Central New York/Oswego County Teacher Center Winter 2015 Workshops www.teachercentercnytc-octc.org Workshop Attendance Policy: If you are unable to attend a workshop for which you are registered, you need to give the Teacher Center a minimum of 48-hours notice. We realize that emergencies arise at the last minute. If that happens, please send us an email letting us know. Many of our workshops are full to capacity with wait lists of people wanting to attend. With advance notice of a cancellation, we are able to offer that seat to someone else. Winter Weather Cancellation Procedure: Please monitor your local TV/radio stations during inclement weather. We will cancel workshops based on the closures and cancellations of the school district in which the workshop site is located: Teacher Center (NYSUT) Follow East Syracuse-Minoa closures and cancellations CCC Fulton Follow Fulton City School District closures and cancellations Workshop Locations: Teacher Center: NYSUT Building @ 4983 Brittonfield Parkway, East Syracuse, NY CCC Fulton: The former Cayuga Community College @ 806 W. Broadway, Fulton, NY OCM BOCES @ 6820 Thompson Rd, Syracuse, NY Syracuse Teacher Center @ 1005 W. Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY Registration Procedure: MLP: To attend a workshop, email tcregistration@oswegoboces.org Please include ALL of the following information for each person registering: name school district school building email address grade level: Elementary or Secondary position: Teacher, Teacher Aide, or Administrator If your district requires MLP registration, please register with the Teacher Center before registering on your District’s MLP site to ensure there is space available in the workshop. 1 NYSUT: Reading, Writing and Thinking Strategies that Build Success in the Content Area (Grades 5-12) This program focuses on how teachers can help students become more effective readers using research-based and teacher-tested strategies. Participants will identify strategies that get students thinking about the content before, during and after they read. The course will also focus on how to incorporate reading and writing strategies into content area instruction to meet literacy needs of all the students. Presenters: Cindy Pauldine Date: January 14, January 21, January 28, & February 5, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30 – 7:30 PM Fee: Donation of either a bag of candy, package of cookies, or individually wrapped snacks Audience: Educators Grade 5-12 NYSUT: Dealing with Difficult Students in the School Environment – Violence Prevention This seminar will offer strategies for dealing with students who exhibit chronic and extreme misbehavior, including violence. Participants will learn what motivates students to misbehave; intervention techniques to use at the moment of misbehavior; how to avoid and defuse confrontations, and ways to reinforce desirable behavior. *Teaching Assistants Workshop* Presenter: Kathy Trozzi Date: January 15, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30 – 7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: Teaching Assistants Differentiated Instruction: Follow Up This workshop is designed as a follow-up to the original Differentiated Instruction class. It will incorporate real life differentiated instruction practices and will aim to help teachers improve DI strategies. Participants should bring questions and real life challenges to be discussed, talked about, and worked through as a group. Instructor will incorporate additional strategies to further add to your DI toolbox. Presenter: Jennifer Rich-Walters Date: January 22, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30-7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: All Educators who have completed Differentiated Instruction-Foundations 2 Prek-2: Apps for the Primary Classroom that Align to CCLS Participants in this class will explore many apps that align to the Common Core Learning Standards, and learn how to use them to support learning in their classroom Presenter: Brenda Klaben Date: January 27, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30-6:30 PM Fee: Free 2-hour workshop Audience: Prek-2 Educators Virtual Professional Learning Communities Participants will learn to set up an Edmodo account and use the features within the platform to create an environment for virtual PLC. They will also utilize different apps and websites that would be useful to use in a virtual PLC. Presenter: Brenda Klaben Date: January 28, February 9, 2015 @ Syracuse Teacher Center Time: 4:30-7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: PLC Facilitators & Future Facilitators Getting Ready for Social Studies Series: Session 1 – Understanding the C3 Framework & Toolkit S.G. Grant is a Professor for Social Studies at Binghamton University. He has served as Senior Consultant and Writer on the C3 Framework, and is Project Manager for the New York State Social Studies Resource Toolkit project. This session will begin with an introduction to the C3 Framework and its connection to the New York k12 Social Studies Framework and the Toolkit Project. Participants will learn about the Toolkit project and the curriculum focus on the Inquiry Design Model (IDM), which features Compelling and Supporting Questions, Formative and Summative Tasks, and Sources and Taking Informed Action activities. Participants will receive a copy of the C3 Framework document. Presenter: S.G. Grant Date: January 29, 2015@ OCM BOCES – Rodax-8 Time: 4:00-6:00 PM Fee: Free 2-hour workshop Audience: Social Studies Educators Registration: http://www.ocmboces.org/teacherpage.cfm?teacher=2276 Collaboration with OCM & CiTi BOCES 3 NYSUT: Cyber-Bullying: The New Age of Harassment Advances in technology have radically reshaped the social landscape in which students find themselves. While there are many positive aspects of living in an increasingly wired world, cyber-bullying has emerged as a growing concern for children, schools, families and society. Participants will understand what cyber-bullying is, its impact upon teaching and learning, and be able to