Newsletter January 2015

University Club
Inside News
Thursday, January 8th
Sunday, February 1st
Thursday, February 12th
Saturday, February 21st
Wednesday, February 25th
April 23rd - 24th
The University Club
900 East 7th St., Rm 150
Bloomington, IN 47405
Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Office: 812-855-1325
2 3 ,
J A N U A R Y ,
2 0 1 5
Happy New Year!
Wow! Here it is, 2015! It's certainly true, "time flies when you’re having
fun!" Fun in December was the wonderful Madrigal Dinner with great music
from the Grateful Divas, lute, and trumpets. Merlin the Magician and Jo-Jo
the Jester mystified us all with their magic. The harvest feast was truly
scrumptious and did satisfy the most discerning palate. Guests were privileged to be seated at beautifully decorated tables complete with programs and
hand crafted souvenir medallions. What a very special evening! Then you
were invited to celebrate the beginning of this year at our New Year's Eve
Party. What could be more fun than music, magic, and movies? So of course
we had more - delicious food, games, and Champagne! It's such a terrific
tradition to watch the ball drop in Times Square and toast the New Year with
kisses and champagne.
This month the UWC Speaker Series Lunch is proud to present Perry Metz!
Perry will give us an insiders look on the world of public television and radio.
As soon as we kick into February we are treated to a Super Bowl Party complete with a gourmet deli. Don't miss cheering for your favorite team with
your friends as you watch the game on our big screen!
We want to thank our super Club Manager, Deb Cordrey, who has tirelessly
worked to make every event successful, informative, and great fun. She
designs and edits this newsletter to catch your attention and make reading it
a delight! We also want to thank those
of our members who have volunteered Welcome new Members!
their time and talent to make our
Tom Gieryn
programs and events a special
Charlotte Hess
part of our lives. We hope you
will continue to enrich us!
Colin Johnson
Anna Radue
Your Co-Presidents,
Sally Sare
Brad Wheeler
Kate Kroll & Suzanne Phillips
We’re glad you’re here.
Kate & Suzanne
sneak peek
January 8
UWC Luncheon, Lunch with PERRY METZ of PBS
In the Presidents’ Room at the UClub
February 1
SUPER BOWL PARTY in the Faculty Room at the UClub
February 12
UWC Luncheon, “Hoosiers, A History of Indiana”,
DR. JAMES MADISON In the Presidents’ Room at the UClub
February 25
Luncheon Club Speaker Series, “What Research with Twins
tells us about Ourselves”, PROFESSOR RICHARD ROSE
In the Presidents’ Room at the UClub
March 12
UWC Luncheon, “T.C. Steele at IU”, TINA JERNIGAN
In the Faculty Room at the UClub
March 25
Luncheon Club Speaker Series, Lunch with PAUL HELMKE
Former Mayor of Fort Wayne and Chairman of the Brady
Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
In the Presidents’ Room at the UClub
April 9
UWC SPRING LUNCH and Annual Scholarship Fundraiser
April 10
ANNUAL MEETING and Lunch in the Faculty Room at the UClub
April 22
WINE TASTING in the Presidents’ Room at the UClub
April 23-24
Antiques Group trip to CINCINNATI, OHIO
January's birth flower, the carnation, comes in several different colors to
convey different meanings, much like roses. A pink carnation means affection,
while a red carnation means 'I love you.' White carnations mean pure love, striped
carnations means regret that a love is not shared, and yellow means
rejection or disappointment. The other January flower is the snowdrop, which
used to be considered bad luck due to the fact that it would always seem to
appear to grow in and near graveyards. Nowadays, it signifies hope and beauty.
With professional line dance instructor!
Polish up yer Boots & SAVE THE DATE!
Saturday, February 21, 2015 ~ Details Coming
Sunday, February 1, 2015 - 5:00PM to Conclusion
Remember how much fun it was last year?
Remember how the outcome was in doubt until…
until about five minutes into the game! Or was it even that long?
Remember how everybody left just after halftime and the commercials?
This year we hope for a less one-sided
contest. But even if it is a runaway,
we can console ourselves with the
offerings of the IMU Premium Deli:
Fresh Roasted Turkey - Beef Tenderloin
Roasted Pork Loin - Baked Ham
Bakehouse Artisan Breads & Rolls
Whole Grain Mustard - Chutney and
Aioli - Sweet Potato Salad
Pasta Primavera Salad
FREE non-alcoholic drinks
Cash bar
$19 UClub Members, $21 Guests
Please make your payment and reservation
by noon on Wednesday, January 27th
Mark your Calendars!
