 percent. EPA used these adjusted values to calculate an adjusted heat rate for each unit, then compared the study population’s average adjusted heat rate under each scenario to the population’s actual average heat rate in order to determine the “improvement” under each scenario, with a roughly 30 percent reduction in each unit’s variation corresponding to a 4 percent improvement in the overall study population’s heat rate. APPA agrees with UARG that this conclusion is arbitrary and unfounded. Absent from EPA’s analysis is any discussion linking the 4 percent “best practices” estimate to any identifiable, technically feasible heat rate improvement measures. At most, EPA’s discussion shows that a 4 percent reduction in overall heat rate is mathematically feasible if sources can find a way to reduce variation in hourly heat input. The Agency makes no attempt to show whether the measures it identifies as “best practices” are technically capable of reducing heat input variation at individual units at all, let alone reducing variation to a sufficient degree to reach the target efficiency level. On a more fundamental level, EPA’s analysis incorrectly assumes that the existence of variation in heat rate at individual units means there is “significant variation in the operation of EGUs,” indicating that “significant potential for heat rate improvement is available through the application of best practices.”235 In fact, heat rate variability at individual units is driven by the design, duty cycle, fuel type, size, cooling conditions, and location of each unit, and it cannot be ameliorated by changes in operating practices. EPA did not assess differences in variability based on these factors or control for these factors in its achievability analysis. EPA’s assessment of available heat rate improvements through “equipment upgrades” is similarly arbitrary. The Agency set this component of the target by identifying the four most costly heat rate improvement methods listed in the Sargent & Lundy report, based on average estimated $/kW costs, then simply adding together the average estimated Btu/kWh improvements for each. Based on this calculation, EPA concluded that the four specified equipment upgrades could provide a 4 percent heat rate improvement if all were applied on an 235 GHG Abatement Measures TSD at 2-30 90 EGU that has not already made them, but “conservatively” reduced the target to 2 percent because “some units may have applied at least some of the upgrades.”236 This methodology erroneously assumes that the heat rate improvements from these upgrades are cumulative and that they provide consistent long-term benefits. In reality, the combined payoff from these four upgrades will be less than the sum of each measure’s payoff would be when applied alone to an EGU, and these heat rate benefits will begin to degrade immediately once the unit returns to service. EPA cannot require affected EGUs to duplicate emission reductions they have achieved using measures they have already taken. Some of the units that are in service currently were not running at or near full capacity in 2012 and therefore have resulted in an incorrect baseline for the purposes of calculating goals. For example, Sherco Unit 3 in Minnesota was not running in 2012 due to issues related to a turbine upgrade. EPA’s NODA appears to address this question, but if it promulgates a final rule that relies solely on 2012 data, the Agency should clarify how efficiency can be improved on a unit that was not running at the time of its analysis and hence not included in the baseline. EPA should also address units that are operating at maximum efficiency. For example, Iatan 2, Plum Point, and Prairie State units all came online in the last three years and all have the most efficient technology. There is no improvement technically available for these units regardless of cost and that was not factored into EPA’s baseline calculations. The Agency should adjust its assumptions to take into account units that do not have any efficiency improvement technically available. EPA has failed to satisfy its obligation to demonstrate that its proposed Building Block 1 target of 4 to 6 percent improvement in heat rate for coal-fired EGUs statewide is achievable “under the range of relevant conditions which may affect the emissions to be regulated.”237 Therefore, EPA should assess what efficiency upgrades have already been implemented by affected coalfired EGUs in order to determine what level of additional heat rate improvements is achievable. It should also assess other factors that will determine what level of heat rate improvements is achievable for individual coal-fired EGUs across the source category as a whole, such as whether the upgrades are compatible with the design and hardware present at a unit and whether the upgrades may present operational reliability issues at a particular unit. 236 237 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,860. Nat’l Lime Ass’n v. EPA, 627 F.2d at 433. 91 An even bigger concern is that building block 1 seems fundamentally at odds with building block 2. Why would a utility make heat rate improvements at a coal-fired power plant that would cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars only to not be able to run that unit as often, if at all, because of compliance with block 2, where natural gas units would be dispatched first? How would a utility finance such a project if its creditors can have no assurance that the plant would be operated sufficiently to pay back the debt service? Even if heat rate improvements were made, decreased plant utilization (lower load operation and increased cycling) would degrade the plant’s heat rate; partially or fully offsetting the effect of the heat rate improvement projects. The inherent conflict of building blocks 1 and 2 call into question the assumptions underlying those building blocks, as well as EPA’s understanding of how utilities operate. The Agency must address these issues and amend building block 1 to enable realistic heat rate improvements at power plants. B. Building Block 2—Redispatch of Natural Gas Units 1. EPA Improperly Calculated Capacity Factor and Number of Hours in Building Block 2—Existing Natural Gas CombinedCycle Generation—and Should Correct Its Calculations. In computing the level of existing NGCC generation that will be redispatched to displace both coal- and oil- & gas-fired (O/G) steam generation, EPA erred in using nameplate capacity and not summer net capacity to apply its NGCC post-redispatch capacity factors. Using nameplate capacity results in EPA adding an erroneously high level of gas-fired generation into a state’s goal calculation, thereby excessively reducing the amount of coal-fired generation included in determining a state’s goal above and beyond what can reasonably be considered BSER. Summer is when NGCC units are most often dispatched at the highest capacity factors, reflecting when demand for electricity is greatest in most areas. The Agency properly used 2012 summer net capacity from each state’s nuclear fleet in determining each state’s nuclear capacity “at risk .”238 This method should have been applied for NGCC units and EPA erred in not doing so. EPA used a leap year to calculate the hours that must be run to achieve a 70 percent capacity factor, another erroneous assumption. The number of hours used to determine what megawatt hours are run by the fleet at 70 percent capacity factor should be set using either a typical year or the average of hours per year over four years (8,760 or 8,766). Despite the theory EPA uses to take the generation in 2012 and divide it by the hours in 2012 (because there is only one year of 238 See table 4.10 in EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Abatement TSD 92 data and some plants may not have been functioning normally), the extra 24 hours of data could influence a state’s requirement by up to .002 percent compared to a normal year, which in some states could amount to several hundred thousand MWh. For example, in Texas, the amount of NGCC generation calculated at 70 percent capacity factor over 8,784 hours is 230,875,142 MWh while at 8,760 it could be 201,331,956 MWh. The only way for EPA to solve this problem is to allow states to use multiple, representative data years. The Agency appears to attempt to address this in the NODA and APPA encourages it to allow states to use multiple years in setting baseline requirements, as discussed in Section XII, as a solution for this issue. Table 4 below illustrates the difference in generation output using a 70 percent annual capacity factor with nameplate capacity versus summer net capacity for eight states. These states were used as examples, but many states are impacted significantly by EPA’s invalid assumptions. The difference in generation represents the excessive level of NGCC generation that EPA has assumed into its building block 2 for those seven states by using nameplate capacity instead of summer net capacity. For a state, such as Minnesota, to be required to meet a NGCC capacity factor greater than 90 percent based on summer net capacity is both unequitable and unrealistic. The Agency should adjust the target appropriately to reflect summer net capacity for all states as illustrated in the table. Table 4: Capacity Factors for Eight State Examples and Corrected Numbers for EPA from EIA Generator Y2012 Corrected NGCC Calculation at 70% Capacity Factor using Summer Net Generation (MWh) Hours that Will Need to Be Run Based On Net Summer Capacity of Generating Fleet if EPA Does Not Revise its Calculation Real Capacity Factor that EPA Applied by Not Using Net Summer Capacity for NGCC Corrected Maximum Capacity Factor EPA Should Have Applied If Using Nameplate Capacity Corrected 2030 Goal in lb/MWh State NGCC Nameplate Capacity (MW) NGCC Summer Net Capacity (MW) EPA's NGCC Calculation at 70% Capacity Factor (MWh) AL 10,333 9,278 63,535,550 57,048,566 6,848 78% 63% 1,124.00 AR 5,588 4,660 34,359,494 28,653,408 7,353 84% 58% 1,039.87 FL 29,485 23,784 181,297,368 146,243,059 7,602 87% 56% 912.98 GA 8,354.9 7,956 51,372,609 48,919,853 6,439 73% 67% 860.18 NC 4,709 4,075 28,954,699 25,056,360 7,086 81% 53% 1,063.40 OK 8,035 7,512 49,405,608 46,189,786 6,559 75% 65% 934.76 TX 37,548 32,833 230,875,142 201,883,550 7,013 80% 61% 863.22 MN 2808.5 2120.8 17,268,905 13,040,375 8,120 92% 54% 992.71 93 Net summer capacity is the maximum output, commonly expressed in megawatts (MW), that generating equipment can supply to system load, as demonstrated by a multi -hour test, at the time of summer peak demand (period of June 1 through September 30). This represents the reality of the electric system. As Table 4 shows, the capacity factors that would actually be required to reach these generation levels when applied to summer net capacities in these seven states are extremely high. In addition, duct burners may be operated when determining summer and winter peak ratings, and the amount of heat input from duct burners can be significant. EPA should use summer capacities without duct burner operation for purposes of goal setting as duct burners decrease the efficiency of a plant and therefore do not fit the Agency’s ideal NGCC operation model. Modeling goals without duct burners would help to insure that duct burners do not need to be used excessively or exclusively to meet the MWh or mass goals. EPA’s methodology for building block 2 includes excessive NGCC generation into a state’s goal calculation due to its use of nameplate capacity, thereby excessively reducing the amount of coal-fired generation included in determining a state’s goal. EPA should correct for this erroneous calculation and remove this additional gas-fired generation from the redispatched NGCC generation element of the target in order to make its Proposal more workable. 2. EPA Should Adjust Its Calculated Building Block 2 Targets Where the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) Does Not Assume Removal of Coal Will Occur. In EPA’s goal setting methodology for Building Block 2 under Option 1, it essentially retires all coal capacity in 11 states and replaces that generation with existing NGCC. These states are: Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington. Two of these states (Oregon and Washington) have announced the retirements of their entire coal-fired capacity as a result of various state agreements. However, the remaining nine states have only announced the retirement of some of their existing coal capacity and have plans to keep their remaining coal fleet operating into the future. EPA’s calculated requirements show a disconnect between the operational reality of the U.S. electric system and the Agency’s assumptions. EPA’s parsed IPM modeling files projecting compliance with the Option 1 state goals in 2025 under a state-based approach indicate that coal-fired capacity is required to meet demand in Arizona, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, and New Jersey. This indicates a disconnect between EPA’s assumptions related to NGCC redispatch in building block 2 and their modeling of state compliance with Option 1 goals. For example, EPA’s building block 2 calculations displace (retire) all of Arizona’s existing coal-fired capacity; however, IPM’s 2025 results for 94 Option 1 under a state approach indicate that Springerville Units 1 through 4 will be needed to generate 5,653 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity, which is equivalent to 23.2 percent of the state’s 2012 coal-fired generation. Assuming a state can shift all of its coal-fired generation to its NGCC units without taking into account the reliability needs of specific electricity markets, EPA shows a lack of understanding of how electric utilities plan and operate to meet electric demand and ensure reliability of the grid. EPA should correct the Proposal to not indicate coal fleet retirement where the IPM does not indicate retirement. More importantly, the use of average annual capacity factor for purposes of redispatch instead of considering such factors as peak demand in a particular state is a faulty approach. In meeting peak demand, many states have all their existing NGCC resources in use, along with all other resources, leaving no available NGCC generation available to replace existing coal and oil and gas (O/G) steam generation during these periods. This is further complicated by states in which there are significant amounts of merchant gas generation, which are used to meet peak demand not only in their home states, but also in neighboring states. Therefore, it is inaccurate for EPA to assume that all merchant generating capacity will be available to displace coal-fired generation from within a particular state. An analysis done by the Salt River Project (SRP) on this particular issue, which was submitted to the state of Arizona, illustrates the various faults in EPA’s methodology for building block 2.239 On August 8, 2012, SRP reached a peak hourly load of 6,663 MW, in which all of its generation resources (including coal and O/G steam units) were being utilized at full capacity, as shown in the figure below. Figure 11: SRP Resources Needed to Meet Peak Demand 239 See Salt River Project, Building Block #2 Impacts on the Emission Rate Goals for Arizona Under EPA’s Clean Power Plan Proposal, Aug. 2014. 95 Even then, SRP was forced to purchase power to meet its peak demand and its mandated reserve requirement. With coal and O/G steam units prohibited from operating for purposes of meeting the state’s CO2 emission goal, as EPA’s Interim and Final Goals for Arizona require, SRP would have been unable to meet its peak electricity demand without purchasing very substantial additional amounts of electricity on the short-term market. This highlights another hurdle that EPA failed to consider: the 5,000 MW of merchant NGCC in the state. The state’s various LSEs purchase electricity from merchant generators on either long- or shortterm agreements, but have no control on how these units are dispatched. SRP found that all merchant plants in Arizona operate at or near full output during the peak months, not only to meet the demand in Arizona, but also in neighboring states. Consequently, Arizona utilities cannot rely on merchant generation to meet long-term demand requirements during peak summer months, and both coal and O/G steam capacity provide a vital resource to meet demand and ensure reliability. In justifying the need for revised building block 2 calculations based on power system dynamics, fuel switching infrastructure time frames, and reliability issues, several factors can complicate the construction of additional NGCC capacity: Lengthy time lines in siting and permitting new energy infrastructure, which can take up to 10 years or more if it is on federal lands. The regulatory complexities of siting a new energy facility in non-attainment areas, which would require emission offsets. Recent modeling has indicated that if all existing Arizona coal capacity is retired in 2020 it would affect both the reliability and load serving capability of the state’s transmission system. EPA has simplistically assumed uniformity across RTOs, without considering intra-company, intra-regional dispatch that does not compromise a company and RTO’s ability to meet its load. EPA should work with states to adjust building block 2 targets based on these factors or any other factors deemed reasonable by a state. For example, in South Dakota, there is one NGCC—Deer Creek station (owned by Basin Electric Power Cooperative)—which commenced commercial operation in August 2012 and had a 1 percent annual capacity factor. In EPA’s goal setting methodology for building block 2, Deer Creek is ramped up to a 70 percent capacity factor, requiring South Dakota’s lone coal-fired unit (Big Stone) to reduce operations to an annual capacity factor of 23 percent. However, EPA fails to consider that the Deer Creek and Big Stone plants have different owners and are located in 96 different RTOs (Big Stone in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator and Deer Creek in the Southwest Power Pool, beginning in 2015) and serve different loads. The inclusion of both newer coal and NGCC capacity that entered operation in 2012 also biases EPA’s displacement of coal-fired generation with existing and under construction NGCC generation. Many of these newer units had very low capacity factors in 2012, resulting in either lower amounts of coal-fired generation being reported in the 2012 baseline or an artificially high amount of NGCC capacity being available to be ramped up to displace coal capacity. EPA should correct its interim and target CO 2 goals by several percent to accommodate this assumption. 3. In Building Block 2, EPA Double Counted Some Units in Both the Existing NGCC Capacity and the “Under Construction” Capacity. EPA Should Remove Those Units from Its Goal Calculations. In building block 2, EPA not only includes existing NGCC capacity, but NGCC capacity under construction, as elements in setting a state goal. For example in Florida, the Proposed Rule lists 29,485 MW of existing NGCC capacity in 2012; however, this is incorrect. In 2012, Florida had 28,067 MW of existing NGCC capacity. The difference is that EPA included the Cape Canaveral NGCC (1,295 MW), which did not begin commercial operation until April 2013, and the Orlando Cogen, a 122.4 MW compressed storage facility. In addition, the Agency also included the Hansel combined cycle facility (55 MW) that was retired in October 2012. The Cape Canaveral NGCC facility should be shifted to units under construction, and based upon EPA’s building block 2, only 15 percent of that capacity should be assigned to goal development. In South Dakota, Deer Creek Station, the only NGCC plant in the state, was modeled by EPA as operating at a 1 percent capacity factor during 2012. However, Deer Creek should have been considered “under construction” during 2012 because it did not go into commercial operation until late in 2012 and had only 190 total run hours for the year. While firing of the Deer Creek unit may have begun in April, it was not commercially operated for the bulk of the year. The 1 percent capacity factor is clearly unrepresentative, and South Dakota was the only state that had a less than 10 percent NGCC capacity factor applied in EPA’s building block 2 calculation.240 EPA’s proposed methodology, as currently applied to South Dakota, produces flawed targets that the Agency should adjust. For example, applying building block 2 in South Dakota under the 240 TSD: Goal Computation, Data File: Goal Computation – Appendix 1 and 2 (XLS). 97 proposed methodology results in Big Stone Plant, the state’s only coal-fired EGU, having to operate at a 23 percent capacity factor, forcing it to be offline at least half of the year. This also assumes that it is technically feasible for South Dakota to redispatch resources under building block 2. This assumption is incorrect because Deer Creek Station and the Big Stone Plant operate in different RTOs. EPA should recalculate its proposed targets with these plants in their proper categories. In the Goal Computation TSD, EPA indicated that all NGCC units under construction that were included in building block 2 were obtained from the National Electric Energy Data System (NEEDS) v.5.13—they are listed in the table below. In addition to those under construction NGCC units in NEEDS, the Agency identified three other NGCC plants and one Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plant that were under construction and would likely fit the rulemaking’s definition of “existing” unit. These were the Dominion Brunswick plant in Virginia (1,358 MW), the Cheyenne Generating Station in Wyoming (220 MW), the Cane Run plant in Kentucky (640 MW), and the Kemper IGCC plant in Mississippi (582 MW). Table 5: Units under Construction Shows Double Counting of Existing Units NEEDS NGCC UNDER CONSTRUCTION State Name California California California California Colorado Florida Mississippi North Carolina Ohio Ohio Ohio Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Plant Name WEC_CALN_CA_Combined Cycle WEC_LADW_CA_Combined Cycle WECC_IID_CA_Combined Cycle WECC_SF_CA_Combined Cycle WECC_CO_CO_Combined Cycle FRCC_FL_Combined Cycle S_SOU_MS_Combined Cycle S_VACA_NC_Combined Cycle Dresden Energy Facility Dresden Energy Facility Dresden Energy Facility CPV Warren, LLC CPV Warren, LLC CPV Warren, LLC CPV Warren, LLC UniqueID_Final 83770_C_1 83778_C_1 83802_C_1 83835_C_1 83792_C_1 83609_C_1 83743_C_1 83745_C_1 55350_G_1 55350_G_2 55350_G_3 55939_G_CT01 55939_G_CT02 55939_G_ST01 55939_G_ST02 PlantType Capacity (MW) On Line Year Combined Cycle 441.2 2015 Combined Cycle 560 2015 Combined Cycle 94 2015 Combined Cycle 760 2015 Combined Cycle 200 2015 Combined Cycle 1157 2015 Combined Cycle 150 2015 Combined Cycle 2249 2015 Combined Cycle 158 2013 Combined Cycle 158 2013 Combined Cycle 223 2013 Combined Cycle 180 2015 Combined Cycle 180 2015 Combined Cycle 105 2015 Combined Cycle 105 2015 However, examining this list along with the supplemental units reveals some major errors. First the Dresden Energy Facility is an existing unit and can be found in EPA’s Plant Level TSD spreadsheet of plants operating in 2012. Therefore EPA is double counting this facility. Both the CPV Warren facility in Virginia and Cheyenne facility in Wyoming may have incorrect capacity levels assigned to them. According to EIA Form-860, CPV Warren has an expected nameplate capacity of 1,329 MW compared to the NEEDS capacity of 572 MW. The Agency also reports the combined-cycle capacity at Cheyenne to be 220 MW. However, EIA reports the facility is to have only 100 MW of combined cycle capacity and four gas turbines that total 120 98 MW.241 Also, in Florida, the new construction capacity is incorrect and should include Cape Canaveral (1,210 MW) and Riviera NGCC (1,212 MW), which was expected to enter operation in June 2014. In addition, the fact that many of the units identified as “under construction” in California, Colorado, Florida, Mississippi, and North Carolina cannot be identified by name suggests that development of those units is uncertain, and that it would be speculative for EPA to rely on those units becoming available for redispatch. According to NEEDS, North Carolina has 2,249 MW under construction and EPA used this value in its building block 2. However, in evaluating EIA Form-860 data for the state, the only facility that could be found that either was under construction or entered operation after 2012 was the L.V. Sutton NGCC (622 MW), which entered operation in November 2013. This leaves 1,627 MW of unidentifiable generating capacity “under construction” that the Agency has included in calculating North Carolina’s state goals. In the alternative, this excess “under construction” capacity may be the result of EPA double counting the existing Dan River and Lee Combined Cycle plants (nameplate capacity of 1,759 MW or summer net capacity of 1,540 MW) in its building block 2. If the Florida and North Carolina goal computations are corrected to remove the errors discussed above, specifically removing Cape Canaveral and Orlando Cogen from Florida’s existing capacity, and removing 1,627 MW of unknown capacity from North Carolina’s capacity under construction, both states’ 2030 final goals and 2020-2029 interim goals would change. EPA should make under construction/operating status error corrections for all states to avoid double counting generation. 4. EPA’s Assumption That Each State’s Entire Fleet of Existing NGCC Units Can Match the Operational Level of Its Top 10 Percent of Units Is Unsupported and Should Be Corrected. EPA did not undertake any assessment of the differences between high- and low-capacity factor NGCC units that may have led a small subset of those units to operate above a 70 percent capacity factor in 2012. EPA acknowledged that units operating above 70 percent on an annual basis were “largely dispatched to provide baseload power,” and that units operating above 70 percent on a seasonal basis typically “were idled or operated at lower capacity factors” during periods of lower demand. But the Agency did not examine whether the NGCC units providing baseload power have different characteristics from the other existing NGCC units that are expected to provide generation for redispatch, or whether units that were idled during periods of 241 Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Monthly, February 2014. 99 relatively low demand did so because of economic, technical, or regulatory constraints on their operations. Instead, EPA assumed that all NGCC units are identical. This is plainly unreasonable. APPA agrees with UARG that in order to demonstrate that a standard is achievable, EPA must “establish that the test data relied on by the agency are representative of potential industry-wide performance, given the range of variables that affect the achievability of the standard.”242 This determination cannot be based on “mere speculation or conjecture.”243 EPA has failed to establish that the 10 percent of existing NGCC units operating at 70 percent capacity factor or higher are representative of the remainder of NGCC units in the source category. Indeed, many of these high-utilization units are likely not representative of the source category, given that EPA excluded a number of them from its calculations of each state’s existing NGCC capacity in the Goal Computation TSD. In reality, many existing NGCC units face constraints that will prevent them from increasing their utilization to a 70 percent capacity factor. Some units may be located in areas that are designated as in non-attainment for a NAAQS, and as a result would likely have operating permits imposing mass limits on CO2 or NOx emissions that would effectively establish a cap on those units’ operations. Other units were financed, designed, and maintained for the specific purpose of operating in cycling duty rather than as baseload. Many of these units would not be able to achieve the target utilization rate without significant upgrades and testing to ensure that they are technically capable of operating near full load on a continuous annual basis. In addition, their permitted emission limits may not allow them to operate at a 70 percent capacity factor. APPA agrees with UARG that EPA does not even acknowledge, let alone adequately address, the constraints preventing existing EGUs from operating at a 70 percent or higher capacity factor. The Agency completely ignores potential permit limits on NGCC unit operation and dismisses infrastructure concerns. EPA’s response proposing an allowance for “emission rate averaging across multiple units” within a state in the proposed emission guidelines does not suffice as demonstration that a 70 percent overall capacity factor is achievable.244 EPA wrongly relies on trends in hourly capacity factors to claim that a 70 percent capacity factor is an achievable goal. According to the Agency, the nationwide NGCC capacity factor during peak hours of the day averages 11 percentage points higher than the overall annual average, 242 Sierra Club v. EPA, 657 F.2d 298, 377 (D.C. Cir. 1981) Lignite Energy Council v. EPA, 198 F.3d 930, 934 (D.C. Cir. 1999) (per curiam). 244 GHG Abatement Measures TSD at 3-15. 243 100 suggesting that the current system is able to support national average capacity factors “in the mid to high 50s for NGCC for peak.” EPA does not explain why it believes it is reasonable to expect that the current system can accommodate an additional 10-15 percentage points in order to reach a 70 percent average capacity factor over all hours of the day. When considering BSER for building block 2, EPA did not adequately consider the need for significant infrastructure improvements, such as transmission lines and natural gas pipelines. Both of these forms of infrastructure require many layers of permitting and years of regulatory approvals, often at federal, state, and local levels. The Proposed Rule is unrealistic in assuming that this infrastructure will be in place by 2020 for states to begin implementing all four building blocks. A large number of permits, consultations, and approvals are needed from multiple government bodies to get a new transmission line permitted and constructed. The timeline for a transmission project depends on real estate availability (negotiating rights-of-way or exercising eminent domain authority), environmental permitting requirements, public opposition, and regulatory approval. A relatively simple project that will not traverse an environmentally sensitive area, require the exercise of eminent domain, or involve significant public opposition can take up to three years prior to construction. More complicated projects that will traverse federal lands, environmentally sensitive areas, or will generate public opposition may take as much as 10 years to complete. Among the many permits that may be required for a new transmission line or natural gas pipeline are the following: an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement (required under both federal and state law, in some cases), if the project involves significant state or federal government action of any kind; a Section 404 permit from the Army Corps of Engineers if dredge or fill material will be placed in “waters of the United States;” Section 7 consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the ESA if the project has the potential to impact threatened or endangered species; a Special Use Authorization under the National Forest Management Act if the project will traverse federal lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service; a right-of-way grant under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act from the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) if the project traverses federal lands managed by BLM; a state water quality permit (if required by a state water quality statute); fish, game, and other wildlife related permits, if the project will divert natural flow of water bodies or otherwise affect fish and game; Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act consultation if 101 the project might impact cultural or historic resources; a right-of-way lease agreement; and an air quality permit if disturbed acreage will exceed certain thresholds. 245 EPA has failed to demonstrate that its building block 2 target of redispatching generation from existing coal- and O/G-fired steam EGUs to existing NGCC units up to an overall NGCC capacity factor of 70 percent is achievable. It also has failed to assess whether the subset of NGCC units currently operating at 70 percent capacity factor represents the remainder of existing NGCC units, and did not properly address economic, technical, regulatory, or infrastructure constraints preventing some units from operating at the target level. EPA should correct its state goals to reflect these facts. 5. EPA Unreasonably Applied the Building Blocks to Non-Affected Subpart KKKK Units. EPA’s goal calculation methodology is defective because it applies the measures identified as BSER to sources that do not qualify as “affected EGUs” for the purposes of the Proposed Rule. In other words, the proposed state goals assume that states will regulate sources that they are prohibited from regulating under Section 111(d). This error affects state goals because it overstates the number of sources that are available for implementing the BSER building blocks—particularly building block 2, which is based on shifting generation from higher- to lower-emitting affected EGUs. Under section 111(d), state plans may establish standards of performance only for “any existing source…to which a standard of performance under this section would apply if such existing source were a new source.” 246 In this case, the Proposed Rule may be used only to establish standards of performance for existing EGUs that otherwise meet the eligibility criteria for EPA’s proposed NSPS for GHG emissions from new EGUs. 247 Therefore, EPA’s Proposed Rule may deal only with regulation of existing Subpart KKKK and/or Subpart GG stationary combustion turbines that meet these same criteria. APPA agrees with UARG that EPA disregarded these applicability criteria and applied the BSER building blocks to include ineligible Subpart KKKK units when determining each state’s obligations. In particular, the Agency made no effort to exclude from the Proposed Rule NGCC 245 California Public Utilities Commission, Federal, State, and Local Permitting Processes Likely to be Required for Electric Transmission Projects (June 2009), rdonlyres/D896C1EA-BD35-4BC8-83C832BAE959BF/0/GenericTransmissionLinePermit.pdf 246 CAA § 111(d)(1)(A)(ii). 247 See 79 Fed. Reg. 1430. 102 units that were not “constructed for the purpose of supplying, and suppl[y], one-third or more of [their] potential electric output and more than 219,000 MWh net-electrical output to a utility distribution system.”248 Instead of using available data to determine which units met this onethird sales exclusion, EPA pooled excluded units together with affected EGUs and applied the building blocks to them. Data available in the docket suggest that a substantial number of NGCC units used in the goal calculation would qualify for this exclusion, although it is currently difficult to develop a precise estimate of the number of units that should be excluded because the one-third sales exclusion is based on a three-year rolling average and the docket contains only NGCC generation data for 2012. For example, of the 464 plants that EPA examined to determine what capacity factor is achievable for existing NGCC units, 162 had an annual plantlevel capacity factor in 2012 that was less than 33 percent, with some plants operating as low as zero percent.249 The Agency should examine historical data for existing EGUs in order to determine which units would be exempt from regulation under the one-third sales exclusion before calculating each state’s goal. Because states cannot impose standards of performance on these units, the additional burden associated with these units will ultimately fall on affected EGUs that do meet EPA’s applicability criteria. This is particularly important in implementing building block 2, where EPA’s purported “system of emission reduction” requires transferring energy generation from coal- and O/G-fired steam EGUs to NGCC units with available generating capacity. Including NGCC units that meet the one-third sales exclusion in the goal calculation artificially inflates the amount of NGCC generating capacity that is available for redispatch, which thus inflates the amount by which coal-fired units must reduce generating under building block 2. Once this inflated redispatch is incorporated into a state’s goal, affected NGCC units will be forced to operate at capacity factors significantly above 70 percent to accommodate the expected generation that states cannot require from non-affected EGUs. This is plainly arbitrary and capricious. The proposed building block 2 state goals are fundamentally flawed due to EPA’s failure to apply its definition of BSER only to the source category subject to regulation. Because this defect pervades EPA’s entire methodology for calculating state emission goals, EPA should recalculate and propose corrected building block numbers. 248 249 79 Fed. Reg. at 1511, Proposed 40 C.F.R. § 60.5509(a). 2012 NGCC Plant Capacity Factor (“2012 NGCC Spreadsheet”) Doc. No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-0250. 