T H E R E D 7 . n et Friday, January 23, 2015 Scuba re-cert A Soldier assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) clears his mask during Scuba Re-certification training at Team Eglin Eglin AFB East Gate Pool. U.S. Army ALSO INSIDE Briefs............................. xx Classifieds....................... xx Philpott.......................... xx Sports Briefs .................... xx Opportunities remain in Army, despite shrinking budget Guard Special Forces: A powerful punch in small packages Page 3 Page 2 Friday, January 23, 2015 | THE RED 7 | Page Page | THE RED 7 | Friday, January 23, 2015 Guard Special Forces Tracey Steele Editor 315-4472 tsteele@thered7.net Susan Fabozzi News Assistant 315-4450 sfabozzi@thered7.net News (850) 315-4450 Fax: (850) 863-7834 E-mail: news@thered7.net Advertising 863-1111 Ext. 1341 Mail 2 Eglin Parkway NE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 The Red 7 is published by the Northwest Florida Daily News, a private firm in no way connected with the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) or the U.S. Army. This publication’s content is not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army or 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne). The official news source for 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) is http://www.soc.mil/. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) or the Northwest Florida Daily News for products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Northwest Florida Daily News. Year No. 5 Edition No. 5 guard From page 2 A powerful punch in small packages By Staff Sgt. Darron Salzer Army National Guard ARLINGTON, Va. (USASOC News Service) — At any given moment there are small teams of elite Soldiers deployed around the world who are conducting operations that many may never hear of. The Soldiers, often referred to as Green Berets, are members of Special Forces — an Army-specific special operations force — and are considered by many to be among the best in the world when it comes to unconventional warfare and increasing the combat potential of forces around the globe. Of the seven Special Forces groups within the Army, two are part of the Army National Guard: the 19th SFG and the 20th SFG. Army Guard Soldiers from those units have been a key part of the special operations forces capability during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as around the world. “Over the past 12-13 years, Guard Special Forces have not only provided additional force structure to special operations forces at large, but we’ve continued to prove that Guard [Special Forces] teams are on par with our active-component counterparts,” said Army Maj. Joseph Bauldry, deputy chief of the Special Operations Branch at the National Guard Bureau. “Guard Soldiers are often more experienced than our active-component counterparts,” Bauldry said, “in not only the current conflict, but also in the things we Special Forces previously did, such as conducting Joint Combined Exchange Training and Foreign Internal Defense missions.” Both are the kinds of missions Bauldry sees Special Forces returning to again. “I see us revisiting the mission sets that predominated the 1980s and 1990s as well as continuing to those opportunities after they are done at work, on the weekends, or when they are tired,” said Army Maj. Sam with the Special Forces Underwater Operations School in Key West, Florida, “but they persevere through it and that’s why I think there is a different level of dedication — not better, not worse — but there is a different level of dedication that National Guard members have in contributing to the defense of our nation. “I know that it is hard for teams to get together, let alone to get extra time to do training and prepare to fight our nation’s battles, but they work really hard down here, and I would put them on par with any active-duty combat dive team.” Being fully qualified is vital though, and the balance between civilian jobs and maintaining competency in Special Forces skills is what Sam said makes the Guard unique. “I think it is vital that Guard members hold the same qualifications that the active-duty members have,” he said. “Guard members are unique though, in that they go above and beyond to keep those skills, to maintain those skills, or to advance those skills and it’s not easy to do. I would argue that it is harder to do in the National Guard than it is in the active component, where the active-duty guys are training during the duty day.” The constant training provides a team or unit the ability to effectively