Bring your Pals!
Super Bowl Party!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
5:00 PM
Reservations and payment required by NOON on January 27th by cash or check made payable
to the UNIVERSITY CLUB. Please PRINT your name as you would like it to appear on your
name tag. THANK YOU!
Name: ________________________ $19
Name: ________________________ $19
Please make checks
payable to:
Guest: _______________________ $21
University Club
900 East 7th St. Rm 150 Guest: _______________________ $21
Bloomington, IN 47405
This event planned and sponsored by Tim Long of the University Club Board of Directors.
2014 was the eleventh year that the University Club of Indiana
University presented scholarships to students who work at the
IMU. Funds are generously donated by members of the
University Club to support students of excellence. Thanks to
your generous support, the scholarship fund currently has
over $47,000 in the endowment!
We were able to award three $1,500 scholarships to deserving
students; Kyle Butler, Lauren Kesmodel and Brooke Leitch.
With your continued support, we hope to do that again in 2015.
From left to right: Lauren Kesmodel,
Kyle Butler, and Brook Leitch
Please join me in reaching out to the most important segment of
our community, our students, by considering a tax-deductible
contribution in this…
The Warmest of Seasons
Thank you! Suzanne Phillips, University Club Co-President and Scholarship Chair
WOW! Donations are off to a great start for the 2015 University Club Scholarship Fund and it
just keep GROWING! So far we have collected $2,335! Oh, and… did you notice? You can
remember a passed friend, club member, or spouse with your donation; or you can honor
someone still with us. Just be sure to complete the contribution form in the correct area when
you send the donation with your check made payable to the IU Foundation.
Donations since November 1st, 2014 . . .
From individuals as unique as snowflakes.
Ruth Albright
Carolyn Anderson
Jo Anne Bowen
Anne Bright
Dr. Ruth & Jeff Engs-Franz
John & Elizabeth Gallman
Janie Harnett
Phil & Margaret Hathaway
Roger & Carol Isaacs
Kate Kroll
Jeanette C. Marchant
Sarah M. McConnell
Maribeth & Richard McKaig Keith & Marion Michael
Laura J. Mills
Marianne Mitchell
Timothy Riffle
Janet Rowland
Clinton & Ann Strong
Philip & Marjorie Sutton
Ann Whittridge
Russell & Violet Working
Dale & Cyndi Nelson in honor of Kate Kroll
Thank you!
Ken Beckley
Ruth H. Chesmore
Paul Gebhard
Don & Margie Hattin
Kathie Lazerwitz
Jerry & Jane McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miller
Suzanne & Mike Phillips
Gene & Ellen Stern
Pamela A. Walters
The Luncheon Club Proudly Presents . . .
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 11:45 a.m. in the Presidents’ Room at the University Club
What Research with TwinssniwT, Tells us about Ourselves
Dick Rose describes himself as in “nominal retirement” from the IU
Department of Psychology and Brain Science. But he continues his work
in psychology where he concentrates on the curious patterns of
similarity, other than the physical, obviously,
which arise in twins.
When he isn’t pursuing his NIH-funded research
on that subject, he can be found serving on the
Boards of the Interfaith Winter Shelter and the
Shalom Community Center, or in the choir stalls
of the First United Methodist Church.
Traditional Caesar Salad
Grilled Pork Chop with Sun-dried Tomato Pesto,
served with Baked Potato and Steamed Broccoli
Vegetarian Option: Baked Acorn Squash w/Barley, Spinach &
Mushroom Pilaf in Saffron & Potato Chowder
Peach Cobbler
Iced Tea & Coffee Service
Reservations required by
9:00 AM on Monday, February 23rd
Please call: 812-855-1325
or email:
Prepayment appreciated
but not required.
Richard Rose Luncheon - What Research with Twins tells us about Ourselves - Wednesday, February 25th
Reservations required by 9:00 AM on Monday, February 23rd
(Unused reservations will be invoiced if not cancelled by the reservation deadline.) Payment by check or cash only please.
Please PRINT your name as you would like it to appear on your name tag.