103 6. EPA Correctly Excluded Natural Gas Conversion and Co-Firing from BSER. In the Proposed Rule, EPA states that it “does not propose to consider [natural gas conversion or co-firing at coal-fired utility boilers] part of the best system of emission reduction adequately demonstrated for existing EGUs.” 250 This conclusion is due largely to the high costs of implementing such a conversion. However, the Proposal “solicit[s] comment on whether natural gas co-firing or conversion should be part of the BSER.” 251 APPA agrees that natural gas conversion and co-firing are not BSER for coal-fired EGUs and should not be included in the Proposed Rule. Although sources should have the option to voluntarily use these measures to comply with CO 2 emission standards, natural gas conversion and co-firing are extremely costly and are appropriate only for certain EGUs based on sitespecific factors. APPA agrees with UARG that natural gas conversion and co-firing are too expensive to include as BSER. C. Building Block 3 - Renewable and Other Non-CO2 Emitting Generation 1. EPA’s Approach on Building Block 3 Fails to Take into Account the States’ Historical Renewable Generation Mix and How an Individual State’s Source Mix Compares to the Other States in EPA’s Designated Regions. Public power has a long and proud history of supporting, developing, and deploying renewable energy resources and distributed generation (DG). While state renewable portfolio standards (RPS) generally do not apply to public power out of respect for their local governance, public power utilities typically invest in as much, if not more, renewable generation as utilities subject to the RPS in response to customer and community values. Many public power utilities are recognized leaders in both more traditional, as well as more innovative renewable generation. DG sources, such as rooftop and community solar, have an important role to play in the country’s energy mix. However, DG must be implemented in a safe, reliable, and cost-effective manner. Although public power has been a proponent of many DG initiatives, APPA believes DG installations are inherently situational and need to be modeled at the local distribution system level. Because benefits and costs to the distribution system vary greatly with penetration of DG, such as photovoltaic generation (PV), cost-based principles are critical. Public power utilities’ 250 251 79 Fed. Reg. 34,875 79 Fed. Reg. 34,876. 104 efforts to cost-effectively integrate PV and other resources to benefit the grid, and all utility customers, can also help ensure the long-term viability of the electric grid that our economy and society depend upon. Rates paid to DG customers should be consistent with conventional methods used by utilities to value energy resources and compensate comparable utility-scale resources. Under that framework, utility-sponsored community solar is likely to yield greater net benefits than rooftop solar. For example, in some PV deployment models, especially those that seek to monetize wealth transfers from taxpayers and other utility customers, the value to some individual consumers may be greater, but inequities will be introduced and overall costs to the community will be higher. In developing DG resources, the role of government is not to pick winners and losers, but to develop decisional tools and trusted data. To avoid this consequence arising from its rule, EPA needs to provide improved policy resources, and develop objective case study data on crossresource optimization. This type of optimization promises to allow communities to make objective and informed tradeoffs resulting in DG projects that are most beneficial to the community. Utilities have decades of experience safely and reliably integrating technologies, such as PV, into the electric system. For more than 34 years, APPA’s Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments (DEED) program has funded advanced research on DG, including many PVrelated projects. At the pace of community and customer desire, public power utilities install everything from wind turbines to smart grid technologies. Locally owned and controlled utilities know how to facilitate new, more efficient, and cleaner ways of meeting customer demand. In fact, supporting innovation is necessary for electric supply diversification, which helps the utility minimize sharp cost increases, or supply disruptions, that can come from overreliance on one generating technology. EPA’s Proposal oversteps all of these community-based initiatives in favor of a brute force modeling approach. In the Proposed Rule, the Agency makes a projection regarding additional renewables that can be added to the electric system to decrease future utilization of fossil-fuel fired generation. APPA agrees that this approach is more workable, cost-efficient, realistic and practical than the alternative of subtracting from baseline generation as raised in the NODA. However, there are still a number of assumptions embodied in this method that ignore the on-the-ground realities faced by many operators, based on the principal argument of “because someone else did it, you can.” To the contrary, each utility has a unique situation that must be assessed before determining to what degree renewable energy can be deployed. 105 EPA’s approach presents numerous fatal flaws and biases that significantly overestimate the amount of renewable generation that is feasible for each state. For example, the assumptions and methodology employed by the Agency to predict renewable generation levels in building block 3 result in a 2029 estimate that ranges between 36 and 47 percent higher than the EIA’s AEO 2013, or the IPM model results. This is a significant overestimation by EPA and should be reflected in its average annual growth assumption in renewable generation, which is projected at 7.1 percent between 2020 and 2029, as compared with both AEO and IPM’s projections of a more modest 1.5 percent and 1.1 percent for the same time period as can be seen in the table below. Table 6: Comparison of National Renewable Generation Forecasts (GWh) 2012 EPA Option 1 RE Goals AEO 2013 IPM - State Option 1 217,868 218,333 218,333 2018 2020 2025 241,924 281,295 407,197 308,994 336,126 367,416 305,359 322,657 345,943 Source: APPA 2029 522,723 385,433 356,063 Annual Growth 2020 to 2029 7.1% 1.5% 1.1% Comparing some EPA specific state estimates with a comparable regional estimate from AEO 2013 shows the same overestimation in state renewable generation. For example, the projected 2029 renewable generation levels in the Proposal’s state goal calculations for Alabama and Georgia are almost 42 percent higher than AEO 2013 levels, even though SERC Reliability Corporation—Southeastern (SERC-SE) includes a larger geographical area. AEO SERC-SE renewable generation levels are projected to increase only 2 percent annually between 2020 and 2029, whereas the generation levels used in building block 3 for EPA’s state goal computation are designed to increase between 2020 and 2029 by an astronomical 11.4 percent per year. EPA overestimates renewable generation by using a broad selection of renewable energy targets for specific regions, without any detailed examination of each state. EPA should provide corrected calculations based on each state’s situational factors in consultation with the state. Some regions’ renewable energy targets were based solely on a single specific state’s RPS. As can be seen in Figure 12 and Table 13 below, the characteristics of each state’s renewable generation mix vary significantly. 106 Figure 12: Relative Proportion of Renewables by State Used in EPA's Model for Building Block 3 by Fuel Type from EIA Data Figure 13: Relative Proportion of Renewables by State Used in EPA's Model for Building Block 3 by Fuel Type from EIA Data 107 For example, EPA set the regional renewable generation target for the South Central Region solely based on the 2020 RPS goal of one state: Kansas. This results in erroneous state targets for other states in the region because Kansas’s 20 percent RPS target is dominated by a single fast-growing renewable source (wind) and is applied to states within the region with an entirely different renewable generation mix and in different RTOs. The table below illustrates how the Agency misused the Kansas RPS standard by applying it to a completely different state like Arkansas. The table below also indicates the renewable energy source that comprises the major share of each state’s total renewable generation in 2012. 252 Table 7: Percentage of Renewable Energy by Type by State for Arkansas and Kansas State Percentage geothermal 0.00% 0.00% AR KS Percentage Other Biomass 2.03% 0.81% Percentage PV & TPV 0.00% 0.00% Percentage Wind 0.00% 99.19% Percentage Wood & Wood Derived 97.97% 0.00% Total % 100.00% 100.00% Source: APPA Industrial combined heat and power (CHP) facilities in Arkansas burning wood or wood-derived fuels comprised over 97 percent of the state’s total renewable generation between 2008 and 2012. Industrial CHP sources in Arkansas experienced 1.6 percent average annual growth between 2008 and 2012. However, EPA applied the Kansas RPS, in which wind comprised almost 100 percent of state’s total renewable generation, at a 24.2 percent average annual growth between 2008 and 2012. These extreme disparities show that the Agency’s division of states into regions is arbitrary and capricious. EPA should work with states to determine their building block 3 BSER-related targets individually, and if needed, validate them based on a selection of one or more states they determine are similar in order to avoid such inappropriate comparisons. 2. 252 EPA’s Application of an RPS from a State with a Rapidly Increasing Renewable Energy Source to a State in Which Its Primary Renewable Energy Source Has Remained Almost Flat Can Result in a Significant Overestimation of Renewable Generation Capability in the Latter State. Calculated from EIA Form 923 2012. 108 EPA should take into account different renewable generation mixes within states by looking at state historic renewable energy (RE) growth and acknowledging the growth limitations for various types of RE, such as biomass and wood and wood-derived fuels. As pointed out in a letter to EPA from the Arkansas Attorney General, the state has limited wind potential. Nearly all of the non-hydro renewable energy that Arkansas consumes originates in nearby states .253 Therefore, EPA’s goal setting methodology related to building block 3 would require states like Arkansas to invest in renewable energy resources within the state no matter how inefficient and costly they might be. This is a very expensive proposed method for compliance, and unless adjusted to reflect state circumstances, does not constitute BSER. In the Southeast Region, the Agency computed a regional annual growth rate of approximately 13 percent, with a 10 percent renewable target. Based upon these assumptions, Georgia would be able to achieve its target of 12,230 GWh of renewable generation by 2027 and Alabama would not achieve its renewable target before 2030. However, both Alabama and Georgia’s renewable generation is dominated by industrial CHP sources burning wood or wood-derived products, such as pulp and paper mills (in excess of 90 percent of each states’ total renewable generation). Between 2008 and 2012, these Industrial CHP sources grew at an annual rate of 2.1 percent annually in Georgia, while in Alabama these same types of facilities declined by 5.1 percent annually. It is highly unlikely these types of industrial CHP facilities will add the levels of renewable generation predicted by EPA in building block 3. For Georgia to achieve its state target, other non-hydro sources (e.g., wind, solar) would have to increase their output at an astounding 44.5 percent per year. It is clear that the lack of any detailed evaluation of a state’s renewable energy mix has resulted in a significant overestimation of the renewable generation that is included in each state’s building block 3 projections. EPA must correct these overestimations for its method to remain valid. 3. EPA Should Clarify Its Stance on Biomass Fuel. In building block 3, EPA assumes zero CO2 emissions from all renewable sources. However, depending on pending regulations, this may not be entirely correct. The 2012 renewable generation levels used by the Agency as the basis for its future renewable generation inputs to building block 3 include various forms of biomass. Since EPA has not determined yet whether, or to what extent, such sources will be considered CO2-neutral for compliance purposes, citing its not-yet-finalized Biogenic CO2 Accounting Framework, this assumption imposes significant 253 See letter from Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel to Avi S. Garbow, General Counsel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 4, 2014. 109 compliance risk and uncertainty.254 These biomass CO2-emitting fuels include black liquor, landfill gas, municipal solid waste (MSW), sludge, and wood wastes, and are common across the country.255 Because there is a pending regulatory outcome, EPA has not properly accounted for additional CO2 emissions from biomass sources in building block 3. Again because the Agency has failed to examine each state’s renewable generation mix when calculating requirements, it should recalculate its targets based on corrected renewable sources figures, including any determination it makes on biomass. As noted in Figure 12, biomass and wood-derived electric generation is practically the only option in many states for zero CO2 emission baseload generation. In its proposal, EPA acknowledged that it could not establish regulations for biogenic emissions until it completed a Biogenic Emissions Framework (BAF), which it would incorporate. EPA should expedite the adoption of the BAF and incorporate the findings of biogenic fuel carbon neutrality into its proposal in a consistent fashion across all its NSPS rulemakings. The state emission limiting goals proposed by EPA for renewable energy in building block 3 are extremely optimistic. It should amend its definition of affected facilities to fully account for CO2-neutral biomass fuel streams in all of itsCO2- related NSPS rulemakings. In doing this the EPA should make clear that to the greatest extent possible that specific biomass fuels should be defined as carbon neutral to facilitate the use of this CO2-neutral renewable resource.256 By designating biomass fuel streams categorically identified as clean cellulosic biomass in EPA's Non-Hazardous Secondary Material (NHSM) rule as CO2-neutral, the Agency could create more regulatory certainty on this issue. In addition, unless EPA makes a blanket determination that state-eligible biomass and biomass included in the building block 3 calculation automatically qualifies as CO2-neutral, its building block 3 calculations are arbitrary, invalid, and need to be recalculated. If the Agency adjusts its stance on biomass fuels away from a blanket determination, states should be able to adjust their targets accordingly. 254 79 Fed. Reg. 34,924-5 See Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review, August 2014. 256 EPA's recently Adopted Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSM) Regulation (79 FR 21006) establishes a category of nonhazardous secondary materials that are considered fuels. The biogenic fuels identified in the NHSM regulation were considered carbon neutral in the agency's draft Biogenic Framework. 255 110 4. There Are Significant Additional Costs and Constraints Not Factored into the EPA’s Analysis of Building Block 3. In 2014, the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) announced it was suing the Interior Department for finalizing a rule in December 2013 that would allow wind farms to take257 eagles for up to 30 years. ABC asserts the new take rule violates existing federal laws and points to the fact that it was adopted in the absence of any National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document or any consultation under the Endangered Species Act. ABC says it supports green energy, including wind power, but the Interior Department’s rule goes too far and allows wind power producers to ignore basic environmental protections and analysis. As ABC correctly points out: As the Supreme Court has explained, ‘NEPA’s core focus [is] on improving agency decision-making,’ Dep’t of Transp. v. Pub. Citizen, 541 U.S. 752, 769 n.2 (2004), and specifically ensuring that agencies take a ‘hard look’ at potential environmental impacts and environmentally enhancing alternatives ‘as part of the agency’s process of deciding whether to pursue a particular federal action.’ Baltimore Gas and Elec. Co. v. Nat. Res. Def. Council, 462 U.S. 87, 100 (1983); see also Robertson v. Methow Valley Citizens Council, 490 U.S. 332, 349 (1989) (NEPA ‘ensures that the agency, in reaching its decision, will have available, and will carefully consider, detailed information concerning significant environmental impacts’). 258 The Proposed Rule takes no consideration of the need for utilities to conduct full NEPA studies or the protections that law requires. For example, the Proposed Rule does not consider how much more difficult it is to build in Wyoming because of protections surrounding the sage grouse. The impact of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and American Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act should also have been factored into EPA’s assumptions about how much wind generation could be added to reduce CO2 emissions. In addition to siting and permitting issues related to wildlife, there are numerous local constraints on wind development that were ignored in EPA’s building block 3 assumptions. First, there are 257 The Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. §1532 (19) states “The term ‘take’ means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or attempt to engage in any such conduct.” 258 111 feasibility limitations to locating wind to utilize optimal wind currents. There are also often local limitations on wind generation. For example, according to the Birmingham News, on August 20, 2014, 259 a wind farm developer dropped plans for two Alabama wind farms after the state passed a wind energy bill that limited the noise that wind farms can produce. The state law also requires wind projects to have a larger setback from nearby properties. For a broader discussion on possible permitting requirements see Section XIV(B4). There is considerable debate surrounding many of the key elements of renewable energy. In the case of rooftop PV, for example, the net value of solar, including the basic benefit-cost profile, the nature and magnitude of subsidies, impacts on electric rates, and degree of cost-shifting among a utility’s retail customers that comes with any PV installation are all things that need to be considered. For utilities considering the implications of PV net metering programs and RPS requirements, it can be difficult to reconcile all of the conflicting claims and counter claims. When it comes to estimates of costs and benefits for the net value of solar, EPA needs to objectively illuminate the most critical factors in net value assessments and accurately display the discrepancies between them, not simply wave off legitimate criticisms by pointing at another building block. In fact, the Agency’s assumptions of increasing renewables under building block 3 do not allow for an alternative in many cases, especially if building blocks 1 and 2 are not corrected. EPA should recognize that utilities (and states) are in the best position to optimize the integration of renewable DG and maximize the flow of benefits to all customers and resulting increased costs. Forcing rapid development of renewable generating resources will result in a sub-optimal power cost curve for consumers. Many attributes of a DG installation affect the ability of those systems to reduce integration costs or turn them into grid benefits and cost savings. Such attributes include location, size, and dispatchability. To achieve maximum benefit from DG, coordinated deployment is critical. Unfortunately, EPA did not asses how building block 3 could create additional issues and costs for consumers, or how states can make optimal environmental dispatch decisions that properly reflect cost and power quality concerns. Many renewable generation projects currently benefit from various types of “societal” subsidies. These include federal and state tax credits, grants, renewable energy credits (RECs), and local property tax relief. In addition, ratemaking mechanisms such as net metering can lead to de facto subsidization in the form of cross-customer cost-shifting. On the other hand, larger scale, utility- 259 Birmingham News, Aug. 20, 2014. 112 owned projects are effectively subsidized by all customers through higher utility rates when project costs exceed the economic value of the output. Currently, these subsidies are crucial for the development of renewable energy sources. EPA ignores these subsidies and doesn’t acknowledge in its Proposal how rapid and disproportionately large expenditures on renewable projects might increase rates and significantly decrease the marginal value of such projects to the community. Societal subsidies are generally straightforward, simply offsetting certain costs incurred by those who receive them. However, the subsidization that results from cross-customer cost shifting and higher electric rates deserves more explanation. Cost-shifting issues are particularly pronounced with net-metered projects. The subsidization arises because the generator output displaces utility production and sales. For example, when the output of the consumer-owned PV system is less than or equal to the customer’s usage, total utility sales are reduced and total utility revenue declines by an amount equal to the volumetric ($/kWh or $/kW) rate under which the customer is taking service, times the volume of solar output. The utility’s total cost will decline, by an amount equal to the project’s output times the unitized ($/kWh or $/kW) marginal costs that are avoided as a result of the solar production, which is likely to be less than the amount the customer avoids paying. So, revenue and cost both decline, but whenever the volumetric electric rate exceeds the unitized avoided cost, the utility will face a net revenue loss unless it makes up the shortfall by raising rates and shifting costs to its non-PV customers. The value of the grid has been recognized by numerous stakeholders and EPA pays it no mind in its analysis of what is “best” in terms of CO2 emissions. Documents the Agency should review include: EPRI Cost of Grid Service: Energy and Capacity Costs (see page 21);260 EEI, The Value of the Grid;261 NARUC resolution262 encouraging state commissions and policymakers to continue to engage in collaborative dialogue regarding DG policies and regulations; MIT, The Future of the Electric Grid 263 The grid provides essential services to all customers, including renewable energy customers. All customers connected to a utility’s distribution system rely on it continually. The distribution 260 262 263 261 113 system provides the services required to manage electrical integrity, including, but not limited to, frequency and voltage, current, and other aspects of power quality. DG customers use the distribution infrastructure in more complex ways than other types of customers. DG customers that remain connected to the grid use grid services to: Balance supply and demand; Maintain stable voltage and frequency and high AC wave-form quality; Resell energy during hours of excess onsite power production; and Obtain backup service when on-site generation is unavailable. Since DG customers use the grid in more complex ways than other customers, they are contributing to additional costs that utilities will incur to transform their distribution systems from the one-way delivery of power into a far more complex two-way system. These costs can include investments in new control systems, including IT infrastructure, communications hardware and software, and protective equipment. They can also include operating procedures and training to ensure the safety of the workforce and the public. EPA should correct its building block 3 estimates to reflect the increased costs of integration that come with increased penetration of renewables and increasing heat rates as more marginal generators are forced to follow intermittent renewables. 5. In Building Block 3, EPA Has Erred by Including Nuclear Capacity in Its State Goals. EPA has indicated that the two best ways to increase/maintain the amount of nuclear capacity in the nation’s power supply mix are either to build new nuclear plants or preserve existing nuclear plants that would otherwise be retired. Because EPA uses additional nuclear generation as a factor in the denominator of its goal computation formula under building block 3, it is effectively tightening standards on nuclear states. This penalty decreases the overall calculated target rate (CO2 lbs/MWh) used to determine the state emission goals, reducing flexibility. Using EPA’s calculation methodology, a state without existing nuclear capacity will benefit from EPA’s building block 3 relative to other states, in that its denominator will not include nuclear generation, resulting in a higher state goal. Therefore, states that have nuclear generating units with zero CO2 emissions or that are currently developing nuclear units are effectively penalized and lose any flexibility as to whether to complete or continue to operate those units. For existing nuclear capacity, EPA assigns a 5.8 percent factor to each state’s 2012 nuclear fleet to determine the amount of “at risk” nuclear capacity in the state. This “at risk” capacity is then 114 multiplied by a 90 percent capacity factor to yield an “at risk” generation level, which is included in building block 3. This 5.8 percent figure was computed based upon an AEO 2014 projection, without evaluating specific nuclear capacity in each state.264 This approach does not in any way reflect the actual state of existing nuclear capacity in any state, resulting in additional generation being included in the goal setting equation for some states, if not all. Factors such as license renewal and expiration dates, expected capital improvements, profitability and other factors should be considered and an appropriate unit/state specific risk factor be applied. Possibly the most egregious flaw in EPA’s goal setting methodology pertains to the inclusion of nuclear capacity under construction. Three states – Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee -are adversely impacted by EPA’s inclusion of this generation in building block 3. Specifically, Georgia has an additional 17,345 GWh added into its building block 3 target, while South Carolina has17,345 GWh added to its target, and Tennessee has 8,846 GWh added to its target. The utilities constructing these five nuclear facilities likely intend to operate these units, but various issues beyond their control could affect licensing, start-up, and operations. The inclusion of under-construction nuclear generation has such a large impact on a state goal that any shortfall in operations would be very difficult, if not impossible to overcome. For example, including Georgia’s new nuclear generation in building block 3 lowers the state’s 2030 final goal under Option 1 by 138 lbs/MWh, from 972 lbs/MWh to 834 lbs/MWh. Consequently, EPA should not include under-construction nuclear generation in its goal setting methodology for building block 3. The impact from EPA’s treatment of nuclear under construction and “at risk” in 2030 state goals is illustrated in the table below for three states. Table 8: Impact of Nuclear Generation Under Construction and “At Risk” in EPA 2030 State Goals265 2012 Nuclear Generation Under Construction And "At State Risk" (MWh) 10,416,619.07 TN 19,220,561.26 GA 20,340,660.49 SC EPA 2030 State Goal (lb/MWh): 1,162.62 833.78 771.75 264 Percentage CO2 Reduction From Nuclear In 2030 Goal 16.46% 15.72% 25.86% 2030 Goal Without Nuclear Generation Under Construction And “At Risk” (lb/MWh): 1,391.71 989.33 1,040.92 See Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2014 and Jeffery Jones and Michael Leff, Energy Information Administration, Implications of accelerated power plant retirements, April 2014. 265 Source: APPA 115 a. The Proposed Rule Fails to Properly Address Existing Nuclear Generation. Nuclear generation is a valuable non CO2-emitting source of electricity, but is not appropriately valued and addressed in the Proposed Rule. Rather than allow existing nuclear generation to be used for compliance with a state’s CO 2 reduction requirement, EPA chose to include existing nuclear in the goal calculation. Specifically, the Proposal incorporates 5.8 percent of a state’s at risk nuclear capacity in the emission goal. This has the effect of penalizing states with nuclear generation by making it more difficult for them to comply with their final emission-reduction goals should that existing nuclear power retire or have to shut down due to unforeseen circumstances. The Proposed Rule also treats existing nuclear capacity different than it does other large, existing sources of zero-CO2 emissions electricity, such as hydropower and renewable energy facilities. EPA makes assumptions about how much existing nuclear power is at risk due to “continued economic challenges,”266 yet does not do so for existing hydro and renewable sources that also face economic and non-economic challenges that could reduce capacity through shutdowns or retirements. The Proposed Rule provides no rationale for treating existing CO 2-emission free resources differently. Nor does it acknowledge that states have little control over whether nuclear capacity is used or preserved. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has sole authority to determine whether a license extension is granted to an applicant. Why are states penalized for failing to preserve their existing nuclear resources when they cannot control what the NRC does? Any and all proposed EPA rules should support and encourage the continued use of existing nuclear generation. Support of this zero-emissions resource is essential to maintaining the nation's clean air generation portfolio. The policy choices EPA made in this rulemaking may well dictate the fate of many of the nation's nuclear units and consequently the nation's ability to meet its CO2 reduction objectives. Accordingly, when the operating license of an existing nuclear generating unit expires, the state goal for the resident nuclear plant should be subsequently adjusted. EPA should also support the NRC’s current license renewal process to allow further operating license extension of units with 60-year licenses, to no less than 80 years. Also, it is important that zero CO2-emitting resources be treated equally, regardless of age or technology, to provide cost-effective CO2 reduction solutions for consumers. 266 79 Fed. Reg. 34830, 34871 (June 18, 2014). 116 Nuclear generation, like all other forms of generation, is subject to equipment failures and other generation impacting events, including force majeure situations (e.g., fire, floods, etc.). In addition, nuclear generation output is also limited by periodic refueling outages and regulatory action than can limit the output of the station. Correspondingly, any regulation that includes nuclear generation as a zero-emitting source must be designed to accommodate expected year-toyear variations in nuclear energy production. b. States with Nuclear Generation Units Currently Under Construction Are Unfairly Penalized. The Proposed Rule includes “projected amounts of generation available by completing all nuclear units under construction…” within building block 3.267 EPA does not define “currently under construction” or explain why the term is relevant to setting the BSER. It rather identifies the five nuclear units under construction in Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina. The agency then treats these units as part of BSER because it does not view there is any incremental cost associated with CO2 emission reductions from completion of these units. No legal or technical analysis was done to support this conclusion. The result of this erroneous conclusion is to unfairly and significantly increase the stringency of the goals for these three states for units that are currently under construction and not scheduled to come on line until well after EPA issues its final rule. There is no rational policy basis for EPA to assume that nuclear units under construction will be built on time, provide CO2 emission reductions at no cost, or that these facilities will operate at a 90 percent capacity factor. As stated by APPA member Santee Cooper in its comments in this proceeding, “construction of a new nuclear reactor is perhaps the most complex and highly regulated industrial activity any utility can undertake in the United States.” 268 The NRC oversees all steps of the construction process and will very likely take even lo nger reviewing the construction of these new facilities given they are new designs. The Summer, Vogtle, and Watts Bar units have already experienced delays due to problems with fabrication and the supply of high-tech equipment. Furthermore, once these units are constructed, they are required to undergo lengthy testing and fine-tuning periods before they can run at their designed capacity factors. EPA’s inclusion of these units into the BSER determination fails to take into account that these facilities are likely to 267 79 Fed. Reg. 34830, 34851 (June 18, 2014). See page 76 of comments filed by Santee Cooper in docket for Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units; Proposed Rule; 79 Fed. Reg 34,830 (June 18, 2014); Docket ID No EPA-HQ-OAT-2013-0602 submitted on December 1, 2014. 268 117 face hurdles during operation that could limit their ability to reduce CO2 emissions on the schedule the Proposed Rule sets and at the level assumed in the setting of the state goals in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. The Proposed Rule provides no rational basis for assuming that these under construction units, once operational, could achieve a life-time capacity factor of 90 percent. It can be difficult for nuclear units to achieve a high capacity factor given unforeseen and foreseen shutdowns for refueling, maintenance, and safety considerations. If one of these new units fails to run at a 90 percent capacity factor, it could result in the state failing to meet its CO2 emission reduction goal. Another troubling aspect of the Proposed Rule is how it treats nuclear under construction differently than renewable resources. It assumes that every state that has committed to building new nuclear capacity will do so, but it does not assume that states that have committed to renewable energy policies through state renewable portfolio standards (RPS) will construct all the RE capacity that is called for under such RPS. The agency provided no rationale for why the stringency of the goals for South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia is higher than for states with high RE commitments. The inconsistency in treatment is concerning given RPS are mandated at the state level, but the five under construction projects in three states are not mandated through any state regulatory requirement. Nor are renewables under construction included in state CO2 emission reduction goals. EPA appears to be favoring renewable energy sources over nuclear sources, both of which are zero CO2 emitting sources of electricity, with no rationale given for the disparate treatment. APPA supports the more detailed joint comments regarding EPA’s Treatment of “Under Construction Nuclear Units” filed by APPA members Santee Cooper and Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and Dalton Utilities, Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, South Carolina Electric and Gas Company, and Tennessee Valley Authority in this rulemaking,269 as well as the comments filed on September 16, 2014, by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.270 EPA should remove these under-construction nuclear units from the calculation of BSER and those states’ emission goals. In addition, EPA should clearly state that these units are allowed for compliance under those states’ plans. 269 Joint comments regarding EPA’s Treatment of “Under Construction Nuclear Units” in Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units; Proposed Rule; 79 Fed. Reg 34,830 (June 18, 2014); Docket ID No EPA-HQ-OAT-2013-0602 submitted by Dalton Utilities, Georgia Power Company, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Santee Cooper, South Carolina Electric and Gas Company, Southern Company, Southern Nuclear Operating Company, and Tennessee Valley Authority on November 17, 2014. 