Improving Your SWPPP - Dekalb County Soil and Water

Improving Your
Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plans
Ryan Alltop, CPESC, DECI
Quality Control Manager
 Regulations
Erosion Control vs. Sediment Control
Standards, Specifications, & Drawings
 What’s
 Plan Design
Regulations for Erosion and
Sediment Control
Protection Agency –
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination Systems (NPDES) Phase
I & II
 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
 County and Municipal Ordinances
 Environmental
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES)
Illinois-Construction Activities
Clean Water Act
 Administered by the Illinois EPA through the
ILR10-Stormwater Permit for Construction Site
 Phase II requires permit for projects disturbing one
(1) acre or more or projects that are “..part of a
larger common plan of development or sale.”
 Information and forms available at: and
Some of the NPDES Requirements
(taken from the ILR10 permit and General Permit NO 2)
Notice of Intent (NOI)—Submit to IEPA and
Local MS4 Community
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Incidence of Non-Compliance (ION) (IL)—
submitted electronically to state within 24 hours
of incidence
Notice of Termination (NOT) (IL) or Notice of
Discontinuation (IA)
Records Retention—three (3) years from final
SWPPP – Deadlines for Preparation and
Signature, Review, and Notification
• SWPPP must be completed prior to submitting your
NOI and must provide compliance with schedule of
construction activities.
 The SWPPP shall be signed and be retained on-site
at the facility which it is written for.
 Plan must be available for review by IEPA, IDNR,
local agencies, stormwater regulators, municipalities,
and the public.
 Any identified deficiencies must be rectified within 7
days of occurence.
SWPPP - Management
SWPPP – Keeping Plans Current
• The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is intended
to be a dynamic document which should change or be
modified as necessary to protect receiving waters
from pollutants.
• The permitee is required to amend the plan whenever
there is a change in design that effects the plan or if
the plan has been shown to be deficient or ineffective
in protecting waters of the state or other off site areas.
• Changes is control measures should be noted on the
plan in pencil, pen, or marker. Hand drawings or shop
drawings are acceptable as modifications to the plan.
• Additional contractors should be modified whenever a
new contractor comes on site.
SWPPP – Keeping Plans Current
SWPPP – Contents of the Plan
Site Description
Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Non-Storm Water Discharges
Signatory Requirements
Contents of the Plan – Site
• Describe construction activity
• Sequence of major activities which will disturb the site
• Estimate of total acreage of the site and the acreage of
• An estimate of the runoff coefficient of the site after
• Site Map including drainage patterns, grading changes,
stormwater facilities and discharge points, major structural
and nonstructural Stormwater pollution controls, and
receiveing water bodies. (Civil Drawings and Location
• Receiving water bodies and the ultimate receiving waters
and aerial extend of any wetlands on-site or as a
receiving body should be identified.
Contents of the Plan – Site
• Site soil maps (Web Soil Survey)
• RUSLE 2 (Web Soil Survey)
Contents of the Plan – Controls
• Controls make up the meat of the SWPPP when it is first
created and are most often associated with the Erosion
Control plan and associated details.
• The SWPPP shall include a description of appropriate
controls used on site and clearly describe and identify the
implementation of the appropriate controls and the timing
during the construction process where each control
practice will be used.
• The description of controls shall at a minimum include:
Erosion and Sediment Controls, Stormwater
Management, Other Control Measures, and meet the
Approval of State or Local requirements.
• The Illinois Urban Manual should be used for guidance in
selecting and designing your controls in Illinois.
• The Iowa Construction Site Erosion Control Manual
should be used in Iowa
Contents of the Plan – Controls
Erosion and Sediment Controls
• Erosion Control Practices
Description of temporary, interim, and
permanent practices including the scheduling
and implementation of practices to vegetate
or otherwise stabilized exposed soils or
protect existing vegetation.
Sediment Control Practices
Description of practices installed to divert
flows from exposed soils, store flows or
runoff, and otherwise filter or limit the
discharge of pollutants from the site.
Contents of the Plan – Controls
Storm Water Management
• Description of measures and practices that will be
installed during the construction process that will serve
to control the discharge of pollutants from the site
during and after construction operations are complete.
• Examples of practices include wet bottom detention
basins, sediment basins, sediment traps, vegetated
swales, infiltration trenches, and energy dissipation
devices at the outfall of stormwater structures (rock
lined aprons).