and efficiently do what Special Forces do best. “We train specifically in skill sets that enable us to work with indigenous people and cultures around the world,” said Army Master Sgt. Rick, an operations sergeant with Company A, 3rd Battalion, 20th SFG (Airborne). “For us, operating as a small package with a powerful punch, it’s a costeffective way to accomplish the needs of the nation in certain scenarios, instead of sending in a whole battalion. Basically, we are a force multiplier and that’s kind of our bread and butter in Special Forces.” It’s a capability that lends itself to the atmosphere surrounding Special Forces around the world. Bauldry encourages anyone interested to try out for the team. “It’s a rewarding opportunity and I would encourage all those who are interested to try out. We are always looking for strong candidates who are looking for a challenge and who want to get more out of their Guard experience,” he said. Staff Sgt. Adam Fischman | Army National Guard A Soldier from 20th Special Forces Group, Army National Guard, performs a back roll entry into the water during training and re-certification at the U.S. Army Special Forces Underwater Operations School, June 22 in Key West. Even after their initial training to be part of Special Forces, Soldiers -- known as Green Berets -- must continue to attend schools and train just to maintain proficiency in their specialty skill sets, like combat diver. support contingency operations around the world. We will stay busy,” he said. In addition to their training and combat experience, the Citizen Soldiers of the Army Guard Special Forces bring another capability to the table: the knowledge and experience they have gained from their civilian careers. Those skills strengthen their knowledge and abilities while in uniform. Bauldry said prevalent careers among many Army Guard Special Forces Soldiers are local and federal law enforcement. “U.S. Army Special Operations Command, or USASOC, has taken note of this capability that the active component just does not have,” he said. “USASOC is looking to the Guard to leverage this law enforcement knowledge and latest techniques, which is often a critical component in fighting the seeds of insurgency and lawlessness in many nations. “Soldiers who are Guard members, that’s their full-time job, every day,” he said. Despite any institutional differences, every Soldier must complete the Special Forces Qualification Course, or Q Course, before they can call themselves a Green Beret. While Baudry said training continues to evolve, it typically begins with small-unit tactics. That is followed by separate training in one of five military occupational specialty-specific training areas. Included among those areas is training for officers, weapons sergeants, engineering sergeants, medical sergeants, and communications sergeants. “Soldiers then rejoin for an unconventional warfare culmination exercise, where they put together everything they’ve learned,” and work as small teams to complete the exercise, he said. Next, Soldiers go through the Special Forces training pipeline, consisting of survival, evasion, resistance, and escape — or SERE — training, and language training. “After successful completion of all of this training, Soldiers are awarded Special Forces tab and can then don their Green Beret,” he said. The training doesn’t stop there. Bauldry said Special Forces Soldiers can also go through highaltitude military parachuting, or military free fall school, and combat diver school — just two out of a handful of schools — depending upon what role the Soldier will have within the assigned unit. That special training often requires constant recertification, a task that can be challenging for Army Guard Special Forces units. “National Guard Special Forces members have to seek out See guard page 3 AS LOW AS: 99 2. % APR* OUTSTANDING 60-MONTH AUTO RATE. Opportunities remain in Army, despite shrinking budget HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - Despite declining budgets and resources, the Army continues to actively do business with industry partners with the Army Materiel Command, or AMC, procuring one out of every six federal contract dollars. Lt. Gen. Patricia McQuistion, AMC’s deputy commanding general, addressed the command’s business opportunities with more than 200 professionals at the Association of the United States of the Army, or AUSA, Update for Industry, Jan. 16, at the Jackson Center. “We have fewer dollars available, but there are still a lot of numbers going into these business opportunities,” McQuistion