apply strategies and solutions to cyber-bullying. Presenter: Joe Crisafulli Date: January 27, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203A Time: 4:30-7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: All Educators NYSUT: Evidence Collection for the Non-Observable Standards Educators engage in conversations and activities that encourage discourse around the types of quality evidence that can be provided for a portfolio, digital binder or any other tool used to collect evidence. Educators have an opportunity to explore the priorities of the standards – Cognitive Engagement, 21st Century Skills and Constructive Teaching and Learning that will provide the basis for the collection of quality evidence. This seminar focuses on the collection of evidence for the non-observant standards. Presenter: Cindy Pauldine Date: February 2, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30 – 7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: Teachers & Administrators Learning Styles and Modalities This training will familiarize participants with various ways in which students learn. It will also enable them to assist students in maximizing their own (the students’) learning potential. This is a great prerequisite for a Differentiated Instruction course. The following components will be covered: Dr. Howard Gardner’s, The Eight Multiple Intelligences Dr. Rita Dunn’s, The Dunn and Dunn Model Right/left brain characteristics Auditory, visual and haptic (hands-on) learners Don Lowry’s, True Colors Presenter: Jennifer Rich-Walters Date: February 5, February 12, February 26, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203A Time: 4:30 – 7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: All Educators 4 NYSUT: Professional Conversations around the Post-Conference This seminar focuses the importance of having meaningful, reflective conversations at the post conference. Participants engage in conversations guided by the rubric. In addition, the seminar facilitates conversations around the types of quality evidence and/or artifacts that can encourage thoughtful discourse. Participants will have opportunities to discuss important aspects of the post-observation conversation. Available for NYSUT and Danielson 2011 Rubric Presenter: Stan Finkle Date: February 9, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203A Time: 4:30-7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: Teachers & Administrators Getting Ready for Social Studies: Session 2- Re-imaging Social Studies: Framework, Resources, Exams Greg Ahlquist is a Social Studies teacher at Webster Thomas High School. He has taught a variety of courses and is a leader in the redesigned AP World History course and exam. He is the 2013 NYS Teacher of the Year and currently works in a hybrid role teaching part time and working with the State Education Department in Social Studies part time. He has spoken to groups and districts across the state on teaching, leadership, and the potential of all students to learn. In this information session, updates related to the new k-12 Social Studies Framework and instructional shifts that accompany the Framework will be shared. Important updates on the new Regents examinations, as well as the time table will also be important points of focus. Some time will also be spent sharing information and insights on the Social Studies Resource Toolkit project, a collaborative project through Binghamton University by teachers for teachers. Significant time will be devoted to a question/answer, interactive format; participants should bring their questions and thoughts to share as part of this update presentation. Presenter: Greg Ahlquist Date: February 10, 2015 Time: 4:00 – 7:00 Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: Social Studies Teachers & Administrators Registration: http://www.ocmboces.org/teacherpage.cfm?teacher=2276 Collaboration with OCM & CiTi BOCES 5 The New Universal Rubric Part II: Practice and Production Pre-requisite: The New Universal Rubric This is a Practical workshop supporting all students’ achievements. Participants will: Develop and produce rubrics for their own classroom use, content areas, grade levels and curriculum requirements Return to classroom with one or more rubrics designed to fit their own specific class, course, unit, topic, or assessment need. Need to bring topic, lessons, assessment, etc. to work on Presenter: Joe Crisafulli Date: February 11, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203A Time: 4:30 – 7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: All Educators Math Appy Hour (Grades 3-6) In this session, participants will have the opportunity to explore some great math apps, rate their effectiveness, and share their own. Presenter: Brenda Klaben Date: February 11, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30 – 6:30 PM Fee: Free 2-hour workshop Audience: Math Educators Grades 3-6 iPads as a Research and Writing Tool Pre-requisite: participants must have knowledge of iPad functions Participants will discover apps that are ideal for research and that address Common Core writing standards, including a variety of browsers, writing apps are for not taking, creative literacy apps, white board apps, and QR Code readers/creators. Be ready to learn, share, and create meaningful writing assignments for students. Participants will walk away from the sessions ready to use iPad apps to develop a writing project to address Common Core Standards in their classroom. The following Common Core Standards will be addressed: W.2 Write informative/explanatory text to try to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through effective selection, organization and analysis of content. W.7 Conduct short research projects based on focused questions demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation *Please bring your iPad to this workshop. You may borrow one from the Teacher Center, but must arrive early to download the apps. Let us know if you must borrow when you register* (Prior to class, please download: Rover, Scratchwork, Evernote, Google Drive, Drop Box, Qrafter