Erosion Control-Primary Design Goal
Phased Construction
Limit Disturbed Area
Permanent Stabilization
Winter Stabilization
Temporary Seeding
Control Blanket
Velocity Minimization
Sediment Control-Secondary
Design Goal
Contents of the Plan – Controls
Other Controls and Approved State and Local Plans
• Other Controls must
ensure that solid
materials or other
pollutants are
contained on-site and
disposed of properly.
• Spill Prevention and
• Waste Disposal
• Secondary Containment
of Pollutants
Erosion & Sediment
Control Plan
Where do I start?
 Identify
Critical Area Protection
 Where are my Cut/Fill Areas?
 Temporary Drainage Conditions
 Timing and Phasing
Time of Season
Duration of Construction
Standards, Specifications,
& Drawings
 Soil
Erosion and Sediment Control (SESC)
practices need to be DESIGNED into the
 SESC practices need to be treated like
any other construction practice (i.e.
sanitary sewer, water mains, etc.)
 There’s more to SESC planning than
inserting details
Standard Drawings
Available in DWF,
 Most require
additional dimensions
to be inserted
 Provide
details for each SESC practice
called out on plans or in notes
 Fill in required values
 Provide manufacturer details if necessary
 If no standard drawings exist use shop
drawings or create drawings showing plan
view and/or overview of practice
 Visit
the site before designing the Soil
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
 Begin communication early with
municipality and all regulatory agencies
 Create the SESC plan and SWPPP as
part of the overall construction plan
 Visit site after creating plans to
determine if they make sense
SESC Plan Sheets
Clearly display and label all
SESC measures
Generate more than one SESC
plan sheet, if necessary, to
clearly show different stages of
Review existing and proposed
drainage to ensure perimeter
barriers/fences will function
throughout the duration of the
SESC Plan Sheets
Show location for
erosion control
blanket and/or mulch
 Show proposed
locations of stockpiles
with perimeter barrier
 Show lined aprons at
storm sewer outfalls
SESC Plan Sheets
Replace straw bale ditch
Designate location of
stabilized construction
Notes and Specifications
Standard Notes—
contact regulating
entity or visit website
to determine if
standard notes exist
 Provide sequence of
events and
appropriate SESC
measures for work in
critical areas
Notes and Specifications
Clearly explain when various practices should be
Accommodate for temporary conditions (between mass
grading and final grading and stabilization)
Notes and Specifications
Permanent and temporary
Critical Dates
Species List
Application Rates
Winter stabilization plan
Stockpile Stabilization
Review site conditions and
manufacturer’s specifications
to determine if the proper
ECB is being used
Contents of the Plan – Inspections
• Qualified personnel shall inspect the site at least
once every seven (7) days or within 24 hours of
any rainfall event of ½ inch or greater.
• Monthly Inspections during periods of Snow
• Any violation of the SWPPP or discharges to
receiving water bodies should be reported by filing
an “Incidence of Non-Compliance” (ION) to the
IEPA within 24 hours.
Contents of the Plan – Maintenance
• All practices
in the
must be
maintained in
good and
the duration
of the
Contents of the Plan – Non-Storm
Water Discharges
• Any sources of nonstormwater listed as
industrial activities that shall
be combined with
stormwater discharges must
be clearly identified on the
plan. Examples include:
Hydrant Flushing
Groundwater Pumping
Dust Control
Vehicle Washing
SWPPP – Contractor Certification
• The SWPPP must identify each contractor
or subcontractor that will be responsible
for implementing each measure in the
• All contractors must sign a copy of the
Certification Statement and that signed
statement shall be included as part of the
• The certification statement must also
identify the name and title of the person
providing the signature, contact
information for the contractors’ firm,
address or name of site, and the date of
certification signing.
SWPPP – Delegation Of Authority
 Owner
or General Contractor Sign Off
General Comments
Complete SWPPP and submit plans for
review to appropriate agencies BEFORE
project goes out to bid
Include Erosion and Sediment Control in your
SESC plans are reviewed for both temporary
and permanent components
Plan for each stage of the project
Better to provide too much information than
not enough
Attempt to get plans correct and effective the
first time around, but NEVER be afraid to
change or modify the SWPPP or the practices
in the SWPPP if they are not being effective.
Ryan Alltop, CPESC, DECI
Quality Control Manager
2585 Wagner Ct., DeKalb, IL 60115
Up Coming Seminars
 Great
Connections 2014