said. AMC executes two-thirds of the Army’s contracting budget through its Army Contracting Command, or ACC. The largest percentages of contracting dollars go to weapon systems and knowledge-based services. As one of AMC’s nine major subordinate commands, ACC has about 6,000 contracting professionals across the world who conducted more than 170,000 contracting actions totaling $50 billion last fiscal year. They did this while managing $184 billion in existing contracts. As contract specialists operate under the pressures of a changing fiscal environment, initiatives like Better Buying Power 3.0 are intended to be warfighter-focused and encourage a culture of cost consciousness, professionalism and technical excellence. “We need to think about how we do things differently than we have done over the past 15 years to make sure we aren’t just maintaining the edge, but that we maintain our superiority and capabilities,” McQuistion said. She said partnership and collaboration with industry are key to finding value, services, and equipment that our fighting forces must have to conduct operations and missions. “We must continue together to find opportunities to do better with these constrained resources,” McQuistion said. Find out how far you can go… …with Alion RATES MAY VARY DEPENDING ON TERMS Join Alion’s F-35 Team! Alion is hiring candidates for the following positions supporting the F-35 program: USED CARS All model years. Systems Engineers, Software Engineers & Test Engineers with aviation systems experience Integrated Test Support Engineers Aerospace Engineers Fighter Aircraft Requirements SMEs Acquisition Analysts GRAND OPENING: GARY SMITH HOND USED CAR SUPER CENTER Thursday, Friday, Saturday—January 22, 23 24 225 Miracle Strip Parkway Southwest, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 Apply at www.alionscience.com/careers (click Search for Jobs) Visit PenFed.org/UsedCars or call 1.800.247.5626 to apply Rates and offer current as of January 1, 2015 and are subject to change. *Your actual APR will be determined at the time of disbursement and will be based on your application and credit information. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. In order to refinance an existing PenFed auto loan, the current rate must be equal to or greater than the rate on your existing PenFed auto loan. Rate depends on term. Other restrictions including vehicle age and mileage may apply. Financing up to $100,000. Maximum used car loan advance will be determined by PenFed using a NADA value. Up to 100% financing is available to qualified members. Used Car Loan example: $20,000 loan with a rate at 2.99% APR, 60 monthly payments of approximately $359.28. 2111665 ContactUs Women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and veterans are encouraged to apply. Alion will provide a reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans who need assistance to apply. Please visit the Alion Careers site for more information. 1135410 Friday, January 23, 2015 | THE RED 7 | Page Spouse’s Club Cosmic Bowling Ben Scott | Special to The Red 7 Distinguished Soldier Chapter XV Special Forces Association member and Medal of Honor recipient Master Sgt. Jose Rodela, USA Ret., was inducted as a Distinguish Member of the Regiment (DMOR) in a ceremony by MG Wendt held at VFW Post 8541 recently. The ceremony was attended by members of Chapter XV, other area VFW’s and American Legion posts and distinguished guests. Eglin Spouse’s Club is having 80’s Cosmic Bowling from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Jan. 27 at Shoal River Lanes (5204 South Ferdon Boulevard, Crestview). Cost is $6.50 for bowling only or $10 for bowling and lunch, $1 extra for non-ESC members. Bowling includes 2 hours of play and shoes. Lunch is pizza and soda/water. Dress in your favorite 80’s attire or white shirt which is sure to glo 80’s brightly and come join us for a fun day of bowling with your fellow Eglin spouses. Make sure to wear socks! RSVP by Jan. 20 via the evite or by emailing reservations@eglinsc.com. Laughing and loving over lunch The Eglin Chapel will host this free marriage seminar from 11:15 a.m. -12:30 p.m. on Jan. 29 and Feb. 5, 12 at the Chapel Center. A free lunch will be provided but please bring a bag lunch if you have special dietary needs. All couples, singles, AD, civilians and contractors are welcome! “Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage” is a hilarious, practical and no-holds barred marriage training that’s changing the dynamics of marriages all over the world. Topics during this training include: The Tale of Two Brains - how men and women are wired differently and why; Why Does He/She Do That?