WWW.CHUNGDOKWAN.ORG.UK Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain It is with great pleasure that your club is invited to participate in the Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain (TCGB) National Championships 2015. The tournament will comprise both poomsae and kyorugi elements, and will take place over a single day on Saturday 21 March 2015. We will be the using Daedo PSS electronic scoring for all Advanced class (2nd kup and above) competitors (with standard head guards, not electronic). In 2014 the tournament was full well before the closing date for entries and we had to turn away many competitors. We therefore suggest that you get your entries in early to avoid disappointment. We pride ourselves on running friendly, well organised tournaments. We hope that you can join us. Best wishes, The TCGB Competition Organising Committee Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 National Championships 1. Venue: Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, Bracknell, RG12 9SE 2. Date: Saturday 21 March 2015 3. Schedule: Doors open 08.30 Kyorugi weigh-in 08.30-09.30 Poomsae competition 09.30-11.00 Kyorugi competition 11.30 start 4. Registration Requirements A copy of your current British Taekwondo Licence must be submitted with the entry form and must be produced at registration. A licence audit of all competitors will take place up to one week in advance of the competition. Competitors will be unable to compete if they fail the licence audit check. If your Licence has expired, renew it immediately. Entry forms received without valid licences will not be entered in the tournament. You must be able to produce a Valid Licence on the day; if you are unable to produce a licence you will be unable to compete. 5. International Entries (by invitation only) All participants must be hold a valid licence and be part of a recognised group that is affiliated to the WTF. This membership must be proved by means of a valid certificate of membership at the time of registration. Please remember to bring this proof of membership to the tournament. Please make entries on attached form and posted to the address below. Entry fees can be paid by bank transfer (see below). International entrants are responsible for arranging their own visas. Please contact us at sec@chungdokwan.org.uk if you require any documentation regarding this. 6. Entry Details (domestic competitors) Kyorugi: Entries for the kyorugi tournament may be made online at www.ma-regonline.com Once you have registered your details, you must pay the entry fee by cheque or bank transfer and provide to Tessa Philpott a list of competitors the payment relates to. If you do not wish to enter online, please complete the attached entry form and send it with your entry fee to Tessa Philpott (address below). Please make sure that your personal data is entered correctly online or on the application form, otherwise the competitors are likely to be rejected from the competition as a result of the licence audit. NOTE All clubs entering competitors in the Kyorugi tournament must also send in fully completed coach’s registration forms by the deadline or enter coaches details on ma-regonline. Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 Poomsae: There is no online entry. Please send entry forms and fees to: Tessa Philpott, 30 Medlicott Way, Swanmore, SOUTHAMPTON, SO32 2NE Coaches / Instructors must ensure that all forms have been FULLY COMPLETED and that the information is current and correct. ALL ENTRY FEES FOR THE TOURNAMENT MUST BE WITH TESSA PHILPOTT BY THE CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES OTHERWISE THE ENTRANTS WILL BE EXCLUDED FROM THE TOURNAMENT. 7. Entry Fees Competitors: Early entry fee Kyorugi £25.00 / Poomsae £25.00 / Both £40.00 ENTRIES TO BE RECEIVED AND PAID FOR BY SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2015 TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS LOWER PRICE Standard entry fee Kyorugi £30.00 / Poomsae £30.00 / Both £50.00 (entries received after 28/2/2015) These fees include the compulsory charge levied by British Taekwondo Spectators (pay on the day): Adults £5.00 / Children £2.00 / Families £10.00 Cheques should be made payable to Chungdokwan GB and included with your entry form. Bank transfers can be made to the following account: Account name: Chungdokwan GB Bank: The Co-operative Bank Sort Code: 08-92-99 Account Number : 65683815 (if paying by bank transfer please email Tessa Philpott at education@chungdokwan.org.uk advising date and amount of payment, club name and competitors the payment relates to). NOTE: failed transactions/bounced cheques will incur a £15 surcharge to cover bank charges. Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 8. Closing Date Postal entries: Online entries: Closing date Thursday 12 March 2015 Closing date Saturday 14 March 2015 Or when tournament is full (2014 was full within a week of entries going live!) NB Entry date to take advantage of reduced entry fee 28 February 2015 In order to comply with event regulations, these deadlines will be strictly enforced. ALL early entry fees must be with Tessa Philpott by Saturday 28 February 2015 (even for online entries). All other entry fees must be with Tessa Philpott by Saturday 14 March 2015. There will be no refunds for any withdrawals, However, substitutions may be made up to the closing date. 9. Officials (important) Please note that ALL instructors wishing to coach their players MUST either complete the attached registration form and submit it to Tessa Philpott, or register online at ma-regonline prior to Saturday 14 March 2015 There is no cost for registering coaches so you may register as many as you wish. All coaches must be registered instructors with valid Instructor Indemnity Insurance. Only coaches that have pre-registered in this manner will be issued with passes (no new passes will be arranged at the event). NO COACH PASS = NO ENTRY TO THE COMPETITION AREA TCGB run the National Championships for the benefit of the association members and therefore request the support of the membership by supplying non-competing/noncoaching officials to assist in the running of the tournament. Information relating to corner judging/refereeing courses will be provided separately. 10. Procedures All procedural matters will be conducted under the adjudication of the Chief Referee whose decision will be final. 11. Consent for photography and video recording and the use of the recorded images In the interests of Child Protection British Taekwondo requires ANY person (relative, friend, coach or other official) wishing to engage in photography or video recording (including the use of mobile phones as recording equipment) to register their intent using the Photography Registration form provided with this application. The Photography Registration form must be completed and then submitted to the event organiser on the day of the competition. Many coaches wish to use video facilities at events in order to provide feedback for their students and by entering your child for this event you are accepting that they may be photographed or videoed and are therefore providing the necessary consent. Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 Directions The tournament is being held at: Bracknell Leisure Centre Bagshot Road Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 9SE Situated on the A322 between M4 Junction 10 and M3 Junction 3. Follow the brown tourist signs to the sports centre. M3 Junction 3 approximately 4.7 miles M4 Junction 10 approximately 3.7 miles Further details can be found on the leisure centre’s website: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/leisure/leis-bracknell-sport-and-leisure-centre.htm Hotels Travelodge www.travelodge.co.uk Premier Inn www.premierinn.com Travelodge Bracknell Central Hotel London Road Bracknell RG12 2UT Bracknell Central Wokingham Road, Berkshire, RG42 1NA, Bracknell (Twin Bridges) Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 7AA, Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 KYORUGI Dates/Time Saturday 21 March 2015. Start 11.30 Weigh-In: 08.30 to 09.30 Saturday 21 March 2015 There will be a full weigh-in for all fighters. Please note, if you fail your weigh in, you will either be disqualified with no claim to a refund or, on payment of an administrative fee of £20, the entry will be transferred to the appropriate weight division. Rules: WTF Full Contact rules will be followed except where explicitly stated otherwise. Full armour required; WTF approved body armour (including back protection), head guard, forearm guard, shin guard (without in-step), hand gloves, groin guard and clear/white gum shield. Please note that Daedo PSS will be used for the Advanced category in all age groups. Competitors will need to provide their own PSS sensor socks. Electronic head guards will not be required. There will be no video replay at this tournament. However a Referee Review card appeal system will be implemented in accordance with British Taekwondo competition practices. All competitors will be required to proceed to the inspection desk before entering the competition area. Any competitor wearing unofficial equipment will not be permitted to compete. All competitors must hold a current licence: a copy of which to be included with the entry form and presented on the day at weigh in. Coaches must be over 18 and hold Instructor Professional Indemnity Insurance. In addition, they need to pre-register by the closing date in order to receive their pass to the competition area. Body Armour and Head Guards must carry the WTF Logo The decision of the judge is final. Rounds: 2 rounds of 2 minutes, 30 second break (Junior and Adults) 2 rounds of 1:30 minutes, 30 second break (PeeWee and Child) 3 rounds for the finals of Advanced junior and adult categories if time permits. The organisers reserve the right to amend the number of rounds, round length etc according to entries received and time scales. Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 Grade Categories: Novice Intermediate Advanced 9th – 7th Kup 6th – 3rd Kup 2nd kup and above The organisers reserve the right to propose the merging of grade, weight and age categories if there are less than four competitors in divisions. This will be subject to the agreement of the competitors and coaches concerned, and in the case of minors their parents (if present). Entries at weights significantly higher or lower than the categories listed will be considered on receipt of such applications. Weight Categories: Pee Wee (ages <9) Child (ages 10 –13) Junior (ages 14 –17) Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls < 20 kg < 23 kg < 26 kg < 30 kg < 34 kg < 39 kg < 44 kg + 44 kg < 20 kg < 23 kg < 26 kg < 30 kg < 34 kg < 39 kg < 44 kg + 44 kg < 27 kg < 30 kg < 33 kg < 37 kg < 41 kg < 45 kg < 49 kg < 53 kg < 57 kg + 57 kg < 24 kg < 27 kg < 30 kg < 33 kg < 37 kg < 41 kg < 44 kg < 47 kg < 51 kg + 51 kg < 48 kg < 55 kg < 63 kg < 73 kg + 73 kg < 44 kg < 49 kg < 55 kg < 63 kg + 63 kg Adult (ages 18-34) Men < 58 kg < 68 kg < 80 kg + 80 kg Women < 49 kg < 57 kg < 67 kg + 67 kg Veterans (ages 35+) Men < 58 kg < 68 kg < 80 kg + 80 kg Women < 49 kg < 57 kg < 67 kg + 67 kg The weight categories for Juniors, Adults and Veterans are the Olympic weight categories which have been adopted to increase competition within each category. NOTE TO COACHES: We would remind you to review your entries on ma-regonline to ensure that they have been recorded in the correct category (this will apply to all entries whether made directly on ma-regonline or via post) Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 POOMSAE Registration: Saturday 21 March 2015 8.30 am Tournament starts: Saturday 21 March 2015 9.30 am Rules: The tournament is to be run on a match-play basis whereby two competitors perform at the same time within age and grade divisions. There will be up to 5 judges who signify who has won by raising a red/blue flag as appropriate. In the first round, all competitors will be required to perform the poomsae compulsory for their grade (see below). In subsequent rounds, the competitors will perform a poomsae of their choice from the prescribed range (they can repeat poomsae from an earlier round but only 9th and 10th kup may perform the same poomsae twice within a round). The winners of the first round will proceed to subsequent rounds to determine the gold medal winner. The losers will then continue in a single further round to determine the silver and bronze medallists. All competitors must choose their poomsae from the range applicable to their grade (see below). The organisers reserve the right to merge grades and ages according to entries received. Grade Divisions Novice Intermediate Senior Dan 10th – 8th Kup 7th – 5th Kup 4rd – 1st Kup 1st Dan and above Age Divisions Kup grades Dan grades 6 and under 7-10 11-13 14-17 18-34 35-54 55+ 14 and under 15-17 18-30 31-40 41-50 51-64 65+ Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 Permissible Poomsae Kup Grades Compulsory Poomsae Lowest Permissible Poomsae Highest Permissible Poomsae 10th kup Taeguk 1 Taeguk 1 Taeguk 2 9th kup Taeguk 1 Taeguk 1 Taeguk 2 8th kup Taeguk 1 Taeguk 1 Taeguk 3 7th kup Taeguk 2 Taeguk 1 Taeguk 4 6th kup Taeguk 3 Taeguk 1 Taeguk 5 5th kup Taeguk 4 Taeguk 1 Taeguk 6 4th kup Taeguk 5 Taeguk 1 Taeguk 7 3rd kup Taeguk 6 Taeguk 2 Taeguk 8 2nd kup Taeguk 7 Taeguk 3 Koryo 1st kup Taeguk 8 Taeguk 4 Keumgang Compulsory Poomsae Lowest Permissible Poomsae Highest Permissible Poomsae 1st Dan Koryo Taeguk 5 Taebaek 2nd Dan Keumgang Taeguk 6 Pyongwon 3rd Dan Taebaek Taeguk 7 Sipjin 4th Dan Pyongwon Taeguk 8 Jitae 5th Dan Sipjin Koryo Chonkwon 6th Dan Jitae Keumgang Hansu Dan Grades Competitor’s Entry Form (Kyorugi) Please either: • Register online at: www.ma-regonline.com and then send your cheque (with details of competitor written on the back) to the address below; or • complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS and send with the entry fee to the address below. If a competitor’s form is incomplete, the fighter will not be entered in the competition and will not receive a refund. Entries made without fees will be disregarded. Surname First name Gender (male/female) Date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy) Actual weight (kgs) Age on date of tournament: Grade (eg 5th kup) BT Membership number (or relevant international licence details) Home address M Club name Licence number A Expiry date / / Instructor’s name Competitor’s email address Entrants who fail the weigh in will either be disqualified, or on payment of administrative fee of £20 will be transferred to the appropriate weight category. I wish to enrol as a competitor in the above competition and state that: 1. I will accept the result of the official board. 2. I clearly understand that it is my own responsibility for any injury I may sustain. 3. I am fit to take part in the competition. 4. I hold a current licence. 5. All the above information is correct. In the interests of Child Protection British Taekwondo requires ANY person (relative, friend, coach or other official) wishing to engage in photography or video recording (including the use of mobile phones as recording equipment) to register their intent using the Photography Registration form provided with this application. The Photography Registration form must be completed and then submitted to the event organiser on the day of the competition. Many coaches wish to use video facilities at events in order to provide feedback for their students and by entering your child for this event you are accepting that they may be photographed or videoed and are therefore providing the necessary consent. Please paste a copy of your licence slip here. Entries without valid licences will be disregarded. The BT membership book must be brought to the tournament for inspection I have