270 Letter from Georgia Department of Natural Resources to EPA on the treatment of under construction nuclear submitted to EPA Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602 on September 16, 2014, available at 118 6. To Determine Lowest Cost BSER on a State-by-State Basis, EPA Should Modify Its Determination of BSER to Include Additional Time and Consideration of Relevant Costs. EPA’s proposed renewable energy generation goals are drastically higher than most states can achieve within EPA’s proposed timeline. A balanced assessment of renewable generation, as a supply resource that is required to determine the lowest cost BSER, requires an examination of all the components that are involved in producing, distributing, and consuming electricity. These components are intertwined and causally linked. No one element can be meaningfully addressed without touching on the others. In addition, since value-of-service propositions are inherently uncertain, subjective, and speculative, objectively analyzing the various cost a nd benefit components is all the more difficult. For example, there are numerous ways to think about PV project economics. One common approach is to derive a benefit-cost ratio with the net present value (NPV) of project benefits in the numerator and the NPV of project costs in the denominator. Using this equation, a benefitcost ratio greater than one indicates the project is economically beneficial because the ratio can only be greater than one if project benefits exceed the costs. A ratio less than one means that costs exceed benefits and the project is not economically beneficial. EPA has failed to provide a methodology that would give states the flexibility needed to do this in the time frame required. Although the benefit-cost conceptual framework is simple, there is no single, standard modeling approach that would be accepted by all for this purpose. The results and conclusions can differ depending on how the analysis is conducted. There are at least three key elements of the modeling that will affect the results: (1) the structure of the benefit-cost equation in terms of the variables included and how the terms are arranged; (2) the values assigned to the variables; and (3) the perspective from which the analysis is conducted. The following illustrates some key costs that are borne by the utility, but often debated during cost-benefit analysis. EPA should allow these states to consider these as inputs to their cost models. DG does not avoid most utility fixed costs of service. The greatest cost savings from distributed PV resources are avoided variable fuel costs (provided that distributed PV generation displaces fossil fuel generation and not other renewables) or electricity otherwise purchased in wholesale markets. DG can result in little or no distribution cost savings because many DG systems are not designed to improve the safety or reliability of the grid, and generally do not provide backup power in the case of an outage. However, one of the reasons PV is more 119 appealing than other variable resources is the fact that it has a more consistent output with better coincidence to peak load times. Investments in the transmission and distribution system might never be completely avoided, just deferred. To the extent that DG actually produces fixed cost savings, measuring the part that the utility may avoid or defer is challenging. Even when the DG system fails to produce energy, the utility remains obligated to provide uninterrupted service (generation, transmission, and distribution) to the DG customer. Some utilities design their rates to accept tradeoffs for policy goals, but overall , their rates must recover the total cost of service, be defensible, and be equitable to all classes of customers. Customers pay for the costs of the generation, transmission, and distribution services they receive from their utility. Customers should not pay for the costs of services provided to other customers. Payments or credits to customers with PV should be based on directly measurable cost savings that favorably affect the utilities’ overall cost of service to a customer. Treating all customers equitably prevents utilities from basing ratemaking on subjective valuations of the services provided. Utilities should have an active role in any DG cost-benefit or valuation study. They play an indispensable part in the integration and interconnection of PV. Utilities also have critical information on the cost to serve all customers and on the renewable energy project’s contribution toward that cost. EPA appears to recognize the need for more time to implement its proposal in its NODA. EPA should absolutely add more time for states and any sources subject to regulation to provide recommendations for cost-optimal renewable generation deployment. 7. The State Renewable Energy Generation Targets Are Unreasonably Aggressive and Do Not Take into Account Factors Affecting the Actual Renewable Energy Growth Potential in Each State. EPA is proposing to find that it is achievable for states to increase in-state generation from renewable energy sources to an amount that is based on application of a regional annual growth factor to the state’s 2012 renewable energy generation, gradually approaching a maximum regional renewable energy generation target.271 The Agency expects states to begin taking measures to increase renewable energy generation in 2017, three years before the beginning of 271 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,867. 120 the compliance period.272 The regional maximum renewable energy target for each state is based on the average 2020 primary RPS goal of states within each region that have RPS goals.273 The renewable energy generation goals that EPA has calculated for many states are unachievable. EPA’s methodology for determining these goals is fatally flawed because it arbitrarily ties each state’s goal to the RPS goals of other nearby states, which often do not actually require as much renewable energy generation as they appear to and reflect each state’s highly unique mix of renewable energy potential. EPA’s failure to account for factors specific to each state’s potential renewable energy generation leads to several inequitable and unreasonable results, as described in UARG’s comments. EPA’s analysis reflects an oversimplified understanding of the nature of state RPS goals. Some state RPS goals are voluntary, while others only establish requirements for large electric utilities or apply less stringent “secondary” or “tertiary” RPS goals to smaller utilities, public power utilities, or cooperative utilities.274 But the Proposed Rule applies the more stringent primary RPS goals to all in-state generation and treats all goals as mandatory, artificially leading to more aggressive renewable energy generation targets. In addition, some state RPS goals allow utilities to comply through mechanisms other than actually developing in-state renewable energy generation. For example, North Carolina’s renewable energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS) goal allows utilities to meet 25 percent of their requirements by reducing energy consumption through energy efficiency measures, and another 25 percent of their requirements by purchasing renewable energy certificates (RECs) from out-of-state facilities. Thus, the 10 percent RPS target EPA assumed for North Carolina effectively requires in-state renewable energy generation to reach only 5 percent by 2020 with remaining 5 percent achievable through energy efficiency and RECs. Because North Carolina’s RPS alone sets the regional target for the entire Southeast region, EPA’s target is roughly 100 percent too high for eight states. Other states, along with North Carolina, have built cost-control mechanisms into their RPS goals to reduce the requirements for utilities if compliance becomes too burdensome. EPA did not account for any of these flexible compliance mechanisms when dictating regional renewable energy generation targets. It should do so. 272 Id. Id. 274 See GHG Abatement Measures TSD 4-10. 273 121 APPA agrees with UARG that EPA’s methodology is flawed because it requires states to begin increasing renewable energy generation by 2017, three years before the compliance period begins for the Proposed Rule. To put this timeline in perspective, initial state plan submissions are not due to EPA until June 30, 2016, and EPA is allowing itself until June 30, 2017, to take final action approving or disapproving these plans.275 Thus, EPA’s Proposed Rule would require states to begin implementing their plans before they have even received plan approval. This disconnect is even greater in light of the fact that states may delay plan submission until June 30, 2017 (for various reasons), or June 30, 2018 (for multi-state plans), pushing final EPA approval of these plans to mid-2018 or -2019. In addition, building new renewable energy generation capacity can often take several years to allow for planning, obtaining funding, seeking regulatory approval, and construction. Increasing renewable energy capacity will, in many cases, also require new transmission infrastructure, which can take 8 to10 years to complete. In effect, states need to have begun efforts to implement building block 3 several years ago. This is plainly unreasonable. EPA cannot establish that increases of this magnitude are achievable—particularly because it has failed to provide any parsed analysis of its IPM runs for 2030 that would allow states to assess the impact of these required increases. Indeed, EPA has provided data for only four of the 25 IPM runs that it performed as support for the Proposed Rule. The Agency must provide the basis and purpose for the Proposed Rule under section 307(d)(3) of the CAA. The basis and purpose must include “a summary of . . . the factual data on which the proposed rule is based; the methodology used in obtaining the data and in analyzing the data; and the major legal interpretations and policy considerations underlying the proposed rule.” EPA’s failure to include the data for 21 of its modeling runs has affected APPA and its members’ ability to comment meaningfully on the Proposed Rule. The Agency’s own analysis demonstrates that it has failed to accurately consider factors such as cost and feasibility. The IPM results suggest that rapid growth in renewable energy generation is so costly that states are able to achieve only negligible incremental increases in renewable energy generation above the status quo (at best), and they must instead rely more heavily on other components of EPA’s selected BSER in order to comply with the Proposed Rule. This, in turn, will increase the cost of those other building blocks in ways that EPA has failed to analyze in the Proposed Rule. Therefore, EPA must recalculate its renewable energy generation targets to consider factors such as cost and feasibility for each state. A failure to do so would necessitate the Proposed Rule’s withdrawal and re-proposal. 275 79 Fed. Reg. 34,915-16. 122 8. APPA Agrees with EPA’s Assessment that Hydro Power Is Not a Universal Resource and Should Be Excluded from EPA's Method for Quantifying Renewable Energy Generation Potential. The EPA states that “[h]ydropower generation is excluded … because building the methodology from a baseline that includes large amounts of existing hydropower generation could distort regional targets that are later applied to states lacking that existing hydropower capacity .”276 APPA agrees that constructing new hydropower is not feasible in all states. APPA also agrees that new hydropower, where it can be constructed, should count towards compliance with any calculated target or goal. Hydropower output is subject to highly variable and uncontrollable natural factors, such as annual rainfall and river run requirements, that would make use of MWh produced from hydro facilities in EPA’s methodology for setting state goals inherently flawed. While APPA understands there is variation in many renewable resources, the significantly higher degree of regional variation in average annual rainfall between states makes hydropower unsuitable for use in EPA’s goal-setting methodology. The difference in average annual variation is significant. For example, annual average rainfall variation can be different by a factor of more than 10 between the states with less rain and the states with more rain. 277 By contrast, wind speed at 30 meters only varies by a factor of 2.5 across the U.S. 278 APPA agrees with EPA that the availability of hydropower should not be used in the calculation of any state’s renewable generation requirement. APPA does not want hydro power to be “invisible” as states make compliance choices. If a state deems hydropower generation either “essential” or “at risk” because it is nearing the end of its design life, facing potential limits on operational flexibility, or scheduled for relicensing before 2030, EPA should allow that state to add that hydro generation in units of estimated MWh into the denominator of its goal/target compliance calculation in the place of other RE/EE measures. Where this is done, states should be able to adjust their hydro contribution yearly based on updated weather information. At a minimum, the rule should do more to ensure that these hydropower resources are maintained and enhanced in order to continue their contribution to a lower CO2 emission future. A bad result would be for the Proposal lead to a low-cost, CO2 emission-free resource going offline due to being replaced by, or being bumped by, higher-cost CO2 emission-free resources or natural gas due to the incentive structures associated with the BSER. 276 79 Fed. Reg. 34,867. 278 277 123 Also, in cases where a state RPS includes hydro power, it should be allowed to displace additional renewable requirements, as calculated under building block 3. For example, the 15 percent goal for renewable energy in South Dakota was based on its total 2012 generation of 12,034,206 MWh, which includes 5,980,965 MWh of hydropower—nearly half of the total state generation. Because existing hydropower is used in making the calculation of renewable energy targets, it should also be allowed in state plans as an eligible form of renewable energy under building block 3. EPA should expressly allow state plans to designate all forms of new and incremental hydro for compliance, whether owned or contracted for. This should include clearly establishing both domestic and out-of-nation hydro (such as Canadian hydro) as an eligible renewable resource. 9. The Alternative Renewable Energy Approach Is Unworkable. The Proposed Rule sets forth an “Alternative Renewable Energy” approach to calculating the renewable energy component to support the BSER. 279 This alternative approach relies on a stateby-state assessment of RE technical and market potential. At first glance, it appears to solve several issues with EPA’s proposed approach that uses RPS-based regional renewable energy targets. However, applying this alternative RE approach to EPA’s calculation of state-wide emission goals has a profound impact on the current proposed goals. This is particularly true for a state which has already reached its regional RE generation target under EPA’s proposed approach. For example, South Dakota is in the North Central region that has an average regional RE generation target of 15 percent under EPA’s proposed approach. South Dakota has already reached its regional RE target, with 2,915 GWh of RE generation in 2012, and thus its obligation under the target is capped at its share of the 15 percent regional RE target, 1,819 GWh of RE generation. Under the alternative RE approach, South Dakota’s obligation under the target is not capped. Instead, South Dakota’s state-level 2030 generation target, excluding existing hydropower, is 19,156 GWh of RE generation. This generation target would be incorporated into the denominator of the state goal calculation in place of the RE generation levels quantified using EPA’s proposed approach. Including South Dakota’s generation target based on the alternative approach causes South Dakota’s final rate-based CO2 emission performance goal to decrease from 741 lbs CO2/MWh under EPA’s proposed approach to 185 lbs CO2/MWh under the alternative approach. This would dramatically and unsustainably increase the cost curve for 279 79 Fed. Reg. 34869. 124 compliance. In other words, the percent decline in South Dakota’s state emission rate—a state with one of the lowest CO2 emissions rates in the nation—that the Proposed Rule requires would increase from 35 percent to 84 percent if EPA were to adopt the alternative approach for quantifying RE for BSER. This is an extremely expensive compliance alternative. EPA’s state goal calculation for South Dakota under both EPA’s proposed approach and the alternative approach are set forth below. Final State Goal Calculation280 State Emission Rate = (coal gen. x coal emission rate) + (OG gen. x OG emission rate) + (NGCC gen. x NGCC emission rate) +“Other” emissions Coal gen. + OG gen. + NGCC gen. + “Other” gen. + Nuclear gen. uc + ar + RE gen. + EE gen. Final Proposed State Goal Rate for South Dakota—Proposed RE Approach ((958,046 x 2,130) + (0 x 0)) + (1,992,211 x 1,131) + 0) = 741 lb/MWh (958,046 + 0 + 1,992,211 + 0 + 0 + 1,818,850 + 1,028,768) Final Proposed State Goal Rate for South Dakota—Alternative RE Approach, Excluding Existing Hydropower ((958,046 x 2,130) + (0 x 0)) + (1,992,211 x 1,131) + 0) = 185 lb/MWh (958,046 + 0 + 1,992,211 + 0 + 0 + 19,156,000 + 1,028,768) According to page 8 of the Alternative RE Approach TSD, states would not be required to achieve the absolute levels of target generation quantified under the alternative approach and incorporated into the denominator of the state goals. EPA notes that states may consider including in their state plans compliance measures that do not rely heavily on expanding their RE capacity. In practice, however, it is difficult to see how certain states will meet their goals if EPA chooses the alternative RE approach to be used as part of BSER. The multitude of issues 280 These calculations are based on data from the Alternative RE Approach TSD, page 12, and the Goal Computation TSD containing a Microsoft® Excel attachment of the aggregate state-level data, calculations, and proposed state emission rate goals. 125 that surround the expansion of RE cannot be adequately taken into account by the use of the IPM, as relied upon by EPA, to project potential RE generation expansion and those affected by this alternative approach cannot provide substantial comments on how they might be impacted because of that. As acknowledged on page 2 of the alternative RE approach TSD, there are limitations to technical potential due to grid costs, development costs, resource quality, and uncertainties of production potential. The expansion of RE is highly dependent on available transmission. Any approach to quantify RE potential should take into account transmission constraints, engineering design constraints, such as hosting capacity, cost constraints, and the additional issues mentioned elsewhere in these comments, surrounding new transmission construction that come from siting, permitting, environmental impacts, and landowner opposition. For some states, the amount of renewable growth that EPA expects may well turn out to be unachievable. States should not be forced to make up the difference elsewhere in their state plans for compliance. D. Building Block 4 – Energy Efficiency APPA considers energy efficiency to be a vital element of our national energy strategy. As such, APPA maintains a web-based energy efficiency resource database and supports a research and development program, called DEED, to develop and accelerate deployment of the most practical and cost-effective efficiency technologies for our members. DEED has funded the development and implementation of all levels of energy efficient technology for almost 35 years . At times, the research conducted through DEED projects has been done in collaboration with DOE and EPA. Energy efficiency and demand-side management (EE/DSM) measures effectively reduce electricity consumption by promoting products or programs that support efficiency or conservation of electricity. APPA supports EE/DSM measures, as well as the combined efforts of DOE and EPA to encourage these policies and programs as a means to decrease load and/or abate emissions. However, APPA does not endorse EPA’s proposal to use energy efficiency as a factor to determine state goals as it currently stands in the Proposed Rule. In the Proposal, EPA estimates the potential for energy efficiency measures to be implemented in each state. In this projection, there are a number of assumptions that ignore situational factors states and utilities may have to face during the actual application of these programs and measures. Each utility and/or entity involved in energy efficiency for the state has a unique situation that must be assessed before determining the real potential for demand-side efficiency improvements. 1. The Load Growth Analysis in Building Block 4 Is Insufficient to Properly Account for Potential Fluctuations. 126 EPA included predictive load growth analysis in building block 4, but failed to properly account for the potential variation in population and load growth that may occur within a state, city or locality. Also, EPA does not address the situation that may befall states in the case when a significant shift occurs unexpectedly. Severe influxes in population can greatly differ from local, state, and regional perspectives . The potential for spikes or downturns in population will impact a state or locality’s ability to meet the standards set by EPA in the Proposed Rule due to the omission of appropriate growth analysis in the calculations. The Agency did include a regional load growth analysis in building block 4, demand-side energy efficiency, but assumed that states will be able to offset future growth by implementing and encouraging energy-efficient technologies. However, an aggregate regional growth rate does not accurately depict the probable and improbable fluctuations that may occur on a more granular level, such as the county or state level. EPA should also be aware that load forecasting is limited in its capability to accurately predict future consumption patterns and often requires adjustments to account for unexpected changes. Therefore, the final rule should include a mechanism to allow states that undergo severe shifts in population or load growth affecting their ability to reach their goals to modify such goals. In the case where a significant shift in population or load does affect a state in achieving its target, EPA should allow an alternative form of compliance. APPA suggests a compliance method in the form of a fee reflecting the cost of energy efficiency measures available in that individual state. While the Proposal Rule would give states the option of using either a mass- or rate-based goal in their state plans, many states are likely to use a mass-based approach because it simplifies the compliance process by requiring less taxing calculations and analysis than a rate -based approach. However, mass-based targets do not account for load growth, which creates an incentive to use the rate-based method because the rate remains the same regardless of any fluctuations . To equalize the two options, EPA should consider population changes and load growth when setting target emission standards. 2. Environmentally-Friendly Electric Technologies That May Contribute to Positive Load Growth The Proposed Rule does not account for the potential for additional load increases as a result of increasingly prevalent environmentally-friendly electric technologies. The Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) 2009 PRISM analysis 281 forecasted that use of electric technologies 281 The Power to Reduce CO2 Emissions, 2009 Technical Report. EPRI. 127 in industrial and commercial applications that displace traditional use of primary energy consumption, such as heat pumps, water heaters, ovens, induction melting, etc., have a potential to reduce CO2 emissions by 6.5 percent and, according to Table 9, could replace approximately 4.5 percent of direct fossil fuel use by 2030. Therefore, the capacity for abatement of emissions through alternative electric applications should not be discounted, but rather credited in some form, to support emissions reductions through different means. Table 9: 2009 PRISM Analysis Targets Source: EPRI A current example in many states is the increasing use of electric vehicles to replace the use of traditional fossil-fueled energy. According to Table 10 from EPRI’s 2007 PRISM analysis,282 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are predicted to account for ten percent of new vehicle sales by 2017, and thereafter increase by two percent every year, which shows the current and potential prominence of this new technology in the market. In EPRI’s 2009 analysis mentioned earlier, EPRI shows that by 2030, electric vehicles could potentially reduce overall CO2 emissions by 9.3 percent.283 This reduction occurs due to the avoided use of gasoline and diesel fuels. By failing to credit states to support electric vehicles in the market, however, EPA is discouraging the production and implementation of electric technologies that could play a significant role in 282 Electricity Technology under a Carbon Future (PRISM Analysis) 283 This will almost necessarily increase CO2 from the power sector (which is at odds with the Clean Power Plan), but that increase will be projected to be offset by the overall CO2 reduction economy-wide. 128 EPA’s overarching goal of CO2 reduction. EPA should modify state targets to reflect the fact that beneficial electrification will almost certainly decrease economy wide CO2 emissions while increasing CO2 emissions, though not in a one to one fashion, from the power sector. 129 Table 10: 2007 PRISM Analysis Source: EPRI, Electricity Technology under a Carbon Future 3. EPA Did Not Properly Account for the Decreasing Return on Investment in Energy Efficiency in Its Development of Building Block 4 and Should Adjust Its Efficiency Requirement Downward The EPA asserts that states are capable of meeting an energy efficiency standard of 1.5 percent savings per year after a 0.2 percent ramping period. 284 APPA believes that this implies a significantly greater expenditure on reducing energy consumption than is modeled. There are a number of ongoing and past efforts undertaken by utilities that have already “picked the lowest hanging fruit.” In addition, appliance efficiency standards and building codes have been improving energy efficiency for decades. In many cases, further increasing expenditures on efficiency improvements on existing commercial, industrial, and residential structures could lead to a decreasing return on investment. Though there are energy consumers that have not replaced their appliances in many years, it is common knowledge that due to standards and technological advancement, residential and commercial appliances increase in efficiency over time. Sometimes these efficiency increases are due to market forces. More often than not, however, efficiency increases are driven by mandatory codes and standards. For example, DOE develops minimum energy efficiency standards for most major residential appliances (water heaters, refrigerators, dishwashers, etc.) 284 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,872. 130 and many commercial products (motors, transformers, compressors, etc.). Other commercial products are required to meet efficiency standards developed by private standards development organizations (such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and International Code Council). In addition to regulating certain commercial appliances, building energy codes like ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and the International Energy Conservation Code have other requirements (for windows, walls, controls, etc.) that limit the amount of energy commercial and residential buildings can use. When the concept of minimum energy efficiency standards for appliances and buildings was first introduced in the 1970s, cost-effective efficiency gains were relatively easy to achieve. But over time, those gains have become increasingly difficult, and in some cases, add cost to a consumer, without creating substantial improvement in efficiency. Appliances and other efficiency elements embodied in codes eventually reach a “maximum efficiency” level due to constraints on the technology or other constraints, such as thermal limits, size limits, or other conditions that create a flat line or an asymptote of maximum efficiency. The same is true for buildings where adding more insulation over the current baseline yields diminishing returns. Even the most current code often logically stops mandating increases in efficiency after significantly diminishing returns occur for a particular building type. For example, a project in Indianapolis, which falls in Climate Zone 5A, a nonresidential, low-sloped roof assembly exhibiting insulation entirely above deck, is required to have a continuous insulation value of R-20. Despite the push for higher insulation levels, there is actually a very good reason why ASHRAE, International Code Council, and others have set the mark at these specific levels—the diminishing return on investment for further increasing R-values. If the code were to mandate a doubling of insulation levels from R-20 to R-40, it would effectively double the price of the project, but only provide a de-minimis amount of heat flow rate reduction.285 285 131 Figure 14: ASHRAE Diminishing Returns on Insulation Investment for a Non-Residential Low-Sloped Roof Assembly Building286 As a utility looks at potential efficiency gains from appliance rebates and incentives on a product-by-product basis, the potential for energy savings, both in terms of percentage and amount of energy savings, decrease significantly as compared to a “baseline standard” product that meets the most recent federal appliance efficiency standards or state/local building codes. This is true whether a program is calculating in-situ savings from replacing older, existing appliances with new ones (e.g., a 15 to 20 year old refrigerator) or calculating the incremental savings from purchasing a “high efficiency” product as compared to a “baseline standard” product that meets the most recent federal appliance efficiency standards or state/local building codes. To illustrate: if a utility can successfully incentivize (at some program overhead cost) a consumer to replace an old refrigerator that uses 700 kWh per year (which itself may have replaced an even older refrigerator that used 1200 kWh per year) with a new ENERGY STAR model (under a utility incentive program) that uses 400 kWh per year, and the federal standard is 440 kWh per year, under a baseline standard calculation, the utility would only get credit for the 40 kWh savings compared to the federal standard. At the least, EPA should allow state programs to 286 Source: ASHRAE 132 capture the real value of replacement savings rather than the difference between the current standard and the more efficient model incentivized. The following five examples illustrate the improvements in efficiency made and highlight the marginally increasing additional cost of additional efficiency to both consumers and utility: 1) 4-foot linear fluorescent lamps and 2-foot U-shaped lamps Fluorescent lamps are the most prevalent type of indoor lighting in many commercial buildings in the U.S. The “workhorse” for many years has been the 4-foot linear lamp housed in a 2’ by 4’ fixture. As shown below, the increase in efficiency (lumens/Watt) was significant from the 1930s through the 1950s, and then from the 1970s through the late 1990s. Before the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT 1992), typical efficacies for 4 foot lamps ranged from 65-85 lumens/Watt (depending on the use of T12 or T8 technologies). EPACT 1992 required minimum color rendering index (CRI) and efficacy for 4-foot medium bi-pin lamps, 2foot “U-tubes” (u-shaped lamps), and 8-foot lamps. The minimum required values as of November 1, 1995, were: Table 11: Minimum Required Values as of November 1, 1995 Lamp 4 foot medium bi-pin (all Wattages) 2 foot U-shaped medium bi-pin > 35 Watts 2 foot U-shaped medium bi-pin < 35 Watts Lumens/Watt 75.0 68.0 Minimum CRI 45 or 69, depending on the rated lamp Wattage at least 69 CRI 64.0 at least 45 CRI Source: APPA In July 2009, DOE established a final rule for general service fluorescent lamps that took effect in July 2012. The new requirements as of July 14, 2012, were: 133 Table 12: DOE July 2009 Requirements287 Lamp Lumens/Watt 4 foot medium bi-pin 4 foot medium bi-pin 89 88 2 foot U-shaped medium bi-pin 2 foot U-shaped medium bi-pin 84 81 Color Correlated Temperature (< 4,500 K CCT) (> 4,500 & < 7,000 K CCT) (< 4,500 K CCT) (> 4,500 & < 7,000 K CCT) In April 2014, DOE issued a proposed rule that would go into effect in 2017 or 2018 with the following values: Table 13: Proposed Rule for 2017 or 2018288 Lamp Lumens/Watt 4 foot medium bi-pin 4 foot medium bi-pin 92.4 90.6 2 foot U-shaped medium bi-pin 2 foot U-shaped medium bi-pin 86.9 84.3 Color Correlated Temperature (< 4,500 K CCT) (> 4,500 & < 7,000 K CCT) (< 4,500 K CCT) (> 4,500 & < 7,000 K CCT) The values shown in the April 2014 DOE proposed rule are considered “max tech,” or the most efficient products available on the market. For these products, the increase in efficiency between the current (2012) baseline and the “max tech” efficient product ranges from 2.9 to 4.1 percent. That DOE chose these levels as cost effective and that the increase in efficiency from previous rulemakings has been decreasing shows a decreasing ability to cost effectively implement additional energy efficiency measures on fluorescent lights. 287 288 Source: APPA citing DOE Source: APPA citing DOE 134 Figure 15: Lumens per Watt for 4-Foot Bi-Pin Lamps as Mandated by the Last 3 DOE Rulemakings – clearly showing decreasing improvement per rulemaking. 289 4 Foot Medium Bi-pin Lamp Lumens Per Watt 100 80 60 40 20 0 1995 2009 2012 The following charts show lighting efficiency changes over time. Figure 16: Lamp Efficiency in Lumens per Watt by Year 290 289 290 Alex Hofmann – Graph of lumens per watt by regulation from 1995 to 2012 for 4 foot Bi-pin lamp 135 2) Centrifugal Chillers These types of cooling systems are used in large commercial buildings. The values below show the rise in efficiency standards for centrifugal chillers with a rated cooling capacity of 500 tons. Table 14: Efficiency Standards for Centrifugal Chillers291 ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Year 1989 1999 2010 Unit Size (Tons) COP/IPLV Value > 300 > 300 > 300 ton to < 600 ton 2013 > 400 ton to < 600 5.2 COP / 5.3 IPLV 6.10 COP / 6.40 IPLV 6.10 COP and 6.40 IPLV (Path A) and 5.86 COP and 8.79 IPLV (Path B) 6.28 COP and 7.03 IPLV (Path A) and 6.01 COP and 9.25 IPLV (Path B) For ASHRAE 90.1-2010, the metric changed, but for the purposes of these comments APPA has converted the new standard back to the previous units. After a quick look at the data, it can be seen quite clearly that there is a decreasing rate of return on cost-effective efficiency improvements mandated in standards. This is due to both thermodynamic and physical limitations of the technologies being used in chillers and the diminishing return on investment for a consumer in energy efficiency. This makes a utility’s job designing incentives for energy efficiency programs much more costly; this increases the price per watt-hour saved. 3) Residential Refrigerator/Freezers National efficiency standards for residential refrigerators and freezers have been set four times.292 The chart on the next page shows the current flat line of efficiency improvements: 291 Source: APPA citing DOE National efficiency standards have been set once by the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) of 1987 that took effect in 1990, and three times by DOE that took effect in 1993 and 2001, and will take effect in September 2014. 292 136 Figure 17: Efficiency Improvements and National Standards for Refrigerators The Energy Efficiency Story: Lower Energy Use/Lower Costs to Consumers 137 Again, this reflects the effectiveness of current standards at pushing appliance technology to its maximum achievable efficiency. This push means there are very few or very expensive additional incremental energy efficiency improvements available to utilities from switching out refrigerators meeting the more recent standards. 4) Residential Dishwashers and Clothes Washers As with residential refrigerators, standards for dishwashers and clothes washers have been increased multiple times over the past three decades. In the case of residential clothes washers, DOE has created “two-step” standards. In 2001, DOE set efficiency standards that took effect in 2004 and higher standards that took effect in 2007. In 2012, DOE established two sets of increasing clothes washer efficiency standards that will take effect in 2015 and 2018. The following charts show the impacts of federal efficiency standards: Figure 18: Efficiency Trends for Clothes Washers293 293 Source: National Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 138 5) Commercial Building Codes Below is a slide that shows the impacts of ASHRAE commercial building energy efficiency codes over the years. A recent Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) analysis (entitled “Building Energy Codes Program: National Benefits Assessment, 1992-2040,” Report #22610) was published in October 2013 and shows the impact of improved envelope and commercial equipment efficiency and controls: Figure 19: Energy Code Levels over Time EPACT 1992 delegated authority to ASHRAE to develop minimum energy efficiency standards for commercial construction where states would be required to adopt the ASHRAE standard (or an equivalent) if DOE determined that newly published ASHRAE standards would save energy when compared to the previous version of the standard. ASHRAE published a new standard in 2013. The DOE preliminary determination that was published in May 2014 stated that the ASHRAE 90.1-2013 building energy efficiency standard will save about 7.6 percent more energy than a building built to meet the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 139 standard. This will further “raise the floor” as many states (and/or cities and counties) will adopt and enforce ASHRAE 90.1-2013 by 2016. There is general agreement within ASHRAE that future efficiency gains for ASHRAE Standard 90.1 will be much more challenging to achieve, as all of the “low-hanging fruit” has been picked and the standard is already bumping up against technical and economical limits. Due to the reduced availability of cost-effective energy efficiency gains as energy standards are approaching “max tech,” and increased energy efficiency standards that will become effective in the 2015-2018 timeline, EPA should recognize that more efficiency has been taken off the table than was proposed or modeled and reduce its energy efficiency requirement under building block 4 accordingly. Below is a list of the residential electric appliance efficiency standards that have increased or will increase by 2016: Incandescent light bulbs (100 Watts to 72 Watts): January 2012 Kitchen Ranges, Ovens, and Microwave Ovens: April 2012 Incandescent Reflector Lamps: July 2012 Electric Boilers: September 2012 Incandescent Light Bulbs (75 Watts to 53 Watts): January 2013 Direct Heating Equipment: April 2013 Pool Heaters: April 2013 Dishwashers: May 2013 Incandescent Light Bulbs (60 W to 43W; 40 W to 29 W): January 2014 Room Air Conditioners: June 2014 Residential Refrigerators/Freezers: September 2014 Residential Clothes Dryers: January 2015 Residential Central Air Conditioners (regional standards): January 2015 Residential Heat Pumps (national standards): January 2015 Residential Clothes Washers: March 2015 Residential Electric Water Heaters: April 2015 External Power Supplies: February 2016 Microwave Oven Standby Power: June 2016 A graph of the historical efficiency gains by appliance shows how the energy use per year for appliances has been decreasing at a slower rate despite increasingly stringent regulations and more stringent economic tests, such as tests incorporating the social cost of carbon. 