Annual Programme January to June 2015 Colloquia For registration/payment details please visit: Reading Aristotle in Britain during the 13th Century 23 January 2015 - Conference of the Societas Artistarum 1 (13.30 to 18.00) Organiser: Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute) Speakers: Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute), Dragos Calma (EPHE, Paris), Silvia Donati (Albertus Magnus Institut, Köln), Emmanuelle Kuhry (IRHT, Paris), John Marenbon (Trinity College, Cambridge), Cecilia Trifogli (All Souls College, Oxford) and Olga Weijers (IRHT, Paris and Huygens Instituut, The Hague) Attendance at this conference is free of charge and pre-registration is not required. The Afterlife of Aldus: Posthumous Fame, Collectors and the Book Trade 6 February 2015 - A conference organised by the Warburg Institute and the Bibliographical Society Organisers: Paolo Sachet and Jill Kraye (Warburg Institute) Speakers: Lodovica Braida (Milan), François Dupuigrenet Desroussilles (Florida State), Shanti Graheli (St Andrews), Kristian Jensen (British Library), Alessandro Ledda (Catholic University Milan), Raphaële Mouren (Warburg Institute), Nicholas Poole-Wilson (Bernard Quaritch Ltd), Paolo Sachet (Warburg Institute) and Julianne Simpson ( John Rylands Library) Writing History in Sixteenth Century France 13 February 2015 Organisers: John O’Brien (Durham) and Peter Mack (Warwick) Speakers: Emily Butterworth (King’s College), Jean-Raymond Fanlo (Aix), Neil Kenny (Oxford), Olivier Pedeflous (Paris), Rowan Tomlinson (Bristol) and Hugo Tucker (Reading) Philosophers in the Kitchen 20 February 2015 Organisers: Guido Giglioni and Cecilia Muratori (Warburg Institute) Speakers: Annalisa Ceron (Milan), Sam Galson (Princeton), Guido Giglioni (Warburg Institute), Sara Miglietti (Warwick), Cecilia Muratori (Warburg Institute), Valery Rees (School of Economic Science, London) and Annika Willer (LMU Munich) The Afterlife of Greek Tragedy 5 - 6 March 2015 Organisers: Peter Mack (Warwick) and John North (UCL) Speakers: Erika Fischer-Lichte (Freie Universität Berlin), Katie Fleming (Queen Mary), Edith Hall (King’s College), Fiona Macintosh (Oxford), Anthony Ossa-Richardson (Queen Mary), Valentina Prosperi (Sassari), Andrea Rodighiero (Verona), Hanna Roisman (Colby College), Ruth Webb (Lille) and Gerald Wildgruber (Basel) A Coordinated Approach to Recording and Searching Provenance Records and Images: Moving Forwards 11 March 2015 - A workshop organised by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of IFLA, 15CBOOKTRADE, CILIP and CERL Organisers: Raphaële Mouren (Warburg Institute) and Cristina Dondi (Oxford/CERL) This workshop will consist of a round table disccussion is free of charge; pre-registration is required by emailing: “Bilderfahrzeuge”: On the Migration of Images, Forms and Ideas 13 - 14 March 2015 - Annual Conference of the International Research Group “Bilderfahrzeuge” at the Warburg Institute Organisers: Andreas Beyer (German Forum for Art History, Paris) and Johannes von Müller (Bilderfahrzeuge Project) Speakers will include: Carolin Behrmann (KHI Florenz), Jost Philipp Klenner (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach) and members of the Bilderfahrzeuge research team. Colloquia Ideas and Society in the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance 17 April 2015 - A conference organised by the University of Warwick and UCL Organisers: Alexander Russell (Warwick) and David D’Avray (UCL) Speakers: David d’Avray (UCL), Serena Ferente (King’s College), Magnus Ryan (Cambridge), John Sabapathy (UCL), Hannah Skoda (Oxford) and John Watts (Oxford) To book a place on this conference please contact: The Afterlife of Cicero 7 - 8 May 2015 Organisers: Peter Mack (Warwick), John North, Gesine