carefully read and understand the declaration above. Competitors Signature: (or parent/guardian’s signature if <18) Instructor’s signature: Please send completed entries and cheques toTessa Philpott, 30 Medlicott Way, Swanmore, SOUTHAMPTON, SO32 2NE by 14 March 2015 (28 February 2015 for international entries) Competitor’s Entry Form (Poomsae) Please complete the form in BLOCK CAPITALS and send to the address below. If a competitor’s form is incomplete or no payment is included, the competitor will not be entered in the competition and will not receive a refund. Surname First name Gender (male/female) Age on date of tournament: Date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy) Grade (eg 5th kup) BT Membership number (or relevant international licence details) Home address M Club name Licence number A Expiry date / / Instructor’s name Competitor’s email address I wish to enrol as a competitor in the above competition and state that: 1. I will accept the result of the official board. 2. I clearly understand that it is my own responsibility for any injury I may sustain. 3. I am fit to take part in the competition. 4. I hold a current licence. 5. All the above information is correct. In the interests of Child Protection British Taekwondo requires ANY person (relative, friend, coach or other official) wishing to engage in photography or video recording (including the use of mobile phones as recording equipment) to register their intent using the Photography Registration form provided with this application. The Photography Registration form must be completed and then submitted to the event organiser on the day of the competition. Please paste a copy of your licence slip here. Entries without valid licences will be disregarded. The BT membership book must be brought to the tournament for inspection Many coaches wish to use video facilities at events in order to provide feedback for their students and by entering your child for this event you are accepting that they may be photographed or videoed and are therefore providing the necessary consent. I have carefully read and understand the declaration above Competitors Signature: (or parent/guardian’s signature if <18) Instructor’s signature: Please send completed entries and cheques to: Tessa Philpott, 30 Medlicott Way, Swanmore, SOUTHAMPTON, SO32 2NE by 14 March 2015 (28 February 2015 for international entries) Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 COACH REGISTRATION FORM (if not registering via maregonline) Please note that ALL coaches that wish to coach their players at the championships MUST complete this registration form. All forms must include a copy of their valid membership slip and Instructors cards. Only coaches that have pre-registered will be issued with passes – NO PASSES WILL BE ISSUED AT THE EVENT. A separate form must be completed for every coach. Please return the form to Tessa Philpott, 30 Medlicott Way, Swanmore, Southampton, SO32 2NE by 14 March 2015 COACH DETAILS FULL NAME_________________________________________________________ CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER_______________________________________ CLUB_______________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ Please send completed entries and cheques to: Tessa Philpott, 30 Medlicott Way, Swanmore, SOUTHAMPTON, SO32 2NE by 14 March 2015 Please attach a copy of your British Taekwondo licence here. This application form is NOT valid unless a copy of your licence is included here Indemnity insurance number Expiry date Taekwondo Chungdokwan Great Britain National Championships 2015 PHOTOGRAPHY / VIDEO RECORDING REGISTRATION FORM In the interest of Child Protection the British Taekwondo Control Board (BTCB) requires that any person wishing to engage in photography or videoing at any event must register their intent with the Event Organiser. Two sections of the form require completion. Section 1 must be completed by ALL applicants. If the applicant is a parent/guardian/relative of a student competing then section 2 must also be completed, section 3 if it is an instructor/coach/representative of a BTCB club and section 4 is for all other representatives/officials. This form will be retained by the Event Organiser for inspection by a BTCB Official when necessary. Guidelines • • NO video filming, photography or mobile phones are to be used in any changing rooms AT ANY TIME. If any player/adult complains or expresses concern you must respect their rights and stop. (Section 1) Name of applicant:………. ……………………………………………………………………….…………. Address:………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………..Post Code:………………….Telephone No:…..…………………. I declare that the purpose of videoing or photographing at the BTCB event is for family or training use and that I will not in any way use, alter or permit the altering of images for inappropriate use. I have read the guidelines and agree to abide by its content. Signed: …….………………………………………………………………………Date:..……………….................... (Section 2) (Section 3) (Section 4) (OFFICIAL USE ONLY) I can confirm that the applicant is associated with ………………………..………………………………………………………..(name of student/club/organisation) Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………......…(Event Official)
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