140 Figure 20: Historical Efficiency Gains for Various Appliances 4. EPA Needs to Reconsider the Proposed Best Practices Level of Performance to Be Less Stringent and Reflective of a Feasible Level for All States. According to EPA, past performance and policy requirements are direct indicators of an achievable approach. However, this is not the case if the past and future levels for a few states are used to determine the achievable level for all states. This methodology fails to account for unique circumstances in each state that may prevent it from employing energy efficiency as quickly and/or as effectively as other states. In chapter 5 of the GHG Abatement Measures TSD, the analysis EPA used to calculate the 1.5 percent best practices level of performance is based on reported savings and projected policy goals for individual states. The Agency uses EIA reported data in the analysis to show that three out of 50 states have reached 1.5 percent or greater incremental savings in 2012. It is unreasonable to base the achievable level of savings for all 50 states on the performance of 6 percent of all states. This is another instance, similar to EPA’s approach in building block 3’s analysis, where the approach of “one-size-fits-all” is not justifiable. APPA understands the difficulty in setting a unique performance level for individual states, but believes that the performance level must be achievable for all states, not just a select few. 141 The Agency’s analysis is based on reported savings data from EIA. However, it is important to note that actual savings are not always reflected appropriately in reported data. In the discussion paper produced by Resources of the Future, entitled “Energy-Efficiency Program Evaluations,”294 Figure 21, which includes almost half of the programs included in the analysis, shows utility reported savings as being substantively higher than the evaluated savings.” Figure 21: Total Resource Cost (TRC) Test (Program Benefits/ Program Costs) Source: Resources for the Future, Energy Efficiency Program Evaluations In the same discussion paper, the analysis provided by RFF found that predicted savings were also significantly different than evaluated savings. This can be seen by looking at the realization rate, which is the ex-post estimated savings divided by ex-ante projected savings. By basing the majority of the proposed plan analysis on reported data, EPA did not provide a cushion for situations in which the reported savings from energy efficiency measures do not accurately reflect the actual savings. On the other hand, the Proposed Rule also uses American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s (ACEEE) analysis to show that 11 out of 50 states have policies that require the achievement of a 1.5 percent incremental savings performance level by 2020. EPA states that the energy efficiency goals were constrained by practical considerations of state EE policy implementation. However, it is not appropriate to base the feasibility of the goal for all states on state policies implemented in only a minority of the states. In the TSD, EPA heavily relied on industry reports to predict the performance level. Of the three national studies referenced, only one study predicted a 1.5 percent incremental savings level. 294 142 The Agency’s use of top-down, policy-based studies to support analysis in the TSD has a serious technical flaw. EPA should consider using a combination of studies, with a focus on bottom-up analysis, to make this determination since top-down analysis can fail to realistically validate the model.295 Table 15: Summary of National EE Potential Studies296 As shown in Table 15, the EPRI analysis projects a 0.6 percent high maximum achievable potential per year. Although this is considered aggressive according to the 2014 bottom-up analysis, EPA bases the best case scenario on the results of the top-down approach in the ACEEE study. As shown in Table 16, the average and median incremental savings from energy efficiency in 2012 (baseline year), according to EIA reported data, is 0.55 percent and 0.48 percent, respectively. Unlike EPA’s approach, it is reasonable to assume that a regulation would intend to bring the states in the lowest quartile up to the median or average. As an aggressive approach, it seems more reasonable than EPA’s performance level to use the third quartile, 0.93 percent, as a bar for states in the lower quartiles to aim for. It is irrational to require all states to achieve a 1.5 percent level of savings, which has not been attained by even the leading states in the area of energy efficiency (states in the third quartile). 295 296 EPA Proposed Rule TSD 143 Table 16: Analysis of Baseline (2012) Energy Efficiency Data from EIA 861 -Survey Results Source: APPA’s Analysis of 2012 EIA data The Proposed Rule presented two options, outlining the assumptions used in each option when calculating the best case scenario for states. APPA does not fully support either option to its fullest; however, if one option is required, APPA would propose the use of option 2. APPA sees the 1 percent performance level with a 0.15 percent ramp-up rate in option 2 as a more reasonable approach than the 1.5 percent performance level with a 0.2 percent ramp-up rate in option 1. This level of savings is more in tune with the aggressive third quartile approach discussed earlier. Although the performance level is more justifiable, option 2 is still aggressive in nature. Under option 1, all states theoretically achieve the 1.5 percent incremental savings level by 2025, whereas all states reach the 1.0 percent level by 2024. This shows that option 1, while more reasonable in its approach, is still aggressive. The stringency of the reduction goals generally necessitates the use of all building blocks; thus any claimed flexibility is illusory. EPA should re-analyze its methods and assumptions used to calculate the potential for energy efficiency in each state and take a less aggressive approach. 5. APPA Supports EPA’s Assumptions Between the Years 2012 and 2017 in the Best Practices Scenario. In the best practices scenario calculation, APPA supports EPA’s assumption that there are no annual incremental savings or expiring savings required until the year of 2017. APPA also supports EPA’s evaluation of expiring savings in the model. We agree with EPA’s assumption that the states will have no incremental savings from energy efficiency measures until 2017. This allows states to receive “credit” for energy efficiency savings incurred from 2012 to 2017 to count towards their goals. EPA’s proposed approach to expiring savings is reasonable and appropriately reflects a wide range of products in this analysis. APPA supports the assumption of a linear decline of expiring savings over 20 years since it provides a steady regression instead of producing spikes and downturns in savings values for certain years. 144 6. EPA Also Needs to Account for Differences in Reported and Projected Energy Efficiency Savings Versus Actual Savings as Well as Acknowledge the Potential Consequences if Projected Savings Are Not Met. Projected savings from energy efficiency measures are to be included in a state plan, but EPA should acknowledge that projected savings from a demand-side program or measure cannot be forecasted with exact precision. EPA should provide leniency in the case that energy efficiency measures do not meet the projected savings. The realization rates shown in Table 17 represent post estimated savings divided by ex ante projected savings.297 These rates show the significant difference in projected savings and evaluated savings. In other words, there is inconsistency between the actual impacts, or real savings, from energy efficiency measures and the forecasts. This can be a result of the many factors on which effective programs are dependent. Many of these factors are outside the control of those implementing the technologies. In the event that a state does not meet its goal due to the difference between projected and actualized savings from an EE measure, where the cause of the difference is not a result of an error on the states’ part, EPA should have an alternative means of compliance. As described in more detail by the comments submitted by National Climate Coalition (NCC) which includes APPA, there is a precedent for such a fee mitigation instrument. The concept was introduced during the reauthorization of the Clean Air Act in 1990 and was described in President Bill Clinton’s July 1997 memorandum to EPA when it revised the NAAQS for ozone and particulate matter.298 This fee payment has a cap placed on it and should not be used for other state purposes, such as increasing general revenue. 297 Energy-Efficiency Program Evaluations. Presidential Documents, “Memorandum of July 16, 1997, Implementation of Revised Air Quality Standards for Ozone and Particulate Matter,” 82 Fed. Reg. 38421, 38429 (July 18, 1997). 298 145 Table 17: Summary Conclusions Source: Energy-Efficiency Program Evaluations - Resources for the Future The Proposed Rule has developed a “best practices” demand-side energy efficiency scenario that, according to EPA, estimates the ability of each state to implement policies that increase investment in energy efficiency technologies. EPA also states that this scenario is intended to represent a feasible scenario for reductions of emissions from fossil fuel-fired EGUs as a result of increased energy-efficiency technology use. The Agency claims that the scenario uses a level of performance demonstrated by many leading states and considers each state’s unique existing level of performance, while allowing appropriate time for each state to increase from current to best practices level. While the theoretical concept is beneficial to the environment, the real application of the scenario will yield different results that may lead to an unattainable compliance standard. APPA also notes the lack of guidance in situations where a reduction in utilization is not achieved, but an approved efficiency measure has been implemented. In this case, CO2 emissions would not be decreased, yet compliance dollars would have been spent, potentially triggering enforceable action. EPA should provide guidance to states that want a safety valve or “true-up” mechanism to allow swift resolution of such issues, should they occur. 146 EPA also needs to provide clear instructions and protection for entities relying on the energy efficiency measures to be implemented by a contracted third party if that party goes out of business and does not deliver the CO2 reductions as promised. The Agency should make clear that the utility is not responsible for the CO 2 reductions required from any unrelated third party entity that is nominated by the state to implement energy efficiency programs. 7. EPA Should Provide Additional Guidance in Multiple Areas. EPA should provide guidance on the issue of interstate entities that would be subject to duplicative reporting of demand-side energy efficiency efforts. Specifically, it should provide clarification on how certain interstate scenarios, and other similar situations, would be handled under the different plan types discussed in the State Plan Considerations TSD. The Agency should allow flexibility on what can be used for measurement and verification (M&V) at the state level. EPA should provide states with indicative approved methodologies to measure and verify energy savings from energy efficiency projects and programs (both single technology measures and whole buildings), and a process for states and industry to submit additional methodologies f or consideration and approval. These should include, but not be limited to: Uniform methods projects standard; International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol; ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002 Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings; DOE’s Superior Energy Performance program created an M&V protocol for industry; Technical Reference Manuals (“deemed savings” charts that provide statistical savings value for equipment upgrades); SEE Action Network and regional standards such as those by NEEP and the Northwest’s Regional Technical Forum; ISO 50001:2011 Energy management systems; and Demand response measurement and verification, such as The National Action Plan for DR M&V element Existing state and utility programs should be recognized if they utilize EPA-approved or equivalent measurement and verification protocols and standards. The Agency should make it easy for such programs to scale up if needed and give credit for “early action .” These programs may include, but not be limited to: 147 Utility DSM – or incremental DSM depending on “credit for early action”; EERS requirements – or incremental EE additions depending on “credit for early action.” EERS carve out for ratepayer funded rebates/incentives. Rebate programs; Other highly efficient Energy-Efficient Appliances and Equipment upgrades not included in EERS or in states with no EERS; and Innovative energy savings programs, such as tree planting. EPA should also provide guidance for smaller entities that will be required under this rule to implement evaluation, measurement, and valuation (EM&V) protocols for their efficiency programs. For small utilities,299 this could easily become burdensome and costly since they do not have the resources (workforce, funding, etc.) to accomplish the same caliber of reporting and analysis as larger utilities. APPA recommends EPA establish a subcategory group of utilities that will have more streamlined requirements for their EM&V reporting. The development of these protocols and methods for measuring and verifying energy savings will take time and the Agency should explicitly allow additional time, if needed, in state plans for states to set up the constructs or modify their existing programs to meet any additional requirements imposed by this rule. This conforms to the timing questions posed in EPA’s NODA. 8. EPA Should Provide Relief for New Electricity Use Driven Solely by Compliance Requirements from Other EPA Rules. EPA rules periodically come with significant requirements for new consumption of electric power unrelated to air quality conditions. For instance, EPA recently established new criteria for lower limits on discharges of ammonia from wastewater treatment plants across the nation in order to be protective of current and previously occurring communities of mussels. This new lower limit cannot be achieved by current waste treatment systems commonl y found in smaller communities around the nation. For instance, in Missouri, lagoon systems which currently achieve EPA approved limits in over 300 communities will have to be closed down in the future and replaced with either mechanical plants that operate on electricity around the clock or distributed as irrigation on surrounding farm land by pumps, also using electricity. This additional consumption of electric power should not be allowed to count against electric power savings achieved in other parts of the state. 299 As an example, a small utility could have only a few employees, less than 2,000 customers, and multiple service responsibilities (e.g. those same employees are also partly responsible for operating the water utility). 148 XV. States Need More Time to Prepare, Submit and Obtain EPA Approval for Their Plans. The Proposed Rule does not allow states sufficient time to prepare compliance plans and submit them to EPA for approval. As noted in Section III, the Proposal essentially provides states one year to develop an intrastate plan and two years to develop multi-state plans, with the ability to request a one-year extension. Given the complexity and pervasiveness of what is required, this is simply not enough time. States will need to consult with policy makers, stakeholders, utilities, and other entities with a potential direct compliance obligation to begin determining the critical elements of the program, including enforceability. This could be contentious and thus time consuming. Moreover, a state’s compliance plan is likely to require a variety of changes in state law to be implemented. Even if agreement for such legislative proposals is achieved in concept, the actual legislative process itself can be very time consuming and uncertain. Timing issues are only exacerbated in efforts to develop multi-state plans.300 In its October 2014 comments to EPA, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) stated: However, NCSL believes the 13 months between the expected finalization of the rule (June 2015) and the deadline for states to submit implementation plans (June 2016) is not enough time for states to make any legislative changes that may be needed in order to submit a complete SIP, given the incompatibility of EPA’s proposed timeframe with state legislative calendars. NCSL goes on to point out that some state legislatures will have already adjourned for the year at the time the final rule is issued, and that four states only hold regular sessions every other year “putting them at an even further disadvantage.” The NCSL letter acknowledges the possibility of special legislative sessions to address the state’s compliance plan, but notes that in 16 states, only the governor can call a special session, and that there are often significant costs to the state to convene such special sessions. NCSL concludes: “Therefore, the June 2016 timeframe for states to submit an implementation plan or meet the requirements for an extension…poses significant challenges.” 300 See comments of the National Conference of State Legislatures, posted Oct 21, in the docket at:!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-20676 149 An example of such a challenge for a state is in Minnesota, where the existing Integrated Resource Planning Statute301 would have to be re-written and passed by the legislature, to make the changes necessary for the state to meet its reduction goals under the Proposal. Likewise, the Minnesota renewable energy mandate302 and state energy efficiency goal303 would also have to be revised to reflect the state plan. This assumes there is sufficient political support in the legislature to do so. Even if a state has authority to adopt a state plan under its administrative procedures act and delegated authority, it still must go through a lengthy public process to enact any such rules, again adding to the delay in the process of even presenting a plan to EPA for approval. Missouri’s environmental agency, the Department of Natural Resources, which has no legal authority over the operation of electric utilities, has a statutory timetable that requires as much as two full years for the implementation of a single rule. APPA notes that the east coast’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) began with formal discussions among various states in 2003. The states then announced a memorandum of understanding in December 2005 and published a model rule in August 2006 setting forth the recommended regulatory framework for developing regulatory and statutory proposals for the various state members (see chart RGGI Timeline below). States then began their own in-state rulemaking processes to adopt a framework for each state to participate in a regional cap and trade program. They considered and adopted regulatory rules or statutes governing a trading program, parameters for acceptable emission offset projects, and authorizing and regulating language for the auctioning of allowances. States completed their regulatory and statutory work at the end of 2008 and began a regional trading program in January 2009. Thus, it took a total of five to six years to go from formal planning to actual trading in RGGI, which is a much simpler program than the regional plans envisioned under EPA’s Proposed Rule. Similarly, California took several years to develop and adopt its cap and trade program. 301 Minn. Stat. 216B.2422 Minn. Stat. 216B.1691 303 Minn. Stat. 216B.241 302 150 Figure 22: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Timeline The Proposed Rule should be revised to give additional time to the state planning process. It should provide states a full five years from the date the rule is finalized to submit their state plans. In conjunction, EPA should also revise the final compliance deadlines by a corresponding length of time. XVI. EPA Provides Too Little Guidance on Establishing Multi-State Plans and Interstate Trading and Cooperation. A number of states have indicated they are interested in joining with other states to develop a multi-state plan. The primary, though not exclusive, example is the RGGI states. Others states seem interested in exploring mechanisms that would allow a certain level of cooperation among the states, such as the possible trading of allowances or credits, but that stop short of full-blown interstate or regional compliance plans. Or states may simply want to have an agreement among them with respect to which states will be able to include emissions reductions and/or investments in compliance measures in their compliance plans. This might be accomplished through memoranda of understanding or similar agreements. Multiple issues, questions, and concerns arise in considering such arrangements. One of the primary issues is how to address compliance in the case of generation resources located in one state that serve customers in another state or even multiple states. The Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems’ (UAMPS) ownership stake in the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS), located in Farmington, New Mexico, serves as an example of this problem. No UAMPS member that participates in its San Juan Project serves load in New Mexico. UAMPS members 151 who would be interested in using energy efficiency measures adopted in Utah to offset CO 2 emissions from SJGS in New Mexico would be precluded from doing so unless a multi-state plan is adopted between the two states or some agreement that energy efficiency measures performed in Utah by UAMPS members can be allocated in New Mexico. There are related problematic scenarios. Since states are allowed to take varying approaches, it is possible that State A imposes a CO2 reduction obligation on a utility that is a non-emitting utility in that state (along with its associated cost to consumers) and that State B where the utility has generation that emits CO2 takes an approach that only CO2 emitters are obligated to reduce CO2 (along with that cost). Under this scenario, the utility is paying twice for reducing the same CO2 emissions, a fact which could be compounded if there are several states served by the utility that take the same approach as State A. Or, how might an agreement be reached where a state wants to claim credit for renewable generation built outside its borders based on an assertion that the renewable project was built pursuant to that state’s renewable policies? Another question arises where the Proposed Rule treats adjacent states differently with respect to assumptions and computations in the four building blocks, resulting in inequitable final reduction goals. This becomes a disincentive for states to work together. For example, why should Iowa, which has a 16 percent reduction goal, ever partner with Minnesota which has a 41 percent reduction goal? The Proposal does not provide states and affected entities with enough guidance on how to assess or address these situations. Perhaps, for example, EPA should establish a default adjudication process to resolve interstate disputes with respect to credit for CO 2 reduction compliance measures and recognizing utility resource investments. Since the Agency seems generally to prefer multi-state plans over single-state plans, the final rule should provide more detailed guidance on how to develop such plans. XVII. EPA Should Eliminate the Interim Reduction Goal and Allow States to Determine Their Own Glide Path. One of the most onerous elements of the Proposal is the interim reduction goal that states must begin meeting in 2020. In a significant departure from prior Section 111 rules, EPA mandates a highly prescriptive implementation framework, requiring states to meet aggressive near-term CO2 goals and demonstrate compliance with those goals over a ten-year averaging period (202029) prior to the final compliance goals in 2030. While EPA stresses flexibility as a key element of the Proposal, here the Agency has proposed to make mandatory the minimum pace of implementation. Congress created a framework of cooperative federalism throughout the CAA. This careful federal-state balance is central to the Act and EPA should respect that balance with regard to compliance trajectories. 152 The obligations to begin meeting the interim goal start a mere two years after state submittal, and EPA approval, of a state’s compliance plan (and even sooner if a state obtains an extension). While it may seem as if this is not an onerous step because the interim goal must be met on “average” over a ten-year period, the reality is that unless draconian reductions are made by January 1, 2020, the interim goals cannot be achieved in most states. The interim goal is not simply a pro-rata based step towards the state’s 2030 final reduction requirement. Often referred to as a “cliff,” the interim goal requirement is, rather, a drastic reduction constituting a significant percentage of the final 2030 requirement. As can be seen in Table 18 below, the drop from the 2012 fossil fuel generation CO2 emissions rate to the interim goal is a significant percentage of the final goal, and because it must be done so soon after a state plan is finalized, constitutes an almost impossible burden to meet at all, let alone in a cost-effective or efficient manner. If not eliminated, or significantly adjusted, “these front-end-loaded” interim goals will result in huge stranded costs for utilities that will be borne ultimately by consumers. The 10-year averaging period put forth in EPA’s Proposal between the interim and final goals does little to relieve the situation. For example, if Minnesota were to delay emissions reductions even a single year, it would need to maintain an emissions rate below the final requirements for the remaining 9 years of the compliance period. In its NODA EPA proposed letting states adjust their timelines and interim requirements to avoid the serious implications from mandatory large scale fuel switching on system reliability, resiliency, infrastructure, and electricity cost. APPA agrees that this flexibility is necessary to avoid many of the serious possible consequences of this Proposal including addressing the minimal relief provided by allowing states to meet their targets on average over the 10 year period form interim to final calculated goals. Table 18: Percentage CO2 Reduction by State Interim versus Total State 2012 Fossil Rate per EPA TSD p25 -26 2020 Interim Goal Percentage reduction from Fossil Fuel to Interim Goal Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut 1,518.46 1,368.31 1,551.23 1,722.36 899.80 1,959.08 844.41 1,228.35 1,198.45 777.69 1,028.47 590.07 1,243.75 661.07 19.1% 12.4% 49.9% 40.3% 34.4% 36.5% 21.7% 153 Final Goal Total (2030 and Percentage thereafter) Reduction 1,059.01 1,003.03 702.07 909.66 536.96 1,107.83 540.26 30.26% 26.70% 54.74% 47.19% 40.32% 43.45% 36.02% State 2012 Fossil Rate per EPA TSD p25 -26 2020 Interim Goal Percentage reduction from Fossil Fuel to Interim Goal Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee 1,255.15 1,238.00 1,598.30 1,783.35 857.99 2,188.78 1,991.00 2,196.76 2,319.54 2,166.33 1,532.85 873.27 2,028.65 1,000.78 1,813.54 2,013.22 1,185.00 2,010.00 2,438.60 2,162.24 1,090.79 1,118.66 1,034.63 1,797.52 1,095.86 1,771.59 2,367.85 1,897.06 1,562.02 1,080.79 1,627.04 917.88 1,790.82 2,255.58 2,015.38 973.01 851.45 966.40 1,458.05 266.49 1,483.48 1,699.00 1,398.37 1,706.61 1,934.04 1,014.78 415.35 1,543.47 738.62 1,310.32 965.39 783.30 1,705.31 2,008.13 1,723.87 753.93 637.44 759.36 1,197.14 729.86 1,181.77 1,852.48 1,570.14 995.60 471.43 1,296.51 866.88 920.90 870.13 1,353.13 22.5% 31.2% 39.5% 18.2% 68.9% 32.2% 14.7% 36.3% 26.4% 10.7% 33.8% 52.4% 23.9% 26.2% 27.7% 52.0% 33.9% 15.2% 17.7% 20.3% 30.9% 43.0% 26.6% 33.4% 33.4% 33.3% 21.8% 17.2% 36.3% 56.4% 20.3% 5.6% 48.6% 61.4% 32.9% 154 Final Goal Total (2030 and Percentage thereafter) Reduction 840.64 740.21 833.78 1,305.54 228.37 1,270.73 1,531.27 1,300.73 1,499.39 1,763.12 883.07 377.58 1,186.71 575.64 1,161.27 872.76 691.77 1,544.41 1,771.27 1,478.94 647.31 486.14 531.09 1,047.62 549.14 992.20 1,783.16 1,338.34 895.30 372.35 1,051.96 782.26 771.75 740.67 1,162.62 33.02% 40.21% 47.83% 26.79% 73.38% 41.94% 23.09% 40.79% 35.36% 18.61% 42.39% 56.76% 41.50% 42.48% 35.97% 56.65% 41.62% 23.16% 27.37% 31.60% 40.66% 56.54% 48.67% 41.72% 49.89% 43.99% 24.69% 29.45% 42.68% 65.55% 35.35% 14.78% 56.91% 67.16% 42.31% State 2012 Fossil Rate per EPA TSD p25 -26 2020 Interim Goal Percentage reduction from Fossil Fuel to Interim Goal Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 1,420.23 1,873.69 1,437.99 1,378.56 2,056.36 1,988.39 2,330.54 930.42 1,446.45 990.95 333.68 1,853.41 1,375.71 1,899.39 34.5% 22.8% 31.1% 75.8% 9.9% 30.8% 18.5% Final Goal Total (2030 and Percentage thereafter) Reduction 790.82 1,321.73 809.81 214.50 1,619.78 1,202.58 1,714.38 44.32% 29.46% 43.68% 84.44% 21.23% 39.52% 26.44% Moreover, a federally-imposed interim goal is not necessary. In its public statements, EPA continuously stresses that the goal of the Proposal is to reduce overall CO2 emissions 30 percent by 2030. In addition to eliminating the interim goal, the Agency should allow the states to set their own “glide path” for compliance with the 2030 final goal. States must be able to determine the enforceable emission reduction trajectory to reach that goal for several reasons. Many states have already adopted measures that EPA has included in its BSER determination—RPS and demand-side management programs, for example. These programs have both rate and reliability implications that must be taken into account in determining the timing for a state’s implementation of EPA’s final performance standard. The states are uniquely positioned to address these considerations and craft an appropriately gradual trajectory. States are also best positioned to determine resource adequacy implications of implementation timing. For example, states and regional planning entities are best able to assess existing natural gas transportation infrastructure (including interstate and distribution pipeline and storage capacity), as well as natural gas supply and market conditions to determine whether they would be adequate to support the 70 percent state-average capacity factor ceiling for existing NGCC capacity targeted by EPA.304 304 FERC Chair Cheryl LaFleur has noted “gas pipeline adequacy should be considered from a regional perspective, not just a national perspective, due to existing constraints on the system.” Responses of Acting Chairman Cheryl A. LaFleur to Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Energy & Power Preliminary Questions for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at 7. 155 In addition, states can better: 1) examine existing electric transmission infrastructure to determine whether it would be adequate to support the broad regional or inter-regional dispatched-based substitution of NGCC generation and increased renewable generation contemplated by the Proposal; 2) assess potential limitations on a state’s ability to influence economic dispatch of generation to implement their plan; 3) determine and apply the remaining useful life of existing coal-fired (and other) generation resources, particularly where affected sources have made significant investments in such resources to comply with other environmental regulations (e.g., MATS, Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)); 4) plan for any legislation that may be required; and 5) determine state-specific economic impacts of the interim path and timing. Therefore, EPA should allow states to set their own appropriate pace for implementation prior to the final 2030 performance goals. While states may need to adopt some interim standard to ensure they are on track to meet the 2030 goals, states should be permitted to adjust the glide path to 2030, taking into account further analysis of appropriate factors. States are best suited for this role because they have a unique ability to evaluate reduction opportunities and expected timelines. XVIII. States Should Be Allowed an Opportunity to Adjust Their Final Reduction Goals, the Year That the Goals Are to Be Achieved, and/or the Glide Path Based on Materially Changed Circumstances. The Proposed Rule should be modified to expressly permit a state to seek an adjustment of its 2030 emission reduction goal at any time to account for either late discovery of errors in EPA assumptions or new information that becomes available to the state after the close of this comment period. As discussed extensively in these comments, the Proposed Rule relies on a number of highly questionable assumptions. These include assumptions such as those related to the price and availability of natural gas, reliability, the economics and availability of renewable energy, the long-term performance of energy efficiency programs, the functioning of wholesale electricity markets, and the time required to develop state compliance plans. The Proposal also does not properly recognize or account for other relevant factors, such as shifts in population, growth in the manufacturing sector, impediments to the development of new transmission facilities, or the risk associated with relicensing existing nuclear and hydro generating units. In these comments, APPA provides recommendations to address these assumptions and oversights, as well as other issues that, if adopted in the final rule, would provide states with more of the flexibility they need to comply with the final rule. Even with that flexibility, however, unanticipated events can and will occur that adversely affect a state’s ability to meet its required reductions. 156 States should be afforded an opportunity to at any time to submit to EPA an amendment to their state compliance plan that adjusts elements of that plan to equitably account for materially changed circumstances. This should include the ability to adjust the level of the final reduction goal, the year in which that reduction is to be achieved, and the glide path to reach that goal. States bear the burden to adequately support, document, or otherwise justify any proposed changes to state plans. However, when that justification is adequately provided, EPA should approve the changes requested by the state. XIX. EPA Should Allow Additional Compliance Flexibility. APPA believes that EPA needs to provide additional flexibility to states to determine or develop compliance options. For example, EPA should make clear that technologies using fuels, such as geothermal, landfill methane gas, pumped storage hydropower, dairy digester gas, biogas, and biomass, are eligible for compliance. Additionally, the rule should make provisions for utilities to receive credit for improvements to distribution or transmission grids that effectively reduce CO2 emissions through improvements that reduce line losses. The Agency should also clearly allow the emission reductions resulting from programs between utilities and their customers, such as the beneficial use of fly ash from power plants used in the manufacture of cement (reducing cement plant costs, as well as CO2), to count toward compliance with a state plan. EPA should allow states to set up alternative compliance systems, subcategories , and alternative regulatory systems for public power utilities that would face a disproportionate stranded cost or debt to the local community as a result of this Proposal. It should be left to the states to determine how best to design, manage, and implement these systems, but the Agency should clearly recognize this problem. In addition, some states may wish to enact a carbon tax or similar program to incent the actions necessary to achieve the state’s reduction goal, rather than through a system of regulations and enforcement. EPA should provide states with this flexibility. XX. The Cost of Electricity to Consumers Has Been Increasing and Will Increase Even More Under This Proposal APPA is concerned that the Proposal will result in increases in electricity prices that are likely to be substantial in a number of states. This will come on top of steadily increasing prices to consumers that are projected by the federal government to continue upward even without the implementation of this Proposal. These increases will be exacerbated in some regions due to the structure and operations of the RTO-administered wholesale markets. And they will have a disproportionate adverse impact on low- and fixed-income consumers. 