Dragon Dictation, Storypatch, Popplet, Kidblog, Fotobabble, Toontastic, Educreations and Tellagami) Presenter: Brenda Klaben Date: February 24, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30 – 6:30 PM Fee: Free 2-hour workshop Audience: All Educators 6 Book Talk: Common Core Unit by Unit (Grades 5-12) 5 Critical Moves for Implementing the Reading Standards across the Curriculum This book study will use Dobbertin’s framework to look at 5 critical components of your curriculum, and to help you plan instruction that meets the Common Core and at the same time differentiates so that every reader can meet the standards. Presenter: Cindy Pauldine Date: February 25, March 4, March 11, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30 – 6:30 PM Fee: Donation of individually wrapped snacks Audience: Educators Grades 5-12 Developing Text-Based Questions Text-dependent questions should be guiding questions that prompt students to revisit the text. This workshop will focus on the six steps adapted from achievethecore.com for creating text-dependent questions. *Participants should bring a short text for creating questions using the six-step process* Presenter: Cindy Pauldine Date: February 26, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30-7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: Educators Grades 4-8 NYSUT: Winning Over the Challenging Student This program examines the work of Kay Burke, William Glasser, Robert Marzano, and others to identify some of the reasons behind students’ lack of motivation and commitment. Participants explore classroom activities and strategies that contribute to a more positive learning environment and create lessons that encourage students to make appropriate choices regarding their learning. Presenter: Cindy Pauldine Date: March 5, March 12, March 19, March 26, 2015@ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203 Time: 4:30-7:30 Fee: Donation of individually wrapped snacks Audience: All Educators 7 Singapore Math Strategies: Math Facts & Mathematical Behaviors (Grades 2-5) Math Facts: Retention and Understanding Love them or hate them, math facts are a reality. Helping children to understand, retain, and apply their facts is vital when one realizes the number of standards that can only be mastered if facts are mastered. This session will demonstrate concrete, pictorial, and abstract strategies that will help students to learn, understand, retain and utilize their facts. Mathematical Behaviors: Critical Thinking, Reasoning, Perseverance, Communication There is more to math than numbers! The standards of mathematical practices tell us how we can teach the standards. As a result, this session will delve into various mathematical behaviors that are vital for student success, not just in math, but throughout the curriculum. Therefore, this session will explore strategies that teachers can utilize to improve their student’s math communication, critical thinking, math reasoning, and perseverance. Presenter: Mike Godfrey –Staff Development for Educators Date: March 9, 2015@ NYSUT Building, Large Conference Room, East Syracuse Time: 8:30 – 3:30 (Lunch is on your own) Cost: Donation of individually wrapped snacks Audience: Math Educators Grades 2-5 Prek-2: Examining the Daily 5 and CC Aligned Centers The Daily 5 is a trademarked teaching structure for literacy. The structure incorporates Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Work on Words and Work on Writing. Each component is outlined and taught, which is key to the framework’s success. Teaching independence and core literacy activities builds stronger readers and writers. There are opportunities to teach, practice and gain mastery of each component in small group lessons. In addition, the afternoon will offer strategies and ideas for creating and managing learning stations in your classroom. Explore a variety of literacy stations that address multiple learning levels and styles. Discover how simple stations can help you achieve maximum learning time for your students. Learn to develop stations that support the independent practice of skills you’ve taught. Find management ideas for getting children to work independently and cooperatively. Come and share ideas that can be immediately implemented in your own classroom. Make learning engaging, hands on, independent and lots of FUN! You will create and leave this workshop with stations that are ready to use in the classroom. *Please bring the following items: Scissors, Glue stick, Markers, 1 pkge of 3x5 index cards, 2 colored file folders, 2 small manila envelopes with clasps, 1 large manila envelope with clasps, 2 large wooden spoons* Presenter: Donna Whyte Date: March 11, 2015 @ NYSUT Building, Large Conference Room, East Syracuse Time: 8:30 – 3:30 PM (Lunch is on your own) Fee: Donation of either a box of microwave popcorn or a package of individually wrapped snacks Audience: Educators PreK – 2 Collaboration with Cayuga Onondaga Teacher Center 8 NYSUT: Disability Awareness Participants will acquire a general understanding of the thirteen disability categories and key concepts related to the education of students with disabilities. Participants will experience what it is like to have a disability and learn strategies for improving *Teaching Assistant Workshop* Presenter: Kathy Trozzi Date: March 16, 2015 @ Teacher Center (NYSUT) Suite 203A Time: 4:30-7:30 PM Fee: Free 3-hour workshop Audience: Teaching Assistants Incorporating Indian Folk Art into the Curriculum Professor Susan Wadley will provide a brief history and overview of the Indian folk art tradition called Mithila. Teachers Amber Cerio, Sarah Lekki, and Katie Fitzsimmons will discuss the curriculum they developed to introduce Mithlia to elementary students and reflect on how implementation has gone this academic year. Presenter: Sue Wadley, Amber Cerio, Sarah Lekki, Katie Fitzsimmons Date: March 19, 2015 Time: 4:30-6:30 Fee: Free 2 -hour workshop Audience: Educators Grades K-5 Collaboration with SU South Asian Center & CiTi BOCES Arts in Education 9 10
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