NAME: _______________________________ $15 Choose: Regular or Vegetarian
NAME: _______________________________ $15 Choose: Regular or Vegetarian
GUEST: ______________________________ $17 Choose: Regular or Vegetarian
GUEST: ______________________________ $17 Choose: Regular or Vegetarian
This Speaker Series Luncheon is brought to you by The Luncheon Club
Please make checks
payable to:
University Club
IMU Room 150
900 East 7th Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Experience the QUEEN CITY
like never before!
April 23 & 24, 2015
There is so much to see and do In Cincinnati!
“The Lindas” of the Antiques Group have
prepared a very exciting itinerary that has
something for everyone!
Historic & Beautiful Union Station Terminal
Cincinnati Natural History Museum
Lunch at the Grand Finale Restaurant
Tour America’s loveliest rural garden cemetery —
National Historic Landmark, Spring Grove Cemetery
Captain’s Dinner Cruise on the Ohio River
Complimentary Breakfast at the Hotel
The American Sign Museum
The Historic Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption
Dine at the first authentic Hofbrauhaus in America
Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame and Ballpark
See the world famous Rookwood Pottery Company
Guided tour of Findlay Market — Ohio’s oldest public
market — includes tastings!
Enjoy two fun-filled days!
$255 double occupancy
$311 single occupancy
Seating is very limited — your payment
ensures your seat on the bus
Meet at I.U. Stadium Lot #4
Board bus at 7:45 AM — depart 8:00 AM
Return trip departs Cincinnati 6:00 PM
Trip Coordinators: Linda Gregory 812-336-5451
& Linda Burton 812-369-4611
CINCINNATI! April 23rd & 24th, 2015
Seating is very limited. Your payment ensures your seat on the bus and is required by NOON on March 10th.
Please PRINT your name (s). THANK YOU!
Name: __________________________________ Please indicate __ $255 Double, __ $311 Single
Please make checks
payable to:
I’m sharing a room with …
Name: __________________________________ Please indicate __ $255 Double, __ $311 Single
Your Trip Co-coordinators are: “The Lindas”!
Linda Burton 812-369-4611 and Linda Gregory 812-336-5451 of the Antiques Group.
University Club
900 East 7th St. Rm 150
Bloomington, IN 47405
University Club Notices
Inclement Weather: The University Club follows MCCSC when closing due to inclement weather.
Reminder for Parking: Just visiting the IMU for some reason or any other place on campus and parking at the IMU? Don’t forget, your membership entitles you to 1/2 off the parking rates. Stop in the office
between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to have your parking ticket stamped.
For those with Food Allergies: Please let us know if you have food allergies when ordering your
meals. Currently, all sauces and gravies are made with vegetable stock.
Reservations: Reservations are required for events. In many cases, a meal choice is also requested. If
you make a reservation and do not cancel by the deadline date for the event and do not attend the
event, we are required to invoice you for the cost for the event.
Credit Cards: The University Club does not accept credit cards.
Speaker Luncheons: Payment for a luncheon entitles you to 2 hours free parking in the IMU Lot 1 and
Lot 2. As has always been the case, if you would like to hear the speakers, but cannot make the lunch,
you are more than welcome to join in and sit on a comfortable chair and listen. Speakers usually start
about 12:15 p.m. and go to approximately 1:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter.
What is this symbol?
If you have a smart phone, download the CR Code reader App, scan the
image and it will take you to the UClub website instantly - HOW cool is that!
University Club Board of Officers 2014 - 2015
Co-President & Scholarships
VP/President Elect
Community & Luncheon Club
House Co-chair
Luncheon Club
Past President
UWC President
UClub Manager
Kate Kroll
Suzanne Phillips
Don Gading
Jeane Novotny
Kaye Hill
Pat Ryan
Carolyn Anderson
Julia DeHon
Susan Platter
Tim Long
Louray Cain
Marilyn Brinley
Ruth Albright
Kathleen Boggess
April Legler
Deb Cordrey
Very Interesting, interest groups!
All members in good standing of the University Club are eligible to participate in as many
Interest Groups as they wish by contacting the chair of the group.
If you have recently signed up for an Interest Group but not joined the UClub,
please contact Deb at 855-1325 regarding membership signup.