157 A June 26, 2014, article in the New York Times reports that in a speech to the League of Conservation Voters, President Obama said environmental advocates need to acknowledge Americans’ worries about the economic effects of efforts to combat climate change. 305 The Times quotes the President as saying: People don’t like gas prices going up; they are concerned about electricity prices going up. If we are blithe about saying ‘this is the crisis of our times,’ but we don’t acknowledge these legitimate concerns – we’ve got to shape our strategies to address the very real and legitimate concerns of working families. A. EPA’s Regulatory Impact Analysis Is Flawed. APPA believes that EPA failed to meet the most basic tests of good regulatory analysis regarding costs in this proposal. Unlike other parts of the Clean Air Act, Section 111(d) provides for cost considerations (along with others) in the setting of standards. But in the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA), EPA has asserted there will be negligible economic impacts from this rule. While it acknowledges that electricity prices will rise (Regulatory Impact Analysis at 3-38 to 342), the Agency asserts that from 2025 to 2030, average electricity bills will decline.306 ) EPA attributes this decline primarily to implementation of energy efficiency measures in each state commensurate with its calculations under building block 4, coupled with the assumption (or perhaps just a hope) that the nation will be awash in cheap natural gas for decades. EPA has been far too optimistic and aggressive in its assumptions on both of these issues, as delineated more completely in other parts of these comments including Section VII and Section XIV(D). In addition, the Agency has not adequately considered, or has misjudged, a number of important factors that will increase electricity prices to consumers as a result of implementing this proposal. These include differences in wholesale electricity market structures and the cost of producing, storing, and delivering natural gas as mentioned above, as well as: 1) the potential for stranded costs arising from the forced retirement of generation units with remaining economical useful life; 2) the associated potential negative impacts on credit ratings and borrowing costs; and 3) price volatility in electricity and natural gas markets, such as that delineated in comments APPA submitted to FERC regarding the Polar Vortex of 2014.307 305 306 Regulatory Impact Analysis at 3-43 307 Winter 2013-2014 Operations and Market Performance in Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, FERC, Docket No. AD14-8-000, Mar. 19, 2014. 158 Perhaps most disconcerting is that, while EPA’s Proposed Rule would essentially require a change in the dispatch from the current fleet of electric generating units to one mostly made up of natural gas (meeting or approaching a 70 percent capacity factor nationwide) to meet a goal of an 83 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050, the agency did not conduct a full economic analysis of these actions beyond the year 2030. This was noted and well stated by the House Science Committee in its August 13, 2014, letter to Administrator Gina McCarthy: Finally, EPA’s failure to model impacts between 2030 and 2040 is a serious analytical shortcoming. The Administration has committed to reduce emissions by 83% by 2050. As a result, reductions beyond 2030 must be analyzed to understand the implications of the approach. Given the White House’s promises in this regard, the target reduction for the power sector for 2040 should be modeled on a trajectory consistent with the implied 2050 target. The complete letter from the House Science Committee to Administrator McCarthy is found in Attachments Section. EPA’s use of questionable, overly aggressive assumptions on a number of critical elements, coupled with inadequate or no consideration of other key cost factors, has led the Agency to project minimal adverse economic impacts that are not realistic. This conclusion—a 30 percent reduction in CO2 emissions and consumers’ electricity bills remain essentially flat or go down at the same time—recalls the adage “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.” B. Electricity Prices Continue to Rise Generally There is currently a broad disparity of electricity prices in the United States, as depicted in the map below. This disparity ranges from a low of 6.35 cents/kwh in Idaho to a high of 24.13 cents/kwh in Hawaii. 159 Figure 23: Map of Residential Average Price Source: The cost of producing and delivering electricity has been increasing, and as noted above, is projected to continue to do so even if EPA does not implement this Proposal. There are numerous reasons for this, including increases in the cost of building materials and fuel and the cost of complying with various local, state, and federal mandates and regulatory requirements. The chart below from the EIA shows these increases for residential customers. As the chart further indicates, EIA predicts that costs to residential customers will continue to rise. Figure 24: U.S. Residential Electricity Price Source: Energy Information Administration 160 This increase is projected despite the deployment over the past decades of energy efficiency programs that help offset some of the increase on customers’ bills. For public power utilities, all of these costs are passed on to consumers in the form of monthly bills. C. Costs in Regions with RTO Markets To determine the costs of implementation of the rule, EPA uses in its RIA, the IPM, developed by ICF Consulting, Inc. According to EPA, the IPM accounts for different regulatory structures and “projects changes in regional wholesale power prices and capacity payments related to imposition of the represented policy that are combined with EIA regional transmission and distribution costs to calculate changes to regional retail prices.” As described in the IPM documentation, IPM “models production activity in wholesale electric markets on the premise that these markets subscribe to all assumptions of perfect competition. The model does not explicitly capture any market imperfections such as market power, transaction costs, informational asymmetry or uncertainty.”308 Yet the RTO markets are far from perfectly competitive markets. Prices and actual costs often diverge and at times, such as during periods of constrained supply, the differential can be significant. For example, the Market Monitor for PJM found “ in the first six months of 2014, 11.4 percent of units had average dollar markups greater than or equal to $150 [per MWh]” and concluded that for the first half of 2014, “the behavior of some participants during the high demand periods in January raises concerns about economic withholding. Given the structure of the Energy Market, the tighter markets and the change in some participants’ behavior are sources of concern in the Energy Market.” 309 Concerns about market power are more significant in the RTO-operated capacity markets, discussed in greater detail in Section XXV. FERC Commissioners Tony Clark and Norman Bay found that regarding the February 2014 auction for generating capacity in ISO-NE, “there is evidence suggesting the exercise of market power, and it is uncontroverted that the market power, if it existed, was not mitigated. In the words of ISO-NE, prices resulted from a ‘noncompetitive auction.’ To the extent any portion of those prices was attributable to an exercise of 308 “Documentation for EPA Base Case v.5.13 Using the Integrated Planning Model, Nov. 2013,” Chapter 2: Modeling Framework, 309 Monitoring Analytics, 2014 Quarterly State of the Market Report for PJM: January – June, pages 55 and 59 161 market power, the auction will have imposed unwarranted costs upon consumers.”310 Such concerns about market power are due to the withdrawal immediately prior to the auction of the Brayton Point generating facility, a 1,544 MW coal plant owned by Energy Capital Partners (ECP). This withdrawal dramatically lowered supply and increased prices in the auction. ECP’s affiliate had earlier rejected an offer from ISO-NE to compensate Brayton’s costs of staying in service because the ISO found that the plant was needed for reliability. The price increase resulting from the retirement of the plant led ECP’s revenues from other plants it owns to increase by $77 million.311 In addition to these market imperfections, the costs of implementing the Proposal within the RTO markets will be exacerbated by frequent changes in market rules—often to the advantage of the merchant generators (see the RTO governance discussion in Section XXII B). Merchant generation owners have a financial interest in constraining the supply of resources as a means to keep prices high. For example, the tightening of Minimum Offer Price Rules (MOPR) and the removal of the state and self-supply exemptions in the PJM region, were a direct result of a generator complaint in response to state-initiated efforts to procure new, more efficient naturalgas fired units. (See Capacity Markets fact sheet in Attachment 5) It is likely that as new, low or non-CO2 emitting resources attempt to enter the markets, there is a potential for additional rule changes to impede such entry. As noted in the Navigant Paper on page 16 (see Attachment 3), a result of significant reductions in CO2 is likely to be that “the effects of energy efficiency improvements on capacity prices will likely be substantial, depressing prices for many years, and calls for further changes to capacity markets to reduce this effect might be expected.” To the extent that merchant generators are able to erect additional barriers to new construction of natural gas generation, renewable resources, and energy efficiency, so too will the capacity and energy market costs increase beyond what was modeled by the IPM. 310 Joint statement of Commissioners’ Clark and Bay on ISO-New England’s Forward Capacity Market Case, Sept. 16, 2014, Docket ER14-1409, 311 For more details on the auction see Joint Motion to Intervene, Protest, and Requests for Evidentiary Hearing, Investigation and Waiver of Eastern Massachusetts Consumer-Owned Systems, Docket No. ER14-1409-000, April 14, 2014, 162 D. Retail Electricity Prices Are Rising at a Faster Rate in States Within RTO Markets. The discussion in the two preceding sections illustrates in part why wholesale electricity prices are rising at an even faster rate in regions of the country where the wholesale markets are administered by RTOs subject to jurisdiction of FERC. With the exception of Montana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, these RTO markets also encompass the states that chose to restructure their retail electricity markets, and in so doing, generally ceded authority over their state’s generating facilities to FERC. This lack of direct state authority over electricity generation substantially dilutes the ability of states, through their public service commissions, for example, to protect consumers from excessive power prices. The largest component, by far, of a customer’s electricity bill is the cost of the power itself. Thus, increases in the wholesale cost of power are reflected in the monthly retail bills paid by consumers. The chart below shows the national average of retail rates for all states from 1997 (roughly the beginning of electricity market restructuring) and 2013, the most recent year for which this data is available. The national average is contrasted with the average of states that have restructured their retail electricity markets and those that have not. The chart shows that, again, while electricity rates are increasing everywhere, they are rising at a faster rate in states that have restructured their retail electricity markets and are more dependent on RTO markets for wholesale power supply. 163 Figure 25: Average Rates: Deregulated vs Regulated States E. January 2014 Polar Vortex Gas and Electric Price Spikes The extreme cold weather events of January 2014 provide an illustration of the potential for dramatic price increases in the RTO regions during times of scarcity. There were three major cold events this past January—on January 6-7, January 22, and January 27—and one major event on February 6. During this time frame, natural gas prices spiked, reaching as high as $100/MMBtu during some trading periods in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. Meanwhile, the high peak demand combined with high levels of generation outages, placed the eastern RTO regions (PJM, ISO-NE, and NYISO) near their limits of available capacity to meet system demand. The combination of high gas prices, constrained generation, and PJM’s implementation of shortage pricing produced average real-time electricity prices that ranged 164 from $300 to $700 per megawatt-hour in PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE, and MISO. As a result of shortage pricing in PJM, prices reached as high as $2,000 per MWh. 312 While it may appear on the surface that the electricity prices were simply following natural gas prices, there are indicators that generators built in an extra layer of profits on top of the high natural gas costs. A primary indicator of the profitability of natural gas plants is “spark spreads,” which are measures of the differential between the electricity price and the cost of electricity produced by a natural gas plant given natural gas prices at the time, assuming a heat rate of 7,000 Btu per kilowatt-hour. EIA reported spark spreads on January 6, 2014, of $61.43 per MWh in ISO-NE at the Massachusetts Hub, $49.06 in New York City and $48.09 in the PJM Western Hub.313 These spreads ranged from 35 to 39 percent of the day-ahead electricity price, which was between $125 and $173 per MWh, meaning that over one-third of the price of electricity was earned in profits by an efficient natural gas plant. Other units may have earned higher or lower spreads, depending upon their fuel costs and heat rates. Moreover, a review of earnings reports shows higher levels of profits during the winter for some merchant generators. For example, PSEG Power reported that its gross margin (revenue net of expenses from the sale of power) increased by $51 million in PJM and $18 million in ISO-NE between the first quarters of 2013 and 2014, showing that the company was earning significantly more from higher electricity prices than incurred in higher fuel costs. 314 Calpine’s commodity margin in the North (equal to all revenue earned from power sales net of expenses) totaled $261 million in the first quarter of 2014, a 280 percent increase from the first quarter of 2013.315 As mentioned above, also contributing to the high energy prices is the fact that PJM invoked shortage pricing several times in January, allowing emergency demand response and emergency imports to set prices at $1,800 per MWh.316 This cap will increase to $2,700 by June 1, 2015, 312 See FERC Staff Presentation, Winter 2013-2014 Operations and Market Performance in RTOs and ISOs, April 1, 2014, 313 “Today in Energy,” EIA, as posted on January 6, 2014 Prices are posted on a daily basis. 314 “PSEG Earnings Conference Call, 1st Quarter 2014,” May 1, 2014, at 16, and “PSEG Earnings Conference Call, 1st Quarter 2013,” April 30, 2013 at 15, 315 Calpine Presentation, “Calpine First Quarter 2014 Investor Update Conference Call, May 1 2014,” at 26, 316 “Cold Weather Operations for January 2014, Questions, Comments, and Responses,” PJM Interconnection, March 6, 2014, 165 under PJM’s phase-in of shortage pricing,317 meaning that these higher prices will coincide with the increasing level of coal retirements. As coal plants retire, the probability of electricity price increases and potential supply disruptions during periods of cold weather and high natural gas prices is likely to increase. F. Increases in Electricity Prices Disproportionately Impact Low and Fixed Income Consumers. According to consumer advocacy groups, such as AARP, electricity prices and increases in prices have a disproportionate impact on low and fixed income consumers. 318 While this is rather intuitive conceptually, the actual impacts can be dramatic. In the 2011 National Energy Assistance Survey319 conducted by the National Energy Assistance Directors Association, results showed, to pay energy bills, 24 percent of Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) recipients went without food, 37 percent went without medical or dental care, and 34 percent did not fill or took less than the full dose of a prescription medicine. In addition, the LIHEAP Home Energy Notebook for FY 2009 320 reported some cautionary results from a survey of LIHEAP and low-income households in the Northeast—a region already heavily dependent on natural gas and straining to keep up. Low-income households in that region that heat with electricity pay 12.9 to 17.2 percent of their income on energy compared to non-low income households that pay about 3 percent of their income on energy. 321 G. Increases and Volatility in the Cost of Natural Gas Flow Directly and Automatically to Consumers. Section VII of these comments contains extensive discussion of the potential supply of natural gas for electricity generation and relevant factors that both influence and create uncertainty about the price of that gas. A large part of EPA’s assumption that electricity price increases will be 317 See “Shortage Pricing FAQs,” p. 12, PJM Interconnection, July 12, 2012 318 Comments of AARP, Public Citizen and the National Consumer Law Center, On Behalf Of Its Low-Income Clients, Centralized Capacity Markets in Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. AD13-7-000, See p. 3, where the parties not that the cost of FERC jurisdictional wholesale purchases “ is flowed through to retail consumers, including AARP members and low-income households that are face dire choices in order to afford essential energy services.” 319 Available at 320 Available at 321 Ibid at Tables A-3b and A-4 166 only minimal stem from the Agency’s belief that either sufficient supplies of gas will be available for the decades it will be needed or that the price of gas will remain at or near current levels. APPA is not as sanguine. The Agency is making huge assumptions based on selective data. Fuels used to generate electricity, especially fossil fuels, are often subject to significant price volatility. As noted in Section VII, natural gas historically has been highly subject to such volatility. Moreover, the cost of fuel is one of the largest components of the total cost of fossil fuel-generated power supply, which in turn is the largest component of a customer’s electricity bill. Recognizing these factors, it is common and accepted practice among regulators to allow utilities to pass these fluctuating fuel costs directly on to their customers in the form of a “f uel adjustment charge.” This mechanism allows the utility to directly recover its costs without having to obtain specific regulatory approval for what can be substantial increases in a customer’s bill. These charges are typically adjusted on a quarterly basis to reflect the utility’s actual fuel costs for the preceding quarter. Thus, even relatively small changes in excess of EPA’s projections for the price of natural gas will have immediate impacts on consumers that could eviscerate its conclusion that price increases will be only modest. H. Remaining Useful Life of the Facility It is generally expected that compliance with the emission goals contained in the Proposal will likely cause the premature retirement of a significant number of U.S. coal-fired generating plants. By the term premature, APPA means that the plants will be shut down before the end of their useful lives. Certain stakeholders (e.g., electric utilities and their customers and local communities) will suffer economic losses as a result. These losses include foregone economic value because the facility is no longer allowed to operate, as well as paying certain costs now “stranded” because the facility no longer produces the revenue to cover those costs. The notion that economic losses will result from premature retirement is inescapable because useful life is properly thought of in terms of an asset’s ability to yield on-going economic value. Hence, shutting down an electric generating facility prior to the end of its useful life is sure to result in losses for someone. Moreover, as discussed in Section III(B)(9), CAA Section 111(d)(1)(B), permits states to take into consideration, “among other factors, the remaining useful life of the source” in developing their state compliance plan. However, in its construction of the building blocks and the resulting calculation of interim and final emission reduction goals, EPA has substantially encroached on this state discretion, resulting in losses to the remaining useful life of generation sources and increased costs to consumers. 167 Like any long-lived asset, electric generating plants require long-term financing. Since public power utilities are non-profit, their assets are financed primarily with long-term debt, while investor-owned utilities and merchant suppliers generally finance projects with some combination of long-term debt and equity. It is sometimes mistakenly thought that an asset’s useful life is directly related to the debt repayment or servicing schedule associated with its financing. This in turn might lead some to conclude that retirement of an asset after the debt has been repaid somehow mitigates the economic losses attendant with retirement. But this is not the case. There is no single, unambiguous way to precisely measure the useful life of an asset, but the underlying notion, as presented in the following definitions and descriptions, is that useful life represents the period over which an asset is expected to provide value to its owner. Useful life usually refers to the duration for which the item will be useful (to the business), and not how long the property will actually last. Many factors affect a property's useful life, including the frequency of use, the age when acquired and the repair policy and environmental conditions of the business. The useful life for identical types of property will differ from user to user depending on the above factors, as well as additional factors such as foreseeable technological improvements, economic changes, and changes in laws.322 Useful life is “the period of time that the asset can reasonably be expected to operate in the manner and at the level of efficiency intended,” and “an asset’s useful or productive life is the period during which the present value of the cash inflows expected to be derived from the asset’s use (that is, its productive value) exceeds the assets abandonment value.”323 Moreover, The accounting assumption as to the useful lives of assets should be based on economic and engineering studies, on experience, and on any other available information about an asset’s physical and economic properties.324 322 Clark, John J., Thomas J. Hindelang and Robert E. Pritchard. Capital Budgeting: Planning and Control of Capital Expenditures. 3d ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989 324 Leopold Bernstein and John Wild. Analysis of Financial Statements. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1999 323 168 Clearly, useful life is an economic concept with no necessary relationship to the period of debt service. Since total debt incurred represents a sunk cost that must be paid whether or not the asset remains useful, the loss of economic value resulting from the premature retirement of an asset is unaffected by the debt service schedule.325 Rather, useful life pertains to the time horizon over which an asset is expected to provide economic value to the owner. In the case of public power electric utilities, the generating assets are, in effect, owned by the utilities’ customers, with the government entity acting as their agent. While the utility transacts the purchase and is the legal owner, the economics of ownership, both positive and negative, redound to the customers. Both the costs and the benefits of asset ownership are conveyed to customers through their electric rates. For example, if a utility purchases a coal plant, the costs of ownership (purchase price, financing cost, and on-going operation and maintenance) will be directly passed through to the electric rates, but if the plant is economic, electric rates will, over the life of the plant, be lower than they would have been if the utility had met the customer’s ongoing power needs through market purchases or acquisition of alternative resources. So, customers bear the economic costs of ownership, but also realize the economic benefits. As long as the going-forward variable costs of producing electricity with the coal plant are less than the all-in costs (fixed and variable) of viable replacements (market purchases, or resource acquisitions), the plant will yield economic benefits for customers. If the plant ceases operation during its economically useful life, customers will suffer an economic loss from electric rates that will be higher than they would have been it the plant continued to operate. And, as discussed earlier, the loss borne by customers will be same irrespective of the debt service schedule. Under the traditional utility rate making framework, customers also bear the risks associated with plant ownership. Obviously, at the time a capital investment is made, it is expected that the longterm benefits will exceed the costs of owning and operating the plant. But, there is always much uncertainty. The benefit streams often extend far into the future, and the final results will be 325 To illustrate, assume an asset that costs $100. The asset lasts five years and produces revenue of $100 per year, so total, nominal (i.e., undiscounted) revenues, before debt service, amount to $500. Assume that an investor borrows $100 and then pays it off immediately. His net proceeds will be $400. If he finances the purchase with debt service of $20 per year, his net proceeds will still be $400. (Note this example abstracts from carrying costs and discounting, because they would complicate the example with affecting the essential conclusion). If the useful life is truncated at the end of three years, the investor who paid off the debt immediately would lose $200 of revenues and his total net proceeds would be $200. When the debt is serviced over five years, the investor must pay off the $100 debt even though the revenue stream is truncated. His total revenues will be $300, his debt service will be $100, his net proceeds from the project will be $200, and his economic loss will be $200. The economic loss is the same whether or not the debt is paid off when the asset is retired. 169 affected by a variety of volatile factors. In some cases, the total benefits will exceed total costs and customers realize net economic gains, while in other cases, benefits will fall short of costs and customers suffer losses. In either case, artificial interruption of the benefit stream during a coal plant’s useful life will harm customers by causing losses that would otherwise not have occurred. On average, across the sector, approximately 40 percent of total electric output is produced from coal, with much higher percentages in some situations. This clearly constitutes a significant investment for these public power utilities and their customers, undertaken in anticipation of realizing long-term benefits over the useful lives of the coal plants. It also means that coal is an important resource for public power.326 In many cases, unscheduled retirements over the next few years, related to the Proposed Rule, will truncate the expected benefit streams while the plants are still economically useful and thus result in significant economic losses to public power customers. As discussed above, the useful lives of individual coal facilities will depend on a variety of factors, some of which may be unique to specific facilities. Thus, it is difficult to offer a value that represents the remaining useful life of the combined public power coal fleet, but clearly the general expectation is that coal plants have very long useful lives. A 2007 survey of 10 state utility commissions conducted by the Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate found that respondents generally expected to see useful lives for coal plants in the range of 40 to 60 years.327 Similarly, data show that the average number of years between the in-service and expected retirement dates for coal plants owned by public power utilities is 35 years. Thus, public power electric customers will likely suffer significant economic losses from the premature retirement of coal facilities if the Proposed Rule is finalized. These early retirements will lead to higher electric prices related to replacement power costs, new capital investments, plant decommissioning costs, and possible credit downgrades. As discussed further in Subsection J below, APPA has conducted some preliminary analysis to estimate the range of economic losses, and associated rate increases, faced by public power customers as a result of possible premature retirements of coal plans under the Proposed Rule. Our analysis indicates that the total, cumulative losses could range from about $10 billion to 326 In some cases the commitment takes the form of long-term purchase power agreements (PPA) as opposed to actual capital investments, but the PPA’s are often take-or-pay contracts that impose debt like obligations on the utilities and thus customers. 327 Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate. Depreciable Life of New Coal Generating Plant. September 2007 170 about $284 billion, with associated electric rate increases ranging from about 4 to 32 percent.328 These values represent an indicative range of possible outcomes for the composite public power sector. Many factors will affect the results including: the baseline level of electric rates before the coal plant retirements; long-term natural gas prices; installed costs of replacement generation resources (e.g., NGCCs and gas pipeline and storage facilities); variable costs and operating characteristics of replacement facilities (including energy efficiency and increased utilization of existing gas plants); the number of coal plants retired and associated electric output; long-term coal prices; variable costs and operating characteristics of the coal plants subject to retirement; and the time horizon for the analysis, which reflects the remaining useful lives of the affected coal plants. Thus, one cannot predict precise outcomes with any degree of confidence. In APPA’s view, the wide range of possible outcomes is cause for concern. It is not clear what the final impacts will be, but under some plausible assumptions, they could be quite severe. Thus, the Proposal should be modified as recommended by APPA in these comments. Those changes would allow states to truly and accurately incorporate their own determinations of the remaining useful life of affected facilities into the development and implementation of their compliance plans. I. Stranded and Replacement Costs As discussed above, compliance with the emission goals contained in the Proposed Rule will cause the retirement of a significant number of U.S. coal-fired generating plants and— potentially—other power generating facilities. In so far as these facilities are retired while they are still able to yield on-going economic value, their retirement will impose an economic cost on the owner-generator and, in turn, its customers. The term “stranded cost” was developed in the context of the restructuring of the natural gas pipeline and then electric utility sector in the 1980s. In the context of electric utility deregulation, generally the term has been used to refer to a cost that an electric utility is permitted to recover through its rates, but whose recovery may be impeded or prevented by the advent of competition in the industry. 329 Amidst this restructuring, FERC, in regulating the recovery of a stranded cost, further clarified that such a cost must be a “legitimate, prudent, and 328 Dollar values are cumulative present values over the analysis period and rates are levelized over the analysis period . 329 William J. Baumol and J. Gregory Sidak, Transmission Pricing and Stranded Costs in the Electric Power Industry, Washington: AEI Press, 1995, 98. 171 verifiable cost.”330 Clearly, an electric utility’s inability to recover the “legitimate, prudent, and verifiable cost” of generation facility investments which the Proposed Rule would force the premature retirement of should be considered a stranded cost. In their individual comments, APPA members will be providing examples of stranded costs highly likely to result from the Proposed Rule. APPA urges the EPA to examine and consider these examples carefully. The comments of SRP with respect to the Navajo Generating Station, for example, are particularly instructive. Another example is LRS in Wyoming, partly owned by APPA members that serves consumers in several states. If the owners of LRS are forced to retire a unit or the entire plant, this will result in significant stranded investment. LRS has a gross book value of about $1.23 billion, and the public power utilities,’ including Missouri River Energy Services (MRES), share is about $202 million. Currently, LRS is under a mandate from EPA under the Regional Haze Rule to install Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCRs) on all three units at LRS. This will come at a cost of $750 million to the project owners. For MRES, its share of this cost will be approximately $125 million, which will cause an increase in wholesale rates of 10 percent. These investments must be made by 2019,331 a year before the start of the interim compliance period under the Proposed Rule. If a unit is forced to retire, $250 million of consumer-owned investment to meet Regional Haze rules will be stranded, on top of the economic value of the remaining useful life of the unit. Those costs will no longer be spread out over the 20 year remaining life of LRS, but must nonetheless be recovered from consumers, a cost for which they will no longer receive any value. Again, as noted above, these stranded costs would exist whether the cost of financing a generating facility has been paid or is still being paid.332 Nonetheless, the existence of stranded cost is most clearly demonstrated when a facility has been financed with long-term debt, intended to roughly match the useful life of the facility, that is still being repaid. As state- or locally-owned, not-for-profit entities, public power utilities are limited in how they raise funds for long-term infrastructure investments of all sorts, including electric power generation facilities and facility modifications. They cannot allow partners to “buy” into the business and cannot issue additional stock to equity shareholders. Also, generally, they do not amass large cash reserves. Instead, generally public power utilities raise these funds with longterm debt in the form of municipal bonds. 330 18 C.F.R. § 35.26. This date is subject to change, based on the stay granted by the 10th Circuit in the litigation over the Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan. See note 1. 332 By way of analogy, the theft of a car is a loss to the owner whether the car was bought with cash, financed with a loan that has been paid off, or financed with a loan that is still being repaid. 331 172 Municipal bonds are unique in that they tend to have maturities nearly twice as long as corporate bonds333 and generally are issued as a series of bonds with varying maturities, rather than a single maturity. Financing a project with bonds that mature incrementally over a long period of time allows public power utilities to build projects with capital provided upfront by bond investors, but repaid over the projects’ useful life by the citizens and customers benefitting from the project. Municipal bonds are the largest source of financing for core infrastructure in the U.S.334 and are the single most important financing tool for public power, given the capital-intensive and longlived nature of assets needed by the electric industry. Each year, on average, public power utilities make $10 billion in new investments financed with municipal bonds.335 Public power utilities use municipal bonds to finance investments in power generation (including through renewable and alternative fuels), transmission, distribution, reliability, demand control, efficiency, and emissions controls. While the typical power-related bond issue is relatively small, issuances financing electric generation or transmission projects generally total hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars and can have maturities as long as 50 years. For example, in 2007, the Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency (NIMPA) issued a series of bonds totaling $318,715,000 with maturities ranging from 6 to 35 years (i.e., maturing from 2013 to 2042) to finance a portion of the Prairie State Project, an approximately 1,600 MW coal-fired generating station, coal reserves adjacent to the plant site, and coal mining facilities. According to NIMPA’s auditor, the lives of the bonds do not exceed the project’s useful life.336 As a result, if the Prairie State Project is shuttered by 2020 because of the Proposed Rule, NIMPA’s customers will be forced to pay for the cost of financing a new source of power and power generation, while also repaying the debt associated with the project through 2042. 