Manuwald and Maria Wyke (UCL) Speakers: Virginia Cox (New York University), Nina Dubin (CASVA, Washington), Katherine East (Royal Holloway), Lynn Fotheringham (Nottingham), Matthew Fox (Glasgow), Luke Houghton (Innsbruck), Catherine Keen (UCL), Andrew Laird (Warwick), Carole Mabboux (Savoie), David Marsh (Rutgers), Martin McLaughlin (Oxford) and Laura Refe (Venice) Pseudo-Galenic Texts and the Formation of the Galenic Corpus 14 - 15 May 2015 Organisers: Caroline Petit (Warwick) Speakers: Siam Bhayro (Exeter), Véronique Boudon-Millot (CNRS, Paris), Charles Burnett (Warburg), Marie Cronier (CNRS, Paris), Aileen Das (Manchester), Klaus-Dietrich Fischer (Mainz), Stefania Fortuna (Ancona), Mareike Jas (Munich), Outi Merisalo (Helsinki), Vivian Nutton (UCL), Caroline Petit (Warwick) and Christina Savino (Humboldt Uinversity, Berlin) This event is free of charge; pre-registration required by emailing: New Approaches to Erasmus 22 May 2015 Organisers: Letizia Panizza (Royal Holloway) and Stephen Ryle (Leeds) Speakers: To be confirmed Studying God’s Languages - Scholars of Hebrew and Arabic in Early Modern Europe 29 May 2015 Organisers: Jan Loop (Kent) and Joanna Weinberg (Oxford) Speakers will include: Jan Loop (Kent), Theodor Dunkelgrün (Cambridge), Alastair Hamilton (Warburg Institute) and Joanna Weinberg (Oxford) Classical Heroines 5 June 2015 Organisers: Susan Haskins (Independent Scholar) Speakers: Emma Barker (Open University), Elizabeth Dutton (Fribourg), Edith Hall (King’s College), Isobel Hurst (Goldsmiths’ College), Letizia Panizza (Royal Holloway) and Susan Walker (Ashmolean Museum) Sharing the Holy Land. Perceptions of Shared Sacred Space in the Medieval and Early Modern Eastern Mediterranean. 12 - 13 June 2015 Organisers: Jan Vandeburie and Jan Loop (Kent) Speakers will include: Bernard Hamilton (Nottingham), Benjamin Kedar (Hebrew University Jerusalem) and Ora Limor (Open University Israel Raymond Klibansky Conference 18 - 19 June 2015 Organisers: Philippe Despoix (Montreal) Speakers: To be confirmed Public Lectures Wednesdays at 4.30 pm (except where otherwise indicated) 21 Jan Painting and Navigation. Vittore Carpaccio’s teleri for the Scuola di Sant’Orsola Dr Stefan Neuner, eikones NFS Bildkritik, Basel Lecture in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Project 22 Jan Nutrire il corpo, nutrire lo spirito: alcune cene rinascimentali tra cibo e parola Professor Nuccio Ordine, Università della Calabria Please note that this lecture will be in Italian and on Thursday 22 Jan at 4.30pm This lecture is sponsored by Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli 26 Jan ‘Le grand roy François’ - A lecture to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Coronation of François 1er Professor Robert Knecht, Emeritus Professor of French History, University of Birmingham Please note this lecture is on Monday 26 Jan at 4.30pm 11 Feb Alberti self-fashionista: The Name, the Self-portrait, the Autobiography Professor Martin McLaughlin, Agnelli-Serena Professor of Italian Studies, Department of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford 18 Feb The Power of Plaster. Wilhelm von Humboldt and the Experience of Antique Sculpture at Tegel Castle Professor Pascal Griener, Université de Neuchâtel Lecture in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Project 10 Mar Libraries “in exile”: The case of the Library of the Jesuit Seminary in Jersey (1880-1939) Dr Sheza Moledina, Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon and Institut d’Histoire du Livres History of Libraries Seminar Series - Please note this lecture in on Tuesday 10 Mar at 4.30pm 11 Mar ‘Wondrous Flitting’ of Mary’s Holy House: Moving Home, Planting Signs Professor Marina Warner, Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford, and