If you have something you are passionate about and wish to start a new interest group,
please contact Interest Group Chair: Ruth DiSilvestro, 812-336-1051, email:
Our group welcomes all those who are interested in antiques. University Club members who
are admirers and collectors are invited to join this group to study, share, and gain an appreciation
of antiques. This group usually meets on the fourth Thursday of each month from September
to April excluding November. December has an early meeting date. Special programs and a
spring bus trip to an historic site are also planned. Yearly dues of $5 should be submitted to a
Mary Wood 812-988-4425, or Helene Jones 331-0266,
January 22, 2015: “Who are the Hoosiers?” Dr. James H. Madison will tell us. Meeting from 2 to 4, with afternoon tea in the
UClub President’s Room. Have parking ticket stamped for ½ price rate.
Call Program Coordinator: Carolyn Anderson (334-1716)
Dr. Madison, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of History at IU, and author of Hoosiers: A New History of Indiana has had a long-time
interest in the history and people of Indiana, and has published six books on the subject. We are pleased to have him with us to
discuss his latest book which asks the questions “who are the Hoosiers and what are their stories” and we look forward to his
answers. Dr. Madison will bring copies of his book for signature and purchase.
February 26, 2015: Selma N. Steele, Artist and Gardener: a presentation by Rachel Perry. Meeting from 2 to 4, with afternoon tea in the UClub President’s Room. Have parking ticket stamped for ½ price
Call Program Coordinators: Carol Haywood (334-1002) or Ann Whittridge (287-8246)
Rachel Perry, former fine arts curator of the Indiana State Museum, is a leading author on Indiana art and has published five books
about Indiana artists, past and present. We are pleased to have her with us to speak of Selma Steele, the wife of T. C. Steele, a
trained artist who approached her gardens from a painter’s point of view, and whose gardens were showcased in many of T.C.’s
paintings. It was thanks to Selma that the “House of Singing Winds” has been preserved as part of the T.C. Steele State Historic Site.
We look forward to learning more about her.
Are you an avid reader? Then consider the Book Circulating Group!
Hardcover books are circulated every two weeks October to May. The final book you
receive is yours to keep. The reading list includes both fiction and non-fiction. A reasonable fee is charged to cover the cost of the books. Books will be passed between members
on the 5th and 20th of each month, beginning October 20th and excepting January 5th.
Penny Gaither 332-8010
Lou Moir 332-0472
If you love to read and discuss a variety of interesting books in paperback form, this
group is for you. The group meets on the third Thursday of the month from September
to May to discuss a book selected by members the previous June. Each member reads
the book ahead of time and at some point takes a turn at being a discussion leader
according to the established group guidelines. Hostess duties rotate on a voluntary
Basis. The group meets in each other's homes. Meetings begin with socializing from
9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Discussion runs from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Rosemary Dever
Maribeth McKaig
Martha Smiley
You need not be an expert to have fun playing duplicate bridge. Participants
meet at Meadowood in the downstairs Card Room at 12:15 p.m. (games
begin at 12:30) on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. There is a
50-cent per person fee to cover the cost of prizes. Everyone interested in
playing bridge is welcome. You and your partner are welcome to join
anytime during the year.
Frank Prosser
Virginia Henderson
We meet at BOBBY’S COLORADO STEAK HOUSE on the first Monday of each
month at 11:30 a.m. We enjoy lunch and fellowship together, then play bridge until
3:30ish. Bobby’s Colorado offers a soup & salad buffet for $6.50. New members are
very welcome! Yearly dues are $5 to cover miscellaneous costs. In addition at the
beginning of each meeting, each player contributes $1 for the prize for that day.
Chair: Tina Costin
BUNCO is a fast-moving, uncomplicated game of dice, luck, and prizes. If you like
plain, old fashioned fun you should seriously consider joining the BUNCO SQUAD.
We meet year round on the 3rd Monday of the month at 11:30 am at Meadowood for
lunch and play.
Players contribute $5.00 each time for the cash awards. There are 12 regular players. All others who sign up
serve on the sub list. Those who wish to be a substitute may join at any time.
Chair: Janie Harnett 339-4528
The Dining Out Group is open to all University Club members, singles and couples who desire good food, good friends and good times! Everyone is welcome!
Joining the group can be done at any time simply by contacting the chairmen.
Schedule and other information is sent by e-mail (or phone if requested).
Response MUST be received by the stated deadline. Dining out events are usually the fourth Sunday evening
of each academic month. Dinner is usually preceded by a social time in a member’s home. Seating is in
groups of 6 – 8 to promote conversation and camaraderie.