333 Securities Industry and Financial Marketers Association, US Municipal Issuances, ( (last visited on Aug. 28. 2014) ; Securities Industry and Financial Marketers Association, US Corporate Bond Issuances ( (last visited on Aug. 28. 2014). 334 Cong. Budget Office, J. Comm. on Taxation “Subsidizing Infrastructure Investment with Tax-Preferred Bonds” (Oct. 2009)(showing that for education, water, and sewer, nearly all capital investments are made by state and local governments and that for transportation most investments are made by state and local governments). 335 The Bond Buyer & Thomson Reuters “2014 Yearbook” (2014) 150; The Bond Buyer & Thomson Reuters “2009 Yearbook” (2009) 170. 336 Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency, Audited Financial Statements, 2012 (April 30, 2013) ( &mime_type=application%2Fpdf&sub_folder=&file=2012NIMPAAuditedFinancialStatements.pdf) 10. 173 Again, in the likely event that the Prairie State Project’s actual useful life would extend beyond the term of debt, i.e., 2042, early retirement of the project would impose additional and ongoing costs on NIMPA customers and other customers of investors in the Prairie State Project. Another reason EPA should finalize a rule with an explicit opportunity for states to set up subcategories or alternative regulatory compliance options for public power or municipal utilities is because municipal bonds tend to have maturities nearly twice as long as corporate bonds. Thus, the consequences are more significant than for most investor-owned utilities or merchant power plants. Section 111(d) expressly allows for state consideration of such factors. EPA must allow states the flexibility to adjust both the emission reduction goals and implementation dates to assure that the requirements on the state reflect a BSER that assures the reliability and security of the electric system while providing reasonably priced electricity to the consumer. J. The Proposed Rule Will Impact Electricity Rates, Pushing Them Higher Than They Are Today. The premature shutdown of existing coal plants with a remaining economic life will likely cause higher electric rates and increased costs for the nation’s electricity consumers than EPA has projected. Tables 13 and 14 show potential cost increases and rate impacts for customers for the public power sector, taken as a whole, under varying assumptions for the key factors that will affect electricity prices when coal plants are prematurely retired. The tables were developed by APPA using the data and methods described below. Table 19: NPV Cost Impacts* Gas Price ** Low Mid High S1 S2 S3 Low 5 Years $ Billions $6.99 $8.8 $77.45 Mid 20 Years $ Billions $74.89 $93.33 $148.67 High 40 Years $ Billions $259.46 $302.07 $4129.88 * Table developed by APPA, see text below and relevant appendix. ** First year gas prices for Low Mid and High cases $6/MMBtu, $8/MMMBtu and $10/MMBtu, respectively. All prices escalate at 2% per year over respective scenario horizons. 174 Table 20: Levelized Rate Impacts* Gas Price** Low Mid High S1 S2 S3 Low 5 Years % 5.475 6.24% 8.54% Mid 20 Years % 13.02% 15.72% 23.71% High 40 Years % 36.57% 41.33% 55.4% * Table developed by APPA. See text below and relevant appendix. * First year gas prices for Low Mid and High cases $4/MMBtu, $5/MMMBtu and $8/MMBtu, respectively. All prices escalate at 5% per year over respective scenario horizons. Prices and escalation rate based on EIA 2014 Annual Energy Outlook A more detailed explanation of the data and calculations underlying the table follows the discussion of the results, but a brief overview to guide interpretation is in order. To develop what we believe are the plausible ranges shown on the tables above, we constructed three scenarios (S1, S2, and S3) each reflecting a particular combination of key input variables, not including gas prices, that would yield low, mid, and high cost and rate impacts, respectively. We then estimated the cost and rate impacts for each scenario under low, mid, and high gas price assumptions. This creates the 3 by 3(3X3) matrices of possible outcomes shown on the tables. Each scenario depicts a different time horizon based on different assumptions regarding the remaining useful lives of coal plants subject to closure. The cost impacts shown on Table 19, represent the present value, incremental cost borne by customers from premature plant closures, while the results on Table 20 show the impacts on electric rates in terms of the percent change in levelized rates resulting from reduced coal production. The tables show a large range of potential outcomes because there are a number of factors that can influence the results, all of which are subject to variability and uncertainty. Each factor can vary, in a correlated or uncorrelated manner, with the others, and this implies a very large set of possible input combinations, which in turn yields a very large set of possible rate impacts. 175 As the tables show, the NPV cost impacts range from about $7 billion to almost $430 billion, with337 associated rate increases of 5.47 to 55.4 percent. This wide range of uncertain outcomes does not imply that the potential rate and cost impacts are fundamentally unknowable and thus not helpful for policy guidance. While many outcomes are possible, some are more likely than others under any specific set of circumstances. By design, the Proposed Rule will give rise to a variety of different compliance strategies based on disparate circumstances across, and within, the states. Consideration of the likely impacts in particular situations should inform the development and implementation of compliance strategies. There are a number of underlying factors that can influence the results, including, but not limited to: prices for coal, natural gas, energy efficiency, and renewable resources; remaining useful lives of the affected coal plants; shares of electric output produced by coal and other resources; capital cost for replacement resources and associated infrastructure; and composition of the replacement energy resource portfolio. It is fairly clear what the directional impact (e.g., higher or lower) on a utility’s total cost of service, and hence rates, would be for a given change in a particular variable while holding the other factors constant. For example, all else constant, higher coal prices would imply less of a cost impact from coal plant retirement than would lower process. As another example, the cost impacts will be larger for retirement of plants with longer projected economic lives than for shorter-lived facilities. We used this reasoning to construct low (S1), mid (S2), and high (S3) scenarios based on the five crucially important input variables: coal prices, remaining economic life, share of coal in the supply resource portfolio, amount of new infrastructure need to support new gas plant capacity, and composition of the replacement portfolio. As noted, we then estimated cost and rate impacts for each scenario under varying assumptions for natural gas prices. A more detailed description of the scenario inputs and analytical methods is presented in appendix XX. This analysis is intended to convey a quantitative sense of how premature retirement of coalfired generators might affect a utility’s retail rates and total cost of service to utility customers under varying conditions and circumstances. We are not suggesting that any particular outcomes 337 Among other factors affecting the results, the rate impacts are influenced by firm size. This analysis reflects impacts on the composite public utility sector and it is unlikely that the high and low scenarios would pertain to the entire public power sector. Thus, it is best to think of the high and low scenarios results in terms of impacts on subsectors, perhaps individual utilities in some cases, within the public power sector. While the levelized rate impacts shown in Table 14 would pertain to subsectors, the NPV dollar amounts shown in Table 13 would have to be scaled down when considering subsectors. 176 are acceptable or not, but we are suggesting that analysis of potential cost and rate impacts should inform policies and implementation strategies. Pursuit of any goal, environmental or other, will usual involve trade-offs of some kind. The customer cost and rate impacts that might result from pursuing the goals of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) represent trade-offs that should be explicitly acknowledged so that policy makers can better balance the interests of affected parties in their communities. K. Potential Impacts on Credit Ratings Could Raise Borrowing Costs for Public Power Utilities. EPA rules that result in the premature retirement of existing coal plants can lead to higher utility rates via direct replacement power costs and through higher borrowing costs if the retirements have negative impacts on utility credit ratings. Credit ratings can be affected primarily in three ways. First, the need for replacement power will likely lead to higher levels of debt, and/or other fixed obligations, thus impairing key credit metrics, especially coverage and liquidity ratios, used by rating agencies to develop their ratings. Second, rate increases that public power utilities must implement to recover higher replacement costs can compound the effects of other factors (e.g., macroeconomics, energy efficiency, net metering, and other distributed generation initiatives) that lead to reduced sales and higher rates, thus impairing credit ratings by contributing to the utility “death spiral.” 338 Third, a reduction in fuel diversity (by eliminating coal as a portfolio option) exposes utilities to greater fuel price risks. These types of concerns are evident in recent rating agency publications. For example, in its 2014 Outlook for public power utilities, Fitch Ratings offered a stable outlook for public power utilities in 2014, but also highlighted its longer term concerns related to potential impacts of environmental rules with the following caution: Prospective regulations for existing plants are due to be proposed by EPA in June 2014 could have a more profound impact, particularly on utilities with a high concentration of coal-fired resources. If emission standards are applied retroactively, compliance strategies could be extremely costly or unfeasible, renewing concerns about the premature retirement of productive generating assets, and significantly higher operating and debt service costs for replacement capacity. While public power and cooperative utilities would be expected to recover these higher costs from 338 Essentially, this is a “catch 22” situation whereby the remedy for deteriorating credit metrics, higher rates, might lead to deteriorating metrics. 177 customers, the financial strain would likely result in weaker financial metrics and flexibility, and downward rating pressure. 339 In the same report, Fitch expressed additional concern that EPA regulations, which effectively limit the use of coal-fired resources, will also tend to limit fuel diversity in utility supply portfolios. Currently, utilities that rely on a variety of fuel-source generation are less subject to fuel price risk. A spike in the price of one fuel source can be mitigated by the utility by generating more power from another fuel source. If fuel switching is not practical—for example when load is close to generating capacity from all fuel sources, a fuel prices spike would still be mitigated by the fact that not all of the utility’s power is generated from a single fuel source. Conversely, homogenizing the power generation fleet will leave utilities less able to manage fuel price risks. In so far as rating agencies believe an affected utility will be unwilling or unable to pass on the costs of potential price spikes to customers, that utility’s credit rating will be downgraded. Similarly, Moody’s Investor Service recently indicated a stable outlook for public power utilities in 2014, but it also identified potential CO2 regulation as a long-term credit risk.340 In its 2014 Outlook, Moody’s noted that: An accelerated pace of carbon regulation and advances in technology that threaten the utility industry’s monopoly on customers are long-term credit risks. The Moody’s report went on to say that: Rate pressure could threaten the willingness of ratepayers to support stable financial metrics, and this could put downward pressure on the stable outlook. Stable natural gas prices are a moderating factor. In addition to the major concerns the rating agencies cite, it is worth noting that various aspects of centralized, RTO-run capacity markets can make it difficult to develop new capacity resources, and this can complicate strategies for replacing existing coal-fired resources. These problems have been observed and capacity markets are undergoing change, so now might not be the best time to create the need for substantial amounts of new generating capacity. 339 340 Fitch Ratings 2014 Outlook: U.S. Public Power and Electric Cooperative Sector, Dec. 12, 2013. Moody’s Investor Service, 2014 Outlook-US Public Power Electric Utilities, December 2014. 178 New environmental regulation that leads to premature retirement of existing coal-fired resources, or significant increases in the costs to operate these facilities, will translate into higher costs to utility customers through direct expenditures for replacement resources and potentially through higher borrowing costs. EPA should be mindful of these impacts when formulating rules for existing resources. Further, the Agency should leave the option to state environmental agencies to allow for a subcategorization or alternative regulatory option to help public power utilities from passing through these costs to the community’s consumers. XXI. The Proposal Raises Concerns About Reliability. The reliability of the Nation’s Bulk Power System (BPS) needs to be preserved during the implementation of the Section 111(d) final rule. APPA is concerned that the Proposed Rule will not preserve such reliability unless significantly modified. The change in electric generation resource mix required by the Proposal will need to be modeled so transmission system modifications can be made to assure reliable operation of the grid. A reliability back-stop mechanism to delay compliance with the final rule will be essential to preserve BPS reliability when additional time is needed to complete construction of new electric generating units and transmission systems. In 2005, Congress, with the support of the electric utility industry and others, took steps to strengthen the then-existing voluntary reliability program. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) amended the Federal Power Act by adding section 215, titled “Electric Reliability.” Section 215 authorized the creation of the “Electric Reliability Organization” to establish and enforce mandatory bulk-power reliability standards, subject to oversight by FERC. 341 Following passage of this legislation, FERC certified the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) as the “Electric Reliability Organization” under Section 215 of the FPA. 342 NERC proposed a new set of reliability standards, which was approved by FERC and became mandatory in 2007.343 In approving the standards, FERC explained that a “Reliability Standard is a requirement approved by the Commission that is intended to provide for the Reliable Operation of the Bulk-Power System. Such requirement may pertain to the operation of existing Bulk-Power System facilities, including cybersecurity protection, or it may pertain to the design 341 See 16 U.S.C. § 824o (2012). See Order Certifying North American Electric Reliability Corporation as the Electric Reliability Organization and Ordering Compliance Filing, 116 FERC ¶ 61,062 (July 20, 2006). 343 See Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System, Order No. 693, 118 FERC ¶ 61,218 (Mar. 16, 2007) (Order No. 693); Order on Rehearing, Order No. 693-A, 120 FERC ¶ 61,053 (July 19, 2007). 342 179 of planned additions or modifications to such facilities to the extent necessary to provide for reliable operation of the Bulk-Power System.”344 The BPS consists of generating units, transmission lines (generally those 100 kV and above), and substations and controls. These facilities operate as an interstate grid subject to exclusive FERC regulation for the purpose of ensuring BPS reliability and do not include facilities used in the local distribution of electric energy, which remain within state jurisdiction.345 Key drivers for infrastructure investment are system models to assure operating of the BPS within the mandatory limits required by NERC reliability standards. Since new transmission and generation projects take many years to plan and construct, NERC, industry, and government agencies need to work together to assess the long-term reliability of the BPS. The environmental objectives of the Proposed Rule will need to be incorporated into the utility transmission and generation planning process to assure continued BPS reliability. NERC points out the need for detailed analysis of any changes to the BPS in its Initial Reliability Review346 of the Section 111(d) Proposed Rule. NERC states: The preliminary review of the proposed rule, assumptions, and transition identified that detailed and thorough analysis will be required to demonstrate that the proposed rule and assumptions are feasible and can be resolved consistent with the requirements of BPS reliability. This assessment provides the foundation for the range of reliability analyses and evaluations that are required by the ERO, [Regional Transmission Operators] RTOs, utilities, and federal and state policy makers to understand the extent of the potential impact. Together, industry stakeholders and regulators will need to develop an approach that accommodates the time required for infrastructure deployments, market enhancements, and reliability needs if the environmental objectives of the proposed rule are to be achieved. 347 344 See Order No. 693, 118 FERC ¶ 61,218, P 23. See 16 U.S.C. § 824o (a)(1); 18 C.F.R. § 39.1 (2014) (“Bulk-Power System means facilities and control systems necessary for operating an interconnected electric energy transmission network (or any portion thereof), and electric energy from generating facilities needed to maintain transmission system reliability. The term does not include facilities used in the local distribution of electric energy.”). 345 346 Potential Reliability Impacts of EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan, NERC November 2014 inal.pdf (hereafter “NERC Initial Reliability Review) 347 Id. at 1 180 APPA supports NERC’s initial assessment and encourages EPA to incorporate a detailed and thorough BPS reliability analysis into the implementation plan of the final rule. The reliability of the BPS requires careful study and detailed modeling to understand the flow of electricity on the system. These studies inform the reliable integration of new resources and decommissioning of old resources. Transmission modeling will assure that all flows of electricity are balanced. These models will also help system operators respond to unexpected loss of equipment to prevent a blackout, cascade or uncontrolled separation of equipment. To assure reliable operation of the BPS during the implementation of the final rule, a reliability back-stop mechanism needs to be developed and incorporated into the rule. This mechanism must incorporate grid modeling conducted by qualified personnel who understand BPS operations. Rule implementation must also allow adequate time for BPS modifications based on the modeling conclusions. A. NERC Initial Reliability Review NERC’s Initial Reliability Review of the Proposed Rule has identified key areas of concern for BPS reliability. In this initial review NERC identified four primary impact recommendations: 348 348 Fossil-Fired Retirements and Accelerated Declines in Reserve Margins – The Regions, ISO/RTOs, and states should perform further analyses to examine potential resource adequacy concerns. Transmission Planning and Timing Constraints – EPA and states, along with industry, should consider the time required to integrate potential transmission enhancements and additions necessary to address impacts to reliability from the Proposed Rule. EPA and policy makers should recognize the complexity of the reliability challenges posed by the rule and ensure it provides sufficient time for the industry to take the steps needed to significantly change the country’s resource mix and operations without negatively affecting BPS reliability. Regional Reliability Assessment of the Proposed CPP – Other ISO/RTOs, states, and Regions should prepare for the potential impacts to grid reliability, taking into consideration the time required to plan and build transmission infrastructure. Reliability Assurance – EPA, FERC, DOE, and state utility regulators should employ the array of tools and their regulatory authority to develop a reliability assurance mechanism, such as a “reliability back-stop.” These mechanisms include timing adjustments and granting extensions where there is a demonstrated reliability need. Id. at 3, Recommendations to Address Direct Impacts to Resource Adequacy and Electric Infrastructure. 181 APPA believes that NERC’s initial reliability review is valid and raises issues that need to be addressed in the final rule. NERC plans to produce a Special Reliability Assessment in the first quarter of 2015 to evaluate the long term reliability impact of the Proposed Rule. APPA recommends that EPA take into account this baseline technical evaluation of generation and transmission adequacy prior to developing the final rule and implementation timelines. B. Transmission Planning The final rule must take into account the complexity of reliable BPS operation. A number of elements need further study to plan for changing loads, to operate within system performance standards. NERC’s Initial Reliability Review identified a number of issues needing further study.349 Table 21 in the Initial Reliability Review provides a list of the types of studies and analyses that must be done to demonstrate reliability, recognizing that the industry does not operate the grid without a thorough and complete analysis. They include: Table 21: Study and Assessment Types Needed for a Complete Reliability Evaluation Local Reliability Assessments Area/Regional Reliability Assessments 349 Specific generator retirement studies Specific generator interconnection studies Specific generator operating parameters Power flow (thermal, voltage) Stability and voltage security Offsite power for nuclear facilities Resource adequacy Power flow (regional) Stability and voltage security (regional) Gas interdependencies; pipeline constraints Operating reserves and ramping System restoration/blackstart Id. at 26, Table 4. Study and Assessment Types Needed for a Complete Reliability Evaluation. 182 A. Operating Limits The Proposed Rule assumes changes in load through energy efficiency and electric generating resource mix and utilization through increased use of non-emitting and natural gas generation. These changes need to be planned so system operators can operate within the limits required by NERC reliability standards. System operators are equipped to handle multiple contingencies and loss of lines or generation. A sharp decline in generation in a region may lead to operating close to the limits and give few options for operators to respond in emergencies. The industry will use transmission modeling to meet minimum system performance criteria required in NERC Reliability Standard TPL-001-0.1 – System Performance Under Normal Conditions. An excerpt from the NERC reliability standard states: 350 System simulations and associated assessments are needed periodically to ensure that reliable systems are developed that meet specified performance requirements with sufficient lead time, and continue to be modified or upgraded as necessary to meet present and future system needs. The [NERC registered] Planning Authority [or Planning Coordinator] and Transmission Planner shall each demonstrate through a valid assessment that its portion of the interconnected transmission system is planned such that, with all transmission facilities in service and with normal (precontingency) operating procedures in effect, the Network can be operated to supply projected customer demands and projected Firm (non-recallable reserved) Transmission Services at all Demand levels over the range of forecast system demands. These annual models will anticipate negative reliability effects due to changes in generation resources. The modeling analysis conducted by the Transmission Planners (TPs) and Planning Coordinators (PCs) will indicate that an electric reliability issue is on the horizon. If any of the assumptions within the Proposed Rule do not materialize in a timely manner, long term transmission plans will need to be revised. APPA recommends using the TPs and PCs to analyze models to gauge the impact of resource changes during implementation of the final rule. When an issue is raised by a TP or PC over the 350 0A%29&jurisdiction=United%20States 183 planning horizon and effective mechanisms to mitigate the reliability issue cannot be identified, a reliability back-stop mechanism will be needed to preserve BPS reliability. B. Stability If the final rule is implemented as proposed, major changes may need to be made to the BPS transmission system. The current transmission system was designed to transport electric power from fossil-fired generation to major load centers. Implementing the rule will accelerate retirements in the fossil-fired generation fleet and require a switch to new gas fired generation and/or non-emitting energy resources. The realignment of generation resources will need to be studied for the reliability impact on the system as a whole. One example of impact due to generation realignment is loss of inertial mass on the system. This mass provides stability to the BPS during a fault or loss of a major generating unit. Without this mass on the system, faults may cascade and cause blackouts. C. Change of Network Flows The BPS is a network of transmission lines that allow electricity to flow from generating sources to customer loads even if certain sections of the transmission network are out of service. However, the realignment of generation resources contemplated in the Proposed Rule may reverse the flow of electricity on a transmission network. These flows must be studied so they can be anticipated and managed. An example of reverse flows is highlighted in a study conducted by the Brattle Group for SRP. This study evaluates the challenges of new flows on the Western Interconnect with the loss of fossil-fired generation in Arizona. D. Timing in Building Transmission Facilities New Extra-High Voltage (EHV) transmission systems will need to be studied and built to maintain reliability. If the timeline in the Propose Rule is not adjusted, certain regions may see significant impact on reliable operations. SPP submitted comments on the Proposed Rule that highlight the reliability issues that will occur if new generation and transmission cannot be built within the timeframe: SPP is also concerned with the timing proposed for compliance with the CPP. Within the SPP region, the timing associated with CPP compliance is problematic at best. Based on SPP’s review of the proposed CPP, EPA has considered neither the cost nor the time required to plan and construct electric transmission facilities. In the SPP region, as much as eight and a half years to study, plan for, and construct new transmission facilities has been required. Compliance with the proposed CPP is impossible due to 184 the transmission expansion that will be required and the time it takes to complete the required transmission expansion. In addition to more time being needed to develop plans for and construction of necessary infrastructure, a “reliability safety valve,” as suggested by the ISO/RTO Council prior to release of the proposed CPP, should be incorporated into the final rule. Such an approach would require that state plans include a process to evaluate electric system reliability issues resulting from implementation of the state plan and require mitigation when needed. 351 NERC’s Reliability Impact Review comes to a similar conclusion: “a construction timeline for a new high-voltage line can range from 5 to 15 years.”352 Even if the EHV transmission planning and construction processes were shortened to their best case minimums, utilities will require time to procure the materials to build new transmission systems such as EHV transformers. Manufacturing of these specialty products can take from one to five years. Most manufacturers of EHV transformers are located overseas where equipment and raw materials may be controlled by foreign countries. Instability in countries providing raw material may also slow the manufacturing process. Lead times are a concern according to DOE’s June 2012 Study, Large Power Transformers and the US Electric Grid:353 In 2010, the average lead time between a customer’s [Large Power Transformer] LPT order and the date of delivery ranged from five to 12 months for domestic producers and six to 16 months for producers outside the United States. However, this lead time could extend beyond 20 months and up to five years in extreme cases if the manufacturer has difficulties obtaining any key inputs, such as bushings and other key raw materials, or if considerable new engineering is needed. An industry source noted that [High Voltage] HV bushings often have a long lead time extending up to five months. Another industry source added that HV bushings are usually customized for each power transformer and there are limited bushing manufacturers in the United States. Manufacturers must also secure supplies of specific raw materials or otherwise could endure an extended lead time. 351 Comments of SPP at 8, 352 Id. at 20 353 US Department of Energy, Large Power Transformer Study June 2012 at 9, 185 E. Back-Stop Mechanism to Preserve BPS Reliability As pointed out above, there are numerous factors working against a utility’s ability to meet the timelines in the Proposed Rule and at the same time meet the mandatory reliability standards required by NERC. NERC’s Reliability Impact Review also states the strict compliance with the proposed timelines will impact reliability: The proposed timeline does not provide enough time to develop sufficient resources to ensure continued reliable operation of the electric grid by 2020. To attempt to do so would increase the use of controlled load shedding and potential for wide-scale, uncontrolled outages. 354 APPA supports the concept of reliability assurance raised by NERC’s Initial Assessment Report. This would include the development of a “reliability assurance mechanism,” such as a reliability back-stop, or “safety valve” to preserve BPS reliability. The TPs and PCs, as described above, are best situated to perform the necessary studies and exercise the authority to imple ment transmission and resource solutions to preserve BPS reliability. These experts could provide an annual evaluation on the impact of state/regional resource changes. This impact analysis would inform any decision to delay compliance with the Proposed Rule to preserve reliability. APPA recommends that EPA work with NERC and the industry to develop and adopt a reliability assurance mechanism in the final rule. XXII. APPA Supports the Concept of a Reliability Safety Valve The ISO/RTO Council has proposed that EPA include in its final rule a reliability safety valve (RSV). The RSV would provide for “a reliability review conducted by the relevant system operator, working with the states and relevant reliability regulators, prior to finalization and approval of the [state plan]. The review would identify reliability issues and solutions. The RSV process would then provide for appropriate regulatory review and approval of the reliability assessment and solution. Next, it would accommodate the reliability solution under the CO2 rule and/or [state plan] by providing for appropriate compliance and/or enforcement flexibility while a long-term reliability solution is developed and implemented.” 355 354 Id. at 22. “EPA CO2 Rule – ISO/RTO Council Reliability Safety Valve and Regional Compliance Measurement and Proposals,” ISO/RTO Council, January 28, 2014, page 2. (Footnotes removed.) 355 186 The RSV would provide for flexibility in enforcement of the Proposed Rule in the event reliability became adversely impacted as a result of meeting the state goals within the required time frame. The ISO/RTO Council notes that if a longer-term solution is needed to ensure reliability while complying with the Proposed Rule, then an interim plan could be put in place, such as one where units could remain in operation if needed for reliability until the longer-term plan is developed. APPA supports the inclusion of an RSV in the Proposal, although APPA is not necessarily endorsing the specific ISO/RTO Council RSV proposal or any other specific proposal of the ISO/RTO Council in these comments. An RSV is essential for two primary reasons. First, because the Proposed Rule is not unit-specific, various strategies included in state or regional plans are not known in advance and the reliability impact of the many different components cannot be predicted until those plans are developed. For example, a particular owner may propose a compliance plan that entails a significant increased reliance on variable renewable resources without sufficient flexible ramping capability, along with the retirement of baseload resources. Unless the owner or other entities within the state or region construct and makes available sufficient generation units with flexible ramping capacity, reliable operation of the electric BPS and reliable service to customers could be jeopardized. If that scenario were projected to occur under a state plan, then reliability solutions would also need to be developed as part of that plan. Second, RTO regions with mandatory capacity markets present significant additional impediments to the construction of new resources, and such resource development may be a component of state plans. This additional layer of risk and uncertainty introduced by mandatory RTO capacity markets necessitates reliability safeguards in the event that planned resources are not built or cannot obtain affordable financing because of such capacity market risks. In the event the Proposal is finalized as proposed, the incorporation of a reliability review and development of reliability solutions within state plans will be essential to guard against adverse impacts on reliability of electric service. Flexibility measures that allow for interim solutions to be put in place, even if compliance with state goals is not achieved within the regulatory time frame of the Proposed Rule, will ensure that reliability will be preserved while the goals are achieved. Incorporating flexibility measure such as an RSV into the Proposal will allow for more sustainable implementation strategies and is superior to an immediate approach that restricts the states to shorter-term options that sacrifice reliability in exchange for full compliance. 