- learn a new way to discover what makes your spouse tick; How to Stay Married and Not Kill Your Spouse - learn about “The Reset Button” and the power of forgiveness. Training is sponsored by the Eglin IDS helping agencies. To sign up, contact the Chapel at 882-2111 and ask for a chap- $4,500 cash Jan. 29 playing lain assistant. Big Big Bingo. Bar Bingo starts at 6 p.m. and regular play begins at 7 p.m. If you’re already a regular player, The Lift Kiosk (previ- bring a friend with you to ously The Tradewinds Flight play and you’ll receive a free Kitchen) located in Bldg. 60 15-game pack! For informa(Base Operations Building) tion, call the Bayview Club, runs a special menu item 651-1010. each Wednesday. Stop by and get your taste of pasta, chicken wings, burritos, and UFood branded items. While you’re there, check out all Attention all singles! Egtheir other delicious options available to all base person- lin ITT invites you to spend nel from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14) catching beads along BourMonday-Friday. bon Street in New Orleans, making new friends and creating lasting memories Florida Department of in the Big Easy! This day Education assists eligible trip will take you to the heart members of the armed forc- of the city to enjoy exciting es to understand the certi- parades and sites. Cost is fication process to become $55 per person and includes an educator. If interested transportation. Sign up at in teaching, you won’t want ITT or call 882-5930 for more to miss this briefing from info. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 29. To register, call the A&FRC at 882-9060. ‘Lift’ Kiosk Singles Krewe Mardi Gras Tour Troops to Teachers Youth Baseball Registration Registration for youth baseball is open through from 1-6 p.m. Feb. 27 Monday-Friday at the Eglin Youth Center. Cost is $50 per youth or $100 per family. Players must be age 5 prior to March 10, and under age 13 prior to May 30. Volunteer coaches and officials are needed. For information or to volunteer, contact Terry Evans at 882-5074. Win with Big Big Bingo Eglin’s Bayview Club knows how to spell the secret to great riches: “B-I-NG-O!” Bingo is played every Wednesday and Thursday at the Club, with your chance to win up to $3,500 cash nightly! Then, you could win up to Wet’n Wild Military Appreciation Disney Salutes the U.S. Armed Forces Best prices are at Eglin ITT. Cost for 4-Day Theme Park Hopper is $175.50; 4Day Base + “Fun & More” Options is $175.50; and, 4-Day Hopper + 4 “Fun & More” Options is $205. Tickets expire Oct. 3, 2015. Full details available on ITT price list at eglinforcesupport.com/itt. New specials at Legends Legends is now offering Frequent Flyer Specials for only $4.99: Monday, 1/4 lb Cheeseburger; Tuesday, Chipotle Chicken Sandwich; Wednesday, 8 Wings Deal; Thursday, Ciabatta Smokehouse Club; and Friday, Shrimp Po-Boy. Each item is served with fries and purchase of a fountain drink or tea at an additional cost is required. Hours: Mon. through Fri., 10:30 am – 8 pm. Family Day Wet’n Wild is offering a free one-day admission ticket valid for service members with a valid military photo ID through March 27. Free ticket application forms must be obtained from Eglin ITT. Special discount tickets for military family, friends, and other base personnel are also available at Eglin ITT. 882-5930. Hangar 3 will host “Family Day” Jan. 24. Games and crafts start at 12:30 p.m. and the movie “Maleficent” will start at 1 p.m. Free admission, popcorn, bingo and prizes. A parent or guardian of children ages 16 and under must remain in the facility during the event. For information, call Hangar 3 882-9308. Universal Orlando Ticket special Family Child Care Home openings Three-day Park-to-Park tickets are now the price of a one-day ticket. Purchases may be made through June 6 for tickets expiring June 20, 2015. Tickets are good for a 14-day period once activated with no blackout dates applied. Cost per ticket is $136 for adults and $130 for children ages 3-9. For information, call ITT 882-5930. FCC providers have immediate openings for children two weeks to 12 years of age for hourly, part time, full time, volunteer, PCS, extended duty, reservists, evenings, weekends, special needs and overnight care. Homes are located on base and in neighboring communities. Download the monthly referral listing at eglinforcesupport.com. FREE G IN PARK Concealed Weapons Class Sat/Sun 11am or 2pm Gun Show February JANUARY 31ST & 23rd & 24th FEBRUARY 