The next DINING OUT is on Jan. 25th at THE CRAZY HORSE RESTAURANT 214 West Kirkwood Ave
Pre-dinner festivities began at 5:15 at Carolyn Anderson’s home, 3927 Baytree Lane (Peppergrass addition)
Reserve by Thurs., Jan., 22 to Dining Out Co-Chairs:
Jo Daron or Don Gading, 824-7434,
Like to cook? Talk about good food and restaurants? Try new recipes?
Make new friends? Then this may be the interest group for you!
The Fine Dining Cooking Club (formerly known as the “Gourmet Club”) has started up again for the
2014-2015 year. Members sign up in August and early September. However, we’re always looking for new
members! If you are interested in becoming a member, please call or email Chairs, Vicki Pappas or Harriet
Castrataro to be put on the name list for next year or as an alternate for this year.
Vicki Pappas
Harriet Castrataro
Great Decisions is the nation's oldest, most popular program of citizen education
in world affairs. The common purpose is to help members become informed,
involved, and to understand how world events affect their daily lives. The University
Women's Club in cooperation with the Foreign Policy Association, IU's Center for
the Study of Global Change, and Meadowood offer programs for the 2014-2015
year. Meetings will be held in the Terrace Room at Meadowood at 1:15 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of the
month September through May. The cost of the series is $15.00 which includes a book of readings.
January 13—Russia and the Near Abroad
As calls for closer ties with the EU failed to be met, Ukrainians took to the streets in in November 2013.
As the movement later known as the Euromaidan, or “Euro Square,” pulled western Ukraine closer to its
European neighbors, another powerful force threatened to tear away the country’s eastern half: Russia.
Putin’s pushback against European expansionism has the West wondering: If Putin’s Russia isn’t afraid to
take an aggressive stance against Europeanization in Ukraine, what does that mean for the rest of Russia’s
Donna Smith
Mike Chiappetta 812-337-1884
If hiking off the usual path interests you, join Eleanor Lahr and others as
they check out hikes in Alan McPherson's Nature Walks in Southern
Indiana and other interesting places. Group size is limited to ten or less,
depending on trail and transportation restrictions. The schedule is subject
to change. Impromptu hikes sent out via email. Walks go rain or shine.
Dress for the weather, and bring water and a snack. Hikes vary in length and difficulty.
For more information and to reserve a spot, call Chair: Eleanor Lahr 339-4209—
Thursday, January 22, 2015
This 1.5-mile hike is in a Sycamore Land Trust preserve between Nashville and Columbus less than a mile
south of highway 46. The trail passes through a variety of habitats including semi-open fields, scrub, and
dense forest. Most is in reclaimed farmland. We may have a Sycamore Land Trust representative with us to
describe the area and point out special features. The area has relatively little vertical relief, so the hike will
be short and easy. Leave Time: 9:00 a.m. Carpool from east side of Bloomingfoods/K-mart parking lot.
Distance: 2 miles, Estimated hiking time: 1 - 2 hours, Difficulty: Easy
Come be a part of this group and enjoy conversation over lunch with an interesting
international student. We share culture, customs and interests!
The luncheons [Dutch treat] are held at Bobby’s Colorado Steak House on the third Friday in the months
of: October, November, January, and February. The March luncheon will be on the fourth Friday. Yearly
registration fee is $5.
Kate Kroll
Martha Smiley
Louray Cain
Karen Mikesell
Ellen Stern
Join this group in restaurant exploration. On the LAST FRIDAY of the month at
11:30 a.m. Reservations should be made by the first of the week of the luncheon.
A list of restaurants that we plan to visit is listed below. You will be sent an e-mail to
remind you of the event. If you plan on attending, please e-mail or call one of the
co-chairs. Reminder calls will not be made.
Sally Isom
Jan Greenwood
Eileen Balliet
Jan 30th – Red Lobster/2617 E. 3rd St.
Mar 27th – Mr. Hibachi/4400 E. 3rd St.
May 29th – Lennie’s/1795 E. 10th St.
Feb 27th – Uptown Café/102 E. Kirkwood
April 24th – Scenic View/4303 S. SR 446
June 26th – Nick’s/423 E. Kirkwood
Come and brunch on the 2nd Sunday of each month from September through May
at 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon. All members of the University Club are cordially
invited to join the Sunday Brunch Interest Group. This is an excellent opportunity
to try local restaurants with your University Club friends both old and new. You
will receive an e-mail reminder each month once you sign up for this Interest
Group. We try to eat local independent
restaurants and vote on the location of the next brunch.