187 XXIII. The RTOs/ISOs Should Not Be Given Any New Market-Related Role in Implementing the Final Rule A. Overview of RTOs/ISOs There are currently six operational RTOs or ISOs (collectively referred to in this section as “RTOs”) under the jurisdiction of FERC: ISO-NE, NYISO, PJM, MISO, CAISO, and SPP. ERCOT operates as an ISO solely within the Texas intrastate transmission grid and is therefore regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and not by FERC. These RTOs were formed to operate the bulk transmission grids within their respective regions. The facilities comprising these regional grids are owned by multiple investor -owned, publicpower, and cooperative utilities. In addition, these RTOs operate wholesale electricity markets that affect the operation and dispatch of existing electric generation units, decisions concerning the retirement of existing units, and decisions concerning the construction of new units. Therefore, RTOs may have a role in the implementation of the Proposed Rule. APPA, however, urges EPA to avoid recommending that states adopt implementation plans that give any new significant market-related role to the RTOs. APPA’s concerns are outlined in this section, as well as the following sections on environmental dispatch and the RTO capacity markets. All RTOs operate markets for wholesale energy and ancillary services, while three of the FERCjurisdictional RTOs also operate markets for capacity. In the RTO-operated wholesale energy markets, electricity is typically dispatched every five minutes, first in the day-ahead and then in the real-time market. Generators submit price offers to sell power, and load-serving entities submit load forecasts, to the RTO. Subject to transmission and other operational constraints, the RTO commits and dispatches generating units in order of lowest to highest offer to meet the forecasted load. This procedure is commonly known as Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED). (There are many descriptions of SCED that refer to resources being dispatched in order of least to highest cost, but generators need not offer to sell at their actual cost of producing the electricity.) In any event, generator offers are generally subject to an offer cap that is typically $1,000 per MWh, and in some circumstances are subject to “mitigation” (i.e., reduction) by the RTO “market monitor” to cost-based levels. RTOs use locational marginal pricing (LMP) in the energy markets to reflect pricing differentials that occur when transmission congestion prevents the RTO from dispatching generating units with the lowest-priced offers and the RTO must therefore dispatch a unit with a higher offer price to serve RTO loads within a constrained zone. The Proposed Rule contemplates that environmental dispatch or redispatch of electric generating units would be implemented in the context of these RTO-operated wholesale energy markets. The difficulty of accomplishing that result is discussed in greater detail in Section XXIV. 188 While the wholesale energy market is where the purchase and sale of electricity occurs from existing resources in RTO regions, the RTO capacity markets are intended to provide revenue for the development of new generation resources and to cover the costs of keeping existing resources ready to supply this electricity when needed. As discussed in Section XXV, the ability of the RTO capacity markets to accomplish their goals is highly questionable and in some cases these markets are impeding new resource development. B. Impediments to the Use of RTO-Operated Markets for CO2 Reduction Strategies There are many real-world features of the RTO wholesale electricity and capacity markets that would increase costs and create difficulties in the implementation of environmental dispatch or other CO2 reduction strategies. First, these markets bear little resemblance to truly competitive markets, as would be necessary for successful implementation of these proposals. This is discussed in greater detail later in this section. Second, RTO tariffs and market rules have been in continual flux, creating significant uncertainty about future market design. For example, there are three open administrative dockets at FERC that raise fundamental questions about the capacity, energy, and ancillary services markets and could pave the way for potentially broad changes within these markets. 356 In just the first half of 2014, PJM alone had six dockets that were either initiated or had orders issued by FERC that would tweak the already complex capacity market rules. In addition, PJM has just initiated a never-before-used Enhanced Liaison Committee to seek approval for significant changes to the capacity markets to ensure that there is a set of generation resources that are available throughout the year, especially during extreme weather events. Third, these markets are opaque and have limited data transparency. For example, offers to sell electricity are published with a three or four month time lag and then are only posted with the identity of the bidders masked. Such limited data makes it difficult for market participants and observers to determine the extent of deviations in market behavior from a competitive market. 356 Price Formation in Energy and Ancillary Services Markets Operated by Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, Docket No. AD14-14-000; Winter 2013-2014 Operations and Market Performance in Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, Docket No. AD14-8-000; and Centralized Capacity Markets in Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, Docket No. AD13-7-000 189 Fourth, the governance structure of the RTOs does not ensure adequate representation of the views of all entities affected by RTO policies, including the states that would be charged with implementing the Proposed Rule. Were an RTO to manage a CO2 emissions reduction program for a state or group of states, it would be difficult to ensure that state goals would be achieved or that that the public would be adequately protected. Frank A. Felder of Rutgers University sums up the longstanding critiques of RTO governance as: Larger entities that can form large voting blocks; smaller entities do not have the financial resources to participate in stakeholder meetings that occur almost every business day, so their participation is not meaningful; even if other stakeholders have interests that overlap in part with those of consumers, it is unreasonable to expect those entities to adequately represent consumers; and ISOs are able to take advantage of competing stakeholder interests to advance their own agendas.357 In fact, RTO governing boards at times have directed RTO management to submit tariff or market rule changes to FERC without the majority support of the RTO’s membership. For example, ISO-NE filed with FERC and received approval for a controversial proposal to establish pay-for-performance incentives and penalties for generators that was supported by just 10 percent of the membership.358 The most egregious recent example of non-representative RTO governance is the overturning of previously negotiated self-supply and state-sponsored resource exemptions in the PJM MOPR, discussed in detail in Section XXXI. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, several states (see page 30) are split by RTO boundaries, and in fact some individual utilities must operate in more than one RTO. This would put affected states in the position of having to draft their proposed plan with a view toward complying with requirements of more than one RTO in order to achieve approval from the EPA. Additionally, the use of RTOs to manage all or part of the Proposed Rule would place several states, and perhaps in several utilities, in the untenable position of having to operate with differing RTO requirements, which might be at odds from time to time. 357 Watching the ISO Watchman, by Frank A. Felder, The Electricity Journal, December 2012, Vol. 25, Issue 10. T. The term ISO in this article is the same as the use of the term RTO in these comments. 358 NEPOOL Proposed Revisions to Market Rule 1 of the ISO-NE Tariff, Transmittal Letter, Docket No. ER141050, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, January 17, 2014, page 6 notes that “the ISO-NE Proposal received a Vote of only 10.28% in favor, with only 5.5 members supporting the ISO-NE Proposal. Available at: 325-cf14696c1b50-499c-93b7-8ba3d57511a3.PDF 190 XXIV. The Difficulties Facing Proposals for Environmental Dispatch or Redispatch in RTO Regions In anticipation of this Proposed Rule, several proposals have been made to achieve CO2 emission reductions through adjustments to the pricing mechanisms of wholesale electricity markets. A number of these proposals focus on redispatch of the RTO-operated wholesale energy markets, described previously in Section XXIII. This approach to reducing CO2 emissions will be referred to as “environmental dispatch” or “redispatch.” Two key features of the Proposed Rule bear similarities to the environmental dispatch proposals. First, building block 2 would increase the dispatch of existing natural gas combined cycle plants , combined with a decrease in the dispatch of coal and oil steam units. The Proposed Rule does not provide a specific mechanism for achieving such redispatch, leaving that to the states, but it does reference a shift in dispatch achieved through the addition of the cost of CO2 emission allowances to the variable costs of generation, such as through regional cap-and-trade programs like RGGI or through absolute limits on CO 2 emissions at higher emitting units.359 The Proposed Rule also states that if redispatch can be accomplished on a regional level, as opposed to within a state boundary, the costs of achieving redispatch would be lower.360 Because environmental dispatch appears likely to be considered as part of a CO 2 reduction strategy, this section reviews and comments on three proposals made thus far pertaining to environmental dispatch. A. Summary of RTO Market-Based CO2 Reduction Proposals In a paper entitled, A Market-Based Regional Approach to Valuing and Reducing GHG Emissions from Power Sector, released in April 2014 just before the Proposed Rule was issued, Judy Chang, Jurgen Weiss, PhD., and Yingxia Yang, PhD., of The Brattle Group, made a fairly detailed proposal for CO2 reduction using RTO markets.361 359 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,862. Id. at 34,865. 361 Judy Chang, Jurgen Weiss & Yingxia Yang, A Market-Based Regional Approach to Valuing and Reducing GHG Emissions from the Power Sector (April 2014), available at _Apr_2014.pdf?1397577641. The paper was prepared for Great River Energy, a generation and transmission cooperative. 360 191 The Brattle Group proposal has RTOs assess a charge on “each participating generator for CO2 emissions at a rate equal to the carbon price (in $/ton) multiplied by each generating source’s emission rate (in tons per MWh). By doing so, the CO2 emissions become an additional variable cost for CO2-emitting generators.”362 (Brattle Group, page 3.) The paper goes on to say that “generators would therefore include these costs in their offers” as a means to recover such charges. The determination of the initial carbon fee would be accomplished by the states within the RTO in conjunction with an independent facilitator, and would include a mechanism for adjusting carbon prices if expected emissions reductions are not achieved. The Brattle Group recommends that the carbon fees collected by the RTO be refunded to the load-serving entities (“LSEs”) in a neutral manner not tied to any incentives, such as based on LSE share of total load. This refund would partially, but not fully, offset the costs. A hypothetical example illustrates how this proposal might work. In this simplified scenario, generators always offer to sell at a price equal to their variable cost of producing that unit of electricity. There are three generating plants. Plant A emits one ton of CO2 per MWh and has a variable cost of $50/MWh. Plant B emits two tons of CO2 per MWh and has a variable cost of $35/MWh. Plant C emits four tons of CO2 per MWh and has a variable cost of $30/MWh. Each plant can generate up to 100 MWh per hour. During this hypothetical hour, the total demand for electric energy is 225 MWh. Hypothetical Example Without CO2 Pricing: Because each plant offers to sell electricity at a price equal to its variable cost, Plants C and B would be dispatched first at their full 100 MWh capability. Plant A would be dispatched at just 25 MWh and would set the clearing price at $50. A total of 625 tons of CO2 would be emitted (400 from Plant C, 200 from Plant B, and 25 from Plant A). Plant C would earn a “profit” (i.e., inframarginal revenues) of $2,000 (($50 - $30) x 100 MWh), Plant B would earn $1,500 (($50-$35) x 100 MWh) in profits, and Plant A would earn zero because its cost is equal to the clearing price. The cost to consumers would be $11,250 ($50 clearing price x 225 MWh). Hypothetical Example With CO2 Pricing of $10 per ton: The variable cost per MWh would increase by $10 multiplied by the number of tons per MWh. Plant A would now offer to sell for $60 ($50 plus $10 x 1 ton), Plant B would offer at $55 ($35 362 Id. at 3. 192 plus $10 x 2 tons), and Plant C would offer at $70 ($30 plus $10 x 4 tons). Plants A and B would be dispatched at 100 MWh, and Plant C would be dispatched at 25 MWh. Plant C would set the clearing price at $70. A total of 400 tons of CO2 would be emitted (100 from Plant A, 200 from Plant B, and 100 from Plant C), for a total reduction of 225 tons of CO2 in that hour. Plant C would earn zero profits, a decrease of $2,000, Plant B would earn $1,500 ($70 - $55 x 100 MWh), a decrease of $500, and Plant A would earn $1,000 ($70 - $60 x 100 MWh), compared to zero without a carbon price. Under the Brattle Group proposal, the LSEs would receive a refund of $1,000 from Plant A, $2,000 from Plant B, and $1,000 from Plant C for a total of $4,000. Consumers incur a cost of $11,750 ($70 x 225 MWh - $4,000 refund.) The costs to consumers would increase by $500 under carbon pricing. These hypothetical examples are summarized in the following table: Table 22: Hypothetical CO2 Emissions Reductions and Costs to Consumers from Environmental Dispatch Without Carbon Pricing Plant A Emissions Rate (tons/MWh) 1 Cost ($/MWh) $50 LMP ($/MWh) $50 Dispatch (MWh) 25 Profits 0 Emissions (tons) 25 Cost to Consumers Refund B C 2 $35 4 $30 With Carbon Pricing ($10/ton) A B C Total 100 100 225 $1,500 $2,000 $3,500 200 Net Cost 400 1 $60 $70 2 $55 100 $1,000 100 25 $1,500 $0 625 100 $11,250 0 $1,000 $11,250 4 $70 Total 200 225 $2,500 100 400 $15,750 $2,000 $1,000 $4,000 Net Cost $11,750 The Brattle Group states that imposing this carbon fee would have two types of effects. First, in the near term, it would increase the offer price for higher-emitting resources, and (all other things being equal) such resources would be displaced by lower-emitting resources that have a lower 193 (or no) carbon-cost adder. As a result, there would be a shift in the dispatch from higheremitting to lower-emitting plants, as is illustrated in the hypothetical example above. Second, lower-emitting or non-emitting (i.e., CO2-free) resources would earn greater profits because the market-clearing price would be set by higher-emitting plants. Over the longer-term, these profit differentials would “alter the generation mix through generator entry and retirement to efficiently accomplish the intent of EPA.”363 The Brattle Group states that its proposal would be more efficient than direct emissions limitations on individual generators and that it uses an “existing market system that is well equipped to determine least-cost solutions under constraints.” Two other, less-detailed proposals have also been released. The ISO/RTO Council, whose membership includes nine ISOs and RTOs in the U.S. and Canada, released a paper entitled, EPA CO2 Rule—ISO/RTO Council Reliability Safety Valve and Regional Compliance Measurement and Protocols, which contains two proposals.364 First is the RSV proposal discussed in Section XXII, which allows for compliance and enforcement flexibility while longer-term reliability solutions are pursued. The second is not a proposal for carbon pricing per se, but a recommendation that states be given the option to measure compliance with Section 111(d) on a regional basis, as EPA has proposed. The ISO/RTO Council contends RTOs and their use of SCED are the optimal means for such regional compliance measures, asserting that “supply bids submitted by generators effectively internalize compliance costs while still ensuring least cost compliance with environmental requirements.”365 In other words, if a generator can reduce CO2 emissions at a lower cost than another generator, all things being equal, that generator will be dispatched earlier in the stack. A third recently released proposal is from the non-profit environmental group Clean Air Task Force entitled, Power Switch: An Effective, Affordable Approach to Reducing Carbon Pollution 363 Brattle Group at 3. This approach differs from the concept of a “shadow price.” A shadow price is not an actual fee assessed against a market participant, but is added only within the dispatch algorithm as a means of altering the dispatch order. The result of a shadow price would be to move a plant with a greater offer price but lower carbon dioxide emissions higher in the dispatch stack than a plant with a lower offer price and higher emissions. The Brattle Group proposal has a direct fee rather than a shadow price because under a shadow price, higher CO2 emitting generators could adjust their offers downward to maintain their dispatch position, but an actual fee that directly increases a generator’s costs would need to be incorporated into its offer price. 364 RTO/ISO Council, EPA CO2 Rule—ISO/RTO Council Reliability Safety Valve and Regional Compliance Measurement and Proposals (Jan. 28, 2014), available at 365 Id. at 5-6. 194 from Existing Fossil-Fueled Power Plants.366 The CATF paper is centered on a recommendation that EPA offer a model interstate emission credit trading rule for adoption by the states. However, it also discusses one option for meeting the emissions guidelines “through the redispatch of existing electric resources by an Independent System Operator (ISO),” with the Brattle Group proposal referenced as a means to achieve such redispatch.367 The CATF paper notes that because of the different regulatory and market structures in which the states operate, compliance flexibility would be needed. For the RTO-operated markets, the CATF paper concludes that “[s]tates in RTO markets already benefit from transparent market -based energy prices” and that “[a] market-based emission credit pricing mechanism tied to electric generating output would complement the market prices for energy and provide covered generators with a market price signal regarding the value of changes in generation dispatch, unit commitment, unit retirement and alternative compliance options.” 368 The CATF paper provides the results of an analysis conducted by the NorthBridge Group of the potential CO2 emissions reductions from this proposal by 2020, which concludes that the vast majority of such reductions would come from shifts in dispatch (accounting for 212 out of the 308 metric tons that are projected by NorthBridge to be reduced below 2020 forecast levels.) 369 B. Critiques of RTO Market CO2 Reduction Proposals The Brattle Group proposal would have many potential complications, a number of which the proposal itself identifies. A major question is whether EPA’s legal authority allows the imposition of a direct fee or tax on merchant generators to be included in the CO2 emission reduction guidelines.370 Other complications include the difficulty of identifying an optimal carbon price that achieves emissions reductions while not causing a level of retirements that threatens reliability; the appropriate price to pay generators or charge load from non-participating states located within the RTO; whether to subject new generators complying with NSPS to the same pricing rules as existing generators; and how to handle generators with legacy long-term contracts that are priced outside of the RTO markets. 366 Clean Air Task Force, Power Switch: An Effective, Affordable Approach to Reducing Carbon Pollution from Existing Fossil-Fueled Power Plants (Feb. 2014), available at 367 Id. at 17. 368 Id. at 16. 369 Id. at 22 (Figure 12). 370 This is also likely to be a concern for the use of environmental dispatch within non-RTO regions. 195 Besides the issues acknowledged in the Brattle Group proposal itself, there are flaws in the RTOoperated markets that may interfere with the ability of a carbon fee to achieve the goals of reducing CO2emissions while minimizing costs. Such flaws are identified and discussed below. 1. Prices and Costs Are Not Always Aligned. The carbon fee would be layered upon an energy market where offers to sell electricity can vary significantly from the underlying production costs. Generation owners may have different reasons for offering at prices above or even below the actual costs. For example, an owner of a fleet of plants may choose to offer a marginal plant at a higher price to drive up the clearing price and thus the earnings for its other plants, even if it means that one plant is less likely to be dispatched (known as economic withholding). This absence of a direct cost and price connection and the use of different offer strategies by generators are reflected in the volatility of wholesale electric power prices. According to EIA, “Power prices formed in RTOs tend to be spikier than those formed in markets featuring bilateral trading between market participants (Pacific Northwest and Southeast).” 371 Below are two further hypothetical scenarios showing the more complex implementation issues in markets operated by RTOs. In these scenarios, a generation owner employs a strategy of bidding a single marginal plant significantly above its cost to improve the earnings of the other plants in its fleet, and no CO2 reductions are achieved. While many different scenarios may occur, and in some hours, the strategy may be successful in reducing CO2 emissions, this example shows the outcome within the RTO-operated markets can be highly unpredictable. Hypothetical Example of Generator Strategic Price Offer Without Carbon Pricing This scenario uses the same three plants as in the prior example: Plant A emits one ton of CO2 per MWh and has a variable cost of $50/MWh; Plant B emits two tons of CO2 per MWh and has a variable cost of $35/MWh; and Plant C emits four tons and has a variable cost of $30/MWh. In this case, Plants A and B are owned by the same entity. To maximize their earnings, the owner offers Plant A at $65 or $15 above its actual cost and Plant B at its cost of $35; and Plant C is offered at $30 by another owner. The dispatch order and CO2 emissions would be the same as in the prior example: Plants B and C are each dispatched first with 100 MWh from each and Plant A is dispatched at 25 MWh. Total emissions are 225 MWh. This is illustrated in Table 23. 371 196 As shown, plant C earns a profit of $3,500 (($65-$30) x 100), Plant B earns $3,000 (($65-$35) x 100) and Plant A now earns $375. Total profits are $6,875 and costs to consumers are $14,625 (225 MWh x $65 clearing price), significantly above a scenario without the use of a strategic offer. All of the generators have a financial interest in this strategy and have no reason to change their or others’ behavior. Hypothetical Example of Generator Strategic Price Offer With Carbon Pricing As in the prior scenario, there is a carbon price of $10 per ton. The owner of Plant A uses the same strategy, but adds more to their offer to account for the carbon pricing and higher costs. The owner therefore adds $20 to the cost as part of their strategic bidding strategy and offers to sell electricity from Plant A at $80 ($60 cost with carbon pricing plus $20 adder). Plants B and C offer at their costs plus the carbon fees ($55 and $70 respectively including the carbon fees). In this case, Plant A is dispatched at only 25 MWh and earns a profit of only $500 ($80$60)*25)), which is $500 below the carbon pricing scenario without strategic offer prices as shown in Table 23. But Plant B, under the same ownership, now earns $1,000 more than without strategic bidding, with $2,500 in profits ($80-$55) x 100)). There is a net gain of $500 for the owner of A and B. Plant C also increases its profits by $1,000. These scenarios are summarized in the table below. As a result of Plant A, the lowest emission plant, being offered at the highest cost with the use of strategic bidding, the emissions are higher in the strategic bidding scenario—625 tons vs 400 tons. In fact, in this scenario, because of the adjustments to the strategic offer in the face of the carbon pricing, the CO2 emissions remained the same as without carbon pricing. Costs to consumers are actually reduced under the strategic bidding scenario, because the higher CO2 emissions under the strategic bidding scenario produce a greater refund. But the strategic bidding has prevented the policy from achieving its goal of lowering CO2 emissions. 197 Table 23: Pricing of Strategic Bidding Strategic Bidding Without Carbon Pricing Plant A Emissions (tons) 1 Cost $50 Offer $65 LMP $65 Dispatch (MWh) 25 Profits $375 Emissions 25 Cost to Consumers Refund B 2 $35 $35 $65 Strategic Bidding With Carbon Pricing A B C C 4 $30 $30 $65 Total 100 100 225 $3,000 $3,500 $6,875 200 400 625 $14,625 0 Net Cost $14,625 Without Strategic Bidding (from Table 17) Cost $50 $35 $30 Offer $65 $35 $30 LMP $65 $65 $65 Total Dispatch 25 100 100 225 Profits $375 $3,000 $3,500 $6,875 Emissions 25 200 400 625 Net Cost $11,250 Changes Due to Strategic Bidding Profits $375 $1,500 $1,500 $3,375 Emissions 0 0 0 0 Net Cost $3,375 1 $60 $80 $80 2 $55 $55 $80 4 $70 $70 $80 25 $500 25 100 $2,500 200 100 $1,000 400 $250 $2,000 $4,000 $60 $80 $80 25 $500 100 $55 100 $2,500 200 ($500) $1,000 (75) 0 Total 225 $4,000 625 $18,000 $6,250 $11,750 $70 100 $1,000 100 $1,000 300 Total 225 $4,000 400 $11,750 $1,500 225 0 There are additional factors besides economic withholding or other forms of strategic bidding that may cause the a carbon fee, working in conjunction with the RTO market prices, to not necessarily be the least-cost means of compliance mechanism for the Proposed Rule’s environmental redispatch building block. First, financial entities can play a significant role in the energy markets and price formation. There are tools available in the RTO markets, such as virtual bids, that allow financial entities that do not own resources to “buy” and “sell” electricity, arbitraging prices between the real-time and day-ahead market or between two different sets of pricing points (such as through Up-to-Congestion transactions). (Congestion here refers to transmission congestion that can cause price differentials in the RTO energy markets.) Such transactions are aimed only at taking advantage of price differentials between the day-ahead and 198 real-time markets or between congestion revenues in two different power flow directions. These transactions can be marginal and set the clearing price. But because these sales and purchases do not involve actual generation, they can influence energy prices separately from any carbon pricing. There are several scenarios where a generator may run even if its offer price is above the clearing price (also known as “out-of-merit” dispatch). Such generators are then compensated for the difference between their offer and the clearing price through what are known as “uplift” payments.372 For example, system operations may not be accurately modeled, requiring the use of generating units that are manually dispatched in real time to ensure reliability, even if their offers exceeded the clearing price. Units that did clear could be manually curtailed. Another scenario occurs where a unit committed in the day-ahead market does not clear the real-time market, but must continue to run because of minimum run times or an inability to ramp down quickly. This unit would also receive uplift payments. Such scenarios could entail the operation of higher CO2 emitting units than anticipated by the environmental dispatch program. The CATF paper contends that in the near term, the primary intended benefit of environmental dispatch would be to shift dispatch, especially between existing coal and natural gas plants, which in EPA’s Proposal would entail natural gas dispatch at least at 70 percent of its capacity. Similarly, in its analysis of the potential for increasing natural gas dispatch, provided in the CATF proposal, the Northbridge Group projects an increase in the average capacity factor for combined cycle natural gas units from 48 to 65 percent and reductions in the average coal unit capacity factor from 67 to 58 percent by 2020. Several factors, however, could make such a shift difficult to achieve in practice. Not all natural gas capacity can act as baseload capacity. A portion of natural gas plants are best used as peaker plants because of their ramping capabilities. With an increase in variable, renewable energy penetration, a good portion of the gas-fired capacity is going to need to be used as flexible ramping capacity. Lack of access to natural gas, due to limits on pipeline and storage capacity, can also impede the ability to increase the dispatch, and this does not appear to be incorporated into the NorthBridge Group analysis. Following the recent shift in coal and gas prices between 2008 and 2012, with coal prices increasing by 31 cents per MMBtu (a 15 percent increase between those years) and natural gas falling by 5.6 cents (a 62 percent decrease between 2008 and 2013) NGCC plant capacity factors 372 For a more detailed discussion of uplift, see Staff Analysis of Uplift in RTO and ISO Markets, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, August 2014, 199 increased from 40.1 to 51 percent between 2008 and 2012, 373 an 11 percentage point change. EPA is assuming that another 20 percentage point increase is feasible. The fee assessed on CO2 emissions to achieve this dramatic an increase could be significant. The ISO/RTO Council proposal for RTO-wide compliance measures is centered on the argument that SCED would “optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of a compliance program across a broad fleet of generators and demand response resources.” 374 While SCED does dispatch those units with the lower price offers first, it does not reduce the total costs paid for electricity. Because of the use of a single-clearing price, if the compliance measures undertaken increase the costs of a marginal unit and that cost is reflected in the offer, those costs would apply to all kilowatt-hours consumed within a given hour. A single-clearing price approach is therefore inherently more expensive than a regime where were the cost is recovered only for the electricity generated by an individual plant. Compounding this single-clearing price effect is the fact that generators do not necessarily bid their actual costs and may decide to bid substantially above their costs, subject only to the relevant market rules and market power mitigation measures. C. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Is Not an RTO-Operated Program, but a Voluntary Program. A brief discussion of RGGI is provided here as it is often cited as an example of a CO2 emissions reduction program that is also market-based. But it is important to note that RGGI is not an RTO-operated program. Rather it is a cooperative effort of a group of states also located within three RTOs (ISO-NE, NYISO and PJM). Moreover, the extent to which the RGGI emission allowance prices have been reflected in generators’ offers and therefore affect RTO dispatch does not appear to have been studied in the RGGI Market Monitor Reports. The reports of benefits from RGGI cover state energy efficiency and renewable energy programs that states have funded with the proceeds from the sale of allowances. 375 The Analysis Group conducted a study of RGGI in 2011, but this study only modeled the dispatch in the RTO markets and did not observe actual behaviors. 376 373 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Table 6.7.A. Capacity Factors for Utility Scale Generators Primarily Using Fossil Fuels, January 2008-May 2014 374 ISO/RTO Council, EPA CO2 Rule at 6. 375 See “RGGI Benefits,” 376 The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Ten Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States, Nov. 15, 2011, The Analysis Group, 200 Despite this absence of a real world analysis of how the RGGI’s CO 2 allowance costs have actually affected generator offers and dispatch within the RTO energy markets, acting FERC Chairman Cheryl LaFleur stated in July 2014 that the RTOs “have been able to successfully accommodate the requirements of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) into their market designs. Generators that must purchase emissions allowances under RGGI are able to include the cost of the allowances in their market bids, and those costs are reflected in the economic dispatch.”377 Similarly, the Proposed Rule asserts that “operators of EGUs subject to CO2 emissions limits in RGGI now include the cost of RGGI CO 2 allowances in those EGUs’ variable costs,” and that: “[T]he PJM market monitor publishes breakdowns of wholesale energy prices, including a CO2 emission allowance cost component.”378 But the market monitor is simply estimating the cost components of the marginal unit by multiplying the carbon emission allowance price by the emissions of that unit’s technology type. This is not an analysis of how actual offers or the dispatch itself was affected by the carbon allowance prices. Moreover, in 2013, the CO2 emission allowance accounted for 0.3 percent of the LMP while the mark-up (or the difference between costs and price offers) was a negative two percent of the LMP. 379 For the first half of 2014, the CO 2 emission allowance was the same percentage while the mark-up was 2.5 percent.380 In other words, the markup added or subtracted from the generators’ actual costs was much more of a driver of the offers than the emission allowance cost, illustrating the complexity of how offers are formed and how the emission allowance will affect these offers. D. Summary of APPA Position on Environmental Dispatch APPA is not taking a position on state decisions to develop cap-and-trade or CO2 pricing programs as a means to reduce CO2 emissions. But APPA recommends against any management of such program by an RTO and emphasize the impediments posed by the RTO markets to implementing such programs. If such a program is implemented in an RTO region, it will face challenges in achieving its goals and will likely increase the costs to consumers more than if it were not left in the RTO’s hands. Therefore, APPA urges that the states proposing such an approach develop a proposal for a non-RTO regional entity to manage its implementation. 377 Responses of Acting Chairman Cheryl A. LaFleur to Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Energy & Power Preliminary Questions for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 378 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,862 & n.129. 379 Monitoring Analytics, 2013 State of the Market Report for PJM, Table 3-63, 380 Monitoring Analytics, 2014 Quarterly State of the Market Report for PJM: January – June, Table 3-65, 201 XXV. RTO-Operated Mandatory Capacity Markets Pose Significant Barriers to New Generation Resource Development and Thus to Implementation of the Proposed Rule. Although the building blocks in the Proposed Rule incorporate an increase in dispatch from natural-gas fired units, but do not explicitly include the construction of new natural-gas units, under the portfolio approach, compliance with the proposed guidelines will likely require a partial turnover of the existing fleet and the construction of new natural-gas fired generation resources. Such resources will be needed both to replace retiring coal plants and meet the flexible ramping needs required to support an increase in intermittent renewable resources. This section discusses how the RTO-operated mandatory capacity markets will greatly impede such new natural gas generation and are also likely to pose barriers to new renewable resources, as described in the next subsection. The difficulties imposed by the mandatory capacity markets for new resource development were identified in an APPA-commissioned paper released in May 2014 entitled, Markets Matter: Expect a Bumpy Ride on the Road to Reduced CO 2 Emissions, by Cliff Hamal of Navigant Economics (“Navigant Paper”). 381 (See Attachment 3.) The Navigant paper prepared for APPA found that the mandatory capacity markets “are already floundering over existing challenges and will be severely stressed by the added complexity of maintaining reliability while shifting to a lower CO2 emission portfolio.”382 A. Background on RTO-Operated Capacity Markets The RTO-operated capacity markets provide payments to owners of power plants who agree to stand ready to supply power when needed or to customers who agree to curtail power use when called upon (known as demand response). The RTO-operated capacity markets in the midAtlantic (operated by the PJM Interconnection or “PJM”), New England (operated by ISO New England or “ISO NE”), and New York City and the lower Hudson Valley (operated by the New York ISO or “NYISO”) are “mandatory markets,” because all resources must be bought and sold through these markets. See Attachment 5 (Capacity Markets Fact Sheet) for a more detailed description of these markets. The RTOs hold periodic auctions where capacity is offered and purchased, typically once a year . These auctions produce a single price per MW that will be paid to all capacity resources, 381 382 Available at: Id. at 1. 202 regardless of the type and cost. All customers within the RTO region pay the costs of these capacity payments, though there is no requirement that the generation owners actually use the revenue to build new power plants. B. RTO-Operated Mandatory Capacity Markets Have Not Been Effective in Leading to the Construction of New, More Efficient Resources at a Reasonable Cost to Consumers. There are numerous flaws in the mandatory capacity markets that have made them ineffective and costly constructs that will likely impede the development or retention of more efficient and lower CO2 emitting resources, as follows: Different resources have different costs, which are not reflected in the capacity market prices. A 50-year old coal plant is paid the same amount per MW and for the same duration as a brand new highly efficient combined-cycle natural gas plant. The vast majority of the revenue collected through capacity markets has been paid to older, existing units, although many older plants have paid off much of their fixed costs and are therefore earning windfall profits. For example, only 9 percent of the $72 billion in revenue committed through the PJM capacity markets is for new resources, demand response, or energy efficiency. 