1ST Ft.Pensacola Walton Beach Fairgrounds Fairgrounds Floridagunshows.com Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4 Director of financial aiD This position oversees the administration of federal, state, & institutional financial assistance programs & ensures compliance with all appropriate regulations. The Director of Financial Aid provides leadership & supervision to the financial aid staff with good customer service & regulation compliance as foundations. The incumbent of this position must regularly coordinate with other on campus departments & serve on various committees, & have strong analytical skills, be detail oriented, & technologically competent. Knowledge of relevant computer software, preferably BANNER, & Microsoft Office systems, with excellent English language speaking & writing skills preferred. Other duties as assigned. Qualifications: Master's Degree required with 5 years progressively responsible experience in administering Title IV Federal Financial Aid programs or related area required (preferably in a post-secondary education environment). Salary: Commensurate with Education & Experience Deadline to apply: Open Until Filled with 1st review by 2/6/15 **Applicants may apply in person atGCSC Human Resources, 5230 W. U.S. Highway 98, via fax at (850) 9133292 or e-mail your applications to bcollins2@gulfcoast.edu Gulf Coast State College does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, marital status, or disability in its programs, activities or employment. Roberta Mackey, Executive Director of Human Resources, (850) 913-2926, has been designated as the person to handle all inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies. 1132491 LosM Rancheros R EXICAN E S TAU R A N T Fresh not Frozen Authentic Mexican Food 2 FOR 1 MARGARITAS & DRAFT BEER EVERY DAY! 2111848 From staff reports 2111916 red 7 Briefs 2077822 Page | THE RED 7 | Friday, January 23, 2015 20% MILITARY DISCOUNT w/this ad & valid ID! Bring this ad and get $10 OFF purchase of $50 or more! Exp 2/23/15 Buy 2 Dinners Get 2 FREE Small Margaritas! (WITH PURCHASE OF 2 DRINKS) Cannot be combined with any other offer, discount, coupon, etc. Exp. 2/23/15 300 Eglin Pkwy, Ft. Walton Beach | 862-2007 Mon-Thur 11am-10pm | Fri-Sat 11am-10pm | Sun 11am-9pm Friday, January 23, 2015 | THE RED 7 | Page Page | THE RED 7 | Friday, January 23, 2015 Dogged reservist behind win for ailing C-123 crewmen Movie packs theaters, hits home with locals to contaminate a crew member, there’s now science available that leads us to understand that, in fact, there is this dynamic equilibrium of the solid residue with the air above the residue…” Bottom line, it seems, is the VA accepts the possibility that Agent Orange residue could have become airborne and harmed reservists. Carter said he found VA and Air Force officials more close-minded during a fouryear slough to try to win Agent Orange-related care and disability compensation for crews and maintainers who were assigned to reserve squadrons that operated at three bases from 1972 to 1982. Ill, fatigued and in chronic pain, Carter said he fell victim to dark moments after IOM last fall delayed release of its report by three months. Carter worried that if IOM decided against the crewmen and their claims, he might not be strong enough to continue the fight. Since 2011, Carter has led an intense bureaucratic battle with his parent service and VA, writing scores of letters, compiling scientific records and internal reports from multiple agencies, contacting news media, creating a C-123 Veterans Association website and blog to explain what the latest evidence showed and how former crewmen were suffering, and posting all documents online for scientists and the public to study. Carter, now 68, did all this having nothing to gain personally. He has been rated 100-percent disabled since 1990 when he suffered spinal injuries in a fall off an Army truck on the last day of the Persian Gulf War. But Carter also has three illnesses tied to Agent Orange. Peripheral neuropathy was diagnosed in 1978 after he began losing feeling in my feet at age 32. By 2011 he had prostate cancer and needed heart surgery. When a C-123 crewmate died suddenly, Carter queried other former crewmen and learned of more with illnesses associated with Agent Orange. Yet claims these reservists filed with VA routinely were denied because the Air Force maintained that the former “spray birds” had posed no environmental hazard to reserve crews, having been decontaminated during conversion for reserve See reservist page 7 By KELLY HUMPHREY Northwest