Professor of English and Creative Writing, Birkbeck College, University of London 18 Mar The Lives of Styles. Objects, Agency and Cultural Biography Professor Caroline van Eck, Centre for the Arts in Society, Leiden University Lecture in conjunction with the Bilderfahrzeuge Project 5 May Bombs on Books: Germany’s Lost Libraries of World War Two Dr Jan L. Alessandrini, University of St. Andrews History of Libraries Seminar Series - Please note this lecture in on Tuesday 5 May at 4.30pm 20 May Fechtbücher: A Neglected Source for the Histories of Art and Education Professor Sydney Anglo, Professor Emeritus, University of Wales Swansea Registration Details and Further Information • Please note that in order to attend Institute colloquia, delegates need to register and pay online in advance (unless otherwise indicated) - visit:, chose the relevent event page, then click on the link “Click here to register online”. The standard fee for colloquia (including lunch and refreshments) is usually £25.00 (£12.50 for students/pensioners) for one day, and £40.00 (£25.00 for students/pensioners) for two days. • Admission to lectures and seminars is free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis and no pre-registration is required (except where otherwise indicated) • For full details on all events visit: If you have any queries about events please email: Seminars Director’s Work-in-Progress Seminars Wednesdays at 2.15 pm A weekly seminar in which Fellows, doctoral students, members of the Institute and invited speakers present their latest research. History of Art Occasional Mondays at 4.30 pm Organisers: Paul Taylor and Rembrandt Duits (Warburg Institute) Bruno’s Art of Memory: A Laboratorium Tuesdays, 17.30 - 19.00 (3, 10, 17, 24 Feb and 24 Mar 2015) Organisers and presenters: Guido Giglioni and Hanna Gentili (Warburg Institute) and Sam Galson (Princeton) History of Libraries Occasional seminars (10 Mar and 5 May 2015 at the Warburg Institute) Seminars jointly sponsored by the Warburg Institute, Institute of English Studies, Institute of Historical Research, and Library & Information History Group of CILIP) Organiser for Warburg events: Raphaële Mouren (Warburg Institute) For information on all events in the seminar series visit: Literature, Ideas and Society One seminar per term (25 Feb and 6 May 2015) Organisers: Guido Giglioni (Warburg Institute) Maps and Society Occasional Thursdays at 5.00 pm (15 Jan, 5 Feb, 26 Feb, 12 Mar, 30 Apr, 14 May and 28 May 2015) Organisers: Catherine Delano Smith (Institute of Historical Research), Tony Campbell (formerly Map Library, British Library) and Alessandro Scafi (Warburg Institute) Medieval Philosophy Network One meeting per term Organiser: Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute) Resources and Techniques for the Study of Renaissance and Early Modern Culture 11 - 14 May 2015 Organised by: The Warburg Institute and the University of Warwick Specialist research training for doctoral students working on Renaissance and early modern subjects in a range of disciplines. Advance registration and payment of £99.00 fee required. Renaissance Latin Course 14 - 28 September 2015 Organiser: Guido Giglioni (Warburg Institute) Advance registration and payment required. Fee: £175.00; free of charge for current and next year’s Warburg students. Reading Classes Reading classes are offered on the following topics (details at: • Arabic Philosophy - Mondays 2.15 - 3.15 pm • Editing Byzantine Texts - Fridays 3.45-5.45 • Esoteric Traditions - Fridays 1.00 - 2.15 pm • German Palaeography - Fridays 11-12 am (Spring Term only) • Latin Paleography - Tuesdays 4.15 - 5.15 pm • Scholasticism - occasional Thursdays 5.30 - 6.30 pm
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