383 Financing of newer units at a reasonable capital cost requires a long-term steady stream of revenue, such as that provided by a long-term contract and not the capacity market. The capacity markets do not distinguish between technology types or specific locations on the grid. As a result, critical needs are not addressed, including adequate flexible ramping capability to match the variability of renewable resources, reliability gaps created by retiring coal plants, and the coordination of natural gas infrastructure and delivery with the significant expansion of natural gas generation. The RTOs often create systems of side payments to ensure reliability, such as direct payments through what are known as reliability-must-run agreements to coal plants to remain in place to ensure reliability. Capacity markets use zonal price differentials on the theory that higher prices will act as a “signal” for the development of new generation or transmission. But such higher prices are not effective signals because owners of existing generation have no financial interest in building new resources and lowering prices for their existing units. In fact, they have 383 Monitoring Analytics, 2014 Quarterly State of the Market Report for PJM: January – June, Table 5-13, 203 an incentive to hinder new entrants, and have an established track record of using RTO regulatory processes and litigation to do so. Investors seek steady and predictable revenue flows, not fluctuating prices and many other factors influence the decision to build, including land and transmission availability, local acceptance, and environmental rules. The ineffectiveness of the capacity markets as a tool in resource development was confirmed by a recent study by Christensen Associates commissioned by the Electric Markets Research Foundation. The study’s authors concluded that RTO markets “do not and cannot address longterm capacity needs.” The study also found that “[b]ilateral forward contracting remains key under any market design for locking in revenues and facilitating financing of new resources. Contrary to this key necessity, however, RTO markets include some design elements that impede long-term investments and long-term bilateral contracts.”384 C. Recent Mandatory Capacity Market Developments Create Direct Impediments to New Resources. Not only are mandatory capacity markets generally ineffective in new resource development, but the markets can actually serve as barriers to new capacity development. These markets all have some type of MOPR or “buyer-side mitigation” (BSM) that imposes a floor price on offers to sell from new resources, making it more difficult for these new plants to clear the auctions.385 When mandatory capacity markets were created, the states, public power, and cooperative utilities negotiated specific and express exemptions from these MOPRs in PJM and ISO-NE for resources built by load serving utilities to self-supply their own loads. While FERC initially approved these provisions as just and reasonable, in 2011, the Commission effectively stripped these self-supply provisions out from the relevant PJM and ISO-NE market rules. FERC did so based on arguments made by the generators and supported by these RTOs that the provisions allowed load-serving utilities to exercise “buyer-side market power.” APPA believes these arguments are unsubstantiated and the MOPR in these RTOs is an unnecessary and inefficient 384 Ensuring Adequate Power Supplies for Tomorrow’s Electricity Needs, Christensen Associates Energy Consulting LLC, June 16, 2014, 385 These rules are not only a concern for the current RTO mandatory capacity markets. Although MISO, the CAISO, and ERCOT do not currently have mandatory capacity markets, merchant generation owners are frequently advocating for such a construct to be adopted in these RTOs. For example, three large merchant generation owners, Exelon, Dynegy and NextEra filed a motion in August requesting that MISO implement a mandatory, forward capacity market with a MOPR as a means to address pending supply shortfalls in the MISO region. See Indicated Capacity Suppliers Motion for Expedited Action, FERC Docket ER11-4081-001 (Aug. 25, 2014). 204 barrier to entry. These RTO proposals and their acceptance by FERC overturned previously negotiated agreements and provide a dramatic example of the absence of a commitment by RTOs to respect all stakeholder interests. The impetus for these rule changes was actions taken by several states located within RTOs that had become frustrated with the lack of new, more efficient generation in their states given the billions of dollars spent by their utility customers on capacity payments. These states had sought to take control of their energy resource future and protect their residents from high electricity prices. New Jersey, Maryland, and Connecticut all established competitive bidding processes for the procurement of capacity in their states using long-term bilateral contracts. Fearful of the lower prices that would result from the entry of new generation resulting from these state efforts, owners of existing power plants sought to block this new generation by obtaining approval from FERC for a significant tightening of the MOPRs in PJM and ISO-NE. As part of the new MOPR provisions, FERC eliminated the aforementioned carefully negotiated self-supply and state resource exemptions.386 In addition, FERC also determined in 2012 a new, more efficient natural-gas plant under long-term contract in the NYISO was subject to mitigation because the plant had an unfair advantage by signing a contract that reduced its risks and was procured through a “discriminatory” process that was only open to new generation.387 Imposition of a MOPR and BSM makes it more likely that new resources will fail to clear the capacity auctions and that the LSEs would pay twice for new capacity (once for the plant and a second time through the market). This risk makes financing for such new plants more difficult to obtain, which raises the cost of capital. Not only do these rules adversely affect the ability of state utility commissions to ensure reliable service in their states, but they also raise barriers to resource development by public power utilities, because a MOPR greatly increases the financial risk these entities face in constructing or procuring new resources. These rules are therefore impediments to the development of new, cleaner resources, potentially including renewable energy. In separate cases, federal district courts in Maryland and New Jersey also invalidated these state contracts because FERC has jurisdiction over wholesale power rates and states cannot take actions that impact wholesale power markets. These decisions were appealed to the U.S. Courts 386 PJM Interconnection, 135 FERC ¶ 61,022 (2011) (Order Accepting Proposed Tariff Revisions, Subject To Conditions, and Addressing Related Complaint),; PJM Interconnection, 135 FERC ¶ 61,029 (2011) (Order On Paper Hearing And Order On Rehearing). 387 New York Indep. System Operator, 140 FERC ¶ 61,189 (2012) (Order on Complaint). 205 of Appeals for the Third and Fourth Circuits, and both Circuits upheld the district court decisions388 Not only do the mandatory capacity markets impede implementation of the Proposed Rule by erecting barriers to new resource development, but further jurisdictional complications exist where the utilities were restructured at the retail level and therefore no longer own the generation. Such “retail access states” tend to be located in RTOs with mandatory capacity markets. These difficulties are summed up in the Navigant Paper (at page 2): Merchant generators are for-profit companies that sell their energy at market prices and are neither under traditional utility ownership nor subject to state price regulation. They do not have any obligation to serve customers (load) and face minimal price regulation at the federal level. Even without consideration of CO2 emission reduction objectives, the combination of RTO-run energy markets and domination of merchant generators has led to significant difficulties in providing longer-term investment incentives to maintain proper levels of generating capacity.” Even in markets with fully-regulated, vertically-integrated utilities, the challenges of integrating CO2 reduction policies will be significant, but those utilities have the means to balance all of the options and develop a comprehensive strategy to meet these environmental goals. In markets that have restructured at the wholesale and retail level, and eliminated cost-of-service rates for electricity supply, resource decisions will be driven by competing firms in response to short term price signals (and expectations of future short-term price signals).[389] FERC Commissioner Tony Clark aptly described this difficulty during an April 2014 technical conference: “The region of the country that continues to vex me more than any other is in those restructured regions, the Northeast part of the country, the politics and the levels of government and the stages of restructuring or not restructuring and how they match up offers a very unique 388 PPL EnergyPlus, LLC v. Nazarian, 753 F.3d 467 (4th Cir. 2014), aff’g PPL EnergyPlus v. Nazarian, 974 F. Supp. 2d 790 (D. Md. 2013); PPL EnergyPlus, LLC v. Solomon, No. 13-4330, 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 17557 (3d Cir. Sept. 11, 2014), aff’g PPL EnergyPlus v. Hanna, 977 F. Supp. 2d 372 (D. N.J. 2013). 389 Navigant Paper at 7. 206 set of challenges because you just don't have some of those command and control type levers that you have in some other regions of the country.”390 Ironically, those entities that remain vertically-integrated (either through asset ownership or through contracts) and maintain an obligation to serve retail customers regardless of whether their states have implemented retail restructuring—namely public power and cooperative utilities—have had their ability to procure new resources to supply their customers impeded by mandatory capacity market rules. The Proposed Rule does not directly address this concern, however. Instead it notes that “states committed to Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) would be able to establish their CO 2 reduction plans within that framework, while states with a more deregulated power sector system could develop CO2 reduction plans within that specific framework.” 391 The Proposed Rule later states that “in the U.S. electricity system the demand for electricity services is met, on both a shortterm and longer-term basis and in both regulated and deregulated contexts, through integrated consideration of a wide variety of possible options, coordinated by some combination of utilities, regulators, system operators, and market mechanisms.” 392 These vague and highly generalized statements do not specify how LSEs and a state within an RTO market, that have not been able to successfully contract for new, lower-emission resources, can implement these guidelines without significant reforms to the mandatory capacity markets. XXVI. Public Power’s “One Unit” Utility Members EPA specifically asks for comment on “whether there are special considerations affecting small rural cooperative or municipal utilities that might merit adjustments to this proposal, and if so, possible adjustments that should be considered.” 393 In June 2011, EPA convened a Small Entity Representative (SER) panel with respect to its rulemaking on NSPS for new and existing units. This process was held pursuant to the requirements of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement and Fairness Act (SBREFA), which is intended to provide small businesses flexibility in meeting federal regulations. Though this process was not completed by EPA in 2011, APPA filed comments that are relevant in this proceeding. More than 90 percent of public power utilities qualify as small businesses under 390 FERC Technical Conference, Winter 2013-2014 Operations and Market Performance in Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, Docket No. AD14-8-000, April 1, 2014, Transcript pages 286-7. 391 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,834. 392 Id. at 34,881. 393 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,887. 207 SBREFA. APPA also offers these comments for review under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) and calls for consideration by EPA, as well as by state agencies, of the many special governance issues, bond, debt management, and local governmental obligations that are to be considered under the RFA. In this context, state agencies may want to set up subcategories or special practices and other measures to address unit concerns—and in particular, those utilities with small single units. These should include unit-by-unit determinations by state agencies that factor the size of unit, age, remaining useful life, and feasibility of the reduction measures since they cannot easily accomplish the reduction goals. In addition to the pollution reduction methods, state agencies should allow for reasonable methods of monitoring and verification for energy efficiency to avoid measures that are very burdensome and/or expansive for very small utilities. APPA points to the analysis provided by Professor Bradford Cornell for FTI Consulting that addresses the unique impacts of CO2 reduction measures for public power (municipal and electric coop) as well as some other for profit utilities.394 Specifically, EPA needs to be aware of the fact that there are numerous small municipal systems that have only one generation resource under 100 MW today. The implications for those communities under the Proposed Rule are particularly grave as those municipal systems do not have the flexibility to rely on other units. The small municipal systems that fall into this category are listed below. The list of public power utilities with only one unit with coal capacity that warrant special consideration by their state agencies is below. Table 24: Public Power Utilities That Have Only Coal Capacity Util Code 1050 1192 4280 5742 7222 8449 8543 9286 394 UTILITY_NAME City of Azusa City of Banning - (CA) Conway Corporation Eldridge City Utilities City of Gillette Henderson City Utility Commission Hibbing Public Utilities Commission Illinois Municipal Elec Agency* State CA CA AR IA WY KY MN IL Fuel Type Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Capacity (MW) 34.1325 22.755 72 8.94875 26.726 405 35.9 432.912 208 Util Code 9667 10704 11235 11833 12807 12840 13470 14194 14268 15989 17177 18715 19883 20382 21704 24431 26253 40576 40603 40604 50000 50002 UTILITY_NAME City of Jasper - (IN) Lansing Board of Water and Light Lafayette Public Power Authority Municipal Energy Agency of MS Michigan South Central Power Agency Town of Montezuma - (IN) City of New Madrid - (MO) City of Orrville - (OH) City of Owensboro - (KY) City of Richmond - (IN) City of Sikeston - (MO) Texas Municipal Power Agency City of Virginia City of West Memphis - (AR) MSR Public Power Agency Utah Municipal Power Agency Louisiana Energy & Power Authority Intermountain Power Agency Wyoming Municipal Power Agency Heartland Consumers Power District Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency Kentucky Municipal Power Agency TOTAL State IN MI LA MS MI IN MO OH KY IN MO TX MN AR CA UT LA UT WY SD Fuel Type Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Capacity (MW) 14.5 529.7 279 43.2 55 3.8745 650 84.5 445.3 93.9 261 453.5 30.2 36 159.3405 18.73125 111.6 1640 50.727 140.58 IL KY Coal Coal 141.28 141.28 6,421.59 All public power coal capacity 34,539.00 Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, 2012 data Since Section 111(d) calls for the consideration of compliance costs, EPA must take into account the unique impacts that any final rule will have on public power utilities owning only coal-fired power plants. APPA also seeks to draw to EPA’s attention the 2014 paper395 written by Professor Bradford Cornell, for FTI Consulting, regarding the potential impacts to public power, 395 209 rural electric cooperative utilities, and other utilities as a result of a regulatory system with no effective control technologies or other options to reduce CO 2 economically. This detailed paper may be found at the FTI website. XXVII. The Final EPA Rule Should Respect the Importance of U.S.Canadian Electricity Generation Resources for Both Countries. The North American electricity market does not exclusively reflect generation of electricity in the U.S. Electricity plays an integral role in the strong U.S.-Canada energy relationship. There are more than 35 electric transmission interconnections between the U.S. and Canada, which together make a very integrated North American grid. The two nations have engaged in electricity trade for many decades. This practice has resulted in positive business decisions, a wider diversity of supply, and a mutual willingness to provide voltage support in transmissiondependent areas on both sides of the border. The map below, provided by Canadian Electricity Association, reflects the interconnection between U.S. and Canadian electricity providers. Figure 26: Electricity Exports and Imports Between Canada and the U.S. (2013) 210 The Proposed Rule does not appear to give full opportunity to Canadian electric utilities to provide electricity across the border to U.S. states for these purposes. EPA should address this issue in its rulemaking and provide full opportunity for Canada to continue to be eligible to sell its electricity across the border. There is also a question as to whether Canadian exports of hydro or nuclear electricity to U.S. states can be used to meet state goals. Between five and ten percent of Canada’s total electric generation is exported to the U.S. Most of this comes from British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec and is either hydro- or nuclear-based. The Canadian government and Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) assert that just the exports from Quebec alone have averted 53 million metric tons of CO2 emissions or roughly the equivalent of 13 million vehicles from the road. The states of California, Minnesota, Vermont and Wisconsin have accepted imported electricity from Canada to meet their various “renewable” energy definitions.396 APPA recommends that imports of all non-CO2 emitting sources imported from Canada be eligible for compliance in a state plan under the Proposal. Further, the Canadian government has its own version of NSPS for new and existing coal-fired power plants. A any final rule from EPA should address this issue in a manner that recognizes the interconnected nature of the North American grid and that is consistent with the U.S.— Canadian trade policies set by both the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The Canadian Electricity Association’s “Reducing GHG Emissions Under EPA’s Section 111(d) Guidelines” (January 2014) paper is included in Attachment 6 to explain the complexity of this trade issue. XXVIII. Carbon Capture and Sequestration on Existing Power Plants APPA agrees with EPA and compliments it for not proposing that carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is adequately demonstrated or commercially available at any scale for existing power plants. APPA filed extensive comments397 on this issue in response to the proposed NSPS for CO2 emissions from new power plants under Section 111(b) of the CAA. APPA’s comments in that proceeding provided a number of white papers and other information illustrating that CCS is not adequately demonstrated. If a power plant is located where CCS 396 and{51AC B5CO-3C14-48EA-A8DO-BCAOD7EDFA89}&doumentTitle=20113-60294-01 397 Docket OAR-2013-0495 211 could be established, then those reductions should warrant compliance with the interim and 2030 deadlines in this Proposal. It is highly unlikely that a typical existing power plant located outside the oil and gas production regions of the U.S. could do this. If it is possible, such a plant should be deemed compliant with all interim and final obligations even if the power plant only achieved all its possible reductions at the time of the final deadline. Between 2014 and 2030, there is a possibility that new technology might emerge that could achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions from EGUs or that could result in CO 2 destruction. If this were to happen, states should be allowed to revise their plans to reflect the use of this new technology as compliance without having to complete the other measures in the plan. XXIX. The NSPS Process for Existing Plants Does Not Require Automatic Revisions Every Eight Years. The NSPS process allows EPA to consider revisions to the standards every eight years. There has been some confusion as to whether this reconsideration and possible revision can occur automatically. APPA’s view is that such action is not automatic and we support the comments of the Utility Air Regulatory Group on this issue. XXX. Miscellaneous Issues. APPA endorses the detailed comments and observations offered by UARG on the mass and rate based standards from both the Proposed Rule and the November 6, 2014, NODA.398 APPA joins UARG in responding to the NODA requesting comments on co-firing of natural gas and goal generating units.399 Natural gas conversion and co-firing are not BSER for coal-fired utilities and should not be included in the Proposed Rule. In addition, APPA defers to UARG’s response to EPA’s questions about Part 75 monitoring and reporting requirements and incorporates those recommendations by reference. 400 398 399 Including work submitted by Lowell Smith for UARG demonstrating that natural gas conversion and co-firing are too expensive to include as BSER. 400 Including Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMs) and the ability to use Appendix G in lieu of CEMS. 212 XXXI. Potential Constitutional Issues Raised by Proposed Rule. As previously discussed, the Technical Support Document entitled State Plan Considerations identifies four distinct pathways available for states to develop their plans to meet the goals: Rate-based CO2 emission limits applied to affected EGUs; Mass-based CO2 emission limits applied to affected EGUs; State-driven portfolio approach; or Utility-driven portfolio approach. Only the last option is genuinely workable, however. Direct emission limits, whether rate- or mass-based, are illusory approaches, because there is no technology available that will allow direct emission limits to be effectively imposed and met by existing plants. CCS is acknowledged to be off the table, and there is no other technology. The suggested heat rate improvements of 4-6 percent are largely unobtainable because: (1) utilities have been making efficiency improvements whenever economical and no realistic heat rate improvements exist, and (2) some heat rate improvements may trigger NSR. Further, even if the 4-6 percent improvement was attainable, it would be inadequate to satisfy direct emission limits imposed by the goals set by EPA. A state-driven portfolio approach is unworkable for the states and electric utility industry because it is based on a misunderstanding that the fleet of generation serving any given state is interchangeable, regardless of unit ownership or even location within different RTOs. For example, a state cannot mandate the redispatch of a NGCC unit owned by one utility in one RTO to offset the retirement or reduced dispatch of a coal unit owned by another utility in another RTO, even if both units are in that state. Indeed, redispatch from an electrical standpoint, because the two plants are in separate RTOs, could not be effectively achieved. Moreover, a state cannot compel a multi-state utility (such as a municipal joint action agency) to reallocate to that state’s portfolio the renewable energy credits or energy efficiency credits from the utility’s out-of-state generation resources that the utility—or another state—is using toward compliance with the rule in the other state. Indeed, as described below, such action by EPA and the state would raise the prospect of an unconstitutional taking of the utility’s property or abrogation of the utility’s contracts. Instead, the only “option” of the four state approaches that can possibly work —legally and practically—is the utility-driven portfolio approach. Within each state, each utility’s CO 2 emissions should be evaluated against the building blocks based on the ability of each utility to implement those building blocks within its own system. Furthermore, in the event that a state 213 has excess credits, those should be the property of the utility and available for it to use toward compliance in another state. A. The Proposed Rule’s Allocation of Renewable Energy Credits Potentially Raises Constitutional Concerns Under the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states: “[N]or shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”401 That Clause is made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment.402 The Proposed Rule’s approach of allowing states to use utilityowned renewable energy and renewable energy credits (RECs) to meet a state CO 2 goal creates the potential for an unconstitutional taking of property without just compensation. Specifically, it would allow “… for renewable energy measures, consistent with existing state RPS [Renewable Portfolio Standards] policies, a state…[to] take into account all of the CO2 emission reductions from renewable energy measures implemented by the state, whether they occur in th e state or in other states….”403 Furthermore, by suggesting that a state with a renewable measure in place that causes renewable investment in another state has the right to claim those out-of-state renewables as a CO2 offset in its plan, the Proposal doubles down by reaching across state borders to confiscate renewable energy and RECs of utilities and developers. The state-driven portfolio approach is one which EPA identifies as a structure for states to use to develop their compliance plans. 404 Under such a plan, individual states must assume the responsibility for meeting their specific CO 2 reduction goal established by EPA, which is based on the generation located within each state’s borders. Under the proposal, states are encouraged to use renewable energy as one of four building blocks to meet the compliance goal. Indeed, on average, EPA relies on renewable energy for more than 30 percent of the CO2 reduction to be achieved. 405 While the Proposal touts flexibility and offers “options” to states in developing compliance plans, the fact is that it sets up a structure in which states are empowered to confiscate for their 401 U.S. Const. amend. V. See Chicago, B. & Q. R. Co. v. Chicago, 166 U. S. 226 (1897). 403 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,921-34,922; EPA, State Plan Considerations at 34, 37 (Technical Support Document). 404 79 Fed. Reg. at 34,901; State Plan Considerations at5, section II. 405 Brattle Group policy brief, EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan: Implications for States and the Electric Industry, June 2014, p. 3, Table 1, available at 402 214 own regulatory goals renewable energy and RECs—which are the property of utilities and developers—and use them to satisfy their individual CO2 goal. Under a state-driven portfolio approach, state plans which include renewable energy for compliance will open the door for states to simply count all the renewable energy generated in the state and the accompanying RECs406 to meet the compliance goal. As a result, the utility that owns the renewable energy/RECs will be prohibited from using those resources elsewhere because the Proposal expressly prohibits “double counting.”407 This is especially true in states that have a renewable energy mandate that already requires Renewable Energy Credit (REC) retirement for compliance with that separate state goal. For example, in Minnesota, the state has imposed a Renewable Energy Standard (RES). It is served by a variety of fossil and renewable generation, both in-state and out-of state, and by a variety of utilities based in and outside of Minnesota. However, Minnesota’s CO2 goal is based on the generation located only in the state. The proposal allows Minnesota to structure its state plan to count toward compliance all of the RES RECs used in the state by out-of-state entities. This is problematic for an APPA member, MRES, a joint action agency that provides power to Minnesota public power utilities and has no generation contributing to the CO2 emissions located within the state. MRES does, however, provide RE to its member utilities based on the state’s mandate. That RE and the associated RECs come from contracts between MRES and wind developers, and has been bought and paid for by MRES members in not only Minnesota, but also Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Furthermore, that RE is located in several states, including Minnesota, Iowa, and North Dakota. Allowing the state of Minnesota to offset the emissions of its in-state EGUs with RE from a utility like MRES that does not even emit any CO2 in the state appears to constitute a taking of MRES property for a public purpose without any compensation. While MRES may have an RES compliance obligation in Minnesota, that does not entitle EPA to authorize the state of Minnesota to take the RE paid for by MRES members and their customers (which has not been used to meet Minnesota’s RES, i.e. excess RECs) to meet its state goal to offset the CO2 emitted by others. Furthermore, if neighboring states such as Iowa and North Dakota where MRES has contracts for RE and RECs take a similar approach, the same renewable energy and RECs could be claimed by multiple states to meet their state compliance plan under EPA’s flawed reasoning that a state policy that encourages the construction of renewables can claim credit for those renewables even if they are located out-of-state. This sets 406 Under this scenario, it is not clear whether a state plan would honor contracts under which in-state renewable resources and RECs are sold to an out-of-state entity. The preamble is silent on this point, and does not indicate any indication that it recognizes that the RE/RECs are the property of utilities and not states. 407 79 F.R. at 34,922. 215 up disputes between states regarding which state’s policy effectively induced the construction of the RE. Under either case, this element of the Proposed Rule is appears to be unconstitutional taking of private property without compensation, in violation of the Fifth Amendment. B. The Proposed Rule’s Allocation of Renewable Energy Credits Potentially Raises Constitutional Concerns Under the Article 1 Contracts Clause. The Contract Clause in Article 1, Section 10, clause 1 of the Constitution states: “No State shall … pass any … Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts[.]” 408 By authorizing state plans that enable states to take the renewable energy and/or RECs of utilities and others, the Proposed Rule also potentially violates the Contracts Clause. APPA member MRES has several contracts with a number of individual entities for the output of wind projects and their associated RECs, totaling 85 MW.409 A state-driven portfolio approach that adopts EPA’s suggestion to use the renewable energy and RECs located in the state to satisfy a state goal will take that RE and RECs out of the hands of the purchaser, such as MRES, and into the hands of the state to meet its objectives. The Proposed Rule authorizes state plans that would have this very result.410 The Proposal authorizes states to take RE and RECs from their owners by disregarding the contractual rights of both the seller and the purchaser. It vitiates the obligation of the seller to deliver the RE and RECs to the purchaser, and substitutes the state as the beneficiary of the renewable contract (again, without compensation). This constitutes an undeniable “substantial impairment of a contractual relationship.” 411 The construct of the state-driven portfolio approach, including its provisions allowing states to interfere with existing contracts for RE and RECs—both in-state and out-of-state—appears to violate the Contracts Clause. Specifically, EPA, in the Proposed Rule, essentially invites states to create a substantial impairment in the renewable energy contracts of utilities. First, it is undeniable that many utilities have such contractual relationships with renewable power producers, and that a regulation that allows the state to step in and use that RE to meet its CO 2 reduction obligation would constitute a change in law that impairs that contractual relationship. That action satisfies the first of the two elements in the test of a Contract Clause violation. 412 The second element, whether the impairment is substantial, while typically the subject of controversy, is also 408 U.S. Const., art. I, § 10, cl. 1. MRES also has a contract for non-emitting nuclear power from the Point Beach facility in Wisconsin, along with a portion of the environmental attributes associated with that power. 410 79 Fed. Reg. at 34921-34922. 411 See General Motors Corp. v. Romein, 503 U.S. 181, 186, 112 S.Ct. 1105, 1110, 117 L.Ed.2d 328, 337 (1992). 412 See id. 409 216 undeniable.413 Where the regulation establishes the mechanism for the state to unilaterally use a utility’s resources for its own benefit, there can be little doubt that there is a virtual “destruction of contractual expectations” and thus, a substantial impairment. 414 These identified potential violations of the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause and Article 1’s Contracts Clause raise constitutional concerns about the Proposed Rule that EPA needs to address before finalizing it. The agency must also reexamine the Proposed Rule to address any other potential constitutional defects, such as Commerce Clause issues, created by its crafting of optional compliance paths for states. XXXII. Conclusion APPA urges EPA to withdraw and re-propose the rule in a manner that comports with its statutory authority. If EPA decides instead to move forward with this Proposal, then APPA strongly recommends that the Proposed Rule be modified to: Allow states to choose a baseline that accurately reflects their unique circumstances. Provide full credit for investments already made that reduce or offset CO 2 emissions. Fix the errors and revise the assumptions in the computations of the four building blocks in a manner that reflects what can realistically be accomplished and ensures greater equity among the states. Provide a streamlined process for new source review determinations and stipulate that an EGU’s energy efficiency upgrade under a state compliance plan should be considered greenhouse gas Best Available Control Technology for Prevention of Serious Deterioration determinations. Remove under-construction nuclear units from the relevant state baselines. Allow all non CO2-emitting generation resources to be used for compliance. Provide states with more time to develop state compliance plans. Provide more guidance on the development of multi-state plans and interstate agreements. Eliminate the interim reduction goal and allow states to determine the emission reduction trajectory (glide path) to reach their final reduction goal. 413 Id. Energy Reserves Group, Inc. v. Kansas Power & Light Co., 459 U.S. 400, 411, 74 L. Ed. 2d 569, 103 S. Ct. 697 (1983). 414 217 Allow a state’s final reduction goal, the year to achieve that goal, and/or the glide path to be adjusted based on the discovery of material changed circumstances, with the burden of so demonstrating placed on the state. Include and allow mechanisms to ensure that potentially regulated entities have the maximum degree of flexibility to comply with state plans at reasonable cost, including additional reduction or avoidance measures from the energy sector. Provide for the establishment of a reliability “safety valve” to ensure that compliance with mandated emission reduction requirements does not inadvertently i mpair system reliability or conflict with NERC standards. Such modifications taken together would improve the workability and affordability of the final rule. APPA appreciates the opportunity to provide these comments and thanks EPA for both the additional time to prepare comments and for their accessibility to discuss relevant issues and concerns. APPA looks forward to continuing to work with the Agency on the development of its final rule. XXXIII. Attachments 1. APPA’s Meeting the Challenge: Public Power’s Commitment to Reducing Greenhouse Gases brochure (2014) 2. Aspen Energy’s 2010 Implications of Greater Reliance on Natural Gas for Electricity Generation 3. Markets Matter: Expect a Bumpy Ride on the Road to Reduced CO 2 Emissions by Cliff Hamal, Navigant Economics (May 2014) 4. CCS Chart Regarding Adequate Demonstration of Technology for BSER (updated November 2014) 5. APPA Capacity Markets Fact Sheet (2014) 6. Reducing GHG Emissions under EPA’s Section 111(d) Guidelines from Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) 7. APPA’s Explanation of Rate Impact Analysis 8. Letter from House Science Committee to EPA Administrator (August 13, 2014) 9. Wyden-Dow $80 Billion list 218 Submitted by: James J. Nipper Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Communications American Public Power Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 202-467-2931 Theresa Pugh Director of Environmental Services American Public Power Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 202-46-2943 Desmarie M. Waterhouse Director of Government Relations and Counsel American Public Power Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 202-467-2930 Alex Hoffman Energy and Environmental Services Manager American Public Power Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 202-467-2956 219
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