Florida Daily News The military-friendly Emerald Coast has embraced “American Sniper” in a big way. The film tells the story of Iraq War Navy Seal Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history. It has shattered box-office records across the country, and attracted swarms of movie-goers to local cinemas. Shalimar residents Shan- non and Matt Sapp went to see the movie on Saturday at the Regal Sun Plaza Stadium 8 theater in Fort Walton Beach. “We wanted to get tickets for the 7 o’clock show, but by the time we got to the window it was sold out,” Shannon said. “We bought tickets for the 7:25 show, and it was packed.” Dozens of Daily News readers repeated similar stories of sold out showings at local theaters. Warner Brothers Studios estimates page. “No one said a word after the movie was over - not a dry eye in the theater.” Jaina Mann saw the movie at a Saturday morning matinee at the AMC Destin Commons 14. “Military spouses will totally relate to Taya Kyle (Chris’ wife),” she wrote. “When it was over, everyone got up in silence.” According to many viewers, that response was very common. “When the movie was over, the only sound you sure to dioxin. Meanwhile, members of Congress began to press officials to explain what Carter and others found. One Senate staffer who worked with Carter noted his passion and that he was “on the right side of the science and facts here. That was a frustrating issue for all of us: how much logic we introduced in our discussions with the VA, and yet it was more or less a blank stare from them for over three years.” By December, with the IOM release date reset, Carter told his wife Joan he would skip the trip east and listen from their home in Colorado. But she said he should be in that room, whatever the decision, to support former crewmen who might be there supporting him. Wes asked Joan to join him. “It felt wonderful to have her in the room when that report was read. She gave up a lot,” Carter said. Looking back, he said, it should have been VA officials fighting for C-123 veterans, not one of their own rated by VA as catastrophically disabled. Lincoln at his second inaugural, said Carter, didn’t promise “to care for him who shall have borne the battle — only if he can talk us into it.” WARNER BROTHERS | AP In this image released by Warner Bros. Pictures, Bradley Cooper appear in a scene from “American Sniper.” could hear were sniffles even from the men in the audience,” Shannon Sapp said. “I think people in our community have a real appreciation for the military, and this story just brings that home.” Now Enrolling for Spring Classes FAITH INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH Reservist From page 6 missions. Through a Freedom of Information Act request, however, Carter got an Air Force report from 1994 showing one aircraft he had flown on, nicknamed Patches, was described as “heavily contaminated” with dioxin, enough so that work crews preparing it for display at a museum wore protective suits. Carter also discovered that in 1996 Air Force tried to stop a contract to sell C-123s because of contamination. Another document showed officials struggling with how to dispose of the retired aircraft because even burying them could contaminate the ground. They were broken apart and melted. Carter’s work on the C123 issue grew from about 15 hours a week that first year to 40. He has spent thousands of dollars on travel, postage and other costs. As VA continued to deny claims based Air Force official findings the aircraft posed no harm to post-war crews, Carter urged other scientists, at universities and government agencies, to reviews air and surface samples collected from a few C-123s in the mid-1990s and one as late as 2009. In 2013 an agency of the Center for Disease Control weighed in and also found crew expo- Sunday 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship 6:00 pm Evening Service Wednesday 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study, Children and Youth Programs Home of the Calvary Christian Academy K3-12th Grade 1135414 that the film will bring in $105 million over the fourday, Martin Luther King holiday weekend. That obliterates the previous record of $48.6 million set by the Kevin Hart movie “Ride Along” in 2014. The film’s story seems to resonate with many local viewers, military and civilian alike. “The theater was packed full at noon on Sunday with lots of military personnel,” Trudi Bombine-Collier wrote on the Daily News’ Facebook A Place to Call Home 529 Clifford Street • Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 850.862.5369 • www.cbcfwb.org Mark Stevens, Pastor Massage Therapy, Skin Care, and Nail Specialist Accepting Post 911, Montgomery GI Bill & MyCAA Soothing Arts Healing Therapies School of Massage, Skincare & Nails Visit SoothingArts.com for more information. 