The next Sunday Brunch will be on…
January 11, 2015—1:00 p.m. at Farm Bloomington
RSVP by January 8th to Louray Cain
There will be an e-mail sent out to our interest group signees, however, if you haven’t signed up and would
like to join us, please e-mail Louray Cain,, or call 339-9841 to be added to the list
You’re going to love this group.
Great conversation is our bonus! We look forward to seeing you!
You need not feel intimidated by yoga! If you are interested in improving balance,
breathing, flexibility, and relaxation, this is the group for you. No previous
knowledge of yoga is necessary. Everyone works at their own level.
Our group meets throughout the year each Tuesday from 10 — 11 am at
St. Thomas Lutheran Church in Heritage Hall which promotes a relaxed and
spiritual environment for practicing yoga. St. Thomas Lutheran is located at
the intersection of Smith Road and E. 3rd Street. Parking is plentiful. Wear
comfortable clothes to permit easy movement; bring a yoga mat and a stretchy
band or belt. Our instructors strive to leave you feeling stretched, relaxed and in a better place than when you
came through the door.
You may join us three times before membership in the University Club is required for participation. There is
no additional cost beyond your University Club membership, but we do ask that you give a minimum $20
annual donation to St. Thomas Lutheran Church for the use of their lovely facility.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Marilyn, Wendy, or Svetla.
Co-Chairs and instructors:
Marilyn Uselding
Svetla Vladeva
Wendy Teller
Do you need a ride to a Club Event?
Can you give someone a ride to a Club Event?
If so, please call your Community Chair Carolyn Anderson and get
on the band wagon! This program is just another way your fabulous
University Club provides you with a little “Give-n-Take!”
Carolyn 334-1716 / 340-1433 Or via email at:
directory INSERTS
are now available
at the UClub
Many of the Meadowood outings sell out very quickly
so call 855-1325 today to secure a reservation.
All depart from the Meadowood Circle Drive, 2455 Tamarack Trail.
The Odd Couple at Beef & Boards
Wednesday, January 14, Departs 10:30 AM to Indianapolis
This four-time Tony Award-winning show’s popularity has endured throughout five decades, with multiple
revivals and adaptations on both the big and small screen – including the new CBS series. Two Beef &
Boards favorites will star in this tale of mismatched roommates, with Jeff Stockberger as the easygoing Oscar
Madison and Eddie Curry as the uptight Felix Ungar, who moves in with Oscar after his marriage falls apart.
What happens next is nothing short of hilarious! Price of $60 includes reserved table seating, buffet lunch and
refreshments on the bus.
Crazy For You at Beef & Boards
Wednesday, February 25, Departs 10:30 AM to Indianapolis
Winner of three Tony Awards and based on the 1930 musical Girl Crazy, the story centers around Bobby
Child, who is sent to Nevada to foreclose on a theatre owned by the family business. But when he falls in love
with the local postmistress, he devises a plan to save the theatre. Songs include “I’ve Got Rhythm,” “Someone
to Watch Over Me,” “They Can’t Take That Away From Me.” Book by Ken Ludwig with Music by George
Gershwin and lyrics by Ira Gershwin. Price of $60 includes reserved table seating, buffet lunch, and refreshments on the bus.
The Lion King
Saturday, March 28, Departs 10:00 AM
Join Meadowood to experience the phenomenon. Visually stunning, technically astounding and with a
musical score like none other you’ve ever heard. Giraffes strut, birds swoop, gazelles leap. The entire
savannah comes to life and as the music soars, Pride Rock slowly emerges from the mist. Marvel at the
breathtaking spectacle of animals brought to life by a cast of more than 40 actors. Thrill to the pulsating
rhythms of the African Pride Lands and an unforgettable score including Elton John and Tim Rice’s Oscarwinning song “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” and “Circle of Life.” Price of $110 includes ticket,
transportation and snacks on the bus. We will eat lunch in a downtown Louisville restaurant before the
matinee (charged back).
The University Club would like to thank IU
Bloomington LIFELONG LEARNING for their
continued support by sponsoring the University
Club for the 2014-2015 Program Year.