3036834 1309 Valparaiso Blvd. • Niceville 678-4387 LEV HUMPHRIES, PASTOR • Nursery • Bus • Junior Church • Near Eglin AFB Sunday School.............10 a.m. Preaching.....................11a.m. Sunday...........................6p.m. Wednesday Night...........7 p.m. 2110114 Magnolia Grill magnoliagrillfwb.com Car, Truck & SUV Accessories Hard & Soft Bed Covers Bed Liners & Mats Toolboxes-Hitches Toppers & Lids Since 1988 Window Visors Step Bars-Running Boards-Seat Covers www.AccentTops.com Accent Tops & Trailers 657 BEAL PARKWAY 850-862-2400 Tom & Peggy Rice • Proprietors 850-302-0266 157 Brooks St. SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL Steaks - Seafood - Italian 2110562 Tom Philpott scientists, physicians and experts on VA regulations and benefits held the first of a series of meetings to review and interpret the report and make recommendations to VA Secretary Bob McDonald. Erickson noted that it was VA that ordered the IOM study and it welcomes the findings “because the better we understand environmental issues, the better we’re able to care for these veterans.” The IOM findings reflect a deeper understanding of how dioxin contamination on interior surfaces of these aircraft behaved, he said. “Though we thought before – and this certainly was the Air Force position – that a dry residue was rock solid and it wasn’t going anywhere and it wouldn’t be available 2110863 2096211 quite likely experienced non-trivial increases in their risks of adverse health outcomes.” The findings likely mean that VA will find more of these reservists eligible for VA medical care and disability compensation if they suffer from one of 14 ailments presumed to be caused by Agent Orange. Dr. Ralph L. Erickson, VA director of Pre-9/11-Era Post-Deployment Health, said Deputy Secretary Sloan Gibson and other senior staff were briefed on IOM findings last Thursday before public release. That day a “technical work group” of 2110864 Retired Air Force Reserve Maj. Wes Carter almost didn’t travel to Washington D.C. last week where, to his surprise, he heard an independent panel of scientists verify what he had dogged the Air Force and Department of Veterans Affairs about for almost four years. The Institute of Medicine said Carter and up to 2100 other former reserve air crewmen and maintainers of C-123 aircraft, flown for a decade after the Vietnam War, were indeed exposed to toxic residue from Agent Orange herbicide sprayed from some of the same aircraft during the war. The IOM also found it plausible that exposure “exceeded health guidelines for workers in enclosed settings. Thus, some reservists Page | THE RED 7 | Friday, January 23, 2015 GRAB YOUR COPIES WHILE YOU CAN! LIMITED SUPPLY LEFT OKALOOSA COUNTY MEMORIES: CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION U N I Q U E • T I M E L E S S • C O L L E C TO R ’ S I T E M • Hardcover, 144 pages, archival quality. • Hundreds of stunning historic images. • Monumental newspaper front pages. • Community memories. • Articles of 10 history makers/turning points. • Available for pick up or online now. ABOUT THE BOOK: The Northwest Florida Daily News is proud to present the hardbound, coffee table book, “Okaloosa County Memories.” We have worked with area libraries, archives, historical partners and you, our readers, to produce this unique, heirloom-quality book capturing 100 years of our county’s history in photographs. Order your commemorative book now at $44.95 (plus tax/shipping) while supplies last. Pick up your copy at one of the locations listed below or order online today! Hurry, this book is in limited supply! Order one of two ways: Pick up your copies at one of these locations: • NW Florida Daily News - 2 Eglin Parkway NE, Fort Walton Beach • The Destin Log - 35008 Emerald Coast Pkwy Suite 501, Destin • Crestview News Bulletin - 638 N. Ferdon Blvd, Crestview Have your books shipped by ordering online at OkaloosaCo.PictorialBook.com Free shipping available for online orders of two or more copies Pre-orders for pick up are available now PRESENTED BY GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS City of Fort Walton Beach Destin Fishing Rodeo Dr. Dennis Lichorwic Fort Walton Beach Medical Center Joe & Eddies Restaurant Magnolia Grill Okaloosa Board of County Commission 1132608
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